HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM Report March 19, 2012 1


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HF UPGRADE PROJECT. Y. Onel PM Report March 19, 2012. Recent Highlights and News. PRR response document is now finalized—Please see our indico page. Thanks for the input from Pawel , Jeremy, and Chris. We have started to prepare our detailed HF Internal schedule for 2012. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Y. Onel PM Report March 19, 2012



Recent Highlights and News• PRR response document is now finalized—Please see our indico page.

Thanks for the input from Pawel, Jeremy, and Chris.• We have started to prepare our detailed HF Internal schedule for 2012.• Our Schedule starts with our PPP Final for the baseboards. We are waiting

the response from Magnus to start with new modified boards.• Alexi is preparing the 904 and SX5 (alcove) Test System write-up detailing

our equipment, procedures and measurements.• Working on the short term and long term shipping plan of the

components to CERN.• Working on the new space allocation to store delivered equipment safely

at CERN.• The New HF Physics and Detector group is getting organized (Jane

Nachtman). This group have members from Baylor, Brazil Universities, Iowa, Mississippi and Turkey.

• The PMT deliveries and testing going well. We had a meeting with Hamamatsu regarding our reject tubes. We will be shipping back about 10 PMT’s ( low gain, high dark current and black cover problems) to be tested by them.



Next HF Meeting April 2nd

Discussion Topics

• Presentation by the Brazilian group

• Analysis/plots from Alexi showing we can actually access via DB info for ~900 PTMs already tested at Iowa.

• Our general schedule for deliveries to CERN during 2012.

• Discussion on recent result from Dima on fringe field effects on gain of m- anode PMTs (are we ok with it, do we want to take some corrective action ??) Ianos is working on this and checking the magnetic field mapping around the HF).



PMT Shipping Plans• Current HF PMT’s were shipped from Iowa and it is a UI property.• New PMT’s are FERMI Property.• We could periodically drive UI car to FERMI hoping no accidents!!) and

ship from FERMI. Problems are: 1) who will be responsible to execute this shipping ?? 2) since FERMI self insured it seems that we can not declare a value for each PMT and Cathy was worried about how to get the money back if something happens and she is willing to add money in the budget for shipping these properly. We will be talking to FERMI Shipping this week.

• Talking to the UI Export-Import Lawyers about UI self-insurances and policies etc.

• Once Swalek and I agree what direction to go– we will proceed. It will be easier to ship from Iowa since we have the personnel and discount with the FEDEX.

• We are soon starting with our sorting procedures for HF+ ( first 900 tubes). and we will pack the tubes according our 24 sections after the sorting.



PMT Shipping Cost

All estimates based on 12 x 9 x 6 box

Weight at 6.0lbs

Total quantity to ship 1800

The maximum shipment value via both carriers to Switzerland is $50,000 USD

Value per PMT Quantity of PMT per box Total Value of shipment Fed Ex UPS

Account# 443791426 Account #678E35

$0 500 $1 International Economy- $70 Worldwide expedited- $165

$50 500 $25,000 International Economy- $244 Worldwide expedited- $365

$100 500 $50,000 International Economy- $421 Worldwide expedited- $565

$1,000 50 $50,000 International Economy- $421 Worldwide expedited- $565



Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS• PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012• Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012• New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012• New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012• Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12• Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12• Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 11/23/12• Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 12/19/12• HF Plus Moved into Garages 12/21/12 HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES• New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012• HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012• HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012• HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012• Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012• HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012


Milestones • Production Readiness Review 11/15/11• Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12*• Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12• HF Plus ROBOX Reassembly and Testing 5/11/13• Remount HF Plus ROBOXs 5/31/13• HF Minus ROBOX Reassembly and Test 7/11/13• Remount HF Minus ROBOXs 7/25/13• Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Plus 9/4/13• Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Minus 9/18/13• Burn in HF Minus Side ROBOXs in Garages 9/21/13• Reinstall HF Minus into CMS 10/31/13• Burn in HF Plus Side ROBOXs in Garages 1/14/14• Reinstall HF Plus into CMS 1/30/14• HF Minus Rework and Installation 3/13/14• Integrate and Commission HF Minus Side ROBOXs in UXC 3/13/14• Integrate and Commission HF Plus Side ROBOXs in UXC 3/13/14• HF Upgrade Installation and Commissioning completed 3/13/14• CMS Ready for Beam 3/13/14

• *we might move this to an earlier date



Schedule with dates• Production Readiness Review 1 day Tue 11/15/11 Tue 11/15/11• HF Upgrade Installation and Commissioning 384 days Thu 9/1/12 Wed 3/13/14• Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 60 days Thu 9/1/12 Wed 11/23/12• Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 60 days Thu 9/1/12 Wed 11/23/12• Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 10 days Tue 12/6/12 Mon 12/19/12• Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 1 day Mon 12/5/12 Mon 12/5/12• HF Plus Rework and Installation 312 days Mon 12/12/12 Wed 3/13/14• HF Plus Moved into Garages 8 days Mon 12/12/12 Wed 12/21/12• Set Up HF Plus Scaffolding 265 days Thu 1/5/13 Fri 1/18/14• Set Up HF Plus Scaffolding 2 days Thu 1/5/13 Fri 1/6/13• HF Plus Scaffolding Rental - M&S 265 days Thu 1/5/13 Fri 1/18/14• HF Plus ROBOX Removal Preparation in Garage 11 days Mon 1/9/13 Mon 1/23/13• HF Plus ROBOXs Dismounted and Moved to SX5 11 days Tue 1/24/13 Tue 2/7/13• HF Plus - Mount at Crates New DSub to New Connector Patch Panels 30 days Wed 2/8/14 Tue 3/20/14• Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Plus 60 days Wed 6/13/13 Tue 9/4/13• HF Plus ROBOX Disassembly 22 days Tue 1/31/13 Wed 2/29/13• HF Plus ROBOX Reassembly and Testing 72 days Thu 2/2/13 Fri 5/11/13• Remount HF Plus ROBOXs 72 days Wed 2/22/13 Thu 5/31/13• Burn in HF Plus Side ROBOXs in Garages 210 days Mon 3/12/13 Mon 1/14/14• Move HF Plus Out of Garage 2 days Thu 1/17/14 Fri 1/18/14• Reinstall HF Plus into CMS 6 days Wed 1/23/14 Wed 1/30/14• Integrate and Commission HF Plus Side ROBOXs in UXC 30 days Thu 1/31/14 Wed 3/13/14• HF Minus Rework and Installation 305 days Wed 12/21/12 Wed 3/13/14• HF Minus Moved into Garages 8 days Wed 12/21/12 Fri 1/13/13• Set Up HF Minus Scaffolding 200 days Mon 1/16/13 Wed 10/17/13• Set Up HF Minus Scaffolding - Labor 2 days Mon 1/16/13 Tue 1/17/13• HF Minus Scaffolding Rental - M&S 200 days Mon 1/16/13 Wed 10/17/13• HF Minus ROBOX Removal Preparation in Garage 11 days Wed 1/18/13 Wed 2/1/13• HF Minus ROBOXs Dismounted and Moved to SX5 11 days Thu 2/2/13 Thu 2/16/13• HF Minus - Mount at Crates New DSub to New Connector Patch Panels 30 days Fri 2/17/13 Thu 3/29/13• Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Minus 60 days Wed 6/27/13 Tue 9/18/13• HF Minus ROBOX Disassembly 22 days Wed 2/29/13 Thu 3/29/13• HF Minus ROBOX Reassembly and Testing 72 days Tue 4/3/13 Wed 7/11/13• Remount HF Minus ROBOXs 72 days Tue 4/17/13 Wed 7/25/13• Burn in HF Minus Side ROBOXs in Garages 40 days Mon 7/30/13 Fri 9/21/13• Move HF Minus Out of Garage 2 days Mon 10/22/13 Tue 10/23/13• Reinstall HF Minus into CMS 6 days Wed 10/24/13 Wed 10/31/13• Integrate and Commission HF Minus Side ROBOXs in UXC 84 days Thu 11/1/13 Wed 3/13/14• HF Installation and Commissioning Completed - CMS Ready for Beam 1 days Wed 3/13/14 Wed 3/13/14• CMS Ready for Beam 1 day Wed 3/13/14 Wed 3/13/14 8



ROBOX Test Stand

• We are planning to start to equip the ROBOX test stand at P5 during summer 2012.By that time we have to define what kind of data is needed: LASER,LED – at different intensities, different HV etc.

• The equipment needed – MiniDAQ, Front End, HV(modified Bulgarian PSU), LV, cables (all sort – HV, LV, ROBOX to QIE), LASER system, Digital Scopes.

• We will be using the PMT's in our ROBOXes to do the system tests which includes the whole chain- set-up with the QIE's by measuring the SPE, Afterpulse etc -- using the LED's, Lasers and radioactive sources



Proposal for Pt5

• Two fully equipped HF QIE crate. We can connect 6 ROBOX at same time. That makes:Two crates, 24 QIE cards, 2 CCM, 1CM.

• Fully equipped MiniDAQ – HTR’s, DCC, all supporting electronics like trigger boards, TTC, fibers etc.

• One fully equipped QIE crate occupies 1.5 HTR With two QIE crate (24 QIE card) we will need 3 HTR + one DCC etc.

• We currently have a fully functioning HF front end readout system in 904, that also shares the back-end and DAQ computer with HB,HE... This allow us to presently do testing of HF boxes. In the near future all the test stands will need to be upgraded to 64 bit hardware and software.


C M S H F U P G R A D E 2 0 1 2 O R G A NIZ A T IO N C H A RT

E .G u lm ezT R C M S L 2 P M

N e u h au s (U I)C a n d id a te P M T S tu d ies

H a rrin g to n (U I)P ro du c tion T e s tin g Io w a

D u m a n o g lu (C U)P ro du c tio n Te s ting Ad a na

G riffin (U I)A d d itio n a l P M T Te s ting

Jo sh i (F N A L )D a tab a se

P M T Ch a ra c te riz a tionA kg un

1 .1.2 .1 .3

K e n t, D e b b in s (U I)S le e v e M e ch a n ics

C re m a ld i (M is s )S c in tilla tio n T e s ts

A kg u n (U I)R a d ia tio n D a m a g e

W in n (F a ir)N e w S le e v e M a te ria l

C re m a ld i (M is s )S le e ve P ro d uc tion

S le e ve s A nd L ig h t G u id e sW inn

1 .1 .2 .1 .4

S ch m id t (U I)D e s ign

F o u n ta in (U I)P re -P ro d u c tion

F o u n ta in (U I)P ro d u c tio n

D e b b in s (U I)M e ch an ica l Te s tin g

L o s (F N A L)D e s ign

N e u h au s (U I)P ro d u c tio n

L o s (FN A L ), N e u h au s (U I)P M T B a s e B o a rds

B u lg a ria n H VS o fia G ro up

R O B O X De s ig n a n d P ro d .S ch m id t1 .1 .2 .1 .6

T e rry, S h a w (F N A L)C a b le D e s ign

F e rm i T ec h . T B AC a b le /C o nn e c to r T e st

F e rm i Te ch T B AC a b le P ro d uc tion

P M T C a b lin gT e rry S h a w (F N A L)

