TURNED HER OUT OF HOME Mrs. Rock Charges Her Hus¬ band With This. SHE HAD HIM ARRESTED A Mad.Dog Oréate· Great Excitement In Fulton and Bites People.Mann BUI and Henrico County Liquor Licenses. Am the result of a family disturbance,. John Rock, a well known white man, of Honrlco county, has been locked up in Jail, charged with unlawful conduct to¬ ward his wife. it was impossible yesterday to got the flotalls of the affair. Rook woe 'seen, but declined to dlsouss^the matter. Thu warrant was eworn out against him by Mrs. Rock hersolfy Sho alleges that her husband unlawfully assaulted and best hor, and than put her out of tho house. Bho further charges that ho threatened tier If she attempted to come back home. The caso was called yesterday betono Magistrate V. 8., Floyd, Sr., and was continued until the 10th of April. Great excitement prevailed In Fulton for, a short while yesterday afternoon, incident to the appearance upon the Bcono of a dog which had all the appear¬ ances of being mad. Deputy Sheriff Voegler wiis passing through Fulton yesterday afternoon, and had Just gotten beyond tho brick-yard, whon several negroes, lij great terror and confusion, rushed out and beggod him to shoot a certain black, shaggy dog that was stalking about In the nolgn- borliood. Thoy woro afraid to dolt them¬ selves, because the owner.a nogro wo¬ man.threatened to havo them arrested If they did. Thoy brought Mr."Voegler about six shotguns, and ho finally got near tho bruto and killed It. Tho dog had td be driven from undor a house, and whon ho appeared In broad daylight negroes scampered , In all directions, climbed fences and everything else that enmo convenient to hand. It was reported last night that several persons. Including two or threo children, wero bitten by the dog. Tho excitement In Fulton for a time, It is said, was something Intense, Whether or not the Mann bill, passed yesterday by both houses of the State Legislature, will bo signed by tho Gov¬ ernor In time for It to affect tho grant¬ ing of liquor licenses In certain of the * country districts of Henrico county' is a question now commanding some "atten¬ tion. In view of tho routine through which the bill has to pass, before 't reaches the Executive.engrossment and .(V: on. which will consumo somo eight or t " i'É¡ys-lt Is believed that it will, hard- lj>vi*S«r through In time to mako itself felt in the county at this time. Application for licenses will be consid¬ ered by the' County Court on the 20th of ..'.the present month,.,, A. large,.number.,(of notices have been- posted at .the· coúrt- housa. There is prospect of two or three contests again this year. The Board of Supervisors met a few days ago and transacted a mass of rou¬ tine business. To the great Joy of certain of the overseers of the poor, It decided to continuo appropriations to several des¬ titute families in Henrico who are not in the poor-house. Tho board received a long communica¬ tion from tbe Board of FIro Commission-' ·¦ ers of Richmond, but took no faction In the matter. Tho bill for expenses In tho Falrmount fire was laid over until next month, Ben White, alias Washington Cary, colored, has beon arrested, charged with assaulting Alton Swann, white. A marriage license was Issued yester¬ day In tho clerk's office to W. W. Haynos and Alice V. Duke, both of Hen¬ rico. REPORTER TRIED TO ;.* TRACK PRESIDENT (By Assolili toil I'roKs.) CINNIBAR, MONT., Aprll-0..The Pres¬ ident made an early start from his hoad- quarters this morning for an extended trip through,tho reservation. There are many) mountain lions in the park and as the authorities are making an effort to extermínate them, it la possible that the President may get a fow shots at them. Notwithstanding the notices that no newspaper men would bo allowed In tho park whllo the President was thero, ono enterprising reporter tried to forco his way in yostorday. Ho rode a horse and had a dog with him. The man was arrested before ho had proceeded far and the dog «hot. Later, tho reporter was released. HE DEMANDS FULL INVESTIGATION OF CHARGE (fly Ammolliteci Preas,) WASHINGTON, D. C. April 9..Major Robert L. Howze, commanding tho Porto Rico department, arrived In Washington to-day and immediately made a demand for a court of inquiry. Ho la tho officer who Is mentioned in the roport of Gen¬ eral Miles, and who has been charged with great cruelties upon the Filipinos, \ OFFICERS CHOSEN Southern Supply and Machinery Asso· elation to Meet at Old Point. (Ry AHeoclatt-d freso.) NEW ORLEANS, LA., April 8,-The Southern Supply and Machinery Asso¬ ciation to-tin y elected theso officers: P. B, Blow, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., presi¬ dent. Thomas Sloo, of New Orleans, first vice- president. C, s. Briggs, of Dallas, Tesa«, secre¬ tary-vice-president. ) C. F, Carier, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., seo- retary-treaeurer. The next meeting place choosen was Old Point Comfort, Va. THE OHOICE OF ALLSHORT SALT WATER TRIPS, The· York River Une, Only |3.60 Rloh¬ mond to Baltimore one way, H,00 round trip. Also low rate exourslon tickets on «ale dally to Philadelphia and New York. V ¦, t THE POPULAR YORK RIVER UNE. Connection for this popular route to Baltimore, Phlladophta, New Yprk and »11 eastern points leaves Richmond 4:30 Pt Mondays, Wednesdays ani Friday?, but effeotlve during the latter part of April dally, except Sunday,-service will be established via th,ls popular route, Which Will prove a great convenience to Mi« traveling puui«. a ring Fashions Hors We invite the attention of all fashionable dressera to the tailoring elegance attained in the "BUftK" made Garments, their irreproachable style, distinctive and refined appearance the accuracy of fitting and the excellence of workmanship.They are practically Cus¬ tom Tailored ready to wear.possessing every feature of the high charging exclusive tailors products at a cost of half and even less than half. ·' '-· Special Easter Offering. Strictly puro wool Blue Serge Suits mff^ mmU Eft faultless iu make and fit, positive $10.00 value, Special.. Choice Spring Suits, up to the minute fashion style of handsome Mixtures, Stripes and eolid """""" "~ Blacks and Blues in Cheviots,' "Worsteds, Tweeds, Serges and Thibet» perfect ? ev¬ ery detail.$15 buys not better suits any¬ where, Special................... $7. ite fashion style of $ 10 This season's newest novelty effects and neat mixtures of high class Worsteds, Scotches, Homespuns and Tweeds, inclu¬ sive of dressy Black Thibets, undressed "Worsteds and elegant Bluo Sergos.Cut in absolutely Ä^/\ A\ .J^ Cfl correct spring fashion and finished *1??. M "S OU with overy individuality that High- ^^ art Tailoring can give them.Ex¬ traordinary offerings at, only........ îssed Worsteds and el· $12. tailoring perfec 1 domestic, patterns $15 Men's Elegant Spring Suits.gems of tailoring perfection Endless assortment of choicest foreign and domestic. patterns> fashioned into swollest stylo.five, three, and four button Sack shapes.tho handi¬ work of best skilled tailors.suits that ex¬ clusive tailors would charge $25 and $30 to equal. Special only. BURK & CO. Manufacturers and Retailers, 1003 E. Main Street nanufacturlng Headquarters Store« at Norfolk, Nashville, 615-21 E Baltimore Street, Memphis, Dalla», Baltimore, Baltimore, Md. Richmond. AN ENGINE TAKES TRIP UNATTENDED Ran for Eight Miles and Then the Supply of Steam Failed. Chesapeake and Ohio engine No. 112 dashed throuah the city yesterday on a wild run, creating considerable excite¬ ment and anxiety among the officials. Tho Iron monster was standing In the Fulton yard, and a negro laborer was- engaged in cleaning tho lire box. Finishing this task, he attempted to run the englno up to the sand pit to replenish the sand supply. Ho pulled tho throttle halfway back and was unable to close 'It. Tho huge eight wheel machine started oft at a rapid gait. The negro, s«îared nearly to death, Jump¬ ed. I Down tho yards, across the viaduct at thirty miles an hour the englno sped along to Wostham, a distance of eight miles, where It was stopped bofore any damage. was dono. When tho engine started on its trip alone, tlio yard superintendent wired every station along the road to ditch the runaway If necessary to check Its ca¬ reer. When the ehglno reached West- ham, the steam had gotten low. and an employe experienced little trouble In stop¬ ping it. Telegraphic Brevities. MONTGOMERY, ALA..The consolida¬ tion of the Merchants' and Ptanters' Na¬ tional and tho Farley National Bank was officially announced here to-day. LEESBURG', ALA..A cyclone passed within five miles of this -??aa? yesterday morning. A child of J. J. Smith, near Slackland, Ala., was killed.. CHATTANOOOA, 'TENN..Colonel W. Carey Sanger, assistant secretary.of war, rovlowed the Sevonth Cavalry and Third. Battery of Artillery at Chlckamauga Park to-day, _. GOOD FRIDAY IN THE CHURCHES Solemn and Impressive Ser¬ vices to Be Held Here To-Day, Good Friday, the day on whioh Christ died upon the cross, and one of tho most solemn feast days In the> Christian world, will be celebrated to-day In the Cathoiio and Episcopal churches of tho olty, Among the Episcopaliana special ser¬ vóles will be hold In many ot the churches, At St. Andrew's there will be a service and, sermon at 11 A, M. 'Çhe of¬ fering wUl. be for the mission to the Jews. At the «Shurch of the Holy Comforter, services will begin about noon, and Will oontlnue, until 3 o'clock in the after¬ noon. Unusually solemn and, Impressive ser¬ vices will bo held In the Cathoiio churches. Owing to the character of tho day n,o muslo will ho heard In the churches. In the morning; there' will be the mass of the presanotlfled and the generation of the cross, m thp afternoon at 3 o'clock, the hour of the death of Christ, /tho Stations of tho Cross will be followed. At the Cathedral at night tho Tenebrae will bo sung by a cljorus of male voices. Yesterday morning at St. Peter's the holy oils were blessed by Bishop Van de Vyvor, habt night tho Tenebrae was sung. DAY'S NEWS FROM CAPITOL HILL Bill Relating to Corporation Commission Goesto'Gov- erhor.Prof. Jarman. Governor Montague was engaged much of the day yesterday with routine busi¬ ness and receiving callera who dropped In, friends In the city and outside. But one bill went to tho Governor yes¬ terday from, tho enrolling clerks. This ¦measure puts Into operation the Corpora¬ tion Commission, but does not cover tho charter feature, relating to the granting of charters by tho commission. The bill, which was enrolled yesterday, is Houso bill 90, while that relating to tho grant¬ ing of chartei-3 is No. 103. Charters havo not ceased to come to the office of the Secretary of the Common¬ wealth, and they are all religiously dated Maroh 31st. Secretary Eggleston is fling them after writing upon them that they came to his office after the now Con¬ stitution had gone Into effect relating to them. Professor Jarman, superintendent of the State Female Normal; at Farmvllle." was a caller at the Library building yester¬ day. He Is In the city to attend a special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Normal Board. RICHMOND ELKS Arrangements Being Made for the Bal¬ timore Trip, The Elks' committee on "the trip to Bal¬ timore, consisting .of Messrs. Phil. G, Kelly, T, R, A. Burke and John C, Weck¬ ort, havo appointed Mr. Chris. Evensoh a, committee to secure suitable uniforma for the occasion. Mr, Weckert will go to Baltimore next Monday to. make arrangements for ac¬ commodations for tho Richmond and Man¬ chester Lodges. A Inrgo delegation will leave here to boom up-Secrotary Archie Burke's can¬ didacy for the grand secretaryship, flYSTIC 5HRINERS Potentate and Director to Take a Long Trip. Potentate Charles H. Phillips and Di¬ rector Frank W. Cunningham, of Acca Temple, MysUo Shrine, acconipanlod by a big bunch of mobles, will go to Big Btone Gap and contiguous territory next Wednesday night to confer the stripes and ether things upon about fifty pilgrims of that section of the State. A big time will be had all along the ||ne. The party will bo by way of the Norfolk and Western, Mr. Boisseau Here. Mr. Preston Boisseau, a prominent young "Democrat of Dlnwlddle county, was on the ñnor of the Houso to-day. Summer Board. A