Coke offers vouchers 10 woo Belgians A-D global team$l/ axed in reshuffle Coca-Cola Light, Fanta or Sprite, and is valid until the beginning ofAugust. The mailing coincides with a national television cam- paign in Belgium featuring chairman Douglas Ivester who apologises for the event and promises to buy everyone in Belgium a Coke. The scare proved to be aPR nightmare for the company, resulting inmassive television and press coverage around the world. Many claimed that it had severely damaged the Coca- Cola brand. In Belgium, the country's health minister criticised the company for its slow response and lack ofco-operation when the news broke. marketers. Mark Doorbar, vice-president of marketing for Ballantine's, becomes vice-president for whisky brands, comprising Ballan- tine's, Canadian Club, Maker's Mark,Laphroaig and Teacher's. He will oversee a campaign for Ballantine's, due to break worldwide in September. Jack:ie~Fronoa, the headot' Beefeater marketing, be- comes vice-president, Euro Brands, consisting of Beef- eater, Courvoisier,Tia Maria, Cockburn's, Harvey's Bristol Cream and Domecq sherries. Sauza Tequila marketer Sally Brophy becomes vice- president for Latin Brands, and Kahlua marketer Scott Green will be vice-president for Kahlua, now Allied's sec- ond biggest brand. Kahlua is undergoing a global relaunch with a re- vamped marketing campaign called 'Anything Goes', designed to position it as a trendy cocktail ingredien t. They are being delivered by a5000-strong team ofrunners. The voucher is redeemable against bottles of Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola: at centre of health scare Some job losses from the global brand teams may result, although Allied's two most senior global brand mar- keters will remain with the company. Ian Jamieson, vice- president of GBD, moves to a new role overseeing Allied's three 'marketing capability' groups: marketing insight, integrated brandcommunica- tions and product innova- tions. Richard Gowar, president of GBD, will work on strategic projects, report- ing directly to Martin. The restructure sees pro- motions for several senior Ballantine's: new worldwide drive Following the first phase of its 'colloquialisms' campaign last year, Kronenbourg 1664 is unveiling two newTV ads from mid July. The executions, created byYoung& Rubicam, will appear on Channel4, ChannelS and satellite TV.The premium lager producer takes French colloquialisms common in the English language and adds an unexpected twist to their usual translations; in this case menage a trois and nouveau riche.The ads form part of Kronenbourg's £12m marketing programme to fight its chiefrival, Stella Artois. The drive includes the launch ofthe brand's largest ever UK promotion, called L'Espritdu Sport, and a new web site. ByLucy Barrett Coca-Cola is offering free products to every household inBelgium inabidtowinback some goodwill from the nation which was at the centre of its recent poisoning scare. The Belgian government forced the world's biggest brand to withdraw all of its products, including Coca- Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Aquarius and Bon Aqua, after a health scare in which more than 100 people, many of them chil- dren, became illafter drinking Coca-Cola. Now, three weeks after the scare, Coca-Cola product vouchers are being mailed to every household in the coun- try, totalling around four mil- lion homes. ByAlexandraJardine Todd Martin, Allied Domecq's global marketing director, has reorganised the wine and spirit giant's world- wide marketing team for the second timein lessthan ayear. He has axed the global brand teams that he created when hejoined inMarch 1998. Global marketing willinstead new fecus~on feur distinct brand categories: a whisky brands team and a Euro brands team, both based in Bristol; and Latin and Kahlua brand teams in the US. Marketing directors for these groups will report directly to Martin, with the previous management layer consisting of global brand development (GBD) and global marketing develop- ment (GMD) dissolved. Martin says the changes represent the second phase of Allied Domecq's restructur- ing and reflects the fact that new local marketing teams are now in place. Japanese toy company Tomy has recruited former Mattei marketer Sally Plumridge, the marketing director at Swatch, to take control of its Euro- peanmarketing. Her appointment follows the departure of Phil Savage, who left for rival global toy company,Interkids,in March. Reporting to Alan Munn, European president ofTomy, Plumridge's first task is to take over the development of a TV and print advertising campaign through agency Ingenia Creative Communi- cations, set to break inAugust. Although her title will be UK marketing director, Plum- ridge will playa key role in European marketing deci- sions at the company's UK- based European HQ. Tomy to appoint ex - Mattei chief for European job Shell has settled a law suit out of court with John Donovan, marketing director of sales promotion agency Don Marketing, after he aban- doned his claim that Shell had stolen the idea for its Smart loyalty scheme from his agency (Marketing, June 10). The case began at the High Court on June 12.Shell and Donovan both refused to comment. Nintendo has appointed David Gosen as its new managing director of sales and marketing Europe. He has been marketing and distribution director atBSkyB since 1996.Gosen will be based at Nintendo's offices near Frankfurt, Germany, and will report to Shigeru Ota, president of Nintendo in Europe. Giles Clarke, the entrepreneur who founded Majestic Wine and Pet City, has resigned as chief executive of pet superstore PetsMart. Donald Dorsey,from PetsMart's US parent, will act as an interim CEO while a new European executive is found for the 95-strong chain. Clarke said he was looking at a number of different opportunities in the area of brands and consumer products but will not stay in the pet market. Forest, the pro-smoking pressure group, has launched its own quarterly magazine called Free Choice. The magazine, available by subscription and through tobacconists, will provide positive comment on smoke related issues. Initially, the magazine will be funded by tobacco com- panies and corporate donors. The Cancer Research Campaign has established a new research centre tasked with monitoring cigarette manufacturers' marketing activities, after the government announced plans to bring forward a ban on tobacco advertising to December this year.The group will monitor the industry for any possible infringement ofthe ban. IPC's ad sales department, IPC Solutions, has signed a Unilever spon- sorship deal across its Connect stable of titles. Under the terms of the deal, its Domestos brand will sponsor hygiene tips on the cookery pages of Chat, Woman and Woman's Own every week until the end of November. 2 TOP PRESS - Flextech TV and IPC Connect have joined forces to launch a new mast- head TV show called Chat's Moral Dilemmas. The programme will be broadcast on Flextech's Living channel five days a week for 32 episodes and is scheduled to go out in September. Hasbro's UK marketing director, Sharon Carter, has left as part of an internal reorganisation. The move follows last week's news that the company has created the new position of European marketing direc- tor (Marketing, July 1).Hasbro was unavailable for comment. The Flora London Marathon has appointed Adidas UKasits footwear and apparel partner. The three-year partnership will seeAdidas organising promotional events around the Marathon. The government's Medicines Control Agency is intervening to stop drugs being advertised on the internet. The government has sided with the Consumers' Association, which wants to stop medicine inter- net ads, in a dispute with the Advertising Association which is in favour of them. SUBSCRIPTIONS 0181 845 8545 WEB SITE www.marketing.haynet.com ADVERTISING 0171 413 4597 EDITORIAL 0171 413 4567 BACK ISSUES 0181 503 0588 Andy Troullides, MediaCom TMB's joint group managing director, has left the company to pursue other interests. Troullides was managing director before MediaCom's merger with The Media Business Group in January. Stephen Allan assumes sole responsibility as group MD. The National Magazine Company has closed its parenting title,M, which was launched just over ayear ago. Its remaining parenting title,Having a Baby, will now become part of the Good Housekeeping operation. Meanwhile, Cosmopolitan's spin-offtitle, Cosmopolitan Real Life Sto- ries launches this week. Forrest Mars, the founder of Mars Confectionery, died earlier this week at the age of 95. He founded the company with his father in 1922 in Tacoma, Washington State. In 1932, he moved to the UK to establish the UK arm of Mars in Slough, where he launched the Mars Bar. His sons, Forrest Jr and John, are joint presidents of the privately owned· company. 8 JULY 1999 MARKETING

health scare A-Dglobal team$l/ axed inreshuffleglobal relaunch with a re-vamped marketing campaign called 'Anything Goes', designed to position it as a trendy cocktail ingredien t

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Page 1: health scare A-Dglobal team$l/ axed inreshuffleglobal relaunch with a re-vamped marketing campaign called 'Anything Goes', designed to position it as a trendy cocktail ingredien t

Coke offers vouchers 10 woo Belgians

A-Dglobal team$l/axed in reshuffle

Coca-Cola Light, Fanta orSprite, and is valid until thebeginning ofAugust.The mailing coincides with

a national television cam-paign in Belgium featuringchairman Douglas Ivesterwho apologises for the eventand promises to buy everyonein Belgium a Coke.The scare proved to be aPR

nightmare for the company,resulting inmassive televisionand press coverage aroundthe world.Many claimed that it had

severely damaged the Coca-Cola brand.In Belgium, the country's

health minister criticised thecompany for its slow responseand lack of co-operation whenthe news broke.

marketers. Mark Doorbar,vice-president of marketingfor Ballantine's, becomesvice-president for whiskybrands, comprising Ballan-tine's, Canadian Club,Maker's Mark,Laphroaig andTeacher's. He will oversee acampaign for Ballantine's,due to break worldwide inSeptember.Jack:ie~Fronoa, the headot'

Beefeater marketing, be-comes vice-president, EuroBrands, consisting of Beef-eater, Courvoisier,Tia Maria,Cockburn's, Harvey's BristolCream and Domecq sherries.Sauza Tequila marketer

Sally Brophy becomes vice-president for Latin Brands,and Kahlua marketer ScottGreen will be vice-presidentfor Kahlua, now Allied's sec-ond biggest brand.Kahlua is undergoing a

global relaunch with a re-vamped marketing campaigncalled 'Anything Goes',designed to position it as atrendy cocktail ingredien t.

They are being delivered bya5000-strong team of runners.The voucher is redeemable

against bottles of Coca-Cola,

Coca-Cola: at centre ofhealth scare

Some job losses from theglobal brand teams mayresult, although Allied's twomost senior global brand mar-keters will remain with thecompany. Ian Jamieson, vice-president of GBD, moves to anew role overseeing Allied'sthree 'marketing capability'groups: marketing insight,integrated brandcommunica-tions and product innova-tions. Richard Gowar,president of GBD, will workon strategic projects, report-ing directly to Martin.The restructure sees pro-

motions for several senior

Ballantine's: new worldwide drive

Following the first phase of its 'colloquialisms' campaign last year,Kronenbourg 1664 is unveiling two newTV ads from mid July. Theexecutions, created byYoung& Rubicam, will appear on Channel4,ChannelS and satellite TV.The premium lager producer takes Frenchcolloquialisms common in the English language and adds anunexpected twist to their usual translations; in this case menage atrois and nouveau riche.The ads form part of Kronenbourg's £12mmarketing programme to fight its chiefrival, Stella Artois. The driveincludes the launch ofthe brand's largest ever UK promotion, calledL'Espritdu Sport, and a new web site.

ByLucy BarrettCoca-Cola is offering freeproducts to every householdin Belgium in a bid to win backsome goodwill from thenation which was at the centreof its recent poisoning scare.The Belgian government

forced the world's biggestbrand to withdraw all of itsproducts, including Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Aquariusand Bon Aqua, after a healthscare in which more than 100people, many of them chil-dren, became ill after drinkingCoca-Cola.Now, three weeks after the

scare, Coca-Cola productvouchers are being mailed toevery household in the coun-try, totalling around four mil-lion homes.

ByAlexandraJardineTodd Martin, AlliedDomecq's global marketingdirector, has reorganised thewine and spirit giant's world-wide marketing team for thesecond timein less than a year.He has axed the global

brand teams that he createdwhen he joined inMarch 1998.Global marketing will insteadnew fecus~on feur distinctbrand categories: a whiskybrands team and a Eurobrands team, both based inBristol; and Latin and Kahluabrand teams in the US.Marketing directors for

these groups will reportdirectly to Martin, with theprevious management layerconsisting of global branddevelopment (GBD) andglobal marketing develop-ment (GMD) dissolved.Martin says the changes

represent the second phase ofAllied Domecq's restructur-ing and reflects the fact thatnew local marketing teamsare now in place.

