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  • 8/14/2019 hhu for field staff.pdf





    ADDCADDC is owned by the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADDC). It isresponsible for distributing water and electricity services to all customers in the Emirateof Abu Dhabi (excluding the Al Ain region) with a customer base covering in excessof 400,000 agreements for water and electricity supply. It has the vision to becomea leading water and electricity company comparable with the best in the world. It isrelentlessly focused on developing, maintaining and operating a reliable, secure, safeand cost effective distribution system in Abu-Dhabi and providing services that meet orexceed its customers expectations. Its employees are committed to operating ethicallyand with integrity at all times whilst the business believes in upholding the highest levelsof corporate and social responsibility.

    CHALLENGEDriving efficiencies and productivityADDC is focused on become one of the worlds best water and elect ricity companies with a commitment to delivering

    excellent customer service. As part of this drive, it identified the need to deploy mobile computing to improve the

    customer experience, and enhance productivity to efficiently meet increasing demand for its services in the Emirate of

    Abu Dhabi and its surrounds.



    Abu Dhabi Distribution

    Company (ADDC)


    Abu-Dhabi UAE


    Water and Electricity


    Motorola Products

    MC55, MC70 and MC75

    handheld mobile computers

    Partner Data Capture Systems

  • 8/14/2019 hhu for field staff.pdf



    THE SOLUTIONElectronic data collation and job managementData Capture Systems worked hand in glove with

    ADDC to deploy Motorola handheld mobile computers

    to its field teams. The devices run Windows Mobile

    applications (designed by Data Capture Systems)

    and enable the real-time or close to real-time flow of

    data across the organisation and into key business

    information systems. These include the Oracle Customer

    Care and the Billing System used by ADDC.

    THE BUSINESS VALUEDoing more in the same time windowEfficiencies are generated across the business. The

    Field Activity Team and the Meter Reading team are

    all reporting significant performance and productivity

    gains. Up to 47 percent in the case of meter readers

    based on the number of meters read month-by-month.Improvements stem from optimized work schedules,

    faster and more accurate data capture, the ability to

    create repor ts on the fly, and the fact that duplication

    has been removed from processes; teams can transfer

    data from the field or simply connect their computer to

    docking stations at the days end to transfer information

    without needing to key it in from notes.

    High-growth businessADDC serves over 4 00,000 customers across 67,340

    square kms. Alongside the geographic challenges of

    overseeing equipment across such a wide area, the

    company is experiencing strong demand from newcustomers.

    These factors underpin its aim to become the regions

    first, fully automated utility. Says Engg. Nasr Aziz, We

    embrace new technology and have set out to automate

    our operations to help teams be as produc tive as

    possible and drive efficiencies across the business. The

    ultimate goal is to ensure we seamlessly accommodate

    exceptional growth in demand for our services.

    As part of this drive, ADDC sought to replace paper-

    based processes with mobile computers that to help

    drive productivity across its field teams.

    Search for the optimum mobilecomputing technologyADDC undertook a tender process to select a specialist

    partner to complement its own strong in-house IT

    capabilities. It opted to work with Data Capture Systems

    specialists in helping business optimize the way

    information is collated and used to reduce cos ts, and

    enhance performance.

    With Data Capture Systems, weve

    equipped our field teams with

    Motorola handheld computers,

    integrated with back office systems.

    The technology is delivering arange of benefits. For instance, the

    productivity of staff reading meters

    has improved by 47 percent. Also,

    the greater accuracy achieved

    by electronic data has markedly

    reduced the number of bill queries

    from customers. The technology

    drives operating efficiencies,

    accommodates a high-pace of

    growth in our business, and ensures

    we deliver quality services to


    Engg. Nasr Aziz,

    Head of Meter Installation and Maintenance

    Section, Abu Dhabi Distribution Co./

    Water and Electricity Authorit y

    PAGE 2


    Data capture: a range of

    electronic processes

    are supported e.g. meter


    Job allocation:

    optimized work schedules,

    downloaded to devices,make the best use of


    Data transfer: teams

    easily populate business

    information systems by

    sending data from the field

    or by fitting devices into

    cradles back at base

    Identification : engineers

    can scan bar codes fixed to

    equipment to ensure theyre

    at the right site

    Quality control: certain

    activities such as

    resetting meters have tobe validated by head office,

    with the request sent from

    the field using the device


    Enhanced customer

    service: bills are more

    timely and accurate

    Enhanced productivity:

    all field teams report

    productivity benets by

    as much as 47 percent for

    the meter reading operation

    Improved information:

    data is collated faster, isof a higher quality, and is

    available in real or close to


    Improved performance:

    engineers have access

    through the device to

    manuals and information

    to assist them to solve

    problems quickly and


  • 8/14/2019 hhu for field staff.pdf



    MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered

    trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are

    the propert y of their respective owners. 2 011 Motorola Solutions Inc. All rights reserved.

    For more information on how Motorolas MC55, MC70 and MC75 mobile

    handheld computers can improve your field sales and field services operations,please visit us on the web at www.motorola.comor access our global contact directory atwww.motorola.com/enterprisemobility /contactus

    Eng. Nasr Aziz, Head of Meter Installation &

    Maintenance Section; Says We opted to work

    with Data Capture Systems because it has a strong

    track record in mobile computing. The expertise is

    comprehensive - spanning handheld devices, writing

    mobile applications and coding for integration with back

    ofce systems all of which were central to making our

    deployment a success.

    With the mobile computers, Data Capture Systems

    advised ADDC to deploy Motorola devices. Says Pawan

    Singh, DCS Abu Dhabi - Branch Manager: The Motorola

    devices are the most robust available and can cope

    with the extremes of humidity, heat, dust and, drops

    and knocks, commensurate with the ADDC deployment.

    The products also offer versatile features including data

    capture, wireless connectivity, camera, and printing

    options that suppor t a wide range of applications. ADDC

    tested the units and gave the go-ahead to provide end

    users with Motorola kit. This decision also influencedintegration with back office systems as the devices work

    with Windows Mobile 6.0, which also supports both

    Arabic and English languages.

    Systems integrationData Capture Systems developed Windows Mobile

    applications for the devices. The interfaces and forms

    enable teams to simply access or record the information

    they need. Data is connected using Ethernet or network

    cradles (in the office) and is automatically uploaded to

    the ORACLE database and Customer Care and Billing

    System. The familiar Windows operation has seen the

    system quickly embraced by users and its delivering keybenefits.

    Performance and productivityThe technology is used by two ADDC teams including:

    Meter reading:

    Using the rugged MC70 device supplied to 120 team

    members meter readers no longer carry a paper

    register. At the start of each shift, they re provided

    with a list of the days customers and an optimized

    route. Teams can collect data using an optical probe

    that automatically retrieves the meter serial number

    and reading. Teams can also make notes e.g. detailing

    damage or requesting maintenance. All details are stored

    on the MC70 and are transferred to billing systems

    using Ethernet/network cradles at the days end to

    automate the bill creation process. Faster and accurate

    reading means teams achieve more: productivity is up

    by 47 percent. Moreover, customers receive precise and

    timely bills; the number of queried invoices has dropped

    markedly saving ADDC time and money.

    Field Activity Team:The Field Activity team use 200 MC75 handheld

    computers to also receive job schedules at the start

    of each day. The devices are constant companions as

    the field teams visit damaged / faulty meters, manage

    connection, disconnections and resets, and conduct

    maintenance. Using the devices personnel can report onactivity with all data transferred to back office systems

    using GPRS and where applicable Field Activity

    Systems are automatically created. New jobs can also

    be assigned to technicians in the field. The devices are

    helping teams achieve many more site visits per day, and

    ensure that consistent quality information is collected by

    field teams for use by the business.

    Concluding with his overall take on the deployment

    Eng. Nasr Aziz says: We are very pleased with

    the technology. Its helping us better prepare work

    schedules, provide information to teams at the point of

    service delivery to enhance their work, and save time byaccurately recording and making data available in real-

    time or close to real-time across the business. Customer

    service is improved our billing is much more timely and

    accurate. But perhaps most importantly, were achieving

    more in the same timeframe this is critical to our

    business as were better prepared to meet the growing

    demand for our services.