Heidegger Segundo Harman 20-08-2015

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A talk about Heidegger according to Graham Harman.

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Page 1: Heidegger Segundo Harman 20-08-2015


Oriented-Object Ontology

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Graham Harman: Object-OrientedOntology. Heidegger Explained:

FromPhenomenontoThing Harman tem uma chave de decodificação para

Heidegger. Heidegger é um “samba de uma nota só”.

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Being is not Presence Key Words in Heidegger: Withdrawn;

Background; Hidden.

Heidegger is all about the constant interplay between what is veiled (withdrawn, hidden, background, unconscious) and unveiled (unconcealing, clearing, revealed, apparent).


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Fim da Metafísica da Presença Ontologia rígida Objetiva Verdade por correspondência Platão

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However, Ideas become at the same time something-to-be-seen; and truth comes gradually to mean the proper viewing of the Ideas, the conformity between the being that views and the Ideas (conceived as beings) that are viewed.

  Here the Ideas are transformed from a

source of light into that-which-is-viewed. Being is reduced to a being.  

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The title Being and Time refers to the interplay between the veiled reality of things and their luminous but oversimplified appearance in what Heidegger calls the “clearing” of human existence, in reference to the occasional treeless spaces found along dark forest paths. This is Heidegger’s entire philosophy in a nutshell; the rest is just commentary.

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Kant, Husserl, Heidegger

Heidegger defines phenomenology as “the analytic description of intentionality in its a priori.”

The concept of intentionality implies that we must begin with things the way they show themselves to us, without constructing theories about the world that might lie behind my conscious experience.

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Analytic Description

Our task as phenomenologists is to describe carefully all that is hidden in any act of consciousness, which means that we merely analyze something that we already have.

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A Priori

What we discover by analyzing it are the hidden a priori layers that were already there from the start.

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Kant A priori

  The usual interpretation of the a priori

regards it as a term pertaining to human knowledge. That is to say, many philosophers think that a priori means anything humans know before an experience occurs, even if they only know it tacitly in some sort of back- ground manner.


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Heidegger A Priori

  The a priori is not what humans know first,

but what is first.

The a priori part of a perception is the deeper layer of categories that a phenomenon relies on without openly expressing them.

For what is the one thing presupposed by all conscious experience? Being.


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The Question of Being

Being should be the deepest and most a priori layer of all, since everything depends on it.

Husserl is not really concerned with asking about the being of things; he is only concerned with how things can be made the object of a possible rigorous philosophy.

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for Husserl, being means nothing but appearance to consciousness

reducing things to phenomena does the same injustice to the things that the metaphysics of presence does.

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What Husserl treats as the “intelligibility of experience”, Heidegger posits it as Being. Both agree that it is pre-theoretical and pre-reflexive, but for Husserl experience is already articulated as lived so that speech can be its faithful expression. For Husserl, Phenomenology does nothing except articulate the prephilosophical intelligibility of the world of our lived experience. For Heidegger, being is hidden, concealed and only partially revealed, language conceals as much as it reveals. The access to Being for Heidegger requires a new way of thinking.

Note 4, p. 176, Kohak book.   Phenomenology does nothing except articulate the

prephilosophical intelligibility of the world of our lived experience.

Note 4, p. 176, Kohak book.

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There is no such separation between me and the world. It is not I the pure consciousness who encounters the world, but rather I the young professor, or I the haggard drug addict, wounded soldier, expectant mother, cancer patient, or condemned prisoner. By putting essence before existence, quality before being, phenomenology misses the question of being altogether.

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Science and Technology

Superficial Visible Presence-at-hand Descriptional Theoretical.   Science is not “Thinking”.

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  Scientific knowledge of any kind,

including Husserl’s brand of philosophy, always fails to do justice to the things in the world, which are dark and stormy events locked in a network with other such events, rather than crystal-clear sets of knowable properties. To some extent, scientific knowledge is always a waltz with illusions, or at least with exaggerations.


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  Modern technology has stripped things of

their mystery and reduced them to nothing but stockpiles of useful presence.


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Art and Poetry

In art everything is concealed; if we change an object of art for its full explanation it is not art any longer. The literal meaning has not the same force of the metaphorical description proper of art.

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Venus is illustrated as a beautiful and chaste goddess and symbol of the coming spring. Her depiction as a nude is significant in itself, given that during this time in Renaissance history almost all artwork was of a Christian theme, and nude women were hardly ever portrayed.

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For Heidegger, philosophy is a way of making things present without making them present. It does this by means of suggestions, hints, or allusions to the being of things that lies deeper than their presence to our consciousness.

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Object-Oriented Ontology

Readiness-to-hand —Zuhandenheit   Readiness to-hand (Zuhandenheit) refers

to objects insofar as they withdraw from human view into a dark subterranean reality that never becomes present to practical action any more than it does to theoretical awareness.


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Tool-beings turn out to be a strange variant of traditional substances, though they are as irreducible to physical particles as they are to the traces they leave in human perception.

A thing is more than its appearance, more than its usefulness, and more than its physical body.

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Objects and Relations

This means that, contrary to the dominant assumption of philosophy since Kant, the true chasm in ontology lies not between humans and the world, but between objects and relations.

  This duality holds equally true for all

entities in the cosmos, whether natural, artificial, organic, or fully human.

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Object-Oriented Metaphysics

The result of all this is that, despite his glaring statements to the contrary Heidegger accidentally incites a new age of metaphysics. Accordingly, we are finally in a position to oppose the long dictatorship of human beings in philosophy.

  What emerges in its place is a ghostly cosmos in which humans,

dogs, oak trees, and tobacco are on precisely the same footing as glass bottles, pitchforks, windmills, comets, ice cubes, magnets, and atoms.

  Far from abolishing the transcendent world of things in themselves,

Heidegger inadvertently rejuvenates this notion in a form that no dialectic can overcome.

The theory of tool-being revives metaphysics as a reflection on the

fundamental nature of reality without relapsing into metaphysics as ontotheology.

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Inteligibilidade Existência A questão do SER de Heidegger é a própria questão sobre a natureza da

inteligibilidade da existência.   Como se dá este processo de termos consciência-inteligibilidade da

existência do universo? Como Husserl admite, a própria consciência já traz intrinsecamente a inteligibilidade (Evidenz). Being for Heidegger é inteligibilidade.

  Heidegger não pergunta nem isola a razão, para indagar sobre ela. A razão

já traz em si a inteligibilidade das entidades, nos damos conta das entidades no mesmo processo que as entendemos. Ao invés, de olhar para um lado e perguntar o que é o sujeito, a razão, a consciência e olhar para o outro e perguntar sobre as seres, as entidades, o espaço, o tempo etc... Heidegger pergunta sobre a ponte que liga uma coisa à outra: como é possível termos consciência-inteligibilidade da existência? A pergunta de Heidegger está no meio, está na ponte, na relação. Razão (Sujeito, Consciência) é definida no mesmo processo que define as entidades, os objetos, a existência. Racionalismo e empirismo vêm juntos e não separadamente.