Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment

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  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    DSE Assessments

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The common questions often asked:

    Can my VDU affect my health?

    Am I at risk from using my VDU?

    VDUs often blamed (wrongly) for manyhealth problems!

    Small proportion of users actually suffer

    ill health. Problems caused by the way we useVDUs - not VDUs themselves.

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment






    Are Aches and Pains caused by using VDUs


    Users can get aches and pains in their:

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Repetitive Strain injury (RSI)

    Popular Term for all the aches & pains wesuffer - but it could be misleading to some

    users.Better medical term is:-

    Work Related Upper Limb Disorders!

    Normally they do not last In some users they may become persistent

    or even disabling.

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Can we avoid these aches & pains?

    Normally caused by a physical condition!

    Could be induced by Stress! Good workstation design and better working

    practices will help avoid problems

    Prevention is better than the cure iftaken at the earliest stage.

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Other perceived hazards include:

    Harmful radiation

    Epileptic fits Skin disorders

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Health and Safety (Display Screen

    Equipment) Regulations 1992

    Who is affected all staff habitually usingVDUs for a significant part of their working day

    1. No discretion on use or non-use

    2. Use the screen for at least an hour day3. High levels of concentration needed

    4. No readily available alternative

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Employers Responsibilities

    To analyse the workstations and

    to assess and reduce risks

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment


    Space, lighting, heat,humidity, noise

    Work Chair adjustability

    Display Screen Positioning and controls

    Work Desk Dimensions, shape andsurface finish

    Peripherals Ease of use, noise

    Software Suitability and ease of use

    The Workstation

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    People come in allshapes and sizes

    Workstations shouldbe adjustable tomeet the needs ofthe user

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Is there enough roomto change position andvary movement?

    Are the levels of light,heat and noisecomfortable?

    Does the air feelcomfortable?

    Is the environment around

    the workstation risk-free?

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Chair

    Set the height of the

    chair so your feet arecomfortably flat onthe floor with yourthighs horizontal

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Adjust the back restso that it fitscomfortably into and

    supports the lowercurve of the back

    Adopt a relaxedupright posture orleaning slightly back

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Desk

    Ideally the desk should be just belowelbow height

    Raise your chair until you are properlypositioned

    You may need a foot rest

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    You must havesufficient desk spaceto carry out your

    tasks Try to organise your

    work layout so thatthe most frequently

    used objects arewithin easy range

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Screen

    The screen shouldbe roughly at armslength

    Move it slightcloser or awaydepending on your

    focal range

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The top of thescreen should belevel with or

    slightly lowerthan your eyes

    Your most comfortable viewing zone is30-40 degrees below the horizontal.

    Tilt your screen so that it is at rightangles to this normal line of sight

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Tilt the screen toprevent reflections

    from overhead lightsor windows

    Blinds or the positionof your workstationmay need to be

    adjusted to reduceglare caused bysunlight


  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Are the brightnessand/or contrastadjustable?

    Does the screenswivel and tilt?

    Are the charactersreadable?

    Is the image free offlicker and movement?

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Keyboard

    Is the Keyboard


    Can you find acomfortable keyingposition?

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Position your keyboardso that there issufficient room to rest

    your hands duringpauses in keying

    Are the characters onthe keys easily


    Is the keyboard glarefree

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Remember to keephands and wrists in

    line with yourforearm

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Can using a mouse cause problems?

    Intensive use of a mouse or trackball may wellcause aches & pains to the:-





  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    When using a Mouse

    Keep the mouse within reachKeep the wrist straight whenmousing

    Maintain good space around

    the mouseDont grip the mouse & restfingers lightly, dont press toohard

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    How long should I work before taking abreak?

    No legal limit Depends on the type of work

    Short frequent breaks are the best option

    Opportunities to do something else readily

    available Should have planned breaks which should

    include other office activities - filing/phones!!!

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    What can be done to reduce Stress inVDU work?

    Usually caused by the pace of work anddeadline pressures. Not by the VDU itself!!!

    Using VDUs can often reduce stress for someusers!

    Others feel more stress using VDUs due topoor software, lack of individual control overthe process or even lack of user competence.

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    I use a laptop - can I take any


    Design of laptops compromises users due toscreen size and keyboard size - makesprolonged use less comfortable

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Getting it RightHow can you help yourself?

    Make full use of the equipment provided

    Make yourself comfortable by adjusting theequipment.

    Get advice if you are not sure.

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Getting Comfortable

    Adjust your chair(forearms horizontal & youreyes level with the top of screen)

    Ensure sufficient work space Zone your desk equipment

    Arrange the desk to avoid glare & reflectionson the screen

    Ensure adequate space under the desk Avoid excess pressure on the backs of the legs

    and knees, a footrest may help achieve this

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Screen

    Adjust the contrast and brightness controls tosuit

    Ensure a clean screen

    Set up the text in the most suitable size andcolour- select colours that are easy on the eye

    Look for sharply focused characters with noflicker

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    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment


    Dont sit in the same position for long periods

    Change your position often

    Movement is necessary and is also desirable

    Avoid stretching to reach items - organise thezones

    If posture is poor then aches & pains mayfollow

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    The Keyboard

    Are you keyingproperly?

    Hands shouldnt bebent at the wrist

    The keys should only be

    touched softly

    Do not over stretch thefingers

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Does the furniture fit the work and

    the user?

    Is the chair stable?

    Do the adjustmentmechanisms work?

    Are you comfortable?

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    It takes time to settleinto a newworkstation.

    You may have to try avariety of positionsbefore you aresatisfied with the


  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    Maintaining good posture helps to alleviatethe problems it also pays to vary your

    movements by carrying out different tasks

    Simple stretches and exercises help to relievestress and muscle tension

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment

    How do we avoid potential problems?



    This means that all VDU users need to beassessed and advised on how to best use the

    workstation and achieve optimum safeconditions!

  • 7/30/2019 Health and Safety - Display Screen Equipment


    Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment