1 HEAL THE EARTH Dear Parents We all live on planet earth, which is the only planet known to have life……..Mother Earth is the womb of the sustaining power of humanity. We are nurtured by the healthy condition of Mother Earth. In humans, if the mother is ailing, the child suffers. In the womb, the child is helpless. But in our case, it is the mother who is helpless. We, humans are the cause of the ailing planet. We are deteriorating natural resources, diminishing forests and wetlands, depleting underground water for our own selfish requirements. The consequences are loss of biodiversity, erosion of soil, rapid extinction of some important animal species, collapse of fisheries, rising air and water pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, thinning of ozone layer, regular shortage of fresh drinking water, vanishing plants etc. The Earth is in trouble because of the way the modern man has treated Her and for some reason it seems that much of it has to do with human arrogance rather than ignorance. Even though science and technology have radically altered the terms of adaptations to the nature, we still need to adapt to the environment and our MOTHER EARTH. We cannot and must not ignore the cries of our planet to restore a more harmonious relationship with nature, nor must we lose the opportunity to work harmoniously with each other for common good. Keeping all these problems and issues in mind, we have taken “HEAL THE EARTH” as the theme for our Summer Holiday Homework. It will help our children to use their optimum energy, support sustainability, develop sensitivity, inspire and aware the community towards the need to protect and preserve the natural assets of our Mother Earth. On behalf of LAKMS, it is my humble and sincere appeal to all to take positive actions and move from dawn to dusk towards a greener earth and be green crusaders to spread awareness around us. Let’s all pledge to protect our planet from ‘Heavy Hands of Humankind’ and implant green thoughts to make our lives a blessing for the earth. “Little drops of water Little grains of sand Make the mighty ocean And the beauteous earth” Enjoy the holidays with your kids! God Bless You! With warm regards Principal Anshu Nakra “LIVE GREEN, LOVE GREEN, BE GREEN, WE ARE JUST MANKIND…………….. WITHOUT THE EARTH, WE ARE NOTHING.”

HEAL THE EARTH - akmsggn.com Homework~24... · HEAL THE EARTH Dear Parents We all ... CLASS VII SUBJECT: ... Write about the rulers of Delhi Sultanate indicating their period and

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Page 1: HEAL THE EARTH - akmsggn.com Homework~24... · HEAL THE EARTH Dear Parents We all ... CLASS VII SUBJECT: ... Write about the rulers of Delhi Sultanate indicating their period and



Dear Parents

We all live on planet earth, which is the only planet known to have life……..Mother Earth is the womb of the

sustaining power of humanity. We are nurtured by the healthy condition of Mother Earth. In humans, if the

mother is ailing, the child suffers. In the womb, the child is helpless. But in our case, it is the mother who is

helpless. We, humans are the cause of the ailing planet. We are deteriorating natural resources, diminishing

forests and wetlands, depleting underground water for our own selfish requirements. The consequences are

loss of biodiversity, erosion of soil, rapid extinction of some important animal species, collapse of fisheries,

rising air and water pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, thinning of ozone layer, regular shortage of

fresh drinking water, vanishing plants etc. The Earth is in trouble because of the way the modern man has

treated Her and for some reason it seems that much of it has to do with human arrogance rather than

ignorance. Even though science and technology have radically altered the terms of adaptations to the nature,

we still need to adapt to the environment and our MOTHER EARTH. We cannot and must not ignore the cries

of our planet to restore a more harmonious relationship with nature, nor must we lose the opportunity to

work harmoniously with each other for common good.

Keeping all these problems and issues in mind, we have taken “HEAL THE EARTH” as the theme for our

Summer Holiday Homework. It will help our children to use their optimum energy, support sustainability,

develop sensitivity, inspire and aware the community towards the need to protect and preserve the natural

assets of our Mother Earth.

On behalf of LAKMS, it is my humble and sincere appeal to all to take positive actions and move from dawn to

dusk towards a greener earth and be green crusaders to spread awareness around us. Let’s all pledge to

protect our planet from ‘Heavy Hands of Humankind’ and implant green thoughts to make our lives a blessing

for the earth.

