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National University Professor Holly Rucker San Jose, CA Self Contract Shavonne Floyd January 13, 2010 Health Contract1

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Health Contract1


Self ContractShavonne FloydJanuary 13, 2010

National UniversityProfessor Holly Rucker

San Jose, CA


Health Contract2

Setting a goal is a very important step in becoming a better me. My goal is that I will eat

three healthy meals a day and I will reassess this goal at the end of this month.

This will have a profound effect on my mind, body and spirit. Food helps to nurture the

body. I found that breakfast is the best part of the day. It fuels the body to be able to start

the day off right. Lunch is something that my job is making a point that we take each day.

I feel that we get so raped up in our work sometimes that we put our jobs before our

health and well-being. My job is good about reminding us to take care of ourselves. I

cannot continue to do great things in the community with our youth if I don’t continue to

take care of our self first. With dinner I would like to cook more meals at home instead of

eating out everyday. I really feel like it will be healthy and cost effective for me in the

long run.

I feel like changing this behavior will change me in the long run. It will give me the

energy that I need to be a productive me throughout the day. A balanced diet is the best

way of staying fit and healthy. This is not an easy task, but one that needs to happen as I

take those steps of being a healthier me.

I plan to make it my top priority to have these three meals a day. I will have to take my

breakfast to work with me if I plan on eating it. I never have the time to eat in the

morning before I leave to go to work, but I can take my cereal to work and eat it at my

desk. When I go to the store I need to be mindful of lunchable foods that I can take to

work. There is a refrigerator at work that I can store my lunch in if I need to. For dinner I


Health Contract3

picked up a tip from the Biggest Loser. They said that if you plan your meals out for the

week and package all f the things that are needed to make it, it would make it a lot easier

when you come home to make it. I can find some quick 30-minute meals to make

throughout the week that would be great. Once I get a routine down it will become more

of my way of life rather than it feeling like a task. I need to change my attitude and my

train of thought if I want to really see this change happen. I have to really commit to it if I

want to see this through to the end.

I have a good man in my life that supports me in everything that I do. He is big on seeing

a healthier me. We have already talked about me eating more and he make sure to stay on

me when it comes to eating. I will keep a journal of my progress and my journey to see

how I am doing. This will help me to see what area I may need to work on in my journey

or where I’m already doing well. In the end I will treat myself to a well-deserved meal. I

will have a great dinner with the special somebody in my life. I look forward to the new

me, and how I will feel in the very end. I feel like it will be something worth celebrating.