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Hitchin Music Magazine, Featuring many local gigs

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Front Page Isobel Anna Everett

Pages 2 and 3 Twatter with Adi

Pages 4 and 5 My Pet Junkie

Pages 6 and 7 Roadrunner

Pages 8 and 9 Shoot the Director/ News from Nowhere

Pages 10 and 11 Problems/ Stars

Pages 12 and 13 Nueva Etica/ Black Polaris

Pages 14 and 15 Heart of A Coward/ Hang The Bastard

Pages 16 and 17 There Were Bears / Gun Crime

Pages 18 and 19 Fever Fever/ Tell it To The Marines

Pages 20 and 21 Bleach Boys

Pages 22 and 23 Gadget Review

Pages 24 and 25 Debt Collectors/ Delinquents

Pages 26 and 27 Isobel Anna Everett

Page 28 and 29 Lost In Colour/ Alesia

Page 30 and 31 Motionincolour

Page 32 and 33 Music Sites

Page 34 and 35 Upcoming at Remix

Page 36 and 37 Gigettes

Page 38 and 39 Bad Head/ Mary’s Autumn Reign

Page 40 and 41 WebScape

Page 42 and 43 James Bay Trio

Page 44 and 45 Stuart O’Connor, The Otters, Fracture

Page 46 and 47 DJ Feeline/ Aghast

Page 48 and 49 Mobile Phone/ Restaurant Review (Radcliffe Arms)

Page 50 and 51 Holiday, Breaks and Travel

Back Page Russell Kane Comedy Show In Letchworth

What is the future of the internet?

With websites now in v2.0 what will be in store for when we

get to v3.0. Over 5 of the top most visited websites on the net

today are V2.0 sites. Does this mean that websites still have a short shelf life? Do people get bored with websites too quickly ?

or will people still be using sites like Facebook and You Tube in 40 years time?

In my opinion there are four different kinds of website “Ground Sites”, “V2.0 Sites”, “Corporate Sites” and “Dead Sites”

Ground Sites are sites such as Google, MSN, Yahoo and Hot-

mail. All of these sites are defiantly v1.0 sites, but as they are

all leaders in the field and have found a place in v2.0, they will always have a place on our browser and there will always be a

need for them.

V2.0 sites represent a new era of the Internet, such websites

as You Tube, Facebook and Wikipedia.

Corporate Sites like the BBC BskyB and The Sun are all sites set

up to make more money or raise awareness of a product for a company. If the Internet was to go down they would have a

high chance of living as they do not make very much income


Dead Sites such as personal homepages and many v1.0 sites,

such as Lycos and Dogpile are in the past. People do still use them, but I feel they will never have a chance of getting back

into the range of a ground site.

My question for you is, How do you get a website to become

a ground site? and why did sites like Lycos and Dogpile become dead sites. I do believe that the likes of Facebook and You

Tube will become ground sites, but it will very easy for them to fall behind, as did Myspace.

If you have any ideas on how

websites become ground sites

please email me. I would love to talk about your ideas in the next


[email protected]












Headliners Club 85 September 11th A very tribal feel to their music, My Pet Junkie play very loud lead guitar, with a banging bass, provided by yet another lovely lady bass player. Their drummer is excellent, plays with talent and enthusiasm and to me is the heart of the band. They have enthusiastic intros to their songs, building the music up to a degree of astonishing levels of sound, but they ran very close to the feedback line and this was a little off putting. They appear to be a tad self indulgent when on stage, paying much more attention to each other than their audience, thereby losing some appeal. My Pet Junkie are undoubtedly a good band, but they did not have a great sense of showmanship and this also detracted from their overall performance. Their music is very studied and they appear to be desperately trying to be dark and moody, but it all falls short of the mark. A pity, because they have great musical ability and potential, which sadly gets lost in the translation. Some numbers contain sections where they play flat against the natural beat, this is clever and original but needs expert control and at times they just sounded flat. In my opinion, My Pet Junkie are not a headline band. Their My Space page made me look forward to seeing them, but it was nothing like as good as I had expected. Good, but not great.




Club 85 Friday September 11th Roadrunner are a band who have been around for a long time and their relaxed, professional and confident performance on stage is testament to this. Their sound is great, blues/rock, which for me made them the best band of the evening. They stood head and shoulders above any of the others. Alex Bay is their lead vocal and on any other night I would have seen him perform with his brother, but no such luck, unfortunately James had a prior commitment and could not be there. This was the penultimate performance by the band, some are going off to University, others starting new ventures, in any case Roadrunner is no more, for a while at least. A great loss to the circuit. Alex of course now fronts Shakey Jake, but even they may suffer if his own plans for Uni come to fruition. It was a great performance, I stand by my previous comments about Alex, he was indeed born to be a front man and to a band just like Roadrunner. Hitchin Gigs would like to wish all the guys the very best for their futures and we hope to hear of them again real soon.




Three young men all local to Hitchin and nearby and all under eighteen, strutting their stuff at Club 85 Friday September 11th. They have been together for a year and are about to produce a demo CD at Sound Arc Studios in the near future, hopefully before Christmas this year. I would never discourage young talent, but I would say they are a long way off being ready to record. They have only played about ten gigs and their music is still very much in the early stages of development. Shoot the Director are an excellent example of a young band with fabulous musical ideas, but who have not yet developed a definitive style with which to get them across. There were times when the guys were definitely out of synch, but worse than that, there were times when they were out of tune. I spoke to the two guitar players after the set, James on lead/vocal and Jamie on bass/vocal and if a high level of determination and enthusiasm are anything to go by, then the boys will do very well in time. I’m prescribing more rehearsal and attention to detail for Shoot the Director and all will be well. We will be watching their progress with interest.

On their website, News from Nowhere describe their music as hip-hop lyrics, mixed with rock guitars, electronic synthesisers and simple song structure. A perfect description, but they forgot to mention the kick ass drums going on throughout, unforgivable LOL. This band is as fresh as a daisy, as original as it’s possible to be these days and professional to their core. They reminded me strongly of bands like Blur and Talking Heads, but with attitude and frankly better. The lyrics are strong and anti establishment, it was good old fashioned anarchy, brought bang up to date in style. News from Nowhere attracted a large crowd who all thoroughly enjoyed this urban and very often pagan sound. They are a very tight group, no frills, it’s all about getting the music and the message across and they succeed admirably. I think these guys will do better and better, they are as yet unsigned, but surely it won’t be too long before someone recognises their individuality and obvious musical talent, they are certainly commercial. Good luck to them, I await their imminent fame and fortune !

My boyfriend is currently in Afghanistan with army. He writes regularly, seems to be OK, but doesn’t get home too often and I miss him terribly. We are planning to be married when his tour of duty is over, but in the meantime I am so worried that something will happen to him and I cannot eat or sleep because of the stress. I have seen my Doctor, who will only offer me prescription drugs to calm me down, but these make me so drowsy and unable to function at work or even in day to day life. What can I do ? Lisa Dear Lisa I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for you and all the other parents, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends who have loved ones fighting in a war zone. My instant reaction to your problem is that you should contact the army, they surely must have support groups you can be part of. It will help you immensely to speak to others in the same situation as yourself. The fact is that, although it is very difficult to control the emotion, worry is the most useless exercise. Events will happen whether you worry or not and it will be far more beneficial to you and your man if you can make a concerted effort to be positive about your situation and not make yourself chronically ill by the time he comes home. In any event, it is time to take affirmative action, the real tragedy would be that you become a different person because of the stress and ruin your relationship. I wish you all the best.

My life is so boring I feel that nothing exiting ever happens to me at all. I have the perfect boyfriend, I have a good, well paid job, a supportive happy family and it is all boring me to death. My boyfriend and I have a good social life, we go to the cinema, eat out, go to clubs and pubs, have a happy home life, but there is never any real excitement. I listen to my friends chat about the problems in their lives and I am so Jealous because I can’t join in, I don’t have any problems ! Is there something wrong with me ? Beth Dear Beth I don’t think anyone has ever written to me before because they don’t have a problem ! The solution to this is very simple, make your mind up what you want that will bring excitement into your life and then get on and do it. Frankly it’s really very difficult to feel sorry for someone who clearly has everything and cannot appreciate it. When you say excitement, do you mean you want to experience death and disaster ? Surely not. You don’t say how old you are, but the tone of your letter is very young and naïve and I suspect there is still time for you to experience all the downfalls life inevitably throws at us all. My only advice would be to stop worrying about nothing, wait for a time, life will throw you a few low balls in time I’m sure. I only hope you will be able to cope, if not drop me a line.

Virgo Cash you have been relying on may not materialise and this will leave you with problems. There is no use burying your head in the sand, you have asked for help, make sure that arrangements you have made are good.

Capricorn You are going to be called upon to take the lead very soon, which may mean big changes in your social life. Have confidence in your abilities, this may be a new trajectory for you. You still do not realise how valued you are.

Taurus You are very diligent at work and this can lead to your being taken advantage of. You are blissfully unaware, you are focussed, but take care of yourself, it’s not cool to work yourself into the ground. Play a little.

Libra You have people around you who would love to destroy your confidence. Ignore them, they are jealous. Beware of nosey parkers getting into your private life. Have faith, you are usually right.

Aquarius Why not take a class, you love to learn and feel you have a little too much spare time on your hands at the moment. There is a new love interest for you soon and the influence is musical. Maybe it’s time you went back to school.

Gemini An old flame will reappear in your life, but don’t be tempted to get involved, rather remember why you broke up last time. You may think of taking up a new hobby, something you did as a child and never completed.

Scorpio You are on the brink of a new opportunity but it may rake up some matters from your past you would rather forget. Don’t worry it will not be as bad as you imagine, simply loose ends which you ignored last time round.

Pisces You think you are bad with money, but this is not true. You need to check your bills and make sure you are not paying too much. The money is definitely going somewhere and it’s not down to you. A bit more vigilance required.

Cancer You are looking for ways to make ends meet and moving in with a friend seems like a good idea. It will be better for you if you can maintain your Independence. Don’t be tempted to make too many changes.

Sagittarius Someone you once worked for will ask for your help, but do not be afraid to turn them down. You have issues closer to home which you need to be dealing with and it would not be wise to ignore them.

Aries The people close to are feeling neglected, are you spending too much time at work and forgetting others ? You need to look at your life from their perspective and loosen up a little.

Leo Don’t assume that you can capture someone's heart just because you want them. True love and affection can only be acquired with devotion and sincerity. You will fare well if you can put others first.

Nueva Etica come from Argentina and describe themselves as The South American Mosh Machine ! Seriously, I am not going to argue with that. I have heard bands here doing the heavy heavy metal thing, but nothing like this. If you want to know what real pagan, tribal maximum heavy metal sounds like, then these are the men for you. They are relentless and absolutely brilliant. Perfect timing, brutal guitars and a drummer who just will not quit. This is an international heavy metal outfit, who have played all over the world, their tour of the UK consisted of only two venues and we were very lucky that Club 85 was one of them. The vocals from Nueva Etica are stunning, they have two lead vocals, and the effect is strangely haunting and understandable, even if you don’t speak Spanish. It’s weird, but you still get what they are trying to say ! I guess “I hate everything “ is the same wherever you come from ! A fabulous exhibition of raw death metal, played professionally and perfectly as it should be. We probably will not see them in these parts again, certainly not in the near future and if you missed it, you missed out big time. Check them out on mycpace.com/nuevaetica

Introducing Paul, Sam, Lewis, Gaz and Jonjo. An excellent band, who are undoubtedly the “boy band” of the heavy metal scene. The vocal was clear, growling, but soft in places. In true heavy metal style the music is as banging as you like and the whole experience is very enjoyable. Black Polaris have been together for about two years and hail from the Royston area. They are signed by Fallen Empire Records and should be releasing a new album very soon. They are influenced by bands like Lamb of God and Architects, but in my view they are better. You can listen to them on their My Space page, go to www.myspace.com/blackpolaris. They play all over the South East and will be back at Club 85 on December 11th to do their Christmas Show, apparently, can’t wait to see that ! They describe their music as Death Metal, but I got the feel of a newer genre. These guys bridge the gap between old style death/screaming metal into a sound that could be more appreciated by younger audiences, thereby encouraging them to listen to more metal bands. It seems from reports on the net, that they have made their mark on the music circuit very quickly and after seeing them tonight I am not at all surprised. They are pretty to look at as well as listen to ! Definitely a band to watch out for. They have one tune on their My Space page called “And They Faded Away”, which includes a section of hip-hop type lyrics, which is not just unusual, but brilliant. Excellent job men, see you in December.

Someone somewhere has really upset these guys, their lyrics are far and away among the most hateful and violent I have heard. Scary stuff, which you can view on www.myspace.com/heartofacoward. They are disturbing, but great at the same time. Maybe it was because I could actually hear every word, certainly on their recorded versions, not so live of course ! They are musically great, all the usual banging guitars and banging drums, but it’s the vocals and the amazing lead guitar solos which set them apart. The feeling for the content of their tunes definitely translates to the music. They are frantic and determined, but so accurate and as tight as it’s possible to be. I was impressed by these young men, their skills are obvious, but they take nothing for granted and worked really hard throughout the set. I have no details of their forthcoming gigs, unfortunately, but I have sent them a message and asked them to update their My Space page with new information for you. Go to myspace.com/heartofacoward This whole gig was of very high calibre and Heart of a Coward stood up well to scrutiny against their esteemed compatriots. It was a pleasure, hope to see them back again soon.

I expected to hear something really special from this band after researching them on line and was totally disappointed. They arrived at the gig late for their sound check and ended up having to open, without having a chance to gather themselves together, unfortunate. However, it was apparent to all in the audience that they were not happy and this came across totally in their performance. The music was so loud and awful it made me feel physically sick and I had to leave the venue. The two tunes I did hear were distorted, badly performed and frankly horrible. Hang the Bastard left the venue directly after coming off stage, rudely pushing past anyone in their way. A very unprofessional display all round. If you want to hear their recordings, which are good, you can get them on My Space, also a list of their upcoming gigs www.myspace.com/hangthebastard

A fascinating sound, think of Enya, elves and fairies in the forest, that kind of thing and you are there. It’s great imaginative music, although nothing we have not heard before. It’s late night with a friend, relaxing with a glass of wine type music. It’s elevator music, it’s background while you work music. There Were Bears are undoubtedly talented and they did draw the biggest crowd of the evening, but take away family and friends and I suspect there were not a great number of people turned out and paid money to see them. I don’t want to knock these guys, I simply don’t see where they would fit into today’s music scene on any kind of commercial or live gig level. They make glorious music and should compile an album in time for Christmas, it would be the sort of thing you would buy your Mum or your Nan and they would love it. I liked them well enough and would probably buy their album and have it on in the background, but in general I just didn’t see the point.

Before they even play a note, these guys give you a strong feeling of weirdness ! We have Ty on the left, who plays a mean guitar and Luke who plays manic drums and that’s it, just the two of them making enough noise for six men ! There can be no doubting their enthusiasm for their music, but to say it is self indulgent is putting it mildly. Their music and style is arrogant and comes across as such, not the effect they mean to have I am sure, because off stage they are the nicest guys you would wish to meet. My feeling was that they have spent too much time with only each other to bounce ideas off and they desperately need some fresh opinions. Technically they are both very able and their song writing is original, but their execution of it holds no emotion for their audience, they do not project well. Give them a listen on their My Space www.myspace.com/guncrime see what you think.

Two lovely girl guitarists and a mean boy drummer, excellent. Their tunes are imaginative and very funny in places, it was a refreshing change to have some female vocals and they both sing very well. In places the reminded me of Bow Wow Wow, that kind of girlie, bouncy vocal that makes you smile and want to bounce around. They are Rosie, Ellie and Smit and they come from Norwich. They describe their music as punk/pop/rock and I think I would agree with that. Fever Fever are a good support band, but they are a long way from being a headline act. They have talent, their drummer is so good, arms open wide and giving it everything, but I feel they need to concentrate on the tightness of their performance. This is of course only a matter of some strict rehearsal and if they do that, I think they will be a band to look out for in the future. They have a My Space page and you should give them a listen, especially “I don’t know about art, but I know what I like”, my personal favourite. They are fun and we hope to see them back in this area soon, I’ll let you know. www.myspace.com/feverfever

A good band with four guitars and an excellent drummer, Tell It To The Marines were to my mind the best band of the evening. They were in fact the opening act and they were very tight and well disciplined in their performance, the fact that the drummer was so good only added to the overall enjoyment of their performance. The vocal was quite weak and did not carry the tunes to their best potential and I don’t think it was the sound check. I saw their sound check and it was very thorough. They have quite a commercial sound and they certainly look the part. However. the problem is we see bands like this all the time and being good just is not good enough any more. There needs to be something original about a band or their performance that sets them apart from their peers, if they are going to succeed and these guys were missing this ingredient. If I knew what it was I’d be a millionaire, because I see it all the time and it is so frustrating. The band are really good, but then so are lots of others. Find that missing ingredient boys, you need to go one more step and you will be there ! Check them out on their My Space www.myspace.com/tellittothemarines

All young punk/rock bands should go to a Bleach Boys gig as part of learning their craft and see how it should really be

done. No matter how many times I see this band I am always stunned by their performance No resting on laurels with these guys, always at least 200 % or more. They are an inspiration to us all,

still playing with more energy than many of the young bands on the circuit, with every note perfect, every strike on the

drums wonderful. Their writing is as ever insightful, original, anarchic and

gloriously disrespectful. I’m not allowed to print what they said about Simon Cowell, the inspiration behind one of their new tunes “Kill Celebrities”, I’m

guessing you’ll get it ! They have a CD out at the moment and that’s got to be worth a bit of your

spending money. A great gig guys, as always, keep on doing what you do the very best !


