Hi Everyone, Well can you believe that term 3 is nearly over! Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August) movie night and it sounds like the kids will have a ball. We had a very successful trivia night and raised over $2500. Please remember if you have not returned your chocolate money or unsold chocolates to please do so ASAP. We have had to pay for all of these chocolates so if we don't sell them or have to stock returned to kinder we make a loss on this event. Just a reminder that Kinder will be closed this Friday 26th August as the staff are attending a conference. Enjoy the last few weeks of term at Kinder - I know the staff have some fun things planned and I hope you all enjoy your holidays. Jessica Shakespeare

Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

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Page 1: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

Hi Everyone,

Well can you believe that term 3 is nearly over!

Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August) movie night and it sounds like the kids will have a ball. We had a very successful trivia night and raised over $2500.

Please remember if you have not returned your chocolate money or unsold chocolates to please do so ASAP. We have had to pay for all of these chocolates so if we don't sell them or have to stock returned to kinder we make a loss on this event.

Just a reminder that Kinder will be closed this Friday 26th August as the staff are attending a conference.

Enjoy the last few weeks of term at Kinder - I know the staff have some fun things planned and I hope you all enjoy your holidays.

Jessica Shakespeare

Page 2: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

We have had a busy few weeks at

kinder with special occasions. Wild Action visited and the children were challenged to handle the Australian animals with care. It was so wonderful to see the confidence and enjoyment and the look of awe in the faces as the animals were introduced and then brought up close for touching. So much learning surrounds this incursion: awareness and accumulation of knowledge about the animals including their habits, appearance their habitat and their sustainability in the Australian environment and how we can support this; expressive language skills including vocabulary, question/answer relationship; receptive language skills including listening, processing auditory information, memory; turn taking, waiting and so much more.

Prior to and after the incursion the children were involved in many experiences and activities to support this learning. Special events are wonderful for development of literacy skills. Cutting and construction of animals, number pictures, observational drawing, introduction to patterns and what they mean and consolidation of Australia and its natural fauna were also opportunities for learning arising from this incursion.

National Tree Day followed. This was a great opportunity to develop awareness of Australian flora and the relationship between indigenous trees and plants to the survival of Australian birds and insects. It was great to see the flowering wattle trees surrounding our kinder environment. This gave the children the opportunity to see what the trees will become. I hope the families have taken advantage of the learning opportunity. I realise the trees may be too large for many households but involving the children in the

planting even in a pot for the time being and allowing the discussion to occur and the observations to be made will provide so much learning. It has been great to have families send in photos of the outcome of the planting so we can all celebrate this. I look forward to continuing the discussion about tree planting and relating it to the scientific relationship to oxygen, carbon dioxide and global warming... a discussion that will sow the seed for later learning and understanding and hopefully sustainable practices as the children grow. I welcome your comments about this.

We continued to harvest our vegetables from the garden and we made another batch of muffins. This time we played around with the recipe and made muffins suitable for the children with allergies to eat. Success!! The children thoroughly enjoyed eating them. We had a large piece of pumpkin left over so after a discussion about the possibilities for using this we settled on pumpkin soup. Many children tried this out and several came back for more. Others were a little less keen.... The learning opportunities provided by cooking experiences are endless. Literacy and numeracy including measurement, and number, science including prediction, experimentation and the formulation of knowledge resulting from this,


Page 3: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

collaboration, excitement, confidence, trying new foods.... and so much more. It is so exciting to think we are also using home grown vegetables which also extends awareness and knowledge about the environment and sustainable practices.

Our daffodils have finally flowered and have been taken home. The process of planting and waiting to see how long it would take for the blooms to appear is great opportunity for learning about time and sequence. We looked at the parts of the plant and discussed their appearance and their role. Biology in action and lots of language development.

This week we shall celebrate Daffodil Day by having Yellow Day. We shall talk about the roles of the people who help to care and support the wellbeing of those who are sick. This will include those who research for cures and also those who raise money for research and equipment. We shall talk about cancer as an illness that is especially helped by Daffodil Day fundraising. I urge families to see me should they have

any information that may impact on their child’s processing of the discussions around this. I have asked families for a gold coin donation on the day so that we can also support this fundraising.

Photo day was a challenge for us all but it was great to see the children manage the change to routine and the expectations surrounding this. The group photo is always a challenge but finally we did it and I think the photo is just beautiful... such a lovely memory. As this is the first instance of using this particular photographer I welcome feedback from families about the photos. Thank you.

National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day Was celebrated with a focus on comparing how children lived a long, long time ago in Australia to how they live now. There have been so many changes and after a wonderful discussion we celebrated the diversity of us all but recognised that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were the very first Australians

and they looked after our wonderful country so well and now we must continue do this. We shall continue to focus on Australian history and how it has impacted the first Australians and how we now must appreciate this. I look forward to your feedback about this. The children danced the Koorie Dreamtime, sang ‘The Wheels of the Holden’ and learned some Aboriginal words, they learned about Aboriginal tools and instruments and art and constructed their own boomerangs, painted and created patterns with charcoal.

We also had a visit from our resident artist Jodi (Jemima’s Mum). Jodi is an amazing sketch artist and painter and she demonstrated her sketching style to the children who were then able to sketch for themselves on beautiful paper provided by Jodi. It was lovely to see the purposeful drawing and the concentration. I have asked Jodi to visit again soon so we can consolidate this appreciation of drawing of what we see around us. The children were provided with materials to practice while I was on leave.

The Olympic Games have been the recent theme filtering through the program. We have discussed events, athletes and observed the medal tally for those countries represented by the families in the Possums. We have looked at the newspaper and discussed what it is and what it can tell us. We talked about the different countries and how the Olympic Games is an opportunity for all of the countries of

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the world to come together in a friendly scenario to compete with positive outcomes. We recognised that all athletes are to be celebrated for their skills and determination to reach this competition whether they receive a medal or not. We made our own medals. We talked about the opening ceremony and the lighting of the Olympic torch. The children made their own torch. The children looked at the flags of the world and they made their own flag. Finally we looked at what a banner might be and we collectively made a Kinder Olympic banner using our handprints. We shall use all of these when we celebrate our own Kinder Mini Olympics. In preparation for the day we also practised the strategies and expectations for relay racing and we learned a new game called bean bag grab. I look forward to our Mini Olympics however I feel we may need to adjust and organise an option for inside Olympics as the weather is not looking positive. Thank you to parents who have offered to help.

Over the last few weeks we have continued to challenge the children’s auditory and visual processing and memory skills with group games and puzzles. We have participated in several structured tasks to consolidate numeracy especially numeral recognition and writing and one to one counting. The children have been immersed in oral language to support literacy and have been encouraged to participate in letter writing to encourage confidence to practice writing skills.

Sam our Take Home Bear has had some amazing adventures at the children’s homes. It is wonderful to see the delight when each child’s name is drawn from the box and the growing appreciation by the

children that they will indeed have a turn although they may need to wait for a long time... developing resilience... Each child has the opportunity to share all about Sam’s adventure at their home which has extended communication skills and developed a great sense of Identity.

Library book borrowing has commenced and I hope families are enjoying the opportunity to share this book with their child each week.

Shortly we shall also commence formal Show and Tell where every child will be allocated a day on which they will have the opportunity to bring something to show and talk about to the group. It is important that toys are left at home and other items eg from nature, photos, books, collections etc are brought along to show. Note children do not have to

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bring something to show they can tell us a story. Every child will be encouraged to participate on their day. Show and Tell is an opportunity of the children to not only develop their expressive language skills but also their confidence to speak in front of the group. All children will also be challenged to listen and show respect while others have their turn.

A recent visit from Zoe’s stick insects also provided an opportunity to start our own stick insect hatching program. We look forward to watching the progress.

Outside the children have been busy in all areas of the playground. In particular we are seeing wonderful collaboration in the sand pit with pipes being used to create water flow and rivers and trenches. The children have been encouraged to be aware of water use and avoiding getting too wet.

Ball play has also been a focus for those who are interested. It is important that all children are encouraged to participate to allow for development of hand eye and foot eye coordination. Structured opportunities for teaching this continue to occur. Climbing and balance skills are developing very well and the children are confidently challenging themselves.

Last month I mentioned that I hope to begin hammering outside. We will need to find a contact for some soft untreated wood. I have picked up from a local TAFE college some years ago. If someone has a contact or can help out can you please let me know ASAP? Thank you.

The Book Fair were held successfully last week. A special thank you to all the parent helpers and to all families who purchased books. We shall reconcile the amount raised and then organise to purchase materials for the kinder from monies raised.

We look forward to what the final month of Term 3 holds. A special thank you from the educators to all family helpers who continue to make it possible to deliver the program. Please read the Program Journal and comment as you wish. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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SATURDAY 3rd September




VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED Put your name on the sheet in the window at

kinder if you can help

Page 7: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

As you will see below, our

observational skills have

certainly been busy lately!!

We try to observe the

weather each day in a

formalised way when we

update our date and

weather chart, as well as more casually when

we go outside and think about what clothing

we need. The children are getting very good

at singing our days of the week song to find out

what day it is.

We have been continuing to explore the

winter season with snowflakes, snow-people

and pretend snow. We were very lucky this

month as one of the koala children brought

visited the snow and brought some REAL

snow to kinder! This prompted a lot of

discussion about the children’s experiences

with going to the snow. We were able to have

a feel and explore of some real snow, and

observe how it was different to our pretend

snow. The children also observed

how the snow changed over the

kinder session, and before we

went home we worked together in

a small group to carry the

remaining snow and water to our

garden so that we could reuse it to

help look after our plants.

The children have continued to

observe how much their daffodils

have grown. The first flowers

were SO exciting!...and now they

have all gone home I hope they

will continue to bring joy at home

for the whole family. We have

also been continuing to look after

our vegetable garden and the

children have been eagerly

looking for sugar snap peas that

are ripe enough to pick and

eat...YUM! We have also

harvested some of the other

vegetables from our garden and

used them to make Cheesy Veggie Muffins. It

was fantastic to see that just about every child

tasted the muffins...and some who thought

they would not like them came back for

seconds and thirds!!

Last week we celebrated National Aboriginal

and Islander Children’s day. A day to

remember the importance of childhood for all

children: that every child has the opportunity

to reach their potential, share their ‘story’ or

their culture and have the right to be happy.

Most importantly we need to ensure this for

children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander background. Developing awareness

of indigenous culture is inherent in the

program throughout the year. As part of our

discussion on the history of Aboriginal

Australia, we talked about how a few years ago,

the Prime Minister of Australia said ‘sorry’ to


Page 8: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

the Aboriginal people for how they were

treated in the past. One boy immediately

called out “but you have to ask if they are

okay,” which lead to many children offering

suggestions on how the people from England

could have made better choices and treated

the Aboriginal people better. We have spent

a lot of time this year trying to promote

empathy and respectful relationships with

others, and it is so wonderful to hear the

children able to articulate these traits in

general discussions.

Over the last few weeks we have looked more

closely at our beautiful land

Australia and discovered and

celebrated its fauna and flora and

traditional owners. Included in

this exploration has been our

Wild Action Incursion, which

enabled the children to get up

close and personal with a

number of different Australian

Animals. This was a very

exciting incursion for the

children, however it was also a

little difficult for some children.

