Heat - Comprehension Questions

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Heat - Comprehension Questions

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Heat (directed by Michael Mann)

1. Describe the color scheme and tone of the first five minutes of the movie.Blue-grey filter; hazy, soft, but cool tone. This scheme and tone will be used throughout the movie.2. During the opening scene where Neil (Robert De Niro) and his crew hi-jack the armoured vehicle, how much dialogue occurs between the characters? Very little. Mann is a master of advancing plot through action and the body language of his actors alone. It is as if the intensity of the moment is too much for words. Also, this is a crew of calm and controlled professional robbers who have carefully planned every detail in advance.3. What did Neils (De Niros) crew steal from the armoured vehicle? Who is the true owner of the stolen goods?Bearer bonds (issued by a corporation; like shares but no records are kept of the owner whoever physically holds the paper owns them). Roger Van Zant, a business man, owns the bonds.4. In the diner, why does Neil smash Waingros head against the table?Because Waingro shot the security guard (Waingro was the only new member on Neils crew for the robbery)5. Is Vincent (Al Pacino) the father of Lauren (Natalie Portman)?No he is the husband of Justine but not Laurens blood father.6. What advice does Neil give Chris (Val Kilmer) after Chris fights with Charlene (Ashley Judd) and shows up at Neils house?You wanna be making moves on the street? Have no attachments, allow nothing to be in your life that you cannot walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat around the corner.7. Why do you think the director chose to include a scene showing Neils crew all having a nice dinner together with their loved ones?To show the camaraderie of the crew and that they are not just hardened criminals. This makes them more likeable and the audience is invited to develop a connection with the crew.8. When Neil talks to Eady on the phone what colors does the director use when the camera is on Neil compared to when the camera is on Eady?Cool blue for Neil; warm light and orange for Eady.9. Why is Vincent s (Al Pacinos) wife mad at him?Because his job is all-consuming and he never spends any time with her or her daughter. And he doesnt share what happens at work with her.10. After Neils crew walks away from the precious metal (platinum) heist, what decision does Neil ask each member of his crew to make?Whether they want to continue with the bank job ($12.1 M) or each go their separate ways until the heat cools down.11. The scene in the coffeshop where Neil and Vincent meet face-to-face for the first time is a pivotal one. Do you think the two men - one a police officer, the other a criminal are so different from one another or are they really just different sides of the same coin?This is a rhetorical question.12. Who betrayed Neil and his crew?Trejo because Waingro (working for Van Zant) threatened to kill Trejos wife.13. Does Chris (Val Klmers) wife betray him?Yes, at first, by making the phone call to draw Chris to the police; but then on the balcony she signals for him to leave.14. What happened to Vincents step-daughter (Natalie Portman)?Attempted suicide.15. On his way to escaping the country, what does Neil decide to do at the last minute?To turn around and try to kill Waingro.16. Why does Neil leave Eady?See answer to Q. 617. During the final climactic scene between Neil and Vincent at the airport, which character were you cheering for and why?Throughout the movie Mann tries to make both Neil and Vincent simultaneously flawed and sympathetic.

Heat (directed by Michael Mann)

1. Describe the color scheme and tone of the first five minutes of the movie.

2. During the opening scene where Neil (Robert De Niro) and his crew hi-jack the armoured vehicle, how much dialogue occurs between the characters?

3. What did Neils (De Niros) crew steal from the armoured vehicle? Who is the true owner of the stolen goods?

4. In the diner, why does Neil smash Waingros head against the table?

5. Is Vincent (Al Pacino) the father of Lauren (Natalie Portman)?

6. What advice does Neil give Chris (Val Kilmer) after Chris fights with Charlene (Ashley Judd) and shows up at Neils house?

7. Why do you think the director chose to include a scene showing Neils crew all having a nice dinner together with their loved ones?

8. When Neil talks to Eady on the phone what colors does the director use when the camera is on Neil compared to when the camera is on Eady?

9. Why is Vincent s (Al Pacinos) wife mad at him?

10. After Neils crew walks away from the precious metal (platinum) heist, what decision does Neil ask each member of his crew to make?

11. The scene in the coffeshop where Neil and Vincent meet face-to-face for the first time is a pivotal one. Do you think the two men - one a police officer, the other a criminal are so different from one another or are they really just different sides of the same coin?

12. Who betrayed Neil and his crew?

13. Does Chris (Val Klmers) wife betray him?

14. What happened to Vincents step-daughter (Natalie Portman)?

15. On his way to escaping the country, what does Neil decide to do at the last minute?

16. Why does Neil leave Eady?

17. During the final climactic scene between Neil and Vincent at the airport, which character were you cheering for and why?