Health Strategic Committee Venue: Tawa Room, 889 Cameron Road, Tauranga Date and Time: Wednesday 7 March 2018 at 10:30am Health Targets Shorter Stays in Emergency Departments Improved Access to Elective Surgery Shorter Waits for Cancer Treatment/Radiotherapy Increased Immunisation Better Help for Smokers to Quit Raising Healthy Kids Minister’s Expectations National Health Targets Care Closer to Home Regional and Clinical Integration Living Within our Means Working Across Government Tackling Obesity Shifting Integration Services Health IT Programme 2015-2020 Board Priorities Maori Health / Achieving Equity Health of Older People Long Term Conditions Child and Youth The Quality Safety Markers Falls Healthcare Associated Infections Hand Hygiene Surgical Site Infection Perioperative Harm Medication Safety Healthy, Thriving Communities

Health Strategic Committee - BOPDHB...National Health Targets Care Closer to Home Regional and Clinical Integration Living Within our Means Working Across Government Tackling Obesity

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Page 1: Health Strategic Committee - BOPDHB...National Health Targets Care Closer to Home Regional and Clinical Integration Living Within our Means Working Across Government Tackling Obesity

Health Strategic Committee Venue: Tawa Room, 889 Cameron Road, Tauranga

Date and Time: Wednesday 7 March 2018 at 10:30am

UHealth Targets Shorter Stays in Emergency Departments Improved Access to Elective Surgery Shorter Waits for Cancer

Treatment/Radiotherapy Increased Immunisation Better Help for Smokers to Quit Raising Healthy Kids

UMinister’s Expectations National Health Targets Care Closer to Home Regional and Clinical Integration Living Within our Means Working Across Government Tackling Obesity Shifting Integration Services Health IT Programme 2015-2020

UBoard Priorities Maori Health / Achieving Equity Health of Older People Long Term Conditions Child and Youth

UThe Quality Safety Markers Falls Healthcare Associated Infections Hand Hygiene Surgical Site Infection Perioperative Harm Medication Safety

Healthy, Thriving Communities

Page 2: Health Strategic Committee - BOPDHB...National Health Targets Care Closer to Home Regional and Clinical Integration Living Within our Means Working Across Government Tackling Obesity

Bay of Plenty Health Strategic Committee

Item No. Item Page



2 Presentations 2.1 Digital Health Strategy Darren Douglas, Ministry of Health 2.2 New Technology Trends Jodie Tipping, Managing Director at Cucumber – Digital Strategy



Minutes of Meeting 3.1 Health Strategic Committee - 1.11.17



Matters Arising



Agenda Items / Reports -

Strategic Objective 3: Evolve models of excellence across all of our hospital services 5.1 Online Doctor Business Launch – Article from i-stuff / Discussion



General Business


Next Meeting – Wednesday 6 June 2018

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Bay of Plenty Health Strategic Committee

Page 4: Health Strategic Committee - BOPDHB...National Health Targets Care Closer to Home Regional and Clinical Integration Living Within our Means Working Across Government Tackling Obesity



Digital Health Strategy

February 2018

The future we want



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Vision for Health Technology

Why a Digital Health Strategy?

• NZ Health Strategy recognises the opportunities that technology provides

• Vision for Health Technology describes the impact that technology will have

• Fragmented and unconstrained use of digital technologies will increase inequities, introduce inefficiencies and waste scarce resources

• Sector is complex and the digital landscape is changing rapidly

• Digital Health Strategy will guide sector investment in, and use of, digital technologies

• Imposing a centrally defined single path to a certain future will fail

• The Strategy creates the right conditions for the digital health ecosystem and allows organisations freedom to act within constraints

• Strategic plans should be formulated and implemented by individual organisations aligned to the Strategy

• Ministry of Health will deliver the enablers identified in the Strategy


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Digital Health

Digital Health Ecosystem

• Focus on democratisation of health, consumer driven healthcare

• Acknowledges the cultural change and the new needs and expectations of patients

“Digital health is the use of digital technologies and accessible data, and the associated cultural change it induces, to help New Zealanders manage their health and wellbeing and transform the nature of healthcare delivery.”

Digital Health Strategy context

Digital Health eco-system is complex

Ministry role: • Define and set boundaries • Create enablers (eg. standards,

foundation services) • Monitor progress

Sector role: • Recognise and encourage

diversity • Amplify success • Influence and catalyse change • Be courageous

Find us at www.digital.health.nz

Contact us at [email protected]


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Digital Health Strategy format

Digital Health Strategy does Digital Health Strategy does not

Recognise that change is rapid and non-linear

Assume a predictable future

Understand that change emerges from the digital health eco-system

Define and direct change from the centre

Define a shared understanding of success and monitor progress

Define specific objectives, set a plan of actions and manage delivery

Specify mandatory enabling constraints, allow flexibility in digital solutions

Specify digital solutions

Encourage diversity, promoting visibility to amplify success

Impose order and limit diversity

Include dynamic content that will change over time to support delivery by the eco-system

Get published as a completed document with no tools to support delivery


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• The foundations for the Strategy and its component parts. The component parts of the Strategy may change over time; the principles will not


• Disciplines and considerations that underpin and support the creation and use of effective digital health services

• Instead of specifying digital health services (which will be many and varied) this Strategy describes six capabilities that should be applied by agencies


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• Enablers are the resources, frameworks and guidelines that create focus and cohesion

• Ministry of Health will create the enablers and monitor their effectiveness and use

• Enablers are critical to the success of the Strategy; without these implementation risks becoming fragmented and chaotic

• While the Strategy adopts an eco-system approach to implementing digital health services, compliance with the enablers is essential.

Digital Environment

• The broader NZ consumer and business environment that influences (enables or constrains) the success of the Strategy

• Need to consider the impact the digital environment will have on digital health services

• Digital environment will evolve over time and should be influenced to incentivise and encourage the positive use of digital health services


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Digital Health Strategy Framework

Measuring success

Access to digital health services and information will:





• Progress will be measured against strategic objectives that describe the impact we want to have

• For each objective we will monitor progress using key result areas (KRAs)

• Intent is to utilise maturity models and value based measures where possible


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Ministry role

Define and maintain a clear strategy The Ministry will govern the implementation of the Strategy and

update and refine the Strategy over time to reflect changes in

the digital health ecosystem and as new requirements or

guidance become available. Measure progress and maturity The Ministry will measure progress towards the objectives using

rthe defined key result areas. Deliver enablers The Ministry will ensure that the enablers defined in this

Strategy are implemented and will compel agencies to adopt and

leverage them appropriately. Facilitate changes in the digital environment The Ministry will seek to understand and influence the changing

digital environment to support implementation of the Strategy.

This is particularly important in areas such as enabling legislation

and the digital health capability of the health workforce. Support agencies to innovate and


The Ministry will support agencies by facilitating innovation and

through existing portfolio, reporting and monitoring processes

that review plans for alignment across the digital health

ecosystem. Where opportunities are identified for national

digital health services that advance the strategic objectives the

Ministry will take a lead role.

Delivering the Enablers –priorities

A. Create and refresh architecture and standards for interoperability, health network, security, digital identity and access management.

B. Consumers and their advocates can access their health information; confident in personal health information security and privacy

C. Health information security and governance maturity

D. Invest in health identity and access management services; interoperability /health information gateway; medication management services; analytics access to Ministry held data

E. Enhance the health network and review access barriers

F. Enhance visibility of sector IT investment and visibility of the success (and failure) of investments in digital service delivery

G. Create an innovation environment across the sector


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Digital Health Strategy implementation

Sector Organisations should

• Understand their own digital strategy and ensure it aligns

• Utilise the enablers, build capabilities, increase connections

• Formulate plans, embedded into their standard planning cycles (such as DHB Annual Plans and Regional Service Plans)

• Utilise best practice frameworks for implementation

New Zealanders should

• Embrace access to digital technologies and information

• Improve their digital health literacy

• Demand of their health providers that they ensure access to information and data

Next Steps

• Latest draft of the Digital Health Strategy released early Feb 17

• Ministerial and Ministry DG briefings

• Present to sector and key agencies – focus on understanding and supporting implementation rather than development

• Update website

• Launch and commence baseline measurements

• Input t0 FY18/19 priorities and FY19/20 planning cycles


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Bay of Plenty District health Board Health Strategic Committee (open) Minutes


Health Strategic Committee

Venue: Tawa Room, 889 Cameron Road, Tauranga Date and time: Wednesday 1 November 2017 at 10:30am

Committee: Mark Arundel (Chair), Sally Web, Ron Scott, Anna Rolleston, Beverley Edlin, Geoff

Esterman, Judy Turner, Marion Guy, Mary Anne Gill, Peter Nicholl and Stewart Ngatai

Attendees: Pete Chandler (Acting Chief Executive), Simon Everitt (GM Planning and Funding),

Martin Chadwick (Acting COO)

Item No.

Item Action


Apologies Apologies were received from Yvonne Boyes and Matua Parkinson.

Resolved: That the apologies from Yvonne Boyes and Matua Parkinson be accepted.

Moved: M Arundel Seconded: B Edlin


Minutes Minutes of the meeting held 2 August 2017 were confirmed as a true and correct record.

Moved: B Edlin Seconded: G Esterman


Matters Arising IHI Methodology A query was raised around IHI and Board completing online courses. Advised there is a link. Instructions to be sent to Board and Committee members to be able to access. 5.1 Completed.