seloot few can obtain agreeable BOARD now and during, the coming summer at "THE EXCHANQE," QLOUCESTEH COUNTY. VA. The place la Immediately on North River, within a few minutes' walk of Dlxondale whnrf and postonico, where- the steamer Mobjack lands dally, and Is In a moat refined community. Thero Is u telephone In tlio residence, por particulars address THE MISSED DABNEY, Dixonvllle PosiofUce, Qlouce-sterCo. Ve» SAYS THERE AREOTHERS Rectors Who Havo summed Up Tholr Flock. ARE WHITE MINISTERS TOO Bishop Say· the Rev. Duty Is Not the Only One «A/ho Has Kept a Regis¬ ter.Won't Say Where the Others Are Located. Aocordlng to the bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, tho Rov. Maximo F. Duty, of St. Philips" Colored Episcopal Church of this city, Is not tho only rector within these parts who han found It convenient ..to keep a reglstor of his congregation, In which sume Up his flock according to the estimation In which ho holds them. It will be recalled that very recently the Rev. Duty became suddenly Immersed'In very hot water, Incident to the unexpected discovery by members" of his church of the aforesaid register, in It were tho names of his people and against each name was Inscribed a word which brlelly .told what the rector thought of the bear¬ ers of these names. Tho words Wore "good," "bad," "Indifferent," "Ignorant," and so on. There was at once an uproar and thore was some talk of a forthcom- Ing' resignation. On Wednesday night last Bishop Rob¬ ert A. Gibson visited tho church and hold a service, He ,confirmed a class of six, and there was at this particular timo no evidence of a disturbance. Things moved smoothly and well. But from what can ho ascertained the fires are still smoldering, Tho Bishop was asked yesterday about tho matter and he said that there was still, some little division among tho congregation, but he had hopes that things would work out all right in tho end. It Is believed'by some that the trouble portends the resignation ot tho Kev. Duty, and It has 'been reported that he has gone so far as to consult with the Bishop as to the advisability of taklpg this stop. Bish¬ op Gibson was asked about this matter also yestorday, but he evidently did not delire to go into any great dotali. Ho said rectore often consulted with him about the advisability ot staying at a certain field. Thoy did this frequently whether there was any trouble in tho congregation or not And then tha Bishop made a most Interesting state¬ ment. "The rector of St Philip's Is not the only rector who keeps a register such ns he keeps. I have found since this troublo that there aro others." "Are they all colored?" "No. White." "Why haven't they gotten Into a mud¬ dle?" "The congregation haven't gotten hold of tho book yet?" 'Who are some of those rectors, for In¬ stance. Aro any of them In Rich¬ mond?" "I won't tell you that." VALUABLE PORTRAITS The Texas Room Receives Those of General.Reagan and Colonel Terry. Mrs. Cazneau McLeod, the vice-regent of the Texas room at the Confederate Museum, reporta the arrival of two highly valuable portraits, one of General John II. Reagan, the only surviving member of President Davis' Cabinet, and> the other of Colonel B. F. Terry, an officer In the famous Texas Rangers. The former Is a gift from Mrs. George W. Littlejohn, of Austin, Texas, and the latter has been sent from the Terry Ran¬ gers' Association. General Roagan's portrait -will bo hung in the Solid South room among the group around President Davis, where it right¬ fully belongs. That of Colonel Terry will add another to the list of'heroes .In the Texas room. The Confederate Memorial Literary So¬ ciety desires to express through tho col¬ umns of The Tlmos-Dlspatch their sln- corost appreciation ot Mrs, Ltttlejohn's generous gift and for that bestowed by the Terry Association. Rlchmondersln New York. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) .NIEW YORK, April 0..Fifth. Avenue, O. J.. Sands; Herald Square,. 3'. P. Car¬ son;' Grand Union, Dr. E. F. McConnoll and wife; Imperial, W. T, Dabnoy. » ABLE VIRGINIANS GO TO ST. LOUIS Exposition Commissioners and Lee and Daniel to Be at Dedication. A number of promlnont Virginians will go to the formal dedication ot tho grounds and buildings of tho St, Louis Exposition, April 30th. ¦The Virginia Board of Commissioners for thq Exposition, consisting of the Com¬ missioner of Agriculture,. Mr. G, W. Kölner Mr. J. I* Patton, of Nowport News, and ' Colonel ?, M. Bowman, of Roanoke, have docldod to go, It would not be surprising If a number of others go. It Is considered very llkoty, In fact, that General Fltihugli Leo and Bonator John W. Daniel will go. Major Dunlcl hua many frionas In St, Louis and 1b exceed¬ ingly well known thore, Ho Is ono of the best known Bouthern men living, and St. Louis, of all the cities of the West, is the home of former Virginians or children of former Virginians, who love tha old Suite; of their fut hors with sincero and deepest affection. General Lee Is a warm porsonnl friend of President Francis, of tho Exposition Company, and for some time was a resi¬ dent of St. Louis, bolng In charge of the army post of the Department of Missouri. He Is now the president of the Jamestown Exposition Company, and ns euch Is, of course, doply interested In preparations for expositions. Tho gathering at St. Louis on the 80th. will bo notable. The President Is to ha there, and former President Cleveland, who Is now beforo tho country In a pon pic ture as the "Muddest Man ou Earth," will deliver tho address. Tho Virginia commissioners hold an In¬ teresting meeting yesterday afternoon. Tho work Is well under w»y, and from now on Mr. 