Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016

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  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 1

     Aggregate AggregatePlanning Planning Chapter 13Chapter 13

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    13 – 2

    Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

    When you complete this chapter youWhen you complete this chapter youshould be able to:should be able to:

    1.1. e!ine aggregate planning e!ine aggregate planning ".". #denti!y optional strategies !or#denti!y optional strategies !or

    developing an aggregate plandeveloping an aggregate plan

    3.3. Prepare a graphical aggregate planPrepare a graphical aggregate plan

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    13 – 3

    Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

    When you complete this chapter youWhen you complete this chapter youshould be able to:should be able to:

    $.$. %olve an aggregate plan via the%olve an aggregate plan via thetransportation method o! lineartransportation method o! linear

     programming  programming 

    &.&. 'nderstand and solve a yield'nderstand and solve a yield

    management problemmanagement problem

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    13 – 4


     Aggregate planning is the process o! developing( analy)ing( Aggregate planning is the process o! developing( analy)ing(and maintaining a preliminary( appro*imate schedule o! theand maintaining a preliminary( appro*imate schedule o! theoverall operations o! an organi)ation.overall operations o! an organi)ation.

    +he aggregate plan generally contains targeted sales !orecasts(+he aggregate plan generally contains targeted sales !orecasts( production levels( inventory levels( and customer bac,logs. production levels( inventory levels( and customer bac,logs.

    +he term aggregate implies that the planning is done !or a+he term aggregate implies that the planning is done !or asingle overall measure o! output or( at the most( a !e-single overall measure o! output or( at the most( a !e-aggregated product categories.aggregated product categories.

    +he aim o! aggregate planning is to set overall output levels in+he aim o! aggregate planning is to set overall output levels in

    the near to medium !uture in the !ace o! !luctuating or uncertainthe near to medium !uture in the !ace o! !luctuating or uncertaindemands.demands.

     Aggregate planning might see, to in!luence demand as -ell as Aggregate planning might see, to in!luence demand as -ell assupply.supply.

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    13 – 5

     Aggregate Planning  Aggregate Planning 

    Objective is to minimi)e cost over theObjective is to minimi)e cost over the planning period by adjusting  planning period by adjusting 

    Production ratesProduction rates

    Labor levelsLabor levels

    #nventory levels#nventory levels

    Overtime -or, Overtime -or, 

    %ubcontracting rates%ubcontracting rates

    Other controllable variablesOther controllable variables

    etermine the uantity and timing o!etermine the uantity and timing o! production !or the immediate !uture production !or the immediate !uture

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    13 – 6

     Aggregate Planning  Aggregate Planning 

     A logical overall unit !or measuring sales A logical overall unit !or measuring sales

    and output and output   A !orecast o! demand !or an intermediate A !orecast o! demand !or an intermediate

     planning period in these aggregate terms planning period in these aggregate terms

     A method !or determining costs A method !or determining costs

     A model that combines !orecasts and A model that combines !orecasts andcosts so that scheduling decisions cancosts so that scheduling decisions canbe made !or the planning period be made !or the planning period 

    /euired !or aggregate planning /euired !or aggregate planning 

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    +he Planning Process+he Planning Process

    Figure 13.1Figure 13.1

    Long0range plansover one year2/esearch and evelopment e- product plansCapital investments4acility location5e*pansion

    #ntermediate0range plans3 to 16 months2%ales planning Production planning and budgeting %etting employment( inventory(

    subcontracting levels Analy)ing operating plans

    %hort0range plans

    up to 3 months27ob assignmentsOrdering 7ob scheduling ispatching OvertimePart0time help




    /esponsibility /esponsibility  Planning tas,s and hori)onPlanning tas,s and hori)on

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     Aggregate Planning  Aggregate Planning 

    8uarter 18uarter 1

    7an7an 4eb4eb 9ar 9ar 

    1&( 1&(  1"( 1"(  11( 11( 

    8uarter " 8uarter " 

     Apr  Apr  9ay 9ay  7un7un

    1( 1(  13( 13(  1&( 1&( 

    8uarter 38uarter 3

    7ul 7ul   Aug  Aug  %ep%ep

    16( 16(  1&( 1&(  1$( 1$( 

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     Aggregate AggregatePlanning Planning 

    Figure 13.2Figure 13.2

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     Aggregate Planning  Aggregate Planning 

    Combines appropriate resourcesCombines appropriate resourcesinto general termsinto general terms

    Part o! a larger production planningPart o! a larger production planningsystemsystem

    isaggregation brea,s the planisaggregation brea,s the plan

    do-n into greater detail do-n into greater detail  isaggregation results in a masterisaggregation results in a master

     production schedule production schedule

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     Aggregate Planning Aggregate Planning

    %trategies%trategies1.1. 'se inventories to absorb changes in'se inventories to absorb changes in

    demand demand 

    ".".  Accommodate changes by varying Accommodate changes by varying-or,!orce si)e-or,!orce si)e

    3.3. 'se part0timers( overtime( or idle time to'se part0timers( overtime( or idle time toabsorb changesabsorb changes

    $.$. 'se subcontractors and maintain a stable'se subcontractors and maintain a stable-or,!orce-or,!orce

    &.&. Change prices or other !actors toChange prices or other !actors to

    in!luence demand in!luence demand 

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    emand Optionsemand Options

    #n!luencing demand #n!luencing demand 

    'se advertising or promotion to'se advertising or promotion toincrease demand in lo- periodsincrease demand in lo- periods

     Attempt to shi!t Attempt to shi!tdemand to slo-demand to slo-

     periods periods

    9ay not be9ay not besu!!icient tosu!!icient tobalance demandbalance demandand capacity and capacity 

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    emand Optionsemand Options

    ;ac, ordering during high0;ac, ordering during high0demand periodsdemand periods

    /euires customers to -ait !or an/euires customers to -ait !or anorder -ithout loss o! good-ill ororder -ithout loss o! good-ill orthe order the order 

    9ost e!!ective -hen there are !e-9ost e!!ective -hen there are !e-

    i! any substitutes !or the producti! any substitutes !or the productor serviceor service

    O!ten results in lost salesO!ten results in lost sales

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    emand Optionsemand Options

    Counterseasonal product andCounterseasonal product andservice mi*ing service mi*ing 

    evelop a product mi* o!evelop a product mi* o!counterseasonal itemscounterseasonal items

    9ay lead to products or services9ay lead to products or servicesoutside the company

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     Aggregate Planning Options Aggregate Planning Options

    Table 13.1Table 13.1

    OptionOption  Advantages Advantages isadvantagesisadvantages %ome Comments%ome Comments


    Changes inChanges inhumanhumanresources areresources aregradual orgradual or

    none= no abruptnone= no abrupt production productionchanges.changes.

    #nventory#nventoryholding costholding costmay increase.may increase.%hortages may%hortages may

    result in lostresult in lostsales.sales.

     Applies mainly to Applies mainly to production( not production( notservice(service(operations.operations.


    si)e bysi)e byhiring orhiring orlayo!!slayo!!s

     Avoids the costs Avoids the costso! othero! other


    ?iring( layo!!(?iring( layo!!(and trainingand training

    costs may becosts may besigni!icant.signi!icant.

    'sed -here si)e'sed -here si)eo! labor pool iso! labor pool is


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     Aggregate Planning Options Aggregate Planning Options

    Table 13.1Table 13.1

    OptionOption  Advantages Advantages isadvantagesisadvantages %ome Comments%ome Comments

    >arying>arying production productionratesratesthroughthrough

    overtime orovertime oridle timeidle time

    9atches9atchesseasonalseasonal!luctuations!luctuations-ithout hiring5-ithout hiring5

    training costs.training costs.

    OvertimeOvertime premiums= tired premiums= tired-or,ers= may-or,ers= maynot meetnot meet


     Allo-s !le*ibility Allo-s !le*ibility-ithin the-ithin theaggregate plan.aggregate plan.

    %ub0 %ub0 contracting contracting 

    PermitsPermits!le*ibility and!le*ibility andsmoothing o!smoothing o!

    the !irm

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     Aggregate Planning Options Aggregate Planning Options

    Table 13.1Table 13.1

    OptionOption  Advantages Advantages isadvantagesisadvantages %ome Comments%ome Comments

    'sing part0 'sing part0 timetime-or,ers-or,ers

    #s less costly#s less costlyand moreand more!le*ible than!le*ible than!ull0time!ull0time


    ?igh turnover5?igh turnover5training costs=training costs=uality su!!ers=uality su!!ers=schedulingscheduling


    @ood !or@ood !oruns,illed jobs inuns,illed jobs inareas -ith largeareas -ith largetemporary labortemporary labor

     pools. pools.

    #n!luencing#n!luencingdemand demand 

    +ries to use+ries to usee*cesse*cesscapacity.capacity.iscounts dra-iscounts dra-

    ne- customers.ne- customers.

    'ncertainty in'ncertainty indemand. ?arddemand. ?ardto matchto matchdemand todemand to

    supply e*actly.supply e*actly.


    used in someused in somebusinesses.businesses.

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     Aggregate Planning Options Aggregate Planning Options

    Table 13.1Table 13.1

    OptionOption  Advantages Advantages isadvantagesisadvantages %ome Comments%ome Comments

    ;ac,;ac,orderingorderingduringduringhigh0 high0 

    demanddemand periods periods

    9ay avoid9ay avoidovertime.overtime.eeps capacityeeps capacityconstant.constant.

    Customer mustCustomer mustbe -illing tobe -illing to-ait( but-ait( butgood-ill is lost.good-ill is lost.

    9any companies9any companiesbac, order.bac, order.

    Counter0 Counter0 seasonalseasonal product product

    and serviceand servicemi*ing mi*ing 

    4ully utili)es4ully utili)esresources=resources=allo-s stableallo-s stable


    9ay reuire9ay reuires,ills ors,ills oreuipmenteuipment

    outside theoutside the!irm

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    13 – 19

    9ethods !or Aggregate9ethods !or Aggregate

    Planning Planning  A mi*ed strategy may be the best A mi*ed strategy may be the best

    -ay to achieve minimum costs-ay to achieve minimum costs

    +here are many possible mi*ed+here are many possible mi*edstrategiesstrategies

    4inding the optimal plan is not4inding the optimal plan is notal-ays possibleal-ays possible

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    9i*ing Options to9i*ing Options to

    evelop a Planevelop a Plan Chase strategy Chase strategy 

    9atch output rates to demand9atch output rates to demand

    !orecast !or each period !orecast !or each period 

    >ary -or,!orce levels or vary>ary -or,!orce levels or vary production rate production rate

    4avored by many service4avored by many serviceorgani)ationsorgani)ations

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    9i*ing Options to9i*ing Options to

    evelop a Planevelop a Plan Level strategy Level strategy 

    aily production is uni!ormaily production is uni!orm

    'se inventory or idle time as bu!!er 'se inventory or idle time as bu!!er 

    %table production leads to better%table production leads to betteruality and productivity uality and productivity 

    %ome combination o! capacity%ome combination o! capacityoptions( a mi*ed strategy( might beoptions( a mi*ed strategy( might bethe best solutionthe best solution

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    13 – 22

    @raphical 9ethods@raphical 9ethods

    Popular techniuesPopular techniues

    Basy to understand and useBasy to understand and use

    +rial0and0error approaches that do+rial0and0error approaches that donot guarantee an optimal solutionnot guarantee an optimal solution

    /euire only limited computations/euire only limited computations

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    @raphical 9ethods@raphical 9ethods

    1.1. etermine the demand !or each period etermine the demand !or each period 

    ".". etermine the capacity !or regular time(etermine the capacity !or regular time(

    overtime( and subcontracting each period overtime( and subcontracting each period 

    3.3. 4ind labor costs( hiring and layo!! costs(4ind labor costs( hiring and layo!! costs(and inventory holding costsand inventory holding costs

    $.$. Consider company policy on -or,ers andConsider company policy on -or,ers andstoc, levelsstoc, levels

    &.&. evelop alternative plans and e*amineevelop alternative plans and e*aminetheir total coststheir total costs

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 1/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 1

    Table 13.2Table 13.2

    9onth9onth B*pected emand B*pected emand ProductionProduction

    aysaysemand Per ayemand Per ay


    7an7an 900900 2222 4141

    4eb4eb 700700 1818 3939

    9ar 9ar  800800 2121 3838 Apr  Apr  1,2001,200 2121 5757

    9ay 9ay  1,5001,500 2222 6868

    7une7une 1,1001,100   2020 5555

    6,2006,200 124124

    = = 50= = 50 units per day units per day 6,2006,200


     Average Averagereuirement reuirement 

    +otal e*pected demand +otal e*pected demand 

    umber o! production daysumber o! production days

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 1/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 1

    Figure 13.3Figure 13.3

    DD E

    FF E

    && E

    $$ E

    33 E


    7an7an 4eb4eb 9ar 9ar   Apr  Apr  9ay 9ay  7une7une 9onth9onth 

    "" ""  16 16  "1"1 "1"1 "" ""  " "  umber o! umber o! -or,ing days-or,ing days


      r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t  e  p

      e  r  -  o  r   ,   i  n  g   d  a  y


      r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t  e  p

      e  r  -  o  r   ,   i  n  g   d  a  y

    Level production using averageLevel production using averagemonthly !orecast demand monthly !orecast demand 

    4orecast demand 4orecast demand 

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " 

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carrying cost #nventory carrying cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

    Plan 1  E con s

    tant  -or, ! orce

    Plan 1  E con s

    tant  -or, ! orce

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " 

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carry cost #nventory carry cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

    Plan 1  E con s

    tant  -or, ! orce

    Plan 1  E con s

    tant  -or, ! orce

    9onthProduction at

    50 'nits per ay emand4orecast 



    7an 1,100 900 +200 200

    4eb 900 700 +200 400

    9ar  1,050 800 +250 650

     Apr  1,050 1,200 -150 500

    9ay  1,100 1,500 -400 100

    7une 1,000 1,100 -100 0


    +otal units o! inventory carried over !rom onemonth to the ne*t  = 1,850 units

    Wor,!orce reuired to produce 50 units per day  = 10 -or,ers

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " 

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carry cost #nventory carry cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

    9onthProduction at

    50 'nits per ay emand4orecast 



    7an 1,100 900 +200 200

    4eb 900 700 +200 400

    9ar  1,050 800 +250 650

     Apr  1,050 1,200 -150 500

    9ay  1,100 1,500 -400 100

    7une 1,000 1,100 -100 0


    +otal units o! inventory carried over !rom onemonth to the ne*t  = 1,850 units

    Wor,!orce reuired to produce 50 units per day  = 10 -or,ers

    Costs Calculations

    #nventory carrying  $9,250 (= 1,850 units carried * $5  per unit )

    /egular0time labor  49,600 (= 10 -or,ers * $40 per

    day * 124 days)Other costs overtime(

    hiring( layo!!s(subcontracting2 0

    +otal cost  $58,850

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    13 – 29

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " /oo!ing %upplier B*ample " 

    Figure 13.4Figure 13.4

       C  u  m  u   l  a   t   i  v  e   d  e  m

      a  n   d  u  n   i   t  s

       C  u  m  u   l  a   t   i  v  e   d  e  m

      a  n   d  u  n   i   t  s

    D(D( E

    F(F( E

    &(&( E

    $($( E

    3(3( E

    "( E

    1( E


    7an7an 4eb4eb 9ar 9ar   Apr  Apr  9ay 9ay  7une7une

    Cumulative !orecastCumulative !orecast


    Cumulative levelCumulative level production using production using

    average monthlyaverage monthly!orecast!orecast


    /eduction/eductiono! inventory o! inventory 

    B*cess inventory B*cess inventory 

    F(" unitsF(" units

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 30

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3

    Table 13.2Table 13.2

    9onth9onth B*pected emand B*pected emand ProductionProduction

    aysaysemand Per ayemand Per ay


    7an7an 900900 2222 4141

    4eb4eb 700700 1818 3939

    9ar 9ar 




     Apr  Apr  1,2001,200 2121 5757

    9ay 9ay  1,5001,500 2222 6868

    7une7une 1,1001,100   2020 5555

    6,2006,200 124124

    9inimum reuirement 9inimum reuirement  = 38= 38 units per day units per day 

    Plan "  E  subc


    Plan "  E  subc


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    13 – 31

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3

    DD E

    FF E

    && E

    $$ E

    33 E


    7an7an 4eb4eb 9ar 9ar   Apr  Apr  9ay 9ay  7une7une 9onth9onth 

    "" ""  16 16  "1"1 "1"1 "" ""  " "  umber o! umber o! -or,ing days-or,ing days


      r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t  e  p

      e  r  -  o  r   ,   i  n  g   d  a  y

       P  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t  e  p

      e  r  -  o  r   ,   i  n  g   d  a  y

    Level productionLevel productionusing lo-estusing lo-est

    monthly !orecastmonthly !orecast

    demand demand 

    4orecast demand 4orecast demand 

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carrying cost #nventory carrying cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

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    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carry cost #nventory carry cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

    #n0house production = 38 units per day * 124 days

    = 4,712 units

    %ubcontract units = 6,200 - 4,712= 1,488 units

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    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carry cost #nventory carry cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3/oo!ing %upplier B*ample 3

    #n0house production = 38 units per day * 124 days

    = 4,712 units

    %ubcontract units = 6,200 - 4,712= 1,488 units

    Costs Calculations

    /egular0time labor  $37,696 (= 7.6 -or,ers x $40 per  day  x 124 days)

    %ubcontracting  14,880 (= 1,488 units x $10 perunit )

    +otal cost  $52,576

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    13 – 35

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample $/oo!ing %upplier B*ample $

    Table 13.2Table 13.2

    9onth9onth B*pected emand B*pected emand ProductionProduction

    aysaysemand Per ayemand Per ay


    7an7an 900900 2222 4141

    4eb4eb 700700 1818 3939

    9ar 9ar  800800 2121 3838

     Apr  Apr  1,2001,200 2121 5757

    9ay 9ay  1,5001,500 2222 6868

    7une7une 1,1001,100   2020 5555

    6,2006,200 124124

    Production B*pected emand Production B*pected emand 

    Plan 3  E hirin

    g and  ! iring

    Plan 3  E hirin

    g and  ! iring

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 36

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample $/oo!ing %upplier B*ample $

    DD E

    FF E

    && E

    $$ E

    33 E


    7an7an 4eb4eb 9ar 9ar   Apr  Apr  9ay 9ay  7une7une 9onth9onth 

    "" ""  16 16  "1"1 "1"1 "" ""  " "  umber o! umber o! -or,ing days-or,ing days

       P  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t  e  p

      e  r  -  o  r   ,   i  n  g   d  a  y

       P  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  r  a   t  e  p

      e  r  -  o  r   ,   i  n  g   d  a  y

    4orecast demand and4orecast demand and

    monthly productionmonthly production

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    13 – 37

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample $/oo!ing %upplier B*ample $

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carrying cost #nventory carrying cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 

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    13 – 38

    /oo!ing %upplier B*ample $/oo!ing %upplier B*ample $

    Table 13.3Table 13.3

    Cost #n!ormationCost #n!ormation

    #nventory carrying cost #nventory carrying cost  $ 5$ 5 per unit per month per unit per month

    %ubcontracting cost per unit %ubcontracting cost per unit  $10$10 per unit  per unit 

     Average pay rate Average pay rate $ 5$ 5 per hour per hour ($40($40 per day  per day ))

    Overtime pay rateOvertime pay rate $ 7$ 7 per hour per hour((aboveabove 88 hours per day hours per day ))

    Labor0hours to produce a unit Labor0hours to produce a unit  1.61.6 hours per unit hours per unit 

    Cost o! increasing daily production rateCost o! increasing daily production ratehiring and training2hiring and training2

    $300$300 per unit  per unit 

    Cost o! decreasing daily production rateCost o! decreasing daily production ratelayo!!s2layo!!s2

    $600$600 per unit  per unit 




    Cost(demand *

    1.6 hrs5unit *$5 5hr )

    B*tra Cost o!#ncreasingProduction(hiring cost )

    B*tra Cost o!ecreasingProduction(layo!! cost ) +otal Cost 

    7an 900 41 $ 7,200 $ 7,200

    4eb 700 39 5,600 $1,200(= 2 x $600)


    9ar  800 38 6,400 $600

    (= 1 x $600)7,000

     Apr  1,200 57 9,600$5,700

    (= 19 x $300) 15,300

    9ay  1,500 68 12,000 $3,300(= 11 x $300) 15,300

    7une 1,100 55 8,800 $7,800

    (= 13 x $600)16,600

    $49,600 $9,000 $9,600 $68,200

    Table 13.4Table 13.4

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    13 – 39

    Comparison o! +hree PlansComparison o! +hree Plans

    Table 13.5Table 13.5

    Cost Cost  Plan 1Plan 1 Plan " Plan "  Plan 3Plan 3

    #nventory carrying #nventory carrying  $ 9,250$ 9,250 $ 0$ 0 $ 0$ 0

    /egular labor /egular labor  49,60049,600 37,69637,696 49,60049,600

    Overtime labor Overtime labor  00 00 00

    ?iring ?iring  00 00 9,0009,000

    Layo!!sLayo!!s 00 00 9,6009,600

    %ubcontracting %ubcontracting  00 14,88014,880 00+otal cost +otal cost  $58,850$58,850 $52,576$52,576 $68,200$68,200

    Plan " is the lo-est cost optionPlan " is the lo-est cost option

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    13 – 40

    9athematical Approaches9athematical Approaches

    'se!ul !or generating strategies'se!ul !or generating strategies

    +ransportation 9ethod o! Linear+ransportation 9ethod o! LinearProgramming Programming 

    Produces an optimal planProduces an optimal plan

    9anagement Coe!!icients 9odel 9anagement Coe!!icients 9odel 

    9odel built around manager

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    13 – 41

    +ransportation 9ethod +ransportation 9ethod 

    Table 13.6Table 13.6

    CostsCosts/egular time/egular time $40$40  per tire per tire

    OvertimeOvertime $50$50  per tire per tire

    %ubcontracting %ubcontracting  $70$70  per tire per tire

    Carrying Carrying  $ 2$ 2  per tire per month per tire per month

      %ales Period %ales Period 9ar 9ar   Apr  Apr  9ay 9ay 

    emand emand  800800 1,0001,000 750750


      /egular /egular  700700 700700 700700  OvertimeOvertime 5050 5050 5050

      %ubcontracting %ubcontracting  150150 150150 130130

    ;eginning inventory ;eginning inventory  100100  tirestires

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 42

    +ransportation B*ample+ransportation B*ample

    #mportant points#mportant points

    1.1. Carrying costs areCarrying costs are $2$2 5tire5month. #! 5tire5month. #!goods are made in one period and heldgoods are made in one period and held

    over to the ne*t( holding costs areover to the ne*t( holding costs areincurred incurred 

    ".". %upply must eual demand( so a%upply must eual demand( so adummy column called Gunuseddummy column called Gunused

    capacityH is added capacityH is added 

    3.3. ;ecause bac, ordering is not viable in;ecause bac, ordering is not viable inthis e*ample( cells that might be used tothis e*ample( cells that might be used to

    satis!y earlier demand are not availablesatis!y earlier demand are not available

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    13 – 43

    +ransportation B*ample+ransportation B*ample

    #mportant points#mportant points

    $.$. 8uantities in each column designate the8uantities in each column designate thelevels o! inventory needed to meetlevels o! inventory needed to meet

    demand reuirementsdemand reuirements&.&. #n general( production should be#n general( production should be

    allocated to the lo-est cost cellallocated to the lo-est cost cellavailable -ithout e*ceeding unusedavailable -ithout e*ceeding unused

    capacity in the ro- or demand in thecapacity in the ro- or demand in thecolumncolumn

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    13 – 44



    Table 13.7Table 13.7

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    13 – 45

    9anagement Coe!!icients9anagement Coe!!icients

    9odel 9odel  ;uilds a model based on manager

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 46

    Other 9odelsOther 9odels

    Linear ecision /uleLinear ecision /ule

    9inimi)es costs using uadratic cost curves9inimi)es costs using uadratic cost curves

    Operates over a particular time period Operates over a particular time period 


    'ses a search procedure to try di!!erent'ses a search procedure to try di!!erent

    combinations o! variablescombinations o! variables evelops !easible but not necessarily optimalevelops !easible but not necessarily optimal


  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 47

    %ummary o! Aggregate%ummary o! AggregatePlanning 9ethodsPlanning 9ethods


     Approaches Approaches #mportant Aspects#mportant Aspects

    @raphical @raphical 


    +rial and+rial and

    error error 

    %imple to understand and%imple to understand and

    easy to use. 9anyeasy to use. 9anysolutions= one chosensolutions= one chosenmay not be optimal.may not be optimal.

    +ransportation+ransportationmethod o! linearmethod o! linear

     programming  programming 

    Optimi)ationOptimi)ation LP so!t-are available=LP so!t-are available= permits sensitivity permits sensitivity

    analysis and ne-analysis and ne-constraints= linearconstraints= linear!unctions may not be!unctions may not berealistic.realistic.

    Table 13.8Table 13.8

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    13 – 48

    %ummary o! Aggregate%ummary o! AggregatePlanning 9ethodsPlanning 9ethods


     Approaches Approaches #mportant Aspects#mportant Aspects


    coe!!icientscoe!!icientsmodel model 

    ?euristic ?euristic  %imple( easy to implement=%imple( easy to implement=

    tries to mimic manager

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    13 – 49

     Aggregate Planning in Aggregate Planning in

    %ervices%ervicesControlling the cost o! labor is critical Controlling the cost o! labor is critical 

    1.1.  Accurate scheduling o! labor0hours to Accurate scheduling o! labor0hours toassure uic, response to customerassure uic, response to customerdemand demand 

    ".".  An on0call labor resource to cover An on0call labor resource to cover

    une*pected demand une*pected demand 3.3. 4le*ibility o! individual -or,er s,ills4le*ibility o! individual -or,er s,ills

    $.$. 4le*ibility in rate o! output or hours o!4le*ibility in rate o! output or hours o!-or, -or, 

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    13 – 50

    4ive %ervice %cenarios4ive %ervice %cenarios


    %moothing the production%moothing the production process process

    etermining the optimaletermining the optimal-or,!orce si)e-or,!orce si)e

    ?ospitals?ospitals/esponding to patient demand /esponding to patient demand 

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 51

    4ive %ervice %cenarios4ive %ervice %cenarios

    ational Chains o! %mall %erviceational Chains o! %mall %ervice4irms4irms

    Planning done at national levelPlanning done at national leveland at local level and at local level 

    9iscellaneous %ervices9iscellaneous %ervices

    Plan human resourcePlan human resourcereuirementsreuirements

    9anage demand 9anage demand 

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    13 – 52

    La- 4irm B*ampleLa- 4irm B*ample

    Table 13.9Table 13.9

    Labor0?ours /euired Labor0?ours /euired    Capacity Constraints  Capacity Constraints

    "2"2 3232 $2$2 &2&2 F2F2

    1212 4orecasts4orecasts 9a*imum9a*imum umber o! umber o! 

    Category o! Category o!  ;est;est Li,ely Li,ely  Worst Worst  emand inemand in 8uali!ied 8uali!ied 

    Legal ;usinessLegal ;usiness hours2hours2 hours2hours2 hours2hours2 PeoplePeople Personnel Personnel 

    +rial -or, +rial -or,  1,8001,800 1,5001,500 1,2001,200 3.63.6 44

    Legal researchLegal research 4,5004,500 4,0004,000 3,5003,500 9.09.0 3232

    Corporate la- Corporate la-  8,0008,000 7,0007,000 6,5006,500 16.016.0 1515

    /eal estate la- /eal estate la-  1,7001,700 1,5001,500 1,3001,300 3.43.4 66

    Criminal la- Criminal la-  3,5003,500 3,0003,000 2,5002,500 7.07.0 1212

    +otal hours+otal hours 19,50019,500 17,00017,000 15,00015,000La-yers needed La-yers needed  3939 3434 3030

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    13 – 53

    4ive %ervice %cenarios4ive %ervice %cenarios

     Airline industry  Airline industry 

    B*tremely comple* planningB*tremely comple* planning problem problem

    #nvolves number o! !lights(#nvolves number o! !lights(number o! passengers( air andnumber o! passengers( air and

    ground personnel( allocation o!ground personnel( allocation o!seats to !are classesseats to !are classes

    /esources spread through the/esources spread through theentire systementire system

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    13 – 54

    Iield 9anagement Iield 9anagement 

     Allocating resources to customers at Allocating resources to customers at prices that -ill ma*imi)e yield or prices that -ill ma*imi)e yield orrevenuerevenue

    1.1. %ervice or product can be sold in%ervice or product can be sold inadvance o! consumptionadvance o! consumption

    ".". emand !luctuatesemand !luctuates

    3.3. Capacity is relatively !i*ed Capacity is relatively !i*ed $.$. emand can be segmented emand can be segmented 

    &.&. >ariable costs are lo- and !i*ed costs>ariable costs are lo- and !i*ed costs

    are highare high

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 55


    Iield 9anagement B*ampleIield 9anagement B*ample

    Figure 13.5Figure 13.5


    9oney le!ton the table

    Potential customers e*ist -hoPotential customers e*ist -hoare -illing to pay more than theare -illing to pay more than the$15$15 variable cost o! the roomvariable cost o! the room

    %ome customers -ho paid%ome customers -ho paid$150$150 -ere actually -illing-ere actually -illingto pay more !or the roomto pay more !or the room+otal +otal 

    $$ contributioncontribution == ((PricePrice)) * *

    (50(50roomsrooms))== ($150 -($150 -$15)$15)

     * * (50)(50)== $6,750$6,750 PricePrice

    /oom sales/oom sales

    1 1 

    & & 

    $150$150Price chargedPrice charged

    !or room!or room

    $15$15>ariable cost >ariable cost 

    o! roomo! room

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 56

    +otal J contribution +otal J contribution (1(1st pricest price) x 30) x 30 roomsrooms + (2+ (2nd nd  !ri"e) x 30 r##% =!ri"e) x 30 r##% =

    ($100 - $15) x 30 + ($200 - $15) x 30 =($100 - $15) x 30 + ($200 - $15) x 30 =$2,550 + $5,550 = $8,100$2,550 + $5,550 = $8,100


    Iield 9anagement B*ampleIield 9anagement B*ample

    Figure 13.6Figure 13.6


    /oom sales/oom sales

    1 1 

    F F 

    3 3 

    $100$100Price 1Price 1

    !or room!or room

    $200$200Price " Price " 

    !or room!or room

    $15$15>ariable cost >ariable cost 

    o! roomo! room

  • 8/17/2019 Heizer 13 Aggregate Planning 2016


    13 – 57

    Iield 9anagement 9atri* Iield 9anagement 9atri* 

         u  r  a   t   i  o  n  o   !  u  s  e

       '  n  p  r  e   d   i  c   t

      a   b   l  e


       P  r  e   d   i  c   t  a   b   l  e


    +end to be !i*ed +end to be variable

    8uadrant 1: 8uadrant ":

    9ovies ?otels

    %tadiums5arenas  AirlinesConvention centers /ental cars?otel meeting space Cruise lines

    8uadrant 3: 8uadrant $:

    /estaurants Continuing care@ol! courses hospitals#nternet service


    Figure 13.7Figure 13.7

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    13 – 58

    9a,ing Iield 9anagement9a,ing Iield 9anagement

    Wor, Wor, 1.1. 9ultiple pricing structures must9ultiple pricing structures must

    be !easible and appear logical tobe !easible and appear logical tothe customer the customer 

    ".". 4orecasts o! the use and duration4orecasts o! the use and durationo! useo! use

    3.3. Changes in demand Changes in demand 

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    +han, Iou +han, Iou