Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report

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  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report


    Officer I Agent:(b) (6) (b)(7)(C)

    DEPAtraMENT OF h0tr ELAIND 5~ ,ECURITY pate Panted, 0.401/2013U.a, Ct.istorns and 001 e PrOtection Subject. U N K N O W N , UN K N O WN e


    SECTION A - I N C I D E N T IDENTIFICATION INFORMATIONIncident Numbe r : nd"Jerd T 1 1 1 a : Si., . - Event No.:{~ffico: C , . ^ . n i i i r q 0rrrw rn: R eport ing Oftictat;Office of Border Rio r4 ---ley Sectorft`cAII,~aa "+ t I~Patrol ~

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report


    S E C T I O N - I N V O L V E D priC R I A G E N T INFORMATIONName. fi'_ ~ nice E G G ; D ut y Locat ion 50Dt

    D IUD ut y Loca t ion:Rl.o Grartcie i al- ySect'or/McAl _ rSex: H a n d Usage: N etght . V t t f 1 h E Abe,

    Mate 0 =emale 0igh t -Handed~e- ,4E , anded 180 37CntyStains: Attire: YFzR L i ;f c~mocr Experif nt r Wearing 8 yArmor:O n Duty []Z t f D ut y E niformed El P i o n F g State, 0 L o t; 0 ~es ~o

    OpcratlonafActivity: -Marine Of,,)erations

    S E C T I O N a - I N V O L V E DInjured".

    Y e N o

    F F = ' I C E R . I A G E N T INJUR

    Describe Any frivolved LitffeerlAgent Injuries o rinjuries toAvy Agent: _nvo ?;r

    ReferredforAddst ionat M od ic a l J~tit:rltlonY


    I I IOR

    A G E N T


    E r e a rm intormatiorr.Ownership: ~BP ~emona t Last Quasiflcation Date: WC2/201iaiinoafion Score, 247Serial N u m b e r . ,D a r t a ac lU Ce f a rsdol darn s~~lk~rer CaliberType; L 4 ~ ~ F r, ~ : u (if $h.otgun): Poonds Fired:Rifle ~ C lFirearm Shooting Information.Posture: Posture Oriel-twn.'n:Cove

    nUsage: Grip:

    No CoverTarget Elevatforr: A 'At /Above Eye Level LFiring ` . t o f r , , = : me (? xpressrrrrrfs):Fil-i 71Mtomatic- iu . ~ r t : rlaxf um: _ 30Col la tera l Damage: Dystaari.-r ' 11-r - .: )Hit Property w % ? n.,yComments ConcerningCol la tera l D a r n - g , D . - -

    CBP F o r m 318-E (0711 1) Law Enforce ' ; 1 Page

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report


    S E C T I O N E (Continuation) - W E A P O N S U S E D B Y OFFICER / AGENTIntermediate Device Information:D e v ic e : D ev ice Type:

    D escr ipt ion .Intermediate Device DeploymentInformation:Posture: Posture Orientation.

    Cover Usage: Weapon Grip:

    Target Eleva t ion: Aiming M e t h od :

    Firing M o d e : Estimated Distance (Express in Y a r d s ) .Minimum: Q Maximum: gDi d Col la tera l Contaminat ion Occur?.

    Yes t__I N o DUnknownT i m e Neededfor Decontamination (Express in Minutes) ;114-10 1-2t1 uore than 24

    Col la tera l Damage: [] ystandertOther Person(s) Nit Property DamagedComments Concerning Col la tera l Damage:

    Other Force Information:D ev ice T y pe : Descrption:


    Other Force Deployment InPosture: Posture Orientation:Cover Usage: Estimated Distance (Express in Wards):Minimum; 0 M a x imum: bCol la tera l Damage: [] ystanderi OtherPerson(s) Nit 0 Property DamagedComments Concerning Col l a tera l Damage:

    SECTION F - I N V O L V E D OFFICER 1 AGENT SHOOTING INFORMATION(Data Merged with Section E Above by WeaponSECTION G - I N V O L V E D O F F I C E R / A G E N T T R A IN I N G IN F O R M A T I O NWhatTraining (in addit ion to,Basic Academy) Assisted the Involved Officer/Agent;

    Train ing Recommendations;

    CBP F o rm 31 8-E (07111) Law Enforcement Sensitive Page

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report



    Person Animal El Defense [I ta . _N a m e ( L a s t First Middfe l .

    s s i C t W N , fli itizti , + , ' v . 'D O B or Age:16-25 years oldA0ivilianSEGTI 1




    AND W A I S T

    Female I I unknown

    too nknownd

    NS) 4 ORM T OFirearm Informadon; . El unknownT Y P U :

    f let-cund 1 1 1 j;e (if shotgun):[]Shot E]Slug 0ther:

    Calibsr; SerialNumber. 1 1 : i a ufactur Model NametNumber; b o u nd s Fired:

    A d d Firearms (Use SupptemenLdShoo,' _ anatSuspectFin-, ,rnr v. Eone E See SupplementalSULjoetQtherl o, ;tpoo Information P N ` 'f, armt"

    SECTION [-A - FORCEWeapon;

    E A P O N f-T

    Ol d Weapon or D ev ice Rinctiun PropertyI Perform As Expected?; 0 ~esComments .

    He loft

    N o t Applicable

    C H P Fora 318-E. (07111) L a w Enforcement Sensitive Page

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report



    CBP F a r m 318-E (07111) L a w Enforcement Sensitive Page 6 of 8

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report


    SUPPLEMENTALLice this u'"L7jJp/emailt7t;c.o d lnki vctdC c~8~r y + . ~t fV `jra-tS aiiGoriginal foJI), Firearri ' is or )the wrarr;ris uej +y i` ~i f C ltrr L IM,oiADD) T ' IO NAL Ft7RMSsubm; l l t e r l for those ~ a 3 r n r > sSECTION A-INCIDENT $DENTIFICATiON INFORMATION

    that are additional to those shown tin Sh eand or Subjects should ha shown on

    C B R ReportablelnaidentN u m b e r Orijinal SIF' *,.nm*-ar t4 ifn cf r : i : r i 7 1 y ~ , vtlx d L e f t ) r/Agent.

    S E C T I O N C - I N V O L V E D O F F I C E R I A G E N T INFORMATION - (b) (6) (b)(7)(C)Name, fill

    A t ` f a 1 ; , ACService E O D : Duty L oc a t i on EOD-

    Dutyr L oc a t i on ;Rio Grande Val.ley Sec-or/McAllen Sti i.onSex: Hand Usage- H lght, Weight: Age:.QM a t e Female FXJ Right t ,'~.-Ided [JLeft it df:d 1-15 43

    D ut y Status: Atari . F C t t d l Y E A R S L a va Enforcement Experience: Wearing B o d y Armor .{)n D ul y E]OffD uty U nifo rm ed Rein C otlxes Federal: estate I) Local: 9 Yes o

    Operational Activity:maxim vporet:ioas

    S E C T I O N D 4 I N V O L V E O O F F I C E R 1 A.GEN`I I N J U R Y I N F O R M A T I O N -injured;

    11 N oAny Involved OfflcerlAgent Injuries o r Oth -r Net : ; I n:agent invol.ved was injured.

    Referred for A d d n dical Title n;Yes N t

    (b) (6) (b)(7)(C)

    CBP Form 318-E (07114) L a w Entarcema x 7- ' ; Page

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report


    S U P P L , C v E N T ,wF4 tfi s srlnhla - ) ~ - o I to record illVCijVi~ )f ~rr~rrs tt 6 _ P 3 idd i t ionat to those shown on thginat form. Firearms or c4her weapcai a l - c d by AD&1Ti D , ,1 C y r rcer~-X;q,- its and or 5ubjtwts should be sA L ? L 7 f T i i ) t t t A i w FC)Ftt~7: ~ submr+#es+ -c.r t t ~ ,r :1r ~ c : s .SEC`slut;[A-INCIDENTID NTiFiCATlot INrUettrtAll t4E13F Re~riable Incident Number 01-6f,", - ; iR tau .`(b) ( 7 ) (E ) (b) (7)(E)

    S E C T I O N E-W E A P O N S U S E D $Y OFFICER I A G E N T .. ~N.f';: -: , R C ? 3 u ' i l + i # . 7 C 7 J.Firearm Information:Ownership, ~t31, QPersonal L a a+Dal , -11812G~1 csnivrtScore, 237Serial N u mb er : Manufacfurer G'

    us vdl,i.ta,r .223 calTypo= mounJ Tqe (it Shotgun): Rounds FINA:Rifle 28Firodrin Shooting information-Posture-, Posture O n i i rif-it-on-Standing _., ..Cover Usage:ITO coveTarget Elevation' ,AjXZboreZyl. .LiT.,rel.

    ng M o d e . ante (Expressin Y a r d s ) :ully Rutualatic e ~ = r u a a : ~ 0 m a x i m u m , 3 1 0

    Col la tera l Damage ~3ys1a.:~ ~ / Gt der Pet r r , , ~ 8 Opropertyr DamagedComments Concerning Col la tera l 0"Ioz; ;c :

    S E C T I O N H -SUBJECT INFORMATION - o 2T y r o: Reasons (4rrirr.d.` 01 Fc i3rrcai:

    Person [j n ima l Defense 0 umanizeblame (Last First , Middle ) :UldKP7t * r : i 2, T J i O ' R ? VW e 11 Female Un kn o w nDOS or Age: Height; W eight. , adng B odyAerator,18--2 years old 5 1 0 = - - 5 4 1lu 150 - 99 lb ElYes N- ~nknownAl tire,

    Civilian []aramil i tary Police ~one ~eceased

    CSP F o r m 3 18-t (07111) L a w EnforcementSensitive page 7

  • 8/13/2019 Hernandez-Guereca Incident Report


    Use I N $ supplenrc nt to record kw o t v ~ u tit, -origirml f a rm , Fire~,rnis or other(ADDITIONAL FOF, r1S submitted for the o o irrio, '_S U P P L E M E N T A L

    SFC11 3 N A - I N C I D E N T I D E N T I F I C A T I O N INFORMATIONC u P Reportable Incident umber:


    S E C T I O N 1-A - O C E R I A G E T W E A P O N ( U S E DAuto


    ISubject:13NY t lt M.4 2, LINI{UO'KN 2

    I Effective at Stopping Iftiniediato T hrea t :Comments;

    (b) (6) { b } ( 7 ) ( C )

    SUBJECT - t . T , - W a 2, MOTOWN 2r/Agent:

    Yes LJ N

    Did Weapon or D evice Function Properly1 Perform As Expected?: Des Dt, ,o Fo t AppiiroabteComments,Subject Injured.. OYes Un kn o w n Referred far Addit iona l Medica l Attention. Yes u

    C S P F o r m 318-E (07111) Law Enforcement ,t-, Rage