'Murroll, flist assistant, will bo very busy traveling over the State In the Interest of exhibits, It would not be surprising if the tobáceo assistant Is the iii'Xt chosen. Thore aro pelnty of appli¬ cants to select from and gqod men aro to be had. The commissioners aro onthusl- ar.tlo In tholr work, and a credltabit serviceable exhibit is assured. It Costs Nothing For Everything ? Sold it dash Credit Herein»* WW Wl W ww ^-/| PRICES. Now it is a fact worth knowing that you can always find what you want at this store. Housefurnishing solaVas they are at this house, means a big saving to you, Go-carls and Baby Carriages A splendid va¬ riety at $8,60 to $16.00. The samo goods cost you from $10 to $18 at other stores. Ask to see our latest AUTO- GABT, it's a winner and is unequalled, IRON BEDS AND CRIBS. Such a big assortment at such little prices and In ait colors. Refrigerators Monarehs lead. the day, ríoth-, Ing near so good at twice the price. Keeps down loe bills and preeorves your food. Prices from $8.60 to $40 Mattings Our. own Importation, we can afford to sell the best grades at lower prices than others nsk. Tou have a wider range of new and exclusive patterns to seleot from. No extra charge for laying. ROTHERT&CO.: little Down. Little Weekly. Furnishers For the House. Crocker-Wheeler Company, Manufacturers of DYNAMOS and MOTORS. Electrical Engineers for an economical drive of Pumps, Blowers Hoists, Printing Presses, Mach i he Tools, etc. Washington Office: 1417 New York Avenue. Offices and Works, AMPERE, N. J. DRUNKS MUST NOW TO JAIL Justice John Turns Over a New Leaf.Story of the Police Court. Justice John turned over a new leaf yesterday and announced that jail was, the place for drunks. Thereupon ,he sent five of them, old liners, down for ten days, under $100 se¬ curity. They wero Jack T. Nealo, William Blt-oklo, B. W. Kldd, C. J. Rogers and It. C. V. Thomas, all old Jags. Sam Mills gOt drunk and disorderly on the promises of Lucy E. Hardy, and it cost hiin 15. Robert Arnold lilt Tom Anthony a blow that cost him $3. J. S. Smith,, alleged to bo a deserter from tho receiving ship Franklin,· will be held to the 14th for information. Ho was taken in charge by Sergeant Jim Scwell. William C. George was disorderly on a street ear and paid ?10 for It. Edward Beasloy was given sixty days for drunkenness, and ho seemed to bo Bind of It. Adolphus Tyler and Clarence Page, two enittll hoys, threw rocks at another boy, and their parents had to pay $3 each. DOWN-TOWN SERVICES OF BROTHERHOOD MEN St Andrew's Brotherhood are having a very gratifying success with tholr Holy Week services for busy men, which thoy are holding ovory day at 1 P, M. In tho largo store room at Tenth and Main Streets. With banks on nil the othor cor¬ ners and othor commercial establishments and professional offices on every hand, It Is a little startling to. the wayfarer to hear a deep-toned chorus come thrilling out of 1001. Blest lie tho tie that binds Our hearts In Jesus' love; The fellowship of Christian minds Is Ulto to that above, ,-, Yesterday tlio earnest young roo- tor of St Paul's, the Ruv. James Morris, late missionary to Brazil, led the services, and gavo the un¬ usually larvo (congregation ot men pres¬ ent a straight-out talk on tho words of tlio Psalmist; "The I'lghteaus man shall flourish llko a palm troe." From this text Mr, Morris drew a' picture of the Christian man standing straight and clean, firmly rooted In eonvlutnn. strong In faith, and crowned with the beauty and dignity of tho Cro¬ ato)· Himself. It was tho sort of ser¬ mon that mon can understand and appro, elate, and the pastor was heartily thanked for his effort. The service was complote«] with prayers and the singing ot ono of tho eoo«! old hymns thnt there's no ono but knows, These half-hour services are coming in for a great deal of praise, und thoy aro greatly enjoyed by their participants. To¬ day the lUiv. Jphn Moneuro, city mission¬ ary, will havo charge. Tlioro aro plenty of seats now, and all are welcome. Stockholders Meet. The annual meeting of tho stockholders of the Alliemnrlo Paper Manufacturing Company wus held at noon yostorday. No business of gunorul Interest was transacted except the election of the samov.oi!leers mid directors for tho year ensuing. ^^^j§agEgSEJggSBSBBg.^gISBaaaB^ rianteis Chandeliers Baths Plumbing, Tinning Gas-Fitting Pasteur Filters Instantaneous Water Heaters Qas Ranges QUICK REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Richmond Plumbing & Mantel Co. 26 NORTH NINTH STREET. PHONE 636. ë 1 F??FFa« OUR : 5PRINQ : STOCK Now Ready for Inspection, Repainting and Repairing Done in the Best Manner. All the Latest Styles and Novelties. Harness, Robes, and Whips. * MORE THAN 100 CARRIAGES TO SELECT FROM. SEE.OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU PURCHASE A VEHICLE OF ANY DESCRIPTION. R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, 15 Ninth St., Richmond, Va. MONEY TO LOAN flO nnd upwards loaned on Pianos ind household furniture, on the tiding and toan association plan, which makes the cost much less than you pay elsewhere, and allow you to pay It off In monthly pay¬ ments, running from ono to twelve months. Get others' ratée, then seo us- Tidewater Loan and Trust Co, Suite 33-34, Third Floor, Merohants' National liank Building, lies East Main Street. Take lOlcvator. H. Y, POSTER LESLIE Al. POSTE« FOSTER & FOSTER Undertakers. 307 North 7th St. Telephone 2823 Residence 3289 M. A. WHITTY. BROAD AND NINTH STREETS, 'Phones 509 and 2389, FLORIST, (00,000 Bedding Plants. Largost Stock in the South, DAILY NECESSITIES AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Sugar Corn, 4 cans for.354 a-pound cans Tablo Peaches.,.. .70, Large cans Pie peaches.7a Best Granulated Sugar, pound, ,.,..^%c. Quart bottle Tomato Catsup,....... toe Small 'Smithfield Hams, pound.15c, T. M. Shoe Blacking, a boxes....... ,5c, Best City Meal, per peck..18c or, bushel.',..65c. Largo Canned Virginia Tomatoes.8c. Early Rose Potatoes, bushel.75c or. peck .20c. Arbuckles' Coffee, pound.10c Cordova or Lion Coffee, pound... ,q'/.c, 2-pound can Grated Pineapple...7c Imported Macaroni, pound.6c Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart..too Eiiamelino Stove Polish, box.40. Cutícula Tollet Soap, a for.50, Snowtlake Patent Family Flour, bar¬ rel, $3.00;. bag.S5Q Good Green or Mixed Toa, pound,... j se, String Beans, can.,,....,.6c, Carolina Rice, per pound,.,,.5C Best Toa Dust, pound,.,..,...aoc S. ULLMAN'S SON Downtown Stores, 1810-183» East Main Street. Uptown Store, 506 East M»r«, shall Street. 'Phones at our two Store·.

HER ring THERE It OUTOFHOME Hors AREOTHERS For Sold Mrs ... · Briggs, of Dallas, Tesa«, secre¬ tary-vice-president.) C. F, Carier, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., seo-retary-treaeurer. Thenext

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Page 1: HER ring THERE It OUTOFHOME Hors AREOTHERS For Sold Mrs ... · Briggs, of Dallas, Tesa«, secre¬ tary-vice-president.) C. F, Carier, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., seo-retary-treaeurer. Thenext


Mrs. Rock Charges Her Hus¬band With This.


A Mad.Dog Oréate· Great ExcitementIn Fulton and Bites People.Mann

BUI and Henrico CountyLiquor Licenses.

Am the result of a family disturbance,.John Rock, a well known white man, of

Honrlco county, has been locked up inJail, charged with unlawful conduct to¬

ward his wife.it was impossible yesterday to got the

flotalls of the affair. Rook woe 'seen,but declined to dlsouss^the matter. Thu

warrant was eworn out against him byMrs. Rock hersolfy Sho alleges that her

husband unlawfully assaulted and best

hor, and than put her out of tho house.Bho further charges that ho threatenedtier If she attempted to come back home.The caso was called yesterday betono

Magistrate V. 8., Floyd, Sr., and was

continued until the 10th of April.

Great excitement prevailed In Fultonfor, a short while yesterday afternoon,incident to the appearance upon theBcono of a dog which had all the appear¬ances of being mad.Deputy Sheriff Voegler wiis passing

through Fulton yesterday afternoon, andhad Just gotten beyond tho brick-yard,whon several negroes, lij great terrorand confusion, rushed out and beggodhim to shoot a certain black, shaggydog that was stalking about In the nolgn-borliood. Thoy woro afraid to dolt them¬selves, because the owner.a nogro wo¬

man.threatened to havo them arrestedIf they did. Thoy brought Mr."Voeglerabout six shotguns, and ho finally gotnear tho bruto and killed It. Tho doghad td be driven from undor a house,and whon ho appeared In broad daylightnegroes scampered , In all directions,climbed fences and everything else thatenmo convenient to hand.

It was reported last night that severalpersons. Including two or threo children,wero bitten by the dog. Tho excitementIn Fulton for a time, It is said, was

something Intense,

Whether or not the Mann bill, passedyesterday by both houses of the StateLegislature, will bo signed by tho Gov¬ernor In time for It to affect tho grant¬ing of liquor licenses In certain of the

* country districts of Henrico county' is a

question now commanding some "atten¬tion. In view of tho routine throughwhich the bill has to pass, before 'treaches the Executive.engrossment and.(V: on. which will consumo somo eight or

t " i'É¡ys-lt Is believed that it will, hard-lj>vi*S«r through In time to mako itselffelt in the county at this time.Application for licenses will be consid¬

ered by the' County Court on the 20th of..'.the present month,.,, A. large,.number.,(ofnotices have been- posted at .the· coúrt-housa. There is prospect of two or threecontests again this year.

The Board of Supervisors met a fewdays ago and transacted a mass of rou¬

tine business. To the great Joy of certainof the overseers of the poor, It decidedto continuo appropriations to several des¬titute families in Henrico who are notin the poor-house.Tho board received a long communica¬

tion from tbe Board of FIro Commission-'·¦ ers of Richmond, but took no faction Inthe matter. Tho bill for expenses In thoFalrmount fire was laid over until nextmonth,

Ben White, alias Washington Cary,colored, has beon arrested, charged withassaulting Alton Swann, white.

A marriage license was Issued yester¬day In tho clerk's office to W. W.Haynos and Alice V. Duke, both of Hen¬rico.


(By Assolili toil I'roKs.)CINNIBAR, MONT., Aprll-0..The Pres¬

ident made an early start from his hoad-quarters this morning for an extendedtrip through,tho reservation. There are

many) mountain lions in the park and as

the authorities are making an effort toextermínate them, it la possible that thePresident may get a fow shots at them.Notwithstanding the notices that no

newspaper men would bo allowed In thopark whllo the President was thero, ono

enterprising reporter tried to forco his wayin yostorday. Ho rode a horse and hada dog with him. The man was arrestedbefore ho had proceeded far and the dog«hot. Later, tho reporter was released.


(fly Ammolliteci Preas,)WASHINGTON, D. C. April 9..Major

Robert L. Howze, commanding tho PortoRico department, arrived In Washingtonto-day and immediately made a demandfor a court of inquiry. Ho la tho officerwho Is mentioned in the roport of Gen¬eral Miles, and who has been chargedwith great cruelties upon the Filipinos,\ OFFICERS CHOSEN

Southern Supply and Machinery Asso·elation to Meet at Old Point.

(Ry AHeoclatt-d freso.)NEW ORLEANS, LA., April 8,-The

Southern Supply and Machinery Asso¬ciation to-tiny elected theso officers:P. B, Blow, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., presi¬

dent.Thomas Sloo, of New Orleans, first vice-

president.C, s. Briggs, of Dallas, Tesa«, secre¬

tary-vice-president. )C. F, Carier, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., seo-

retary-treaeurer.The next meeting place choosen was Old

Point Comfort, Va.


The· York River Une, Only |3.60 Rloh¬mond to Baltimore one way, H,00 roundtrip. Also low rate exourslon tickets on«ale dally to Philadelphia and NewYork. V ¦, t

THE POPULAR YORK RIVER UNE.Connection for this popular route to

Baltimore, Phlladophta, New Yprk and»11 eastern points leaves Richmond 4:30Pt M· Mondays, Wednesdays ani Friday?,but effeotlve during the latter part ofApril dally, except Sunday,-service willbe established via th,ls popular route,Which Will prove a great convenience toMi« traveling puui«.


ringFashions *·Hors

We invite the attention of all fashionable dresserato the tailoring elegance attained in the "BUftK" madeGarments, their irreproachable style, distinctive andrefined appearance the accuracy of fitting and theexcellence of workmanship.They are practically Cus¬tom Tailored ready to wear.possessing every featureof the high charging exclusive tailors products at a

cost of half and even less than half.·' '-·

Special Easter Offering.Strictly puro wool Blue Serge Suits mff^ mmU Eft

faultless iu make and fit, positive $10.00

value, Special..