Japanese toy company Tomyhas recruited former Matteimarketer Sally Plumridge, themarketing director at Swatch,to take control of its Euro-peanmarketing.Her appointment follows

the departure of Phil Savage,who left for rival global toycompany,Interkids,in March.Reporting to Alan Munn,

European president of Tomy,Plumridge's first task is totake over the development ofa TV and print advertisingcampaign through agencyIngenia Creative Communi-cations, set to break inAugust.Although her title will be

UK marketing director, Plum-ridge will playa key role inEuropean marketing deci-sions at the company's UK-based European HQ.

Tomy to appointex - Mattei chieffor European job

Shell has settled a law suit out of court with John Donovan, marketingdirector of sales promotion agency Don Marketing, after he aban-doned his claim that Shell had stolen the idea for its Smart loyaltyscheme from his agency (Marketing, June 10). The case began at theHigh Court on June 12. Shell and Donovan both refused to comment.

Nintendo has appointed David Gosen as its new managing director ofsales and marketing Europe. He has been marketing and distributiondirector atBSkyB since 1996.Gosen will be based at Nintendo's officesnear Frankfurt, Germany, and will report to Shigeru Ota, president ofNintendo in Europe.

Giles Clarke, the entrepreneur who founded Majestic Wine and Pet City,has resigned as chief executive of pet superstore PetsMart. DonaldDorsey,from PetsMart's US parent, will act as an interim CEO while anew European executive is found for the 95-strong chain. Clarke saidhe was looking at a number of different opportunities in the area ofbrands and consumer products but will not stay in the pet market.

Forest, the pro-smoking pressure group, has launched its own quarterlymagazine called Free Choice. The magazine, available by subscriptionand through tobacconists, will provide positive comment on smokerelated issues. Initially, the magazine will be funded by tobacco com-panies and corporate donors.

The Cancer Research Campaign has established a new research centretasked with monitoring cigarette manufacturers' marketing activities,after the government announced plans to bring forward a ban ontobacco advertising to December this year.The group will monitor theindustry for any possible infringement ofthe ban.

IPC's ad sales department, IPC Solutions, has signed a Unilever spon-sorship deal across its Connect stable of titles. Under the terms of thedeal, its Domestos brand will sponsor hygiene tips on the cookerypages of Chat, Woman and Woman's Own every week until the end ofNovember.



Flextech TV and IPC Connect have joined forces to launch a new mast-head TV show called Chat's Moral Dilemmas. The programme will bebroadcast on Flextech's Living channel five days a week for 32episodes and is scheduled to go out in September.

Hasbro's UKmarketing director, Sharon Carter, has left as part of aninternal reorganisation. The move follows last week's news that thecompany has created the new position of European marketing direc-tor (Marketing, July 1).Hasbro was unavailable for comment.

The Flora London Marathon has appointed Adidas UKasits footwear andapparel partner. The three-year partnership will seeAdidas organisingpromotional events around the Marathon.

The government's Medicines Control Agency is intervening to stopdrugs being advertised on the internet. The government has sidedwith the Consumers' Association, which wants to stop medicine inter-net ads, in a dispute with the Advertising Association which is infavour of them.

SUBSCRIPTIONS 0181 845 8545 WEB SITE www.marketing.haynet.comADVERTISING 0171 413 4597 EDITORIAL 0171 413 4567 BACK ISSUES 0181 503 0588

Andy Troullides, MediaCom TMB's joint group managing director, hasleft the company to pursue other interests. Troullides was managingdirector before MediaCom's merger with The Media Business Groupin January. Stephen Allan assumes sole responsibility as group MD.

The National Magazine Company has closed its parenting title,M, whichwas launched just over a year ago. Its remaining parenting title,Havinga Baby, will now become part of the Good Housekeeping operation.Meanwhile, Cosmopolitan's spin-offtitle, Cosmopolitan Real Life Sto-ries launches this week.

Forrest Mars, the founder of Mars Confectionery, died earlier this weekat the age of 95. He founded the company with his father in 1922 inTacoma, Washington State. In 1932, he moved to the UK to establishthe UK arm of Mars in Slough, where he launched the Mars Bar. Hissons, Forrest Jr and John, are joint presidents of the privately owned·company.