healer The Summer 2018 The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary One man’s journey An interview with Jean Hill Herbs, Wellbeing & Joy ‘Summer’

healer - Harry Edwards · The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for inaccuracies

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Page 1: healer - Harry Edwards · The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for inaccuracies


Summer 2018

The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

One man’s journey

An interview with Jean Hill

Herbs, Wellbeing & Joy ‘Summer’

Page 2: healer - Harry Edwards · The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for inaccuracies

3 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

Enjoy your dream wedding at Burrows Lea

Country House

The Gateway to Wellbeing

by Paul JessopChief Executive, Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

The Healer Summer 2018

Hello again and welcome to the summer edition of The Healer magazine. It won’t have escaped your notice that the look of the magazine has changed. First and foremost, I hope you like the new look. It’s almost 42 years since Harry passed to spirit and we are now at an important time for the sanctuary he founded. The world has come a long way since then and there’s been a huge amount of change, some for better, some for worse.

Continuing to spread Harry’s work requires the charity that inherited his legacy to operate and be sustainable in the 21st century. More than anything we want to be able to reach out through modern media to make sure more and more people can benefit from Harry’s guidance and inspiration. Modern lives are crowded and demanding and there’s no doubt that the new generations would benefit from access to healing, but paradoxically it is harder than ever to reach them. We hope that widening the appeal of our magazine, and the charity itself, will allow us to reach out more effectively. Very few of our supporters want spiritual healing in isolation, it is almost always a way of life, with interests in alternative therapies, meditation, healthy food and exercise such as yoga or tai-chi. Our aim is for the Sanctuary to become the earthly gateway to wellbeing, using a more holistic approach to provide a much wider access point to spiritual healing, never forgetting why we are here.

At a very down-to-earth level, you can’t fail to have noticed the introduction of GDPR – General

Data Protection Regulations – and Harry Edwards charity is bound by them just like everyone else. That means we have to have a Privacy Policy available on request and make sure all our readers and supporters know that if they want to break their connection with The Sanctuary, they can do so by simply contacting us at the Burrows Lea address below. It’s also important that we tell you that a request for healing, either directly or at a distance, requires us to keep a secure record for seven years as part of our registration with UK Healers, our regulatory body… but we won’t share that information with any third parties and it will only be used by the Sanctuary to keep you informed of healing matters and sanctuary events. If you don’t want any or part of our communications with you, just let us know.

We of course hope that those people who come to Harry Edwards for healing will stay with us and support us as we support them. As we looked at how we can be more effective, we learned that each contact healing at Burrows Lea costs £20 more than we are able to charge those who come to us for healing. The Sanctuary has always taken the view that healing should not be restricted by wealth. If you are able to help keep the sanctuary thriving and provide healing for those less well off, your support would be truly welcome. This issue also contains the last round of tickets for our bi-annual raffle to be drawn on 21st July at the Summer Fair; don’t miss out on the chance to win a great prize and help the Sanctuary too! Good luck to you all.

Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary is a very special place, chosen by Harry for it’s spirituality, serenity and beauty.

The Publishers of the Healer make every effort

to ensure accuracy of information at the time of

going to press but can take no responsibility for

inaccuracies due to changes after that date.

The opinions expressed in The Healer are not

necessarily the views of the Editor or Harry

Edwards Healing Sanctuary, nor do the Editor

and HEHS accept responsibility for claims or

statements made by authors or advertisers.

The acceptance of advertisements does not

mean that HEHS recommends or endorses any

product or service.

Registered Charity No. 1098712

Registered in England & Wales No. 4731491

Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere, Surrey GU5 9QG

Tel: 01483 202054

[email protected] (healing requests)

[email protected] (general enquiries)


The Sanctuary is open for contact healing by appointment every day (except Bank Holidays)

How to find us


StationTo Guildford

Hook Lane







A25To Dorking

Harry Edwards

With quintessentially English countryside and a grand marquee for up to 150 people, Burrows Lea Country House is nestled above the picturesque village of Shere in some

of Surrey’s most idyllic countryside.

Making it the perfect venue for a beautiful English country wedding. All profits support the work of this wonderful charity

and enable us to continue our healing work and maintain the stunning house and grounds that are loved by so many.

For an unforgettable country house wedding

Call 01483 205620 [email protected]

Page 3: healer - Harry Edwards · The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for inaccuracies

5 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary4 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

One man’s journey to the Sanctuary

by Klas Johansson

For you who have not met me I have come over from Sweden to be a volunteer at the Sanctuary for the last eight months. Why come to the UK to do healing many people ask? Well, my journey in the UK started many years ago at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted. You might say I was driven by a deep curiosity for all things spiritual and on a quest to understand who I was and my place in the world. The main reason I came to the UK was the quality of the Institutions and teachers that you have here for all things spiritual. The reason for this is that the UK, contrary to Scandinavia had a golden era with pioneers like Harry Edwards, Maurice Barbanell and others to bring spirituality and healing forward. What brought me down to Burrows Lea and the Surrey hills was the fact that in the little book shop at Stansted they sold Harry’s books.

I was drawn to the books by a Mr. Harry Edwards whom I had never heard of before. I was intrigued by the man in the white coat that ac-cording to the shopkeeper had been a pioneer in healing. I picked up a copy of his book “The healing intelligence”, to be honest I found it quite heavy to read but at the same time I just knew that there was gold in the pages if I could just persevere. It took me a very long time to get through that first book but it had sparked an interest in Harry and his work. Harry’s view on spiritual healing is very practical and sensible which appeals to me. There are many different healing practices out there

that over complicates things, when it really is a very simple practice.

I have always had an interest in energy ever since I was young and I practiced healing in some way long before I had ever heard the word. Healing is an ability that we all possess and anyone can learn to connect to the healing energies that are always there, for us to help others. I never intended to be a healer full-time but rather had other more “normal” career plans. But as the different plans came and went the only thing that seemed to be a constant in my life was my interest in energy work.

I thought about going to Burrows Lea for a long time but the circumstances never seemed to be quite right, but it was always there at the back of my mind. Many years later some of my English friends that I had made during my visits wanted to go to the

Sanctuary so I leapt at the opportunity. I flew in from Sweden to Gatwick and hopped on a train heading towards Shere in the Surrey Hills.

Arriving at Burrows Lea in the middle of the summer is beautiful experience with all the flowers and greenery, but the most striking thing about Harry’s home is the peace that you feel as you enter the drive up to the main house. This very special peaceful atmosphere that flows through the grounds and the house is what makes the Sanctuary such a special place for many people. As I walked through the doors of the main house I felt like I had come to a home away from home.

Even though I had trained in healing before, I immediately signed up for the two year course at the Sanctuary, I had a strong feeling that I needed to come back. I spent the next two years flying back and forth from Sweden to do the course dates. The Healing course is very much a personal journey of growth for everyone that embarks on it and the two years gave me perspective on what I wanted from life. As I step forward from my experience at Harry’s home I feel that Healing will be a large part of my life and something I will continue to explore. I wish that in my future I can share my healing work and some of the knowledge I picked up along the way.

As my journey at the Sanctuary is coming to its end and I bring with me new perspectives on healing and the joy of the good work carried out at the Sanctuary. I am grateful for all the wonderful loving people I have met at the Sanctuary. It has been a journey of understanding that forgiving the self and loving the self is the basis of any healing. I have also come to understand that healing is more than helping the physical or the mental, it is about spirit touching the soul of the people that come so they can awaken their own inner light and healing. There is always more to learn and another mountain to climb, just remember to look back and see how far you have come and enjoy the journey not just the goal.

I was drawn to the books of Mr. Harry Edwards whom I had never heard of before.

The Ethereal Touch

by Harry Ardeshir

My conscious healing journey began as a child in the wilds of Africa. Doctors were not only few and far between but also cost money which was very short. One became self- reliant. Even here, rumours circulated about an amazing English man, who with a touch of his hands had people walking from their wheelchairs. Years later I was to realise that he was none other than our Harry Edwards.

Schooling and university beckoned and the joys of youth translated themselves to rugby, beer, song and… a hard bitten scientist was also born. The scalpel and penicillin ruled but the Universe had other plans! It started with paralysis after a game of rugby at university. Conventional medical care was ineffective and with nothing to lose I accepted healing… and yes, regained mobility and yes, again, started playing rugby at even higher levels and yes, many, many questions arose about ‘healing’ and challenged scientific thinking. An exciting, confusing and at times very painful journey had begun.

Years went by with communication with Harry, Ray and Joan Branch, in-vestigating, challenging conventional thinking, and discovering what ‘healing’ means. Two full knee replacements saw me seek healing at the Sanctuary resulting in a rapid recovery.

A delightful young nephew succumbing to cancer saw me consulting members of ‘Bluebells’ (at the Sanctuary), who brought solace, as did healing not just for myself but for the whole family.

Carolyn Low, who leads the Bluebells group also organizes self-help lectures on various subjects. A recent one, ‘EFT’ or ‘tapping” has been very useful for me in controlling arthritic pain.

Currently, arthritis makes me seek healing at the Sanctuary. You may well ask, “is it a success and if so why the repeated treatments?” Healing in its many guises, is always a success! You may not get what you want but the Universe ensures that you get what you need! My journey requires me to open many doors and although some are very painful, healing ensures, being able to walk through them successfully. Invariably, this success also reflects on family and friends and helps them to succeed with their own healing and personal growth.

Today, I realise that humanity has to work in harness with the Universe. ‘Healing’, is not merely a remedy to overcome maladies but a pathway for personal growth, self-actualization, (including that of the healer), the future of mankind and Mother Earth. Each of us, great or small has a significant part to play in this.

Profuse thanks and Blessings to all at the Sanctuary and all those elsewhere who continue to play a part in my healing journey.

NB those wishing to speak to me can do so via the Sanctuary office.

A delightful young nephew succumbing to cancer saw me consulting members of ‘Bluebells’ (at the Sanctuary)

Below: Harry Edwards at Burrows Lea

Left: Klas at home in Sweden

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6 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary 7 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

Summer. What springs to mind? Hottest season of all. Time of abundance. Outdoor season. Floral scents. How do we appreciate it? Through look, smell, touch, sound & taste. Maybe even via the television? Do we truly feel a connection to this most wonderful of flowers or this breathtakingly beautiful planet? Do we experience us as an intrinsic part of it all? Too often we perceive ourselves as separate beings to our surroundings. ‘Nature deficiency syndrome’ is an actual term used for people who feel isolated from nature. Often lost, detached and lonely. Floating, un-anchored, often scared. Looking at the human body from a molecular point of view, there is an indisputable interaction between us, everyone and everything. Even air is not empty but brimming with vibrant energy bonds. We are beings of energy, with no defined lines but interacting vibrations. This awareness can allow us to consciously reconnect with nature, fostering responsibility and love for every being; including one self and a deep, simple joy.

How can we nurture our connection to the planet and consequently our own health & wellbeing?

As a medical Herbalist I am in constant touch with people and plants. Helping people from all walks of life requires insight and understanding of the whole person, not just their presenting symptoms.

Two people affected with migraines might end up with a completely different herbal prescription and treatment plan. It all boils down to the cause of the problem which usually differs from person to person. One person might have a structural trigger, such as a faulty sleep position and/or food sensitivities whilst the other might be affected by blood sugar levels and/or stress. Often there are multiple triggers hence a thorough approach is essential. Did you know that most medicinal plants are actually common weeds? We often do not notice them or even throw them away. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a local plant from the daisy family, proudly presenting dozens of daisy like flowers on each plant. Feverfew has shown to reduce the severity and frequency of migraines significantly, yet as you know a little more, the individual underlying cause also needs to be addressed. It can be quite complicated but often is not rocket science.

I love for people to get to know their common local weeds and to teach them how to make simple home herbal remedies or wild foods! Daisies for bruises, Nettles for iron and the most amazing foods, Hawthorn Bread and Butter, Elderflower Cordial (Sugar free) or Champane. Mugwort, St.Johns Wort, Lime Blossom. The list is endless. Medicine and food for the soul and body, wherever we look! Fresh, vibrant and free.

Talking about vibrancy, another chance to ‘see’ energy in action is to visit Harry Edwards Cherry Tree Walk, established May, 29th 1963. Young cherry trees were donated to the Healing Sanctuary, under one trees’ roots a crystal was placed. Can you spot which tree it might be? Clue: It has grown stronger than all others.

Here at Harry Edwards we are currently creating; ‘The Garden of Wellbeing’, a welcoming green space boasting a ‘living wall’, medicinal plants, wild edibles, beautiful scented flowers, grasses, a walking labyrinth, bee hives and a plethora of art work. Join us to help create this wonderful community space where everyone is welcome or let me know if you would like to come along on a Herb Walk or Wild Food Adventure. If you are too busy, why not enjoy a little barefoot walk to soak up the earth energy or dig your fingers into the soil. Molecules released enhance our serotonin levels, one of our feel good hormones.

Wishing you Peace and Joy.

Janine Gerhardt Medical Herbalist & Clinical Supervisor BSc (hons) Herb Med MNIMH / PgDip Ecology & Conservation

[email protected] www.roots-of-nature.co.uk m 07930901662

Herbs, Wellbeing & Joy ‘Summer’

Green Summertime greetings to you all. My name is Janine Gerhardt, medical Herbalist and herbal Jack of all trades. I have had the enormous privilege to have been asked to write a seasonal article on Wellbeing and all things herbal.

I won’t waste time!

Did you know that most medicinal plants are actually common weeds?

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8 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary 9 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

The Sanctuary ShopBooks, CDs and other gifts from the sanctuary. All profits from the Sanctuary Shop contribute to the upkeep of the Sanctuary and we send you all our sincere thanks.

Ramus Branch’s fascinating biography of Harry Edwards and Life Around My Father, Harry Edwards

by Felicity Medland, a fascinating insight into the life of the great healer and his family, written by his daughter, Felicity.

Thirty Paths to Meditate, Stillness, Silence, Peace.

book series by Susan Johnson. Visualisation techniques tried and tested on the author’s own students.

A range of books by Harry Edwards including: The Power Of Spiritual Healing

A Guide To The Understanding And Practice Of Spiritual Healing

Life In Spirit

The Healing Intelligence

Spirit Healing.

Harry Edwards 70th Anniversary Teddy. A special bear to commemorate the Sanctuary’s 70th Anniversary year in 2016. Stands 10.5 inches tall and comes wearing his smart commemorative T-shirt.

Crystal Guardian Angels Variety of colours

Felicity Medland Notelets 12 notecards featuring paintings by Harry Edwards’ daughter.

The Sanctuary Thimble

CDs:Animal Healing Vol 1 £10.75 ................. .............................................. Animal Healing Vol 2 £10.75 ................. .............................................. Music for Pets £10.75 ................. ..............................................Harry Edwards Meditation CD £6.25 ................. .............................................. Music for Healing £10.75 ................. .............................................. Pure Healing £10.75 ................. .............................................. Pure Calm £10.75 ................. .............................................. Music for Relaxation £10.75 ................. .............................................. Journey to the Temple £10.75 ................. .............................................. Tranquility £10.75 ................. .............................................. Natural Anti-Stress £10.75 ................. .............................................. Touched By Angels £10.75 ................. .............................................. Sound Medicine Man £10.75 ................. .............................................. Animal Angels £10.75 ................. ..............................................Protected By Angels £10.75 ................. ..............................................

BOOKS:Life Around My Father by Felicity Medland £7.75 ................. .............................................. Spirit Healing £10.25 ................. .............................................. Power of Spiritual Healing £10.25 ................. .............................................. Healing Intelligence £11.25 ................. .............................................. Guide to Understanding Healing £11.25 ................. .............................................. Life in Spirit £11.25 ................. .............................................. Harry Edwards by Ramus Branch £10.25 ................. ..............................................Thirty paths to Meditate £6.50 ................. ..............................................Thirty paths to Stillness £6.50 ................. ..............................................Thirty paths to Silence £6.50 ................. ..............................................Thirty paths to Peace £6.50 ................. ..............................................Thirty paths book series (pack of 4 titles) £22.00 ................. ..............................................

GIFTS:Healing Moments Candle £6.50 ................. .............................................. Rainbow Maker £9.00 ................. .............................................. Crystal Guardian Angels £5.00 ................. .............................................. Prayer Card (H.E. Prayer) £0.75 ................. .............................................. Prayer Card (H. E. Remembered) £0.75 ................. .............................................. Prayer Card (Sanctuary Prayer) £0.75 ................. .............................................. Set of all three prayer cards £2.00 ................. .............................................. Burrows Lea Notelets (pack 12) £2.00 ................. .............................................. Felicity Medland Notelets £4.50 ................. .............................................. Postcard: Set of three Sanctuary cards £1.00 ................. .............................................. Sanctuary Thimble £1.50 ................. ..............................................

UK shipping: Total order costing up to £12 – £2.75 p&pTotal order costing up to £25 – £4.75 p&pTotal order costing up to £49.99 – £6.00 p&pTotal order over £50 – please contact us for a quote

Order form Price Quantity Notes

CD’s for Animals and Pets: Animal Healing Vol 1 Animal Healing Vol 2 Music for pets

Harry Edwards CD A step-by-step guide to meditation includes “My Philosophy Of Life”

A choice of relaxing CDs: Pure Healing, Music For Healing, Pure Calm, Journey to the Temple, Music for Relaxation, Tranquility, Touched by Angels, Sound Medicine Man, Protected By Angels, Natural Anti-Stress, Animal Angels International customers:

Please contact us for overseas shipping rates or order online via our web shop (see below) Email: [email protected]. Tel +44 1483 202054

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Please make cheques payable to: BLCH Ltd. Note: Donation cheques should be made out to HEHS Ltd. Send form to: Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere, Surrey, GU5 9QGAlternatively you may pay by credit card via telephone on 01483 202054Order online at our web shop: www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk/shop/

Sanctuary Prayer Cards: Three prayer cards featuring Harry Edwards’ Prayer, Harry Edwards Remembered or Sanctuary Prayer with a beautiful photo on the reverse.


Rainbow Maker Almond 28mm – Crystal Blue AB (Aurora Borealis)

Page 6: healer - Harry Edwards · The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for inaccuracies

10 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary 11 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

“It’s easy to understand why so many people forge long-term links with the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary,” says our Volunteer Coordinator Jean Hill.

“Once you experience the Sanctuary for yourself you don’t want to lose that connection because it’s such a privilege to be a part of it, knowing that we are all here for the same purpose – to help others.

“It’s been a major part of my life for almost 50 years now, ever since I was 15-years-old. My future husband Vincent’s parents, Gwen and Howard Hill, worked for Harry Edwards and, through them, I got to know ‘The Boss’, as he was affectionately known.

“We were lucky enough to accompany him to various healing appointments and demonstrations throughout the 1970s and were incredibly honoured when he conducted our marriage in the Sanctuary Chapel in 1974.”

Jean has worked and volunteered in a variety of roles at the Sanctuary over the years. She

became a qualified healer in 2004 and now looks after the 76 volunteer healers who provide contact, telephone and distance spiritual healing to clients who approach us for help from all parts of the UK and the rest of the world.

“I make sure that our healers have everything they need to help our clients and I draw up rotas to ensure that we have sufficient healer support for all of our client appointments,” says Jean.

“Contact healing sessions generally last for around 30 minutes and the duration of telephone healing calls depends on each client’s needs. This can range from a five minute follow-up call to a more in-depth 45 minute conversation. We also receive many healing requests via email.

“We don’t charge for our healing work but contact and telephone healing clients are asked to make £20 and £15 contributions to help pay for the upkeep of the Sanctuary building and grounds. It’s amazing how far our volunteer healers are prepared to travel on a regular basis too – some come up from London while others come from the south coast. It’s the draw of the place!”

Jean first witnessed the effects of spiritual healing when she saw Harry Edwards help a man from her village who had suffered long-term neck pain.

“This was a real eye-opener, and it kindled my interest in healing,” says Jean.

“All my experiences over the years from 1968, eventually influenced me to become a healer, even though I’d had no prior indication that I could be a healer.

“I think everybody has the potential to heal. People can be drawn to healing later in life, especially if something has happened to

Half a century of healing connections

Jean’s life-long bond with The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

This was a real eye-opener, and it kindled my interest in healing

them or somebody close to them. They may start to question what life is all about and try to seek answers to things that they probably didn’t have time or reason to consider when they were younger.

“Healing can be really beneficial to the healer as well as the client. When I channel energy the more I do it the better I feel.

“I feel extremely privileged to have had such a long-term association with the Sanctuary and I hope this will continue for many more years to come.

“For all of us here, whether trustees, employees, or volunteers, our role is to support those who seek help from the Sanctuary to overcome their troubles, or those of their relatives and friends.

“The Sanctuary ‘belongs’ to them; we are mere custodians, as was Harry Edwards, united in our commitment to continue his healing work for future generations.”

Spiritual Healing is a simple, safe and supportive energy therapy that aims to bring balance to mind, body and soul, as well as to stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability. Healing is complementary to all forms of treatment as it is non-invasive and patients are always encouraged to seek medical advice for their conditions. For more information about our healing services visit:

www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary. org.uk/healing

email: [email protected]

or call: 01483 202054

If you would like to support our charity through a fundraising event, text donation, regular donations or a Gift in your Will please visit:

www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary .org.uk/donate

or call: 01483 202054

1 2

Telephone Healing

Healing over the telephone allows a direct connection between healer and recipient.For those unable to visit the Sanctuary for Contact Healing, we offer a telephone-based service which provides a more direct connection with a healer than our normal Distant Healing service. Initially, this service is available to UK landlines only, but we hope to expand that to mobiles and international locations in due course.

Telephone healing follows a similar sequence to the healing we provide to those who visit the Sanctuary. There is time for talking at the beginning and relaxation before the healer attunes to the healing energies and commences the formal healing after which there will usually be time for a little more talk before the session ends.

A telephone healing session costs just £15 (a discount of £5 applies for members of Sanctuary Friends).

To make an appointment please call:

01483 202054 or email:

healingreception@ burrowslea.org.uk

1. Jean with Harry and her new husband 2. Jean at the Sanctuary

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Let us guide you on your healing journey

An interview with Ann Foster

“There really is nowhere else quite like the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary,” says our Healing College Tutor Ann Foster.

“You can feel the healing energy exuding from the place as soon as you enter the beautiful grounds – and there’s such an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquillity here too.”

Since becoming a College Tutor in 2012, Ann has welcomed students

from across the UK and from countries including Canada, Japan, France, Germany and Sweden. All have been eager to learn about the power of spiritual healing, either through our one-day introductory Foundation Course or through our two-year, part-time accredited Harry Edwards Healer Training Course.

“We have students of all ages, from all walks of life and with a variety of professional backgrounds,” says Ann.

“And this diversity enriches our learning because each individual brings their own life experiences to the class. Spiritual healing isn’t tied to a specific religion. It is completely open to everyone from all faiths, races and nationalities.

“Some students have joined us after finding out about us online, reading some of Harry’s many books or through recommendations from family members and tutors. Others have simply been drawn to the Sanctuary. For example, I had one lady who found herself lost in the Surrey hills. She drove into the Sanctuary to ask for directions and when she discovered our ethos she made further enquiries, came along to an open day and then enrolled on a course.

“Anyone can become a healer. The only quality you need prior to starting your learning is to have compassion for others and a desire to assist others in their wellness.

“Spiritual healing is a simple energy therapy that goes back thousands of years and it was known to the ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Asian and Oriental civilisations. They realised that by inducing a state of relaxation within the human body, the body could be enabled to heal itself.

“You don’t have to be ill to benefit from spiritual healing either. As with all complementary therapies, spiritual healing can be used as a preventative therapy to promote good health. In order to be able to function in our increasingly busy, responsibility-laden lives we need to be able to give ourselves that time and space to relax the mind, body and soul. And that’s one of the key aspects of spiritual healing; by acting as a vessel to channel divine energy to our clients we can give them that time, that half an hour in which to quieten the mind.”

Ann is now looking forward to helping us expand our Healing College course offering over the next 12 months through the introduction of more complementary therapy workshops and an Advanced Healer Course.

“We want to be able to grow and offer a wider variety of complementary therapies, covering healing-related subjects such as crystal and sound bath therapies and Bach Flower Remedies,” says Ann.

“We would also like to introduce an Advanced Healer Course for qualified

Harry Edwards Healing College Courses Foundation Course

A one day introduction to healing course. (Mandatory prior to booking on the Healing Course)

Course Date: 23rd February 2019. Times 10am – 4.30pm this includes a light vegetarian lunch.

Cost £100. If you then go on to our two year Healing Course, you will receive a £100 discount on the cost of the course provided you book within 6 months.

Harry Edwards Healing Course

A 2 year part-taught, part self-study programme for those who wish to become fully qualified healers. Successful students will be awarded the HEHS Certificate in Spiritual Healing.

Next Course commences: 13th/14th April 2019 (contact Shelley for all Course dates)

Cost: £1300 (Easy standing order payments available – deposit £325)


Barefoot and Back to Nature with Ann Foster – 14th and 15th July 2018 £90

This two day workshop (non-residential) takes a look at the healing methods used by the ancient healers who honoured and loved the land on which they walked. Learn how to make your own crystal essences. Blend your own essential oils. Dowsing for health and wellbeing. Space clearing. The use of divination. Spell weaving to bring happiness and abundance.

Dowsing with Ann Foster – 8th September 2018 £55

This one day workshop will introduce you to the ancient art of dowsing and its many uses, you will discover how dowsing can help to improve your life in many practical ways. This workshop will cover:

A brief outline of the history of Dowsing Getting started! The tools of the trade Learn how to dowse for: General health & wellbeing Pendulum supplied Please bring with you an open mind!

Past Life Regression Workshop with Ann Foster – 9th September 2018 £55

Past life memories are the autobiography of your eternal soul-personal stories that explain who you are now and why you’re here on Earth.

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly. A branch of hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy has grown over the years to be an important addition to the healing arts.

Note the above courses are non-residential. Local B&B accommodation is available.

For more information about our courses, upcoming events and open days visit: www.harryedwardshealingcollege.com/events or call Shelley on 01483 202054

To book your course, please email: [email protected]

Everything needs to be experienced to be believed

I really feel blessed to be in a position to support other people who may have had similar experiences to me

healers which could enable them to go on to become spiritual healing tutors.”

Ann has been a healer since childhood and volunteered at the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary many years before she was drawn back once more to take up the role of College Tutor.

“I really feel blessed to be in a position where I can support other people who may have had similar experiences to me and help them to have trust and faith in their own abilities,” says Ann.

The college is a place of safety, reassurance and self-empowerment and, for many students, sharing experiences can feel like a weight being lifted off their shoulders.

“Sometimes they may doubt themselves but when you see them realise that they have the capability to help others, when they’ve gone out and experienced it and seen the results of their healing on a friend or family member, that for me is absolutely priceless.

“Everything needs to be experienced to be believed. Some people may be understandably sceptical about spiritual healing but I would say ‘just come along and see for yourself’.

“Come to one of our open days, sample some of our courses, meet the tutors and draw your own conclusions. Just come and enjoy the beautiful location and relax. What have you got to lose?”

Greet Knoop Emma CorelloAryana SnowsAngelo Miele

Recent Graduates of the Healing Course

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15 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary14 The Healer Magazine – Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

water and the full chemical composition of ‘empty’ air was finally revealed within a few more years.

But it doesn’t stop there. In 1867 the Scottish physicist James Maxwell somehow calculated the existence of a thing called a radio wave and by 1887 Heinrich Hertz had demonstrated that radio waves do exist. Within five years a Mr Marconi had worked out how to communicate using these invisible waves and others went on to show how they could be bent, bounced, compressed and reworked in so many ways that would give us television, radar, sat-navs and many of the trappings of modern life. The advent of transistors, smartphones and now Wi-Fi have shown us that we can pick up radio waves pretty much anywhere (except on Southern Railways…).

Sadly such experimentation and discovery is not without risk. There have been notable times when the ‘nothingness’ has been revealed to contain phenomenally powerful energies with tragic results. In 1903 Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, along with her husband Pierre, for their work on radioactivity. Pierre had begun his work out of a personal theory that magnetic waves were directly linked to spirituality and he was hugely interested in spiritual phenomena. Little did Marie know as she joyfully examined the products of her work that it was most assuredly killing her with its invisible rays and sub-atomic particles. The long reach of radiation also claimed their daughter and her husband. Even over 100 years

later her laboratory books, including her cookbooks, are so dangerously radioactive that they are kept in lead cases. It is those same invisible rays and particles that wreak catastrophic damage on living organisms long after the initial blast of a nuclear explosion.

Marie’s unwitting sacrifice was thank-fully not without benefit, and carefully harnessed x-ray energy has brought untold benefits to modern medicine and unimaginable uses such as airport security. Even so we are continually updating our understanding of these invisible energies; foot x-ray machine were a common sight in 1960s shoe shops before excessive x-ray exposure was found to be dangerous.

Most of us will have seen a film or TV drama where, as part of a daring robbery, the room is filled with dry ice in order to reveal the presence of hidden alarm beams. If such a spray were available to reveal other forms of energy, just imagine how hectic the seemingly empty air around us would be – the calmest field and high mountains would be shown to be buzzing with myriad waves, whizzing all around us, some passing through us, some very high, some tiny weeny, all moving incredibly fast. And that’s only the energies that we know about; the point is, as Donald Rumsfeld struggled to explain, we don’t know what we don’t know! But what we do know is that just because you can’t see it, or sense it in some other way, that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Happy healing Paul

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Is there anything there?

by Paul Jessop

Donald Rumsfeld may not be a name you ever expected to read in The Healer magazine but the former American ‘Defense’ Secretary has an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to his unintentionally comical speeches on what we know and don’t know. Secretary Rumsfeld’s attempts to bring scientific rationale to risk management saw him wander into existential philosophy when he tried to categorise possible future problems as “things we know, things we know we don’t know (we know it’s out there but we don’t what it is) and things we don’t know we don’t know (it may well be out there but even Stephen Hawking couldn’t predict it!)…” It is those things that we don’t even know we don’t know that I find fascinating and resonating with my role here in the world of spiritual healing at the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary.

It fascinates me because, as I sit here typing, I’m surrounded by what appears to be ‘nothing’. Nowadays we all know that it isn’t nothing, it’s air and it’s pretty important. As far back as 200BCE an Ancient Greek named Philo figured out that fire didn’t work without some of whatever the nothingness contained, and there was less of ‘it’ after the fire. The Renaissance brought more experimentation, finding that a mouse and a fire in a sealed container had a similar effect but still coming to the wrong conclusion, until in 1774 the British clergyman Joseph Priestley successfully defined Oxygen. There was of course no-one there to tell Priestley he was right! By 1811 Avogadro had worked out that oxygen was in

things we know, things we know we don’t know (we know it’s out there but we don’t what it is) and things we don’t know we don’t know (it may well be out there but even Stephen Hawking couldn’t predict it!)… Donald Rumsfeld

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Enjoy a summers day in the beautiful garden and surroundings of Burrows Lea Country House and relax yourself with alternative therapies.

Take time to browse our many gift and craft stalls including: handmade gifts / jewellery / skin care / ceramics / flower arrangements / cards.

A wide range of refreshments will be available including picnic boxes and homemade pastries & cakes.

A wonderful day out for all the family!

Summer Fair & PICNIC

SATURDAY 21st JULY 201810.30am to 4.00pm

To book a stall contact [email protected]

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Registered Charity no. 1098712