Help for Primary Students to Create a Email Terry peach Terry peach 44359

Help for Primary Students to Create a Email Terry peach Terry peach 44359

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Page 1: Help for Primary Students to Create a Email Terry peach Terry peach 44359

Help for Primary Students to Create a Email

Terry peach

Terry peach 44359

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Terry peach 44359


Then you go to email put your username in and password and you will be in the email.

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Opening a e- mail

Then you see if you got any email form your friends click on the inbox and read it.

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Open email

Then click on the reply button to send a email back

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Replying to a email

Then click send to your friends

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Next adding a attachment

Then go to attachments

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Then click browser then click the close button

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Sending a e-mail

Type the name you want and write what you want to say

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• Btw by the way

• Fyi for your

• Bfn bye for now

• Lol laughing out loud

• ;) happy

• ;( sad

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IT information onto social network site

• When you are putting information onto social network site you will have to have a user name and password to prove your are the right person to update upload to a social because if you don’t it will not let you do it .

• Face book Home laptop• Mp3 X box 360• Sky TV

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That i am going on radiowavers

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Then click join

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Then click on sign up

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But if you have already got a user name and password for radio waves click logo in

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Go to the user name and password and time your name in and your password

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How to make a story on radio waves

Click on how to make a story

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How to make a story on radio waves

You upload your story.

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Facebook as brought a new life

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Click submit to put your story on radiowvaes

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Facebook • Facebook is one of the biggest social

networks. You can talk to friends, display pictures, play games and carry out many other activities .Social networks are making a big impact in the world.

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Social network There are many social network like

Face book so I can talk to my mates

Twitter read what the p.e department got to say





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some viruses can crash networks and make your files crash

Viruses are usually spread by a computer network, by e-mail, or by removable media, like a floppy disk or memory stick.

A computer virus is a piece of program code that, like a biological virus, makes copies of itself by attaching itself to another program. The virus can waste the host's resources, and sometimes destroy or change file

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• Many ISP email packages offer 'spam filters' that try to prevent these emails getting through to your inbox but some times they still can get in to your email

• It is thought that most of the email you get from the internet are spam

• Spam means sending massive amounts of electronic junk mail that people haven't asked for.

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• Phishing is were people try and get important information like credit card information bank pins thing like that

• They set up a fake website which looks identical to a legitimate company such as a bank or insurance company.

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Identity theft

• Identity theft is were someone gets your identity they use your name bank number and your mums name brothers name things like that and they can put you in really bad bet by getting thing of the internet in your name

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Cyber bullying

• Cyber bullying is were people bully you like on facebook and they will call you name it is done all over the internet

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Hard drive failure

Hard drive failure is were your hard drive gets over heated and or water gets to it this mean all your work will be lost one way to stop this happening is don’t go on your computer to long and dust you hard drive now and agent

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Corruption of backup data

• Thing that courses corruption of back up data shutting down you computer the wrong way Power outages or other power-related problems.

Way to prevent this from happening always shut down you computer properly and don't have things over heating

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Radio waves

• Radio wave is a good way to show the community what life is like in the academy for the students because nearly everyone has a computer and the internet and it is easily to find everyone in the community can look and radio waves all different school have access to radio waves you can put up events and things like that

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communication channel

• Safe way to use communication channel website like face book is don't talk to people you don't know thinks like that add people you know if someone you don't no try and adds you say no decline it just add friends some time you can get people trying to add you for different reasons

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A firewall is a piece of software that lets keep your computer from virus. It also let you to filter when the information coming. It is to set up mainly one way access. If YOU CAN’T get on a site at school that means the firewall is in action.

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• A computer virus is a computer program that can replicate itself[ and spread from one computer to another. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium cd or disk.

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You might think that the most valuable item a company owns is its computers. Although they are expensive machines, you would be wrong. The thing that is worth the most to any company is their data. Surprising eh? Not when you think about it. If a machine breaks down or even gets stolen, a company can go out and buy a new one to replace it. Yes, it costs them a fair whack, but they can probably find the money from somewhere.

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If you were asked to take a guess on the most likely cause of data loss, you would probably say, hacking' or 'theft of equipment'. You would be wrong. The single biggest cause of loss or damage to data is from employees or data users such as yourself.

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A hacker is a person who breaks codes and passwords to gain unauthorized entry to computer systems.Many hackers often don't intend to cause damage to data, but just enjoy the challenge of breaking into a system. However, in some instances the hacker's purpose could be to commit fraud, to steal commercially valuable data and sell it to another company or to damage or delete the data in order to harm the company.

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Although thankfully a rare occurrence, fires and floods do happen. They can cause immense damage and even total destruction of the computer equipment.If you have been daft enough not to make a back up and store it somewhere other than the office, then it is pretty likely that all of your data is sitting on the now damaged machine and cannot be retrieved.

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It's common sense to make copies of your work, but you would be amazed at how few don't do this.Whilst you are working, you should remember to save your work every 5 minutes or so. It doesn't take a moment to press the 'save' button. If you are sensible, you should also save your work as different versions, just in case your work becomes corrupted or you delete something by accident. You can then go back to an earlier version. O.K. you might have lost some work, but you won't have lost it all.

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