www.healthyfemales.blogspot.com Visit for health topics 2009 Visit Herbs That Cure Since Ayurveda is a holistic and natural system of healing, it is only to be expected that the simplest and most common-place of items shall be used as ingredients for creating some very easy-to- make but most effective cures for and preventives against day-to- day ailments. A few of which are mentioned below: For herbs price in US$ click here HERBS USED FOR AYURVEDIC SUPPLEMENTS Neem (Azadirachta indica) Blood purifier, beauty enhancer Pimples: Mix neem powder, red sandalwood powder and curd in equal proportions. Apply the paste on the affected area Dandruff: Heat coconut oil with 100 gms.of neem powder and apply to your hair once a week. NEEM GUARD MADHUMEHARI GRANULES RAKTASODHAK BATI DIACONT Buy Neem Buy Supplements Tulsi - Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Antiseptic Face pack: Basil (stem/leaves) juice, lime juice and honey can work wonders to your oily skin. Pimples: Blend crushed basil with mint KASAMRIT HERBAL BAHUMUTRANTAK RASA Buy Tulsi Buy Supplements For more details on herbals visit: www.allayurveda.com 1


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Herbs That Cure

Since Ayurveda is a holistic and natural system of healing, it is only to be expected that the simplest and most common-place of items shall be used as ingredients for creating some very easy-to-make but most effective cures for and preventives against day-to-day ailments.A few of which are mentioned below:

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Neem(Azadirachta indica)

Blood purifier, beauty enhancer

Pimples: Mix neem powder, red sandalwood powder and curd in equal proportions. Apply the paste on the affected area

Dandruff: Heat coconut oil with 100 gms.of neem powder and apply to your hair once a week.



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Tulsi - Basil(Ocimum sanctum)


Face pack: Basil (stem/leaves) juice, lime juice and honey can work wonders to your oily skin.

Pimples: Blend crushed basil with mint (pudina) juice & lime juice. Apply this on your pimples.



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Amla - Gooseberry(Emblica officinalis)

One of the purest forms of natural Vitamin C.





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the hair, thickening and darkening it at the same time.

Good tonic for the eyes.

Hair tonic: Mix henna powder, gooseberry, curd & lemon juice. Apply this to your hair and leave it for an hour. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


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Shikakai(Acacia concinna)


Herbal shampoo: Make a paste of shikakai, soap nut and gooseberry powder. This would serve as an effective herbal shampoo.

Reetha - Soap nut(Sapindus trifoliatus)

Excellent hair tonic

Dandruff: Mix soap nut with water and apply once a week.

Brahmi - Indian pennywort(Bacopa monnieri)

Relieves anxiety & tension.

Enhances memory power.

Effective for nervous disorders

Memory enhancer: Crush few tender leaves of Indian pennywort and express the juice after filtering



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with a clean cloth. Take 2 tea spoon of Brahmi juice before meal.

Mehendi - Henna(Lawsonia albla)

Excellent hair conditioner & tonic.

Herbal bleach: Make a blend of cucumber, orange & lemon juice with henna and apply

Ghritkumari - Indian Aloe Vera

(Aloe vera)

Used for liver & spleen disorder.

Promotes & regulates menstrual period.

Hair vitalizer.

Liver disorder: Indian aloe is a form of cactus. After peeling the hard skin, the pulp to be cored from inside. Take a leaf from the pulp with black salt and ginger juice every morning for 10 days. 

Promotes hair growth /arrests hair loss: Mix Aloe Vera gel with, castor oil, olive oil and



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apply. Skin nourished: Massage a blend of castor and mustard oil with aloe vera gel into your skin and wait for the magic!

Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus citriodara)

Best solution for blocked nose & sore throat.

Excellent deodorant.

Effective for acne and boils

Acne & boils: Mix eucalyptus oil with mustard oil and apply on the affected zone.


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Chandan - Sandalwood(Santalum album)

Skin freshener.

Soul-stirring fragrance.

Glowing skin:Make a paste of sandalwood with Fuller's Earth (multani mitti), besan, barley flour and wheat flour and apply.

Stubborn acnes & pimples: Use sandalwood with neem and basil powder.


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Jyotishmati / Malkangani -Staff-tree

(Celastrus paniculatus)

Excellent pain reliever

Relieves pain: Apply staff-tree oil on the affected area.


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NirgundiFive-leafed chaste(Vitex negundo)

Essential for acne, boils, eczema and hair loss.

Popular deodorant

Acne,Boils, Eczema:Apply the ground and boiled leaves on the affected zone. 

Feeling & looking fresh: Mix boiled leaves with your bath water and use it. You will be gifted with a glowing skin


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Til - Sesame(Sesamun indicum)

Promotes hair growth.

Acts as an herbal dye.

