VOL. II. NO .1. Healing Grace. One ness . OrThe Uoity ofBelievers. W rn :>l here upo n ear ' }I. t t e ta"Rht 11th! Iii, fvn"",,,,.,, shcurd be one ;11Him. When lJ e An" Ihe t':l. lher ..: r"nle.1 1I 1I ln. he WtU nlade III Iii. ilIl' ) nlte.ll nd whol t"n 'r 11;$ will Wa5 con' ce,n ing His pe<l ple In regaru to untty whil" l Ie was teaching His 011"llrtlt, we ue- lie"e it never clt:..ug. l!; hut IIe ju. 1 tbe S3me te day, Goo., Word pll1.i nly teaches Ihat Jes"-'l Chrb l aud tba Fath" , an: line. Who, arter they h""e read i<lerc"..iOO' r pr:lyer iu J «hn, 111h ehul) I could doultt the onen"St of Cltri.t :l.nd Ihe f alhe r. i ll thai memorable p':ly er,- 5ut; Il l' pa)' s in ll iH .wn hel,alf. vern ' 1- 5. IIi ;; re.."t lll." ment into gll,r)', and dec1aru Ihnt to koow G t>tJand J C8\U Is lif" Second; pt ..)·, 4>r the d b c.lples, 6- 19, e' l'r", I"K l l' - W,llj·u I.· r I' Ih· n,. .. ·...r hoi, .,." eh "u:'", :o"J ... ... I ... . :I1.•, th"'l lhe y "'urk l ie nn,l in Cl>ri-I who ,10 nOI Iii them , the Irull! in ll j.., If ,,·.I, lei u .,tl)'; lie (vt ,,/1 belie vers hum bly be"" "d, ,'ur "' 0" t" them Ihe hi . ' 03:1l." US r." T" o llQ•• 'a I.l( lt! 1.II.Mkl"lI" (l ilt th" cu",i"g nN,," bH ..." III. Wvrd , I n such II wlIY n lu ccn - pt"y 'J r.. r ttl""e , hUI f",r th"ltl II", ,,, uf it.:5 tr uth, V,, "" th" or th."1r W no o c a le l " t.h y which dn .lI "diev . un "'" Il,rugh their w".J ," tnall h" y ", ay "k "" ,," G·... t... Such llvlllll "'·urd. U"a r "" e5i " t..:h ,i.,t, " aU Inelul!u t l1m Ihey Ill"y Il<: -renew ed in the "f Ho w d ...,El I d lebe ftev e Him, yuu and me. l .et us Iwk had . thrvu;;::hn thOl l< ruin,I," ",n.1h" llis f" lIuwOl r. ' au<ln.. t be I'll tr l1<!t my I\ld ulo(I,ol'd , of u"a,ly two Ihv"""n d ;01 to ,hM afte r Iht IMug,uf Wt·r!,1"r OI i\IIOI r ,; upye r "h'i/lill<: r where had gathe.ed wuh at l.,r dellOlU lOllll i,mali.ull.... "d ";;roe"c n...t the . ' Who thy d discilllc, f...r th.: la,t tim... , tQellt the 11.,ly :-.pirit of O<ld, wj.l'felly ye 'lI1" sealed Thla Ho ul.'ree'; t.o do, OHr with Ihem ll nu whe•e l l c ibllt utc,J O'e lInlO Ihe da)' uf r.:,k lll" ltlin" e " h")i ,,u" 4:3 6. And If I t.un belie ve 111m . l .... r.1.' SlIl)p.lr. nrc aU one in h""ven Helll <l oul uud bo d y 100 . t el ..n tt> comf"rlmg to nntl earth, lJt>tl IS n" l l,lca,;c,lt" oce 50 them Ill' l ie Is $0 t...leave them :1.1 'Jno;in much aIU"" 1lU' , as Ihe way of tbe " '1'116 l :otI u l 1111C0 11lpll.U lflll." tl'e ,,',,11 ,1 to ca••y <'l nt I Ii l nnd <I ,\Ct- !" ..r.:..sing w".1ti tu day, " nl}' o" e Uuee bier 01 101 n tIIlC$. f" "'l'. 1101 cjllufurtsth em ngJIJlStIlihuln· l .... d!" . 4:4. "1here ulle bu<.ly , And to. Ilia wid" ",', IInly . 0 0, lion lIy 11,,,m the 11,,1)'GilVOl!, 3"d and vne :-piril, )'e arc o;alk J ill 0" 1:' ,\'0 '0 lifo lll!aln, nls" tll)ll 1) 1I'·ty III "" U,,,1'J hope uf )'''lIr <,: ;lII,nl/o" and tlli.4 bo,dy is lilt: 1 I I d tbe "'"t n,,r will h" ",,,,,,,pletl.TheOi he lm,. ks fllllltch ufCho f \\"hkh I I"i , ll e",<I .cl' !;OI .i n,.& 1 ' 1." d "0"",, 1o ''''8.y .ce , I ' I" . I . Icrth in prJy..r tIl Ih. jo ·athl:. or theuJ. w" 1:42: a",1 lktn" e,,"'3"" al t'l r.(i OUy bo d) lt6 . ha" " aIT"a,)y obser ved. nn,l theu eJuS<' l"" llh where, I t.:urithhin us t '2, 14 :21. A a nd h o i.)' te llIpl e, rur 1I" Yo .... ,. 1I. r" ;""l u,I",1' " " nil b" lIo:. · s "",1, ...... chure;. "a. c< .,ulunnd"d to all F l'tJm lind >lIck DOd Cr ee, ",·r\." til , .. f illtl they nlilba y be vue, b l><': lIk \hlt lhiull au \1 I." ""deC! jUI1'cti R>' thou, l' ..tltet, art ,n ,n<: . " '1.1 1 (u Ihce. lh lt I I"/.:e,h,,t in the "''' UOInJlII,;!,ele I, _ ... . ... h eale t.h thy .. "" .. ill•., '" ... ito u..t lll;l! til.: "'nrh.! Ihb .. bY 11-:> "'01 '"" ·T..rtr It"l\6 '0 ,.n l:1ettr' lh.S , llltly'lWltev,," liat t'hulllt ii':if ant iJeti5lil1Mt .. I ' ll Hi<l ue... Ullj( t. u u" 11e",, 1I",,; ... e see thaI IIle ullil,. between Ihe Fa. " f t.:hrin : ' 'l herefore if ull hav" Au d Ili" e ID)' O'ld 10" Ilt llillEl Iher aml the S<ln W3'f llcrf".:t, unit O l ' f ,r afld al! f<lllft.· heliev.,r", l1,ell Ih e mmd of Chri .t we'"5hall lJC \Itliled In lI is h Ml" k 'hp , iClttn , II .. lIuYe r to .. l,\ uaee, lell"e ask. lVh 1<1 ,1 ) "SII., ' l)raycr folr Hil>nl.... work f...r II ,,'ouhl lJe imi>ui.,ibl" lu h",'e JIL.. tfe . ans,", ere" ? II UIl! mind lUhl tben he " .... jJ"ll, wben he U<l Ho wer ue Hi.i ch ueub to l-I1m nlll I'el"r, I,)bn, "te" g...Icrth in A lid l,;: eL hellling ::rllc6. tho name vf thOli . helovcll m:tll"r leaching . ...nly on, doctrine i... b.,li"v,,_ 1\1. W AT&lltHt \' . ami ," o\ lIi" l: "f nil .ntlll? I $,/lUell."e$ wunder If we are nQt an "'Du lll' _____ ._ __ _ And a" Christ I'ra,.,,0.1 l.hlll Illey might>, h" innliun in the.:ll igltt "J G... d, 11nlllilltlld"uf 111" ...• Qne ,,'ilh Ilim, hew tu·day we are fCbIUUS,el::. iming tv be f..lIowe., ...( tht meek not in "'ne ltl",t her?" When ,ltd the (If je , ,,,, e rori,l hegin to>he ,Iivid"d and j,;:c nlle Sav.our lu",1 )et If) ,jivid"";11IIUU" on ", 'ne ur the .i:reil ",uu lhelr le ach. llnd I"aching. ing .,f Iii. ...... ,<11 When1 ':111 u:rOlc 10 the Chur-.:: h at Curinlh fh t v<: a re we ftre cOlnpelled to he tvlJ theme lhey were Cnrllllt, l",ea u.;.cIhn e u we eee the u i.lini state "f .,. . I I CO' h Ihe chnreb u".l",y, were 1l1ll"ull:t ) ., 01 M .l J t3. 1..101<III Ep;,e.,ianJ, 4:h char . II ,,'M "ut lhnt the "h",ch at Cormth exhtirlaU"" to unity IhOl. (", "CI'S<1 3 :, 1:: " <1 ",,.,r- di"idcJ in doctrine Il"C1I u;e j'anl nllJ "..wll..,>! iu\; ,,, ke" l" the ulIlty uflhOl Sl'itit In the I> ... "d nud.t.:epltu InU'ht' the lIhue dcet riue but the "f I',,:tce ." lllHeeching t hlrn t" " walk worth}': 1; "4 . . . .. Heluved "n,,;;, llTe we walking " 'WI ,th}' " f peolple Ivho>(... 11"' '''01'' them the wh"t"",i th l'e at" "ail ed? " lI a v" l.>c.:.o m., dividcd. T hey preferred cc,t"in OIlU "'e the meek and lowly ' p;,; t, I'aul .peak,. or on 1I(lW1I1 1l uf differ,,"t g flj . It Is .h. h" n'1n nK ill the 20<1ver;;e? , . . t.. lJvd tu ha"" Iii. fullowe\':< ' " cut up in fael. If not. cal<"'I; be II UUlt f.., Oms: .... ,tho ut . . . lhal forucnr.:tn<:e": l,j,d "' Ilh lov., luns, ",hculb" re iii ouly vile (nullly Ul hell"cll foJ r "'I " alltlthe . , ever. as lU"ed lISand nm! in eanb , E: phcsians 3: t4"5 ' M"y Ihe him-;elf I" t ... ? \\'e " "I Lo e willing to dca, Lord 0llell Ille b:illu.,d "p:liur tne 1Jburcn d<l" nrtbin j,;: Cltti,;!'" n" el ·' l'i.l we all luJ ay,l hM tbey '1\:1. 1 see that Je'll s i.. the O->llI e ", Ille UOltyof tlte r"" ,th.ami of lite IInow- ledg" of thc So. )" <.of t.it>tJ.IItlll) a perfeci !W. .ue jC$I",day , tt>tJ llYan" f",cvetmore. 1.<: 1 uut...the "''':>.:I lIr" ort be (If tlte t'ach one to be of the ",i",J lbal is in \·et.ll t3· . . . Cltrj' t Je.•u" :l.n" oncne;i>lvr u"lly nf Christ- Whc l\ ll11th e rom e "ne "ill full" "" tultethet iu the "lIn"y "f lanh, ' her" sp<)keu. . _. . of <to:,.h:.. ll m decd :lud In tfllth be " Ill "I Muy the 1f" ly :Slum guIde us to our duty 1\ "per/-..t lM Il" h ""lul:: th" ...t "U'It U In 11. 11Ibing •. of " I1Jen shaU Iht: wurlLlknow tha t M:l. 1 God thtJlI: f.,w lines to Ihe futh· T h,' u h;u;1 5"" 1 nle." . I II' k' I h II . \\' hM are we d "ing to.,lny to hrinr, abuut enng " Ii "m ere ""'." ,IS fUy thi< "." ,\ re WC{'Tal';":,!:f.., our IJra1" r.- ::< IItJl. 1) , UI:svul F...... J

Healing Grace. Wrd~ '0 U' llh'~tcupandcross.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1902_01.pdf · lom e tim e to lIof, l" tn lo me spe c!..1 for t hZII min ion wor k. While" '1;1 blu e Ilw.Qthe

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Page 1: Healing Grace. Wrd~ '0 U' llh'~tcupandcross.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1902_01.pdf · lom e tim e to lIof, l" tn lo me spe c!..1 for t hZII min ion wor k. While" '1;1 blu e Ilw.Qthe

VO L. I I. NO .1.

Healing Grace.

One ness .OrTheUoity ofBelievers.

Wrn :>l Chri~t w;'l~ here upo n ear ' }I. t t eta"Rht 11th! Iii , fvn" ",,,,.,, shcurd beone ;11H im. When lJ e An" Ihe t' :l.lher

~ ..:r"nle.1 1I1Il n. he WtU nlade III Iii. i lIl') nlte.ll nd wholt"n 'r 11;$ will Wa5 con '

ce,n ing His pe<lple In regaru to untty whil" l Iewas teaching His di~,ple5 011"llrtlt, we ue­lie"e it h~ never clt:..ug . l!; hut IIe I~ ju. 1 tbeS3me te day,

Goo., Word pll1.inly teaches Ihat Jes"-'lChrb l aud tb a Fath" , an: line . Who, arte rt hey h""e read Cli ri~t" i<llerc"..iOO'r pr:lyer iuJ «hn, 111h ehul) I could doultt the onen "St ofCltri. t :l.nd Ihe f alhe r.

i ll thai memorable p':ly er,- 5ut; Il l' pa)' sin ll iH .wn hel,alf . vern ' 1- 5. IIi ;; re.."t lll."ment into gll,r)', and dec1aru Ihnt to koowG t>tJand JC8\U U"i~1 Is lif" cnernu~

Second; Il~ pt ..)·, 4>r the dbc.lples, 6- 19,e' l' r", I"K l l ' - W,llj ·u I.· r I' Ih· n,. ~",j "I~ ~, l..·...r hoi, .,. " eh "u:'" , :o"J ... ... I ~... ~, . r.•:I1.•,

th"'l lhe yma)' ,,~compli~h l h e "'urk l ie ",nt(u~u l>rl)' h "r~ nn,l >i~l<:'" in Cl>ri-I who ,10 nOI ~elI

Iii them , the Irull! in ll j.., W"rd~ If ,,·.I, lei U ' llh '~t

u ., tl)' ; l ie rr.\Y~ (vt ,,/1believers th r(>u~h · humbly be"" "d, ,'ur "'0"t" ~h",. them Ihehi . ' 03:1l." US r." T" o lllQ•• 'a I.l( lt! 1.II .Mkl"lI" (l ilt th" cu" ,i"g llge~, v"r~e :lO. nN,," bH I.i ~ hl ..." III. Wvrd , In such II wlIYn lu ccn -

pt"y ' J r..r lh,,~f ttl""e , hUI f",r th"ltl al~, "~, lIce II", ,,, uf it.:5 tr uth, V,,""th" ey~ orth."1r

Wno oc a le l " t.h y d l sea~e ll , " which dn .lI "diev . un "'" Il,rugh their w" .J ," under~;:utuin l: tnall h"y ", ay "k "" ,," G·...t...~ , Such i~ lI i ~ l lv lllll "' ·u rd. U"a r "" e5i " t..:h,i.,t, "aUb.,li"""t~" Inelul!u tl1m Ihey Ill"y Il<: -renew ed in the ~plrit " f

Ho w d...,El I d lebe ftev e H im , yuu and me. l .et us Iwk had . thrvu;;::hn thOll< ruin,I," ",n.1h" llis f" lIuwOlr.' au<ln..t be~ I'll t r l1<!t my I\ld ulo(I,o l'd , '· ,~b of u"a, ly two Ihv"""n d )'~a rs ;01to ,hM f"J1"wu~ afte r Iht IMug,uf th ~ Wt·r!,1"r OIi\IIOIr

,; upye r "h 'i/lill<:r where fe~\I~ had gathe.ed wuh at l.,r dellOlUlOlllli,mali.ull...." d " ;;roe"c n...t th e. ' Who he l' l e ~h t h y d i d e l:hO~ ,·l I lt~ discilllc, f...r th.: la,t tim..., tQ ellt the pas~. 11.,ly :-.pirit of O<ld, wj.l'felly ye 'lI1" sealed

T hla Ho ul.'ree'; t.o do, OHr with Ihem ll nu whe•e l l c ibllt utc,J O'e lInlO Ihe da)' uf r.:,k lll" ltlin" e " h")i ,,u" 4:3 6.A nd If I t.un belie ve 111m . l ....r.1.' SlIl)p.lr. l r l .b ri~lmn~ nrc aU one r~miJy in h""ve n

H ell l <lo ul uud bo d y 100 . t el u~ h~l ..n tt> l l i~ comf" rlmg ,,"ord~ to nntl earth, ~urt: l)' lJt>tl IS n" l l ,lca,;c,lt" oce 50them Ill' l ie Is $0 ~wn t... leave them :1.1'Jno;in much Il i n~i"ll aIU"" 1lU' , as l~ Ihe way of tbe

" '1' 116 l :otI u l 1111C0 11lpll.U lfl ll . " tl 'e ,,',,11,1 to ca•• y <'lnt I Ii l 1001Idl ; "II~ nnd <I,\Ct- !" ..r.:..sing w".1ti tu day, ~h ,ist. hu " nl}' o" eU uee t.o oeb~d tb ~ bier 01 ~101n tIIlC$. f" "'l' . 1101cjllufurtsth em ngJIJlStIl ihuln · l....d!". El'h c~inn, 4 : 4. " 1here l~ ulle bu<.ly,A nd to . Ili a w id " ",', IInly . 0 0, lion lIy Jl rvmi~in~ 11,,,m the 11,,1)' GilVOl!,3"d and vne :-piril, t:~"n 1l ~ )'e arc o;alk J ill 0" 1:'

,\'0 ' 0 ~o l ifo lll!a ln, nls" "'~ure" t h~ ,n tll)ll 1) 1I'·ty III II j ~ "" U,,,1'J hope uf )'''lIr <,:;lII,nl/o" and tlli.4 bo,dy is lilt:

1 I I d tbe "'"t n,,r will h" ",,,,,,,pletl.TheOi he lm,. ks fllllltch ufCho f \\"hkh I I"i , ll e",<I.cl' !;OI.i n,.&'Ilk~ 1'1." d "0 " ",, 1o''''8.y .c e , I ' I " . I .Icrth in prJy..r tIl Ih. jo·at hl:. or theuJ. 1I.~ w" 1:42: a", 1l"~ lktn" e,,"'3"" al (;nn~Il;l I . ;l.

t'l r.(i l e ~ OUybo d) lt6 . ha" " aIT"a,)y obser ved. nn,l theu eJuS<'l"" llh ~ vet\' where, I t.:urithhin us t ' 2, 14 :21.A ll :"~U a nd ho i.)' te llIpl e, pr~1e r rur 1I" Yo.... ,. 1I.r" ;""l u,I",1 ' " " nil b" lIo:.· l l~ s "" ,1, ......chure;. " a. c<.,ulunnd"d to all

F l'tJm ~1 1l lind >lIck DOd Cr ee, ",·r\. " \,,,~ til , .. f illtl they nlilba y be vue, bl><':lIk \hlt ~:cue lh iull au \1 I." ""deC!jUI1'ctiR>' th ou, l' ..tltet, art ,n ,n<:. " '1.1 1 (u Ihce. lh lt I I"/.:e,h,,t in the "''' UOInJlII,;!,ele I, c..f; nlbia,,~

• _ ... . ...,(.V ~l) h eale t.h t hy ,d l~~c",';·,'.' .. "" .. ~hey. ill•., '" , J'~ ...1'I ~ i to u..t l ll;l! t il.: "' nrh.! t~,:.)S~\" Ihb I",il '~ Ri\'~" ,~..bY11-:>"'01 '""·T..rtr It"l\6 '0 ,.n l:1e ttr' lh .S , llltly'lWltev,," liat t'hulllt ii':if~cn , ant iJeti5lil1Mt i7l~,":l..'!ml1~U;'''t

I ' ll t:l i,; ~ Hi<l ue...Ullj( t.uu" 11e ",,, 1I",,; ...e see thaI IIle ullil,. between Ihe Fa. " f t.:hrin : ' 'l herefore if t;L ri~li;l u~ ull hav"Au d Ili" e ID)' O'ld 10 " Ilt llillEl Iher aml the S<ln W3'f llcrf".:t, unit )e~u.'l'rllY~

O l ' f ,r b, ~ 1l1),1~t lcs a fld al! f<llllft.· heliev.,r", l1,e ll Ihe mmd of Chri.t we'"5hall lJC \Itliled In lI ish Ml" k ~ b tll!l·U, t. 'hp , iClttn ,II .. lIuYe r to ..~ l,\ ua ee , lell"e ask. lVh 1<1,1) "SII.,' l)raycr folr H il>nl....~ work f...r II ,,'ouhl lJe imi>ui., ibl" lu h",'e JIL..

tfe . ans,",ere" ? ~erlll'"ly II w,,~ UIl! mind lUhl tbe n he " ....jJ "ll, wben he j,;:~" e U<lH o we r ue H i.i ch ueub to p~o"O l-I1m nlll I'el "r, I,)bn, Si la~. I' ~ ul. "te" g... Icrth inA lid l,;:eL 1 1 1 ~ he llli ng :: r llc6 . tho name vf thOli. helovcll m:tlll" r leaching . ...nly on, doctrine i ...b.,li"v,,_

1\1. W AT&lltHt\' . lJ~pli ti" l: ami ," o\lIi" l: cl i,cil 'i..:~ " f nil .ntlll? I $,/lUell ."e$ wund er If we ar e nQt an "'Dulll'_____ ._ __ _ A nd a" Christ I'ra,.,,0.1l.hlll Illey might>,h" innliun in the.:lligltt "J G...d , 11nlllilltlld"uf 111"...•

Qne ,,'i lh Ilim, hew .~ rllh~t tu ·day we are fCbIUUS, el::.iming tv be f..lIowe., ...( tht mee knot in u" l.:ll< n ~lth "'ne ltl",t her?" When ,ltdthe ch u r~h (If je , ,,,, e rori,l hegin to>he ,Iivid"d and j,;:cnlle Sav.our lu",1)et If) ,jivid""; 11IIUU"on ", 'ne ur the .i:reil th r" , h ~ ",uu lhelr le ach. llnd I"aching. ~ing .,f I i i. ......,<11 When1 ':1111u:rOlc 10 the Chur-.::h at Curinlh

fh t v<: are que<;tion~ we ftre cOlnpelled to he tvlJ theme lhey were Cnrllllt, l",ea u.;.cIhn ell~k "uhl: l ve~ u we eee the u i. l ini state " f .,. . I I CO ' hIhe chn reb u".l",y, were u ' ~ '.IUU ~ 1l1ll"ull:t ) ., 01 M .l ~:.n . J t3.

1..101<III Ep;,e.,ianJ, 4:h char . l le ~ r P~u l \~ II ,,'M " ut lhnt the "h",ch at Cormth ,,'a~

exhtirlaU"" to unity IhOl.(", "CI'S<13 :, 1::" <1",,.,r- d i"idcJ in doctr ine Il"C1Iu;e j'anl nllJ "..wll..,>!iu\; ,,, ke" l" the ulIlty uflhOl Sl'i tit In the I>..."d nud.t.:epltu InU'h t' the lIhue dcet riue but the" f I',,:tce ." lllHeeching thlrn t" " walk worth}': 1; "4. . . ..

Heluved " n,,;;, llTe we walking " 'WI,th}' " f peolple Ivho>(...11"''''01'' them In~t"ad cr \.;h r.~tthe ~ucali"" wh"t"",i th l'e at" "ailed? " lI av" l.>c.:.om., dividcd. T hey prefe rred cc,t" in OIlU"'e the meek and lowly ' p ;,; t, I'aul .peak,. or on 1I(lW1I1 1l uf differ,,"t g flj . It Is .h. h" n'1n nKill the 20<1ver;;e? , . . t .. lJvd tu ha"" Iii. fullowe\':<' " cut up in fael.

If not. cal<"'I;be II UUlt f.., O m s: ....,tho ut . . .lhal forucnr.:tn<:e":l,j,d l"ll\; .~llt fe';ng, "' Ilh lov., luns, ",hculb" re iii ouly vile (null ly Ul hell"cllfoJr "'I " a lltlthe . , ever. as Ch"~1 lU"ed lISand nm! in eanb , E:phcsians 3 : t4 "5 ' M"y Ihej,;:~ "e him-;elf I" t .... ? ~h,lll \\'e " "I Loe willing to dca , Lord 0llell Ille b :illu.,d "p:liur tne 1Jburcnd<l" nrtbin j,;: ~oIr Cltti ,;!'" n" el ·' l'i.l we all luJ ay,l hM tbey '1\:1.1 see that Je 'll s i.. theO->llIe ", Ille UOltyof tlte r"",th.ami of lite IInow-ledg" of thc So.)" <.oft.it>tJ.IItlll) a perfeci m~n . !W..ue jC$I",day , tt>tJllY an" f" ,cvetmore. 1.<:1uut... the "' '' :>.:IlIr" ort be ~ta.ture (If t lte fllll ne~~ t'a ch one ~lri "e to be of the ",i" ,J lbal is inurt.:"ri~\." \·et .ll t3 · . . . Cltrj' t Je.•u" :l.n" oncne;i>lvr u"lly nf Christ­

Whc l\ ll11th e Il~fe~l ng ~tISt l:l.n. rom e l.1 u . lh~t "ne "ill full" ""tultet het iu the " lIn" y " f lan h, ' her" sp<)keu. . _ . .of <to:,.h:..ll m decd :lud In tfllth be " Ill "I Muy the 1f" ly :Slum guIde us to our dutyC"ri~t, 1\ "per/-..t lM Il" h""lul:: th" ...t "U'ItU In 11.11Ibing •.of (hri ~I." " I1Jen shaU Iht: wurlLlknow tha t M:l.1 God ble~ thtJlI: f.,w lines to Ihe futh ·T h,' u h;u;15"" 1 nle." . I II ' k' I h II .

\\' hM are we d"ing to.,lny to hrinr, abuut en ng " Ii "'G~ " m ere o~ ""'." , IS fUythi< "." ,. ,, ~ ,\ re WC{'Tal' ;" :,!:f.., Ih<l~l' u r our IJra1" r.- ::<IItJl. ~L 1) , ~ltt.Ulo t< l), UI:svul F......J

Page 2: Healing Grace. Wrd~ '0 U' llh'~tcupandcross.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1902_01.pdf · lom e tim e to lIof, l" tn lo me spe c!..1 for t hZII min ion wor k. While" '1;1 blu e Ilw.Qthe


Pr " y roe t h o peac e o f J 6f'u u lem

· ·T he.\, e b ...l! p r oa p e r Ib o.l 10\'0 Ihee-. "

]' • . 1'12 : 6.

" For Z io n' , , ali I' wlll I nOI h old my

1I0 a (:lI , and for ,Je ruR ale ro' ll Bak e {

will 1101 re.~ , u e ut rb e r lg h leo liBuellllo

t !lf r eof )(u fu r t b ItS brh; hl neU a nd t b ...

.n lvlli lun Ih or eo t III Il l i m p Ih lll buen­o l h" J' lI' fi2 : I.

W e huv e hiW a R'ro wlnll du lre for

lom e t im e t o lIof, l" tn lo me spe c! ..1for t hZII m in ion wor k.

W h ile " ' 1;1 b lu e Ilw.Qt h e lo ..e for J e ·

r u . ...Iem In cu r hearl for seve ee l ye a ,..

Illid boe n m uch lo te r e .ted 10 h a ve il

ra ll ored 10 God , ' e boilell peo ple , }' Iltwef eol 1I0 W to be " lll to Rho w uuelnte r­ell by 1a k lll£ . u aUl . 0Ih ·6 pa rt In mls­Ilio n wo r ll ther e .

W e w !ih to ' lar l I. fuod to a id t h llt h e m l n !on ...or k I.... ..... fin" I,h" r ..r"p"L1 JII.k l r~ •.. 'u...~"", r . l. o.;.o " .. ,, _ t IL..:.Ja



Til t>:half barre l from the Miun Schoo l.U ht:rlY I·.. i. it . I ll . eame 10 h;>lId. ... d in it.....~ ('>lind m;>lIy good IbinC"-

T be li rlk buy. An h r, "'bo .. criIic:.-d hisbi ll. lUId I>ouI:I 10 Wild Ihem ~.e lu fDl,ke<>11. child. en hsl'M' i.. 'In eu mple .. orihy o r

nute "'1.. 1 many older peopk: lruliid d<l"e ll 10

fal !.>w hb ..,.lImpl.. in Ir)'lIlg 10 makc Olbe N

1oal'PY':,i.l ..r ""f'C' tlu u ..eJ "..-or d of COlflmeDd.

. IWnfUl'he. g ift.Mr. t: t )h..k~ or t':"I ...lld •• me, II.... 'lI.n

i l ll•e deal" •• has vr ry tuu.:h n,i~ted ..~ I<yr.tIpl,ly,ng ..~ ",it ll ... In ("r Ihe ioChool clllM·reno

I .... he...t.!-It" ' • ...tu-.- ' nfann ~_menl ..r the b... .rtl. menlion lOIU mad" " f IIde~i r" fur I. ;; .. od "hri .tD n mall h, take chu ;:e••f the (.' rm .. " rk Q( (1.>1. Se 1e.... Le I IL' "IIr n.Ylh31 Ihe .i~hll"an nlay he ....nr, Ihat the!;o:heer famIly DIlly have lhe de. ire of th . irheart...

I le u ;' l. ' or ' n lh~ hon~ an" I ...ilI ' ,",0... you.'I la.ill Ihe tuble dO"'n and lifted up the lidI nd II few tee ve ilb il. in a ea.e le~ "·a)'.hard ly kn owin;: here 10 lvok , lind m)' cye~re. led on I. ver se . 1 the vcry boll o lll " f Iheboxll: . " d il wu IInder my ;hllmb lllld I said..' Thank )' 011 Falhe r ' I w~,,1 10 wI,I.k lind mad eil . nd ...i11K nd it to y....., 10••.\;>)' ." Jas . I : 9·

(Tbi5 Dleal' ge coming I., il did. llt " limeof gr eat per l'lexilY u nl deel' tril l. Ca" e Il$

milch ern:uuu ,lr:Cm..nl ]

~ubo<crihe f.'Of~S'l.ms .n.' FOlI;~"I!IU ell ~1l~ptioM fon'one dullar.

RE CE .'"TLY I dellf mothe' in THul . H Tyk;"<lI)' Icnl us • mot to ill I;>'gl wllile leue rs,conl aillin£ Ihese ",,,.. Is_

Motto .


In the lette r se nl "'jlb Ibe mollOwUe tbe selr"n1~ : " 1a.k.td (J o,odon Ihl 'l"b lloo ay 10 h..lpy OIl pe"))le in Ihe "'0. 1.. lbin I sel d<.l"' ll atmy de!lk ( 0) make. tn l 10sen ,l )"lI1Ilind I 'I. IOUI three ~IlUI anJ il .....$ goi"g to be 'inMollut Zion there ~h;>ll be del i.-c:.e nce· .ndand Ibe 1'1011 G t.o.t ~poLe 10 my nli"d orb eart and ....id. ' Why Mount Zi<lnllio n il lnIhe dislance yel. the scboo,ol hou~ isn'l buill.'I "",i,,, ' Well t ·. lbn . what "'e rst: ""ilI rOIl b,....eA>e make f ~r ~h . ..nd )In . To.. lm.....ll , . _,..1

Th,,"k, to the <lear '.i en,l. In Ohi(/. whok ill u the dT... ing lllld tl id IWIins.m the nameTh e IMd ..'Ill . (...-:o..d .lIe h II freehU lled .civeT

y" ... Ihe lIarpc. '''' 11. 7.ion:· ... he in·lCTihcd ,,"ocrIhe ,J..-.,. ...l t be "\!iodin!/: $ 7..00 .

' ''.g ,'n . . . . ...•. 101.00 .

Shi" . lu .. . .. . I.no.K,bl.. . . .;0.Cook ~lo"e , ... . ' .00 .

A ~I >ccial Fun.l . "' ....Ic-J by Ihe . i ..ler ...ho ~nl Ihe g ,M <1,,'la •• whiehwu a i!.fl frum her depariN m.)IJlO:<."e wili <;.III i t thc" CoIil Dvlb . t' und 1.00.

l!i 'll .We see no oth er ..'ay hut to p .ClS on anll

abid e God's lime fc~ lhe orp han hOUiC, 1I1,,1IrWil ll hn f<Jrall tb iug neeMII.1.

We Wl n t 10 (,frer I. lrlbu' e of prlli;eeIn Codfo,lfII i, IlIppo .t . ;>n<!II word nf Ihinh 10 0U (

man.. friend~ ...ho ar e!OO~"I l y interested Inour ;'·sl.f :lJ"e. All CI. I')' 10 U....l . help i~ c~minc·

We wish In ~k eee frieuits 10 Lindly help'II' U leRd the circ ul:llloon of " Sill/ !SOIS',I Fox" ,.n u gi..e '" }'ou~ "i ll d llrinl( Ihe )'ear 190 3.

fin all1. l>ud h!eH YOIla ll .nd lDay 'n c....i. mercy and pu .ce be .nlllllplicdl DfOCIall• • men.


PO.BLlsuml )fO'l"TW.Y• - ,By A. J . 'IO MLlN SpN .

~\d cl ra" " AllOOIUn\Ullica tim.:5 toS.lYSO?,\S'}fOX£ S,

Clllhlm ()n, N . C.

O '\E f elf hu I"" ~,I tw sinee (be h 'nh ofIhe liu le _ "'''Ic e CIlll "~lMOn·. FJ H ,"The pu.blic::aliun o f whkh ...~. a rea l ,.",olll..e

orbith .We e<>ll'rnc lltlKl ""'; Iing !tIe CotIT f", .he

finol i~\le ...ithoul '" penn,..r.....e th e nc,w;c .1Upe1l~.

The l!I..l><.;np l;on !",i«- ...u made very low,1'" 1 G...I h:u "Cen lie '11' 0111:11.

We wci t e n i!;W-PI'T'lI'tI!;I'Je'e'~~r u ur ­i,,!:: the ye:u. re ' 11K !I ' ,. t riplon price re­main.t the ll:lmt . J at the bellining.

Tr ue, we m;l~d Ihe i" ues., r Oct. and NO't'••but we e.~tt 10 •• ld ,....<) mUnLh ~ 10 e "u r~uh",,';bc r. ' h,,, Rl3kini::oUlltlc Iull time .

We have mel wi'h ".ricd ullcrje ll e(~, Irial,ant! hl(~ing. durinllih e rea r . We bave re­ce;"ed m '. e Inan fivc_ hum' .ttl ~unlCriJ,t"M

- m" Ie m~ny f.ientl~ In d. no (loul" . II frtwenell,ie'l. )l auy IClleroof ell<;oIlTIgrtme nl. wilhwords ,.f IHl i,rt ' ur rhe Ilarc r havrt f" lInd thdr"'~y to \lUTt1dk .

We apprecu le Ihe kind ness of :Ill ou.fr ien rl ~. and while yOllhave ~ , hle..~edly . 1f)(M1Mood loy us a"d /:i"1;1l\Ill )'UIIT~1I l'j>o r l fi.m "ltlhr: fl"' yea•• we h" llrt we will nul have 10eeu e ollr friend,ti ll and AC'lli lOinle n<;c I.y YUli'neg l..Cl tv ren ew your ~ ulo.c.i pl i,J nt U lheye" l' m: ,tll.i" J: Ihe yeH .

GV<lgive>'.,..hle".:e. loy II i . spi. ;1 lrId pl u' "idt n<>e.>.lh"" ,,,. 'He in " ivine o.der.

1\ l:ruge 1I1111,be. uf blh lc1<,In l:llnenl$ lindolh.-r . c:.. li"C' m.>.ner. lind w nlt cluthrtl h,.....been <;i,c u:alcd IlIr......e;hu ll.l Ihii muunlllin reogi"n

The peopl e bave, gen er.aUy, lhow n Iheir apl,rect:llJ" " lIf Ihe " (OM uf Gutl.l nd III weInlni:1ed ...,Ih Ihrtm Ihey hue . b" .. n UJ tuuchkindnel<• • n ,l h" "l,itl hly.

Oi>r-.:110..1 i, incrr:a..ing in n llmbe., and wehi Ve ".,"'Ie l u",~r ' eJluy fu. Ibe hllild i0i: .... "ne_ ...huu l h•.uw.

We are adva"Cing 5!o)",lybut. " 'e lnh t. surely. Cod:ii ..-ilh .. and ,,'e allll t be f;>IIMIII 10

En t ered at t h e Po s t Off ic e a tC u tb er-s on . N , C ., as se c ondclas s m a tt e r .

Page 3: Healing Grace. Wrd~ '0 U' llh'~tcupandcross.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1902_01.pdf · lom e tim e to lIof, l" tn lo me spe c!..1 for t hZII min ion wor k. While" '1;1 blu e Ilw.Qthe

flAr E ""II hei Td. h:lee Y<lU hu" l <If lhat- ' ll'.·br;ghl clill''' .

Undhnn,,:d I,>,."'rQW,ullb"rt by l'me?Wh~ re . ge hath II.., ........~r ,,'e-f the (. de-1ell,

fr~n ,r.

Wh~ . e- the er e i. fire. i " d Ihe-heRrt i .. (bnll: ,11:\, .. yvu hurd ,,( Ihal , un·b, ig !ll <:i tn"'~A r;' r r of \' Al ~ r llu,h U til".",' ,\Ii,l fl" ""er,, <I( 11tl"111', m all,ll:ety (air,And a Ih"u. , ,,(1 \¥onga . . .. h<)~ "" i Jlg ,,'e r'I he dllUl i"l: "a"e~ ~n,l l he I:"IJ ",n ~h"l e.TJl ~ 1 ~ f" Moen III Ihnt "IIn.lm ghl clim".Milli ," ' .,f " ,.m~. all cl"' he'l ;11I!~ht ,In j;;.u m" " IJ of h~ll U ly. cleM a.,, 1"hll e ,T heY' lweU ,n .he;r own ;mm"m l IH,..·.,u' .\Iid r. tld e"" hU<:li" f C""I1II<;loSn" "" r.Tba t bl.......m ill .h..l ~ ull ."rl_ ht ",lin..".":u halh nv. hurd • • 11,1 to1" hat h n,,1 ~..en1 ho,:ir ' '''e11ing ......nl:. "TIbdr ch. ngel"......hu n;T h.." en' ;I;M a, e ...aving aull baune . ..u "(lId euO'u Jbl ler .... l~ till" ga'e .....( 1"'":.. 1Th aI ~re- Ii"e.! i ll lh. 1 . lIn bn J:ht "h....e-.lIul (.Ir, (.u .,...yi.. lha l nn· brig hl elina.UnJi",m~ 110y a r N W , UDlrltrl. bl li", ~.

Wh..n a ,,,i,l.tllh i,,)t, . (ltal a re f. I•• b eiven1 be hume u( ..f .h., •• ,·..11, and ib =.me ;a

It" . ...." ,Th e name vf In- I , un.br l he ch lOe.

1"0'1~-Th e ahove -' K if lroo' " Son,. cf......l ....Y .nll v ladnC5': ' pub lbh ed by Jh .H .b .. c.;erill;tnl......u. ICJlh. Prl" IS <;em· .

By J e s . H . Ead s .

A f ew'Ihoughts,

(T be abov e !lIve s 1,1" mu ch eecc ura z eme n ~ to pre uo n. We " PVN c l:t.ta me _·tflIlo10_ Irum .u r fd e nda_ Ed . )

SAMSON'S FOXES-011.. Leed J e s ul Chrl ,t , 1' h e re l" ..o m,be l" ved br6 ~b r«n, be )'e " t e lld ra st, u n­mc va bte , ",Iwll.y " abOll. d luli' In thework u r ~he Lcrd , Ic eas n mc h &i yo!k now t hll." yo u.. la bo r i_ not In ve tn Int he Lord ."

We ..e me t e yo u ... 10 love .M "'TT I ~ K £t toC)I .

Jo: to\' .l G,U ,S CE.

Pr a l, e th e l..or d lor b II me ..cy e o­d u ..etb (ore" e r .

"S Ut' FER lill ie c:hilJ rento CO"lUeu" a., ree,an,1f 'mid Ihem n"t : fur ur . ltch i" ureki"gd "n, ..r (;od."

A. we aee IIlltch inleresrell in Ihe wel' r~ ",

o( Ihe e:h ildJ"n, we w;tn. 1« d"YOlr , . t lea.l,one ctTlIJ1:InIt< tbe I" inl;o>: ,, ( i hun l~le-I "

f ....n " , . liule frir nd..We h"1>Cthe I.u"nl~, ....booread .hii:. .. ilI

encc....ate .heir chi <I " h l " -I Il.- , anf! in Ihl_~".,. .I hc htlLe« lies '" iI , OOI:I'e n...,....,a~u:un ' .

",I " ilh e'>Ch"'h n, and ;1 IlUl . :Uw. ,,,,,.11,,_....:utl .hd r boc~""lllla: aa"n LJ.Ie-.Qte.! in 'li is'l ioll Wutl<.

We .. !..b ,... IlI.K-clhi,< <lrpaftmf'nt ;n II.ee:tr" <-fU\t. Inl le:)tit l. ·· I la ky ."

Ib lcy w:t$ b..rll in Indi:ona. March IS 1891She ... 1, b~ ftllKh pl"a-ell t,., ~ar f••on! he(Ii r'e (rie lHI. o( ""' ni di . Ad"r n l her 11._

T be Lord 10\'o! ~b a cbee rful rh 'e r. lIak:1-":')a_Il'~ .....u:e.l.Ca' I"f$On. N. C

lI u w l:'", llt t h e 10..e tb.~ tied hila lI ~a r Link h ie-n<!l1- 1 11'1 .,n l,.,. litt le « it!ba l I .....1:. 1o do .o.lIe-ll.inll; fin leAt., a", 1pa.

bel\.O.-ed u oo n u . b)' lif ti ng u. up a nll p. has R" 'e-n 1I_'a"I"'~ llI lhe 1111,(",,,,,,,,,,,,,",10 ld lDk U. IQ Iii . a ..m l . ICer, n:tl: ,n ••,n' . ~'''le~:' r·",e-IIrrC'lif'lmdencc .

WI' VII'" Iry'I" '"U e-it inler,,_ltn;:-.lud pr..,(.Til e m an ...h o liay.-. " Lo ok a t t he it. v!". UII. ~;ml tt" t."I:Il.l&;:" u ,1'''~lilQ'''' 1V-,

chu rob me m bee , I am lIoa Rocd .. he. " t d liq : .1.0,,1 ne 10. .. ,, ( Jc>'lI.': abuul "" rh..!<,~ .... ..eh ....1 ,,'or\; a.>(I ;~m"",- 'n~ y be lhe

I. " ,po n" te ..- a pee r- tlll:tr.rnple W "'UII' of l"" eMnl Ihe- hUll ( MIme-.....y•f...1J..."'.,~__ ~_- 7.'''~.~'~'~,~,~-•.•..., ~• •nll .,~IO'. f"NPI...

• lII' t nen, " .\"ll . fbi :'" ettffit h. 1I la dYou btl ..e a r1l!'M to belon~ to a .., t he-m."

d e nolllio .. l lon l b lt" ,' 011 c boolJo , I.u~ LIlI'e bo"lr nd lirtle air!. lei 11< h O'~ r (r<w 'y"U,.1,00,111, ,"" l no"·1.,,gO'ttl )""U"- Ihe 1"1,,• •

)'''' u 1l1l."0l.no r1l!h t to d l.o be , Gud 10 rw r lilll("br"rl..... alld .lM.,t~, )'<lU' K b......I~•.. nI or t hem. h.......l ~ e-1Jl. r UUT. f ,r Ch,l~t,-lI"'lC'(.

You , Iw o id be a br illht an d ehi ol ngli~h t to yOllr cuu r-cb u nLi to tho~e

.... o u lul yn u ,

It I ~ Q (t ~ th e ne me 0 1 rh e ' h l p th lltb r it' ", ooe Irll rOl.tU V"n . bu ~ t ho 811\1'J ~ I" ou~ t h e nam e ' o f th e I,lh uf ob 10wbl l,lb r0tl li ve t h ll ~ br lnJ(lI )'uu "",11$t tl

I:lo"y I.u t t he ch u, c n .

It III not ~ be eil lp t h" t wo re ly onlor A.rll ty bu t ~he m M lllr o r t h" ..h iI' .T h t>~h lv lnll.y be go od yet ~ b e 1l1ll.IILllr..,vll .

I f the mU le r o f lhe cb u ..ch o f Ch rl lr ~

a od t he ch ur ch ilJ Ilood l lto lt why• b ou ld we ' tM r to sMIl uud e r htl r b " oner itO mlltt e r whllt Olu n e ..be IOlI.y Ult·

lur l .

h Ie a ve ry l elilah po r 80 n, Jlld eed' bu t b lltk t b e )' a rll bet ler t lt. o a oyo~her pen on• .

W h~1l a m a lt na od' up (or oll ~ w erd

. how 10 o rd e r t o plea ile t he worl d, h eII In I~ague wit h ~ be dev il , lI.od b llI.....rt I ~ ... blNck . ! ni !;b t .

Weat tle ld , Ind. De c 16 190 1.

T o ou r d ea r S', t",r In Ch rl t t :

h i t -wIth ph:lt ore we eodc-II\'o r 10

a " , . e r Ib y good teue e, .. r ltt e n to ou rMil h mar) ' So c !• •,.. We ....er. , gt ha nk ful for it . fo r It • • , qu lto . n flO·co Irll2:"me Ot ~o DlI , an d W 6 tr u~~ W~

will be a bl fl W ... , .o me t h lo jf t h at wi Ie ncourage you lO pr e.-, o nwll.rd In lh o

....jwli.-of the l.o r d . WI. .d In o ur

l a~ t mee ue e anJ I 0 U ....e re re me mb,';r­Old 10 o ur l)r • .l'tl r ~.

I-: ll tt 1~. l le . I. o ur Su oda y ~ehnol

, u I,ernt e ndant now r , h e te e m. t o buve ry m uch In1.t:re U ed 10 th e wor k .

W., ml~ . VOll io o u r S. S. ae " ell III10 o u r mce~ln ::, . , bn ~ wh en we t h i nk

(I f t he lro l)fl yOIl ar e d u lni we a reg illd vee nev e bee n called to les ve III. nd wo s-k10 t h e vln e)' a rd or o ur Kine".

S o o fle n, wh e n we elnl! lh e eo o l!:." Ther~" no t a fr ie nd 1Iko t ho lo wly.le$ulI,' · we th in k 0 1 1I ~ 1 ..'y an d reot,"e m ber h ow . :JtJ uf ed to s lnll' h . J)oP' ~

eh e t~ lIl l i ng it lInd r ee ll :te th e t r ut h

0 1 tho t wea t worOll , tha~ Ih tlr e" fl n ~ 11.0h o ur l hll t li e ill not wit h III no nlKh ~

t o d. r k bu~ II I. lo \'e ottn ch lte r UlI?l' ra l, e His d ea r n~lD it ,

Our , oc1tlLJ hili uo nlJ qU I~e a g oodde~1 01 wor k Lili. win te r ma kln r qui ll •.

T ho II'la o.l(; h ri. LlDl\i dil.)' 1 ....111 .oo n

be he r e a \tHin.0111' .AUlIlie ry wou ld iNl f' t e. ('h

me lDbe r of yOllr ra m ll , 00 thl ll h.p pyoc ca l lo D. aud mOil heart llJ w i~b e llc l1oDe II. me r r y Ch rl ..~Ul .' .

May f OU \rutt 111m Im pli ell: y. l. ou rde, ire lor fOU all . l' le .. e r e ad 1 Co r ,1.1; 61. .~ ~ .. I\\lt th."k ~ tw>\1'1 Gnd ,

fifty ce llU 'c,r rh at pu rpu re .a nd a d eo ur Irl end ' ~o jo in Ui In ~ h t , wode L lil ~

y ell r. So nd III yo ur co ntr lbu elo nt for"h e " Je r us a le m Fu nd " a od we willl arwll rd vhe u ,nle lind re po rt (ru m~ime to ume.

A,II: God "h at be would h llv e youdo 1Io00u t tb ht maU er . \l Ye ~I at wa keme nt ion o f t he Lord , k ee p no t . Ile nce

110'111g h 'e H im no re '~' t ill He e.tllob­B"h. and t ill Jl e ma ke J er usa le m .p rll.lae In th e ear th . " Ie-. 62: 6- ; .

EXTRACTS FROMA LET­ter recently received by


"' h d , :: ••·...111u .. U h ' .. 1.:" ' 1'/ " ,,, , l: h

Page 4: Healing Grace. Wrd~ '0 U' llh'~tcupandcross.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1902_01.pdf · lom e tim e to lIof, l" tn lo me spe c!..1 for t hZII min ion wor k. While" '1;1 blu e Ilw.Qthe

F;,\ M ON·S:Fox n;.«nt...t lli'ctl:.. 4 d1J :"' :"", : " f c.~ l ,

W". hrd ar c Ih o:-i.rr>hc~ ill J "'>Il..b l....d ;n.i eh 'Cl ,hln :anlteJc, lG! . hcy"h inr ,'1hd r wVAde.s Sl'lt odid al1J .lI!>liLoe.

")'l y la" ticips tu the d..y,Would Jot. elch hn _ iR2S . nd _ , 110';1" .To. id Ihe lIOn£", Ihe ~hll 10 bu. ,And be w, th e chid ol.iDl1us, tb eee."


8. FfIelTO.A photog rapher

visited our place re­eent !y nnd is mak­ing some pictures of

our school en d corps of work­p.rs, Any of our readers desir ·iog one can ge l it by address­ing Mrs, Jas, H. Overslreel, Cuiberson , N, C I and sending her20 cents. the pr ioe of the pict­ure, and 2 cents to pAy post-.~.....0· •

("<'Inlai" i"K "' l>!il,,11 the n ld ,n n., that O"rf \:he,~ lo..ed cO well, Stll ' 1,t*tplti ,I, ,, any ad(l re~~ ro, IS eenu. Sb mpel\ cc",ptable.

}.\ 5. II, E \ 0 3. DllX 25, Germantown. Te lln

A GOO!H t E PL'7.\TI O:-:

'" [)(),"(T KIlD'" tbat yoa will be ab le I i) danlnc:b .d lh hm. : ' IoAida f.lh eT W the lorineill'l>l0( . K I.o II hI wbom he bro Dgbt bi. son U apupil, ·'be is .....fll1lof milChif,"

"Uuot:sbe lell Ihe tru tb ?H ... I<ed Ihe princi ·p.:ol "Can 1 a l"""y' dep ud lIpo n hi~ wlord r"

"0 )' t"' " sa id tho: f"lbe . , "h"" it hOllu l ; he...ilI lell the lrulh, , ven ...hen il is ag linst hilll·. ",1(; ~'OU IIlay d 'll tll d 0 11lhal."

" I'heu wt <:all "' :onl\gc I i ll," u iJ the prin.eip.al; "be will m"...e ;l m. " ly '11110." And hediJ.

( We r"el lha t th e c;."l<!d ..lla. w:u ind eeo.l at , ea t &:lCI',liee "'nd th e",C... " il M;:t' ffi . Veft•aercd to IU . __

M we Ii'~l , e"d the leue r we (e ll " ,tly ,h ism\l~1 be Ih" (olln,litli"n r..r ....me 'vecl~ l (und,

We lI,e . ...a 'ting GtXI lO te"ra l lI i~ will ajo

to whal il shallb e . "'1";&1 Ihal (,j" d ...i11 nll1KeUj p.e,f"e t to do

I h~ .. ilI in alllhing~, 'lIud leI 'u all sine ." ~ ul l ipJy i .. h.\l~n:lr"e."-f":.dhor]

....u in ' ~Ir. c ", l:wra ..ee or on e ~dea •• to I.ee!,i l when tbere we. e so many . "fierln r andJI«< ly onn , 1 at eece (:QfD nen eed a~killg myMCliliotd Suior 10 lead me b)' 1Ii~ 1I01y i l'i r:T,.... .! :u p lain 'u ....,..JJ, cam e Ihe lJlesug e" >cnd it I" t.:'lI!l"I<fOn: ' 10 il S::lrU o n :lSmi, ·si>n .

May (;oW cho ices l bleuj"l:' s allen d )'0" inyou r grand all<l n"He .....rl<. a" d Illay y"'l1eon -linu ally he filled " ilh lI is ::illint, an. l lurn T H E P H : LO SO ?Hl! A ' ," S O NO.

ma" y (r ...no dul. n , SI to licht , Whn '!I th o voice t1Wll tl ll m y IIp l, lI to cheI ,1" ~ prui.e God rOt II i. " 'o", ler rul love moun ta, n pU k" 0' lIOng

lind m"rci",. lfi the ehifdre e o r men , and abo '-e OUI II. l1lo.phl'1lcm vllJrllotlll6' , ma klnilr a lt­WI"" l'll . hot l an d lon«!

:tIL(or I ii. £ rc :l ' c~t gi(1 t" l& I.... t ",,"ItI; Ou, Wh . t ' . Iho "Olor th llt _ mil bunt ll\&'fromdea r S." i...r. ,\ 11pra ,.", I>c lu l li s 11" ly n:lm", Ih , er ln-lIOn rose' , cu . ,," !

E lhe r" IMlllon , 1e,-,,'I<::lIIl r ipple, bna k lr.e-li e f"r J C~ IU ... ~" ("" Su e ,uy .i"" wh"n 1 " n th , I hore0 ' l1<::rve...~lUc . eeLing Il tlll ...ilb ;til IllY he.J. I, Wh, l' , lh e 1:1.. 0' rove. 0' touch .. c:ooll"':

to t he bro w o r f'il.ln,Wh" t a I....d '" gllill "' "" 1D.11.c1laW:ly, lind Bu t a phOlPlu )re8CCr.1 /o;lImmc:r 10 Ihe d lm

the witneu liO c:kar ,,( mya cce l>l'IIU:" , Cl!U"0' Ihe lon l,, !Wh at " th e "mile tha i tlila me, Ihrm. m e

T heil .{t d :all Ihat when I ealnc h kini 10 ..dI ll ~_., ot .,.......1 dfllll;'htbe "lUI<;1iflCd whl>lcly ... Ihe \I' ...n l V"......"''''''. Out .. .-cllu 1II.r cOPlrac:llon or rc<l mu ....t.e-10"" Ihe b lh. ioCd 1t"ly ~1,ir'l led m" Ih r<1Ugh ro beol In whit e !

Coul~ I ny 10 yo nder 10"eno ahlnln , In th eIbe l>l "l'~ lInu l my COD.....e . ...... n ...u C'o>u,p lclr. ('tOtem Hr," 'hen 1I11-"'H o il rhe alt er Ih" life ("II. Yond I""h' or IfIO'" e nd roeea. o n t h" lr

IIf!Ild .... .10...·0 1,,1Ie:,Glory be 10 Iii, pr ca " "s n:lme. il came -O k, t h.. co lor "."Qul(\ t... ""lIl l hed ",l'e rc t h..

in5lall11, and a" Ii" Ibe ""i",~ ......a:ivetl, ' '''I moel"I" 1l 61ln$h lll" kl"""' ,• And 0 ',,,,hU b II' t"lKI" n roll .. mbllr "" hll.fl;r~l

f" r I,:>•.lull l> ~ 1 :l ":;" :lll he:>,\. Iuto 11r.t1roud .., m ll i lIt il l \l~t (" u. y"ars the Ih ilti"lh of Ihis C. ....es pt r lkr ",llh \'I e1\'l~~ nn~r" Ih r(J'

. lIl e 1l1lhMll l1Ceo r my rl'1l.l\\ ~,nlOllllt al ;l,IKJul A qua rte r pUI ""~,, n In Ihe Mn kl ,," Ihl' r.. c trql'l ll ,",'Hemhllnt nOl IhafIIumi ,le ,,'!len lhi ' ~ rc;ot 1I1"", UlI:',,( t Ic tine ss • cor.NI .,,' hO:II~ tb py ee me.

h All n.e "/1.11'111I.. n 'lI wllhv ,, 1 me ""/Iii It ,.ca .......... mo:, ..nti 10 ,j ~y I tin _.y lh .....ug I I ,s Hr-I'. ~liil"t;InJ( fot1r~-

11~ .lle, Ih" 1,1<>0,",,,( JC SllJo LII'bl , il i~ Sun , ,",'h .m l", d l:aI>III.:mlllrtln bl. , nl \lllk 's ln lh e1 th me { It ' mlr.<lcl" ne,

e ca""", N IlI" .11", 0 III l1s kln . ! 0 IJ n lJl! ....he lle. nu t dell ,.." tMy des ire I. ,tIbe:an l)u;n'C"l!(or I lis ....on . " IM liu te ll 51,rlnlt," .\ iltb iug. w....k l,,"~lbu (..r li:ood IU Ihem O' (>r , !leo~1I 1t Ib"'l lie><beyo nd yOU, J'ancy

• droo~ ne e wl'Afled " Inl' •t l1:l.1l e l loe Lor d ." I " m d, lefllll fKl by 110" _ Wl!ll n."tl.T . Durnil " In :.-" " Dobc:mJlln.graee ( l;.o..!lu be lI is in S" ,nt :aDdUllI.h,

f be "a y J:TU.... bo gble r ,bi lj.

OJ:J,,n. II I ~ov, 18, 1901 i

A. J. Tomli ns.,JlI,ClIllx:no n, N. C.

I)e:lr Ur<llh.:r II' Chri.I ;-J::n~"J lind alitt le '" 11"" 'IIi<;1Iplus " aca: pt with Iny ptay.~ r~. It I ~ v", y ."ull b ill am I'->Uliv" Ihi s isple~ing I lil y ,Iu t h"a. ~~ nly tatht "1'h ~ " .I: ld d...na r,'·"" 'U my l ll~tgi rt ff<' 1n :l

mOlher h" 1'00S!Ic>IJrrvnt Ihli ""otl d ,)\'~ r

t ....enly )'u r. ay J . an <11 hav~ ke l>lii,O ne day I fell il wu nOl ri, hl , e "e n if ,t

Wan t tv ImnOl' Cod.

\b h,leU'ng ,,·b'l.I 11t h:Li

<;'I:J~1 dulle an d ii 1"*" £ futa>c:.t,;lory ,.. Ili s !>JIm"lie clYn me perfe tt," icl"ry Ih , u lIlCh II "," , eclOlll 101......1 j ll$l" ''' T, and 1'111gru" 'in!:in guo:c <1"'.11' lI e j ll\1l"l ~ me hide II''''Y inH im, Il lf ~ .tU hidiugp l:r.<:e! "'h"r " no'hi "l$

"Ill h arm Ille. It d·Id up. h 1 O h, h..,,,, I d .> prai~e L o.,l (or tho;:WI\)' li e Ii d ra" 'ing me to II i,u lind r<;Tea ling

Il illl-'lelf fl) me. I'm learning the l~n ..rlt ll<t, ho .l' I weel to sit l.uwlr al lI i~ tlear (<<.....Ilb IWthln; 10 0.1.. bul I..v., u d uher lI im.Oil. the "'''I. mlh an,t :I""C" III"<I ..r II i. jove, Iled ...1", 111 a.u lid' J I"" , Dlf life, ....1 ;011 is




" I'm no m~ a wonderln, sb«pI lor . ro he e..nu ..lkd ;

t l\.lu wy len d", . he l,hnd . YUio:eI kl H: It e pe:r.edlll (" M. "

0, hnw I l,we Ihe hfe!c<e1.1 ,,'ar of th e erul' ­

i t "..~ l,r.ighler. (.;1\>.)' tu <,;", I ! fhi . "'a, i. :r.f UJ;llcd ....:.)' hUI II. sweet one . G lo. )' ! l'd~C(U '

' i,m" llftl l(:ll" ns IUU,! t rUl I~ l lll )' e...me, b utl'1'~he God , 111e cW\,:ni llll dl&)' i ., cumin 2 I,)'

·ll'mrUy r- V\lI' b( l ie iil~c.s 'l Ith:.:!and Il~he·

L11lcol pl:op ie. I lemembo:r :a<ka. hUle t,;hri.1·nan \lu)' h,,'" he m,:u " f... ted the Spi rit ofLb rl.>t '"he u bc' .>ec.lled , (on I l'pru J.ebi" .: au·" tnO:l lin le 1lV)·, br . (t he lime I~,;..tu )a .l.r J hll" ; .. ...h"'l I,"" t til he ll d,J )''' u e<;m<e( ? "I .. " u'U' O:liu l ,; b"y ...rG.Jd bra .·o:l, au ·s .,t; ·'1 a llle fNI " the p;>rt ,!~IJ " e nowtn ," " f ( .JUt ... , the little j)ef"SCl::"ter crill mad"lid lJq:'all I,) .:.""" a nd llllll-e h inl hu t Ill:""r"r ' I~\IJ h l~ 1~ " ..I1, w 1>1)' a ...".d. (j lo<yI" Co:I , f,'I ,.U<:h ." Ug:i"n; il ll-"Y'" hi be Irue tuVod, I ....11.111I" be t"'~lnl and 1., e, 1 bd " .e Ie"m" III slaml lx:(ur<l.Ihe llr,;al ju ,lgl nen l bllrof tiuil , I WJ.lll llft ab " nd JIII e lllrancei lito Ihepe arl y (: 'Iles, ill)' scut I";dit,:u in l ll~ luve , 1K NV W Iii . bl<'lobdc le:tnse5 m" (tum . lI sinn ,," , l 'r;u.e IIi ,. na n": ! I uk all. in t ",r,,~1 inlhe pr ..>",,:.s of Ih" sa inls (of l,;...J Ib.l I may1,,, a l.I' lh (lIl r"lI " I"'" of tll ~ 1..... ly NaU< "II".J .1\1YOII. ~i~trr. :>:lv~d an d s';"ncu lled)1 l'$, W , 0 , )I c(j,~.... t.:lllbrm. n, S, C.