Developmental Immunology, 1995, Vol 4, pp. 157-168 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only (C) 1995 Harwood Academic Publishers GmbH Printed in Singapore Hemopoiesis in the Thymus MARION D. KENDALL Thymus Laboratory, The Babraham Institute, Cambridge CB2 4AT, and Pharmacology Department, UMDS, London SE1 7EH, UK The presence in the thymus of hemopoietic cells other than thymocytes has been known for many years, but the extent of the hemopoietic activity of the thymus and the possible functional implications have only recently begun to receive much attention. This review summarizes the literature in this field, especially in the light of current cytokine and thymic-factor knowledge, and includes clinical relevance where possible. KEYWORDS: B cells, erythrocytes, granulocytes, hemopoiesis, mast cells, thymus. INTRODUCTION The thymus is the major site for T-cell development, but that it may act as a site for other forms of hemopoiesis in all vertebrates, although regularly documented over the years, has been largely ig- nored. With the growth of good lineage markers for blood cells, it has been found that the thymus contains a range of different hemopoietic cells, often proliferating or developing in situ. In some cases, this has clinical significance, but in others, it may appear almost accidental or only manifest itself in abnormal situations. In any case, the occurrence of non-T-cell hemopoiesis can be used to explore the microenvironment and to give an indication of the interactive function of factors such as cytokines. This may benefit the clinical management of certain diseases and give hope for the manipulation of immune responses. This review therefore considers factors that may predispose toward the develop- ment of various hemopoietic cells in the thymus, and then discusses the presence and development of B, plasma, erythroid, and mast cells, eosinophils and neutrophils. Other hemopoietic cells are not in- cluded here, although they could also develop in the thymus. This is particularly true for natural killer and lymphokine-activated killer cells, but there is very little information about other cells, such as basophils, in the thymus. Of critical importance in thymic hemopoiesis is the presence and potential of primitive stem/ precursor/progenitor cells within the thymus and the local action of certain cytokines. In addition to the problems of finding adequate lineage markers for primitive cells, it is clear that different studies highlight, sometimes contradictory, findings. This may be a reflection of thymic embryological deve- lopment. Hemopoiesis first occurs in the yolk sac, and cells from this extra-embryonic site migrate to the liver. Shortly after this, hemopoietic cells appear in the developing thymus, in some long bones (e.g., clavicle) and elsewhere (e.g., kidney). The thymus in the human embryo is hemopoietic (mainly lym- phoid) by about 8 weeks, and is the most important hemopoietic organ throughout gestation (Kelemen et al., 1979). Full bone marrow development in the long bones occurs much later, and in the adult mouse, 1 in 10,000 bone marrow cells have been described as thymic colony forming units (Span- grude and Scollay, 1990). Recent research on the capabilities of stem cells populating the early mouse embryo has shown that the thymus rudiment is seeded by multipotential precursor cells that are not immediately committed to T-cell development in the thymic cellular environment (Peault et al., 1994). It is therefore quite possible that T-lymphocyte pre- cursors in the embryo and in the adult differ in their capabilities, so that a concept of multipotential and nonlineage-restricted precursors in the embryonic thymus, and primarily T-lineage-restricted precur- sors in the adult is quite plausible. Indeed, Span- grude et al. (1988) demonstrated that the adult mouse has two lineages of two similar cells but Sca- also had CFU-S (colony forming units--spleen) capabilities and were probably on the erythroid line of development. Alternatively, truly multi- potential stem cells of the embryo might remain in the thymus in adult life, and on occasion be 157

Hemopoiesis the Thymusdownloads.hindawi.com/journals/jir/1995/069454.pdf · 2019-08-01 · often need synergy from other factors (IL-1, IL-6, IL-11, c-kit ligand, G-CSF-1). IL-4,

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Page 1: Hemopoiesis the Thymusdownloads.hindawi.com/journals/jir/1995/069454.pdf · 2019-08-01 · often need synergy from other factors (IL-1, IL-6, IL-11, c-kit ligand, G-CSF-1). IL-4,

