Heroscape RPG

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  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    Heroscape RPG

    Version 1.1Author: W. CleversJan 4th2009

    Contents Page

    Introduction 1Setting u ! Create "our hero #

    ! Setting u the $oard %! &errain generator '

    (a)ela" ! *rder o+ la" 9! ,-loring the countr" 10

    ! eath 10

    ! /oot 10! ound to terrain 10! ,-erience 10! Calculate value 10! (l"hs and co)etitivecooerative ga)ela" 11! ,nding the adventure victor" 11! Advance)ents 11

    &a$les ! onster Valua$les 1#! &reasure ta$le 12

    ! 3uest Ite)s &a$le 14! &rader 14

    ! onster elo")ent &a$le 1%

    (a)e aids ! ero character sheet 15! &errain generator results sheet 19


    eroscae 6P( is a )odi+ication o+ the eroscae ga)e ruleset that uts several heroes7la"ers8 together ho ill adventure through uncharted and unnon terrain; encounter)onsters; +ul+il tass and gro on e-erience and a$ilities.

    Although this docu)ent aears to $e rather length"; onl" a relativel" s)all art is used+or actual ga)ela". &he large re)ainder consists o+ the setting u rules; the +un!to!useterrain generator and ta$les that descri$e )onsters that can $e encountered; trade aresand treasures that can $e +ound. uest in the orld o+ eroscae.


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    In advance; the ga)e)aster should have reared so)e sort o+ $acground stor" inhich the heroes ill la" their role. &his $acground stor" should descri$e so)e sort o+end oint in the ga)e; victor" conditions; etc.

    &he eroscae 6P( rules tell "ou ho to create the heroes and ho to use "our 20!sided

    die 7d208 to create the ga)e orld. &he rules give so)e advice on oulating the orld

    ith adversaries and )onsters. In addition to the standard eroscae rules; the 6P(rules tell "ou ho to la" the ga)e; ho to gain e-erience and ho to advance "ourhero.uring ga)e la"; ever" no and then "ou=ll )eet a situation in hich the rules +ail togive an ade>uate anser. While $uilding a ne section o+ terrain; it )a" $e that "ou +ind"ou don=t have enough sno tiles to satis+" the dice rolls +or terrain generating. *r "ou)a" +ind that "ou=ve rolled +or )ore tiles than can +it in a single ro o+ terrain; +orinstance a co)$ination o+ a lot o+ ater; sa) ater; road; ?ungle vegetation and ruins.&hese are the )o)ents to i)rovise. end the rules and set u the terrain @in the sirit=

    o+ hat "ou rolled. 6e)e)$er; the ga)e)aster is the one that )aes the +inal decision.

    &his $rings us to the role o+ gamemaster. &he ga)e )aster is the la"er ho tells the

    stor". It is the single dut" o+ the ga)e)aster to )ae sure the >uesting la"ers arehaving a good ti)e.I+ the ga)e)aster o$serves that the co)an" o+ heroes doesn=t +are ell; he )a" decideto go light on the )onsters heshe delo"s. *r the ga)e)aster )a" decide to include a

    @+ountain o+ "outh= that give 1 li+e to each hero that drins +ro) it. *r heshe )a"decide to setu the ne-t iece o+ terrain ith a castle; in hich the heroes )a" tourne"and gain e-erience ithout the ris o+ trul" going out o+ action; etc.

    Although the ga)e)aster gets to la" ith all the )onsters; heshe )ust not ala"s go

    +or an eas" victor". &he overall stor" has to $e et in )ind. &he ga)e)aster shoulddirect the )onster horde as the" $ehave in real li+e: sno!loving )onsters shouldn=t

    ursue heroes onto sa) terrainB )onsters don=t ala"s coordinate their attacs as i+

    the"=re hunting ith s)art ac tactics 7$ut so)eti)es the" do8B )onsters )ight even+ight a)ong the)selves

    Also; the rules tell "ou ho to $uild the orld; $ut the tas o+ the ga)e)aster is toguard over this rocess and to $rea the rules hen it see)s +it.As an e-a)le; he shouldn=t allo +or a +ourth ro o+ sa) terrain +illed ith arro+igures to $e $uild. e should give the la"ers so)ething o+ interest to stu)$le over:

    ever" no and then a trader should $e )et 7$ut onl" i+ the la"ers have enough )one"andor goods to trade ith8B treasures should $e +oundB gl"hs shouldn=t un$alance the

    ga)ela"B i+ the grou o+ heroes is doing so good that there isn=t an" +eeling o+ tension;the" should encounter a large uni>ue hero )onster 7+or instance8B i+ the grou o+ heroesisn=t +aring too ell the ga)e)aster )a" introduce a )onster that haens to $e +riendl"and that ill aid the grou +or the ne-t +e +ights 7or until a seci+ic target has $een )et;lie illing the arch!ene)" o+ this +riendl" )onster8. ,tc; etc.