The expectations to sit and listen

for such a long time is very

challenging for some, even with

the opportunity to touch and ask

questions. For others, managing

their emotions in the face of

seemingly unpredictable animals

is the real test. However,

generally a sense of wonder and awe ruled the

day. We coped with the very curious joey who

kept escaping from her pouch...and we still

like to look at the photo of her exploring our

camping area!

We recently read the book ‘Wombat Stew’

about a very clever dingo who catches a

wombat and starts to make wombat stew. The

other animals trick the dingo so they can save

the wombat. A few days later, we did a drama

re-enactment of the story and all the children

helped add ingredients to the billy. After the

dingo was tricked, we all danced around the

billy, singing “wombat stew, wombat stew,

ooey, gooey, yummy, chewy, wombat stew.”

At this stage of the year, children are becoming

even more social, trying out different

friendships and expanding their friendship

groups. While this is a very positive

occurrence, it also involves many social and

emotional challenges as the children

experiment with their emerging social skills.

Amongst the children there has been some

exclusionary tactics along the lines of

“boys/girls can’t play here”, “that’s not for

boys/girls” as well as some negative behaviours

from some children. We are addressing these

both, on the spot as well as with group

discussions and will continue to monitor and

address these issues over the coming months.

With many children watching the opening

ceremony and some of the sporting events, the

Olympics have been a hot topic at

kindergarten lately. We have been keeping a

medal tally, making our own medals and

Olympic torches and on Wednesday, we held

our own Kinder mini-olympics. This was a

great morning with the children participating

in an opening ceremony, different ‘events’ and

finishing up with a medal giving ceremony!

Page 9: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

Dear Bundoora Pre-school Families,

This is a general reminder to notify families that term four, 2016 kinder fees are due by Friday, 2 September 2016.

3 year old kinder program (1 session) $180.00 3 year old kinder program (2 sessions) $350.00 4 year old kinder program $350.00 *

If payment is to be made by direct deposit, please use your child's individual EFT Reference Code. The code is made up of all capitals with the first four letters of your child's last name and followed by the first six letters of your child's first name, e.g. Lesley Barker = EFT REFERENCE CODE: BARKLESLEY

Account Name: Bundoora Preschool Association Incorporated Commonwealth Bank BSB: 063 590 Account Number: 1006 1414

If you choose to pay using cash or via cheque, please hand these directly to staff where they will count the money received/sight the cheque and ask you to authorise your payment by signing our financial record form.

If families are unable to meet the due date for payment, would like to arrange a suitable payment plan or need to discuss Fee Subsidy (for approved concession card holders only), could you please contact me via email at [email protected]?

Many thanks,

Jaci De Fazio

Page 10: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

We have continued our focus on observational drawing with Australian animals. The children are guided to look for familiar shapes in the bodies of the koalas, echidnas and crocodiles such as circles and ovals to start. From here we look more closely and add detail. Once they see they can do it the children become confident in their abilities and have new skills to adapt to similar situations. Our Australiana interest was also presented to the children with lacing cards made in the shape of Australia to familiarise them with our country while also developing fine motor skills. Following this the children traced Australian maps with great ability, holding the templates in one hand while drawing with the other.

Social play has been a popular interest with the children and this provides lots of opportunity for social development, communication, negotiation and the sharing of space and materials. Many children have enjoyed engaging in dramatic play in the camping corner and kitchen and it is a great way to strengthen relationships as well as the individual’s identity. We

provide the children with positive behaviour guidance teaching them what is friendly or unacceptable behaviour and praise their efforts. This all paves the way for respectful relationships and self-confidence. At mat time we have also discussed being ‘space invaders’ with our peers when sitting on the mat and making children aware of their bodies, personal space and how this can impact the comfort of others as well as themselves. The children have been very receptive to our talks and retain information from session to session which is lovely to see as these self-management skills will become lifelong skills.

