ATTORNEYS REAL ESTATE TV, PHONE INTERNET PAGE B3 WESTERN NEBRASKA OBSERVER THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 HUGHESNET SATEL- LITE Internet - 25mbps starting at $49.99/ month! Get More Data. Free Off-Peak Data. Fast download speeds. WiFi built in! Free Stan- dard Installation for lease customers! Lim- ited time, call 1-844- 290-3051. NPA625 VIASAT SATELLITE In- ternet. Up to 12 mbps plans starting at $30/ month. Our fastest speeds (up to 50 mbps) & unlimited data plans start at $100/month. Call Viasat today: 1-877- 255-9312. NPA625 DIRECTV - SWITCH and Save! $39.99/ month. Select All-In- cluded Package. 155 Channels. 1000s of Shows/Movies On De- mand. Free Genie HD DVR Upgrade. Premium movie channels, Free for 3 months! Call 1-855- 977-3794. NPA625 DISH NETWORK $59.99 for 190 Channels. Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/month (where available). Switch & Get a Free $100 Visa Gift Card. Free Voice Remote. Free HD DVR. Free Streaming on All De- vices. Call today! 1-877- 688-4784. NPA625 DONATING HEALTH DONATE YOUR car for Breast Cancer! Help United Breast Cancer Foundation education, prevention & support programs. Fast free pick- up - 24 hour response - tax deduction. 1-888- 309-7108. NPA625 DONATE YOUR car, truck or van. Help vet- erans find jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, Free pick up. Max tax- deduction. Operators are standing by! Call 1-877- 312-2360. NPA625 HELP WANTED BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME WITH OBSERVER CLASSIFIEDS 308-235-3631 EDUCATION FDA-REGISTERED Hearing Aids. 100% risk-free! 45-day home trial. Comfort fit. Crisp clear sound. If you decide to keep it, pay only $299 per aid. Free Shipping. Call Hearing Help Express, 1-855-763-2604. NPA625 LIFE ALERT, One press of a but- ton sends help Fast, 24/7! At home and on the go. Mobile Pen- dant with GPS. Free First Aid Kit (with subscription). Call 855- 663-0118. Free Brochure. NPA625 MEDICAL-GRADE Hearing Aids for less than $200! FDA-Registered. Crisp, clear sound, state-of-the- art features & no audiologist need- ed. Try it risk free for 45 days! Call 1-855-753-6493. NPA625 UP TO $15,000.00 of Guaranteed Life Insurance! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final expens- es. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company, 866-982-2256 or visit www.Life55plus.info/ne. NPA625 BECOME A Published Author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publish- ing - trusted by authors since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently be- ing reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your free Author’s Guide, 1-877-858-2822 or visit http:// dorranceinfo.com/Nebraska. NPA625 HORSES ADVERTISING SERVING BREAKFAST!! MAIN STREET MARKET DELI 235-2482 Painting Interior & Exterior Call Vicki Snyder 308-220-8341 LOCAL SERVICES B&B Water Well Service, Inc. Water Well Drilling, House Well Repair, Windmills, Stock Tanks. Small Backhoe Service 308-235-3470 Cell: 308-235-5569 Trevor@ 307-286-8523 AUTHORS OIL RIG HANDS are needed for work in Kimball County. Call Gary at 970-520-3692. HOME IMPROVEMENT BANKRUPTCY: FREE consultation. Low- est rates. No office visit required. As Ne- braska’s #1 bankruptcy firm, we have helped thousands of clients file bankruptcy in all 93 Nebraska counties. We can Stop garnish- ments and foreclosures fast. www.SamTurco- Law.net. Call 402-965-0424 or send e-mail to [email protected]. NPA625 APPLYING FOR Social Security Disability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Our case managers simplify the process & work hard to help with your case. Call 1-866- 818-0868. Free Consultation. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St. NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar). NPA625 RECENTLY DIAGNOSED with Lung Can- cer or Mesothelioma? Exposed to Asbestos Pre-1980 at Work or Navy? You may be en- titled to a significant cash award! Smok- ing history okay! 844-984-2263. NPA625 HAVE 10K in Debt? National Debt Relief is rated A-Plus with the BBB. You could be debt free in 24-48 months. Call 1-866-834-5927 now for a free debt evaluation. NPA625 ALL OF THESE Observer Classifieds ad- vertisers are onto something, week in and week out. To join them, call 308-235-3631 or email [email protected] ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! For $225/25 word classified you can advertise in over 150 Nebraska newspapers. For more in- formation contact your local newspa- per or call 1-800-369-2850. NPA625 AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 155 newspapers across Ne- braska for one low price! Call 1-800-369-2850 or www.nebpress.com for more details. NPA625 ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered to-the-door Omaha Steaks! Get 4 Free Burgers. Order The Griller’s Bundle - Only $79.99. Call 1-855-993-6208, mention code 61086ZSR or visit www. OmahaSteaks.com/dinner38. NPA625 FOR SALE: 1997 Crestridge Trailer House, 3 BR 2 bath, 16 x 76’, vaulted clg, includes gas range/oven, refrigerator, storage shed, well maintained. $14,000. 3436 Wills Road, Chey- enne, WY. MUST BE MOVED. 307-214-2164 GREELEY, NE. 1 & 1/4 acres, 2,300 sq.ft., 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath home, large 3 car garage. Fiber optic high speed internet. Sweeney Auc- tion & Realty @ 308-428-5971. NPA625 ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-671-2859. NPA625 FOOD CAITLIN WILLIAMS 308-241-1664 Home Team Realty 122. S. Chestnut St. Kimball, NE 308-230-2188 GINA LOPEZ 308-562-0135 Congrats to this sweet new owner! We can’t wait to see the transformation of this great property! SOLD FOR SALE – New Tarkett brand Laminate floor- ing. Looks like wood. 5 unopened boxes cover 21 square feet each. Just $75. About 62% off! Call 308-235-2264. GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 27 8 a.m. to 12 noon 1119 E. 8th St., Kimball Enter on alley on house’s west side Children’s Clothes, Toys, Puzzles, Christmas Items, Lots of Misc. GARAGE SALE LOCAL FLOORING HORSE SALE Gordon Livestock Gordon, Nebraska JUNE 30, 2020 Link omson: 308- 282-9998 Gordon Livestock: 308-282-1171 Western Nebraska Observer Full-Time Office Position The Western Nebraska Observer seeks a full-time office employee. Responsi- bilities include customer service, billing, record-keeping, keeping office supplies in stock, and coordinating public no- tices that appear in the paper. Contact Jim Orr at 308-235-3631 or via email at [email protected] for more information.

HELP WANTED Observer Western Nebraska · 1 day ago  · Toys, Puzzles, Christmas Items, Lots of Misc. GARAGE SALE LOCAL FLOORING HORSE SALE Gordon Livestock Gordon, Nebraska JUNE

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Page 1: HELP WANTED Observer Western Nebraska · 1 day ago  · Toys, Puzzles, Christmas Items, Lots of Misc. GARAGE SALE LOCAL FLOORING HORSE SALE Gordon Livestock Gordon, Nebraska JUNE





HUGHESNET SATEL-LITE Internet - 25mbps starting at $49.99/month! Get More Data. Free Off-Peak Data. Fast download speeds. WiFi built in! Free Stan-dard Installation for lease customers! Lim-ited time, call 1-844-290-3051. NPA625

VIASAT SATELLITE In-ternet. Up to 12 mbps plans starting at $30/month. Our fastest speeds (up to 50 mbps) & unlimited data plans start at $100/month. Call Viasat today: 1-877-2 5 5 - 9 3 1 2 . N P A 6 2 5 DIRECTV - SWITCH and Save! $39.99/month. Select All-In-cluded Package. 155 Channels. 1000s of Shows/Movies On De-mand. Free Genie HD DVR Upgrade. Premium movie channels, Free for 3 months! Call 1-855-977-3794. NPA625

DISH NETWORK $59.99 for 190 Channels. Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/month (where available). Switch & Get a Free $100 Visa Gift Card. Free Voice Remote. Free HD DVR. Free Streaming on All De-vices. Call today! 1-877-688-4784. NPA625



DONATE YOUR car for Breast Cancer! Help United Breast Cancer Foundation education, prevention & support programs. Fast free pick-up - 24 hour response - tax deduction. 1-888-309-7108. NPA625

DONATE YOUR car, truck or van. Help vet-erans find jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, Free pick up. Max tax-deduction. Operators are standing by! Call 1-877-312-2360. NPA625






F D A - R E G I S T E R E D H e a r i n g A i d s . 1 0 0 % r i s k - f r e e ! 4 5 - d a y h o m e t r i a l . C o m f o r t f i t . C r i s p c l e a r s o u n d . I f y o u d e c i d e t o k e e p i t , p a y o n l y $ 2 9 9 p e r a i d . F r e e S h i p p i n g . C a l l H e a r i n g H e l p E x p r e s s , 1 - 8 5 5 - 7 6 3 - 2 6 0 4 . N P A 6 2 5

L I F E A L E R T , O n e p r e s s o f a b u t -t o n s e n d s h e l p Fa s t , 2 4 / 7 ! A t h o m e a n d o n t h e g o . M o b i l e P e n -d a n t w i t h G P S . F r e e F i r s t A i d K i t ( w i t h s u b s c r i p t i o n ) . C a l l 8 5 5 -6 6 3 - 0 1 1 8 . F r e e B r o c h u r e . N P A 6 2 5

M E D I C A L - G R A D E H e a r i n g A i d s f o r l e s s t h a n $ 2 0 0 ! F D A - Re g i s t e r e d . C r i s p , c l e a r s o u n d , s t a t e - o f - t h e -a r t f e a t u r e s & n o a u d i o l o g i s t n e e d -e d . Tr y i t r i s k f r e e f o r 4 5 d a y s ! C a l l 1 - 8 5 5 - 7 5 3 - 6 4 9 3 . N P A 6 2 5

U P T O $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 o f G u a r a n t e e d L i f e I n s u r a n c e ! N o m e d i c a l e x a m o r h e a l t h q u e s t i o n s . C a s h t o h e l p p a y f u n e r a l a n d o t h e r f i n a l e x p e n s -e s . C a l l P h y s i c i a n s L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y, 8 6 6 - 9 8 2 - 2 2 5 6 o r v i s i t w w w. L i f e 5 5 p l u s . i n f o / n e . N P A 6 2 5

BECOME A Published Author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publish-ing - trusted by authors since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently be-ing reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your free Author’s Guide, 1-877-858-2822 or visit http://dorranceinfo.com/Nebraska. NPA625






& ExteriorCall

Vicki Snyder308-220-8341


B&B Water WellService, Inc.

Water Well Drilling,House Well Repair,

Windmills, Stock Tanks.Small Backhoe Service

308-235-3470Cell: 308-235-5569

Trevor@ 307-286-8523


OIL RIG HANDS are needed for work in Kimball County. Call Gary at 970-520-3692.


BANKRUPTCY: FREE consultation. Low-est rates. No office visit required. As Ne-braska’s #1 bankruptcy firm, we have helped thousands of clients file bankruptcy in all 93 Nebraska counties. We can Stop garnish-ments and foreclosures fast. www.SamTurco-Law.net. Call 402-965-0424 or send e-mail to [email protected]. NPA625

APPLYING FOR Social Security Disability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Our case managers simplify the process & work hard to help with your case. Call 1-866-818-0868. Free Consultation. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St. NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar). NPA625

RECENTLY DIAGNOSED with Lung Can-cer or Mesothelioma? Exposed to Asbestos Pre-1980 at Work or Navy? You may be en-titled to a significant cash award! Smok-ing history okay! 844-984-2263. NPA625

HAVE 10K in Debt? National Debt Relief is rated A-Plus with the BBB. You could be debt free in 24-48 months. Call 1-866-834-5927 now for a free debt evaluation. NPA625

ALL OF THESE Observer Classifieds ad-vertisers are onto something, week in and week out. To join them, call 308-235-3631 or email [email protected]

ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! For $225/25 word classified you can advertise in over 150 Nebraska newspapers. For more in-formation contact your local newspa-per or call 1-800-369-2850. NPA625

AFFORDABLE PRESS Release service. Send your message to 155 newspapers across Ne-braska for one low price! Call 1-800-369-2850 or www.nebpress.com for more details. NPA625

E N J O Y 1 0 0 % g u a r a n t e e d , d e l i v e r e d t o - t h e - d o o r O m a h a S t e a k s ! G e t 4 F r e e B u r g e r s . O r d e r T h e G r i l l e r ’ s B u n d l e - O n l y $ 7 9 . 9 9 . C a l l 1 - 8 5 5 - 9 9 3 - 6 2 0 8 , m e n t i o n c o d e 6 1 0 8 6 Z S R o r v i s i t w w w.O m a h a S t e a k s . c o m / d i n n e r 3 8 . N P A 6 2 5

FOR SALE: 1997 Crestridge Trailer House, 3 BR 2 bath, 16 x 76’, vaulted clg, includes gas range/oven, refrigerator, storage shed, well maintained. $14,000. 3436 Wills Road, Chey-enne, WY. MUST BE MOVED. 307-214-2164

GREELEY, NE. 1 & 1/4 acres, 2,300 sq.ft., 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath home, large 3 car garage. Fiber optic high speed internet. Sweeney Auc-tion & Realty @ 308-428-5971. NPA625

ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-671-2859. NPA625



Home Team Realty122. S. Chestnut St.

Kimball, NE308-230-2188GINA LOPEZ 308-562-0135

Congrats to this sweet

new owner! We can’t wait

to see the transformation

of this great property!


FOR SALE – New Tarkett brand Laminate floor-ing. Looks like wood. 5 unopened boxes cover 21 square feet each. Just $75. About 62% off! Call 308-235-2264.

GARAGE SALESaturday, June 278 a.m. to 12 noon1119 E. 8th St.,

KimballEnter on alley on house’s west side

Children’s Clothes, Toys, Puzzles,

Christmas Items, Lots of Misc.



HORSE SALEGordon LivestockGordon, Nebraska

JUNE 30, 2020Link Thomson: 308- 282-9998

Gordon Livestock: 308-282-1171

Western NebraskaObserverFull-Time Office Position

The Western Nebraska Observer seeks a full-time office employee. Responsi-bilities include customer service, billing, record-keeping, keeping office supplies in stock, and coordinating public no-tices that appear in the paper. Contact Jim Orr at 308-235-3631 or via email at [email protected] for more information.