    In the end; it is u to the ga)e)aster to al the +ine line $eteen letting the s"ste)$uild and la" itsel+ ith the 20!sided die 7hich can $e reall" +un8 and introducing

    ele)ents o+ interest and ga)e $alance $" hi)sel+.


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    Setting up

    Rule # 1.Whenever +ractions are rolled; ala"s round u.

    Create your Hero

  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    1!'. Sharshooter: at turn start roll d20: on 1% gets 1 attac and 2 range inranged co)$at this round.

    G!1#. Datural /eader: at turn start roll d20: on 1% +or the re)ainder o+ the round; all+riendl" +igures get 1 de+ence die; including +igure itsel+. &his +igure gets 5initiative ne-t round.

    14!20.ealer: at turn start roll d20: on 1% heals one ound in an" +igure ithin % he-

    7including the +igure itsel+8. (ets 2 gold coins i+ success+ull" heals another +igurein this a". Edate cost 10 HP to heal 1 ound each ti)e this SA is success+ul.

    "agic ser Special Ailities !ale.All +igures ith a agic Eser SA earn 2 gold coins hen rolling success+ull" +or their SA.6oll d20 7or choose8 to choose ele)ent 7and starting secial a$ilit" sell8:1!#: Fire$ Fire %last: at turn start roll d20: on 1% "ou get the

  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    Setting up the oard

    e+ore ga)ela"; sort "our terrain tiles in iles o+ each t"e: grass; sa); sand; roc;

    sno; lava; etc. &aling a$out tiles; throughout this docu)ent the ords tile; sace andhe- are using to denote the sa)e thing: a single unit o+ he-agonal eroscae terrain.

    a single rowof terrain.

    Starting grass lains:

    Put 2 grass 24!he- tiles together to $eco)e one large rectangle 75-' saces8. &his iscalled a ro o+ terrain. o this once again and ?oin the ros to $eco)e a to!ro

    la"ing $oard 75-12 saces8. Add 1 la"er o+ elevation in atches on to o+ this +irst la"er.Also; i+ the $acground stor" suorts this; "ou )a" lace a castle on the +irst ro.Construct a road that crosses the $oard +ro) le+t to right. Add d20# 7round u8 ieces o+$ush or ine trees. elo" the heroes in a 2 $" % one on the le+t!hand side o+ this $oardor in the castle; here the" get their )ission de$rie+ing.Add a third ro to the right side o+ the la"ing $oard $" +olloing the directions on theterrain generator; $ut "ou )ust choose grass +or the t"e o+ terrain. Also; do not lace

    an" )onsters.Add a +ourth ro to the right side o+ the la"ing $oard using the terrain generator 7no;an" t"e o+ terrain can $e generated; it also contains )onsters8.

    4rows after setup: grass, grass, grass, rock with road, bush and trees.Deploy zone is in the leftmost row.


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    !errain Generator

    &he terrain generator lets "ou )ae a lot o+ d20 rolls and )aes "ou al" several

    )odi+iers. As "ou can onl" start $uilding at the end o+ the terrain generation rocess; it isadvised to rite don the results o+ the terrain $uilding rolls on the &errain (enerator

    6esults sheet rovided at the end o+ this docu)ent.D.. the ga)e)aster can ala"s decide di++erentl"

    1. ,ungeon6oll d20; deduct !# i+ revious terrain as ungeon.*n 1!4; a dungeon is created.Ese onl" road and $ridge tiles. Setu a $ranching road; ith dead!ends; cha)$ers;chas) ith $ridges; an"thing "our +antas" co)es u ith. &he onl" restrictions are that

    the dungeon should +it in an i)aginar" ' - 5 terrain ro and that at least one +unctionale-it is created.

    o not ut tiles in $eteen the road tiles. ,ach e)t" sace reresents i)enetra$ledungeon all or a dar and dee chas). ,)t" saces co)letel" $loc line o+ sight.