Interviews were held last week and it was great to touch base with many families. This allocated time gives us the opportunity to discuss any concerns with parents, have a chat about their child’s progress and discuss future goals. This was a positive process and means we can successfully move forward collaboratively and focus on extending the children’s development over the second part of the year.

Notice to all Joeys:

On Friday 16th September we will be having a drama incursion during our session. This promises to be lots of fun and we hope

to see everyone there!



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Possums Mini-Olympics!

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Page 13: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

Eje!zpv!lopx//!….that there are only FOUR more opportunities for you to earn your maintenance levy back this year?

That’s right!

By helping out at any of the following events, you are eligible to get a refund of $100 for your maintenance levy. Why wouldn’t you? For only a few hours of effort you can save $100!

Remaining Opportunities:

Bunnings BBQ and Gift Wrapping Stall – 3rd September

Trash and Treasure Market – 9th October

Halloween Market – 27th October

Term 4 Working Bee - 20th November


Win a major prize for Dad! Prize includes a toolbox filled with goodies from our


Gloria Jeans Coffees, Jetts 24 Hour Fitness, Telstra, Super Cheap Auto, Bunnings Warehouse and more!

Tickets are only $2 each, or 3 for $5

See your pocket at kinder soon….

Page 14: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

Term 3 Important Dates

KINDER CLOSURE Friday 26th August Movie Night Friday 26th August Joey’s Drama Incursion Friday 16th September Father’s and Special Friends Evening Beginning Monday 5th September

Coming Events

Community Walk Breakfast at Kinder Tea Towel Purchasing

Calendar Purchasing – early 4th Term Melamine Plates Purchasing – mid 4th Term

More Important Dates…. Victorian School Term Dates Term 1: January 28 - March 24 Term 2: April 11 - June 24 Term 3: July 11 - September 16 Term 4: October 3 - December 20 Bundoora Pre-school Committee of Management Meeting Dates Thursday 15th September Thursday 20th October Annual General Meeting Thursday 17th November 2017 Orientation Day Friday 25th November Committee Handover Thursday 1st December Family Thank You BBQ Friday 25th November Working Bee Dates Sunday 20th November

Page 15: Hi Everyone, organising this Friday's (26th August) movie ... · Congratulations to our amazing fundraising team. They have been super busy organising this Friday's (26th August)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For more information about our school or to book a tour or to book your child into one of our free Kindy Time sessions please telephone our office on 9467 2601.

Balmoral Avenue, Bundoora www.bundooraps.vic.edu.au (Just off Greenwood Drive) Email: [email protected]

Bundoora Primary School Balmoral Avenue, Bundoora

9467 2601 www.bundooraps.vic.edu.au

What’s happening at your local Primary School?

Prep 2017 Enrolments Due Now Prep 2018 Enrolments Open

If you are considering Bundoora Primary School for your child to attend Prep 2017 please ensure your enrolment application is received by our office as soon as possible. We are in the process of preparing our letters to be sent out

regarding our Prep 2017 transition/orientation sessions which will be held in Term 4.

School Tour available this term: Wednesday 7th September at 9.30am

Our whole school excursion to the MCG was a fabulous way for our students to further their knowledge of their study focus for this term, the Olympic Games. Our students were given special access to areas of the MCG during their MCG

tour, as well as enjoying the activities and learning more about sporting history at the National Sports Museum.

Our “Lab Rats”, students in our High Achievers Program, recently competed in the Robocup Junior Competition at Melbourne University. Students chose to compete in soccer and dance teams competing against various participating schools, ranging from primary students to secondary college students. Our students competed very well, one team progressing through to the preliminary final.


Kindy Sports:

Wednesday 7th September 2.15-3.00 

 Kindy Time at Bundoora Primary

We would like to thank all the families who have joined us for Kindy Time at Bundoora Primary School this year. We have received fantastic feedback from parents (and children) who have attended these sessions. We will not be hosting

any Kindy Time Sessions during Term 4 as we will be having our transition sessions for Prep 2017 students.