Developmental Immunology, 1995, Vol 4, pp. 157-168Reprints available directly from the publisherPhotocopying permitted by license only

(C) 1995 Harwood Academic Publishers GmbHPrinted in Singapore

Hemopoiesis in the ThymusMARION D. KENDALL

Thymus Laboratory, The Babraham Institute, Cambridge CB2 4AT, and Pharmacology Department, UMDS, London SE1 7EH, UK

The presence in the thymus of hemopoietic cells other than thymocytes has been known formany years, but the extent of the hemopoietic activity of the thymus and the possiblefunctional implications have only recently begun to receive much attention. This reviewsummarizes the literature in this field, especially in the light of current cytokine andthymic-factor knowledge, and includes clinical relevance where possible.

KEYWORDS: B cells, erythrocytes, granulocytes, hemopoiesis, mast cells, thymus.


The thymus is the major site for T-cell development,but that it may act as a site for other forms ofhemopoiesis in all vertebrates, although regularlydocumented over the years, has been largely ig-nored. With the growth of good lineage markers forblood cells, it has been found that the thymuscontains a range of different hemopoietic cells, oftenproliferating or developing in situ. In some cases,this has clinical significance, but in others, it mayappear almost accidental or only manifest itself inabnormal situations. In any case, the occurrence ofnon-T-cell hemopoiesis can be used to explore themicroenvironment and to give an indication of theinteractive function of factors such as cytokines.This may benefit the clinical management of certaindiseases and give hope for the manipulation ofimmune responses. This review therefore considersfactors that may predispose toward the develop-ment of various hemopoietic cells in the thymus,and then discusses the presence and development ofB, plasma, erythroid, and mast cells, eosinophils andneutrophils. Other hemopoietic cells are not in-cluded here, although they could also develop in thethymus. This is particularly true for natural killerand lymphokine-activated killer cells, but there isvery little information about other cells, such asbasophils, in the thymus.Of critical importance in thymic hemopoiesis is

the presence and potential of primitive stem/precursor/progenitor cells within the thymus andthe local action of certain cytokines. In addition tothe problems of finding adequate lineage markers

for primitive cells, it is clear that different studieshighlight, sometimes contradictory, findings. Thismay be a reflection of thymic embryological deve-lopment. Hemopoiesis first occurs in the yolk sac,and cells from this extra-embryonic site migrate tothe liver. Shortly after this, hemopoietic cells appearin the developing thymus, in some long bones (e.g.,clavicle) and elsewhere (e.g., kidney). The thymus inthe human embryo is hemopoietic (mainly lym-phoid) by about 8 weeks, and is the most importanthemopoietic organ throughout gestation (Kelemenet al., 1979). Full bone marrow development in thelong bones occurs much later, and in the adultmouse, 1 in 10,000 bone marrow cells have beendescribed as thymic colony forming units (Span-grude and Scollay, 1990). Recent research on thecapabilities of stem cells populating the early mouseembryo has shown that the thymus rudiment isseeded by multipotential precursor cells that are notimmediately committed to T-cell development in thethymic cellular environment (Peault et al., 1994). Itis therefore quite possible that T-lymphocyte pre-cursors in the embryo and in the adult differ in theircapabilities, so that a concept of multipotential andnonlineage-restricted precursors in the embryonicthymus, and primarily T-lineage-restricted precur-sors in the adult is quite plausible. Indeed, Span-grude et al. (1988) demonstrated that the adultmouse has two lineages of two similar cells but Sca-also had CFU-S (colony forming units--spleen)capabilities and were probably on the erythroidline of development. Alternatively, truly multi-potential stem cells of the embryo might remainin the thymus in adult life, and on occasion be


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158 M.D. KENDALL et al.

"awakened". Indeed, variations on the extent towhich this might happen could be the key to manyof the observations quoted in this review.Of considerable potential for elucidating stem-cell

biology is the identification of the ligand for thec-kit tyrosine kinase receptor (Huang et al., 1990).This is a glycoprotein that was previously called themast-cell growth factor (MGF), the stem-cell factor(Zsebo et al., 1990), and the steel factor (Matsuiet al., 1991). Stem-cell factor (SCF, a form of thec-kit ligand) alone or in combination with variousfactors (the interleukins IL-3, IL-6, IL-11, erythro-poietin, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor,or G-CSF) stimulates myelopoiesis, including eryth-ropoiesis, as well as T- and B-cell development. Itappears to be produced by a variety of cells, and oneform (KL-1) is especially associated with fibroblasts,brain, and thymus (Huang et al., 1992).Another facet of the thymus is that there may be

major microenvironment differences between majorlobes (left and right thymuses), as seen in repopu-lation studies (Ezine et al., 1984) or diseases such asmyasthenia gravis (MG), as well as variations be-tween lobes of either the left or right thymus.Furthermore, because cytokines largely shape themicroenvironment, small areas within the thymusmay change rapidly from day to day, or more slowlywith age and physiological rhythms, under stress,disease, or as a result of the administration of drugsor toxic compounds. Thus, alterations in their levelscould have profound effects on hemopoietic-lineagedevelopment.A cytokine of major importance in hemopoiesis is

IL-3. It is a multipotential cytokine stimulating theproliferation and differentiation of pluripotent hemo-poietic stem cells and lineage-committed precursorsof granulocytes, macrophages, eosinophils, erythro-cytes, megakaryocytes, mast cells, and lymphoidcells. It is a factor for mast cell growth, is a multi-colony stimulating factor, has burst-promoting ac-tivity, and is Thyl-inducing. It is produced mainlyby activated T-cells and mast cells, but, of impor-tance here, also by thymic epithelium. Its actionsoften need synergy from other factors (IL-1, IL-6,IL- 11, c-kit ligand, G-CSF- 1).

IL-4, another activated T-cell factor, was primarilyfound to act on B-cell differentiation (BCDF) andgrowth factor (BCGF1). However, it also acts onother hemopoietic cells such as T-, mast, andmonocyte-lineage cells. In synergy with other cy-tokines such as IL-11, it enhances the proliferationof primitive and committed progenitors. The IL-4R

molecule occurs widely on cortical epithelial cells(and some thymocytes) in the human thymus, sothis cytokine could be involved in regulation ofhemopoiesis within the thymus.The T-cell-derived, B-cell growth factor for mu-

rine cells, IL-5, also has the ability to act as aneosinophil differentiating factor, albeit a late-actingcytokine. Whether this cytokine has been found toact within the thymus is not clear. In humans, someof the B-cell differentiation effects are actually car-ried out by IL-6. This factor has colony-stimulatingactions on hemopoietic stem cells, and is known toact on thymocytes.Even when the action of single cytokines has been

defined, other roles emerge and they all interact tosynergize and suppress other hemopoietic factors.IL-7, which was originally implicated in B-cell de-velopment, has been shown to be expressed in thethymus by cortical epithelial cells from fetal andneonatal thymuses (Moore et al., 1993). IL-7 andSCF are involved in T-cell development althoughthey cannot support differentiation. GM-CSF, thegranulocyte/macrophage-CSF, also causes prolifer-ation of erythroid, dendritic, and megakaryocyteprecursors. Both GM-CSF and IL-I are poorlyexpressed by cortical epithelial cells. When clonedhuman thymic epithelial cells were challenged withIL-I, the production of GM-CSF, granulocyte-CSF,and other cytokines was strongly upregulated (Galyand Spitz, 1991). It is not known if granulocyte-CSF(G-CSF) is produced in the thymus, as it is mainlyproduced by activated macrophages. With stem-cellfactor, it may cause proliferation of early stem cellsas well as primarily acting to stimulate neutrophilcolony formation from bone marrow derived cells.Finally, it has been recently suggested that CD69,which is expressed transiently in recently activatedlymphocytes, may also be a marker of positivelyselected thymocytes, and has now been found onmany hemopoietic cells. Cross-linking CD69 resultsin an intracellular signal in all systems investigated,so Testi et al. (1994) have suggested that CD69molecules could act as common triggers for a varietyof hemopoietic cells at different stages of theirdevelopment, and therefore be of wide biologicalsignificance.