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Augmented vision has, as many other technol-ogy advances, been born out vast military budg-ets trying to gain an advantage over enemy combatants. In a civilian setting its work would not be to identify enemy vehicles and safe zones, but to act as a tour guide and offer us an encyclopaedic knowledge of our surroundings.

The end goal for this technology would be to fit into a contact lens and highlight the feature we focus on. The lens would double as a screen and feed us information. The information it can give us is limited only by the databases it’s connected to, think Robocop and where he can look at a suspect and pull up a detailed criminal history.

Before all the civil libertarians among us shout too loud, this is still in the realms of science fiction, not only is the device yet to be developed, our face recognition software is still quite fragile. Telling faces apart is a difficult and complex algorithm to write for a computer to understand, but buildings not so much. Not only do they tend to have much less subtle configurations they have the advantage that they tend not to move. So with a compass, to which way you are facing and GPRS to see where you are, and still sizeable database, this and here its FREE APP for the I phone overlays images you take with its camera with useful information.

At the moment it will stack information due to how far away you are and let you know some pertinent facts, is WiFi available?, what the business is. Developed by Worksnug it is offered free of charge as they want to Develop a community feel

and allow us to upload details of our own businesses or favourite haunts. Only available for the Iphone 3GS due to the compass required, this may be the first of a raft of Augmented Reality products.

Timmy Chris and Matt

Three cheeky, urban, naughty looking boys, all local to the area, who I thought were really good. You know the type, swaggering wide boys who look like they might cause a bit of bovver, but who in reality are very nice guys. They have a Ska feel to their music and there is obviously a very big Specials type influence going on, but they also have an originality of their own, which is very attractive. They bob about to their own tunes and the crowd loved it. Their writing is perhaps not inspired enough to be memorable, but they are young so there is time for that. I felt they could have put more of their personality into the music, rather than performing the music with personality , if you get me. The guitars were nothing outstanding, in terms of solo pieces, but they carried the tunes well, however, they have a great drummer, who lifts the whole performance to a higher level. They certainly can bang out the tunes, the levels were really quite high, but below the feedback line and so no earache, always a bonus ! I really liked them, they have plenty of attitude and lots of jumping up and down. Good rapport with their audience and a great sense of humour. I think it’s only a matter of time and experience for these guys, they are immensely entertaining. A little work behind the scenes and I think we’ll have a band to be reckoned with.

They call themselves The Delinquents and if their music is anything to go by, then they really are ! Classic punk/rock band error here, whack the sound up as far as it will go and then spend the rest of your set battling the feedback. Absolute rooky mistake, your music will not sound good at that level, you will only piss people off ! The set started off fairy routinely, nothing special I thought, but this is a band that grows on you. They really do save the best till last. The Delinquents can waiver from style to style with ease, giving us touches of rhythm and blues within their songs, which worked superbly and they even had the confidence to play a slow tune, unusual at a punk gig. They also incorporate sections of Ska and Reggae within their tunes. An excellent concept and this is where their drummer came into his own. Excellent change of pace and rhythm and the whole thing just got better and better from there. There was loads of attitude and angst to the music, of course, but it was not put across very convincingly. I cannot put my finger on it, but something was just not true about their performance, it was forced. I don’t think they are a bad band, but I feel they are nowhere near reaching their full potential. Maybe I caught them on a bad day, as I say the sound check was not flattering, they had trouble with one of the guitars, they seemed to be off kilter. I will certainly e going to see them next time they are in Hitchin, because I think they can do better.












Isobel is a beautiful young lady, well presented with a lovely voice. After having seen her, I could not stop singing Alanis Morrisette tunes in my head for about three days. Most annoying ! So you get it, Isobel is very influenced by Alanis and it seems a bit of a waste. Isobel has talent, but she is still very much in the early stages of developing her own style and to a certain extent, her stage persona. Isobel plays guitar as she sings and is supported by Luke, also on acoustic guitar. The overall effect of two constantly strumming guitars is frankly annoying and the whole act needs an injection of either more innovative guitar tunes or other instruments. I see on Isobels’ My Space that she is looking for a rock band to sing with and I think that is a great idea. She would be excellent fronting a band, she has everything required, the looks, the presence and the talent. So come on all you would be ‘Blondie’ type bands with no singer, get on to her My Space and get the ball rolling ! Find Isobel on www.myspace.com/isobelannaeverett Let me know of any potential developments !

Well, what do you know ! Just as you think you’re not going to hear anything different, along comes Lost In Colour. An honest to God great punk rock band, with musical ability, a talent for song writing and great vocals. These guys tick all the boxes, great guitar, kick ass drums, they look great, they are tight and best of all they are great fun. This gig was not well attended and it was hard for the bands to give their best performances to an almost empty room, plus the fact that if the people do not attend then the bands do not get paid, not a great incentive to do well ! However, like true professionals, they rose above the situation and performed their socks off. For that alone they get my unending respect. The guitars were thrashing, the drums were crashing, the vocal growling and those of us who were there, were bouncing around like the lunatics we undoubtedly are ! I really liked these guys and I will be looking forward to seeing them again in the future. As always I’ll let you know if they are booked in this area again. You can of course check their My Space, www.myspace.com/lostincolour

When a band has that special ingredient, you see it straight away and this band has it in shed loads. They opened with a superb lead guitar, came in with fantastic drums added the other guitars and then slayed us with a cracking vocal. All together a well presented, so focussed band with talent oozing from every pore. It is plain that they have a very clear idea of how they want their music to be and they do not swerve from that line. Every tune delivered with clarity, showmanship and a desire to include and fascinate their audience. They have a single out ast the moment and they played the B tune, Riverside, which was fabulous. You can hear them on their My Space, of course. www.myspace.com/alesiauk Their music is very commercial, rock with just a touch of punk to make it more interesting, I loved it ! Expect great things from this band, they are already very popular and play all over the country, you can check their gig listings on their My Space page as well. I hope you will give them a go, I don’t think you will be disappointed.

Due to an accident on the M25, Motion in Colour arrived at the venue late and did not get a sound check. Shame, because it ruined their whole set. On that basis I am not going to review this performance, it would not be fair. I have listened to them on their My Space and they are really not too bad, it’s folk/rock, which is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you think of Counting Crows, that’s who they remind me of, although they do not list them as one of their influences. They are a band who have been around for a while and have an impressive résumé. Their writing is quite good, but my overall impression is that it is all a bit twee and not very memorable. Probably because it’s nothing we haven’t heard before. They definitely sound better on their recordings than they did live and because of that I hope to get an opportunity to see them again soon, I’m sure I saw them on a bad day. If you like that mellow rock feel to your music check them out on www.myspace/motionincolour













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Tickled Pink No other colour in existence screams girly girl more than pretty pink. Contrary to popular belief this pale colour is one of the most versatile hues in make-up. The naturally warm undertones replicate the warmth found in many skin colours, a fact which make-up artists have known for years. They often use light pink powders over the entire face to bring life back to dull, tired skin. This super flattering shade is also great for use around the eyes. Use it to compliment brown eyes and accent green and blue eyes. Hollywood starlets like Reese Witherspoon are often spotted in pink hues. You too can get her look with a sweep of pink blush over the apples of the cheeks and a light brush of pale pink eye-shadow over the eyelids, finished off with a swipe of peachy pink lip-gloss.

Pale Princess Pale tones - from pearl-like whites to sorbet pinks and lush light lilacs - are versatile, flattering and grown-up girly at its best. Pale tones are perfect for those of us who don't have perfect skin, as the light reflecting quality of pale make-up is well known to smooth out skin tone, hide dark circles and patchiness and highlight eyes, lips and cheeks without highlighting fine lines and wrinkles or pore size. Pale makeup also offers a great way to replicate fashion trends because it’s easy to apply and almost impossible to get wrong. We love this look from the latest Chanel runway show - it's super glam and totally girly.

Glossy Gal Anything glossy is perfect for those of us trying to achieve a younger girly look whilst still looking gorgeous and grown up. A gloss or shimmering foundation will reflect light, giving the illusion of softer younger skin. Try gloss bronzer and blush to add sheen and sexiness to the face and body. A gloss eye colour will open up and widen eyes. However, the most popular place to wear gloss is on the lips - try any colour from girly pink to sexy plum or ravishing red. Lip gloss fills in lips, giving them a plump, young and fresh look. It's worn by a bevy of stars, including Jessica Simpson who has her own range of lip glosses under the name 'Desert Beauty'. Keeping makeup girly is all about having fun and looking great, so why not step out in a girly makeup-look and inject some play into your day,

Andy on lead guitar and vocals, James on bass and vocals and Dan on drums. Such a small description for three men who can make a very big noise. Andy plays a low slung lead guitar and takes vocals, he has a strong melodic tone and manages to put across just enough attitude to translate the lyrics to metal. The music is deeply metal, with a smattering of punk which adds to the angst. Bad Head are all about the music, there are no showmen here, only musicians. They barely pause between songs to accept their applause, of which there is loads. The band play with a couldn’t care whether you like it or not kind of attitude, it’s up to you ! But the fact is we do like it, we like them and now we have seen them, we want more. The truth is, their belief in their music shines through their performance and this is what makes them so attractive. The fact that they are all very good to look at also helps, but I don’t want to seem shallow ! James plays a very skilled and imaginative bass, Dan is an excellent drummer and Andy’s lead guitar is exceptional and his voice raucous enough, but in no way offensive. It’s my view that these guys do not rellise how good they really are. Bad Head do not play many gigs, maybe a couple a year, but they should really think again about this. I think audiences will appreciate their skill and commitment and it’s not fair to have this much talent and deprive those of us who wish we did.

Never ever think you are too old to be in a rock band. That’s the message we get from MAR, with the exception of the drummer, these guys are all well past middle age and still strutting their very excellent stuff on stage. MAR are a band who simply do what they do best, with ease, skill and the confidence which only comes with years of gigging. You get the distinct feeling they could do this standing on their heads ! If you are thinjking that all this would mnake them boring, then think again, their writing is bang up to date, their tunes are catchy and memorable. You can listen to their single Ghost on their My Space page, go to www.myspace.com/marysautumnreign and you will see what I mean. They wrote Ghost im memory of Ian Curtis of Joy Division. I want to get this band together with Bleach Boys and start a music workshop for young musicians who want to learn how it should be done. Much respect to MAR, they are brilliant, if you get the chance to see them I recommend you take it. I hope they go on for many more years.

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Simon Eden and Helen Wilson from nearby Hertford have been charged along with four others with conspiracy to defraud. Allegedly they have been plotting for four years, selling what many EBay buyers would have taken as genuine well priced branded products. Dealing with fake golf clubs and other branded goods the products were almost entirely manufactured in China Prosecutor Adam Davies said ‘

The goods are believed to have been transported across the world by a chain of criminals and that Large Sums of Money’ were often transferred between many of the accounts held by the alleged conspirators.

It is the belief of the fraud investigation unit at EBay that this case represents the single largest counterfeiting conspiracy yet uncovered on their website.

“Nearly every major golf brand has been affected by the sales of counterfeit goods through eBay accounts.”

It was suggested that the activities of this group had raised suspicion previously resulting in on line auction accounts being suspended or closed. When faced with this they either opened new accounts or produced documents allowing their suspensions to be lifted. Bellchambers, believed to be the Kingpin of the conspiracy has pleaded guilty to unlawful use of trade mark. All six have pleaded not guilty to Conspiracy to Defraud between December 2003 and March last year.

Have you fallen foul of an internet scam? Have you bought something on ebay or other site that you believed would be genuine but turned out to be a fake? If so what did you do ? Did you do anything ? Have you sold anything online, knowing its not quite what people believe it to be? If so, or you have been affected by any online fraud or illegal activity, please let us know, so that we can share the information with our readers and help keep us all safe. Any personal information will not be published so as to protect your identity Email us via the contact page on [email protected] Or email [email protected]

Looking every inch like a young Clapton, James Bay takes the stage at C85 with Neil on drumjs and Dan on bass. I have reviewed the band before and they are still as brilliant as they were then. In a bigger venue one can appreciate even more the skill James has on his guitar and his blues vocals caress the audience. We are mesmerised by the sheer unadulterated talent of this young man and his band. He played a solo acoustic number, which was his own composition and I swear everyone in the room was holding their breath, it was so beautiful. I for certain, had goosebumps ! James is going off to university to study music and the circuit is certainly going to miss him. I don’t think we should let him go ! ( only jokling ) Hopefully, he will have lots of holidays and come back to play for us every now and again. We at Hitchin Gigs wish James all the best for a very happy future.



















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A really fantastic singer/guitarist, whose melodies mesmerise and enchant you into a stupor, but in a good way. It feels a bit trippy, very hippy and psychedelic , but with some good humour thrown in to keep you grounded. A fascinating experience, very different and the audience loved him. Stuart has quite a few of his recordings on his My Space page and if you have a listen, you will see what I mean. The music is a strange mix, folky, with a little rock and roll, some jazz and some angsty lyrics. I enjoyed the performance, but I don’t think this was a great venue for him, too big and spacious. I see him playing in low lit jazz venues, where he would be accompanied by some moody bass guitar and perhaps a jazz trumpet or piano. Anyhoo, it was great to see a real professional perform, he’s obviously very experienced. www.myspace.com/stuartoconnor

An ageing wannabe punk rock star backed by a band of boys, who are actually really not too bad. How they play while this bloke is singing is beyond me ! He is so bad, he is great ! Hysterically funny and I hope he is doing this ‘tongue in cheek’. There are some great lead guitar breaks and the drummer is excellent. Musically, this is a good band going to waste, because you are detracted from their music by the comic figure at the front. Notwithstanding the comedian, I liked this band’s performance, I found it gutsy and entertaining. If they are serious as a band they need a new and better vocal.

