HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] Dealing With Cravings But whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst again. John 4:14 Vol 2 Issue 1 January In This Issue Causes of Cravings By Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.) Cravings are caused by by the region of the brain that is responsible for memory, pleasure and reward. An imbalance of hormones, such as leptin and serotonin, can also cause cravings. Some experts believe that cravings only last 3-5 minutes and although every person is different, most people crave food high in sugar, salt and fat and this is the reason individuals have a hard time living a healthy lifestyle. It is also possible that food cravings are due to endorphins that are released into the body after someone has eaten. Endorphins are that “feel good” chemical we release in the body when we experience pleasure, Emotions may also be involved in producing a food craving, especially if a person eats for comfort. Pregnant women experience especially strong cravings, which may be due to hormonal changes that can disrupt their taste and smell receptors. There is also the possibility of a connection between the cravings and nutrients. This is the idea that the body craves certain foods because it lacks certain nutrients. Craving can be selective or non-selective. Selective cravings are cravings for specific foods, which may be a person's favorite chocolate bar, a specific burger from their favorite restaurant, or a bag of potato chips. Non-selective hunger is the desire to eat anything. It may be the result of real hunger and hunger pangs, but it can also be a sign of thirst. Drinking water may help with intense non-selective cravings. All About Cravings Help With Cravings Loving The Addict Types of Service Dogs

HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] Dealing With Cravingscaring4you.net/healthyworship/HealthyWorship13.pdf · Cravings are caused by by the region of the brain that is responsible for

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Page 1: HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] Dealing With Cravingscaring4you.net/healthyworship/HealthyWorship13.pdf · Cravings are caused by by the region of the brain that is responsible for


Dealing With Cravings

But whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst again.

John 4:14Vol 2 Issue 1 January In This IssueCauses of CravingsBy Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)

Cravings are caused by by the region of the brain that is responsible for memory, pleasure and reward. An imbalance of hormones, such as leptin and serotonin, can also cause cravings. Some experts believe that cravings only last 3-5 minutes and although every person is different, most people crave food high in sugar, salt and fat and this is the reason individuals have a hard time living a healthy lifestyle.

It is also possible that food cravings are due to endorphins that are released into the body after someone has eaten. Endorphins are that “feel good” chemical we release in the body when we experience pleasure,

Emotions may also be involved in producing a food craving, especially if a person eats for comfort.

Pregnant women experience especially strong cravings, which may be due to hormonal changes that can disrupt their taste and smell receptors.

There is also the possibility of a connection between the cravings and nutrients. This is the idea that the body craves certain foods because it lacks certain nutrients.

Craving can be selective or non-selective.

Selective cravings are cravings for specific foods, which may be a person's favorite chocolate bar, a specific burger from their favorite restaurant, or a bag of potato chips.Non-selective hunger is the desire to eat anything. It may be the result of real hunger and hunger pangs, but it can also be a sign of thirst. Drinking water may help with intense non-selective cravings.

All About Cravings

Help With Cravings

Loving The Addict

Types of Service Dogs

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HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] Page 2Chasing Your Cravings But Why?By Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)

I have always said NO one craving is any worse or any better than any other. Because of this way of thinking, I have come not to judge the person craving drugs or alcohol any more or less than the individual that craves chocolate, cigarettes or coffee or any type of food.

Some may eat a bag of chips a day, consume large amounts of coffee, soda or energy drinks. Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. Put chocolate on everything or eat it everyday. Be reliant on prescription medication. Or, be dependent on illegal drugs -why?

I asked a friend to stop drinking coffee and they responded, "Oh, no way, I can't give up my coffee?" I told another friend that they should not smoke because cigarettes are not good for their health to which they responded, "Some day I will quit". Some people do quit for a time, only to begin smoking again. Students consume large amounts of energy drinks to stay awake to do their studies. One person gave up alcohol but eats chocolate everyday.

In my quest to explore why we over consume, I found an interesting fact. Chocolate, cigarettes, cocaine, sugar, coffee, marijuana, some medications, alcohol, and energy drinks all have something in common. They all have the alcohol compound named hydroxyl (OH)

We all know that hydro is a prefix meaning "of or pertaining to water". The human body is made up of over 70% water. So, it is only natural to gravitate to hydroxyl.

In chemistry, hydroxyl consists of an oxygen atom joined by a single bond to a hydrogen atom.

An alcohol is formed when a hydroxyl group is joined by a single bond to an alkyl group or aryl group. ( example of an alkyl group e.g., methyl, CH3, from methane, CH4, and ethyl, C2H5, from ethane, C2H6 ).

The point here is we are so quick to judge people and tell them not to do something without explaining why or even stopping to understand why and how. As a society, we need to stop being so quick to judge and help each other.

There are three laws we must not violate. 1). The law of the land and 2). The law of our bodies. 3) The law of the Bible, Exodus 20: 1-17. If we are not gaining weight, increasing our irritability level, causing ourselves health problems due to what we consume and if we are not breaking the law, than go for it. IF IT FEELS CORRECT, IT IS CORRECT. -- And now we know WHY?

Unscramble the words: Released by the pleasure center of the brain:RDEAWR: __ __ __ __ __ __ ERYRM: __ __ __ __ __HCLTAEOCO: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ENIRDF: __ __ __ __ __ __AZPIZ: __ __ __ __ __ DKNI: __ __ __ __REAVC: __ __ __ __ __ ERESLOUT: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Answer: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

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HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] 8 Ways To Reduce Cravings

Reduce Stress Avoid Hunger

Sleep Well Eat enough protein

Change senary Control food portions Drink Plenty of water

Chew gum

Replace Your CravingsBy Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)

A craving is defined as a powerful urge for something. This desire will last 3 -5 minutes according to textbooks. When we experience the onset of a craving, there are several things we can do to not give in to the craving. One thing you DO NOT want to do is rationalize why it is okay to give in to your craving. If you give in to your craving, you may go on a binge. This will ruin your goal and it will force you to start over or rationalize thoughts such as: “I will quite when....” Here are a few tried and true methods I have tried when a craving comes upon me:

Read Some Literature:Pick up a book and start reading it. I love to read the Bible. So when I have a craving, I read a chapter of whatever I am studying from Thursday night Bible Study or I just open my Bible at random. One would be surprised how God speaks to us from the Bible with a wonderful Bible verse that addresses the situation directly.

Be Creative:Do something enjoyable. This could be painting, sewing, writing poetry. This could be anything that makes you happy. When we are happy we release a feel good chemical in our bodies called endorphines.

Music TherapyMake a list of music from artists that have struggled with this same issue. Remember, if you are struggling, others have too and chances are, a song has been written about it. Or, just close your eyes and listen to your favorite music for an hour. Remember, the craving will pass. Don't give into it. If you do, you will rationalize why it is okay. And you and I both know it is not. - Giving in may lead to a

Page 3dangerous binge behavior or relapse.

Keep Yourself BusyClean that room you have left a mess for so long. Do those dishes you left in the sink. Do any task, like it or not, this will take longer than 3-5 minutes. When finished, you will see that the craving has reduced. If not, do another activity mentioned in this writing.

Distance Yourself From What You CraveDon't bring it in your house or have it on your person.This becomes difficult if you are trying to lose weight because food is vital to life. If this seems to be the case with you, do a method mentioned here in this writing. If you smoke, stop buying cigarettes. Fight the craving now and you will reap the benefits later.

SupplementsGlutamine can decrease sugar cravings almost immediately. There are 3 things people crave the most salt, sugar and fats. (Healthy Eats page 4)GABA is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in our nervous system that reduces excitability. It is thought that taking GABA will slow heart heart and racing pulse and may even slow racing thoughts when we crave. (Consult a Physician before use)

ExerciseWhen you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphines. These chemical are responsible for making an individual feel good and works on the reward center of our brains. Exercise does not have to be rigourous and painful it can be fast or slow as long as we are doing something that keeps us in constant motion. Even cleaning up the house can be considered slow, steady exercise.

The Power of PrayerMatthew 7:7: “Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and you will find...” Matthew 21:22 “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive if you have faith ...” Mark 11:24 “...whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours”. (NIV)

The goal to combating cravings is to distract your mind. In Philipians,3:13, Paul states, “I do not consider myself to have yet taken hold of it but this one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” (NIV) Even Paul struggled but you can do this!

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HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] Page 4Foods That Help With CravingsBy Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)

The reason health professionals don't want to see people on gluten free diets unless absolutely necessary, is because for 98% of the population that don't have gluten issues, whole grains are health promoting and linked to reduced risk of coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases. Source: www.NutritionFacts.org Gluten reduces cravings for sugar almost immediately.

Food Containing Gluten MEAT: Any food that is high in protein is high in glutamine. Meats such as beef, chicken and lamb are excellent sources of glutamine.SEAFOOD: Salt water fish has a higher content of glutamine than fresh water fish. Shrimp live in both fresh and salt water estuaries but most shrimp live in salt water.MILK: Helps promote glutathione production which is an anti oxidant and is great for the body.NUTS: It would be unhealthy to munch on nuts all day but eating a handful three times a day will provide a healthy amount of glutamine. Almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts are some of the nuts that are beneficial.