Board Secretariat


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Bay of Plenty District health Board Health Strategic Committee (open) Minutes

Item No. Item Action



Presentation Strategic Objective 1: Empower our population to live healthy lives Health for All – An essential transition in our thinking Neil de Wet, Hayley Robertson & Michelle Adam (Paper) 4.1.2 Health for All - Describing a local health environment agenda - Biophilic Cities Neil de Wet and Hayley Robertson (Presentation) Updated presentation to that within agenda. Neil advised he has presented to other forums since presenting to CPHAC and found it seems to inspire people. Concept has been around for about the last 10 years internationally. Prioritises the green forum, both in ecology and design and living at one with nature. Gave examples around the world of a hospital connected with green walkways and canopies. Also had a rooftop garden, a multi-level green space area, including an orchard in New York. Wellington is an example of a biophilic city with wetland areas and other features where green belts have been integrated into the city infrastructure. Volunteers extremely important to concept. People want to participate. We have ecological debt. Ecological infrastructure needs to be compulsory. eg when constructing cycleways, think about what other ecological inclusions can be made. Neil showed slides of areas around Tauranga Hospital, inside corridors, meeting rooms which were starkly void of ecological representation but also areas where there is presence, eg roof garden, Kowhai Trees, MHSOP garden, chapel garden, native bush planted hillside. The Board discussed Neil’s presentation and ideas that may be developed locally in the form of assisting biophilic concepts. It was felt that it generally needed a different way of thinking, going forward.


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Bay of Plenty District health Board Health Strategic Committee (open) Minutes

Item No. Item Action

GM P&F advised of opportunities for the Health in all Policies working group which may be able to drive the biophilic concepts with Neil’s input. Committee commented it could be a great leadership role for BOPDHB. Committee agreed to put a recommendation to the Board that the Board prepares a Position Statement around Biophilic principles for our future planning and development. Recommendation was made with regard to liaising with the Runanga. It was suggested that the topic form part of the next joint Board and Runanga agenda. The Committee thanked Neil and Hayley for the informative presentation. It was felt the work was on the leading edge of change.


Board Secretariat


Whakatāne Ki Mua – Whakatane District Council Community Engagement (Presentation) 4.2.2 Ki Mua - Journey so far and results (Paper/ Report) Council pulled a multiagency Steering Group together, and asked them to be part of the solutions /process. BOPDHB CEO and GM P&F have been part of Steering Group with Whakatane DC. 18,000 comments received which produced a list of things positive and negative of living in the region. At the end of the engagement process, looking towards making things happen. GM P&F mentioned DHB’s role in influencing what they can - the cohesion, connectedness and community spirit and how that can be supported. Committee commented that Acorn Trust have also carried out same engagement process and came up with a similar list.


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Bay of Plenty District health Board Health Strategic Committee (open) Minutes

Item No. Item Action


Strategic Objective 2: Develop a smart, fully integrated system of care to provide care close to where people live, learn work and play

Follow up discussion on the Sam Johnson presentation to Health Strategic Committee on 2 August 2017. GM P&F advised that there has been some further discussion with Sam which will be ongoing. Committee commented on the need to be involved in creating community connectedness. How do we look after people when they leave our care – transfer of care eg actively driving, mobilising and engaging the volunteer aspect in the community. Acting CEO commented that care co-ordination, monitoring is far more than paid health professionals. Acting COO mentioned other DHBs Peer Support Specialists. People walk alongside, filling the gap between professional and family for instance. GM P&F mentioned community mindedness and whether we need to consider as an organisation, our community mindedness. He gave an example of an approach we felt we could not participate in in the community 18 months ago, which, given today’s discussions, we may now say yes to. Have some of our rules and regulations negated our participation in community mindedness. Perhaps we should reapproach the example above as a proactive measure. Committee Chair queried DHB’s community network links. GM P&F advised there are a number, e.g. Community Liaison Group Generally agreed that conversations of today are valuable in the context that the Committee has been set up for. Acting CEO commented that it gave thought as to how to capture the essence of discussions and thoughts to ensure they are progressed and not lost.


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Bay of Plenty District health Board Health Strategic Committee (open) Minutes

Item No. Item Action

Strategic Objective 3: Evolve models of excellence across all of our hospital services.

There was no agenda item for this meeting


General Business 5.1 SHSP Implementation - Approach

GM P&F advised still in the phase of socialising the plan. Had been presented to Grand Round yesterday. Was well received. Exec had discussion yesterday on governance of the plan. It was confirmed CPHAC/DSAC should have governance of Priorities 1&2 and BOPHAC Governance over 3. GM P&F suggested Agenda item for next meeting on Technology and impacts of technology for this DHB. It was suggested at some stage a discussion around managing ageing be scheduled for this Committee.



Next Meeting - The next meeting will be held on 7 March 2018 at 10.30 am

The meeting closed at 12.35 pm The minutes will be confirmed as a true and correct record at the next meeting.


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Health Strategic Meeting

Matters Arising – 7 March 2018

Meeting Date Item Action Required Action Taken

2.8.17 4.2 IHI Methodology All Board members to complete IHI Open School program.

Work in progress

1.11.17 4.1.2 Describing a local health environment agenda - Biophilic Cities

Committee agreed to put a recommendation to the Board that the Board prepares a Position Statement around Biophilic principles for our future planning and development.

Work in progress

1.11.17 5.1 SHSP Implementation - Approach

GM P&F suggested Agenda item for next meeting on Technology and impacts of technology for this DHB.



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