8/19/2019 Helicopter Operations at London Stansted http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/helicopter-operations-at-london-stansted 1/7  Helicopter Operations at London Stansted "#$% &'() *#$+,$ -./01

Helicopter Operations at London Stansted

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Page 1: Helicopter Operations at London Stansted

8/19/2019 Helicopter Operations at London Stansted

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Helicopter Operations

at London Stansted"#$% &'()

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Times of Operation

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Helicopter Departures

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Helicopter Arrivals

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Visual Reporting Points and Use

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500ft and 1000ft Rules

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Y1% ,6%, .,6Z%: /$ A3#% 4$ 01% /.,G% A%34C 814C8 01% -0,$80%: =/6 Y6,@@/+ J4$06433%:`4$%

Numbers of Operations

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Emergency Operations and Exemptions

Y1%8% ,6% G%$%6,33? +,0%G46? = @3/G108 6%854$:/$G 04 ,$ %.%6G%$+? /$+/:%$0H %/01%6 T43/+%

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Other Local Helicopter Operators

*#% 84#01 4@ 01% ,%64:64.% 01%6% /8 , 2%3/5,: +,33%: -06%%0 D,6.< ]0 /8 34+,0%: l ./3%

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