“Little drops of water Little grains of sand Make the mighty ocean And the beauteous earth” Enjoy the holidays with your kids! God Bless You! With warm regards

Principal Anshu Nakra


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General Guidelines:

Go through the given Holiday Homework and assignments which will further

help you to understand the concepts of the text better.

Submit the homework once the school reopens.

Do the Holiday Homework in separate notebooks or beautiful handmade

folders as instructed by the teachers. However, the holiday assignments and

worksheets will have to be done in the respective notebooks. (For example,

the assignments of English Language will be done in the language notebook.)

Neat work will be appreciated.

Speak in English with your family members and friends to enhance your

speaking skills.

NOTE: Parents are advised to ensure that their wards do their Holiday

Homework themselves in their own handwriting in addition to activities,

written projects and learning work. However, they can guide, motivate and

facilitate their children to complete their homework. Taking help from outside

to do the work is strictly not allowed.

Enjoy and make the best use of Summer Holidays!

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Compulsory question:

Write an article to spread awareness about global warming mentioning its causes, consequences

and suggestions for people specifying a few steps to reduce it.(To be done on A-4 size sheet)

Roll no. wise:

1-19: Visit a nearby industry or a factory and try to collect the following information from people employed


What does it produce?

What raw material does it use?

What man power does it have?

How many machines are installed there and their electricity consumption?

What are its waste products?

How do they manage their sewage and garbage?

Now, note down all these information and write a report mentioning them and suggesting a few

steps to reduce the pollution created by it.(On A -4 size sheet)

20-38: Meet people who use individual vehicles to commute to their workplaces. Follow the following steps:

Meet with at least 10 people

Mention their names, job description, workplace ,distance travelled ,vehicles used ,time consumed and

expenses incurred

Interview them to make out how they commute to their workplace

Suggest them for car pooling or using public transports.

Now, write a report based on the information gathered and suggest how car pooling and using public transport

would reduce carbon levels and heal the earth. (A-4 size sheet)

………Enjoy Your Vacation………….


Note: Activity 1 and 2 is compulsory for all.

1. It’s not just the Taj Mahal—pollution is ruining many other iconic monuments in India:

India’s pollution problem, which came into the limelight after Delhi’s air was declared even filthier than

Beijing’s last year, is even more monumental than we thought.Toxic air spouting out from burning trash and

exhaust pipes has taken its toll on the facades of some of the country’s sacred heritage sites. The impact of air

pollution on the iconic Taj Mahal—whose grand marble edifice is slowly turning brownish-yellow—has been

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covered by the media for several years now. But over the last few years, many more sites have joined the

queue—their carefully carved and crafted marble pillars of centuries past turning yellow, brown and black.In

Delhi, the white-marbled Lotus Temple, an architectural triumph and pride of the Bahai faith, is wilting under

the onslaught of pollution. The temple was built in 1986 and attracts 400,000 visitors every month. But the

pristine marble has been fading, despite regular maintenance.

Make a decorative scrapbook on the Heritage Sites of India.(collect the picture of any five world heritage sites

in India)on each page of scrapbook paste picture of one site and add some interesting information about each



Write five reasons why we should preserve our Heritage Monuments?

Write five steps which we can take to preserve and protect our Heritage.

As a citizen of India what are your fundamental duties towards your heritage.

2- Survey: Survey 10 houses and find out how many vehicles are

Being used by each house and then accordingly make a graph,

Paste it on a chart paper and then also write all the preventive measures to minimize air pollution.


2-Survey: Survey 10 houses to find out number of A.C’s used in each house. Collect information on how the

use of A.C is responsible for global warming .Write your conclusion and present in the scrap book

Note: Use biodegradable materials to make your project.

3-In the 13th century Delhi came under new line of rulers. The new rulers of Delhi were Turks from Central

Asia or Afghans,called Sultans. The word Sultanate means the form of government under the sultans. So, Delhi

under the rule of Sultans came to be known as Delhi Sultanate.The Sultans of Delhi were able to control vast

area and resources.

At the time when India was being controlled by outsiders, England signed the Magna Carta.It laid the

foundation of Political and legal rights of people. Mongol Emperor issued token currency for the first time.

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Write about the rulers of Delhi Sultanate indicating their period and their valuable contribution with

pictures. (Period 1206-1526) (Roll No. 1 – 16 )

Material Required: Yellow Chart paper, thermocol, marker, fevicol, photograph of ruler.

Hint: Make in the form of a wall hanging. Cut into leaf, flower or any shape related to nature for each ruler.

Cover the thermocol with chart paper. On each paste photos of main rulers and write important information.

Make wall hanging joining them. Decorate the sides.

Any one model (Roll No. 17 – 32 )

3. Make a model to show the green house effect because of human activities. (Show all the components that

lead to the formation of green house gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides methane erc,.)


Make a model to show how the global warming can be reduced.(Planting of trees, use of solar energy, wind

energy and water energy, use of cycle to reduce the dependency on fuel and formula of 3 Rs. )


Make a model to show the depletion of ozone layer. Show the both layers stratosphere and troposphere for the

depletion of ozone. (Show the use of spray cans, AC and refrigerator that emits chloro – fluro – carbon)


Dear children

Summer time is fun time. Enjoy this season by

participating in lots of fun activities and spending

more time with your family and friends.

So here are some activities that will help

you to spend time in a very enjoyable and eco friendly way. Let’s start…..

1. Prepare a 3 D – model of the Nerve Cell or Neuron using card board , coloured sheets , food items such as

Dal , Rajma , clay , flowers etc ( Roll no. 1 to 15 )

2. Prepare Human excretory system using cardboard , coloured sheets , biodegradable material such as clay ,

sand , earthen pots etc. ( Roll no. 16 to 28 )

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3. Make a composting bin using Container, fabric ,rubber band , soil . ( Roll no. 28 to 38)

Note – Find all these projects at www.youtube.com

( II )

1. ( Roll no. 1 to 19 )

Make an activity file on the topic ‘’ What is air pollution ?”

Discuss the causes of air pollution and list the remedial measures that can be taken up to prevent it .

Also write catchy slogans on the topic and paste relevant pictures from newspaper or internet.

2. ( Roll no. 20 to 38 )

Collect information on methods of waste disposal. Paste relevant pictures and write

information in scrap book.


INTRODUCTION: Environment includes all living and non-living objects. We live in the environment and

use the environmental resources like air, land and water to meet our needs. While meeting the ever-growing

needs, we put pressure on the environment. Therefore, there is a need to create ‘awareness’ about

Environmental protection.

Activity:1. Make a model to show “rain water harvesting” as means to

conserve water on a A-3 sheet .Also find the area and perimeter of shapes

like square, rectangle etc.

Activity:2. Planting more trees is a necessity to protect our environment.(R.NO.- 1 TO 20)

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A-4 Activity sheets, sketch pens, leaves of different types of plants, ruler ,graph

paper and colour pencils.

PROCEDURE: Collect data from five house gardens in your neighbourhood and make a table.

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Represent the above data as an attractive bar graph (paste a few leaves of these plants).Write scientific names

of at least four types of plants, you have seen in the garden.

CONCLUSION: Importance of plants and getting influenced to plant more.


Make a net of a 3 –D shape eg. A cube, a cuboid, prism etc. using coloured sheets .



Make a presentation on ‘natural resources’ using power point software and make 5 slides.

Bring print out of 5 slides on A4 sheet in a folder

Material required:

Software : power point

A4 sheet




News paper

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Students are allowed to use only recycled materials for the completion of these projects

Aesthetic Art Book-Page No. 31-40

Roll No.1-10

Draw and colour (A3 Sheet)-1.Still Life( Paper Collage)

2. Mehandi Design

Craft-Pot Making (Plastic bottle)

Materials: Waste Bottle, Old CD, Golden Spray, Fevi Quick.

Roll No. 11-20

Draw and colour( A4 Sheet)- 1. Calligraphy

2. Beautiful Landscape

Craft- Pen Holder( Shampoo Bottle)

Materials: Shampoo Bottle, Scissor, Pastel Sheets, Glue.

Roll No.21 and above

Draw and colour( A4 Sheet)-1. Scene of Metro Station

2. Garden Scene

Craft- Piggy Bank( Plastic Bottle)

Materials: Bottle, Spray, Fevi Quick, Pastel Sheets.

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SUBJECT: English Language

Q1. Underline the adjectives and circle the nouns they describe in the following sentences:

a. Our neighbours are very quarrelsome.

b. Mother brought a talking parrot for her.

c. The dentist pulled down his broken tooth.

d. Give this beggar some money.

Q2.Form adjectives by adding suffixes:

a. leak c.coast

b. fame d. second

Q3. Interchange the following as directed:

a. Does she know cooking? (affirmative)

b. Aunt gets medicine for Tom. (Injterrogative Negative)

c. We are waiting for the chief guest.(Interrogative)

d. Do they have an aquarium.(Affirmative)

Q4. Change and rewrite as directed:

a. The woman is washing her clothes. (Simple future)

b. Everyone goes out. (present cont.)

c. She is doing her homework. (Present perfect)

d. He is draing the new designs. (Present perfect cont.)

e. It was raining heavily. ( past perfect)

Q5. Rewrite the following by using correct forms of verbs given in the brackets:

a. They (spend) all their money by then.(future perfect)

b. I (do) this again.(Future cont.)

c. I (finish) this exercise by 10’clock. (past perfect)

d. She (study) during these days.(present perfect cont.)

Q6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

a. She began to cultivate friends________ the day she joined office.

b. If you sit _______ near the window, you will get a better a better view.

c. I will willingly participate ________ every work.

d. She is fond _________ ice creams.

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e. You can depend __________ my help.

f. Your watch appears to be superior _______ mine.

Q7. Identify the voice of given sentences:

a. Mice are caught by cats.

b. They will help us with money.

c. He was made a general.

d. Who taught her French?

e. She was laughed at.

f. Does the grocer sell tea.

Q8. Change the following in Passive voice:

a. They have done their homework.

b. We shall forgive her.

c. Do not insult the poor.

d. Will she not confess her guilt ?

Q9. Frame questions for the given sentences:

a. The train leaves at 8:15 am.

b. I shall be playing hockey tomorrow.

c. I had been to England last year.

SUBJECT: English Literature

Q1. Which lamps of London were dangerous? What was the danger?

Q2. Who was astonished to see the street lamps and why?

Q3. What types of lamps were initially found in Paris?

Q4. Why did Halku decide to gather leaves from the nearby orchard? What did they do with

those leaves?

Q5. Why was Halku contented at last? How did his feelings contradict with his wife’s?

Q6. How and which affair did Bertha manage carefully?

Q7. Describe the mental condition of all the 3 characters at the end of the story ‘The Story of

an Invitation’.

Q8.write the summary of the poem’ Adventure of Isabel’ and describe the character of Isabel.

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Q. 1. A Submarine is positioned 1050 m below the sea level. If it descends 300 m, what will be its new


Q.2. Find the pair of integer whose:

a. Sum is -9 b.Difference is -16 c. Sum is -100 d. Sum is 0 e. Difference

is -80

Q. 3. The difference of two integers is -63. If one of the integer is 105, find others.

Q4. Find the product using the suitable properties.

a. 18 x 999 b. 625 x (-45) + (-625) x 55

Q5 Simplify the following:

a. 6 – {5 x 3 – (-12) x 16÷ (-8)} b. 2 x 5 – [8 – {11+30÷ (4 – 3+5)}] c. 2 of [29 –

{5 + (12 - 3+5)}] d. (15-10) of [15 – {3 + (3 –11) }]

Q6. Average the following question in ascending: 4/15, 1/6, 5/12, 3/8

Q7. Evaluate the following:

a. 8 – 7/2 – 11/5 b. 28/5 – 25/9 – 17/15 – 4/45

Q8. Find:

a. 5/7 of [(13/5) ÷ (11/8)] b. (1/5 x 27/4) ÷ (5/2 x 1/3)

c. (4/5+1/8) x (53/12) / (6/9 x 4/7)

Q9. A man gave 1/3 of his money to his son, 1/5 of his money to his daughter and remaining to his wife. If his

wife gets Rs 35,000 what was the total money?

Q10. A Ribbon is 49 m long, how many pieces each of length 14/4 m can be cut from it?

Q11.Subtract the sum of 15.76 and 24.39 from the sum of 89.56 and 36.52.

Q12. Neetibought food items weighing 20kg. Of the total weight 7kg 500 g is wheat, 5 kg 250 g is rice and the

rest is sugar. Find the weight of the sugar.

Q13. Multiply 14.36 x 15.483

Q14. Divide

a. 20.576 ÷ 16 b. 0.07616 ÷ 2.38

Q15. Evaluate:

a. 54

÷ 53

x 55 b. ( 3

5x 4

7 x 5

8 )

0 c. ( - 3

3 x 2


6 x 23

d. 36 x ( - 6 ) 2 x 3

6 e. 2

5 x 15

0 + (-3)

3 – (2/7)

- 2

123 x 3


Q16. Draw a number line and represent on number line the rational numbers:

a) 3 / 5 b) -5 / 4

Q17. Insert five rational numbers between 2/3 and 5/7

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Q18. Insert three rational numbers between – 3 and - 2

Q19. What number should be subtracted from – 3 / 4 to get – 11/ 4?

Q20. What number should be added to – 7/ 12 to get 5/ 9 ?

Q21. If the length of a rectangle is 8.26 cm and its breadth is 5.5 cm , then find the area

of the rectangle.

Q22. Sona walks 17/12 km from a place A towards north and then from there she walks

25/9 km towards south. Where will be she now from place A ?

Q23. The product of two rational numbers is 18/35. If one of them is -2/5 , find the other.

Q24. Which is greater: -9/ -25 or 11/35?


1. Define the following terms :

a) Rotatory motion b) Vibratory motion c) Periodic motion d) Non – periodic motion

e) Speed f) Ultrasonic sound g) Infrasonic sound h) Amplitude i) echo

2. Write relation between frequency and time period .

3. State two laws of reflection .

4. What is the speed of a car moving 160km in 4 hours ?

5. A train running with a constant speed of 60km/hr covers 300km.How much time does it take to do so ?

6. A motor cycle is running at a constant speed of 20m/s. How much distance will it cover in 60s?

7. Represent graphically :

a) Low pitch sound and high pitch sound

b) Loud sound and feeble sound

8. The time period of a wave is 0.25 second. Find its frequency.

9. The frequency of sound wave is 500 Hz. Find its time period .

10. A gun is fired in the air at a distance of 660m from a person .He hears the sound of the gun after 2 seconds.

What is the speed of sound?

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NOTE Prepare chapters III and IV. Read all chapters thoroughly and do written practice in

chemistry practice note book

Q1 Complete the following sentences -

I Impure substances do not have any definite set of properties but they retain the properties of

__________________ substances.

II A compound is a pure substance formed by the ______________ combination of two or more elements

in a fixed ratio by mass.

III Elements which loose electrons and form positively charged ions or cations are called ______________

and elements which gain electrons and form negatively charged ions or anions are called _____________

IV ______________ is a pure substance that cannot be converted further into anything simpler than

itself by any physical or chemical process.

V The process of separation of grain from husk and hay with the help of wind is called ________________

Q2 Correct the following sentences -

I A chemical equation needs to be balanced so as to make the number of molecules of the reactants

equal to the number of molecules of the products.



II Electrons are discovered by James Chadwick.


III Sand is a sublimable substance


IV Mustard oil and water is separated by fractional distillation


V Periodic table is a tabular arrangement of molecules in vertical columns and horizontal rows.


Q3 Answer the following in one word -

I Positively charged particles present in an atom.

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II Molecules which contain more than three atoms.

III Name the simplest type of chromatography.

IV Name the smallest possible unit of an element.

V Non metallic positively charged radical.

Q4 Write down the molecular formula of the following -

I Laughing gas

___________________ VI Cane sugar ___________________

II Baking soda ___________________ VII Glucose ___________________

III Vinegar

___________________ VII Ammonia ___________________

IV Washing soda ___________________ IX Blue vitriol ___________________

V Sand

___________________ X Slaked lime ___________________

Q5 What does each of the following represent ?

I 2H2SO4


III 2O2 _________________________________________________________________________

III 2H _________________________________________________________________________

IV Cl _________________________________________________________________________

V 3CO2 _________________________________________________________________________

Q6 Write the names of the following compounds -





II NO2 ___________________



III H2S ___________________



IV NaOH ___________________



V KNO3 ___________________



Q7 Write down the formula of the following radicals and identify as basic or acid radicals -

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Radicals Formula Acid or Basic

I Carbonate



II Sulphate



III Sodium



IV Tin



V Chloride



Q8 Give reasons of the following -

I The molecular formula of calcium is "Ca" while that of Hydrogen is "H2"



II An atom is electrically neutral



Q9 Differentiate between electron, proton and neutron.

Electron Proton Neutron

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Q-1 Give one word for the following.

(1) Scientist who gave five kingdom classification _____________________.

(2) Blue green algae belong to _______________ kingdom.

(3) Amoeba moves with the help of ___________________.

(4) Nitrogen fixing bacteria _______________________.

(5) Bacteria used for curdling of milk _________________.

(6) Paramecium belongs to kingdom ______________.

(7) Example of edible fungi ______________________.

(8) Amphibians of plant kingdom ________________.

(9) Fungi used in ripening of cheese _________________.

(10) plants bear naked seeds .

(11) type of nutrition is present in fungi.

(12) Is caused by fungal infection.

(13) Is an example of filamentous algae.

(14) Are thread like structures of fungal body.

(15) Is an example of a dicot plant.

Q-2 Match the following.

Column I Column II

(i) Vibrio (1) Cones

(ii) Spirogyra (2) Amoeba

(iii) Bread mould (3) Saprophyte

(iv) Gymnosperms (4) Has chlorophyll

(v) Contractile Vacuole (5) Comma shaped

(vi) Thread like structures (6) Traps Sunlight

(vii) Chlorophyll (7) Rhizoids

Q-3 Give one member or example of each of the following kingdoms.

(1) Bryophyta –

(2) Pteridophyta-

(3) Thallophyta –

(4) Fungi –

(5) Algae –

(6) Monocot –

(7) Dicot -

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Q1. Define:

a. Topographical maps b. conventional sings c. counter lines

d. air e. stratosphere f. greenhouse effect

g. climate h. temperature i. atmospheric pressure

Q2. Answer the following question:

a. Analyse the significance of various colours used in toposheets.

b. explain the various types of scale used in toposheets.

c. Describe the composition of atmosphere and importance of each of its constituents.

d. Name the layers of atmosphere and explain their importance. With diagram.

e. Distinguish between:

i. troposphere and stratosphere

ii. Mesosphere and thermosphere

iii. weather and climate

iv. absolute humidity and relative humidity

f. mention the three types of clouds with one feature of each.

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SUBJECT: HISTORY / CIVICS Q1) Define the following terms:

a) Good Friday b) Easter c) invasion d) Constitution e) Democracy f) Republican 2) Fill in the blanks: a) ____________ was attacked by the Arabs. b) _____________ defeated____________ in the second battle of Tarain. c) _____________ defeated ____________ in the first battle of Tarain. d) Firdausi wrote_________________. e) _______________________ recognized Christianity. f) Constantinople fell in ______________________. g) ________________ was the father of Jesus. h) Liberty means___________________. i) ______________ was the first Indian Governor General. j) The Constitution came in to force in to______________. 3)Answer the following questions: a) State difference between a Democracy and a Republic. b) Why is the Constitutional law superior to other laws. c) Define the Nature of the Constitution. d) Define the ideals of the Constitution. e) Write any three teachings of Christianity. f) Write the contribution of emperor Constantine in spread of Christianity. g) Describe the emergence and fall of Constantinople. h) Why did Mahmud Ghazni attack India? i) Mention three most important invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni. j) Who laid the foundation of Turkish rule in India? k) What are the causes of success of the Turkish rule in India? l) Write the contribution of Iltutmish. m) How did Balban strengthen his position? n) Write contribution of Razia Sultan. o) Write economic reforms of Ala ud din Khilji. p) Write the monuments made by Qutub ud din Aibak. q)What was the impact of the raids of Muhammad Ghazni?

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o"k; & fgUnh

d{kk & lkroha

funsZ’k & lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA lkjk dk;Z lqanj o Li"V ys[k vkSj 'kqn~/k orZuh esa djsaA lkjk dk;Z fiu ist ij djsa o

;ksX;rk ijh{k.k i=d Hkh ist ds lkFk layXu djsaA

iz’u&1-^eqldjkdj py eqlkfQ+j* dfork dk ewyHkko fyf[k,A

iz’u&2- eqlkfQ+j dks vius drZO; iFk ij vkxs c<+rs gq, fdu&fdu eqlhcrksa dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gS\

iz’u&3- ^;kn j[k tks vk¡f/k;ksa ds lkeus Hkh eqldjkrs] os le; ds iFk ij in&fpg~u vius NksM+ tkrs] fpg~u os ftudks u /kks ldrs izy;

/ku Hkh] ewd jgdj tks lnk Hkwys gqvksa dks iFk crkrs* iafDr;ksa dk lizlax O;k[;k dhft,A

iz’u&4- fparkef.k dk pfj=&fp=.k dhft,A

iz’u&5- ^ty cSad* ikB ds ek/;e ls ys[kd gesa D;k lans’k nsuk pkgrs gSa\

iz’u&6- ty cSad gekjh enn fdl&fdl izdkj ls dj ldrs gSa\

iz’u&7- ,d gt+kj ,d dadM+ksa esa ls ghjk dkSu Fkk\ egkjkt us ml ghjs dks dSls igpkuk\

iz’u&8- eksj&egy esa dfo;ksa ds lkFk dSlk O;ogkj fd;k tkrk Fkk\

iz’u&9- var esa egkjkt us egkea=h dks lPps dfo ds ckjs esa D;k dgk\

iz’u&10- ^brus Å¡ps mBks* dfork dk ewyHkko fyf[k,A

iz’u&11- dfo lalkj dh ekSfyd jpuk fdlls djokuk pkgrs gSa vkSj ;qx dh ubZ ewfrZ&jpuk ds fy, D;k&d;k djuk gksxk\

iz’u&12- ^yks vrhr ls mruk &&&&ftruk ifjorZu gSA* mijksDr in~;ka’k dh lizlax O;k[;k dhft,A

iz’u&13- ^Xykscy&okfeZax* fo"k; ij yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa fuca/k fyf[k,A ¼ladsr fcanq&Hkwfedk] Xykscy okfeZax ds dkj.k] nq"izHkko] mik;]


iz’u&14- vius cM+s HkkbZ dks cksMZ dh ijh{kk esa vPNs vad ykus ds fy, 'kqHkdkeuk&i= fyf[k,A

iz’u&15- O;kdj.k dh iqLrd esa ls 1 ls 15 rd foykse 'kCn i;kZ;okph 'kCn] okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d 'kCn] Jqfrle fHkUukFkZd 'kCn o

vusdkFkhZ 'kCn fy[ksa o ;kn djsaA

uksV & i<+k, x, lHkh ikBksa dks ;kn djds mudk fyf[kr vH;kl djsaA

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Q1: Name any four types of Computer Viruses

Q2: Write the steps how to scan a drive or folder

Q3: Write the steps how to protect the computer from viruses

Q4: Write the ways how virus enter the computer

Q5: Perform the following tasks:

a) Find which antivirus software is installed on the computer.

b) Check when the antivirus was last updated.

c) Run the antivirus program to check for the presence of virus in the computer


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Holiday Home work is to be submitted according to the following schedule

July 3 Hindi Sst

July 4 English Maths

July 5 Computer Science Art & Craft