EGGS: They are a great source of Vitamin K, B vitamin including bioton, thiamine and Vitamin B12.CABBAGE: Great for building immunity and overall health, red cabbage is a powerful source of glutamine. Raw cabbage is more beneficial than cooked cabbage.PROTEIN DRINKS: These are a good source of amino acid and anti oxidants. Protein drinks are also great for muscle synthesis and builds muscles.BEANS: Peas and Beans are an important source of glutamine. Soy beans and kidney beans are extremely beneficial if one is recovering from a health issue and there is a lack of glutamine. Source: www.ndtv.com

The Right Animal For The JobBy Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)

There are Three types of Service Animals and when it comes to dogs, there is no one breed that is any better than another breed. Being a good service dog all comes down to the training and the relationship with his or her owner. What is a service dog? Service dogs are dogs that have been individually trained to perform a specific task for individuals who have disabilities. The disabilities can vary greatly, and so do the tasks that the service dogs perform.

Source: www.caring4you.net/layna.htmlService dogs can aid in navigation for people who are hearing- and visually

impaired, assist an individual who is having a seizure, calm an individual who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and even dial 911 in the event of an emergency. Many disabled individuals depend on them every day to help them live their everyday lives.

Emotional Support Dogs are dogs that provide comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions. An emotional support dog is not required to perform any specific tasks for a disability like service dogs are. They are meant solely for emotional stability and unconditional love. They can assist with conditions such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder/mood disorder, panic attacks, fear/phobias, and other psychological and emotional conditions.


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The Right Animal For The Job By Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.) [ Continue page 4 ]

Many people are able to connect with dogs and feel the love that they provide, and this has a therapeutic effect on them. Therapy dogs are generally very calm

and well-behaved, so that they do not upset or make uncomfortable those around them.

Therapy dogs are taken to many types of places, including hospitals, nursing homes, foster homes, homeless shelters, schools, and places struck by natural disasters. They generally do not have any special training and are not trained to perform specific tasks for a disabled individual like a service dog.

A doctor’s letter is not required to have a therapy dog. Since therapy dogs are not covered under any specific federal laws, permission would have to be given from each place that a therapy dog is to be taken. Many places are welcoming to therapy dogs if the dog is trained and obedient, does not pose a threat to others, can benefit those present at the facility, and does not adversely affect the facility’s operations.

Find These WordsYou may go backward, foreword and diagonal .

Animal Happy

Cravings Hug

Dog Job

Dopamine New Year

Gluten Service

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Currently, 2019, there are 1,600 Military War Dogs (MWD) either in the field or helping recovering veterans.


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HEALTHY WORSHIP [ ISSUE #13 ] Page 6Easy Chilli Recipe – Yields 4 – 6 Servings By Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: One HourIngredients:1 medium onion2 teaspoons of salt3 cloves of garlic1-1/2 lbs of ground hamburger

In a skillet, brown the meat, and cook unions with meat until translucent. Drain. Return to pan. Add salt and garlic and heat through another 5 minutes.

Serve warm with shredded cheddar cheese on top!

1 (16 ounce) can red kidney beans1 (15 ounce) jar of your favorite red sauce3 Tablespoons of chilli powder2 teaspoons of pepper 1 teas of cuminPlace all ingredients in large pot or slow cooker. Add meat mixture and cover. Cook over medium low heat for one hour

Answer To Word Find:

Coming In February Issue

What Does The Bible Tell Us About LoveBy Anneliese Garrison RN BSN CLNC (Ret.)

Addicts are the hardest people to live with let alone care about. Yet when studying the book of 1 John, Jesus tells us to follow all of God's commandments, of which, the greatest is love! How do we love someone who has sinned against us and has caused us nothing but heartache day in and day out?I opened my Bible during Bible Study one day to Zephaniah 3:17 “... He will quiet you with his love...” That was it! I needed to be quiet and let God direct me to the type of love he wanted me to give this person. All I had to do was know that I was to love this person whether they walked in darkness or the light as written in 1 John 2!

How comforting to know that Christ wants to take away our anxiety with his love. He will lead us. All that is asked of us is to follow His lead.

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Life Without Friendship © by Anneliese Garrison

Did you enjoy our first 2019issue? We’d like to hear from you ...

Life without friendship.. is like the dawn without the sun.

Life without friendship.... is like the sky without the moon when the evening has begun.

Life without friendship.... is like a rose without rain.

Life without friendship.... just wouldn't be the same.

Life without friendship.... is like a ship without a sea.

You can call Anneliese Garrison at 856.777.0840

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Life without friendship.... just could not be without a friend like you for me.

Make New Friends This Year!HAPPY 2019!

All information contained herein is for advice and entertainment purposes only. If you feel you have a medical issue, please consult your physician.

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Anneliese GarrisonRN BSN CLNCSole Proprietor

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