Choice Spring Suits, up to the minute fashion style ofhandsome Mixtures, Stripes and eolid """""" "~

Blacks and Blues in Cheviots,' "Worsteds,Tweeds, Serges and Thibet» perfect ? ev¬

ery detail.$15 buys not better suits any¬where, Special...................

$7.ite fashion style of

$ 10This season's newest novelty effects and neat mixtures of

high class Worsteds, Scotches, Homespuns and Tweeds, inclu¬sive of dressy Black Thibets, undressed "Worsteds and elegantBluo Sergos.Cut in absolutely Ä^/\ A\ .J^ Cflcorrect spring fashion and finished *1??. M "S OUwith overy individuality that High- ^^art Tailoring can give them.Ex¬traordinary offerings at, only........

îssed Worsteds and el·

$12.tailoring perfec

1 domestic, patterns

$15Men's Elegant Spring Suits.gems of tailoring perfection

Endless assortment of choicest foreign and domestic. patterns>fashioned into swollest stylo.five, three,and four button Sack shapes.tho handi¬work of best skilled tailors.suits that ex¬

clusive tailors would charge $25 and $30to equal. Special only.

BURK & CO.Manufacturers and Retailers, 1003 E. Main Streetnanufacturlng Headquarters Store« at Norfolk, Nashville,615-21 E Baltimore Street, Memphis, Dalla», Baltimore,Baltimore, Md. Richmond.


Ran for Eight Miles and Thenthe Supply of Steam

Failed.Chesapeake and Ohio engine No. 112

dashed throuah the city yesterday on a

wild run, creating considerable excite¬ment and anxiety among the officials.Tho Iron monster was standing In the

Fulton yard, and a negro laborer was-

engaged in cleaning tho lire box.Finishing this task, he attempted to run

the englno up to the sand pit to replenishthe sand supply.Ho pulled tho throttle halfway back and

was unable to close 'It. Tho huge eightwheel machine started oft at a rapid gait.The negro, s«îared nearly to death, Jump¬ed.

IDown tho yards, across the viaduct at

thirty miles an hour the englno spedalong to Wostham, a distance of eightmiles, where It was stopped bofore anydamage. was dono.When tho engine started on its trip

alone, tlio yard superintendent wiredevery station along the road to ditchthe runaway If necessary to check Its ca¬

reer. When the ehglno reached West-ham, the steam had gotten low. and an

employe experienced little trouble In stop¬ping it.

Telegraphic Brevities.MONTGOMERY, ALA..The consolida¬

tion of the Merchants' and Ptanters' Na¬tional and tho Farley National Bank was

officially announced here to-day.LEESBURG', ALA..A cyclone passed

within five miles of this -??aa? yesterdaymorning. A child of J. J. Smith, nearSlackland, Ala., was killed..CHATTANOOOA, 'TENN..Colonel W.

Carey Sanger, assistant secretary.of war,rovlowed the Sevonth Cavalry and Third.Battery of Artillery at Chlckamauga Parkto-day, _.


Solemn and Impressive Ser¬vices to Be Held Here

To-Day,Good Friday, the day on whioh Christ

died upon the cross, and one of tho mostsolemn feast days In the> Christian world,will be celebrated to-day In the Cathoiioand Episcopal churches of tho olty,Among the Episcopaliana special ser¬

vóles will be hold In many ot thechurches, At St. Andrew's there will be

a service and, sermon at 11 A, M. 'Çhe of¬fering wUl. be for the mission to the Jews.At the «Shurch of the Holy Comforter,services will begin about noon, and Willoontlnue, until 3 o'clock in the after¬noon.Unusually solemn and, Impressive ser¬

vices will bo held In the Cathoiiochurches. Owing to the character of tho

day n,o muslo will ho heard In thechurches. In the morning; there' will bethe mass of the presanotlfled and thegeneration of the cross, m thp afternoonat 3 o'clock, the hour of the death ofChrist, /tho Stations of tho Cross will befollowed. At the Cathedral at night thoTenebrae will bo sung by a cljorus ofmale voices.Yesterday morning at St. Peter's the

holy oils were blessed by Bishop Van deVyvor, habt night tho Tenebrae was sung.


Bill Relating to CorporationCommission Goesto'Gov-erhor.Prof. Jarman.

Governor Montague was engaged muchof the day yesterday with routine busi¬ness and receiving callera who dropped In,friends In the city and outside.But one bill went to tho Governor yes¬

terday from, tho enrolling clerks. This¦measure puts Into operation the Corpora¬tion Commission, but does not cover thocharter feature, relating to the grantingof charters by tho commission. The bill,which was enrolled yesterday, is Housobill 90, while that relating to tho grant¬ing of chartei-3 is No. 103.Charters havo not ceased to come to the

office of the Secretary of the Common¬wealth, and they are all religiously datedMaroh 31st. Secretary Eggleston is flingthem after writing upon them that theycame to his office after the now Con¬stitution had gone Into effect relating tothem.Professor Jarman, superintendent of the

State Female Normal; at Farmvllle." wasa caller at the Library building yester¬day. He Is In the city to attend a specialmeeting of the Executive Committee ofthe Normal Board.


Arrangements Being Made for the Bal¬timore Trip,

The Elks' committee on "the trip to Bal¬timore, consisting .of Messrs. Phil. G,Kelly, T, R, A. Burke and John C, Weck¬ort, havo appointed Mr. Chris. Evensoh a,committee to secure suitable uniforma forthe occasion.Mr, Weckert will go to Baltimore next

Monday to. make arrangements for ac¬commodations for tho Richmond and Man¬chester Lodges.A Inrgo delegation will leave here to

boom up-Secrotary Archie Burke's can¬didacy for the grand secretaryship,

flYSTIC 5HRINERSPotentate and Director to Take a Long

Trip.Potentate Charles H. Phillips and Di¬

rector Frank W. Cunningham, of AccaTemple, MysUo Shrine, acconipanlod bya big bunch of mobles, will go to BigBtone Gap and contiguous territory nextWednesday night to confer the stripes andether things upon about fifty pilgrims ofthat section of the State.A big time will be had all along the ||ne.

The party will bo by way of the Norfolkand Western,

Mr. Boisseau Here.Mr. Preston Boisseau, a prominent

young "Democrat of Dlnwlddle county,was on the ñnor of the Houso to-day.

Summer Board.A seloot few can obtain agreeable

BOARD now and during, the comingsummer at"THE EXCHANQE,"

QLOUCESTEH COUNTY. VA.The place la Immediately on North River,within a few minutes' walk of Dlxondalewhnrf and postonico, where- the steamerMobjack lands dally, and Is In a moatrefined community. Thero Is u telephoneIn tlio residence,por particulars addressTHE MISSED DABNEY,

Dixonvllle PosiofUce, Qlouce-sterCo. Ve»


Rectors Who Havo summedUp Tholr Flock.


Bishop Say· the Rev. Duty Is Not the

Only One «A/ho Has Kept a Regis¬ter.Won't Say Where the

Others Are Located.

Aocordlng to the bishop of the Dioceseof Virginia, tho Rov. Maximo F. Duty,of St. Philips" Colored Episcopal Churchof this city, Is not tho only rector withinthese parts who han found It convenient

..to keep a reglstor of his congregation, Inwhich hé sume Up his flock according tothe estimation In which ho holds them.It will be recalled that very recently the

Rev. Duty became suddenly Immersed'Invery hot water, Incident to the unexpecteddiscovery by members" of his church ofthe aforesaid register, in It were thonames of his people and against eachname was Inscribed a word which brlelly.told what the rector thought of the bear¬ers of these names. Tho words Wore"good," "bad," "Indifferent," "Ignorant,"and so on. There was at once an uproarand thore was some talk of a forthcom-Ing' resignation.On Wednesday night last Bishop Rob¬

ert A. Gibson visited tho church and holda service, He ,confirmed a class of six,and there was at this particular timo noevidence of a disturbance. Things movedsmoothly and well.But from what can ho ascertained the

fires are still smoldering, Tho Bishopwas asked yesterday about tho matterand he said that there was still, somelittle division among tho congregation,but he had hopes that things wouldwork out all right in tho end.

It Is believed'by some that the troubleportends the resignation ot tho Kev. Duty,and It has 'been reported that he has goneso far as to consult with the Bishop as tothe advisability of taklpg this stop. Bish¬op Gibson was asked about this matteralso yestorday, but he evidently did notdelire to go into any great dotali. Hosaid rectore often consulted with himabout the advisability ot staying at a

certain field. Thoy did this frequentlywhether there was any trouble in thocongregation or not And then tha

Bishop made a most Interesting state¬ment."The rector of St Philip's Is not the

only rector who keeps a register such ns

he keeps. I have found since this troublothat there aro others.""Are they all colored?""No. White.""Why haven't they gotten Into a mud¬

dle?""The congregation haven't gotten hold

of tho book yet?"'Who are some of those rectors, for In¬

stance. Aro any of them In Rich¬mond?""I won't tell you that."


The Texas Room Receives Those of

General.Reagan and Colonel Terry.Mrs. Cazneau McLeod, the vice-regent

of the Texas room at the ConfederateMuseum, reporta the arrival of two highlyvaluable portraits, one of General JohnII. Reagan, the only surviving member ofPresident Davis' Cabinet, and> the otherof Colonel B. F. Terry, an officer In thefamous Texas Rangers.The former Is a gift from Mrs. George

W. Littlejohn, of Austin, Texas, and thelatter has been sent from the Terry Ran¬gers' Association.General Roagan's portrait -will bo hung

in the Solid South room among the grouparound President Davis, where it right¬fully belongs. That of Colonel Terry willadd another to the list of'heroes .In theTexas room.The Confederate Memorial Literary So¬

ciety desires to express through tho col¬umns of The Tlmos-Dlspatch their sln-corost appreciation ot Mrs, Ltttlejohn'sgenerous gift and for that bestowed bythe Terry Association.

Rlchmondersln New York.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

.NIEW YORK, April 0..Fifth. Avenue,O. J.. Sands; Herald Square,. 3'. P. Car¬son;' Grand Union, Dr. E. F. McConnolland wife; Imperial, W. T, Dabnoy.



Exposition Commissionersand Lee and Daniel to Be

at Dedication.A number of promlnont Virginians will

go to the formal dedication ot tho groundsand buildings of tho St, Louis Exposition,April 30th.¦The Virginia Board of Commissionersfor thq Exposition, consisting of the Com¬missioner of Agriculture,. Mr. G, W.Kölner Mr. J. I* Patton, of NowportNews, and ' Colonel ?, M. Bowman, ofRoanoke, have docldod to go, It wouldnot be surprising If a number of othersgo.It Is considered very llkoty, In fact, that

General Fltihugli Leo and Bonator JohnW. Daniel will go. Major Dunlcl huamany frionas In St, Louis and 1b exceed¬ingly well known thore, Ho Is ono of thebest known Bouthern men living, and St.Louis, of all the cities of the West, isthe home of former Virginians or childrenof former Virginians, who love tha oldSuite; of their fut hors with sincero anddeepest affection.General Lee Is a warm porsonnl friend

of President Francis, of tho ExpositionCompany, and for some time was a resi¬dent of St. Louis, bolng In charge of thearmy post of the Department of Missouri.He Is now the president of the JamestownExposition Company, and ns euch Is, ofcourse, doply interested In preparationsfor expositions.Tho gathering at St. Louis on the 80th.

will bo notable. The President Is to hathere, and former President Cleveland, whoIs now beforo tho country In a pon picture as the "Muddest Man ou Earth," willdeliver tho address.Tho Virginia commissioners hold an In¬

teresting meeting yesterday afternoon.Tho work Is well under w»y, and fromnow on Mr. 'Murroll, flist assistant, willbo very busy traveling over the State Inthe Interest of exhibits, It would not besurprising if the tobáceo assistant Is theiii'Xt chosen. Thore aro pelnty of appli¬cants to select from and gqod men aro tobe had. The commissioners aro onthusl-ar.tlo In tholr work, and a credltabitserviceable exhibit is assured.