    /itter the dungeon ith an" +itting gl"hs; secials and )onsters 7see section 12; 1# and

    148. o not lace the ite)s and )onsters "et. &he ga)e)aster secretl" notes thecoordinates o+ delo")ent o+ each ite) and )onster 7in the i)aginar" ' - 5 terrain ro8.An ite) or )onster can onl" $e delo"ed as soon as one o+ the heroes gets line o+ sightto it.

    Fou )a" start $uilding the dungeon i))ediatel" and si all +olloing sections o+ the&errain (enerator.

    Double stream in second row; third row is a dungeon.Play from left to right. New terrain is added at the right-hand side of the terrain.

    /. Choose terrain type6oll d20.

    odi+iers:preiousterrain ro is sa): !2B grass: 0B sand: 2: roc 4.&he ne ro o+ terrain ill $eco)e 7i+ availa$le; otherise reroll8:Sa): result u to %(rass: '!1#Sand: 14!1G6oc: 15 or )ore.

    0. &leation

    6oll d20.odi+iers: terrain is sa): !5B grass: 0B sand: 0: roc 5.&he result tells hat elevation 7art o+8 the terrain ill get:

    E to 4: Dot higher than 1 la"er%!5: # la"ers high

    9!12: % la"ers high1#!1': G la"ers high


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    1G!20: 9 la"ers high21!24: 12 la"ers high2% or )ore: 1% la"ers high

    6oll d20 again.

    ivide the result $" to i+ the height is G la"ers or )oreB

    divide $" three i+ the height is 12 la"ers or )ore 7round u8. &he result designates thee-act o+ he- that should $e at the designated elevation level.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    2. )ater6oll d20.Al" these )odi+iers:

    *n sa) land: 4.

    *n grass land: 0*n sand land: !2

    *n roc land: !'.

    &hen chec the result tale:E to 5: no ater tiles9!1#: 1 strea) that crosses the road 7add a $ridge i+ needed8.14!1': one ool o+ sie d202 7round u8 % tiles.1G!19: one ool o+ sie d202 tiles 7round u8 strea)20!22: 2 ools; co)$ined sie d20 tiles

    2#: 2 strea)s 7add 2 $ridges i+ needed8.&he $ridge )a" ?ust $e a iece o+ road that crosses the ater. &he strea) )a" $e laced

    $eteen the revious and the ne ro o+ terrain.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    !ater may be placed in between rows"

    " or within a single row #$ streams in second row%.


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    3. Samp.Add sa) ater tiles to sa) land: lace % d20 sa) ater tiles.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    4. Road.

    At setu a single road is laid don that traverses the all ros +ro) le+t to right.When a ne ro o+ terrain is created; roll d20:at 153the road stos 7at ' start a ne road i+ there isn=t a connecting road8Bat 4512there is a single roadBat 136the road slits into 2 searate roadsB i+ there are alread" 2 roads; the roads illsta" aart.Connect the ne stretch o+ road7s8 to an" reviousl" laced road; and )ae it traversethe ro to the right hand side 7$" an" convenient route8.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    7. 8aaI+ the terrain is roc roll d20; add the deter)ined elevation level.*n 24 add ' d204 li>uid lava he- 7add an" a)ount o+ lava roc8.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    9. Sno

    Si this section i+ "ou laced an" lava tiles in the revious section.I+ the terrain is roc or sand roll d20; add )a- elevation level.

    *n 20 Add ' d204 7round u8 sno tiles and:roll d20 again: deduct !10: add this a)ount o+ ice tiles and:

    roll d20 again: deduct !10: add this a)ount o+ tiles covered ith glacier.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    :. Add egetation.6oll d20B result K ":

    Sa): add % "4 ?ungle ieces 7round u8(rass: 1!10: deduct #B add that a)ount ?ungle ieces.

    11!20: deduct 1#B add that a)ount ine trees.Sand: 0!10: no trees

    11!1%: " L 10 ine trees1'!20: " L 1% ?ungle ieces 7i+ on sno: ine trees8

    6oc: "4 L 2 7round u8 ine trees 7calculate that8.

    o not start $uilding "et.

    1;. Ruins6oll d20; add % i+ the terrain is sand:

    0!14: no ruins.1%!1': 1 iece o+ ruin

    1G!15: 2 ieces o+ ruin19: # ieces o+ ruin

    20: 4 ieces o+ ruin

    11. Start uilding the terrainuarter o+ "our hero=s value. &he )odel )ust $e an ani)al o+so)e sort. At an" ti)e; "ou can onl" have one et. In one turn; "ou )a" use $oth"our hero and "our et. Four hero scores the HP +ro) $oth +igures. Place the etad?acent to the hero. Edate cost: 10 HP +or di++icult" 11.

