APPENDIX – CHAPTER 5 T ab le 5: 1 Hi gh Per fo rman ce Bonu s For mu la s f or Computin g FY 2 00 2 Bon us Y ea r Rat es (Note: T wo sets of High Performance Bonus tables are included in this report. T o aid in comparison  between tables in this report and p revious reports, both sets have the same table numbers but are differentiated by the fiscal year listed in the title). Awards for Performance Year 2002 Table 5:2 (F Y 2002 ) Awa rd s for Per for ma nc e Y ear 2002 by Ca te gory Amount Table 5:3 (F Y 2002) Ra nks of FY 2002 Pe rf or ma nc e a nd Pe rcenta ge Poin t Cha nges over FY 2001 Performance, by Category Table 5:4 (FY 2002 ) Wor k- Re lated Measures: FY 2002 and F Y 20 01 Per for mance Rates Table 5:5 (F Y 20 02 ) W or k- Re lat ed Measures: Ra te s a nd Ra nks of FY 2002 Per for ma nce Table 5:6 (F Y 2002) Wor k- Rela ted Measures: Ra te s and Ranks of FY 2002 Pe rcentage Po int Cha nges in 2002 Performance Rates over FY 2001 Performance Rates Table 5:7 (F Y 2002) Me di caid/S CHIP Enroll me nt Me as ure: Rates and Ra nks of FY 2002 and 2000 Performance and Percentage Point Changes in 2001 Performance Rates over FY 2001 Performance Rates Table 5:8 (F Y 2002) Food St amp Me as ur e: Ra te s and Ra nks of CY 2002 and CY 2001 Pe rf or mance and Percentage Point Changes of CY 2002 Performance Rates over CY 2001 Performance Rates Table 5:9 (FY 2002) Child Ca re Su bs idy Meas ur e: Rates and Ranki ngs of FY 2002 Pe rf or ma nc e o f  Accessibility and Affordability Sub-Measure Components Table 5:10 TANF Seventh Annual Report to Congress Appendix Chapter 5 A-1

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(FY 2002) Child Care Subsidy Measure: Unweighted and Weighted Rates of Accessibility and

Affordability Sub-Measure Components and Weighted Composite Rankings for FY 2002

Table 5:11

(FY 2002) Family Formation and Stability Measure: Percentage Point Changes of CY 2002Performance Rates over CY 2001 Performance Rates

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Table 5:1

Formulas for Computing Bonus Year Rates

Work-Related Measures

 Job Entry Rate

This is a measure of the percent of the number of unduplicated unemployed adult recipients whoentered employment for the first time during the performance year (i.e., Job Entries). An adult is

considered to have entered employment for the first time in a calendar quarter if he/she had no

earnings in any of the prior quarters of the performance year.

Sum of Job Entries in Quarters 1 through 4

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

Unduplicated number of unemployed adult recipients in performance year 

 Job Retention Rate

This is a measure of the percent of the sum of the unduplicated number of employed adultrecipients in each quarter of the performance year who were also employed in the first and

second subsequent quarters. (At some point, the adult might have become a former recipient.)

Sum of employed adult recipients in each of Quarters 1 through 4 who continued

employment in both the first and second subsequent Quarters

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x 100

Sum of unduplicated employed adult recipients in Quarters 1 through 4

 Earnings Gain Rate

This is a measure of the rate of change in earnings of employed adult recipients who wereemployed in both an initial and the second subsequent quarter in each of the four quarters of the

 performance year.

Sum of total dollars earned in second subsequent Quarter in each of Quarters 1

through 4 minus sum of total dollars earned in initial Quarter in each of Quarters

1 through 4 of adult recipients employed in both of these Quarters

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100Sum of total dollars earned in initial quarter in each of Quarters 1 through 4

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Table 5:1 (continued)

Success-in-the Workforce

This is a composite measurement of separate State ranking scores of the Retention and Earnings

Gain rates for the performance year, as shown above. The ranks are equally weighted,combined, and then re-ranked.

 Increase/Decrease in Job Entry Rate

This measure compares the percentage point change between the Job Entry Rate achieved in the

 performance year and the prior year.

Performance Year Job Entry Rate minus prior year Job Entry Rate

 Increase/Decrease in Job Retention Rate

This measure compares the percentage point change between the Job Retention Rate achieved inthe performance year and the prior year.

Performance Year Job Retention Rate minus prior year Job Retention Rate

 Increase/Decrease in Earnings Gain Rate

This measure compares the percentage point change between the Earnings Gain Rate achieved in

the performance year and the prior year.

Performance Year Earnings Gain Rate minus prior year Earnings Gain Rate

 Increase/Decrease in Success in the Workforce

This is a composite measurement of the comparison of two separate State ranking scores—the

 percentage point change between the Job Retention Rate achieved in the performance year and

the prior year, and the percentage point change between the Earnings Gain Rate achieved in the performance year and the prior year. Ranks are equally weighted, combined and then re-ranked.

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Table 5:1 (continued)

Non-Work Measures

Medicaid/SCHIP Enrollment Rate

This is a measure of the number of recipients in the performance year who leave TANF and are

enrolled in the Medicaid/SCHIP program both at the time of leaving and in the fourth monthafter leaving, as a percent of all recipients who leave TANF and were enrolled at time of leaving.

Sum of recipients in each of Quarters 1 through 4 who leave TANF and are enrolledin Medicaid/SCHIP both at time of leaving and in the fourth month after leaving

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

Total number of individuals who leave TANF who are enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP attime of leaving TANF

 Increase/Decrease in Medicaid Enrollment Rate

This measure compares the percentage point change between the Medicaid/SCHIP enrollment

rate achieved in the performance year and in the prior year.

Performance Year Medicaid/SCHIP Enrollment Rate minus prior year Medicaid/Enrollment Rate

 Food Stamp Rate

This is a measure of the percent of low-income working households with children under 18 in the

 performance year (calendar year) who participate in the Food Stamp program. Basic calendar 

year data were provided by the Bureau of the Census. The formula for the calculation is asfollows:

 Number of low-income working households with children under 18 participating in the Food

Stamp program in the calendar year 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100Total number of low-income working households with children under 18 in calendar year 

 Increase/Decrease in Food Stamp Participation Rate

This measure compares the percentage point change between the Food Stamp participation rate

achieved in the performance year (calendar year) and the prior calendar year.

Calendar year Food Stamp Rate minus prior calendar year Food Stamp Rate

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Table 5:1 (continued)

Child Care Subsidy Rate

This measure consists of three components for the performance year—the percent of eligible

children served, the affordability of care for the families of the children as indicated by therelationship between the State’s reported CCDF (Child Care Development Fund) co-payments

and the reported family income and a quality component measuring actual paid funds compared

to State market rate survey. Each State’s year rank on this measure is a composite weightedscore of the two components—the component on percent of children served having a weight of 6

and the family co-payment component having a weight of 4.

Child Care Accessibility Component:

 Number of children served under the CCDF requirements------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x 100

 Number of children in the State eligible to receive CCDF services

Child Care Affordability Component:

The following comparison of assessed family co-payment to family income in the performance

year was computed across four income ranges. The income ranges are: 1) income below the

 poverty level; 2) income at least 100 percent and below 125 percent of poverty; 3) income at

least 125 percent and below 150 percent of poverty; 4) income at least 150 percent and below175 percent of poverty.

Reported assessed family performance year co-payment

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

Reported family income across all four income ranges

Also incorporated in the affordability rate is the following computation:

 Number of potentially-eligible children served with CCDF funds in performance

year ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

 Number of eligible children under the Federal criteria in performance year 

Child Care Quality Component:

Actual amount paid with CCDF funds for children receiving subsidies---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

Local market rates from the State

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Table 5:1 (continued)

 Increase/Decrease in Family Formation and Stability Rate

Bonuses are awarded only to the ten States with the greatest percentage point improvement on

this measure. For the bonus year, this measure compares the percentage point change betweenthe Family Formation and Stability rate achieved in the performance year (calendar year) and the

 prior calendar year.

The formula for computing the rate for the performance year is:

 Number of children who reside in married couple families

------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

 Number of married couple families

The formula for computing the percentage point improvement rate is:

Calendar year performance rate minus the prior calendar year performance rate

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Success in








Child Care




Success in










and Stability*Alabama 505,051$ -$ - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 505,051$

Alaska 3,180,454  ** 2,331,715 590,082 258,656 

Arizona 1,203,807 1,203,807 Arkansas 2,836,643 ** 1,616,804 616,749 409,161 193,929 California 7,485,855 7,485,855 Delaware 896,712 896,712 Dist. of Col. 4,630,491  ** 1,608,095 174,164 2,379,051 469,181 

Florida 9,975,324 9,975,324 Georgia 4,398,207 663,097 3,735,109 Hawaii 688,421 198,292 490,129 

Idaho 739,406 566,548 172,859 

Indiana 10,339,955 ** 8,251,712 2,088,244 Iowa 6,576,248  ** 4,760,355 1,815,893 

Kansas 5,096,553 ** 3,415,025 1,302,701 378,827 Kentucky 8,490,818 3,456,506 5,034,312 Louisiana 3,760,164 1,851,757 1,908,407 

Maine 3,906,044 ** 396,863 1,115,154 709,151 1,684,877 Michigan 12,952,613 8,756,160 4,196,453 Minnesota 13,399,244  ** 10,723,388 2,675,857 

Mississippi 429,982 429,982 Missouri 10,852,587  ** 10,852,587 

Montana 2,276,700 ** 1,300,272 496,004 324,463 155,962 Nebraska 2,901,429 ** 2,100,260 801,169 Nevada 1,733,051 511,829 1,221,223 

New Hampshire 1,146,956 77,230 1,069,725 New Mexico 2,092,578 1,467,666 624,912 New York 12,106,095 12,106,095 

North Carolina 3,517,651 3,517,651 North Dakota 428,962 298,136 130,826 Ohio 21,385,937 12,913,394 8,472,543 Oregon 1,954,409 1,954,409 Pennsylvania 12,692,557 4,567,158 8,125,399 Rhode Island 704,793 190,507 514,287 South Dakota 635,614 388,368 247,246 

Tennessee 1,599,716 1,215,734 383,982 Texas 2,631,774 2,631,774 

Utah 2,133,528 2,133,528 Vermont 351,228 94,937 256,290 

Virginia 7,914,259 ** 6,333,765 1,580,494 Washington 7,983,058 7,172,421 810,636 West Virginia 1,465,126 220,890 1,244,235 

TOTAL 200,000,000$ 51,685,882$ 36,048,570$ 6,179,755$ 6,179,755$ 10,299,592$ 28,838,856$ 21,629,142$ 14,419,428$ 14,419,428$ 10,299,593$

**Bonus amounts to these States are limited to five percent of the State's family assistance grant for the year (see Section 403(a) of the Social Security Act).





*Only calendar year data are available.

Table 5:2 (FY 2002)

High Performance Bonus

Awards For Performance Year 2002 by Category Amount

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in the







Child Care





in the









and Stability**

Alabama 13 32 **** 32 38 **** **** **** 43 1

Alaska 6 11 19 **** **** 49 1 3 **** ****Arizona 40 33 35 34 17 28 - 13 17 4

Arkansas 2 2 31 7 29 30 7 16 28 8

California **** **** 28 44 5 **** **** 15 23 15

Colorado 28 39 38 45 44 22 30 42 25 12

Connecticut 23 19 46 36 11 44 - 47 35 18

Delaware 16 41 33 8 27 20 24 39 2 38

Dist. of Col. 34 48 34 1 6 48 28 11 1 3

Florida 43 4 6 41 20 39 23 31 13 30

Georgia 14 47 **** 35 7 1 - **** 21 19

Guam **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Hawaii 48 21 22 11 2 23 12 7 26 41

Idaho 29 1 30 47 39 34 12 27 48 2

Illinois 32 22 20 28 32 43 19 41 33 ****

Indiana 3 26 12 23 **** 14 10 45 15 ****

Iowa 8 6 43 18 24 15 17 19 22 28

Kansas 9 10 23 29 28 40 33 4 8 26Kentucky 20 34 36 3 21 18 25 20 5 43

Louisiana 18 43 15 10 14 6 4 34 16 29

Maine 27 19 2 2 31 32 9 21 7 44

Maryland 24 26 11 31 **** 36 22 33 44 35

Massachusetts 49 46 7 49 23 47 - **** 42 11

Michigan 15 44 26 16 15 2 - 37 24 9

Minnesota 5 35 27 20 **** 8 21 9 10 24

Mississippi 41 44 13 12 12 27 14 6 19 40

Missouri 1 26 5 27 33 16 14 22 45 13

Montana 7 8 44 13 22 4 17 25 34 6

Nebraska 10 4 24 22 33 35 - 36 41 25

Nevada 19 11 21 48 33 12 2 18 6 39

New Hampshire 38 11 47 43 10 38 - 23 4 31

New Jersey 44 42 39 46 **** 45 31 17 37 22

New Mexico 30 29 18 39 13 24 6 1 36 45

New York **** **** 8 **** **** **** **** 2 **** ****North Carolina 17 17 17 26 **** 19 3 30 9 ****

North Dakota 21 22 42 33 40 10 34 5 30 23

Ohio 42 3 16 24 18 25 8 8 38 27

Oklahoma 22 49 9 4 19 46 - 43 12 16

Oregon 47 16 37 9 41 29 5 46 40 14

Pennsylvania 31 29 1 15 29 5 - 32 29 32

Puerto Rico **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Rhode Island 35 31 40 25 9 31 - 26 31 5

South Carolina 46 17 4 21 16 26 19 14 14 21

South Dakota 37 7 29 14 37 3 25 35 11 42

Tennessee 11 35 3 5 3 41 - 40 27 20

Texas 12 37 45 38 42 11 25 10 39 10

Utah 33 11 48 42 36 13 29 44 3 36

Vermont 26 22 25 19 8 21 - 38 46 7

Virgin Islands **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Virginia 4 37 **** 37 43 9 34 **** 47 17

Washington 25 9 32 17 1 33 16 24 18 34

West Virginia 45 39 14 6 4 7 - 29 20 37

Wisconsin 39 15 10 40 26 37 32 28 32 33

Wyoming 36 25 41 30 24 42 11 12 **** ****

**Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Only calendar year data are available.

****State not participating.

*Ranks for Success in the Workforce are re-rankings of the combined Job Retention and Earnings Gain submeasure ranks. For FY 2002 changes in

performance over FY 2001 performance, only the ranks of States with at least one positive submeasure percentage point change are combined and re-

ranked. (See 45 CFR, Part 270, Section 270.5(a)(4).)

***Data provided by the ACF Child Care Bureau.

Table 5:3 (FY 2002)

Ranks of FY 2002 Performance and Percentage Point Changes over FY 2001 Performance, by Category

Ranks of Percentage Point Change

over FY 2001 Performance

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002


FY 2002 Performance Ranks

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U.S. Average 35.88 58.59 33.28 33.25 62.72 26.28

Alabama 37.75 56.68 39.08 38.98 58.44 39.67

Alaska 40.05 65.46 32.44 45.21 48.11 24.29Arizona 33.05 54.55 42.39 34.94 57.11 43.67

Arkansas 41.78 61.65 44.46 43.95 60.72 40.54

California * * * 20.64 71.32 15.07

Colorado 35.59 53.02 37.47 37.09 52.01 40.53

Connecticut 35.99 65.27 30.93 40.42 65.60 31.19

Delaware 37.44 59.62 31.09 38.83 58.04 32.98

Dist. of Col. 34.43 57.00 17.55 39.44 56.34 19.81

Florida 32.73 60.63 53.99 35.95 64.22 47.08

Georgia 37.49 35.06 35.28 34.60 42.76 37.91

Guam * * * * * *

Hawaii 27.46 74.74 22.40 28.99 75.37 17.09

Idaho 35.56 65.04 72.56 38.38 64.70 70.69

Illinois 34.83 68.50 22.27 38.74 69.00 19.67

Indiana 40.80 66.89 22.25 41.38 66.49 20.02

Iowa 39.67 64.19 37.12 40.31 65.19 31.72

Kansas 39.56 60.91 42.79 42.90 63.44 42.15Kentucky 36.95 56.73 36.94 38.24 52.51 42.59

Louisiana 37.31 47.59 36.52 37.20 41.86 32.38

Maine 35.61 66.90 26.05 38.15 66.30 23.61

Maryland 35.95 57.70 38.42 38.81 55.96 40.23

Massachusetts 26.08 47.59 33.12 31.03 51.45 41.00Michigan 37.45 39.61 36.56 34.64 49.78 37.87

Minnesota 40.41 58.21 32.71 40.41 60.46 26.04

Mississippi 32.96 51.92 34.38 34.82 52.31 31.68

Missouri 43.82 64.55 25.99 45.00 64.98 22.26

Montana 39.91 58.40 47.87 39.51 55.58 49.57

Nebraska 38.55 62.98 40.66 41.39 66.00 42.28

Nevada 36.98 63.04 34.96 37.32 60.94 27.94

New Hampshire 33.66 61.60 38.16 36.80 62.58 41.36

New Jersey 32.59 55.17 34.26 37.08 60.65 29.43

New Mexico 35.32 61.00 33.05 36.90 60.96 26.17

New York * * * * * *North Carolina 37.39 58.09 42.83 38.71 55.77 37.25

North Dakota 36.68 62.56 32.58 36.90 67.61 30.87

Ohio 32.75 61.60 44.08 34.39 62.09 37.61

Oklahoma 36.06 39.06 30.59 40.99 57.73 31.72

Oregon 27.94 56.32 58.99 30.00 55.14 52.95

Pennsylvania 35.07 54.31 43.49 34.95 55.50 45.82

Puerto Rico * * * * * *Rhode Island 34.08 64.46 24.22 36.58 65.76 24.27

South Carolina 31.97 64.95 31.92 33.66 60.48 34.03

South Dakota 33.75 57.80 73.11 31.61 58.54 71.80

Tennessee 37.82 63.71 21.58 41.57 63.84 21.63Texas 37.80 62.03 24.01 38.05 62.74 22.75

Utah 34.61 57.97 46.53 35.06 58.82 45.30

Vermont 35.72 62.19 32.65 37.22 63.91 33.52Virgin Islands * * * * * *

Virginia 40.71 61.54 30.54 40.91 64.40 29.70

Washington 35.86 60.72 43.49 38.45 61.40 39.24

West Virginia 32.46 59.99 31.55 32.37 60.07 35.61Wisconsin 33.30 57.58 51.05 36.32 57.54 53.99Wyoming 34.05 45.94 67.03 37.90 47.34 50.31

*State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

Job EntryState

FY 2002 Performance Rates

Table 5:4 (FY 2002)

Work-Related Measures

Rates of FY 2002 and FY 2001 Performance, by Work-Related Measures (in percent)

Job Retention Earnings Gain

FY 2001 Performance Rates

Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain

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U.S. Average 35.88 58.59 33.28

Alabama 37.75 13 56.68 37 39.08 17 32Alaska 40.05 6 65.46 5 32.44 34 11

Arizona 33.05 40 54.55 40 42.39 15 33

Arkansas 41.78 2 61.65 18 44.46 9 2California ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Colorado 35.59 28 53.02 42 37.47 20 39

Connecticut 35.99 23 65.27 6 30.93 38 19Delaware 37.44 16 59.62 27 31.09 37 41

Dist. of Col. 34.43 34 57.00 35 17.55 49 48

Florida 32.73 43 60.63 25 53.99 5 4

Georgia 37.49 14 35.06 49 35.28 25 47

Guam ** ** ** ** ** ** **Hawaii 27.46 48 74.74 1 22.40 45 21

Idaho 35.56 29 65.04 7 72.56 2 1

Illinois 34.83 32 68.50 2 22.27 46 22

Indiana 40.80 3 66.89 4 22.25 47 26

Iowa 39.67 8 64.19 11 37.12 21 6Kansas 39.56 9 60.91 23 42.79 14 10

Kentucky 36.95 20 56.73 36 36.94 22 34

Louisiana 37.31 18 47.59 45 36.52 24 43

Maine 35.61 27 66.90 3 26.05 41 19

Maryland 35.95 24 57.70 33 38.42 18 26Massachusetts 26.08 49 47.59 44 33.12 29 46

Michigan 37.45 15 39.61 47 36.56 23 44

Minnesota 40.41 5 58.21 29 32.71 31 35

Mississippi 32.96 41 51.92 43 34.38 27 44

Missouri 43.82 1 64.55 9 25.99 42 26Montana 39.91 7 58.40 28 47.87 7 8

Nebraska 38.55 10 62.98 14 40.66 16 4

Nevada 36.98 19 63.04 13 34.96 26 11

New Hampshire 33.66 38 61.60 20 38.16 19 11New Jersey 32.59 44 55.17 39 34.26 28 42

New Mexico 35.32 30 61.00 22 33.05 30 29New York ** ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina 37.39 17 58.09 30 42.83 13 17

North Dakota 36.68 21 62.56 15 32.58 33 22Ohio 32.75 42 61.60 19 44.08 10 3

Oklahoma 36.06 22 39.06 48 30.59 39 49

Oregon 27.94 47 56.32 38 58.99 4 16

Pennsylvania 35.07 31 54.31 41 43.49 11 29

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** ** **Rhode Island 34.08 35 64.46 10 24.22 43 31

South Carolina 31.97 46 64.95 8 31.92 35 17

South Dakota 33.75 37 57.80 32 73.11 1 7

Tennessee 37.82 11 63.71 12 21.58 48 35

Texas 37.80 12 62.03 17 24.01 44 37Utah 34.61 33 57.97 31 46.53 8 11

Vermont 35.72 26 62.19 16 32.65 32 22

Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** ** **Virginia 40.71 4 61.54 21 30.54 40 37

Washington 35.86 25 60.72 24 43.49 12 9

West Virginia 32.46 45 59.99 26 31.55 36 39

Wisconsin 33.30 39 57.58 34 51.05 6 15Wyoming 34.05 36 45.94 46 67.03 3 25

Job Entry


**State not participating.


*Ranks on performance in the Job Retention and Earnings Gain submeasures are combined and then re-ranked.

Rank Rank*Rate Rank

Earnings Gain


Table 5:5 (FY 2002)

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002


Work-Related Measures

Rates and Ranks of FY 2002 Performance, by Work-Related Measures

Success in the

WorkforceJob Retention

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U.S. Average 2.62 (4.14) 7.00Alabama ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Alaska (5.17) 49 17.35 1 8.15 2 1

Arizona (1.88) 28 (2.56) 40 (1.28) 34 -Arkansas (2.18) 30 0.93 12 3.92 15 7

California ** ** ** ** ** ** **Colorado (1.51) 22 1.00 11 (3.06) 45 30

Connecticut (4.43) 44 (0.32) 21 (0.26) 30 -

Delaware (1.39) 20 1.58 9 (1.89) 39 24Dist. of Col. (5.01) 48 0.66 13 (2.26) 41 28Florida (3.22) 39 (3.59) 43 6.91 4 23

Georgia 2.89 1 (7.70) 47 (2.63) 43 -

Guam ** ** ** ** ** ** **Hawaii (1.52) 23 (0.62) 26 5.31 11 12

Idaho (2.82) 34 0.34 16 1.87 21 12

Illinois (3.92) 43 (0.50) 25 2.60 18 19

Indiana (0.58) 14 0.40 15 2.22 20 10Iowa (0.64) 15 (0.99) 32 5.40 10 17Kansas (3.34) 40 (2.53) 39 0.64 27 33

Kentucky (1.29) 18 4.22 4 (5.65) 48 25Louisiana 0.12 6 5.73 2 4.14 14 4

Maine (2.54) 32 0.60 14 2.44 19 9

Maryland (2.86) 36 1.74 8 (1.81) 38 22Massachusetts (4.95) 47 (3.86) 44 (7.88) 49 -

Michigan 2.81 2 (10.17) 48 (1.31) 35 -Minnesota 0.00 8 (2.24) 38 6.67 6 21

Mississippi (1.86) 27 (0.39) 22 2.70 17 14

Missouri (1.17) 16 (0.42) 23 3.73 16 14Montana 0.39 4 2.82 5 (1.70) 37 17

Nebraska (2.84) 35 (3.02) 42 (1.62) 36 -Nevada (0.34) 12 2.11 7 7.02 3 2

New Hampshire (3.14) 38 (0.98) 31 (3.19) 46 -

New Jersey (4.49) 45 (5.48) 46 4.84 12 31New Mexico (1.58) 24 0.04 17 6.89 5 6

New York ** ** ** ** ** ** **North Carolina (1.32) 19 2.31 6 5.58 9 3

North Dakota (0.22) 10 (5.04) 45 1.70 22 34

Ohio (1.64) 25 (0.49) 24 6.47 7 8Oklahoma (4.93) 46 (18.68) 49 (1.13) 33 -

Oregon (2.06) 29 1.18 10 6.04 8 5Pennsylvania 0.12 5 (1.19) 33 (2.33) 42 -

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** ** **Rhode Island (2.51) 31 (1.30) 34 (0.05) 28 -

South Carolina (1.69) 26 4.47 3 (2.11) 40 19

South Dakota 2.14 3 (0.74) 29 1.31 23 25Tennessee (3.75) 41 (0.13) 20 (0.05) 29 -

Texas (0.26) 11 (0.72) 28 1.26 24 25

Utah (0.44) 13 (0.85) 30 1.23 25 29

Vermont (1.50) 21 (1.72) 36 (0.87) 32 -Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** ** **Virginia (0.20) 9 (2.86) 41 0.84 26 34

Washington (2.60) 33 (0.68) 27 4.25 13 16West Virginia 0.09 7 (0.07) 19 (4.07) 47 -

Wisconsin (3.02) 37 0.04 18 (2.94) 44 32Wyoming (3.85) 42 (1.40) 35 16.72 1 11

Table 5:6 (FY 2002)

Work-Related Measures

Rates and Ranks of FY 2002 Percentage Point Changes in Performance


Success in the



High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

over FY 2001 Performance by Work Related Measures


**State not participating.


*Ranks on percentage point change in performance for the Job Retention and Earnings Gain submeasures are combined. Only ranks of 

States with at least one positive percentage point change on one submeasure are then re-ranked. (See 45 CFR, Part 270, Section



Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain

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U.S. Average 79.40 75.16 4.24Alabama ** ** ** ** ** **

Alaska 80.62 19 65.18 38 15.44 3Arizona 69.68 35 65.33 37 4.35 13

Arkansas 73.19 31 70.19 29 3.00 16

California 77.52 28 74.12 22 3.40 15Colorado 67.95 38 70.08 30 (2.13) 42

Connecticut 59.45 46 63.63 40 (4.18) 47

Delaware 72.10 33 72.81 26 (0.71) 39

Dist. of Col. 71.65 34 66.92 35 4.73 11

Florida 89.32 6 89.09 6 0.23 31

Georgia ** ** ** ** ** **Guam ** ** ** ** ** **

Hawaii 79.75 22 69.63 31 10.12 7Idaho 77.07 30 76.12 21 0.95 27

Illinois 80.26 20 81.79 15 (1.53) 41

Indiana 86.46 12 89.08 7 (2.62) 45Iowa 65.26 43 62.79 41 2.47 19Kansas 78.74 23 67.34 33 11.40 4

Kentucky 69.66 36 67.30 34 2.36 20

Louisiana 82.97 15 83.01 13 (0.04) 34

Maine 94.38 2 92.27 3 2.11 21Maryland 88.42 11 88.37 9 0.05 33

Massachusetts 89.22 7 93.74 2 ** **

Michigan 77.81 26 78.06 18 (0.25) 37Minnesota 77.66 27 69.07 32 8.59 9

Mississippi 85.09 13 74.06 23 11.03 6

Missouri 90.31 5 88.40 8 1.91 22

Montana 62.48 44 61.21 44 1.27 25

Nebraska 77.96 24 78.13 17 (0.17) 36Nevada 79.89 21 77.09 20 2.80 18

New Hampshire 58.33 47 56.71 45 1.62 23

New Jersey 67.58 39 64.74 39 2.84 17New Mexico 82.55 18 62.40 42 20.15 1New York 89.07 8 72.44 27 16.63 2

North Carolina 82.75 17 82.48 14 0.27 30

North Dakota 66.37 42 55.16 47 11.21 5

Ohio 82.94 16 72.94 25 10.00 8

Oklahoma 88.89 9 91.11 5 (2.22) 43

Oregon 69.59 37 73.21 24 (3.62) 46Pennsylvania 94.94 1 94.83 1 0.11 32

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** **Rhode Island 67.33 40 66.29 36 1.04 26

South Carolina 90.54 4 86.61 11 3.93 14

South Dakota 77.23 29 77.33 19 (0.10) 35Tennessee 90.83 3 92.21 4 (1.38) 40

Texas 60.89 45 54.25 48 6.64 10

Utah 52.67 48 55.25 46 (2.58) 44

Vermont 77.91 25 78.45 16 (0.54) 38Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** **Virginia ** ** ** ** ** **

Washington 72.85 32 71.51 28 1.34 24

West Virginia 84.60 14 84.09 12 0.51 29

Wisconsin 88.72 10 88.00 10 0.72 28Wyoming 66.72 41 62.06 43 4.66 12

Percentage Point Change

FY 2002 over FY 2001FY 2001


Rank Rate Rank

**State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

*Rate is the number of individuals who leave TANF assistance and are enrolled in the Medicaid/SCHIP program both at the time of 

leaving and in the fourth month after leaving, as a percent of all TANF individuals enrolled at the time of leaving.

FY 2002

Change RankRateState

Percentage Point Changes over FY 2001 Performance (in percent)

Table 5:7 (FY 2002)

MEDICAID/SCHIP Enrollment Measure*

Rates and Ranks of FY 2002 and 2001 Performance and FY 2002

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U.S. Average 33.84 33.15 0.69Alabama 32.25 32 36.82 25 (4.57) 43

Alaska ** ** 32.51 33 ** **

Arizona 31.97 34 28.64 41 3.33 17Arkansas 45.03 7 43.98 4 1.05 28

California 27.43 44 25.33 44 2.10 23Colorado 25.88 45 24.50 45 1.38 25

Connecticut 30.92 36 32.36 35 (1.44) 35

Delaware 43.67 8 35.24 28 8.43 2

Dist. of Col. 53.90 1 41.23 11 12.67 1

Florida 29.33 41 23.91 46 5.42 13

Georgia 31.71 35 29.27 40 2.44 21

Guam ** ** ** ** ** **

Hawaii 42.29 11 41.07 12 1.22 26Idaho 25.08 47 40.92 13 (15.84) 48

Illinois 34.40 28 35.64 27 (1.24) 33

Indiana 38.14 23 34.32 31 3.82 15Iowa 39.09 18 36.97 23 2.12 22

Kansas 34.25 29 27.45 42 6.80 8

Kentucky 47.80 3 40.68 14 7.12 5

Louisiana 42.54 10 39.09 19 3.45 16

Maine 49.99 2 43.17 5 6.82 7

Maryland 32.33 31 36.93 24 (4.60) 44Massachusetts 19.36 49 23.81 47 (4.45) 42

Michigan 40.14 16 38.30 21 1.84 24

Minnesota 38.84 20 32.47 34 6.37 10

Mississippi 41.71 12 38.82 20 2.89 19

Missouri 35.72 27 42.11 10 (6.39) 45Montana 41.57 13 42.92 7 (1.35) 34

Nebraska 38.66 22 42.98 6 (4.32) 41

Nevada 22.20 48 15.26 50 6.94 6

New Hampshire 28.16 43 19.90 49 8.26 4

New Jersey 25.28 46 27.30 43 (2.02) 37New Mexico 29.76 39 31.53 37 (1.77) 36New York ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina 36.52 26 29.74 39 6.78 9

North Dakota 32.11 33 31.90 36 0.21 30

Ohio 37.88 24 40.10 16 (2.22) 38

Oklahoma 45.53 4 39.51 17 6.02 12Oregon 43.10 9 46.90 1 (3.80) 40Pennsylvania 40.38 15 39.44 18 0.94 29

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** **

Rhode Island 37.32 25 37.61 22 (0.29) 31

South Carolina 38.72 21 34.59 30 4.13 14

South Dakota 40.85 14 34.73 29 6.12 11Tennessee 45.29 5 44.20 3 1.09 27

Texas 30.21 38 32.55 32 (2.34) 39Utah 28.77 42 20.50 48 8.27 3

Vermont 39.00 19 46.84 2 (7.84) 46Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** **

Virginia 30.57 37 40.66 15 (10.09) 47

Washington 39.80 17 36.75 26 3.05 18

West Virginia 45.29 6 42.65 9 2.64 20

Wisconsin 29.68 40 30.74 38 (1.06) 32Wyoming 34.24 30 ** ** ** **

Percentage Point Change

CY 2002 over CY 2001

**State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

*Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Only calendar year data are available. Rate is the number of low-income working

households with children under 18 (i.e., in households with income less than 130% of poverty and earnings equal to at least half-time full-

year Federal minimum wage) receiving food stamps as a percentage of the number of households (as defined here) in the State.

CY 2002

Change RankRateState

CY 2001


Rank Rate Rank

Table 5:8 (FY 2002)

Food Stamp Measure*

Rates and Ranks of CY 2002 and CY 2001 Performance and

Percentage Point Changes of CY 2002 over CY 2001 Performance (in percent)

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Alabama 13.29 20 12.66 44 7.23 34 8.26 35 8.29 33 53.13 29

Alaska ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Arizona 13.24 21 3.00 22 4.82 19 5.46 18 5.75 16 65.69 17

Arkansas 7.51 41 0.21 4 4.78 18 7.15 25 11.60 43 53.28 27

California 8.74 39 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.07 2 0.99 3 77.40 9

Colorado 10.62 33 7.73 41 8.29 42 8.94 38 8.83 36 46.08 40

Connecticut 16.98 15 2.18 19 3.75 12 4.94 16 5.86 17 89.40 2

Delaware 25.04 2 4.27 32 7.91 39 10.41 42 10.56 38 61.66 20

Dist. of Col. 27.29 1 3.22 25 4.10 15 4.92 15 5.12 14 81.67 7

Florida 16.93 16 6.12 38 5.55 23 6.29 21 6.08 19 67.05 15

Georgia 12.46 26 1.36 10 1.38 4 1.45 5 1.63 6 70.03 14

Guam ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Hawaii 14.06 19 1.49 13 1.61 5 1.36 4 1.55 4 80.55 8

Idaho 16.14 17 3.84 31 7.88 38 10.74 44 10.74 39 53.00 30Illinois 22.22 6 5.08 36 7.69 37 8.60 37 7.90 26 46.11 39

Indiana ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Iowa 8.00 40 0.49 6 3.98 13 5.87 19 7.51 23 32.34 43

Kansas 10.73 32 3.34 26 6.05 28 7.68 30 8.02 27 62.53 18

Kentucky 19.07 9 3.13 23 7.05 32 7.62 29 8.10 30 60.15 21

Louisiana 17.27 12 2.66 21 4.04 14 4.62 13 4.87 12 71.10 12

Maine 11.06 30 5.63 37 7.64 36 7.68 31 8.02 28 87.27 4

Maryland ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Massachusetts 13.06 22 1.39 11 5.62 25 7.38 27 8.52 34 53.18 28

Michigan 22.93 5 3.49 27 3.72 11 3.84 9 3.59 9 51.57 35

Minnesota ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Mississippi 10.52 34 1.75 14 1.75 7 1.57 6 1.60 5 83.42 6

Missouri 14.67 18 2.37 20 6.35 30 8.09 34 8.57 35 29.57 44

Montana 11.30 29 2.07 17 5.85 26 7.05 24 7.44 22 54.02 25

Nebraska 12.91 24 1.28 9 7.50 35 9.00 39 10.56 37 52.04 34

Nevada 5.61 44 1.44 12 5.58 24 10.29 41 11.51 42 86.57 5New Hampshire 9.83 36 0.02 2 0.02 2 0.02 1 0.02 1 53.50 26

New Jersey ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

New Mexico 17.17 13 3.51 28 4.11 16 4.81 14 4.86 11 92.22 1

New York ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

North Dakota 12.78 25 11.07 43 10.62 44 10.43 43 11.05 40 75.58 10

Ohio 17.06 14 3.66 30 5.41 21 5.93 20 6.02 18 62.22 19

Oklahoma 21.07 8 3.53 29 7.12 33 6.61 22 6.33 20 60.11 22

Oregon 12.11 27 5.00 35 8.38 43 10.22 40 11.94 44 65.77 16

Pennsylvania 10.80 31 4.34 33 6.16 29 6.68 23 7.52 24 58.70 23

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Rhode Island 21.31 7 0.98 8 2.58 10 3.95 10 5.44 15 52.60 31

South Carolina 10.08 35 1.84 15 2.19 9 2.14 7 2.08 7 52.27 32

South Dakota 9.40 37 0.79 7 6.02 27 7.72 32 11.09 41 38.20 42

Tennessee 17.75 10 0.36 5 0.85 3 1.00 3 0.80 2 43.38 41

Texas 8.87 38 8.26 42 8.17 41 7.82 33 8.11 31 52.04 33Utah 5.96 43 2.16 18 5.53 22 7.43 28 8.07 29 47.05 38

Vermont 17.29 11 0.17 3 2.04 8 5.21 17 7.67 25 73.79 11

Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Virginia 6.96 42 6.14 39 8.08 40 8.44 36 8.24 32 49.97 36

Washington 24.80 3 2.00 16 1.66 6 2.65 8 2.41 8 70.76 13

West Virginia 23.06 4 3.17 24 4.32 17 4.38 11 4.00 10 88.84 3

Wisconsin 13.02 23 4.87 34 6.41 31 7.37 26 7.22 21 54.55 24Wyoming 11.34 28 6.35 40 4.83 20 4.49 12 4.88 13 47.66 37


and Affordability Components of the Measure (in percent)

Table 5:9 (FY 2002)

Child Care Subsidy Measure*

Rates and Ranks of FY 2002 Performance Rates on the Accessibility

Rate Rank  Rank 


Number of Children

Served by the State Who

Meet Maximum Federal

Eligibility Requirements

Rate Rank Rate

Number of Children

Eligible Under the State

Income Limits Compared

to the Federal EligibilityLimits



Poverty Line

100% to 125%

of Poverty

125% to 150%

of Poverty

150% to 175%

of Poverty

Co-Payment Compared to Income by Income Range

**State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

*Data provided by the ACF Child Care Bureau.

Rank RateState Rank Rate

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Alabama 20 175 120 700 820 38

Alaska ** ** ** ** ** **

Arizona 21 92 126 368 494 17Arkansas 41 117 246 468 714 29

California 39 16 234 64 298 5

Colorado 33 197 198 788 986 44

Connecticut 15 66 90 264 354 11

Delaware 2 171 12 684 696 27

Dist. of Col. 1 76 6 304 310 6

Florida 16 116 96 464 560 20

Georgia 26 39 156 156 312 7

Guam ** ** ** ** ** **Hawaii 19 34 114 136 250 2

Idaho 17 182 102 728 830 39

Illinois 6 175 36 700 736 32

Indiana ** ** ** ** ** **

Iowa 40 104 240 416 656 24

Kansas 32 129 192 516 708 28

Kentucky 9 135 54 540 594 21Louisiana 12 72 72 288 360 14

Maine 30 136 180 544 724 31

Maryland ** ** ** ** ** **

Massachusetts 22 125 132 500 632 23Michigan 5 91 30 364 394 15

Minnesota ** ** ** ** ** **

Mississippi 34 38 204 152 356 12Missouri 18 163 108 652 760 33

Montana 29 114 174 456 630 22

Nebraska 24 154 144 616 760 33

Nevada 44 124 264 496 760 33

New Hampshire 36 32 216 128 344 10

New Jersey ** ** ** ** ** **New Mexico 13 70 78 280 358 13

New York ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina ** ** ** ** ** **North Dakota 25 180 150 720 870 40

Ohio 14 108 84 432 516 18

Oklahoma 8 126 48 504 552 19

Oregon 27 178 162 712 874 41

Pennsylvania 31 132 186 528 714 29

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** **

Rhode Island 7 74 42 296 338 9

South Carolina 35 70 210 280 490 16

South Dakota 37 149 222 596 818 37

Tennessee 10 54 60 216 276 3

Texas 38 180 228 720 948 42Utah 43 135 258 540 798 36

Vermont 11 64 66 256 322 8

Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** **

Virginia 42 183 252 732 984 43

Washington 3 51 18 204 222 1West Virginia 4 65 24 260 284 4

Wisconsin 23 136 138 544 682 26Wyoming 28 122 168 488 656 24


*The weight of the rank of the accessibility component is 6. The weight of the combined ranks of the five submeasures

of the affordability component is 4 (See Table 5.9).

**State not participating.

Weighted Rank* Weighted Composite

Score RankingState

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

Child Care Subsidy Measure*

FY 2002 Components and Composite Weighted Rankings

Table 5:10 (FY 2002)

Affordability Accessibility Affordability

Unweighted Rank

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U.S. Average 69.75 69.45 0.30Alabama 66.44 37 62.80 45 3.64 1

Alaska ** ** ** ** ** **Arizona 69.02 32 66.44 39 2.58 4

Arkansas 71.60 20 69.31 32 2.29 8

California 70.77 22 70.03 30 0.74 15Colorado 74.71 10 73.88 13 0.83 12

Connecticut 73.42 15 73.16 16 0.26 18

Delaware 65.44 39 67.18 38 (1.74) 38

Dist. of Col. 36.87 45 33.65 48 3.22 3

Florida 65.38 40 66.09 40 (0.71) 30

Georgia 66.16 38 65.99 41 0.17 19Guam ** ** ** ** ** **

Hawaii 73.96 13 75.97 7 (2.01) 41Idaho 80.25 2 76.89 4 3.36 2

Illinois ** ** 70.15 29 ** **

Indiana ** ** 70.87 27 ** **Iowa 73.90 14 74.49 11 (0.59) 28Kansas 74.14 11 74.62 10 (0.48) 26

Kentucky 70.55 28 73.36 15 (2.81) 43

Louisiana 58.65 43 59.32 46 (0.67) 29

Maine 70.57 26 73.71 14 (3.14) 44Maryland 68.16 33 69.28 33 (1.12) 35

Massachusetts 72.48 16 71.51 24 0.97 11

Michigan 70.73 23 68.88 34 1.85 9Minnesota 75.83 5 75.82 8 0.01 24

Mississippi 57.07 44 59.01 47 (1.94) 40

Missouri 70.66 25 69.88 31 0.78 13

Montana 75.40 6 73.05 17 2.35 6

Nebraska 75.06 8 75.42 9 (0.36) 25Nevada 69.33 30 71.12 25 (1.79) 39

New Hampshire 76.38 4 77.21 2 (0.83) 31

New Jersey 74.13 12 74.03 12 0.10 22New Mexico 61.61 42 65.97 42 (4.36) 45New York ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina ** ** ** ** ** **

North Dakota 76.52 3 76.46 6 0.06 23

Ohio 67.40 36 67.93 36 (0.53) 27

Oklahoma 69.17 31 68.60 35 0.57 16

Oregon 72.29 17 71.53 23 0.76 14Pennsylvania 70.15 29 71.03 26 (0.88) 32

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** **Rhode Island 67.51 35 65.13 43 2.38 5

South Carolina 64.10 41 63.95 44 0.15 21

South Dakota 74.87 9 77.10 3 (2.23) 42Tennessee 68.00 34 67.84 37 0.16 20

Texas 71.77 19 70.30 28 1.47 10

Utah 82.23 1 83.69 1 (1.46) 36

Vermont 75.12 7 72.79 18 2.33 7Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** **Virginia 72.12 18 71.60 21 0.52 17

Washington 71.52 21 72.58 19 (1.06) 34

West Virginia 70.56 27 72.27 20 (1.71) 37

Wisconsin 70.69 24 71.58 22 (0.89) 33Wyoming ** ** 76.51 5 ** **

Percentage Point Change

CY 2002 over CY 2001CY 2001


Rank Rate Rank

**State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2002

*Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Only calendar year data are available. Rate is the number of children under 18 residing in

married family couple groups as a percent of all children under 18 years in households.

CY 2002

Change RankRateState

Percentage Point Changes of CY 2002 Performance over 2001 (in percent)

Table 5:11 (FY 2002)

Family Formation and Stability Measure*

Rates and Ranks of CY 2002 and CY 2001 Performance Rates and

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Success in



SCHIPEnrollment FoodStamps* Child CareSubsidies JobEntry

Success in



SCHIPEnrollment FoodStamps*


Formationand Stability*

Alabama 2,561,627$ - -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,086,678$ -$ 1,474,948$ -$

Alaska 3,180,454  ** 3,144,925 35,529 

Arizona 4,037,864 4,037,864 Arkansas 2,836,643 ** 1,371,285 733,787 342,579 388,992 California 7,043,582 7,043,582 Delaware 715,072 430,022 285,049 Dist. of Col. 1,253,166 174,702 1,078,464 

Florida 10,208,852 10,208,852 Idaho 1,596,903 ** 562,855 401,409 298,378 334,261 Indiana 10,339,955 ** 8,764,381 1,575,574 

Iowa 4,489,194 3,328,155 1,161,040 Kentucky 3,083,832 3,083,832 Maine 2,563,677 1,328,892 1,234,786 

Massachus etts 7,260,861 7,260,861 Michigan 10,491,822 1,462,648 9,029,174 Minnesota 13,399,244 ** 10,976,178 449,878 1,973,188 Mississippi 2,585,628 1,575,199 1,010,430 Missouri 10,852,587 ** 7,477,682 998,616 2,376,289 Montana 2,276,700  ** 1,647,846 628,854 

Nebraska 2,901,429 ** 1,691,914 905,359 304,156 New Hampshire 1,047,423 974,756 72,668 

New Jersey 12,040,026 7,334,941 4,705,084 

North Dakota 1,319,990 ** 776,736 296,420 246,834 Ohio 28,115,197 18,420,769 9,694,429 Oklahoma 3,030,247 1,723,654 1,306,593 Oregon 2,236,268 2,236,268 Pennsylvania 4,643,161 4,643,161 Rhode Island 179,251 179,251 South Carolina 3,791,245 645,125 1,814,839 1,331,282 South Dakota 747,267 554,001 193,266 Tennessee 9,576,190 ** 6,931,121 2,645,069 Utah 3,517,021 1,944,114 894,695 678,212 Vermont 1,839,010 1,198,242 89,328 551,439 Virginia 7,914,259  ** 6,332,302 1,581,957 

Washington 762,743 762,743 West Virginia 3,823,474 1,874,178 207,840 1,741,457 

Wisconsin 10,860,369 8,051,553 2,808,816 Wyoming 877,767 395,425 290,066 192,276 

TOTAL 200,000,000$ 49,114,371$ 36,673,590$ 6,286,901$ 6,286,901$ 10,478,169$ 29,338,872$ 22,004,154$ 14,669,436$ 14,669,436$ 10,478,169$

Table 5:2 (FY 2003)

High Performance Bonus

Awards For Performance Year 2003 by Category Amount

**Bonus amounts to these States are limited to five percent of the State's family assistance grant for the year (see Section 403(a) of the Social Security Act).





*Only calendar year data are available.

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in the







Child Care





in the









and Stability**

Alabama 21 26 **** 8 **** 44 8 **** 1 43Alaska 10 29 28 38 8 34 - 43 45 ****

Arizona 36 26 39 31 13 10 21 35 18 47

Arkansas 4 2 27 9 **** 32 5 5 22 48

California **** **** 29 48 3 **** **** 37 43 24

Colorado 31 41 35 46 28 30 13 8 31 40

Connecticut 34 13 44 43 11 43 33 11 39 41

Delaware 20 37 24 21 18 35 12 2 44 7

Dist. of Col. 39 44 38 6 1 20 9 45 42 11

Florida 33 33 11 44 **** 8 - 39 36 39

Georgia 16 50 **** 29 **** 21 26 **** 16 14

Guam **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Hawaii 47 17 25 24 **** 12 26 34 41 42

Idaho 13 1 18 33 26 6 23 3 4 31

Illinois 42 22 26 **** **** 47 34 38 **** 19

Indiana 5 22 8 17 **** 17 18 22 24 3

Iowa 11 5 42 15 **** 31 17 32 26 5

Kansas 14 13 20 39 **** 37 - 14 40 23Kentucky 22 45 37 3 **** 26 - 33 10 20

Louisiana 18 46 13 7 **** 28 36 10 12 33

Maine 27 21 17 1 22 18 35 46 2 13

Maryland 23 28 6 37 17 15 11 21 30 29

Massachusetts 50 49 10 41 21 19 31 36 5 30

Michigan 24 19 **** 11 6 41 2 **** 17 37

Minnesota 8 33 30 40 5 36 15 40 49 9

Mississippi 19 42 14 22 **** 2 7 28 37 15

Missouri 2 37 3 12 **** 49 - 12 7 21

Montana 1 39 41 13 20 7 - 15 27 45

Nebraska 9 4 31 23 16 14 30 42 28 1

Nevada 15 29 22 47 23 13 - 29 21 27

New Hampshire 35 7 45 45 9 11 19 16 33 44

New Jersey 25 33 **** 50 **** 4 3 **** 46 34

New Mexico 38 47 19 30 **** 40 - 30 11 ****

New York 48 47 12 36 **** **** **** 41 29 35

North Carolina 28 12 16 34 15 46 16 19 35 ****

North Dakota 6 13 40 14 25 3 14 31 6 16

Ohio 44 8 4 18 14 24 - 1 25 12

Oklahoma 37 43 5 20 **** 45 1 23 47 6

Oregon 49 17 33 4 27 42 - 6 8 26

Pennsylvania 30 29 1 27 19 16 25 24 38 32

Puerto Rico **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Rhode Island 41 25 36 42 4 25 21 9 50 18

South Carolina 12 33 2 16 12 1 37 7 23 38

South Dakota 46 8 23 19 24 48 - 13 32 4

Tennessee 3 29 9 5 **** 5 28 44 15 28

Texas 17 40 43 32 29 39 32 17 14 24

Utah 40 3 46 49 **** 29 3 20 48 10

Vermont 29 10 21 10 2 23 6 18 13 46

Virgin Islands **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Virginia 7 13 **** 35 **** 33 10 **** 20 21

Washington 32 11 32 26 10 38 - 25 34 36

West Virginia 45 20 15 2 7 27 19 26 3 17

Wisconsin 43 6 7 28 **** 22 23 27 9 8

Wyoming 26 22 34 25 **** 9 28 4 19 2

**Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Only calendar year data are available.

****State not participating.

*Ranks for Success in the Workforce are re-rankings of the combined Job Retention and Earnings Gain submeasure ranks. For FY 2003 changes in

performance over FY 2002 performance, only the ranks of States with at least one positive submeasure percentage point change are combined and re-

ranked. (See 45 CFR, Part 270, Section 270.5(a)(4).)

***Data provided by the ACF Child Care Bureau.

Table 5:3 (FY 2003)

Ranks of FY 2003 Performance and Percentage Point Changes over FY 2002 Performance, by Category

Ranks of Percentage Point Change

over FY 2002 Performance

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2003


FY 2003 Performance Ranks

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Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain

U.S. Average 33.63 59.43 32.55 35.88 58.59 33.28

Alabama 35.02 56.89 43.14 37.75 56.68 39.08

Alaska 37.80 62.64 30.07 40.05 65.46 32.44Arizona 33.03 57.52 41.19 33.05 54.55 42.39

Arkansas 39.56 62.71 47.99 41.78 61.65 44.46

California * * * * * *

Colorado 33.51 53.26 39.68 35.59 53.02 37.47

Connecticut 33.30 64.61 31.22 35.99 65.27 30.93

Delaware 35.16 58.88 37.38 37.44 59.62 31.09

Dist. of Col. 32.67 60.33 18.52 34.43 57.00 17.55

Florida 33.40 46.54 51.71 32.73 60.63 53.99

Georgia 35.69 52.19 19.75 37.49 35.06 35.28

Guam * * * * * *

Hawaii 27.04 73.70 24.55 27.46 74.74 22.40Idaho 37.29 62.12 78.62 35.56 65.04 72.56

Illinois 31.62 66.45 24.31 34.83 68.50 22.27

Indiana 39.47 67.21 22.96 40.80 66.89 22.25

Iowa 37.57 65.41 37.27 39.67 64.19 37.12

Kansas 37.22 60.30 41.18 39.56 60.91 42.79Kentucky 35.01 52.30 36.64 36.95 56.73 36.94Louisiana 35.30 38.29 38.26 37.31 47.59 36.52

Maine 34.21 65.54 26.25 35.61 66.90 26.05

Maryland 34.91 58.01 40.94 35.95 57.70 38.42

Massachusetts 24.40 45.55 35.47 26.08 47.59 33.12

Michigan 34.83 58.58 42.57 37.45 39.61 36.56Minnesota 38.11 62.08 32.16 40.41 58.21 32.71

Mississippi 35.27 56.69 35.30 32.96 51.92 34.38

Missouri 39.98 63.37 24.19 43.82 64.55 25.99

Montana 41.40 56.30 42.05 39.91 58.40 47.87

Nebraska 37.87 62.94 40.71 38.55 62.98 40.66

Nevada 36.51 62.85 29.49 36.98 63.04 34.96

New Hampshire 33.29 59.78 43.90 33.66 61.60 38.16

New Jersey 34.57 58.99 37.69 32.59 55.17 34.26

New Mexico 32.72 56.72 29.82 35.32 61.00 33.05

New York 26.23 57.08 26.70 * * *North Carolina 34.19 57.47 45.36 37.39 58.09 42.83

North Dakota 38.86 63.33 33.64 36.68 62.56 32.58

Ohio 30.88 61.52 42.47 32.75 61.60 44.08

Oklahoma 32.98 50.40 38.71 36.06 39.06 30.59

Oregon 25.28 54.30 54.37 27.94 56.32 58.99

Pennsylvania 33.81 53.83 44.37 35.07 54.31 43.49

Puerto Rico * * * * * *

Rhode Island 32.20 63.43 26.81 34.08 64.46 24.22

South Carolina 37.55 61.80 32.31 31.97 64.95 31.92

South Dakota 30.45 56.90 64.93 33.75 57.80 73.11Tennessee 39.79 66.82 18.59 37.82 63.71 21.58

Texas 35.40 62.40 22.02 37.80 62.03 24.01

Utah 32.60 61.80 49.98 34.61 57.97 46.53

Vermont 33.90 62.19 40.05 35.72 62.19 32.65

Virgin Islands * * * * * *

Virginia 38.48 63.89 31.91 40.71 61.54 30.54

Washington 33.46 60.09 43.10 35.86 60.72 43.49

West Virginia 30.50 57.14 43.75 32.46 59.99 31.55

Wisconsin 31.48 58.72 49.77 33.30 57.58 51.05Wyoming 34.22 52.69 51.84 34.05 45.94 67.03

Table 5:4 (FY 2003)

Work-Related Measures

Rates of FY 2003 and FY 2002 Performance, by Work-Related Measures (in percent)

FY 2002 Performance Rates

*State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2003


FY 2003 Performance Rates

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Success in the


Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Rank*

U.S. Average (2.24) 0.85 (0.73) **Alabama (2.73) 44 0.21 21 4.06 8 8

Alaska (2.25) 34 (2.82) 42 (2.37) 41 -

Arizona (0.02) 10 2.97 11 (1.20) 34 21Arkansas (2.21) 32 1.06 15 3.52 9 5

California ** ** ** ** ** ** **Colorado (2.07) 30 0.24 20 2.21 16 13

Connecticut (2.70) 43 (0.67) 30 0.29 27 33

Delaware (2.28) 35 (0.74) 31 6.29 4 12Dist. of Col. (1.76) 20 3.33 9 0.97 22 9Florida 0.67 8 (14.09) 49 (2.28) 40 -

Georgia (1.80) 21 17.13 2 (15.53) 49 26

Guam ** ** ** ** ** ** **Hawaii (0.42) 12 (1.04) 34 2.15 17 26

Idaho 1.72 6 (2.92) 44 6.06 5 23

Illinois (3.21) 47 (2.05) 40 2.04 18 34

Indiana (1.34) 17 0.31 18 0.71 25 18Iowa (2.10) 31 1.21 13 0.15 29 17Kansas (2.33) 37 (0.62) 27 (1.61) 37 -

Kentucky (1.94) 26 (4.43) 47 (0.30) 31 -Louisiana (2.01) 28 (9.30) 48 1.73 19 36

Maine (1.41) 18 (1.36) 36 0.19 28 35

Maryland (1.03) 15 0.31 19 2.52 14 11Massachusetts (1.68) 19 (2.04) 39 2.35 15 31

Michigan (2.62) 41 18.98 1 6.02 6 2Minnesota (2.31) 36 3.87 6 (0.55) 33 15

Mississippi 2.31 2 4.77 5 0.91 23 7

Missouri (3.84) 49 (1.18) 35 (1.80) 38 -Montana 1.49 7 (2.10) 41 (5.82) 46 -

Nebraska (0.68) 14 (0.04) 23 0.05 30 30Nevada (0.47) 13 (0.20) 25 (5.47) 45 -

New Hampshire (0.37) 11 (1.83) 37 5.73 7 19

New Jersey 1.98 4 3.82 7 3.42 11 3New Mexico (2.60) 40 (4.28) 46 (3.23) 43 -

New York ** ** ** ** ** ** **North Carolina (3.19) 46 (0.62) 28 2.53 13 16

North Dakota 2.18 3 0.77 16 1.06 21 14

Ohio (1.88) 24 (0.09) 24 (1.61) 36 -Oklahoma (3.08) 45 11.35 3 8.12 2 1

Oregon (2.66) 42 (2.02) 38 (4.62) 44 -Pennsylvania (1.25) 16 (0.49) 26 0.87 24 25

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** ** **Rhode Island (1.88) 25 (1.04) 33 2.59 12 21

South Carolina 5.58 1 (3.15) 45 0.39 26 37

South Dakota (3.30) 48 (0.90) 32 (8.18) 47 -Tennessee 1.97 5 3.12 10 (2.99) 42 28

Texas (2.40) 39 0.38 17 (2.00) 39 32

Utah (2.02) 29 3.82 8 3.44 10 3

Vermont (1.82) 23 0.01 22 7.40 3 6Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** ** **Virginia (2.22) 33 2.35 12 1.38 20 10

Washington (2.39) 38 (0.62) 29 (0.38) 32 -West Virginia (1.97) 27 (2.86) 43 12.20 1 19

Wisconsin (1.82) 22 1.14 14 (1.28) 35 23Wyoming 0.17 9 6.75 4 (15.19) 48 28

**State not participating.

*Ranks on percentage point change in performance for the Job Retention and Earnings Gain submeasures are combined. Only ranks

of States with at least one positive percentage point change on one submeasure are then re-ranked. (See 45 CFR, Part 270, Section


Table 5:6 (FY 2003)

Work-Related Measures

Rates and Ranks of FY 2003 Percentage Point Changes in Performance


High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2003

over FY 2002 Performance by Work Related Measures

Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain

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Rate Rank Rate Rank Rate Rank Rate Rank Rate Rank Rate Rank Rate Rank

U.S. Average 14.31 3.55 5.19 6.32 6.96 64.03 83.11

Alabama ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Alaska 13.17 14 1.71 10 2.33 5 3.09 5 4.99 9 63.91 14 112.40 1

Arizona 13.27 13 3.05 16 4.32 12 5.34 13 6.00 11 65.69 13 78.10 21

Arkansas ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

California 8.22 28 0.14 3 0.00 1 0.07 1 1.25 2 77.40 7 95.50 3

Colorado 9.78 24 7.38 26 8.34 25 8.69 24 9.16 23 46.08 27 65.20 25

Connecticut 11.39 18 2.34 14 3.92 11 4.88 10 6.04 12 89.40 1 88.30 10

Delaware 25.23 1 3.47 19 7.31 22 9.69 25 10.61 25 61.66 16 57.90 29

Dist. of Col. 24.94 2 3.30 18 3.35 9 4.68 8 4.06 5 81.67 6 77.90 22

Florida ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Georgia ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Guam ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Hawaii ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **Idaho 15.66 10 7.08 24 9.79 28 13.76 29 13.47 29 53.00 21 89.70 8

Illinois ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Indiana ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Iowa ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Kansas ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Kentucky ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Louisiana ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Maine 10.16 22 5.26 22 7.85 23 7.79 21 7.80 18 87.27 3 102.00 2

Maryland 9.19 25 2.05 11 4.62 14 6.01 14 6.67 14 32.05 29 94.40 6

Massachusetts 12.16 17 1.59 9 6.21 21 7.75 20 9.01 22 53.18 20 85.80 16

Michigan 23.29 4 2.79 15 2.74 8 2.96 4 3.57 4 51.57 26 86.70 14

Minnesota 13.34 12 1.18 8 2.53 7 3.35 6 4.11 6 73.58 10 82.80 17

Mississippi ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Missouri ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Montana 8.68 27 2.29 13 5.44 16 6.75 17 7.47 16 54.02 18 92.40 7

Nebraska 12.25 15 1.01 7 5.95 20 6.72 16 7.95 19 52.04 25 78.60 19

Nevada 4.34 29 0.83 4 4.58 13 8.49 23 10.05 24 86.57 4 62.50 27

New Hampshire 10.10 23 0.11 2 0.08 2 0.10 2 0.12 1 53.50 19 60.80 28

New Jersey ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

New Mexico ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

New York ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina 18.93 7 8.80 27 7.89 24 7.71 19 7.97 20 83.54 5 94.80 5

North Dakota 13.35 11 11.76 29 11.34 29 11.15 27 11.51 27 75.58 8 86.40 15

Ohio 17.48 9 3.89 21 5.61 18 6.38 15 6.62 13 62.22 15 88.70 9

Oklahoma ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Oregon 11.06 19 7.11 25 9.67 26 11.92 28 12.41 28 65.77 12 94.80 4

Pennsylvania 12.24 16 3.62 20 5.74 19 6.80 18 7.48 17 58.70 17 87.20 12

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Rhode Island 22.82 5 0.84 5 2.45 6 3.87 7 5.20 10 52.60 22 86.80 13

South Carolina 10.35 21 2.23 12 2.09 3 1.91 3 1.87 3 52.27 23 88.10 11

South Dakota 10.93 20 0.86 6 5.58 17 8.36 22 11.16 26 38.20 28 75.30 23

Tennessee ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Texas 9.05 26 9.11 28 9.78 27 9.84 26 8.54 21 52.04 24 63.80 26Utah ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Vermont 18.86 8 0.08 1 2.23 4 4.81 9 7.21 15 73.79 9 78.20 20

Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Virginia ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Washington 23.69 3 5.80 23 3.68 10 5.26 12 4.52 7 70.76 11 74.80 24

West Virginia 20.93 6 3.27 17 5.04 15 5.06 11 4.93 8 88.84 2 80.40 18

Wisconsin ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Wyoming ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Actual Rates Paid for 

Children Receiving

Subsidies Compared

to Market Rate Survey

Table 5:9 (FY 2003)

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2003

Child Care Subsidy Measure*

Rates and Ranks of FY 2003 Performance Rates on the Accessibility


125% to 150%

of Poverty

150% to 175%

of Poverty

Co-Payment Compared to Income by Income Range

*Data provided by the ACF Child Care Bureau.

**State not participating.

and Affordability Components of the Measure (in percent)


Number of Children

Served by the State

Who Meet Maximum

Federal Eligibility


Number of Children

Eligible Under the

State Income Limits

Compared to the

Federal Eligibility



Poverty Line

100% to 125%

of Poverty


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Accessibility Affordability Quality Accessibility Affordability Quality Score Ranking

Alabama ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Alaska 14 5 1 70 15 2 201 8

Arizona 13 13 21 65 39 42 302 13Arkansas ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

California 28 1 3 140 3 6 188 3

Colorado 24 27 25 120 81 50 545 28

Connecticut 18 8 10 90 24 20 254 11

Delaware 1 24 29 5 72 58 384 18

Dist. of Col. 2 7 22 10 21 44 192 1

Florida ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Georgia ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Guam ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **Hawaii ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Idaho 10 29 8 50 87 16 459 26

Illinois ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Indiana ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Iowa ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Kansas ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Kentucky ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **Louisiana ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Maine 22 18 2 110 54 4 375 22

Maryland 25 16 6 125 48 12 383 17

Massachusetts 17 21 16 85 63 32 393 21Michigan 4 11 14 20 33 28 219 6

Minnesota 12 3 17 60 9 34 205 5

Mississippi ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **Missouri ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Montana 27 15 7 135 45 14 389 20

Nebraska 15 19 19 75 57 38 374 16

Nevada 29 14 27 145 42 54 403 23

New Hampshire 23 2 28 115 6 56 249 9

New Jersey ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

New Mexico ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

New York ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

North Carolina 7 22 5 35 66 10 330 15North Dakota 11 26 15 55 78 30 445 25

Ohio 9 17 9 45 51 18 309 14Oklahoma ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Oregon 19 25 4 95 75 8 460 27

Pennsylvania 16 20 12 80 60 24 377 19

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Rhode Island 5 9 13 25 27 26 201 4

South Carolina 21 6 11 105 18 22 259 12

South Dakota 20 23 23 100 69 46 443 24

Tennessee ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Texas 26 28 26 130 84 52 560 29

Utah ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Vermont 8 4 20 40 12 40 194 2

Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Virginia ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Washington 3 12 24 15 36 48 252 10West Virginia 6 10 18 30 30 36 225 7

Wisconsin ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **Wyoming ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2003

Child Care Subsidy Measure*

FY 2003 Components and Composite Weighted Rankings

Table 5:10 (FY 2003)

*The weight of the rank of the accessibility component is 6. The weight of the combined ranks of the five submeasures of the affordability

component is 4 (See Table 5.9).

**State not participating.

Weighted Composite


Unweighted Rank Weighted Rank*

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Rate Rank Rate Rank Change Rank

U.S. Average 69.29 69.75 (0.46)

Alabama 64.18 43 66.44 37 (2.26) 43

Alaska ** ** ** ** ** **

Arizona 64.90 42 69.02 32 (4.12) 47Arkansas 67.17 38 71.60 20 (4.43) 48

California 70.51 27 70.77 22 (0.26) 24

Colorado 73.08 11 74.71 10 (1.63) 40

Connecticut 71.72 19 73.42 15 (1.70) 41Delaware 67.47 35 65.44 39 2.03 7

Dist. of Col. 38.01 48 36.87 45 1.14 11

Florida 63.85 44 65.38 40 (1.53) 39

Georgia 66.90 40 66.16 38 0.74 14Guam ** ** ** ** ** **

Hawaii 71.78 18 73.96 13 (2.18) 42

Idaho 79.29 3 80.25 2 (0.96) 31

Illinois 70.55 26 70.63 ** (0.08) 19

Indiana 71.80 17 69.17 ** 2.63 3Iowa 76.09 7 73.90 14 2.19 5

Kansas 73.89 10 74.14 11 (0.25) 23

Kentucky 70.36 29 70.55 28 (0.19) 20Louisiana 57.63 47 58.65 43 (1.02) 33

Maine 71.37 22 70.57 26 0.80 13

Maryland 67.31 37 68.16 33 (0.85) 29

Massachusetts 71.57 20 72.48 16 (0.91) 30Michigan 69.32 31 70.73 23 (1.41) 37

Minnesota 77.11 5 75.83 5 1.28 9

Mississippi 57.75 46 57.07 44 0.68 15

Missouri 70.44 28 70.66 25 (0.22) 21

Montana 72.15 14 75.40 6 (3.25) 45

Nebraska 79.40 2 75.06 8 4.34 1

Nevada 68.77 33 69.33 30 (0.56) 27

New Hampshire 73.90 9 76.38 4 (2.48) 44

New Jersey 73.03 12 74.13 12 (1.10) 34New Mexico ** ** 61.61 42 ** **

New York 65.08 41 66.36 ** (1.28) 35

North Carolina ** ** ** ** ** **

North Dakota 76.63 6 76.52 3 0.11 16

Ohio 68.37 34 67.40 36 0.97 12

Oklahoma 71.29 23 69.17 31 2.12 6

Oregon 71.87 16 72.29 17 (0.42) 26

Pennsylvania 69.18 32 70.15 29 (0.97) 32

Puerto Rico ** ** ** ** ** **

Rhode Island 67.47 35 67.51 35 (0.04) 18

South Carolina 62.64 45 64.10 41 (1.46) 38South Dakota 77.22 4 74.87 9 2.35 4

Tennessee 67.17 38 68.00 34 (0.83) 28

Texas 71.51 21 71.77 19 (0.26) 24

Utah 83.39 1 82.23 1 1.16 10

Vermont 71.05 24 75.12 7 (4.07) 46Virgin Islands ** ** ** ** ** **

Virginia 71.90 15 72.12 18 (0.22) 21

Washington 70.21 30 71.52 21 (1.31) 36West Virginia 70.64 25 70.56 27 0.08 17

Wisconsin 72.59 13 70.69 24 1.90 8Wyoming 74.51 8 71.10   3.41 2

**State not participating.

High Performance Bonus Awards for Performance Year 2003

*Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Only calendar year data are available. Rate is the number of children under 18

residing in married family couple groups as a percent of all children under 18 years in households.

CY 2003


Percentage Point Change

CY 2003 over CY 2002CY 2002


Percentage Point Changes of CY 2003 Performance over 2002 (in percent)

Table 5:11 (FY 2003)

Family Formation and Stability Measure*

Rates and Ranks of CY 2003 and CY 2002 Performance Rates and