A nice little band, who look every inch the ‘boy band’, very pretty and with lots of band potential. They need lots more time in the rehearsal room, they are not at all developed in their talents, not nearly tight enough, but with some good ideas that need development. Their rhythm is quite good generally, but they lose touch with each other and the vocal, although pleasant, is not too strong and often goes off key. There is nothing wrong here that can’t be fixed, with a lot of effort and some determination. They are very young and this shows in their music, it is infantile and has no real depth or emotion. They rely too heavily on their bounce and not enough on their individual perfection. I will be watching these boys, I think they may well be better in time. More focus please men !

Well what do you know ? I’ve found a DJ I don’t want to shoot ! Club 85 late night DJ sessions, a new idea which I’m hoping will take off big style as it was really good fun. Made all the more enjoyable by a DJ who read the crowd and gave them the music they wanted. A mixed crowd of late nighters, so not easy to target, but Miss Fee-line did a great job. How she managed to go from heavy metal straight into Wham without sounding ridiculous I’ll never know, but she did ! The music was a great mixture and variety, ranging from heavy metal to a bit of 80s pop classics, a bit of reggae, a bit of everything actually, I even danced ! This is a great idea, well done to whoever thought of it, it was the perfect end to the upstairs gig. Some nice get together and have a laugh time ! Well done to DJ Fee-Line for making this a great night, a very talented and crowd aware young lady, hope she comes back soon.

I was asked to go and see Aghast by someone who hates heavy metal bands ! So how could I refuse. I could see immediately why, because this is heavy metal with a huge twist, it was fun ! Aghast actually make heavy metal fun whilst still being one of the most excellent heavy metal bands and thoroughly enjoyable. It was also the first time I have seen the crowd demand a drum solo and Nick kindly obliged. I am a great drum fan and I can tell you there are good drummers, there are great drummers, there are world class drummers, there is Dave from Liquid Metal Men and then there is Nick. I am getting emotional just thinking about this guy’s ability. I can honestly say I never realised that drums could be made to sound like this, it was gobsmackingly wonderful. All of you at some point in your life must go see this band and Nick in particular, or you will not have lived. I can say no more than that ! The guitars too are so good in this band, Christian on lead and Daniel on bass, are both excellent, but not just on their instruments. James is front man and vocals, but the interaction with each other and the audience from all three of these men, is truly phenomenal and it so works. It was metal party time ! I loved this band and so did everyone else at the gig. We did not want them to finish and again it was the first time I heard the crowd demanding more. Aghast is unsigned, they have had offers but have declined. They are determined to preserve their individuality and hurrah for that.



















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The Radcliffe Arms has been transformed to a beautiful, modern but homely feeling restaurant. Outside is a super, sheltered patio, where one can relax after eating. I found the staff a little more preoccupied with each other than their customers, but generally friendly and capable. The menu is perhaps a little more complicated than it need be. For example, I chose the chicken pate starter, which was described as being served with “pickle”, I quite wrongly assumed this to mean some kind of chutney, but no it was in fact silver skin pickled onions and olives and toast with no butter. It was all too dry and sour, not good to my way of thinking. The menu has quite a few unusual variations and I would suggest you clarify your order as you go. The food is good, but perhaps a tad pretentious. Overall a pleasant experience, not too expensive, around £65 for two people, three courses each, plus a bottle of wine and two soft drinks. The Radcliffe Arms is open all day, for breakfast lunches and dinner, but beware, the first time we went here they had closed the kitchen for a few hours as they were quiet in the afternoon.















The Sites listed about this page have been hand picked to assist you in all your travel arrangements offering big discounts on all sorts of travel from hotels to flights. Simply locate the link on the page and it will take you to Pick Travel, our recommended page and then select from the many travel companies we have listed. If you’re going to see a band abroad we’ve even listed some ticket companies to make sure you get your tickets.















Did you have tickets but now circumstances mean you can’t go ? Well we’ve also got a link for ViaGoGo who for a small commission will forward on your ticket to real fans and make sure they don’t fall into the hands of the overcharging touts. A friend of mine paid well over the odds for the 02 Michael Jackson Concert, to receive only face value back. So these guys are well worth a look and maybe worthy of our support.

The Colonnade

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Saturday 24th October

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