    +ature Healing: Cost 10 HP. i++icult" 12. I+ this terrain ro contains

    an" t"e o+ vegetation; heal one ound in an" one +igure and gain 2 HP. Edatecost: 10 HP +or di++icult" 10 and heal 2 ounds in an" one +igure and gain 2 HP.

    ,eath$ !ouch o* death: Cost 1% HP. i++icult" 1%. Choose an ene)" +igureithin % he-; not taller than this heroB the ene)" )odel is illed 7counts as 1

    ound +or gaining HP8. Edate cost: 20 HP +or di++icult" 10.Resurrect: Cost 10 HP. i++icult" 1# resurrect 7to 1 li+e8 1 ene)" +igure

    that died this round on the current ro and gain control over it inde+initel" 7so "ouget 2 +igures to use in "our turnB cannot $e resurrected againB doesn=t score an"

    HP8; or resurrect one +riendl" +igure ith 1 li+e 7and gain no control over it8 andgain 2 HP. Edate cost: 1% HP +or di++icult" 10.


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG



    "onster -aluales

    Whenever a )onster is illed; it )a" dro valua$les in its sace. &he valua$les can onl"

    $e taen $" the +igure that illed the )onster 7K re)oved the last oint o+ li+e8; even i+this +igure isn=t ad?acent to the )onster. &o o$tain the valua$les; ?ust )ove over thesace in hich the valua$les are droed. &he +igure doesn=t need to sto )ove)ent.6oll d20 and add the oint cost 10:1O O I+ a natural @1= is rolled 7i.e. ithout adding the oint cost )odi+ier8: "ou

    ru$ "our +ace ith $lood +ro) the corse. Fou get in+ectedoisoned. Aslong as "ou don=t get so)e sort o+ healing; roll !1 de+ence die againstnor)al attacs.

    2!'. En+ortunatel"; the )onsters see)s to have droed nothing o+ interest.G!11. Valua$les orth d204 gold coins.

    12!1'. Fou ru$ "our +ace ith $lood +ro) the corse. It aears to have healingroerties. eal one ound.

    1G!20. Valua$les orth d202 gold coins.21!2#. Fou ru$ "our +ace ith $lood +ro) the corse. (ain 1 HP.24!2%. Fou ru$ "our +ace ith $lood +ro) the corse. onsters o+ the sa)e race

    roll 1 less de+ence die against all "our attacs; as "ou cause Fear. ,-ireshen hero goes out o+ action.

    2'!2G. Fou ru$ "our +ace ith $lood +ro) the corse. Fou get Frenzy7A+ter "our

    turn; roll d20. *n 1'; "ou get another turn8. ,-ires hen hero goes outo+ action.

    25. Fou ru$ "our +ace ith $lood +ro) the corse. Fou get Inigorated. Foursecial a$ilities +unction as i+ one level higher. In addition; get # on "ourinitiative rolls. ,-ires hen hero goes out o+ action.

    !reasure !ale

    When a treasure chest has $een oened; roll d20:1. &ra &he treasure chest e-lodes. 6oll # attac dice against the hero.

    2. &ra 6oll 1 die. Enless "ou roll a shield; ith a loud s)ac; the treasure chest closesand @eats= one o+ "our ite)s. Cross o++ one ite) +ro) "our e>ui)ent list 7"our choice8.

    #. Siders Fou )eet d20G 7round u8

  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    1#. Poison. *ne charge. When used on a eaon; i+ no shield is rolled in de+ence againstthis eaon; deals 1 ound. ,-ires hen hero goes out o+ action. Cost '.14. a. # Charges. Ese one charge to get 2 )ove once. Cost %.1%. oo. 1 Charge; i))ediatel" used u. (ain # e-erience. Cost 0. Cannot $e sold.1'. Wetting Stone. 1 Charge. Cannot $e used on a sta++. Attacs +ro) the eaon that

    has $een sharened $" this stone reduce the nu)$er o+ de+ence dice the oonent )a"

    roll ith 1. Counts as eaon +or calculating value uroses. Cost 12; a+ter using; thisvalue adds to the value o+ the sharened eaon.1G. uite a co)etent thie+. All heroes on this terrain

    ro are ro$$ed o+ hal+ o+ their gold coins. &he trader disaears ithout a trace.*n an" result a$ove 1: "ou )a" sell "our surlus ite)s at hal+ their cost and the trader

    has the +olloing ite)s +or sale on a result o+:2 1 Scroll o+ ealing Cost % gold coins.' 1 6oe Cost 4 gold coins. Cli)$ing costs hal+ )ove)ent

    oints. Cannot $e used on ladders. Ju)ing can $e done sa+el" at dou$le height.