1 .1.2 .1 .5

A k g u n , N e u h a us (U I)Io w a T e s ts

K a ya , Is ild a k (B U -T R )9 0 4 T e s ts

M e s tv ir ish v ili, S ch m id t (U I)In s ta lla t io n in U X C

S u la k (B U -U S )T e s t B ea m 2 0 1 1

D e m o B o x , L ig h t G u id e P h i3Y e tk in

1 .1 .2 .1 .8

B a k irc i, C e rc i (C U )T e s t S ta nd s in S X 5

D e b b ins , K en t (U I)R O B O X R e se m b ly A n d T e st

H F C E R N T e am

H F T u rk is h T e a m

K a ya , Is ild a k (B U -T R )R O B O X T e s tin g in S X 5

F e rm i Te c h T B AR O B O X C a b ling

H F C E R N T e amR O B O X B u rn in

In s ta lla t io n A n d C o m m is sio n in gM e s tv iris hv ili. P e n zo

1 .1 .2 .2

O n e lH F U P G R A D E P M

1 .1 .2

S , T k a cz ykU S C M S L 2 P M

P .D e B arb a roH C A L P M

HF2012 Organization Chart



IOWA Teams 1-4, HF CERN Team, HF Turkish Team

Iowa Team #1 PMT characterization Akgun- Ph.D, Lead Engineers Neuhaus, Miller, TylerGrad. Students K.Dilsiz,Harrington, Haytmuradov, Ogul, Tiras Undergrads Carso, Funk, Jia, Reed, Squires

Iowa Team #2 PMT performance studies in pp collisions Bilki, Clarida , S.Durgut , Yetkin, Y.Oz.

Iowa Team #3 Study light guide and sleeve performance Clarida, Ozok and Sen

Iowa Team #4 Radiation & Scintillation test sleeves U.Akgun, Neuhaus, Funk, Jia with Mississippi and Fairfield


HF CERN Team: Penzo (Trieste), Merlo, Sen , Ozok, Taylan, Ianos, Alexi (Iowa), M.Kaya, O.Kaya, B.Isildak (BU, Istanbul)

HF Turkish Team –Kadir (METU, Ankara), B.Isildak ( BU, Istanbul) plus 6-8 grad.students from CU, Adana and in addition summer M.Kaya. O.Kaya ( BU, Istanbul), S.Cercin, Numan ( CU, Adana).



HF Turkish Team• Pt 5 Test Operations ( From Turkey)• Dr.Mithat Kaya (Faculty, Former Iowa) BU, Istanbul• Dr.Murat Guler (Faculty) METU, Ankara• Dr.Omer Mermerkaya (junior faculty) METU, Ankara• Dr.Numan Bakirci (junior faculty) CU, Adana• Dr.Salim Cerci (junior faculty) CU, Adana• Bora Isildak BU, Istanbul

• PMT test station at CU, Adana• Dr.Isa Dumanoglu (Faculty)• Dr.Kenan Sogut (Junior Faculty)



New Turkish members

• Kerem Cankocak (Faculty, ITU, Istanbul-formerly Iowa) Gural Aydin and Yusuf Gunaydin (Both Junior Faculty, ITU formerly Iowa). • Sertac Ozturk (Junior Faculty CU-formerly Iowa and FERMI LPC

and Huseyin Topakli (Junior Faculty, CU formerly FERMI LPC).• H. Bahtiyar, E.Barlas, E.Emirhan, O.Oztirpan, B.Untuc, M.Yucel

(Graduate students-ITU).• S.Durgut and Y.Oz (Bogazici University, Istanbul- Grad students

of E.Gulmez).



New Iowa Students

• Iowa Graduate Students• K.Dilsiz, T.Harrington, M. Haytmuradov, H.Ogul• Iowa Undergraduate Students• J.Buffon, J.Corso, G.Funk ,G.Jia, J.Kingyon,

C.Reed, D.Squires, D.Southwick



Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS• PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012• Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012• New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012• New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012• Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12• Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12• Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 11/23/12• Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 12/19/12• HF Plus Moved into Garages 12/21/12 HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES• New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012• HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012• HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012• HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012• Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012• HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012


Simulation Plans Goal: study implications of HF upgrade scenarios

2 vs 4-anode readout Timing Trigger

Examples: CMS physics channels VBF Higgs – forward jet tagging MET-based channels, SUSY,etc : HF provides coverage for Missing ET

measurement Who is working on this:

Iowa group Ken Hatakeyama (Baylor) + student – MET noise studies New collaborators from Brazil : Alberto Santo, Gilvan Alves, Jorge Molina Rob Kroeger and Rahmat (Mississippi)– HFGFlash -- implement PMT

windows + pipes, fiber bundles, etc. into the G4 geometry. Will make detailed plans, report to HF group once/month