Heneral Luna

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A reaction paper .

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Muoz, Mariella L.September 21, 2015AC 102 MWF (8:00-9:00) Sir Alipio

Heneral LunaReaction Paper

My block mates and I had watched one of the Philippines historical movie entitled Heneral Luna for the benefit that we would gain extra points from one of our subjects. I already made my assumption that it is the same with those boring and dull historical movies just like reading a very thick history book but I was wrong, upon watching the film right there, I realized that I will absolutely watched this film even without extra points or being required because it was the best historical movie I have ever watched so far it had given me the hair raising effect and I cant distinguish if its because of the breath taking scenes from our history that made me prouder for our countrymen who had sacrificed their selves or the truth that unveiled to me that there are so many holes and wrongness with our nationhood that time. I am from Cavite and a certified Kawitea and before I watched the film I am proud to be what I am and to my hometown and to our greatest hero there, Emilio Aguinaldo, but after watching the film I began to question myself if Aguinaldo was even worth it to be one of our national heroes just because he declared the Philippine Independence and has been the first president of the first republic of the Philippines. The movie had greatly affected the way I understand the history of our nation. It made a great remark for Antonio Luna being one of or national heroes. Unlike most historical movies that try to cram in all the details from the heros life, Heneral Luna is not weighed down by details. Filipino historical movies often tend to revere heroes and present them as somewhat perfect people but Heneral Luna explore the main characters fault and used it to define the story. After watching the film in the cinema and as the credits rolled almost all of the students and other viewers of the movie were clapping including me and walking home buzzed with discussions. It was a very interesting movie for making us realized that this history we are enjoying is one tinted with half-truths and veiled lies. Those details of the nations past that may or may not have a more lasting impact on our state as a people are either left as footnotes or completely forgotten and neglected. Distilled of dirt and sin, all that is left are fragranced memories that can only fuel a pride that may be as misplaced as it is dangerous. What sets Heneral Luna apart from other historical epics is its relevance to this day. Its a convincing wake-up call from the past. Just like what Antonio Luna was saying "Mga kapatid, meron tayong mas malaking kaaway kaysa sa mga Amerikano ang ating sarili, It is indeed true in our nation especially in politics that each politicians brings the downfall of their fellowmen just to be on them on the top. Also one of Lunas challenge to those officials in the movie is when he said Negosyo o Kalayaan? Bayan o Sarili? Pumili ka?!, and the only thing I can see in this is the politicians targeting the highest office in 2016. One is riddled with charges of corruption, one is ridiculed for incompetence during the times of disasters. The movie had question our Filipino psyche, and makes us ask why we, despite the hundred years or so that have transpired, havent really changed at all as a nation Heneral Lunabegs us to look beyond the stereotypes of both the man and the history that has been made around him. It begs us to see everything with clearer eyes, with just enough skepticism, and more importantly, without the influence of those who have the greatest to gain for turning our history into a spectacle of brave and unblemished patriots, of those who hanged heroes without owning up to their sins.