It CostsNothingFor

Everything? Sold itdash

Credit Herein»* WW WlW ww ^-/| PRICES.Now it is a fact worth knowing that you can always find what you want

at this store. Housefurnishing solaVas they are at this house, means a big savingto you,


Baby CarriagesA splendid va¬

riety at $8,60 to$16.00. Thesamo goods costyou from $10 to$18 at otherstores.Ask to see our

latest AUTO-GABT, it's a

winner and isunequalled,

IRON BEDS AND CRIBS.Such a big assortment at such

little prices and In ait colors.

RefrigeratorsMonarehs lead. the day, ríoth-,

Ing near so good at twice theprice. Keeps down loe bills andpreeorves your food. Prices from$8.60 to $40

MattingsOur. own Importation, we can

afford to sell the best grades atlower prices than others nsk. Touhave a wider range of new andexclusive patterns to seleot from.No extra charge for laying.

ROTHERT&CO.: little Down.Little Weekly.

Furnishers For the House.

Crocker-Wheeler Company,Manufacturers of


Electrical Engineersfor an economical drive of Pumps, BlowersHoists, Printing Presses, Mach ihe Tools, etc.

Washington Office: 1417 New York Avenue. Offices and Works, AMPERE, N. J.


Justice John Turns Over a

New Leaf.Story of thePolice Court.

Justice John turned over a new leaf

yesterday and announced that jail was,

the place for drunks.Thereupon ,he sent five of them, old

liners, down for ten days, under $100 se¬

curity.They wero Jack T. Nealo, William

Blt-oklo, B. W. Kldd, C. J. Rogers and It.

C. V. Thomas, all old Jags.Sam Mills gOt drunk and disorderly on

the promises of Lucy E. Hardy, and itcost hiin 15.Robert Arnold lilt Tom Anthony a blow

that cost him $3.J. S. Smith,, alleged to bo a deserter

from tho receiving ship Franklin,· will beheld to the 14th for information. Howas taken in charge by Sergeant JimScwell.William C. George was disorderly on a

street ear and paid ?10 for It.Edward Beasloy was given sixty days

for drunkenness, and ho seemed to boBind of It.Adolphus Tyler and Clarence Page, two

enittll hoys, threw rocks at another boy,and their parents had to pay $3 each.


St Andrew's Brotherhood are having a

very gratifying success with tholr HolyWeek services for busy men, which thoyare holding ovory day at 1 P, M. In tho

largo store room at Tenth and MainStreets. With banks on nil the othor cor¬

ners and othor commercial establishmentsand professional offices on every hand, ItIs a little startling to. the wayfarer tohear a deep-toned chorus come thrillingout of 1001.

Blest lie tho tie that bindsOur hearts In Jesus' love;

The fellowship of Christian mindsIs Ulto to that above, ,-,

Yesterday tlio earnest young roo-

tor of St Paul's, the Ruv. JamesMorris, late missionary to Brazil,led the services, and gavo the un¬

usually larvo (congregation ot men pres¬ent a straight-out talk on tho words oftlio Psalmist;"The I'lghteaus man shall flourish llko a

palm troe." From this text Mr, Morrisdrew a' picture of the Christian man

standing straight and clean, firmly rootedIn eonvlutnn. strong In faith, and crownedwith the beauty and dignity of tho Cro¬ato)· Himself. It was tho sort of ser¬

mon that mon can understand and appro,elate, and the pastor was heartily thankedfor his effort. The service was complote«]with prayers and the singing ot ono of

tho eoo«! old hymns thnt there's no ono

but knows,These half-hour services are coming in

for a great deal of praise, und thoy aro

greatly enjoyed by their participants. To¬

day the lUiv. Jphn Moneuro, city mission¬ary, will havo charge. Tlioro aro plentyof seats now, and all are welcome.

Stockholders Meet.The annual meeting of tho stockholders

of the Alliemnrlo Paper ManufacturingCompany wus held at noon yostorday.No business of gunorul Interest was

transacted except the election of thesamov.oi!leers mid directors for tho yearensuing.



Pasteur FiltersInstantaneous

Water HeatersQas Ranges


Richmond Plumbing & Mantel Co.26 NORTH NINTH STREET.PHONE 636.




OUR : 5PRINQ : STOCKNow ReadyforInspection,Repaintingand RepairingDone in theBest Manner.

All theLatest StylesandNovelties.Harness,Robes,and Whips.



R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, 15 5· Ninth St., Richmond, Va.

MONEY TO LOANtíflO nnd upwards loaned on Pianosind household furniture, on the

tiding and toan association plan,which makes the cost much lessthan you pay elsewhere, and allowyou to pay It off In monthly pay¬ments, running from ono to twelvemonths. Get others' ratée, thenseo us-

Tidewater Loan and Trust Co,Suite 33-34, Third Floor,

Merohants' National liank Building,lies East Main Street.

Take lOlcvator.


FOSTER & FOSTERUndertakers.

307 North 7th St.Telephone 2823Residence 3289


'Phones 509 and 2389,FLORIST,

(00,000 Bedding Plants.Largost Stock in the South,



Sugar Corn, 4 cans for.354a-pound cans Tablo Peaches.,.. .70,Large cans Pie peaches.7aBest Granulated Sugar, pound, ,.,..^%c.Quart bottle Tomato Catsup,....... toeSmall 'Smithfield Hams, pound.15c,T. M. Shoe Blacking, a boxes....... ,5c,Best City Meal, per peck..18c

or, bushel.',..65c.Largo Canned Virginia Tomatoes.8c.Early Rose Potatoes, bushel.75c

or. peck .20c.Arbuckles' Coffee, pound.10cCordova or Lion Coffee, pound... ,q'/.c,2-pound can Grated Pineapple...7cImported Macaroni, pound.6cBlackberry or Catawba Wine, quart..tooEiiamelino Stove Polish, box.40.Cutícula Tollet Soap, a for.50,Snowtlake Patent Family Flour, bar¬

rel, $3.00;. bag.S5QGood Green or Mixed Toa, pound,... j se,String Beans, can.,,....,.6c,Carolina Rice, per pound,.,,.5CBest Toa Dust, pound,.,..,...aoc

S. ULLMAN'S SONDowntown Stores, 1810-183» East MainStreet. Uptown Store, 506 East M»r«,shall Street.

'Phones at our two Store·.