Thymic tissue has been used by many researchers asa source of mast-cell precursors (Ginsburg and

Page 3: Hemopoiesis the Thymusdownloads.hindawi.com/journals/jir/1995/069454.pdf · 2019-08-01 · often need synergy from other factors (IL-1, IL-6, IL-11, c-kit ligand, G-CSF-1). IL-4,


Sachs, 1963; Ishizaka et al., 1976), and the presenceof immature cells within the gland is indicative ofintrathymic development (Kendall and Warley,1986). Both B- and plasma cells occur in the normaland diseased thymus. B-cells have a high rate ofproliferation there (Pabst et al., 1989), and aregenerally concentrated in the medulla (Isaacsonet al., 1987), and at the cortico-medullary junction,whereas plasma cells are found predominantly inthe cortex (Clarke and Kendall, 1989; Abou-Rabiaand Kendall, 1994). Perivascular spaces may containboth B-cells and plasma cells. Initially, B-cells werethought to be casual components of the thymus, butthen as their functions became clearer, other possi-bilities arose. Might their presence indicate thatimmune responses could be enacted within theorgan? Some evidence for this exists. Benner et al.(1974) presented evidence for thymic participationin the immune response (antibody formation,evidence of plasma cells and phagocytosis) afterantigen dosing. In these cases, would T-cell devel-opment be affected? On the other hand, perhapsB-cells are necessary for T-cell development andtheir antigen-presenting capacity might influencerepertoire selection. Thymic plasma cells are also amystery. Benner et al. (1974) also showed antibody-plaque-forming cell activity in the thymus afterantigen challenge, so the plasma cells probablysecrete antibody. But is this a normal part of thymicactivity, or does this only occur in disease?

B-cell activity in the immune response is generallyassociated with germinal centers in lymph nodes, sothe thymus has been extensively studied in thisrespect. It is often assumed that thymic germinalcenters are associated with autoimmune conditions,especially MG and systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE). However, germinal centers also occur in thethymus under normal conditions (Middleton, 1967;Hofmann et al., 1988; Wirt et al., 1988; Kupper etal., 1989) as well as in disease (Vetters andBarclay,1973; Rosai and Levine, 1976; Vincent et al.,1978; Fujii et al., 1983; Williams and Lennon, 1986).Furthermore, their frequency of appearance can besimilar: Middleton (1967)recorded germinal centersin the thymus of 71.7% of adults 0-39 years oldwho died accidentally--a level of incidence compa-rable to that of MG patients.A detailed immunocytoch’emical investigation

(Wirt et al., 1988) of B-cells in nonimmunologicaldisease (19 cases and 1 MG patient) found 25% ofthe patients’ thymuses had active B-cell zones inmedullary septa arranged as follicles. Each had an

outer mantle showing IgD positivity and an inner

germinal center containing dendritic reticular cells.The follicles expressed IgG, IgM, kappa, and lambdain a lacy interstitial pattern. The T-cells in thefollicles were predominantly Leu3/ helper/inducercells and some were Leu7 cells (a T-cell subsetand/or NK cells). All 20 thymuses examinedshowed a substantial minority of scattered B-cells inthe septa and medulla that had the phenotype ofcirculating blood B-cells. This suggests that traf-ficking of B-cells into the medulla is common.Abou-Rabia and Kendall (1994) document thepassage of cells through medullary endothelia inhypothyroidism.The thymuses in certain models for autoimmune

diseases may carry very high levels of B-cells. Themouse model for SLE has B-cells in the thymus longbefore the clinical demonstration of disease (Farinaset al., 1990). However, in AKR mice (prone toretrovirus associated lymphomas), an increasedpresence of peripheral T- and B-cells in hyperplasticand preneoplastic thymuses was postulated to beassociated with a response to local antigenic stimu-lation (Michie and Rouse, 1991). Cells bearing theMEL-14 (L-selectin) homing receptor (the majorityof B-cells in hyperplastic thymuses) were predomi-nantly located around follicles in the enlargedmedulla.MG patients generally have hyperactive thymus

glands with many showing germinal centers. TheirB-cells (CD19/, CD21 /, and IgD or IgM/) areactivated (Leprince et al., 1990), produce anti-AChRantibodies in vitro, and their levels correlate withsera autoantibody titer and abnormal thymic histol-ogy (Safar et al., 1987). In patients with rheumatoidarthritis, peripheral CD5 B-cells secrete rheuma-toid factor.A more recent study on the properties of human

thymic B-cells (Spencer et al., 1992) gives a higherrepresentation of B-cells (CD20 /) in sections ofthymic medulla (33 +4.8%) than the Wirt study(which was not quantified), and also shows themto be activated B-cells (CD19 /, CD20/, CD22 /,CD35-, CDw32-) with about 10% expressing anindicator of cellular division (Ki67 ). The medullaryB-cells often formed rosettes with thymocytes sup-porting the hypothesis that thymic B-cells are pre-senting autoantigens to thymocytes as part of thenegative selection process. This seems plausiblefollowing murine studies of negative selection withthe V chain-bearing T-cells and Mls-determinantor class II I-E molecule expression. B-cells (but not

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macrophages, dendritic cells, or T-cells) have theMls locus and are found early in ontogeny in thethymus, probably before B-cell development in theliver (Nango et al., 1991). Both B-cells and dendriticcells are required in vitro for clonal deletion in mice(Mazda et al., 1991). In vivo, however, thymicB-cells alone delete Mls-reactive T-cells, and inducetolerance with injected dendritic cells, while den-dritic cells alone energized V6 cells (Inaba et al.,1991), although the processes may be more compli-cated. It is now emerging that, at least in mice, therole of mature B-cells in controlling V deletion isvariable. V11 cells require B-cell contact for de-letion unlike V3/ and V5 cells (Frey et al., 1992).Thus, B-cells are important for shaping the reper-toire of T-cells to both internal and external anti-gens, and in establishing tolerance (Zoller, 1990).A further complication in evaluating B-cell func-

tion is that in humans and mice, more than one typeof B-cell exists. Human thymic medullary B-cells areheterogenous and may bear the CD76 antigen thatappears late in maturation. They also differ pheno-typically from follicle mantle and germinal centercells (Fend et al., 1991). In the mouse, thymic B-cells(CD5/) differ from peritoneal cavity B-cells in sev-eral respects, especially in their inability to sponta-neously produce autoantibodies (Than et al., 1992).Mouse thymic B-cells can be stimulated with MHCclass II-restricted CD4 blasts and they then secreteIgM (Inaba et al., 1990), but they fail to respond toLPS or to anti-IgM plus IL-4. The cytokines IL-4 andIL-7 have both been shown to play a part in B-cellisotype switching and Ig production in vitro (Vande-kerchhove et al., 1993). B-cells may also differ intheir origins as thymic, but not peritoneal cavityB-cells can be reconstituted after irradiation andbone marrow transplantation. In this respect, thy-mic B-cells resemble conventional B-cells. Also fetaland adult hemopoietic stem cells have been shownto differ in their potential (Ikuta et al., 1990), so ithas been proposed (Than et al., 1992) {hat fetal stemcells can give rise to conventional B-cells that be-come thymic or peritoneal cavity B-cells, but adulthemopoietic stem cells cannot form peritoneal cavityB-cells.Whereas the preceeding studies indicate but do

not prove that thymic B-cells are developed withinthe thymus, low frequencies of B-lineage cells (sus-ceptible to viral transformation) are present fromdays 13-14 of gestation in mice. Whether thesehave immigrated as multipotential stem cells or ascommitted B-lineage cells is not known. Their

frequency rapidly increases to at least 1 in 500 cellsat days 15-16, which is an order of magnitudehigher than similar cells in fetal liver or adult bonemarrow (Kimoto et al., 1989). Mouse thymic B-cells(which are CD5 /, unlike human thymic, and othermouse lymphoid organ B-cells) are the first B-cellsafter birth to secrete IgG (Andreu-Sanchez et al.,1990), and a B-lineage transformation-associatedantigen (6C3) appears on murine cortical epithelialcells 1-2 weeks after birth (Adkins et al., 1988). Thisantigen is also found in kidney and intestine, but inthe lymphoid system, only in thymus and bonemarrow, where it supports pre-B-cell proliferationand differentiation in vitro (Whitlock et al., 1987).The capacity of the thymic stroma to allow B-cell

development (as seen morphologically) is supportedby the findings that neonatal thymectomy causes asudden disappearance of circulating B-cells (Sprent,1973), and reconstitution with mature T-cells par-tially rectifies the B-cell deficiency in X-linked im-mune deficient (xid) mice (Sprent and Bruce, 1984).Further work with xid mice (Karagogeos and Wortis,1987) showed that maturation of xid B-cells past thepro-B or early pre-B cell is T-cell-dependent, so thenecessary factors could be within the thymus.


Several early morphological studies refer to thepresence of immature red cells within the thymus,and their occurrence was convincingly documentedby Albert et al. (1965a, 1965b, 1966) in mice andman. Generally, fetal, pediatric (Taylor and Skinner,1976), and lower vertebrate (Kendall, 1980a) thy-mus glands exhibit most erythropoiesis, and thelevels in adult man may be low (Kendall and Singh,1980). However, because the morphology of earlyerythroid cells is very similar to lymphoid cells, it isonly when specific techniques for identifying eryth-roid cells are employed that the extent of erythro-poiesis may be recognized (Kendall, 1975; Borgeoiset al., 1981; Kendall et al., 1985).

In several wild bird species, thymic erythropoiesisis a regular occurrence, especially during breedingand moult (Kendall and Ward, 1974; Bacchus andKendall, 1975; Kendall, 1975a, 1975b, 1979; Wardand Kendall 1975; Kendall and Frazier, 1979; Fron-fria et al., 1985). It has been most extensivelystudied in the red-billed quelea, Quelea quelea (Fig.1). The young after hatching (Fig. la) have veryenlarged thymic lobes (birds usually have two

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162 M.D. KENDALL et al.

(a) (b)


FIGURE 2. Erythropoiesis and apoptosis in the thymic cortex.(a) higher-power view of a thymic lobe from a junvenile Q. queleawith an involuting gland (similar to Fig. lb). Note the very highlevel of apoptotic cells, many of which are dying early erythroidcells. 8-m paraffin section, Masson’s Trichrome stain, x 1200.(b) The erythropoietic thymic cortex from a breeding adult asshown in Figs. lc and d. Araldite embedded 1-m sectionstained with toluidene blue. x 480. (c) The cortex of a wild Bankvole thymus to illustrate erythropoiesis, and a macrophage full ofapoptotic cells. (For details, see Kendall, 1980.) Azur II-stained1-m thick araldite section, x 1200.

Anon., 1959; Jacobs et al., 1959; Parry et al., 1959;Krantz, 1990). The relationship, if any, betweenremoval of the thymus and the restoration of nor-mal erythroid levels in these rare diseases is unclear,but the recognition that thymocytes can enhance orsuppress erythroid colony growth may be relevant(Sharkis et al., 1986).


Mast cells in most species display marked functionaland morphological heterogeneity. The characteris-tics of different mast cell types has been mainlyexplored in rodent models and mast cell cultures.

This has led to a recognition of bone marrowderived cultured mast cells (BMCMCs) from rat

hemopoietic tissues (including the thymus),connective-tissue mast cells (CTMCs), and mucosalmast cells (MMCs). All of these are considered to bethe progeny of multipotential stem cells (Kitamuraet al., 1981). How separate the different types are, isnot clear because BMCMCs have been shown todifferentiate into CTMC-like cells (Nakano et al.,1985), and peritoneal CTMCs under certain cultureconditions become MMC-like. Upon transfer tomast cell-deficient mice, these MMC-like cellsbecome CTMCs. Thus, the microenvironment is

very important in the development of mast cellheterogeneity.

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FIGURE 3. Electron micrograph of a sparrow thymus (Passer domesticus) showing an area of cortex almost entirely filled witherythrocytes. There are no thymocytes in this region, epithelial cells remain, and occasional large mononuclear cells are also present.Other nearby erythropoietic regions contained eosinophils and heterophils. (See Kendall, 1979.) x 8100.

Mast cells are commonly found in the capsulearound the thymus and along the connective tissue

septa within the gland (Frazier, 1973; Kendall andWarley, 1986; Wight, 1970). Mast cells actuallywithin the stromal compartment (Figs. 4a and 4b)are less common except in some unusual cases, e.g.,NZB mice where enormous n.umbers of mast cellsproliferate in the cortex (Burnet, 1965), in the me-dulla in dystrophic chicken (Befus et al., 1981), andin induced anemia (Kendall and Blackett, 1983).Further evidence for the presence of mast cell pre-

cursors in the thymus comes from several studieswhere thymic tissues have been used as a source forthe in vitro development of mast cells (Ginsburg andSachs, 1963; Ishizaka et al., 1976), and an estimateof 17 mast cell precursors/106 thymic cells has beensuggested (Kawashini et al., 1986). In other studies,X-ray microanalysis has been used to study thymicmast cell granules and the variation in potassiumand sulfur content suggests the presence of imma-ture cells in rat thymus (Kendall and Warley, 1986).Birds with the hereditary condition of muscular

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164 M.D. KENDALL et al.

FIGURE 4. Hemopoiesis in the cortex of the thymus in a bankvole after induced anemia (reproduced with permission fromKendall and Blackett, 1983). (a) An immature mast cell (M, topleft), numerous multilobed eosinophils (e), an immature neutro-phil (N, top, off center), and a more mature multilobed neutrophil(N, center right), x 3000. (b) An immature mast cells illustratingthe formation of the characteristic granules, x 12,600.

dystrophy have thymic abnormalities including de-ficiencies in thymic mast cell numbers and hista-mine content.

Studies with athymic and thymic rats suggest thatthe thymus may regulate mast cells by an inhibitoryfactor acting on the bone-marrow stem cell orrecirculating precursor pool (Aldenborg and Ener-back, 1985).

Because parasite infestations often cause massivemast cell development, the factors involved in mastcell differentiation have been widely studied.Of particular importance is that there is no MMCproliferation in T-depleted mice and rats (Ruitenberg

and Elgesma, 1976; Mayrhofer and Fisher, 1979),indicating T-cell dependence. The T-cell cytokines,IL-3, IL-4, IL-9, and IL-10, have all been shown tobe involved in mast cell growth, and IL-3 injectedinto nude (athymic) mice results in MMC develop-ment (Abe et al., 1988). However, mutant mice withdefects of the c-kit proto-oncogene (W locus onchromosome 5) have T-cells that produce IL-3 butlack proper mast cell development. In culture, IL-4is synergistic to the actions of IL-3-dependent pro-liferation of mast cells, but does not alone maintainhigh levels of the cells. IL-4 also stimulates theproduction of B-cells and of importance perhaps tomast cells, IgE synthesis (Paul and Ohara, 1987).IL-9 was found to be identical with mast cellgrowth-enhancing activity (MEA). Although it doesnot itself enhance proliferation of BMCMC, it doesincrease IL-3-dependent proliferation. Similarly, IL-l0 alone is not proliferative, but does give optimalgrowth in combination with IL-3 and IL-4. This trioof cytokines is characteristic of activated T-cells, andmay be of greatest importance in certain immunereactions, especially parasitic infections.