For soft & smooth hair: Apply sesame oil and massage lightly before bath


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Bhringaraj(Eclipta alba)

Essential hair tonic

Thick, dark hair : Apply a mixture of bhringaraj, gooseberry, coconut, almond and olive .



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Kesar - Saffron(Crocus sativus)

Effective for pimples

Skin cleanser

For fair complexion: Blend a few strands of saffron in a cup of raw milk and let it soak overnight. Apply on to your skin the next morning and leave it for at least an hour.


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Kala Jeera - Purple Fleban(Nigella sativa)

Effective for acne, pimples and boils

For acne, pimples and boils : Mix the powdered kala jeera with basil and neem, and apply it on the affected zone.Do note that this mixture can be preserved for nearly a week.


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Haldi - Turmeric(Curcuma longa)

An excellent anticeptic.

For a Fair Complexion: Apply a blend of raw milk,



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cucumber juice, olive oil with a pinch of turmeric powder on your skin.

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Bakuchi - Psoralea Seed

(Psoralea corylifolia)

Cures baldness

For hair Growth: Rub this oil on the scalp for a few minutes. Continue this process for some weeks. After a few days, the colour of the scalp-skin will turn red. Stop the treatment at this stage.Please note: Carry this treatment strictly under medical supervision



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Baheda/Vibhitak - Belliric Myrobalan

(Teminalia belerica)

A superb hair vitaliser.

For hair growth: Apply an infusion of Belliric myrobalan



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Manjishtha - Indian madder

(Rubia cordifolia)

Effective for acne, pimples, boils and aczema

For Acne,



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Pimples Boils,Eczema: Apply an amalgamation of Indian madder with red sandalwood powder, turmeric, kuth and fuller's earth (multani mitti) on the affected area.

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Kuth - Costus(Saussurea lappa)

Remove bald spots

Get rid of your bald spots:Mix it with coconut oil and rub on the spot for two-three minutes. Then apply Mahabhringraj oil and keep for about an hour. Wash this off with a herbal shampoo.



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Karpoor - Camphor Powder

(Cinnamomum Camphora)

A superb skin vitaliser

For face-pack: Mix camphor powder with garden mint and apply

Removes Dandruff: Mix it with coconut oil and apply.




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Virang(Embelia ribes)

Eliminates skin infection


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Removes heat boils and acne

For heat boils and acne: Mix vavdinga with Bavchi oil and turmeric. And apply.



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Daruharidra - Indian Barberry

(Berberis aristata)

An excellent antiseptic pack for pimples and pastulas

For Pimples and Pastulas: Apply a mixture of Indian barberry with turmeric, costus, Psoralea and sandalwood.




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Apamarg -Prickly Chaff flower

(Achyranthes aspera)

Effective for pimples

For infective pimples: Mix powdered prickly chaff flowers with honey and apply.


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Dhania - Coriander(Coriandrum sativum)

Treats digestive disorder

Relieves flatulence

Generates urine

Reduces feverFor

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digestive disorder: Add two teaspoons of coriander juice to fresh buttermilk and take it before meal.

Isabgol - Psyllium Husk

(Plantago ovata)

Effective for constipation, piles, dysentry, abdominal pain .

For constipation: Soak two tablespoons of Isabgol in milk or water and have it before going to bed.


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Chirayata(Swertia Chirata)

Reduces feverFor treating fever: Boil the herb and filter it. Take this infusion twice after meal.


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Jaiphal - Nutmeg(Myristica fragrans)

Effective for digestive disorder, de-hydration & skin disorder

Treats insomnia

For insomnia: Take a mixture of coarse powder of nutmeg and fresh amla (gooseberry) juice


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For infants who wail at night for no apparent reasons: Mix nutmeg paste with honey and give.

Chalmogra - (Tuvrak)  Garudphal

A local stimulant, useful in correcting disordered processes of nutrition.The bark of the tree contains tannins, which are beneficial in the treatment of fever. The oil extracted from the seeds is useful in leprosy and skin disorders.


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Ashoka - (Saraca Indica)

Useful for arresting bleeding and uterine sedative.The bark of the tree is effective for excessive blood loss during menstruation due to the presence of uterine fibroids and for internal piles. The dried flowers are useful in diabetes.



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Sarpagandha - (Rauwolfia serpentina)

Effective drug in lowering blood pressure.One gram of the powdered root can be taken twice for Insanity. It is also effective in treating insomnia because of its sedative properties. Also useful for Hysteria



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and Urticaria. 

Peepal - Peepal (Ficus religiosa)

Effective for heart diseases, constipation, MumpsThe leaves are infused in water at night, distilled the next morning and stored in bottles for heart diseases. The dried dust power of the leaves is useful for constipation and for mumps the leaves should be smeared with ghee, warmed over a fire and bandaged over the inflamed part to get relief.


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Piyaz - Onion (Allium Cepa)

Stimulants and a mild counter-irritant, promote the removal of catarrhal matter.Onion juice with honey is useful for colds, coughs, bronchitis and influenza. It contains iron, therefore, beneficial in treating anemia and effective in preventing edible against heart-attack. About 30 gms of onion and seven black peppers can be finely pounded and


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given to the Cholera patients.

Kaith -Wood Apple (Feronia


Effective for Aromatic, digestive and mucous membranes. The pulp of the ripe fruit, mixed with cardamom, honey and cumin seeds,  is beneficial in the treatment of dysentry, diarrhoea and piles. It is also useful in preventing cancer of the breast and uterus and helps cure sterility due to a deficiency of the harmone progesterone. The bark of the tree is good for biliousness 


Mahua - (Madhuca indica)

Effective in arresting bleeding and secretions and in bronchitis,diabetes,eczema and Orchitis.The flowers of the tree (30 gms with 250 ml of milk ) are effective in bronchitis. A decoction of the bark can be given internally in rheumatic diseases and a decoction of the bark can also be taken in diabetes. Vapours of boiling madhuca leaves are useful in relieving the pain of Orchitis. And the leaves are also  effective in the treatment of eczema. 


Methi - Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum


Effective in bad breath, body odour, anaemia and stomach disorders. The leaves help in blood formation. The cooked leaves help prevent anaemia. Tea made from fenugreek seeds in equal in value to quinine in reducing fevers and bad



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breath and body odour. The seeds are useful in the removal of dandruff 

Lavang - Clove (Syzygium


Stimulant and effective in relieving flatulence, cholera, caughs, asthma and headaches. Cloves promote enzymatic flow and boost digestive functioning. It is also useful for treating cholera, 4 gms of cloves are boiled in 3 litres of water until half the water has evaporated, taken in draughts, will check severe symptoms of the disease. Chewing a clove with a crystal of common salt eases expectoration, relieves the irritation in the throat and stops cough in the pharyngitis. A paste of clove and salt crystals in milk is a common household remedy for headaches. 


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Linseed  Effective in coronary heart diseases and stroke, hypertension and inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Omega - 3 fatty acids in the linseed oil help to dissolve tumors and eliminate breast, lung and prostrate cancer cells. It is helpful in treatment of arthritis also. It can relieve asthma noticeably sometimes within a few days of starting to take the oil. Crushed linseed make a very useful poultice for uncertain and superficial


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or deep seated inflammation. Continuous use of fresh linseed oil for one month completely relieves premenstrual syndrome.


Bael Fruit - Bel or siriphal (Aegle

marmelos )

Effective in constipation, diarrhoea ,dysentery and peptic ulcer. Ripe bael fruit is regarded as best of all laxatives. It cleans and tones up the intestines. For best results. it should be taken in the form of sherbet. The unripe or half-ripe fruit is perhaps the most effective remedy for chronic diarrhoea and dysentery where there is no fever. The leaves are soaked overnight in water and that water is strained and taken in the morning is an effective remedy for peptic ulcer. 




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Lashoon - Garlic (Allium Sativum) 

Effective in Asthma, High blood pressure. Lashoon is perhaps the most effective remedy for blood disorders, digestive disorders, Rheumatism, cancer and skin disorder


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Dhatura - (Dhatura Stramonium)

Dhatura is very useful in asthma, when the smoke from burning leaves is inhaled .The leaves rolled in to cigarettes can be smoked to relieve asthmatic attacks. Dhatura fruit is a specific remedy for




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phlegmatic and bilious types of malaria fever. The herb is valuable remedy for heart disorders .It relieves cardiac pains. Dhatura is useful in impotency. A preparation made from datura seeds with other ingredients is useful in patchy baldness..

Babul - (Acacia arabica)

The various parts of babul tree are useful in diarrhoea of ordinary intensity. Chewing of fresh bark of this tree daily, helps strengthen loose teeth and arrest any bleeding from the gum. The bark of babul tree is useful in the treatment of eczema. A decoction of the bark mixed with rock salt ,should be used as a gargle in treating tonsilitis The bark of the tree is useful in leucorrhoea .Its decoction should be used as a vaginal douche for treating this disorder.


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Vansalochanam - (Bambusa

arundinacea wild)

The siliceous concretions on young hrubs, bark, root and flowers are used. It is used for :Cough and cold Urinary retention. Infected wounds. As adjunct in tuberculosis. Earache.


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Vidari -  (Ipomoea digitata Linn)

Parts used Roots. 

It is used for : General weakness. Diminished lactation. Shore throat.



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Elaichi -   (Elettaria

cardamomum Maton)

Parts used: Seeds.

It is used in : Nausea Indigestion Abdominal pain Bronchitis and upper respiratory infections. Halitosis.



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Erand -(Ricinus communis


Parts used: Roots, root bark, leaves, seeds, oil.

It is used in Rheumatism

Jaundice in hepatitis Constipation



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Gokshura - (Tribulus terrestris


parts used: Fruits and roots: It is used for: Crystalluria Urolithiasis Impotence. Aging.  




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Jivanti -  Parts used: mainly


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(Leptadenia reticulata)

It is used for: Diminished lactation Skin infection  

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Khadira - (Acacia catechu)

Parts used for: Extract, bark, wood, flowering tops, fruits and gum. It is used for: Sore throat and mouth infections Ear discharge Reduce milk flow.


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Musta - (Cyperus rotundus Linn) 

Parts used for: Bulbous root. 

It is used for: Conjunctivitis Diarrhoea Indigestion



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Kulthi -  (Dolichos biflorus Linn )

Parts used for: seeds.It is used for: Urolithiasis Dysuria Bleeding piles.


Nagkesar -  (Mesua ferrea Linn) 

Parts used for Stamens, seed oil.  It is used for: Menorrhagia (excessive uterine bleeding) Hemorrhoids (bleedings piles) Skin infections. Rheumatic pain (local application)


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Nimba - (Melia azadirachta Linn)

Parts used for: Bark , occasionally root bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, kernel, oil from seeds, exudates or gum and sap. It is used for: Fungal, bacterial and other skin infections, eczema. Diabetes mellitus- as an ancillary agent. Dental Hygiene.



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Palash - (Butea frondosa Koen)

Parts used for: Gum, seeds, flowers, bark, leaves. It is used for: Intestinal parasites. Geriatric tonic

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Saptaparni - (Alstonia scholaris R.)

Parts used for: Ripe fruit, bark, leaves, latex.It is used for: periodic fevers. Dysentery Dermatoses.


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Patola -  (Trichosanthes dioica


Parts used for: Fruit, root.

It is used for: Constipation.Fever Skin infections / Wounds Alopecia areata.


Talmakhana -   (Curculigo orchioides


Parts used for: Rootstock.

Used for:  Erectile impotence; spermatorrhoea.

General weakness Burning and fatigue. Piles and



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Tagar -(Valeriana wallichii)

Parts used for: Rhizome or rootstock.

Used for: Anxiety, 

insomnia ArthritisDysmenorrhea.





Wood Powder- Rs. 79.00Buy Now

Rasna - (Vanda Roxburghii)

Parts used for: Roots. It is used for: Rheumatic disorders. Local swelling Indigestion.




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Shatavari -  (Asparagus racemosus)

Parts used for: Roots and leaves.It is used for: Decreased milk flow.



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Safed Musli - (Asparagus

adscendens Roxb)

Parts used for: Tuberous root and rhizome.

It is used for: General weakness Oligospermia.



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Mandukparni - (Centella asiatica) 

Parts used for: whole plant and leaves.It is used for: Anxiety neurosis Minor memory disturbance as a psychotropic agent.






Tejpata -  (Cinnamonum

tamala )

Parts used for: Leaves, bark and oil. It is used for: Flatulent dyspepsia. Halitosis. Cough Diabetes mellitus.



Leaves - Rs. 65.00Buy Now

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Kaishore -  (Crocus

sativus Linn)  Parts used for: Dried

stigma and tops of the styles of the flower.It is used for Cough and cold Decreased appetite General weakness.






Kulthi - (Dolichos biflorus)

Parts used for: Seeds It is used for: Urolithiasis Dysurria Bleeding piles.


Shankhapushpi - (Evolvulus alsinoides


Parts used for: Whole herbs. It is used for: Nootropic agent Chronic bronchitis General weakness.


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Hing - (Ferula foetida Regel)

Parts used for: Aromatic gum resin. It is used for:


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Diminished appetite Flatulence Dyspepsia

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Gular -  (Ficus racemosa)

Parts used for: Bark, fruit, latex, root.It is used for: Excessive appetite External burning Skin inflammation Diarrhoea / Dysentery Leucoderma



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Yashtimadhu -   (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Parts used for: Roots and runners, either unpeeled or peeled.It is used for: Sore throat with hoarseness of voice andcough.Acid peptic disease.Chronic liver diseases General tonic




Jaba -(Hibiscus rosa-


Parts used for: Flowers and roots.

It is used for: Menorrhagia Oral contraceptive


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Ginger - (Zingiber officinale)

Parts used for: Rhizome uses as a carminative, antinauseant and antiflatulence



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agent. Dried ginger for stomach problems such as stomach-ache, diarrhea, and nausea.

Khurasani ajwain - (Hyoscyamus niger)

Parts used for: Dried and fresh leaves, flowering tops and flowers with the branches.It is used for: Intestinal colic Insomnia Bronchial asthma Motion sickness.


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Pushkaramoola -  (Insula racemosa)

Parts used for: Roots 

It is used for: Cough and bronchial asthma.Local skin infection and inflammation



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Pudina - (Mentha arvensis)

Parts used for: leaves, flowering tops, stems, extract.It is used for: Indigestion/flatulence Sore throat/cough Headache. Fever General weakness.



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Lajalu - (Mimosa pudica) 

Parts used for: Roots, leaves and seeds.It is used for: Menorrhagia 


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Piles Minor skin wounds Diarrhoea.

Pankaj / Lotus -  (Nelumbo nucifera )

Parts used for: Almost all the parts of the plant.

It is used for: Intrauterine growth retardation Menorrhagia. Diarrhoea/Dysentery Skin darkening.


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Nisoth -  (Operculina turpethum) 

Parts used for: Root, stem bark It is used for: Constipation Flatulence / colic Fever Obesity



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Kalimirch - (Piper nigrum)

Parts used for: Dried unripe fruit.

It is used for: Flatulent dyspepsia Sore throat/cold viral hepatitis.


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Raktachandana - (Pterocarpus santalinus)

Parts used for: Bark, exudates.

It is used for: Local inflammation ,skin, eye. Skin infections -


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Anar - (Punica granatum)

Parts used for: Fruit rind, roots, roots, roots-bark, flowers.

It is used for: Reduced appetite Diarrhea. Nausea/vomiting Epistaxis.


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Bala -  (Sida Cordfolia)

Parts used for: Root, leaves, seeds.

It is used for: Bronchospasm and cough Post partum weakness. Fever, Urinary infection.



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Chobchini -   (Smilax chinensis)

Parts used for: Rhizome.

It is used for: Syphilis Local painful swelling.



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Kakmachi -(Solanum Nigrum)

Parts use for : leaves, whole plant, fruit.


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It is used for: Viral hepatitis Swollen joints.


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Kuchala - (Strychnos nux


Parts used for: Bark, seeds, berries.

It is used for: Local imflammation Chronic diarrhoea General weakness


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Shaalmali - (Bombax malabaricum)

Parts used for: Almost all the parts of the tree are used for different medicinal purposes.

It is used for: Diarrhea, dysentery, General Weakness, small wounds and inflammation, acne vagaries


Shallaki - (Bosewellia serrata)

Parts used for: Bark Gum.

It is used for: Rheumatic disorder, dyspepsia, Diarrhea.

Asti Sandhana - (Cissus quadrangularis)

It is used for: Fractures, Dyspepsia, General weakness.


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Arjun(Terminalia arjuna)

Heart Disorders: Known to have a stimulant action of the heart & doctors use it as a cardiac tonic. Thick portion of the bark made with milk every morning on an empty stomach. Asthma :A dish of condensed milk and rice (Kheer) should be prepared and placed where the moonlight falls upon it the whole night. During the early hours, 12 grams of the powdered bark should be sprinkled over the kheer and taken by the patients to his consumption. This is believed to provide relief.

Diarrhoea and Dysentery:A decoction of the dark taken in dose of 15 to 30 grams may relief.

Acne:An ointment made by mixing the bark and honey applied over the affected area, can treat acne successfully.

ArjunaristhaHeart Care   

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 Ajawain(Trachyspermum ommi)

Gastro-Intestinal Disorders:Used in indigenous medicine for the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentry, atonic dyspepsia, cholera, colic & indigestion. It is usually given in doses of 1 to 3 drops, but may vary with the intensity of disease.

Respiratory Disorders:Effective remedy for relieving asthma, Cough & bronchitis.

Migraine:The seeds are useful in the treatment of migraine & delerium. It can be either smoke or sniffed to get relief.

Rheumatism:The oil extracted from the seeds is beneficial is beneficial in rheumatic & neurological pain. Should apply in the affected parts. 

Ajwain ArkKabz CareKabz Har

Adrak(Zingiber officinale)

Digestive Disorders:Ginger is extremely useful in the treatment of Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Vomiting, Spasms and other painful affections of the stomach and the bowels. Chewing a a piece of fresh ginger regularly after meals prevents these

Marichadi BatiKabz CareClod Soothe Tea

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Coughs and Cold:Excellent remedy for Coughs and cold. Extracted ginger juice with honey is very good for Coughs. Ginger tea another effective method for frequent colds & associated fevers.

Respiratory Disorders:A teaspoon of fresh ginger with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to test, makes an excellent diaphoretic mixture to proliferate sweating and reduce fever in influenza.

Impotency:Ginger juice is aphrodisiac. Ginger juice with honey & egg tones up sex organs and cures impotency.

Aches & Pains:Its an excellent pain killer.In headache ginger ointment give relief, also effective for toothache. 

Amaltas(Cassia fistula)

Constipation:The pulp from the fruits, called Cassia Pulp, is a well known laxative, and is used in the treatment of constipation. It can be safely taken  even by children and expectant mothers. About 50 grms of the pulp is soaked in water overnight, then strained in the morning & taken

Lavan Bhaskar Churna

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with suger.

Common Cold & Fever:The root of the tree is useful in common cold & fever. Smoke from the burning root can be inhaled.

Intestinal Disorders:For children suffering from flatulence, the cassia pulp can  be applied around the navel to ensure evacuation.

Skin Disorders:The Leaves of the tree are useful in relieving irritation of the skin and in alleviating swelling and pains. Their juice or paste serves as a useful dressing for ringworm and inflammation of the hands or the feets caused to cold. 

Punarnava(Boerhaavia diffusa)

Dropsy:Punarnava increases the secretion and discharge of urine. Its effective treatment of dropsy, a disease marked by an excessive collection of a water fluid in the tissues and cavities or natural hollows of the body. The fresh boiled herb should be given in the treatment of this disease.

Ascities:The herb is useful in the treatment of ascites, a disease

Punarnavadi GugguluPunarnavaristha               

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charecterised byaccumulation of fluid inside the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen.

Stomach Disorders:Its useful to streathening the stomach particularly intestinal colic. A powder of the root is given in the doses of 5 grms thrice a day.

Asthma:It promotes the removal of catarrhal matter & phlegm from the bronchial tubes. A powder of root can be taken in small dose 3 times a day.

Bach(Acorus calamus)

Stomach Disorders:Calamus gives relief to heavy stomach by relieving flatulence, colic and increasing appetite. The burn roots mixed with some bland oil such as refined coconut oil or a poultice of the root may be applied over the abdomen in treatment.

Diarrhea and Dysentery:The drug is a time-tested remedy and is an ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine for chronic diarrhea.

Asthma: Its highly beneficial for asthma. It removes catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. About 65 centigrams of the


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herb is taken every 2-3 hours in this condition.

Whopping Cough:The powder of the roasted herb is an effective home remedy for children suffering from whopping cough. A pinch of this powder can be given with honey.

Mouth Disorders:The herb is useful in treating mouth ulcers, coating on tongue and rawness, that is, inflammation of the skin. A small piece of the herb should be rubbed on the tongue to obtain relief. 

Saunph(Fenniculum vulgare)

Digestive Disorders:The use of fennel is well known as a digestive aid. It may be given in small quantities to help young children digest carbohydra-tes. It is also useful in indigestion, biliousness, flatulence, constipation and atonic dyspepsia. Chewing its seeds after meals prevent foul breath, indigestion & vomiting.

Colic:Fennel is one of the safest herbs for colic, for helping the baby to to release gas & relieve tummy.

Kabz CareSaunph Ark

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Menstrual Disorders:Fennel seeds promote menstruation and regulate monthly periods. An infusion of the seeds can be given in painful menstruation and other menstrual irregulari-ties. 

Anantamul(Hemidesmus indicus)

Stomach Disorders:Its beneficial for treating stomach disorders like dyspepsia and loss of appetite. The powder of the roots is given in doses of 1 to 6 grms with milk in these conditions.

Genito-Urinary Disorders:The herb is very useful in syphilis, leucorrhoea and other genito urinary disease. A decoction of its roots is to be administered in 60-90 ml doses thrice a day. A syrup made from its roots is an effective diuretic.

Inflammation: A paste of its roots is applied locally in treating swellings, rheumatic joints and boils.

Hair Tonic:The herb contains a hair-growing hormone. A decoction of the root, used as a hair wash promotes hair growth. 

Raktoshodhak BatiSarivadyaristhaSarivadi Bati

KutkiCirrhosis of Liver:

Its a choice of drug Livgood

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(Picrorhiza kurroa)for cirrhosis of the liver among adults in ayurveda. Its root is given in powdered form. A teaspoon of the powder, mixed with an equal amount of honey is administered daily.

Jaundice:Its beneficial in jaundice also.

Indigestion:Very useful in dyspepsia. It strengthens the stomach and promotes its action, while improving appetite and stimulating the secretion of gastric juice.

Ascites:Its beneficial in the treatment of ascites, a disease characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen. About 50 grms of the herb is boiled in 200 ml of water till 3/4 of the water has evaporated. 


Tulsi(Ocimum Sanctum)

Fevers:The leaves of basil are specific for many fevers. During the rainy season when the malaria or dengue fever are widely spread, tender leaves boiled with tea is very preventive for this disease. In case of acute fever, a decoction of leaves

Cold Soothe TeaKashamrita Herbal

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boiled with powdered cardamom in half a liter of water and mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature. Respiratory Disorders:This herb is useful treatment of respiratory system disorders. A decoction of the leaves, with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold.

Kidney Stones: Basil has a strengthening effect for kidney, in case of renal stones, the juice of basil leaves and honey.

Children's Ailments:Common pediatric problems like cough, cold, fever, diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to the juice of basil seeds. If pustules of chicken pox delay their appreance, basil leaves taken with saffron will hasten them.

Stress:Basil leaves are regarded as an adoptogen or anti-stress agent. Recent studies are shown that the leaves afford significant protection against stress.

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Eye Disorders:Basil juice a effective remedy for soar eyes and night blindness. 

Jatamansi(Nardostachys jatamansi)

Nervous and Convulsive Disorders:It can be used in the treatment of several nervous and convulsive disorders such as hysteria, epileptic, fits and certain disturbance caused by menopause. It acts as a tranquilizer.

Intestinal Worms:Its very useful for Intestinal worms. It can be given to children with a purgative like jalap.

Menstrual Disorders:The herb aids menstruation and regulates the menstrual cycle. It is specially useful in dysmenorrhoea - that is painful and difficult menstruation. 

Stress Guard   

Pan(Piper betle)

Weakness of Nerves:Betel leaves are beneficial in the treatment of nervous pains,nervous exhaustion and debility.The juice of a few betel leaves, with a teaspoon of honey, will serve a good tonic which can be taken twice a day.

Respiratory Disorders:

Vita-Ex GoldVita-Ex Gold PlusLakshmivilas Ras

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Betel leaves are useful in pulmonary affection in childhood and old age. The leaves, soaked in mustard oil and warmed, may be applied to the chest to relieve cough and difficulty in breathing.

Constipation:In the case of constipation in children, a suppository made of the stalk of betel leaf dipped in castor oil can be introduced in the rectum. This instantly relieves constipation.

Sore Throat:Application of the leaves is effective in treating sore throat. The crushed fruit or berry should be mixed with honey and taken to relieve irritating cough.

Headaches:The betel leaf has analgesic and cooling properties. It can be applied with beneficial results over the painful area to relieve intense headache. 


Kakmachi(Solanum nigrum)

Asthma:The Plant helps in removing catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes in asthma patients.The fruits of the plant can also be

LivgoodLivrol Strong

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used for the treatment of asthma.

Stomach Disorders:The leaves are very effective in the treatment of digestive disorders.The raw juice of the leaves can be used alone or with other juices or liquids.

Fevers:Manathakkali leaves are useful in fevers. A syrup of the vegetable can be given as a cooling drink. The fruits of the plant can also be given with beneficial results in fevers.

Skin Disorders: The plant is useful in chronic skin diseases.The Juice can also be applied locally on the affected parts in chronic skin disease such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.


Siya Jeera(Caraway Seeds)

The caraway seeds, leaves and roots are considered useful in activating the glands, besides incresing the action of the kidneys.It is characterised as an excellent house clean for the body.

Stomach Disorders:caraway seeds are useful in

Lavan Bhaskar Churna

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strengthening the functions of the stomach. However, the volatile oil of the seeds is employed more often then the seeds.For flatulence,a cup of tea made from caraway seeds taken thrice a day, after meals, will give relief.

Hookworms:Carvone, isolated from caraway oil, is used as anthelmintic, especially in removing hookworms from the intestines.

Scabis:A dilute solution, containing small amounts of the oil of the caraway and alcohal mixed in 75 parts of castor oil is considered beneficial in the treatment of scabies.The solution should be taken orally.

Bad Breath:Caraway seed oil is used orally in overcoming bad breath or insipid taste.

Other Uses:

Caraway is widely used for flavouring breads, biscuits, cakes and cheese.It is also used as an ingredient in sausages and as a seasoning and

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pickling spices. Caraway oil is useful chiefly for flavouring purposes and in medicine as a carminative to relieve flatulence.


Wow what a little gem the cucumber is, i will look at it differently now..

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5 Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6.. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar,

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B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!What is omam?Omam(Ajwain) is a herb also known as Bishops Weed. This beneficial herb is used in culinary process as spice as well as a major ingredient of different kind of medicines. Ajwain seeds are small in size but taste hot, penchant and bitter. It acts as good appetizer, laxative and stomachic. It is used as effective remedy in managing ailments like vomiting, mouth diseases, pile, treatment of ascites, abdominal tumor, abdominal pain etc.Here are the few health benefits of Omam (Ajwain)Ajwain is very useful in alleviating spasmodic pains of the stomach and intestines, in adults as well as children. Any colicky

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pain due to flatulence (gas), indigestion and infections in the intestines can easily be relieved by taking one teaspoonful of Ajwain along with 2-3 pinches of common salt in warm water. In an acute attack of common cold or migraine headache, put Ajwain powder in a thin cloth and smell this frequently. It gives tremendous symptomatic relief according to some Ayurvedic experts. Ajwain is a very good digestive. It can be taken with buttermilk to alleviate digestion related problems. It is a good anti-acidic agent. If you have chronic bronchitis and asthma, take the mixture of Ajwain and jaggery, heat it to make a paste and take 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day. However, diabetics should not take this preparation because of the sugar content. It helps to bring out the mucus easily and alleviates chronic bronchitis and asthma to great extent. It also helps in chronic cold. If people who consume excessive alcohol develop discomfort in the stomach, taking Ajwain twice a day, will be very useful. It will also reduce the craving and desire for alcohol. Taking one teaspoon of Ajwain with hot water stimulates the heart and relieves heartache. Ajwain oil can help in relieving ear ache with just one or two drops in the ear. Ajwain oil can also be used to massage legs and knees to get relief from pain from arthritis. It is beneficial in treatment of rheumatic and neuralgic pain. The smoke of burning Ajwain seeds is effective in treating toothache. Gargle with lukewarm water prepared by boiling of Ajwain and little salt two to three times a day, it cures tooth pain. Ajwain is very effective in curing cough. Drinking hot water after chewing little Ajwain cures cough. Chewing betel leaf with Ajwain at night before sleeping controls and cures dry coughing. A tablespoon of crushed Ajwain tied up in a small cloth bundle can be used for inhalation. It also relieves nasal congestion while sleeping when placed near the pillow.A person suffering from influenza should drink the boiled water with 3gms of Ajwain and 3gms of Cinnamon bark for 3 days, thrice a day. This helps curing influenza to a great extent. Ajwain Herbal RemediesSome of the common herbal remedies of ajwain seeds are as follows -During Pregnancy- In some regions, ajwain seeds are taken during pregnancy. The seeds are taken with gaud as it is believed that it purifies the blood and reduces lumbago.Venomous insect bite – In traditional Vedic medicine, paste of ajwain seeds is mentioned as a remedy for venomous insect bite such as scorpion bite, as it has pain killing properties.Toothache – Ajwain fumes are also inhaled to cure toothache, which is caused by decaying tooth.Hiccups – To instantly stop hiccups, ajwain seeds are taken with one or two sips water.Kidney stone – Ajwain seeds are taken regularly with vinegar or honey for a week. This remedy removes kidney stone with the urinal flow.Stomach tonic – Ajwain seeds soaked in water for a night and its water is taken next morning. This helps in stomach diseases as it cures digestion and acute dyspepsia. Acidity – Dry roast one teaspoon of ajwain seeds and cumin seeds. Add to it one cup of water and bring it to boil and strain it. Add some sugar and take one teaspoon as a

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remedy for indigestion and acidity.The ajwain seeds are tiny in size. It taste bitter, hot, penchant, laxative, appetizer, stomachic, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac. The seeds can cure certain mouth and heart diseases, vomiting, ascites, piles, abdominal tumor and pain. It should be taken in small doses as in some people, it can cause skin irritation.

1. Meditation & Benefits

Meditation is establishing Stillness in us at all levels of body, mind and intellect.In Stillness our Awareness rises, expands and we experience Peace and gain Wisdom.Meditation releases us from all the bondages and limitations.Thousands of years ago the Rishis, the Light Masters, gave us Meditation for solving all the problems of the body, mind and intellect, and also of the soul.The soul is bound here and with Meditation, it will find its freedom, the Mukti.With the passage of Time, the Rishis evolved new techniques. This process continues even now and we have the latest techniques.Meditation is the greatest gift to humanity. It links us to the Creator.Stages

o Basic Stage - 1 month The Basic Course runs for four weeks. Here, apart from learning how to meditate and familiarizing with the practice, the essential Spiritual knowledge is briefly imparted.

o Chakra Stage – 3 months In this Course, Chakras, the energy centres in the body, are activated and several other Spiritual processes are activated.

o Experiencing the Light – There are 7 Levels in this stage; minimum of 3 months in each Level. In this stage, our inner faculties open up, purification of the highest order occurs. As we advance in this stage higher Realities like Love, Peace, Truth, Vastness are directly experienced.

o Enlightenment. This is a life long Course meant for those who are interested in pursuing sadhana intensely.

In this stage, our Awareness goes beyond the limits of the body, mind and intellect. We experience that we are Light.

As we advance, our Light is merged with the great Light, the Source of all Creation and becomes One with the Light.

This is the ultimate in Spiritual heights. This is Yoga, the Spiritual Union.


There are many benefits. Only some are mentioned here and the rest are experienced by the Meditator as he advances.Peace is experienced at all levels.We deal with any situation with calm and maturity which avoids all conflicts and unhappiness.Inner strength and wisdom of a very high order comes to us naturally.Increase in memory and concentration. Sharpening of our Intuition increase the quality of our living.The Karmas are cleared and our problems gradually vanish.Apart from the benefits for living this life, we attain the final Liberation, the Mukti..... read more.....

1. What is Light

2. In 2012

3. Some truths about Creation

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4. Time-Cycles and Pralaya

The above information has been shared by Bhudevi one of our healthyfemales group member.

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