Health and wellbeing strategies for a workplace of the future

Health and wellbeing strategies for a workplace of the future

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Page 1: Health and wellbeing strategies for a workplace of the future

Health and wellbeing strategies for a workplace of the future

Page 2: Health and wellbeing strategies for a workplace of the future


• The business case• Planning and strategy• Health and wellbeing options• Engaging the workforce• Where to go from here

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The healthy workplace

“A healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers collaborate to use a continual improvement process to protect and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers and the sustainability of the workplace”

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”

World Health Organisation

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The business case

• 131 million days were lost due to sickness absences in the UK in 2013

• 31 million - musculoskeletal

• 27 million - minor illness

• 15 million – stress, anxiety and depression

Sickness absence has fallen from 178 million in 1993

Stress/mental health conditions have risen from 11.8 million in 2010 to 15 million

ONS – Sickness absence in the labour market February 2014

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The business case

• Rising cost of sickness and associated costs• Corporate social responsibilities• Rise in working age population• Accidents and injuries• Happy, healthy, engaged employees

With every £1 of investment on staff wellbeing, there is a return of £3 on improved efficiency and productivity

BITC – Healthy people = healthy profits

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The business case

• Increased employee retention• Reduced absenteeism• Reduced presenteeism• Higher performance levels• Improved morale & motivation• Engaged workforce• Employer of choice

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Planning and strategy

• Research • Set objectives• Plan• Communicate• Action• Evaluate

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Planning and strategy

• Research– Patterns in sickness absence– Exit questionnaires– What sickness absence currently costs– Demographics of the workforce

• Age • Culture• Gender

– Health concerns of employees and what they would like to see included

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Planning and strategy

• Objectives– Reduce employee sickness levels– Increase moral and motivation– Improve health and wellbeing awareness– Address employee health concerns– Raise levels of employee engagement

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Planning and strategy

• Plan– Gain top level support– Set budget– Involve the right people – Organise: venue/activities/people– Set a timeframe

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Planning and strategy

• Communicate– Intranet– Posters– Team meetings– E- shots– Wage slip

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Planning and strategy

• Action– Make one person the key point of contact– Ensure everyone knows what their role is– Make it fun and engaging

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Planning and strategy

• Evaluate– Questionnaires pre and post event– Seek staff suggestions on a feedback wall– Access the impact on:• Sickness absence • Staff turnover• Employee engagement• Accidents at work

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Planning and strategy

Workplace Wellbeing Tool – Calculate the impact of sickness absence on your organisation & business case for investing


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Health and wellbeing options


• Healthy food• Exercise• Regular breaks/flexi time• Access to clean drinking water• Clean, healthy working environment

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Health and wellbeing options


• Policies in place• Health champions / EAP’s• Stress awareness • Open communication• Secure working environment

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Health and wellbeing options


• Charity days• Lunchtime activities• Team building days• Community volunteering

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Health and wellbeing options


• Feeling valued & cared for• Recognition for good work• Awareness• Respect for oneself and others

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Health and wellbeing options

No cost options

• Wellbeing board – Change 4 life/BHF/awareness leaflets• Corporate gym membership• Walking/running clubs• Healthy snacks • Smoothie days/fruity Friday• Water

Large streams from little fountains flow, Tall oaks from little acorns grow

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Health and wellbeing options

Funded options

• Health days – awareness programmes• Health checks – blood pressure, cholesterol, fat %• Training days – stress management• Massage – stress and musculoskeletal • Workshops – Laughter, Yoga, Zumba

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Event options

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Education options

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Employee engagementWhy is employee engagement important?

• What is employee engagement?• Why is it important for your organisation?• What drivers can you use to engage your employees?• What are the signs of an engaged workforce?• How can you monitor employee engagement in your


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Employee engagement

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The workplace of the future

• Engaged and motivated employees

• Healthy, productive workforce

• Lower staff turnover rates

• Fewer accidents

• Lower level of sickness absence

• Increased bottom line

• Fewer litigation cases

Are you getting the best out of your employee’s?

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Going forward

• Use the tool to see how much you can save• Register Change 4 Life employers – www.nhs.uk/change4life• Register for BHF – Think Fit - www.bhf.org.uk• Log onto BITC – Workwell model – www.bitc.org.uk• Make use of the Occ. Health helpline- www.health4work.nhs.uk• Visit our website – www.mwwellbeing.co.uk

Small changes = big results Make simple changes and reap the benefits of a healthy workforce

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“The best way to predict the future…

…. is to create it.”

Peter Drucker


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Thank you for listening

Renée ClarkeMidlands Workplace Wellbeing

T: 01202 987916M: 07954 41422

E: [email protected]

W: www.mwwellbeing.co.uk

A happy workforce is a productive workforce