Granulopoiesis is the thymus has been extensivelydocumented since the late 1800s (see Bhatal andCampbell, 1965). More recently, granulocyte deve-lopment has been shown in rodents (Sin and Sainte-Marie 1965; von Haelst, 1967; Kendall and Blackett,1983; Kendall et al., 1985; Boshnakova, 1990)humans (Downey, 1948; Bhatal and Campbell,1965), cats (Pack and Chapman, 1980), and rabbits(Downey, 1948; Westermann and Engelbert, 1969a,1969b, 1969c). The embryonic and fetal stages ofmany animals show development of granulocyteswithin the thymus, and this activity may continueinto adult life. Westermann and Engelbert (1969a,1969b) made a detailed study of the numbers anddistribution of different granulocytes (eosinophils oftwo morphological forms, heterophils and baso-phils) at different life stages and under conditions ofparasitic infection. The two forms of eosinophilswere regarded as arising from different precursors inthe thymus and it was found that their relativenumbers varied with parasitic infections. Youngrabbits had more eosinophils and fewer basophilsthan younger animals, and old animals and para-sitized rabbits had the greatest concentrations of

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granulocytes. The use of thymectomized rats (Bastenand Beeson, 1970) showed that the eosinophiliainduced by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis was underT-lymphocyte control and this was confirmed in

athymic rats (Ogilvie et al., 1980; Letonja et al.,1988). However, eosinophilia in the rat in responseto Fasciota hepatica is not thymus-dependent (Doyand Hughes, 1982).Immature and mature granulocytes are found in

the cortex (often the outer cortex, where myelocytescan align themselves in rows under the capsule),and in the medulla. In young animals and undercertain conditions in adults, such as induced anemia(Fig. 4a), development occurs in nests of eosinophilsthroughout the cortex (Kendall, 1978; Kendall andBlackett, 1983; Kendall et al., 1985). Granulocytes inthe connective tissues of the septa and capsule aregenerally recorded as more mature, and may be cellsentering or exiting the thymus. In many avianthymuses, mature eosinophils were found withinvacuoles in or close to the necrotic center of Has-sall’s corpuscles (Kendall and Frazier, 1979). Asso-ciations of this nature were also observed in children(Bhatal and Campbell, 1965; Muller, 1977) and inrabbits (Westermann and Engelbert, 1969b). It hasbeen suggested that they may be phagocytosingantigen-antibody complexes at this site becauseboth antigen (Marshall and White, 1961) and im-

munoglobulins (Henry and Anderson, 1990) accu-mulate in Hassall’s corpuscles.

thymus also can support hemopoiesis in adult life.Several important questions arise from this activity.Does an imbalance in the body’s normal blood-cellcomposition favor hemopoiesis in the thymus, and/or do alterations to the thymic microenvironmentpredispose to thymic hemopoiesis? Do foci of he-mopoiesis depend on activation of previously dor-mant multipotential stem cells or on the entry ofstem cells from the circulation? To what extent arestem cells that may enter the adult thymus commit-ted to develop into a specific lineage? However, nowthat it is clear that the thymus microenvironment isnot restricted to T-cell development, the other he-mopoietic activities will provide a rich research areawhere progress should be rapid, because many ofthe necessary tools are already available.


am grateful to the Volkswagen Stiftung and the WeltonFoundation for funding the current work of the ThymusLaboratory at the Babraham Institute.

(Received November 7, 1994)

(Accepted February 20, 1995)



The thymus in the embryo and in most younganimals including man can be extensively hemopoi-etic, possibly by the action of growth factors andcytokines creating permissive microenvironments.See Table 1. It is not surprising, therefore, that the

TABLEThe Presence of Non-T-Lineage Cells in the Thymus of


Intrathymic cells Embryo Adult

Multipotential stem cells Present ProbableImmature B-cells Present PresentImmature erythroid cells Present PresentImmature mast cells Not known PresentOther immature granulocytes Present PresentBecause immature myeloid cells generally do not circulate in the blood of adults,

except in disease, the presence of immature forms in the normal thymus is indicativeof development and differentiation from multipotential committed precursors.Whether these precursors lie dormant from embryonic days enter the thymusfrom the circulation is not known.

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