HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire

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  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    Usability Testing ofHotwire.com

    Presented By: Julian Archer, Ilene Ael, !indsay "ay,Abigail #aston

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire



    %hat Is hotwire.com&

    %ho are the users&

    Tas' !ist User feedbac'



  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    %hat is Hotwire.com&

    Tra*el site that offers hotels, airfare, car rentals,cruises, and tra*el deals at a discounted rice

    There is a catch to some of their deals

    +annot see hotel name before you ay for the hotel

    +annot see lane arri*aldearture times and airline namefor the secial airfare rates

    They do ha*e many that you can see times and airline

    $ur usability testing focuses on hotel boo'ing, airtra*el, and cruises

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    %ho are the users&

    User Profile -

    +ollege tudent Ages-/012

    Tra*eling with a friendor significant other

    Possibly loo'ing for:

    An affordable wee'end

    tri !ast minute tri

    User !i'es

    +hea tra*el


    3on sto flights

    Bar at the hotel

    User disli'es

    45ensi*e tris

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    %ho are the users&

    User Profile 1

    6iddle aged to olderadult

    Tra*eling with family orsignificant other

    Possibly loo'ing for:

    7amily friendly tris

    Pac'age deals

    6ultile rooms


    User likes


    +ontinental brea'fast

    Area Attractions4ntertainment

    User dislikes:

    3oisy areas

    3o local attractions 45ensi*e tri


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    Tas' !ist

    User Profile -

    +ollege tudent boo'ing a ring Brea' tri

    +ollege tudent boo'ing a last minutewee'end tri

    3ewlyweds loo'ing for a good hotel deal

    8our arents are coming into town for thewee'end and you are trying to find them anaffordable hotel

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    Tas' !ist

    User Profile 1

    8ou are boo'ing a cruise for you and your souse

    Boo'ing a wee'end tri to go *isit an out of town friend

    !oo'ing for a good hotel deal for a tri for you and oneother erson

    8our family and friends are coming into town for animortant e*ent and you are trying to find them affordablehotels

    8ou are trying to find a tri that is family friendly

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    User 7eedbac'

    In general, hotwire is easy to na*igate

    +ouldn9t find how to search by cruisedearture ort ide note: Those that were tested earlier in thesemester had this issue. Those who were tested more recently did not ha*e thisissue because hotwire udated their website;

    hould combine search by ort and search bydestination into one search

    +ruise information is hard to read "id not want to use hel and some had

    trouble finding the hel

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    User 7eedbac'

    All users did not li'e that they could notsee the hotel name

    Users found the hotel ma *eryconfusing and said they would not use it

    !i'ed the hotel amenities icons

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    Heuristic 4*aluation

    #ood Heuristics

    There are clear e5its. $n each screen thereis an area where the tra*eler can refine

    their search.

    It is clear when the screen is udating.

    +omared to other tra*el sites the ages

    are not crowded with information or ads. $*erall, the site is user friendly

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    Bad Heuristics

    "ro0down menu items should be clear and easy to read.$n hotwire, selectable items within secific search menusare groued too close together< te5t is too light< and all theletters are caitali=ed.

    6a dislay of otential hotel locations should be easy toread, with otions a*ailable to secify where user does notwant to be located. 7or e5amle, no hotel at a distancegreater than 1 miles from a secific attraction can beboo'ed. The mas also do not ha*e a 'ey that e5lains the

    green area is where your hotel will otentially be located $n e*ery age, the imortant tabs at the tos of the ages

    are grayed out.

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


    Bad Heuristics

    User9s should be aware of systemlimitations before or during the initialstages of a time consuming tas'.

    Hotwire does not ma'e it clear to no*iceusers that they are not allowed to re*ealthe name of a hotel before it is boo'ed.

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire



    Tabs should be bolded > bigger to draw attention to those areas

    Ha*e a 'ey that e5lains what the green area on the ma is. Alsoha*e a searate list of area attractions and restaurants for thosewho do not li'e to read mas.

    The two cruise searches should be combined into one. "islay imortant notes ne5t to fre?uently clic'ed areas e.g.

    search menus; instead of hiding them in the hel menu thateole will naturally a*oid using

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire



    #i*e user the ability to select area onotential hotel location ma that they donot want to stay.

    "esign e5andable calendars whereusers can =oom out and loo' at a yearlyro@ection.

  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire



  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire


  • 8/13/2019 HF 310 - Usability Testing of Hotwire