    A+ter use roll d20. *n 1' discard the no da)aged roe.5 1 a 7# charges8 Cost % gold coins.


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    9 1 A-e Cost G gold coins.10 1 el)et Cost 10 gold coins.11 1 Sord; to handed Cost 12 gold coins12 a second Scroll o+ ealing Cost % gold coins.12 1 Shield Cost 10 gold coins.

    1# 1 A)ulet Cost 10 gold coins.

    14 1 o Cost 20 gold coins14 1 Poison Cost ' gold coins.1% 1 edicine Cost ' gold coins.1' 1 Chain)ail Cost 12 gold coins.1' 1 A-e; to handed Cost 1' gold coins1G a third Scroll o+ ealing Cost % gold coins.15 1 /ong$o Cost 24 gold coins19 1 Sta++ Cost #0 gold coins Choose a ne )agic ele)ent. &he

    sta++ has "et to $e charged ith a sell 7at the nor)al cost8.

  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    C"rien ,senein Etgar 1%01Isra ,senein Q 6echets o+ ogdan Etgar %01 Q %0#arcu ,senein Etgar 201Shades o+ leaoode Etgar 100#Son"a ,senein Etgar 4%1

    Sude)a V"dar 1401

    Ro)$ies o+ orindan Etgar '0#

    Sno or ice is occuied $":u!&he Jandar G%#Dera Etgar %01Dil+hei) Jandar 15%1

    )ater7including sa) ater8 saces are sar)ed $":Venoc Viers Ellar 40#

    Venoc Warlord Ellar 1201

    2. &hen chec +or the +ive t"es o+ nor)al terrain:

    ,ungeonis oulated $" soul$orgs:lastatrons V"dar '04eathreavers Etgar 404eathstalers Etgar 100#eathaler G000 Etgar 1001eathaler 5000 Etgar 1#01

    eathaler 9000 Etgar 1401a?or 39 V"dar 1501

    a?or 310 V"dar 1%01a?or H1G V"dar 1001

    *)nicron Sniers Jandar 100#

    Warden51' Etgar 901Retacron Jandar '01Rettian (uards Etgar G02

    Samp General Points ? # models,ldgri) the Viing Cha)ion Jandar #01!Sa Etgar %01

    De!(o!Sa Etgar 901Su!a!Da Etgar 1'01

    &arn Viing Warriors Jandar %04&horgri) the Viing Cha)ion Jandar 501

    &or!ul!Da Etgar 2201Wo!Sa!(a Etgar 1#%1

    Grass General Points ? # models

    Anu$ian Wolves Etgar G%#Arro (ruts Etgar 40#


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    Hero Character Sheet

    +ame$ -alue$

    /i+e -%Race$ ove -2 7-4 i+ +l"ing8

    6ange -#Height$ Attac -'

    e+ense -4O Add 10 oints +or each level o+ seciala$ilit" a$ove the +irst.O Add the HP or gold coins cost o+ sills;sells and eaons 7carr" the ord

    @eaon= in their descrition8.

    )eapon 1$

    )eapon /$

    Special Aility$

    /i+e 2

    ove #

    6ange 1

    Attac 2

    e+ence 2


    ,-erience oints:



    (old Coins:


  • 8/10/2019 Heroscape RPG


    !errain Generator Results

    1 2 # 4 % ' G 5 9 10

    &errain t"e:

    &errain elevation: la"ers at elev.:


    1 ool o+ sie:

    2 ool o+ sie:

    sa) ater:

    6oad 0; 1 or 2:

    li>uid lava:


    ?ungle ieces:

    ine trees:


    11 12 1# 14 1% 1' 1G 15 19 20

    &errain t"e:

    &errain elevation:

    la"ers at elev.:


    1 ool o+ sie:

    2 ool o+ sie:

    sa) ater:

    6oad 0; 1 or 2: li>uid lava:


    ?ungle ieces:

    ine trees:


    21 22 2# 24 2% 2' 2G 25 29 #0

    &errain t"e:

    &errain elevation:

    la"ers at elev.:


    1 ool o+ sie:

    2 ool o+ sie:

    sa) ater:

    6oad 0; 1 or 2:

    li>uid lava:


    ?ungle ieces:

    ine trees:
