1 Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. This term has been as busy as ever as we have welcomed new pupils and staff. The summer holidays seem like a distant memory and I think everyone is definitely ready for the Christmas break, especially as so many of our pupils have been ill over the last few weeks. Guidance from public health went home with everyone however I would urge parents and carers to be vigilant and if your child is ill, to keep them at home until they are fully recovered. This is particularly important with flu type illnesses, starting with a high temperature and diarrhoea/vomiting bugs. In the case of diarrhoea and vomiting, children should not return to school until they are 2 full days symptom free. Hopefully this will stop the spread of these nasty illnesses and will mean that we should all have a germ free Christmas (fingers crossed). On a sad note, Christa, one of our longest serving teaching assistants has decided to retire at Christmas. She has worked at Kemball for 33 years and really is a valued member of staff. I had the pleasure of working with her when I first started at Kemball and I have always been grateful for the many things that she taught me. She has a wonderful way with the pupils and I know that many parents and carers have valued the contribution she has made to their children’s lives. Christa will certainly be missed by everyone but I know she is looking forward to putting her feet up and enjoying a well-earned break. As usual our Eco fair was a great success. It was lovely to see so many people turning out to support us. It really got us all into the Christmas mood. Thank you to everyone who made donations of prizes for the tombola and raffle. Another highlight, of course has been the Christmas activities, as always we try to embrace the spirit of Christmas and our Nativity was as wonderful as ever. You wouldn’t believe how much hard work it takes for a 30 minute performance but it is all worth it when you see what some of our youngest children accomplish. We couldn’t be prouder of them. Anyway time to let the classes tell you about all that they have been doing this term. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and would like to thank you for your continued support. See you all in the New Year Lisa

Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The

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Page 1: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. This term

has been as busy as ever as we have welcomed new pupils and staff. The summer holidays seem like a distant memory and I think everyone is definitely ready for the Christmas break, especially as so many of our pupils have been ill over the last few weeks. Guidance from public health went home with everyone however I would urge parents and carers to be vigilant and if your child is ill, to keep them at home until they are fully

recovered. This is particularly important with flu type illnesses, starting with a high temperature and diarrhoea/vomiting bugs. In the case of diarrhoea and vomiting, children should not return to school until they are 2 full days symptom free. Hopefully this will stop the spread of these nasty illnesses and will mean that we should all have a germ free Christmas (fingers crossed). On a sad note, Christa, one of our longest serving teaching assistants has decided to retire at Christmas. She has worked at Kemball for 33 years and really is a valued member of staff. I had the pleasure of working with her when I first started at Kemball and I have always been grateful for the many things that she taught me. She has a wonderful way with the pupils and I know that many parents and carers have valued the contribution she has made to their children’s lives. Christa will certainly be missed by everyone but I know she is looking forward to putting her feet up and enjoying a well-earned break. As usual our Eco fair was a great success. It was lovely to see so many people turning out to support us. It really got us all into the Christmas mood. Thank you to everyone who made donations of prizes for the tombola and raffle. Another highlight, of course has been the Christmas activities, as always we try to embrace the spirit of Christmas and our Nativity was as wonderful as ever. You wouldn’t believe how much hard work it takes for a 30 minute performance but it is all worth it when you see what some of our youngest children accomplish. We couldn’t be prouder of them. Anyway time to let the classes tell you about all that they have been doing this term. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and would like to thank you for your continued support. See you all in the New Year Lisa

Page 2: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


What a fantastic start Gladstone 1 have made to the year! We have some pupils that have come into Gladstone 1 together and some from other classes. Nevertheless, the children have already formed some great friendships and settled well into the new academic year.

During this term, we have been studying life in the countryside as our topic which has been used within many of our lessons. The children really enjoyed learning about the countryside and how it compares to the city. We have studied farming, population, animals and food in the countryside and countryside art. Within D&T we have created our very own ploughman’s sandwiches before designing our own creative sandwiches. Although life in the countryside has been our main focus, we have also been taking part in non-themed lessons such as Science and RE. In Science, the children have really enjoyed studying ‘animal classification’ which the children have really enjoyed and learnt various animal groups within the vertebrate category. We have been participating in RE days which are held each half term. This means the class experiences three different teachers within two days which enables them to engage in lots of engaging and creative lessons linked to the themes. We have focussed on harvest and festivals of light during the RE days and the children are giving really positive feedback.

Whilst the children have been working really hard in lessons, they have also been enjoying themselves and working hard in the events celebrated as a whole school and going on school trips. We have been lucky enough to take a walk in the countryside to enhance our learning experiences and also visiting the New Victoria theatre, all of which the children thoroughly enjoyed. As you can tell, it has been a fun-filled term and it has flown by! The children have

Gladstone 1

Page 3: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


really enjoyed the build up to Christmas creating lots of Christmas crafts and enjoying the Christmas parties. All of us in Gladstone 1 wish you a lovely festive break and would also like to thank you for all your continued support in our school events.

Have a very Merry Christmas and we cannot wait to see all the children on return to school for lots more fun and hard work.

Darryl, Sophie, Hannah, Chloe and Amer

Wedgwood 2

Autumn 2019 has been a good term for Wedgewood 2. The

progress of personal and social developments have been

good. As a team, we have been busy working to give the

children a daily structure that has helped their communication,

personal hygiene and social interaction.

In English we have encouraged the children to communicate

better and be more specific in the way they express themselves. The children

loved the story of King Arthur and enjoyed solving and creating mysteries. As

a team, we have, also, noticed an improvement in their literacy skills.

In Maths we have been learning about addition, subtraction and division. The

children enjoyed all of the latter.

In History, we explored WW1. The children learned about its effect, about

hardships of many, the daily life during the war. In Geography, we learned

about cities and food in Great Britain. The children enjoyed the virtual trips

like the one of the London underground.

In Science, the children explored and participated in different activities related

to ‘forces’ such as gravity, air resistance. etc.

During this term, we had a lot of special days: Re days allowed the children to

explore the festival of lights. The children explored different religious festivals

and how Light is seen a source of Good.

Page 4: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Red Nose Day was a great success, the pupils were well versed in all the

activities but they also understood the value of helping others who are less


During the Spring term, we are looking forward to continuing progressing and

improve the academic and social skills.

Thank you,

Mandy, Elaine, Emma, and Michael.

Paragon 1

Paragon 1 have had a very busy and productive term

since September! All of the children settled straight

back in after summer and have continued to amaze

us with their progress.

In English, we started the year reading ‘We’re going

on a bear hunt’, this was definitely a class favourite –

the children loved doing a barefoot walk of all of the different elements of the

story and acting out the story to make a class film. We then moved onto ‘The

bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and

speech. We even squeezed in ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ to help us write

our letters to Santa.

In Maths, we have been focusing on number and place value where we really

showed how much better our understanding is getting of the value of number.

Some of us moved on to using Cuisenaire rods to show number sequences of

numbers of up to 100 whilst others used numicon to sequence up to 10. We

were becoming really confident with this. We’ve also learnt about

measurement focusing on length, capacity and money.

In RE, we have enjoyed the whole school RE days

learning about Harvest and festivals of light. We

enjoyed printing with fruit to make some collaborative

art work and tasting different vegetables. We learnt

about Hannukah and made our own advent wreaths to

start the countdown to Christmas.

In Science, we started the year by learning about animals and their young. We

focused on a different animal each week and the special things they do to look

after their babies. We really enjoyed balancing eggs on our feet and trying to

Page 5: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


walk like Penguins do on the ice. We have also been learning about

minibeasts, and did great categorisation by counting the legs of the minibeasts

to see if they were insects or not.

In computing, we began the year by looking at programming and algorithms.

We used arrows to make a path through a maze and began to understand

how to programme bee-bots to make them move. This half-term we have

been using different software to explore data and counting. We have shown

how confident we are using I.Pads and other touchscreen devices.

Our Friday topic mornings have been jam packed with History, Geography, Art

and D&T activities. We started the year with the topic ‘Life in the countryside’

where we focused on the features of a countryside and how this compared to

a city. We recreated Van Gough’s ‘A Wheatfield with crows’ where we amazed

everyone with replicating Van Gough’s painting style using small strokes with

his brush. We also studied simple maps and labelled key features with

symbols and words. We explored the countryside and city using google maps

to look at different features. We are really looking forward to our steam train

ride through the countryside where we might even get to meet Santa!

In PSHE we have been focussing on growing up and responsibilities. We have

worked hard on respecting other people’s choices and understanding that it’s

ok to say no if you don’t want to do something. We have also learnt about

what jobs we have to do in school and what responsibilities we might have

when we are older.

In PE we have had the opportunity to work with ‘Fizzy Tots’ where we have

been developing our basic core skills of running, jumping and throwing. We

have played lots of different games and started to develop our teamwork skills

in team based games too. We’ve also been working hard to develop our

confidence and independence in the water at our weekly swimming sessions

which is one of our favourite activities of the week.

Paragon 1 have worked so hard and continue to amaze everyone with what

we are all capable of!

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Hannah, Emma, Vicky and Khatija

Page 6: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The



Coalport 2

Hello everyone,

We have had a busy term in Coalport 2. In September we welcomed new

peers and different staff who have all settled into Coalport class very well. We

have enjoyed spending time getting to know one another and the children

have enjoyed exploring their new school and routines.

We have started the year with the topic ‘Celebrations and Special Times’. We

have explored lots of different special times such as starting a new school

year/ class. We have talked about harvest and some of us walked to the local

food bank to deliver donations. Towards the end of the term we have been

focusing on Diwali and Christmas. We all really enjoyed decorating our

classroom for the festive season, we had lots of excited children and staff!

