Health benfits of fruit plants of pakistan a research study by allah dad khan please comment

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Health Benefits of Fruits of Pakistan A Research

Study By Allah dad Khan


1.Almond ( BaddaM0

1. Protect Artery walls from damage2. Reduce heart attack risk3. Lower bad cholestrol4. Build strong bones5. Provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss6. Lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meal7. Provide good brain function8. Nourish the nervous system9. Alkalize the body10. Strengthen immune system

2.Appple (Sayb) 1. Get whiter and healthier teeth2. Avoid Alzheimer’s3. Reduce Parkinson’s4. Anti cancer5. Anti diabetes6. Reduce cholestrol7. Get a healthier heart8. Prevent gallstone and detoxify liver9. Avert hemorrhoids10. Control weight and boost immune system

3.Apricot (Khubaani) 1. Good for eye2. Antioxidant3. High fiber content4. Healthy for heart 5. Anti cancer6. Maintains skin health7. Helps to lose weight8. Strengthen bones9. Reduce risk of stroke10. 10.Reduce high blood pressure

4.Avacado (Magar nashpati)1. Cardiovascular health2. Benefits skin3. Reduce weight loss4. Anti diabetes5. Anti arthritis6. Strengthen blood vessel7. Regulating blood sugar 8. Reducing appetite9. Anti aging10. Reduces skin redness


1. Benefits kidney and bones2. More energy3. Helps digestion4. Anti ulcer5. Skin conditioner6. Anti cancer7. Reducing stress8. Hangover cure9. Regulate good sleep10. Anti acne

6.Black berry ( Jaman)1. Digestive properties2. Provide cardiovascular benefits3. Skeltal benefits4. Anti cancer5. Excellent source of vitamin C6. Anti oxidant7. Healthy tighting of tissues8. Anti inflammatory9. Oral hygeine mouth wash10. Muscle relaxing benefits

7.Blue berry 1. The highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit2. Neutralizes free radicals which can affect disease and aging in the body3. Aid in reducing Belly Fat4. Helps promote urinary tract health5. Been proved to preserve vision6. Brain Health7. Heart Disease8. Constipation & Digestion9. Anti cancer10. Anti oxidant

8.Bread Fruit 1. Reducing the risk of absorption of sugar2. Reduce risk of diabetes3. Reducing risk of heart disease4. Reduce bad cholestrol5. Beneficial to skin and hair6. Help in reducing weight7. Anti oxidant8. Strengthen hair root9. Anti dandruff

9.Cashewnut ( Kaju)

1. Anti cancer2. Good for heart health3. Enifits hair and skin health4. Bone health5. Good for nerves6. Prevent gallstones7. Weight loss 8. Good body builder Mintain healthy gums and teeth9. Anti oxidant10. Weight management


1. Anti inflammatory2. Reduce gastrits3. Irritating bowl disorders4. Anti diharrial5. Anti cancer6. Relieve constipation7. Reflux esophagus8. Essential for vision9. Protect mucosa of colon10. Anti haemostatic

11.Cherry ( Cherry)1. Protect against Alzhemer2. Anti diabetes3. Anti cancer4. Combat hypertension and stroke5. Anti inflammatory6. Fight cardiovascular disease Sleep better7. Decrease belly fat8. Anti aging9. Reduces muscle pain10. Good for the heart

12.Coco nut Narial) 1. Anti oxidant 2. Improve digestion3. Wart and wrinkles4. Stabilize glucose level5. Fight of bacteria ,virus and infections 6. Build cells7. Regulate hormones8. Increases thyroid production9. Increase etabolism10. Lose weight

13.Date Pam ( Khajjor)

1. Prevent constipation2. Promote normal digestion3. Cardiovascular benefits4. Reduces high blood pressure5. Lower risk of having a heart attack6. Sustain normal heart rhythms.7. Reduces high cholestrol8. Strengthen bones9. Help to reduce anemia10. Combat intestinal disorders

14.Falsa 1. The fresh leaves act as a fodder for cattle while they are also applied on

pustular skin eruptions.2. The bark is used in the refining of sugar and for making ropes.3. An infusion of the bark is used to treat diarrhea and relieve pain and in

rheumatism. The bark relieves urinary troubles and relieves vaginal burning.4. The wood is used to make poles, archer bows, spear handles.5. The leaves relieve all types of inflammations of the skin like cuts, burning,

boils, eczema. Just make a paste of previously soaked leaves in water (soaked a night before). Apply this paste on the affected area. The leaves are antibiotic in action.

6. In arthritic and rheumatic pains the root bark is used for relief.7. The oil produced from the seeds is used to treat reproductive disorders.

15.Fig ( angeer)

1. .Fig fruit is low in calories.2. Anti oxidant 3. Source of energy 4. Control blood sugar5. Anti cancer6. Optimum health 7. Reduce risk of heart disease 8. Sweet way to lose weight9. Protect against posmenopausal cancer10. Anti diabetes

16.Grape vines ( Angoor)

1. Anti cancer2. Reduces heart disease3. Reduce risk of stroke4. Reduces kidney stones5. Reduce high blood pressure6. Anti allergic7. Reduces constipation8. Anti diabetic9. 9.Reduces Alzhymer 10. Anti inflammatory

17. Grape Fruit ( Gillgill)

1. Miracle weight loss 2. Reduces risk of stroke3. Reduces blood pressure4. Maintain healthy heart 5. Influence blood lipid level6. Benificial for peeople with atherosclerosis 7. Anti cancer8. Prevent constipation9. Hydrating fruit10. Anti oxidant

18.Custard Apple 1. Helps to gain weight2. For a better immune system3. Replenish Your Energy Levels4. Natural Anti-cancerous Properties5. For Better Brain Health6. For A Strong Dental System7. Keep Anemia Away With Custard Apple:8. For A Better Vision:9. Lower The Risk Of Arthritis10. For Better Cardiovascular Health11. For A Stronger Digestive System12. Good For Fetal Brain Development:


1. Improve your immunity2. Anti cancer3. Anti diabetes4. Anti aging5. Improved heart health6. Improve vision7. Good for pregnant women8. Helps you relax9. Good for your brain10. Beats toothache

20.Kiwi Fruit ( Cheeni Kronda)

1. Helps Your Digestions with Enzymes2. Helps Manage Blood Pressure3. Protects from DNA Damage4. Boosts Your Immunity5. Smart Carb for Weight Loss6. Improves Digestive Health7. Helps Clean Out Toxins8. Helps Fight Heart Disease9. Suitable For Diabetics10. Protects Against Macular Degeneration and Other Eye


21.Lemon 1. Lemons are alkalizing for the body2. Lemons are rich in vitamin C3. Your liver loves lemons4. Cleans your bowels5. Scurvy is treated6. Dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stone7. effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.8. It is sour, warm, promoter of gastric fire, light, good for vision, pungent

and astringent9. It destroys intestinal worms10. insufficient oxygen and difficulty in breathing (such as when mountain



1. Limes are good for women’s health2. Lime peels can combat aging skin3. Lime juice can help prevent formation of kidney stones4. . Limes may lower cholesterol.5. Anti biotic properties6. Anti carcinogenic7. Detoxification properties8. Anti cancer9. Diuretic


1. Anti cancer 2. Reduces heart disease3. Aids digestion4. Maintain healthy bones5. Anti oxidant6. Strengthen immune system7. Weight loss8. Improve skin conditions9. Anti aging10. Anti oxidant





27. Mulberry ( Stoor /Shahtoot)

28. Nectarine





33.Pecan nut


35. Pine Apple ( Ananass)






40. Quince

41.Sweet orange

42.Straw berry

43. Walnut