This year we are really enjoying working on our independence targets. We

have seen some fantastic responses with communication between the

children and we are seeing great progress with communication books and

Makaton signing.

We have enjoyed special event days such as ‘Children in Need’

where we all came to school wearing spots. We had lots of fun

making Pudsey cakes that we sent home for our families. We

have also celebrated Eco day, we made a bug house using lots of

different materials which hopefully the bugs from the Kemball

garden will enjoy making their home!

Have a lovely Christmas break and we wish you a happy new year!

Danica, Yvonne, Kim and Ghazala.

Page 7: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The



It has been a wonderful term in Maple.

Our new pupils have settled in really

well and strong relationships have

been built already. We have also

welcomed Lauren to our class team,

she has settled in perfectly and is a

real credit to Maple

Our sensory stories of Rainforest Ramble and How to make the perfect cup of

coffee have been well received with pupils making excellent progress in both.

Pupils have enjoyed our topic of Pollution and Sustainability and focused well

on all tasks. Staff feel a firm favourite was our giant chocolate production

which was shared both school wide and also with friends from Free Spirits.

Maple have continued to enjoy the community aspect of our curriculum with

several trips out to the café and shops. Staff feel that Maple class are known

in the community and café and shop workers make us feel very welcome.

Maple have continued to run our weekly snack shop within school which

continues to be a hit with all classes involved. Maple pupils have done well in

building their confidence when communicating with peers – staff feel

friendships have been built over the term.

Lastly it wouldn’t feel like Christmas without our Trentham Treasure Hunt. All

pupils who attended enjoyed the day and focused really well on items as they

moved around the store. I would like to extend a thank you to those parents

who assisted the day either in coming along or in transporting pupils – this

really was a big help.

Maple class are busy with our Christmas curriculum now and look forward to

giving our gifts and selling our mince pies and jam tarts at the Eco Fayre. We

hope to see you there.

Kathy, Robyn, Chris, Joy, Lauren and Lisa

Page 8: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Spode 1

Dear Parents/Carers, It has been a fantastic term in Spode 1. The children have been making some amazing progress, and I know I speak for all of the class when I say how proud we all are of them. It has been another very energetic term with lots of exciting events and activities. Our sensory stories this half term have been ‘The train ride’ and ‘We’re going on a bear hunt!’ Bear Hunt has been particularly popular and the children love joining in with the words and actions. We have had lots of events this term- RE days, trips to Trentham gardens, Sudbury Hall, Children in Need day, Christmas Jumper day and we have more exciting things planned for the Spring term. We have been doing lots of work on health and self-care ranging from feeding ourselves with a spoon or fork, going to the bathroom independently, tasting new foods, getting ourselves dressed or helping our friends when they need support. Super Work Spode 1!! We have enjoyed learning different ways to travel during our PE sessions with Fizzy tots but our favourite way to keep active is swimming!! Not only have we welcomed new children to the class we also have a new TA that has started – her name is Katie and she is looking forwards to getting to know and have fun with all the children in Spode 1. We are really proud of how the new children have settled in to school life, and how the existing children have been making new friends! We hope you have a fantastic Christmas and look forwards to more adventures in the Spring term where our topic will be ‘The Jungle’ Eleri, Jenny, Katie and Louise (Spode 1 Team)

Page 9: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Doulton 2

Doulton 2 have been exploring the topic of On The Farm we have been finding

out about how plants grow and how animals live on the farm.

In Maths we have been focusing on Numbers. We have been looking for

numbers in the sand, singing number rhymes and songs and tracing the

numbers that we can see. We have also used our light box to count objects

and find the matching numbers.

In English we have been reading The Little Red Hen

and Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been exploring

the characters focusing on the descriptions given in

the stories. We have also been looking at a variety of

letters but mainly with a focus on m, a, s, d and t which

we use during our phonics sessions. We have enjoyed

creating masks for role-playing the story of Jack and

the Beanstalk.

In our topic sessions we have been finding out about what plants need to grow

and doing some planting of cress of our own. We practiced opening our hands

to hold a jug to pour the water and putting items into our pots. We also found

out about how animals live on a farm and explored their habitats. We learnt

about how to keep our bodies healthy by eating right and by exercising, we

went out on the playground to experience different types of movements and

we also take part in Physio and Swimming sessions.

We have had a lovely term and all of the children have settled in really well

and begun the year on a very positive note. We are really looking forward to

the next term and all the fun activities we are going to take part in.

Best wishes from Katy, Hayley and Cathy.

Page 10: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Bridgewater 2

Autumn Term Newsletter 2019

All the pupils in Bridgewater 2 have had a great term in our class. We have welcomed new pupils and new staff. All pupils continue to make leaps towards their own personal milestones and enjoy the journey on their way through them.

This term we have had 2 sensory stories around the theme of Celebration and Special Times. First we read ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ which helped us prepare for a birthday party and all the elements that we needed. We then read the ‘If you take a mouse to the movies’ which is a lovely story about a mouse who loves the magical parts of Christmas. Through these lessons we have been able to develop our communication and problem solving through a range of different activities such as matching, sorting, threading, mark making, counting, ordering and many more.

In topic we have also been looking at Celebrations and Special Times however focusing on specific significant events such as weddings and baptisms, special times such as bonfire night and Remembrance and then finally looking at Christmas and the traditions which go alongside it. The children have produced some wonderful work in their books and for the displays in the classroom.

For RE day this year we swapped with Bridgewater 1 and Spode 1 to explore different festivals of light! We spent time exploring the different types of traditions which are celebrated during the Diwali by making Diva Lamps and exploring Rangoli patterns in coloured rice.

The trips we have been on over the last term have been a real adventure thanks to our new mini buses we can many more outings! We have been to the supermarket, café and church as a class. We have all really enjoyed getting out on the bus to explore the world around us.

Please continue to communicate with us via the diary and please read the letters that we send home. We are all looking forward to 2020 and hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Thank you,

Emily, Rachel, Claire, Ceris, Amer, Natasha and Stacey.

Page 11: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The



During the autumn term we managed to fit our trip to see “The Prince and the

Pauper,” performed at the New Vic Theatre. We went for an Autumn walk to

the local park to find conkers, chestnuts and wildlife and spot signs of Autumn.

For Maths, we carried out a traffic survey on Trentham Road. Along with

Regency 1 we walked to the local cenotaph on

Remembrance Day to pay our respects.

The topic for Autumn has been WONDERFUL

WATER, so a lot of the work has been centred

around that.

SCIENCE Dissolving, sea and fresh water, clouds, states of water, acid rain,

waterproofing, filtering, liquid layers has all been covered.

GEOGRAPHY The water cycle, rivers, map reading, seas and oceans, coastal

features and erosion has all been covered.

HISTORY We looked at Viking longship designs and where they explored,

the wreck of the Mary Rose, sea gods and lots of facts about the Titanic.

RE (Harvest/Festivals of Light) RE is now covered by two whole days every

half term. Teachers deliver their lessons to different classes and the pupils

receive teaching from different teachers. Some of this work involved pupils

writing what they were thankful for at Harvest time and artwork showing their

favourite food. They have also looked at Jewish Menorah candles and Diwali


PE (Gymnastics/Games) In Gymnastics, we looked at moving in different

ways using many pieces of equipment as well as balance, jumps and rolls. We

also had sessions on badminton, rugby, dodge ball, ball skills and using the


Page 12: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


ART & DT The pupils have used a variety of materials to create some

wonderful art: watercolour, oil pastel, poster paint

and printing ink. We tried to create art in the style of

famous artists and their work. This included Monet’s

“Bridge at Giverny,” Hokusai’s “Great Wave,” and

Munch’s “The Scream. They also tried their hand at

using the correct, sharp (!) tools to make a lino cut

and take a print from it. For DT, we made waterproof

oufits from plastic bags before being sprayed to find

if they worked well enough, pop-up cards and boats,

which were tested in the swimming pool.

PSHE Initially, We studied medicine and drugs which covered drug

classification, alcohol and smoking. We have looked at situations around the

home, which may end up in an accident, spotting the danger and how to avoid

the dangers. That led onto studying First Aid, how it is used and working on a

few basic skills ourselves.

ICT (Sorting/Photo Images) To begin with, we spent a while finding out what a

computer is, what it does and how we use it. We then moved onto how to

write some code in order to control a program or game: that proved very

popular. After that, we experimented with how to take a photographic image of

a celebrity and then put it into Word and manipulate the image with different

effects. We then took the image and also turned it into a wanted poster adding

borders, colour, speech bubbles and different fonts.

On Fridays, we carry out life skills, which have included: acting out how to ring

for a takeaway, home safety and road sense. We have renovated or upcycled

some wooden furniture by sanding it down to the natural wood and gluing any

loose joints. We hope to be able to sell it on for a small profit at the Christmas


We have tried to work hard on our listening skills by doing a weekly news

challenge on the computer. We have to listen and watch some news items

and then try to answer some questions about what we saw and heard. We

also watch Newsround daily and talk about what is happening in the news. To

make sure that we are knowledgeable about Britain, we have started a file and

are including information in there such as Remembrance Day, St. Andrew’s

Day, Guy Fawkes and other things that we really should know about our own


Page 13: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


We always make time for discussion and enjoy our conversations going off in

another direction and then using Google and YouTube to discover even

further. On the run up to Christmas, we compared how it is celebrated in

countries around the world. There are some weird and wonderful traditions;

there are some strange things eaten around the world for Christmas dinner.

Happy New Year!

Ian, Amy and all in Minton 1

Gladstone 2 Newsletter Autumn Term

We started this term off with the topic ‘Wonderful Water’. The children have

enjoyed learning about the Ocean, Lakes and Rivers, and learning about

animals who live in water. Unfortunately our trip to Titters worth Reservoir was

cancelled because of too much water!! But the children have

enjoyed lots of practical activities in school instead. We are all

very proud of our Monet-inspired Water Lilies that are

displayed in the school corridor.

‘The Stickman’ and ‘The Storm Whale’ have been two very popular stories

that we have covered in English this term. The children have really engaged

with the stories and produced lovely pictures, pieces of writing and artwork. All

the children have been trying hard with phonics and reading and we are so

proud of their progress so far.

In Science we have learned about the Water Cycle. The

children have enjoyed taking part in experiments to explore the

different stages of the water cycle especially getting wet and


This year the children have begun a new subject- ‘Life skills’. In this subject

the children have practised skills such as folding and hanging clothes, making

toast and juice, cutting fruit and using cutlery, and tying shoe laces. We hope

that the children have been showing off these skills at home!

We would like to take this opportunity to say how proud we are of the children

and how much they have achieved in such a short space of time! We look

forward to the next term and we wish you a very Merry Christmas!


Maddie, Karen and Kelly in Gladstone 2

Page 14: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Wedgwood 1

This term has flown by in Wedgwood 1 and all the children have settled into

being in this class and a new school with different routines and making new


This term we have done lots of exciting activities and learning about lots of

different things.

In Science, we have been learning about different forces such as

gravity and friction, and discovering how they impact on us all the

time. To test them the children have designed, made and then

tested different parachutes that were dropped from a height to see

if they stopped an egg from breaking. (Only one egg survived!)

This term our topic has been ‘Great Britain’. In the different subject areas we

have focussed on different aspects.

In History, this term we have focussed on ‘The Great War’. The children have

learnt about: how the war started, life in the trenches and Christmas time during

the war. We looked at which countries became involved with the war

and famous battles that took place. The children could explain why

it is important to remember the soldiers that fought for us and how

we remember them today.

In Geography, we have focussed on ‘Cities within the UK’. Each

week we looked at a different city and its famous landmarks. This

linked in with our Design Technology topic of ‘Great British Foods’

as we followed different recipes to make a well known food item from

that city, such as for Edinburgh we made Scottish Shortbread.

In PE, we have focussed on team games and have learnt about following rules

and working together to win a game.

This term we have begun to have life skills lessons. For one of them we went

out to the shops to buy pizza’s and then in the next lesson followed a set of

instructions to cook them. The pizzas were cooked to perfection. (Only one was

slightly burnt!)

This last half term the children have participated in Forest School sessions in

all weathers. They have enjoyed being outside and learning about the natural

Page 15: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


environment around them through different tasks such as den building and

creating different bird food balls.

Well done this term for all your hard work. Have a good Christmas and New


Steph, Zoe and Jo

Although these have been two long terms, the time has certainly flown by and

I can’t believe we have nearly arrived at Christmas. Over the autumn term

Coalport 1 have been enjoying some cross curricula work, we have been

working on celebrations and special times. During week 1, we focused on

celebration foods, foods that we may eat during special events such as

birthdays, Christmas, Diwali etc. During the week the focus of the topic was

‘Thinking Scientifically’. We explored changing state through solid, liquids and

gases. Week 2 Coalport 1 learnt all about Remembrance Day. During the

week our focus was on ‘The world around us’ and ‘Arts and Creative’. We

made clay Poppies, a Poppy wreath and paper Poppies. The children also

remembered those who fought in the war by having a minute silence. In week

3 and 4 we discussed Diwali, our curriculum focus was ‘Arts and Creative’ and

‘Technologies’. The children got to experience the light room that represented

Diwali working on IT skills and showing a good understanding of cause and

effect. We also made Diwali firework from pipe cleaners and explored the

sensory story ‘Dipal’s Diwali’. The next few weeks we will be focusing on

Coalport 1

Page 16: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Christmas celebrations and how it is celebrated around the world.

In Cognition, Communication and Language Coalport 1 have been working on

book handling skills and reading skills. We have had visits to the school

library, been read to by children from other classes and shared books with our

peers in class. We have also focused on our writing skills where the pupils

have used different mark making tools to make different marks. We have also

focused on Speaking and listening, the pupils practised listening skills through

copy me games.

In Mathematical thinking and problem solving Coalport 1 have focused on

positional language where they got to experience the Beanbag song, they had

to put the beanbag on their heads, next to their arm and on their toes, it was

so much fun and the pupils really chuckled. We have also worked hard on

number ordering, the pupils got to go on a space counting treasure hunt, once

they found a space poster, they then had to count the objects. The pupils

thoroughly enjoyed this and it was lovely to experience different environments.

Coalport 1 staff wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Page 17: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Doulton 1

We have been working hard in Doulton 1 this term, especially in physio,

swimming and soft play where we have been determined to succeed with our

programs and play. Our topic in September was Transport. Our sensory story

was Magic Train Ride where we all travelled to different lands including Fairy

Land, the land of cakes and outer space. We explored the story using all of

our senses and really enjoyed the clickity clack of the song and rhymes. In

music we worked with Lorraine to share The Enormous Turnip which gave us

the opportunity to explore lots of different instruments. We enjoyed activities

with our parents at our class coffee morning. After half term we focused on

the theme of Toys and Bears. Our sensory story was Peace at Last where Mr

Bear went around the house trying to find somewhere quiet so that he could

sleep. We visited all of the places around the home. We found out about day

time and night time animals, about times of day and sounds around the house

and garden. We had great fun using props, lights and music to bring the story

to life. We focused on shapes, measures and number in maths. Some of us

enjoyed taking part in the Christmas Production- Born in a Barn. We also had

2 RE days to find out about Festivals of Light. We learned about Hanukah,

Christingle and Diwali- the story of Rama and Sita. We enjoyed the ECO

Fayre, and we worked hard to make sliced tree decorations and cards on the

theme of Winter Woodland. When we come back to school in January we will

be learning about The Jungle and in the Garden. Thank you to everyone who

makes sure that pumps and suction units are fully charged and for all of the

requests for care supplies which are met. It really helps us to take good care

of your children. Thank you for all of the support, donations and gifts

throughout the term.

Karen, Clare, Chelsea and Gemma would like to wish you all a very peaceful

and happy Christmas.

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Regency 1 Autumn newsletter

Regency 1 are settled into their new class group and classroom with new

staff. They have worked well to create new friendships and get back into the

school routine.

As the group are now Year 9 and 10 students, they have been working

towards a more functional aspect of learning. In English, the class have

looked at features of Newspapers, Posters and magazines. We have also

taken part in various class debates, some including: ‘should school finish at

2o’clock?’ Regency 1 also enjoyed writing a letter of complaint to Lisa about

the state of a photograph taken of a park pretending it was on Kemball

grounds. In Maths, Regency 1 have worked on number skills; particularly

multiplication and division. The group have demonstrated the ability to use

these skills practically and functionally. We have also looked at Time and

reading bus timetables. Science has been interesting this term looking at

Healthy Living and the effects exercise, drugs and alcohol have on the body

and the heart. We have also begun working towards our ASDAN Level 3

Award this year. The group have looked at ‘Making the most of leisure time’

where we spent weeks learning a new skill such as Dance Mats and taking

part in a challenging activity such as on the Outdoor Gym Equipment.

Following on from science, the second part was Healthy Living, all of Regency

1 enjoyed taking part in either a Bleep Test daily or a 15 minute Joe Wickes

workout. We are definitely a much fitter class!

In November we went to the New Victoria Theatre to watch The Prince and

the Pauper, it was a fantastic experience! Regency have also taken part in a

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cake sale raising £47.36 for Children in Need. We also walked to the

Cenotaph to remember those that have fought for us. We all really enjoyed

going to the Lord Mayors chambers. Towards the end of term, the entire group

have collectively worked towards our Christmas Fayre project –making pom

poms. It is an absolute pleasure to be part of ‘Team Regency’. So from all of

us, have a fantastic holiday, a much needed break and a happy New Year!!

Danielle, Shelley and Sam.

Autumn 2019 Newsletter Autumn 2019 has been a fantastic term for Bridgewater 1 and their personal development. We have seen great progress with the children’s personal targets and social skills. We have been busy everyday working on their independence, communication and social interaction. This term we have been working very hard with our communication skills using Makaton’s sign and Communication books and boards. This has really improved on their ability to make choices and answer questions throughout the day. For the first half term our sensory story was ‘Kippers Birthday’ and in Maths and English we used different colours to decorate balloons; followed recipe’s to bake and decorate cakes; explored clocks and time; used positional language; explored 3D shapes and did lots of fine motor practise. In the second half of the term our sensory story was ‘When you take a mouse to the movies’ and in Maths and English we followed instructions; ordered

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numbers; used Numicon for printing; copied patterns and continued to practise our fine motor skills. Our topic this term has been Celebrations and Special Times. We began by learning about Harvest, moving on to Birthdays, making cards, gift boxes and bunting and party food. We have learnt about Weddings in different religions, Baptisms and we have visited a church. We made poppies for Remembrance Day, learned about Diwali and Hanukkah. In the run up to Christmas we have had a Christmas jumper day, we have visited the theatre to watch the prince and the pauper, we have had a Christmas disco, some of our children were part of the Nativity play, we have made lots of Christmas cards for the ECO fair, we have enjoyed our Christmas dinner and we are having a special visitor on the last day of term. We’ve had a lot of special days this term including ECO day, RE days and Children in Need. We are really looking forward to the spring term and hopefully getting to experience and learn in our outdoor areas more often. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you and your children in 2020. Thank you, Fiona, Stacey and Becky

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Coalport 3

Coalport 3 have had a great term exploring our topic ‘Knights and Castle’. We

have looked at different things that you might find in a castle and used this to

help us make our very own, junk Castle models. We have also explored lots of

different medieval food and celebrations.

In English our sensory stories have been “Zog” and “Into the Castle’. We have

also been working really hard on our communication skills and using

communication boards and symbols. In maths we have been looking at

numbesr and numicon, big and small. We have really enjoyed exploring the

pirate ship and dolls house to explore moving our superheroes around.

We have also had lots of fun days planned such as our RE days where

everyone explored different activities to do with Harvest and Festivals of light.

There has also been children in need where we explored spotty activities and

wore spotty clothes to raise money.

Coalport three have also been able to visit Maple’s café which has given us

the chance to use communication aids to order our snacks, explore money,

see how a café is run and interact with our friends in Maple class!

Finally, we have been exploring all different activities on the run up to

Christmas and have been hard at work preparing for the Christmas Eco fair!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jasmine, Chris, Robyn, Julie, Fiona and Yvonne

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Regency 2 Autumn Newsletter

Regency 2 have had a fantastic start to the new school year! Throughout the

first half term we learnt all about Macbeth in English- the children really

enjoyed spending time investigating the characters and the settings of

this story. Children wrote some fantastic poems in the style of the 3

witches- children came up with some very imaginative ingredients for

their spell! In the second half term children have learnt all about comic

books, we investigated all the different parts of comic books week by

week until we created a fantastic Christmas comic book.

In maths we have learnt about number, place value, addition, subtraction and

measure. We have put our maths knowledge into practice by weighing

ingredients for a smoothie and measuring liquids to make a hot


In topic we have been investigating and exploring wonderful water; we have

learnt all about the water cycle, the importance of water, water filtering, rivers

and adventures on the ocean. Children have really enjoyed exploring life on

the Mary Rose and investigating the Tudor warship- they especially enjoyed a

mock battle re-enactment.

In art and design we explored art by Claude Monet and children have created

some fantastic recreations of Waterlilies. Throughout this topic children

explored different artistic methods such as water colour, collage,

sketching and painting. In Autumn 2 we then designed and created our

own waterproof drinking containers and tested these out to see if they

could hold water.

Regency 2 really enjoyed our annual trip to the New Vic theatre where we saw

the Prince and the Pauper. As always, children were fantastically

behaved and really engrossed in the story!

Well done Regency 2, we look forward to next term!

Charlotte, Laura and Demi

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Aynsley 1

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic start to life as Aynsley 1 as the class

of 2019-2020.

We kicked things of with our largely drama based study Shakespeare’s story

of Hamlet. As always the students excelled themselves with their drama

performances and interpretations of the story, and of course enjoyed role

playing the killing scenes!!

There have also been opportunities to go outside of the classroom as part of

our learning topics. For example we managed to find lots of different shapes

around school, even a hexagon (eventually!) which was found on a table leg

screw, as you can see we take lots of attention to detail!

Also, we were able to explore our school’s local environment outside as we

searched for different habitats, as well as researching habitats around the

world inside the classroom using our rapidly increasing research and iPad

skills. Our other topic in Science as well as habitats was based on climate

change and pollution. The students really got on board with this concept and

showed super understanding. We also have seen it in the news as well during

our daily “Newsround” episodes regularly which has increased their

knowledge of how important the topic is. Look out for some new up and

coming eco-warriors from Aynsley 1.

In ASDAN, we have already covered 2 units this academic year. ASDAN is a

life-skills based accredited qualification. Firstly, we focussed on healthy living.

We looked at having a good diet and tried preparing and tasting some healthy

snacks. As well as this we put into practise our learning about the importance

of being physically active by exercising daily and during our ASDAN sessions.

Our second topic was Understanding Money. To work towards this we have

been able to go out to visit a local bank, and the students practised using cash

to buy something of their own in a local supermarket. We also explored the

concepts of saving money, debit/credit cards and the problems that can arise

of running out of money.

Recently, we also had the opportunity to visit to local historic places and they

both proved to be memorable days.

Firstly, we had a fantastic morning exploring and learning about the Christian

faith at Stoke Minster Church, where the vicar showed us some of the over

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1000 year old history of the church. The students all did the school and

themselves proud with how they interacted, observed the many things and

asked some brilliant questions to further explore and find out more interesting


Also, our Year 10 and 11 students had the chance to meet the Lord Mayor in

her Royal Parlour, look around the Kings Hall chambers and also engaged in

a session about employment and learning about the jobs the council can offer.

Looking forward to the New Year, in January we will be starting weekly work

experience at the Scrap Shack in Fenton. For many, this will be the first foray

into the world of work, and this exciting opportunity will give the students a

chance to experience a job in retail, and developing the necessary social and

independence skills during the work experience.

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Wow! We cannot believe that a whole term has passed already… and what a

term it has been! We have been studying ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ as our

sensory story and we have done lots of topic work relating to animals on the

farm. We have also spent a great many hours working on our nativity and we

hope that you enjoyed seeing your beautiful children shine, if you were able to

make it to see a performance. Their confidence and understanding of what is

expected from this year to last has dramatically improved- we are so proud of

each and every one of our lovely class. After the Christmas break, we will be

looking at fairy tales; starting with ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and

we’re all so excited for our theatre trip to the pantomime on

the last week of term.

Wishing you all a fantastic Christmas and sending our love

and best wishes for 2020.

Thank you so much for your continued support,

Rachel, Anna, Bekki and Jas.


Page 25: Hello everyone, welcome to the autumn newsletter. · 2019. 12. 20. · bad tempered lady bird’ where we focused on character descriptions and speech. We even squeezed in ‘The


Aynsley 2

This term in Aynsley 2 we have been looking at using and applying our skills to the world around us and have begun to think about the future with trips to work places, visits to view our post 16 options and opportunities to develop our personal and social lives through extra-curricular activities.

In ASDAN this term we have been thinking about how we can be proactive and use our leisure time productively and wisely to develop our sense of achievement and learn new skills. We have all chosen challenging, new and relaxing activities to undertake during our session which have included photography, nail art, drawing and reading sessions. Our next module this term saw us looking at healthy lifestyle choices and options and choosing 2 changes to make to how we currently live our lives in order to make a positive change to our life. Popular options included making sure we get enough water each day, getting more exercise each day and getting more sleep!

We have had several trips out this year as part of our new preparation for adulthood day on a Friday which has seen us learning travel training skills to locations such as Trentham Gardens, Hanley and Longton. We have undertaken a workplace visit to Halcion Distribution who kindly welcomed us into their warehouse and taught us about the pallet distribution work they do. We had a go at sitting in the driving seat of a large HGV truck and saw the speedy forklift manoeuvres the workforce undertook. Our thank go to Halcion for hosting us that morning and the class now have a better understanding of the jobs available to them in local area.

Finally we took our annual trip to Abbey Hill’s post 16 options fair. Our year 10 and 11s had a good look at all the college stall and displays and even spoke to a few representatives from each college, asking insightful questions and getting a better understanding of where they would like to go after Kemball. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Aynsley 2 staff

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Paragon 2 newsletter Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a busy term and the children have had a fantastic time. We are really pleased with the

progress that they have made and it has been great to see how far they have come in a short time.

This term, we have looked at two sensory stories, ‘The Scarecrow’s Wedding’ and ‘What the Ladybird

Heard’. In our first sensory story, the children really enjoyed exploring role playing the wedding and

worked on using signs, speech and symbols to communicate about the story. We were really impressed

with how quickly the children picked up the story and how engaged they were in the activities planned

for this. The children learnt how to write lists, engage in small world play and developed their phonic

abilities and we are pleased to say that all of the children have made progress in their phonics

assessments this term.

In our numeracy activities, we looked at shape, number and colour and the children really enjoyed

making shape cakes and pictures, staking wedding cakes and sorting different coloured flowers. They

also engaged really well in number activities, developing their counting and addition skills. In our

exploration of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’, as part of our numeracy activities, we looked at prepositions,

number rhymes and size. The children really enjoyed this and especially enjoyed completing an obstacle

course, leading them around the ‘farm’.

In ‘What the Ladybird Heard’, we also looked at drawing simple maps, finding items in books and

retelling stories through small world play. As part of our Christmas activities we also wrote a letter to

Santa and posted it in our local post box, exploring the story of ‘The Jolly Postman at Christmas’

alongside this.

In our Topic of ‘Down on the Farm’, we have explored how plants grow, including those that we eat and

the children enjoyed our exploration of ‘Harvest’ in RE alongside this. The children enjoyed planting

their own vegetables for our garden area and were able to find lots of plants in our environment. We

also explored animals and their offspring and the children particularly enjoyed this in small world play.

We have been lucky enough to enjoy the last of the good weather this term and we have enjoyed trips

to a local church, Trentham Gardens and Shugborough Hall Farm as well as many walks to the local

shops, supermarkets and park to explore our local environment. I know that the children have really

enjoyed these trips and we hope to have many more to come.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Nativity and Parents meeting for the Engagement Pathway

this term and we hope to see you very soon at our Eco Fair.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

The Paragon 2 team (Cath, Sam, Kim, Hayley and Ceara)