he Ubysse COMING EVENTS MONDAY, MARCH 9 Noon—Phrateres Tea , Moen—PresideatW Campaign Speeche s Auditorium . COMING Exam r VOL . XVIII. VANCOUVER, B . C ., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1936 No. 37 /slued Twice Weekly by the Students' Publications Boar d of The University of British Columbi a SPRING PLAY Wilson McDuffee Oppose s SNOWS CHAR M OE PAST DAY Classic Comedy O f English Stag e Popular HERE NEXT WEEK Gould For A .M .S . Presiden t U.B .C . BEATE N BY VISITOR S FROM OREGO N Monroe Doctrine A s Applying To Eas t Is Resolution DECISION DECISIV E By a house decision of 26 . 6, the Parliamentary Forum sustained th e arguments of a team from the Uni- versity of Oregon, on the negativ e of the question : "Resolved that in th e interests of world peace, the Unite d States and Great Britain should rec- ognize a Monroe Doctrine for Japa n in the Orient. " Debating for U.B.C . were All Carl - son and Sam Lipson . They were op- posed by Bill Hall and Howard Kes- sler of Oregon. Opening the debate for the affirm- ative, All Carlson outlined the prin- ciples of the U.S . Monroe Doctrine . "The U .S.A . will allow for no Eur- opean aggression in the Americas . W e believe that this has been In the beat Interests of peace in the New World . And a Monroe Doctrine for Japan would have similar results . "At present we see China in a stat e of chaos—armies marching through the East . The state of affairs in the rest of the world has accentuated this . "One strong nation is needed to control affairs in the east . We be- lieve that Japan is the ideal natio n for this . " Bill Hall, speaking for the negativ e opened with a contrast between th e American and Japanese policies . "There is no analogy between the American Monroe Doctrine and th e proposed Japanese plan . When the L' .S . put . forward tl}e Mont oe Doc - trine, there were no spheres of in- fluence carved out . Further, the U .S . had vastly more potential power . "The U .S . has carried out a dua l policy . . . one for countries capable of governing themselves, the other for the Caribbean nations, who ar e not very civilized, and have wea k governments , "Japan wishes to determine th e foreign policy and trade of all nation s in the East . And America and Grea t Britain cannot afford to withdraw . They have too much capital investe d in China . Sam Lipson carried on the argu- ment for the affirmative . "The U.S . reserves the right to de - fine, interpret, and carry out its Mon - roe Doctrine . It is only fair that Japan should have the same right . The only solution for China and th e East is industrialization, Japan ha s already carried this out within it s own borders. And it is able to carr y it out in China . "The foreign trade whicn Grea t Britain would have to give up if sh e had to withdraw from China is onl y 1 .6 percent of her total foreign trade . " Howard Kessler closed the debat e for the negative . He quoted the Lyt- ton report to show that, while Japa n is ostensibly going into Manchuku o for iron and coal, there is really littl e of these two products in the country . "Japan's only interest in China i s as a market . And they will want t o expand further after they get thi s far . In the Philippine Islands ther e is a mine containing enough iron or e to keep Japan supplied for a hundre d years. " Speakers from the floor followed . After all had spoken, the debate wa s closed by Sam Lipson . The vote gave the decision to Oregon . It was announced that the fina l Forum meeting of the year woul d take place on Tuesday, March 17 , when the question to be debated wil l be "Resolved, that in Canada, Eas t is East, and West is West, and neve r the twain shall meet . " NOTICE TO ELECTIO N CANDIDATE S Would all candidates for offices i n the forthcoming student elections, ex- cept those for the office of president , please turn in to the Ubyssey office a short campaign platform and a shor t luminary of their previous student ac - tivities before ten o'clock on Tuesday , *larch 12 . The Ubyssey wishes to re - main impartial but cannot do so un- less all candidates co-operate . /_N_Nn~N,11111A1MI111~N_N_NM ~ Speeches Move d To Monday Noo n Campaign speeches by Jay Gould and Wilson McDuffee , candidates for the A .M.S . pres- idency, wil be given Monda y noon in the Auditorium instea d of today as prevously announc- ed . The change is for the benefi t of McDuffee who is at presen t teeth with the Rowing crew an d will not be back until tamer . row . Speeches will be Unite d to five minutes with supporter s having three minutes to talk . IIIIIIINXAINIAIINIIMI,I pIM1AAM11 ,111 •— _I OREGON EDITOR S DRAW SALARIE S Victorious Orator s Compare Tw o Varsitie s The visiting Oregon debaters, Bil l Hall and Howard Kessler, as well a s John Casteel who accompanied them on their trip to Vancouver, gave some sidelights on student government and debating in the University of Orego n in an interview on Tuesday. Howard Kessler, originally from Lethbridge, Alberta, but now takin g journalism at Oregon, was surprise d to find that the editors of the Ubys- my get no salaries . "In Oregon," h e said, "the editor gets $400 a year, th e business manager $400, and the man - aging editor $200, while the advertis - ing solicitors get a percentage of the proceeds from the ads they bring in . "The paper is usually conducting a campaign of some sort, At present, It is crusading for a more vigorou s inter-fraternity council : une with teeth, and with something to sin k them p into, The council is accustomed to being held in on a tight leash . "As for student government, it I s of the usual political type to be foun d in American universities . " "The less said about the govern- ment the better," declared bill Hall . "All difficulties end by being refer - red to the constitution and the Judi - cal Committee . The constitution is practically non-existent . They re - vise it every year, and always leav e out something important. " John Casteel described debating i n Oregon . "The club is given a budge t from the funds of the Associated Stu - dent Body," he explained, "and is directed by faculty members . "The number of debates with other universities is limited, but the mem- bers of the club speak to women's clubs, the Kiwanis, the Rotary Club , and many others on subjects rtinginf from farming and grain to politica l problems. "Afterwards the audience ask s questions . It is excellent experienc e for the students and they get int o some funny situations . "One group is making a barnstorm- ing tour of Southern Oregon . These discussion are not strick debates : we call them Symposium . Different speakers give different points of vie w on the same question . At present we are giving a series of fifteen min- ute discussions over the state radi o system, one each Friday night . " Bridges Will For m Institute Subjec t "Some Modern Bridges" is the titl e of the Vancouver Institute lecture t o be given on Saturday evening i n Room 100 of the Arts Building of the University of British Columbia . Th e speaker will be Professor Allan H . Finlay, of the Department of Civi l Engineering at the University . While the development of bridges will be briefly sketched, and refer- ence made to typicl examples of thi s form of engineering, Including th e great structure now under erectio n between San Francisco and Oakland , the bulk of the lecture will be de - voted to the great bridge at Sydney , Australia . The lecture will be fully illustrated by lantern slides, mnay of the view s being taken from the air . The chair will be taken at 8 :15 b y Mr . George E . Winter, the Pi esiden t of the Institute . The B . C . Electric provides an ade- quate bus service . All Institute le a tares are free to the public . Displaying the color and charm o f one of the most gracious periods i n history, Oliver Goldsmith's swingin g comedy classic of the stage, "Sh e Stoops to Conquer, " will radiate it s perennial warmth again when th e U.B .C . Players' Club offer their an - nual spring production at the Uni- versity Theatre next Thursday, Fri - day and Saturday. With all the style and elegance o f a bygone ere, "She Stoops to Con- quer" combines a verdant, earth y quality of true comedy which has act- uated its successful presentation i n London alone in practically every de- cade since 1795. Sincerity and humour of character - Ization impart to the play that spark - ling vitality which has preserved I t so well . English types as real as the nation itself live in this comedy ; th e lusty, genial, country gentry ; the re - fined and exquisite aristocracy ; and the Devon yokels whose stolid quaint- ness Is so delightful . Working under their talented direc- tor, Miss Dorothy Somerset, studen t actors and actresses are enjoying th e verve and swing of their roles . Miss Somerset's success with little Thea- tre and past U .B.C . Players' Club productions ensures a polished pro- duction . C .O .T .C . Awarde d -Diplomas, Prize s The officers and men of the C .O . T.C . attended their final parade of the season on Wednesday night when the y were inspected by Brig . D . J . Mac- donald, M,C ., D.S .O ., District Office r Commanding Military Division 11 . Lieut .-Colonel Letson, commanding officer of the corps, was awarded a decoration for efficiency during hi s tenure of command, which expire s this year. , Captain G . M . Shrum was awarde d a Militia Staff Corps Certificate, a result of a school attended this sum- mer. The range competitions were wo n by Corporals F . R. Jones and F . B . oones. The former was awarded th e Leckie Shield, for the highest scor e in this year's Inter-university Rifl e Competition . He made a score of 99 out of apossible 105. Five other uni- versities took part in the contest . F. B . Jones will hold the Maclnne s Memorial Shield for shooting on th e outdoor range under service condi- tions. Three commissions were granted i n the C .O .T .C. to 2nd Lieutenants H. P . Godard, A . J . Johnson and V . R . Hill . Nine "A" Certificates, Infantry , were awarded, and two Small Arm s School Certificates . Gas Discusse d At Forest Clu b At the Tuesday meeting an inter- esting talk was given by Major J. H . Jenkins of the Forest Products Lab - oratory . Major Jenkins discussed th e use of Producer Gas as a fuel fro m 1791 when it was first used for illum- ination to the present time whe n large nations are converting, on a wholesale scale, gasoline engines t o producer-gas engines . One large mine in South Africa wa s quoted as having cut down consump- tion of wood to one-fifth by conver- sion from steam to producer ga s power . It was stressed that the grea t advantage of wood gas will be for mines which are far from soarces o f gasoline supplies and where the cost of gas is high . These mines coul d make their own charcoal and sav e very considerably in so doing . Work of the Forest Products Lab - oratory has shown that trucks usin g producer gas generated from charcoa l can operate at a cost of .27 to .28 cents per ton-mile, whereas thos e usin gasoline are costing about .57 cents per ton-mile . The cost of a producer gas generator is about $30 0 In Vancouver . Other Offices Sought By Record Numbe r Of Candidate s INTEREST HIG H Already an unusually large num- ber of students have signified their Intention of running for Council Of- fices this year in spite of the fac t that nominations for offices othe r than President do not close urtll Wed - nesday, March 11 . Pauline Patterson and Kay Scott will compete for the position of sec- retary of A .M .S . Froth Edmonds wa s on Thursday evening the only nomi- nee for the office of treasurer al - though it is believed that Clarenc e Idyll, the present treasurer, will stan d for re-election this year . Three camp - us co-eds aspire to become president of the Women's Undergraduate So- clety; they are Connie Harvey, Aud- rey Horwood and Betty White . Ken Grant and John Witbeck, Sol- encemen, have been nominated fo r president of the Men's Undergraduat e Society . Two nominations have been handed in for the position of th e president of the Literary and Scien- tific Executive. The candidates are John Logan and Alvin Rosenbaum . George Crosson has been nominate d for the position of president of the Men's Athletic Society . Lilian Boyd , Beth Evans and Laura Nixon ar e competing for the presidency of th e Women's Athletic Society. The pop- ular office of Junior Member has a t the present only three nominees David Lewis, John Light and Howi e McPhee. Further nominations are expecte d before the beginning of next week . Nurses Dance A t Georgian Clu b Members of the Nurses Undergrad- uate Society and their guests met a t the Georgian Club Wednesday even- ing on the occasion of their annua l dance when the music was supplie d by Les Davies' orchestra . Science colors of red and .vhite in- termingled with the University blu e and gold were used as decorations i n the rooms. Patrons and patronesses for the af- fair were President and Mrs . L. S . Klinck, Dean and Mrs . J . N . Turn - bull, Dr . and Mrs. C . E . Dolman, Dr. and Mrs. D . C . B . Duff, Miss M . L. Bollert, Miss Grace Fairley, Miss Ma - bel Gray and Miss Margaret Kerr . Arrangements for the evening wer e made by Miss Ethel Rolston, presi- dent of the Society, assisted by Miss Norma Pollock, Miss Frances Mc - Quarrie, Miss Beth McCann, Miss Ra e Kirkendale, and Miss Kathleen Tay- lor . n n_YII_IIY_Iln_XH_XI_AX_XM.Y,MpX _ JOHN GOULD To Members of the Alma Ma - ter Society : I beg to submit the followin g platform for the forthcomin g presidential election . I . To improve the Univers - Ity's public relations, in orde r to gain greater financial suppor t from the government, and to e - duce wealthy citizens to endo w our University . 2. To investigate the studen t pass system whereby each stu 1 dent is issued a pass which giv- es admission to all major func- tions and games. 3. To Meter Intra-mural sport and extracurricular activities i n such a way that the recentl y Incorporated longer noon reces s may be utilized to the fulles t extent possible. May I take this opportunity of thanking those students wh o have shown their confidence I n me by supporting my nomina- tion . Yours Sincerel y John Groves Gould . IAXMAI_IM_IA_N_II_IA_AI_YN .AAMM_I Candidate s JOHN R . GOULD WILSON McDUFFEE SINUS SUPPORT S OWN CANDIDATES Campus politics were the subjec t of the S .M .U .S. meeting yesterda y noon, when the assembled engineer s were asked to pledge their suppor t to the aclencemen running for posi- tions on Students' Council . Further business included the ad- vertising for the coming election o f next year's President of S.M .U .S . I t was announced that each candidat e would be allowed only one sign . Another suggestion was that the Class of Science '40 be initiated b y the redshlrts . This met with en- thusiastic acclaim, but a final decis- ion was deferred to a later date . At the close of the meeting, it wa s announced that Professor Findla y will speak at the meeting of the Van- couver Institute to be held on Satur- day night in Arts 100, and all Science - men were asked to attend . _NI,_M.~.M .~IM_XI~YI_Ip_II_11r111 .~ WILSON McDUFFE E C .N.R. Telegraph, H. Ballads, University of B.C . : Thanks for Presidential nom- ination . Support Union Build- ing but do not favor new bon d Issue. Continue present additio n of five dollars to Alma Mate r Fee covering sports, clubs an d major functions, remainder t o go to Union Building Fund . De- tails following . Encourage in- Ira-mural and intercollegiate ac - tivities. Suggest motto : "Eyes of the West on U.B .C . " All Success, (signed ) Wilson McDuffee. IhA_IX~-AA_,p_XII_nA_M_XI,_An_M+XN_N Last Hour Nomination Brings on Electio n Battle Tuesday SPEECHES MONDA Y Nominations for President of the Alma Mater Society closed Tuesda y night with only two candidates in th e running . Jay Gould, this year's La . E . President, will be opposed by Wil- son McDuffee, prominent lower . Gould has had a varied life, rang- ing from travelling salesman to log- ger. He was out of the university fo r several years, but returned two year s ago to complete his course. He In- tends to go into law as a life's work. During the last two years he ha s been a prominent member of the Par - liamentary Forum . Starting list sprin g when he participated in a debate against Washington, he has debated for U.B .C . often . This fall, he toured Canada with Maurice Western of th e University of Saskatchewan, winnin g more than two thirds of his debates . He is also a member of the Players ' Club, where he has done much work . Wilson McDuffee, starting as Prem- ier of the Taxis Older Boyd Parlia- ment, has had experience as an ex- ecutive . He is a well known member of the S .C.M . and of the I .R .C. He has been an outstanding rower , and is now in Oregon with the crew . It was due partially to his efforts that rowing received a raised rating. Debating is also one of his activi- ties . He has taken part in three radio debates for U .B.C. The two candidates will be hear d on Monday, in the Auditorium where they will give amplifications of thei r published platforms . Speaking in support of Jay Goul d is Lex McKillop, MeDuffee's speake r has not been announced . "Mikado's Court " On Thursday noon the "Mikado' s Court" will visit the universit y campus, when the Japanese student s will produce an Oriental hour of en- tertainment . They have decided t o do their share of the Union Buildin g Campaign by putting on this show. Admission will be ten cents . A feature of the show will be an exhibition of Jiu Jitsu, or Jiudo, th e Japanese national art of self defense . Also, there will be Japanese fenc - ing . This is done with weighty sa- bers such as decorate the -.vans of museums. An exhibition of this styl e of fighting is comparatively rare . To round out the show, there wil l be music, Japanese boxing and wrest - ling, and other Oriental forms of en - tertainment . _MI.~Xp_AA_II~A~I_Xp .~ .1A .~Ap.A~AA.A Attention Contacts ! Students who have bee n exposed to infection thr u being in contact wit h either Mumps, Rubella, o r both, and who have bee n excluded under 3(a) o f the "Provincial Board of Health Bulletin" pleas e note that in order to min- imize loss of such students ' time, 3(b) of the "Bulle- tin" goes into effect im- mediately . The students concerned must report (with Exclu- sion Slip) for inspectio n not later than 8 :30 A .M. every morning for the pre- scribed period ... . Students who have no t already reported bein g contact with others wh o are infective (or who , themselves, have been or are suffering from any in- disposition) are advised to report immediately . *11_p,~pp_nn„NII_pn . .~llll_M_M_M_AN_ Y Presidential Campaign Speeches Mon . Noon, Aud .

he Ubysse - UBC Library · PDF filehe Ubysse COMING EVENTS MONDAY, ... in an interview on Tuesday. Howard Kessler, originally from ... F. B. Jones will hold the Maclnnes

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Noon—Phrateres Tea,Moen—PresideatW Campaign Speeches

Auditorium .




No. 37

/slued Twice Weekly by the Students' Publications Boar dof The University of British Columbia


OE PAST DAYClassic Comedy Of

English StagePopular


Gould For A.M.S. PresidentU.B.C. BEATEN


Monroe Doctrine AsApplying To East

Is Resolution

DECISION DECISIV EBy a house decision of 26. 6, the

Parliamentary Forum sustained the

arguments of a team from the Uni-

versity of Oregon, on the negative

of the question: "Resolved that in th e

interests of world peace, the Unite d

States and Great Britain should rec-

ognize a Monroe Doctrine for Japan

in the Orient."

Debating for U.B.C. were All Carl -

son and Sam Lipson . They were op-posed by Bill Hall and Howard Kes-sler of Oregon.

Opening the debate for the affirm-ative, All Carlson outlined the prin-ciples of the U.S . Monroe Doctrine .

"The U .S.A. will allow for no Eur-opean aggression in the Americas . Webelieve that this has been In the beatInterests of peace in the New World .And a Monroe Doctrine for Japanwould have similar results .

"At present we see China in a stat eof chaos—armies marching throughthe East . The state of affairs in therest of the world has accentuated this .

"One strong nation is needed tocontrol affairs in the east . We be-lieve that Japan is the ideal nationfor this ."

Bill Hall, speaking for the negativ eopened with a contrast between th eAmerican and Japanese policies.

"There is no analogy between theAmerican Monroe Doctrine and theproposed Japanese plan . When theL' .S . put .forward tl}e Mont oe Doc -trine, there were no spheres of in-fluence carved out. Further, the U.S .had vastly more potential power.

"The U.S . has carried out a dua lpolicy . . . one for countries capableof governing themselves, the otherfor the Caribbean nations, who arenot very civilized, and have weakgovernments ,

"Japan wishes to determine theforeign policy and trade of all nation sin the East . And America and GreatBritain cannot afford to withdraw .They have too much capital investedin China .

Sam Lipson carried on the argu-ment for the affirmative.

"The U.S. reserves the right to de -fine, interpret, and carry out its Mon -roe Doctrine. It is only fair thatJapan should have the same right .The only solution for China and th eEast is industrialization, Japan hasalready carried this out within itsown borders. And it is able to carryit out in China .

"The foreign trade whicn Grea tBritain would have to give up if shehad to withdraw from China is onl y1 .6 percent of her total foreign trade . "

Howard Kessler closed the debatefor the negative . He quoted the Lyt-ton report to show that, while Japanis ostensibly going into Manchukuofor iron and coal, there is really littl eof these two products in the country .

"Japan's only interest in China i sas a market. And they will want t oexpand further after they get thi sfar . In the Philippine Islands thereis a mine containing enough iron or eto keep Japan supplied for a hundredyears. "

Speakers from the floor followed .After all had spoken, the debate wa sclosed by Sam Lipson . The vote gavethe decision to Oregon .

It was announced that the fina lForum meeting of the year wouldtake place on Tuesday, March 17 ,when the question to be debated wil lbe "Resolved, that in Canada, Eastis East, and West is West, and neverthe twain shall meet . "


Would all candidates for offices inthe forthcoming student elections, ex-cept those for the office of president,please turn in to the Ubyssey office ashort campaign platform and a shor tluminary of their previous student ac -tivities before ten o'clock on Tuesday ,*larch 12 . The Ubyssey wishes to re -main impartial but cannot do so un-less all candidates co-operate .


Speeches MovedTo Monday NoonCampaign speeches by Jay

Gould and Wilson McDuffee,

candidates for the A .M.S . pres-idency, wil be given Monda ynoon in the Auditorium insteadof today as prevously announc-ed .

The change is for the benefi tof McDuffee who is at presentteeth with the Rowing crew and

will not be back until tamer.

row. Speeches will be Unitedto five minutes with supportershaving three minutes to talk.



Victorious OratorsCompare Two

VarsitiesThe visiting Oregon debaters, Bil l

Hall and Howard Kessler, as well a s

John Casteel who accompanied them

on their trip to Vancouver, gave somesidelights on student government and

debating in the University of Oregon

in an interview on Tuesday.

Howard Kessler, originally from

Lethbridge, Alberta, but now takin g

journalism at Oregon, was surprised

to find that the editors of the Ubys-

my get no salaries. "In Oregon," he

said, "the editor gets $400 a year, the

business manager $400, and the man-

aging editor $200, while the advertis-

ing solicitors get a percentage of theproceeds from the ads they bring in .

"The paper is usually conducting acampaign of some sort, At present,It is crusading for a more vigorousinter-fraternity council: une withteeth, and with something to sin kthem

pinto, The council is accustomed

to being held in on a tight leash ."As for student government, it Is

of the usual political type to be foundin American universities . "

"The less said about the govern-ment the better," declared bill Hall ."All difficulties end by being refer -red to the constitution and the Judi -cal Committee . The constitution ispractically non-existent . They re -vise it every year, and always leav eout something important. "

John Casteel described debating inOregon . "The club is given a budgetfrom the funds of the Associated Stu-dent Body," he explained, "and isdirected by faculty members .

"The number of debates with otheruniversities is limited, but the mem-bers of the club speak to women'sclubs, the Kiwanis, the Rotary Club ,and many others on subjects rtinginffrom farming and grain to politicalproblems.

"Afterwards the audience asksquestions . It is excellent experiencefor the students and they get intosome funny situations.

"One group is making a barnstorm-ing tour of Southern Oregon. Thesediscussion are not strick debates : wecall them Symposium. Differentspeakers give different points of viewon the same question. At presentwe are giving a series of fifteen min-ute discussions over the state radi osystem, one each Friday night . "

Bridges Will FormInstitute Subject

"Some Modern Bridges" is the titleof the Vancouver Institute lecture t obe given on Saturday evening inRoom 100 of the Arts Building of theUniversity of British Columbia . Thespeaker will be Professor Allan H.Finlay, of the Department of CivilEngineering at the University .

While the development of bridgeswill be briefly sketched, and refer-ence made to typicl examples of thisform of engineering, Including th egreat structure now under erectionbetween San Francisco and Oakland ,the bulk of the lecture will be de -voted to the great bridge at Sydney ,Australia .

The lecture will be fully illustratedby lantern slides, mnay of the viewsbeing taken from the air.

The chair will be taken at 8 :15 b yMr. George E . Winter, the Pi esiden tof the Institute.

The B . C. Electric provides an ade-quate bus service . All Institute leatares are free to the public .

Displaying the color and charm ofone of the most gracious periods inhistory, Oliver Goldsmith's swingingcomedy classic of the stage, "Sh eStoops to Conquer, " will radiate itsperennial warmth again when theU.B .C. Players' Club offer their an -nual spring production at the Uni-versity Theatre next Thursday, Fri -day and Saturday.

With all the style and elegance ofa bygone ere, "She Stoops to Con-quer" combines a verdant, earthyquality of true comedy which has act-uated its successful presentation inLondon alone in practically every de-cade since 1795.

Sincerity and humour of character -Ization impart to the play that spark -ling vitality which has preserved Itso well . English types as real as thenation itself live in this comedy ; thelusty, genial, country gentry ; the re -fined and exquisite aristocracy ; andthe Devon yokels whose stolid quaint-ness Is so delightful .

Working under their talented direc-tor, Miss Dorothy Somerset, studen tactors and actresses are enjoying th everve and swing of their roles. MissSomerset's success with little Thea-tre and past U .B.C. Players' Clubproductions ensures a polished pro-duction .

C.O.T.C. Awarded-Diplomas, Prizes

The officers and men of the C.O .T.C. attended their final parade of theseason on Wednesday night when the ywere inspected by Brig . D. J . Mac-donald, M,C ., D.S .O., District Office rCommanding Military Division 11 .

Lieut .-Colonel Letson, commandingofficer of the corps, was awarded adecoration for efficiency during hi stenure of command, which expiresthis year. ,

Captain G . M. Shrum was awardeda Militia Staff Corps Certificate, aresult of a school attended this sum-mer.

The range competitions were wo nby Corporals F . R. Jones and F . B .oones. The former was awarded theLeckie Shield, for the highest scorein this year's Inter-university RifleCompetition . He made a score of 99out of apossible 105. Five other uni-versities took part in the contest .

F. B . Jones will hold the MaclnnesMemorial Shield for shooting on theoutdoor range under service condi-tions.

Three commissions were granted i nthe C .O .T .C. to 2nd Lieutenants H. P.Godard, A . J . Johnson and V . R . Hill .

Nine "A" Certificates, Infantry,were awarded, and two Small ArmsSchool Certificates .

Gas DiscussedAt Forest Club

At the Tuesday meeting an inter-esting talk was given by Major J. H .Jenkins of the Forest Products Lab -oratory . Major Jenkins discussed th euse of Producer Gas as a fuel from1791 when it was first used for illum-ination to the present time whenlarge nations are converting, on awholesale scale, gasoline engines toproducer-gas engines .

One large mine in South Africa wasquoted as having cut down consump-tion of wood to one-fifth by conver-sion from steam to producer ga spower . It was stressed that the grea tadvantage of wood gas will be formines which are far from soarces ofgasoline supplies and where the costof gas is high. These mines couldmake their own charcoal and sav every considerably in so doing .

Work of the Forest Products Lab -oratory has shown that trucks usin gproducer gas generated from charcoalcan operate at a cost of .27 to .28cents per ton-mile, whereas thoseusin gasoline are costing about .57cents per ton-mile . The cost of aproducer gas generator is about $30 0In Vancouver .

Other Offices SoughtBy Record Number

Of Candidates

INTEREST HIG HAlready an unusually large num-

ber of students have signified theirIntention of running for Council Of-fices this year in spite of the factthat nominations for offices othe rthan President do not close urtll Wed-nesday, March 11 .

Pauline Patterson and Kay Scottwill compete for the position of sec-retary of A .M .S . Froth Edmonds wason Thursday evening the only nomi-nee for the office of treasurer al -though it is believed that ClarenceIdyll, the present treasurer, will stan dfor re-election this year . Three camp -us co-eds aspire to become presidentof the Women's Undergraduate So-clety; they are Connie Harvey, Aud-rey Horwood and Betty White.

Ken Grant and John Witbeck, Sol-encemen, have been nominated forpresident of the Men's UndergraduateSociety . Two nominations have beenhanded in for the position of thepresident of the Literary and Scien-tific Executive. The candidates areJohn Logan and Alvin Rosenbaum.George Crosson has been nominatedfor the position of president of theMen's Athletic Society. Lilian Boyd ,Beth Evans and Laura Nixon arecompeting for the presidency of th eWomen's Athletic Society. The pop-ular office of Junior Member has atthe present only three nominees —David Lewis, John Light and Howi eMcPhee.

Further nominations are expectedbefore the beginning of next week .

Nurses Dance A t

Georgian Club

Members of the Nurses Undergrad-uate Society and their guests met a tthe Georgian Club Wednesday even-ing on the occasion of their annua ldance when the music was suppliedby Les Davies' orchestra .

Science colors of red and .vhite in-termingled with the University blu eand gold were used as decorations inthe rooms.

Patrons and patronesses for the af-fair were President and Mrs . L. S .Klinck, Dean and Mrs . J . N. Turn-bull, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Dolman, Dr.and Mrs. D. C. B. Duff, Miss M . L.Bollert, Miss Grace Fairley, Miss Ma -bel Gray and Miss Margaret Kerr.

Arrangements for the evening weremade by Miss Ethel Rolston, presi-dent of the Society, assisted by MissNorma Pollock, Miss Frances Mc -Quarrie, Miss Beth McCann, Miss RaeKirkendale, and Miss Kathleen Tay-lor .



To Members of the Alma Ma-ter Society :

I beg to submit the followingplatform for the forthcomingpresidential election .

I . To improve the Univers-Ity's public relations, in orderto gain greater financial suppor tfrom the government, and to e -duce wealthy citizens to endowour University .

2. To investigate the studentpass system whereby each stu 1dent is issued a pass which giv-es admission to all major func-tions and games.

3. To Meter Intra-mural sportand extracurricular activities insuch a way that the recentlyIncorporated longer noon recessmay be utilized to the fullestextent possible.

May I take this opportunityof thanking those students wh ohave shown their confidence I nme by supporting my nomina-tion .

Yours SincerelyJohn Groves Gould .







Campus politics were the subject

of the S.M .U.S. meeting yesterday

noon, when the assembled engineers

were asked to pledge their suppor tto the aclencemen running for posi-

tions on Students' Council .

Further business included the ad-

vertising for the coming election of

next year's President of S.M .U .S. Itwas announced that each candidat e

would be allowed only one sign .Another suggestion was that the

Class of Science '40 be initiated by

the redshlrts . This met with en-

thusiastic acclaim, but a final decis-ion was deferred to a later date .

At the close of the meeting, it was

announced that Professor Findla y

will speak at the meeting of the Van-couver Institute to be held on Satur-

day night in Arts 100, and all Science -

men were asked to attend .

_NI,_M.~.M.~IM_XI~YI_Ip_II_11r111 .~


C .N.R. Telegraph,H. Ballads,University of B.C . :

Thanks for Presidential nom-ination. Support Union Build-ing but do not favor new bondIssue. Continue present additionof five dollars to Alma MaterFee covering sports, clubs an dmajor functions, remainder t ogo to Union Building Fund. De-tails following . Encourage in-Ira-mural and intercollegiate ac-tivities. Suggest motto : "Eyes ofthe West on U.B .C ."

All Success,

(signed )Wilson McDuffee.


Last Hour Nomination

Brings on Election

Battle Tuesday


Nominations for President of the

Alma Mater Society closed Tuesday

night with only two candidates in therunning. Jay Gould, this year's La.E. President, will be opposed by Wil-son McDuffee, prominent lower .

Gould has had a varied life, rang-ing from travelling salesman to log-

ger. He was out of the university forseveral years, but returned two years

ago to complete his course. He In-

tends to go into law as a life's work.

During the last two years he hasbeen a prominent member of the Par -

liamentary Forum . Starting list spring

when he participated in a debateagainst Washington, he has debated

for U.B .C . often. This fall, he touredCanada with Maurice Western of th eUniversity of Saskatchewan, winningmore than two thirds of his debates .

He is also a member of the Players'Club, where he has done much work.

Wilson McDuffee, starting as Prem-ier of the Taxis Older Boyd Parlia-ment, has had experience as an ex-ecutive. He is a well known memberof the S.C.M. and of the I .R .C.

He has been an outstanding rower,and is now in Oregon with the crew .It was due partially to his effortsthat rowing received a raised rating.

Debating is also one of his activi-ties. He has taken part in three radiodebates for U.B.C.

The two candidates will be heardon Monday, in the Auditorium wherethey will give amplifications of theirpublished platforms .

Speaking in support of Jay Gouldis Lex McKillop, MeDuffee's speake rhas not been announced .

"Mikado's Court"

On Thursday noon the "Mikado'sCourt" will visit the universitycampus, when the Japanese studentswill produce an Oriental hour of en-tertainment . They have decided todo their share of the Union BuildingCampaign by putting on this show.Admission will be ten cents .

A feature of the show will be anexhibition of Jiu Jitsu, or Jiudo, theJapanese national art of self defense .

Also, there will be Japanese fenc-ing . This is done with weighty sa-bers such as decorate the -.vans ofmuseums. An exhibition of this styl eof fighting is comparatively rare .

To round out the show, there wil lbe music, Japanese boxing and wrest -ling, and other Oriental forms of en -tertainment .

_MI.~Xp_AA_II~A~I_Xp.~.1A .~Ap.A~AA.A

Attention Contacts !

Students who have been

exposed to infection thru

being in contact witheither Mumps, Rubella, orboth, and who have beenexcluded under 3(a) ofthe "Provincial Board of

Health Bulletin" please

note that in order to min-imize loss of such students 'time, 3(b) of the "Bulle-

tin" goes into effect im-

mediately .

The students concerned

must report (with Exclu-sion Slip) for inspectionnot later than 8:30 A.M.every morning for the pre-

scribed period . . . .

Students who have not

already reported bein gcontact with others wh oare infective (or who ,themselves, have been or

are suffering from any in-

disposition) are advised toreport immediately.

*11_p,~pp_nn„NII_pn . .~llll_M_M_M_AN_ Y

Presidential Campaign Speeches Mon. Noon, Aud.

Pap Two


Friday, March 6, 193 6s►

proceeding paragraph, I hope theidea is over that this year's electionsare going to be serious. We need aCouncil next year that will be readyfor action . We know that the Presi-dent will be—the rest depends on thestudents who vote.

SPRING IS HEREAnd so is the annual walking sea -

son.Every noon hour — and aren't we

glad they last an hour and a halfl-we stroll through the gardens, downto Marine Drive, along by the point,and back through that old dirt roa dthat leads to the campus again .

Spring on this campus is a wonder-ful thing—it ,is anywhere. All thepetty caf romances that flourish dur-ing the winter at tea-time burst outinto their full blossom when Springis upon us Out into the wide openspaces they go—two by two and eve narm in arm .

Poetry—a peculiarly messy type ofit—is written by the ream. And con-versation, usually on drab things likehistory, economics, and the classics,turns to . . . love .

Alai Now is when we nppreciat ethat man Jessup .

THINGMUJIGGERSIt might be a good idea for the

next Council to make their meetingsopen . The University of Alberta law-makers allow an audience, whichkeeps the Councillers from strayingaway from business—we ngle in th e"Gateway" that at the last Counci lmeeting one lone student turned upto watch the fun.

One of the girls in the chorus of"Pirates of Penzance" was so ill th elast night that she has been absentever since—but the show went on .They always do .

The last issue of the Ubyssey iscoming up soon . . . and, speaking ofthe Pub Office, our 100 percent girlcame out with a strange remark theother day . Said she, after looking ata snap of the Dionnes, "Wouldn't i tba swell to have quintuplets." TuumEat .

$ 30,000



(~hP ttqjuiirg:Member Cl,., P.LP.A. )

Telephone: Point Grey 108

Weed twice weekly by the Students' Publication Boar dM the Al as Mater Society of Ow University at British


Mail Subaiptias ILL per yearCampus Subscription $1.10 pee Year

BDITOB•IN•C8ZIP4 John CardshNews Managers Zoe Browne Clayto n

SBNIOB EDITORSTuesday: Derwin Baird

Friday: John LoganSpats Editor: Kamp Edmonds

Amulet, Edite : Norman De Poe, An Beveridge

Associate Sport Editor.: Milton Taylor, Howls HumeAmides! Editors: Ken Grant, Madge Neill, Paulin e

PattersonAahtant Spat Editors Dave Petaplen, Prank Turner ,

Bill Van Houton

Exchange Editor: Shinobu HigashiLibrary Editors Rog Jenup

Columnists : Reg Jessup, Haney Miles, &A.Feature Editors Lloyd Hobden

Printed by Point Grey Raws•Clwtte IAd .111! West 41st Avenue



The Library these days is in great demandfrom students studying for the last stretch be -

fore exams. There appear, however, to be cer-tain students belonging to certain groups wh othemselves not very much interested in study-ing, seem to forget that there are other stud-ents who come to the Library to study .

These students usually use the south wing ,otherwise known as the social wing, to persu etheir alleged studying . For their own amuse-ment and the admiration of those sitting in th evicinity they carry on a barrage of conversa-tion which would not be unusual if it was i nreasonable undertones. The conversations arevaried by the occasional practice of practicaljokes on co-eds and others, and at very specia ltimes by the considerable feat of walking alongthe Library tables .

We would not mention these facts at all i fit were not for the fact that the Library is get-ting more and more crowded by people with asincere desire to work . In normal times theywould stay away from the wing in question asa matter of course as a very difficult place t owork in ; but this is no longer possible .

It is only to be hoped that the students con-cerned will carry on their social hours else -where and give others more seriously minde da fair chance to study.


On Tuesday will take place the all-import-ant elections for President of the Alma MaterSociety . This year two candidates have bee nnominated for the office . The importance of theduties attached to the position of president ca nnot be too strongly stressed. The president isthe guiding spirit of the Students' Council andthrough it of the A. M. S .

Obviously, then, the holder of this officemust be a person of considerable ability andexperience in student affairs . He must be aman of ideas and the wherewithal to carry themout. Students would do well to take this fac tinto consideration when they cast their bal-lots next Tuesday.


Sprig has sprug. Flowers are sproutingtheir sprouts through the fresh earth, and birdsare winging it hither and thither in search oflahve . Everything is popping. And hopping .This is the season of the poppadums . Theypop in a sort of curry dish. Pop-a-down-dilly !

We never could resist the itch of sprig . Theoyd blood which has ceased even a sluggis hpretence at circulation in our wintry editoria lveins, suddenly starts racing in all directions .Oh, ah us, sprig.

On the back of the salary checks receive dby the faculty at the University of Illinois ap-pear the following directions : "If endorsementis made by mark (X) it must be witnessed bytwo persons who can write, giving their placeof residence ."

--New Yorker .


This is a corollary to a column of somemonths ago on the Care and Feeding of youn gautomobiles . I'm assuming now that you candrive a car straight ahead, just like I can ,and four out of five times you can turn a rightangle corner voluntarily, the fifth time occur-ring when pedestrians in the vicinity of thecorner have an irresponsible gleam in thei reye, in which case there's always another cor-ner a block or so ahead .

Dogs are still another hazard at corners .I always say, if a dog chases your car, givehim a run for his money, but if he is occupie dwith other things, and might unconsciously runinto you, by all means take the long wayaround .

Lately, with spring in my blood and a littleextra gas in Persephone's tank, we have bee nmoved to invent and rehearse various methodsof turning around .

Turning around has never been one of ourstrong points . We believe firmly and conveni-ently in keeping a firm eye on what's comingand letting the past take care of itself, sort o f"Let the dead bury its dead . "

Unlike the woofle-bird, who flies back -wards because he's not interested inwhere he' sgoing, he'd rather see where he's been, wekeep an upward and onward direction.

Besides, look what happend to Lot's wife .

The other day, for some melancholy reason ,we began delving into the past, and of all thevisions which floated upon the inward eye, themost melancholy was the time we took thepoliceman for a ride when we were tryingout for our license .

It was in the late autumn when the foliagewas hilariously red and yellow, but the groun dwas wet and smushy. The policeman, whohad sat down in the front seat with me, withthe attitude of Iphegenia after her mind wa smade up, had somewhat relaxed after four vir-tuous and perspicuous miles of uphill an ddown dale .

With rather a pleased look, he said, "That 'sfar enough, you can turn around now."

I ignored the remark for another mile, quitesuccessfully, when he repeated, "That's farenough, you can turn now."

Rather bitterly I stopped the car, with amental comment, "Me and who? "

The road wasn't wide, and the ditches oneither side were pretty deep. I donned mybaffled look, and he turned the wheel farround to the left. "Now," he said, "give it alittle gas,"

So I gave it gas to the very lip of the ditch."There," he said . "Now hard around to the

right, and give it gas . "Unfortunately I don't come from a section

of the country where hard around means 'way'way round, and the term confused me. He il-lustrated by twisting the wheel tight to theright, and yelled "Gas . "

He asked for it, so I gave it gas, and thatwas the big mistake .

It was still in low . His nose rather uncere-moniously met the windshield with a sound o fa stepped-on cream puff, which I just hadtime to register, as my head went between th espokes of the steering wheel .

I backed it out with desperate and instjnc-tive dexterity, and we never said a word al lthe way home .

Anyway, his nose was inclined toward re-trousse when we started, whereas my ear shad never been cauliflower before, so what didhe have to kick about?



Here's a thespian note to add to the in -valuable information that individuals in mo bscenes on stage and screen make that hubbubnoise by repeating excitedly to one another:

"Banana, banana, banana . "If you see a gentleman in the movies with

shaving cream all over his chin, let your mout hwater.

It isn't shaving cream really . Shaving creamdisintegrates too quickly which is inconven-ient if retakes are necessary.

Really, it 's whipped cream .


A. Non Technical

1. Now We 're Logging, " Hosmer—

If you want a real laugh, read thin!

1 . "The Life of a Lumberman," Nel-

ligan—The thrilling story of the lif e

of one of America's pioneer lumber-

men .

3. "A-rafting on the Mississippi,"

Russell . A book packed with the

thrills of early lumbering on the Mis-

sissippi .

B. Technical and Semi-technical .

4. "An Outline of General Forestry, "

Illick. A guide to a general under -

standing of what forestry is and

where it is heading.

5. "The Profession of Forestry,"

Read. Valuble to the undecided in

choosing a profession .

8. "General Forestry," Brown. An

up-to-date treatise on general for-

estry .

7 . "Logging Principles and Prac-

tices," Brown . Logging methods in

Canada and the United States .8, "Theory and Practice of Silvi-

culture," Baker . An excellent work

on the treatment of the forest andthe biological foundations upon whichthe art of silviculture rests.

9. "Our National Forests," Boerker .An interesting account of the workof the United States Forest Service .


Mr. Young of Kamloops will speakto the club on Russia . Illustrationswith lantern slides . Mr. Young spentseveral months in Russia lust year .The meeting will take place at 467 7Bellevue ave. at 8:15 p.m. Friday ,March 6. All are welcome.


The German Club met on Mondayevening at the home of M's. Boyswhen the hostess gave an Illustratedaddress on the German artist, Al-brecht Darer.


The last regular meeting of the clubwill be held at the home of ors . G. J.Spencer, 4820 West 9th Ave ., at 8 p .m .Mr. G. P. Holland will present apaper, "Amphibians and Rectiles inB.C." Election of officers. AU mem-bers welcome, please notify the ex-ecutive .



All students who have completedan introductory course In Philosoph yand have a lively interest in philos-ophy or psychology—or both—are el-igible to join the Psychology Club.This is the only discussion groupsponsored by the Department ofPhilosophy and it is in the best in-terests of the department and thestudents that all those specializing i neiher philosophy or psychology, bemembers of the club . Meetings areheld fortnightly, four in the fall ter mand five after Christmas. Papers aregiven by the students and spirite ddiscussions usually follow so that allthe members are given an opportun-ity to express themselves . Applica-tions, for membership next year ,should be sent to the secretary, Mr .R. Ward, Arts Letter Rack, as soonas possible .


Class and Club notices for the lastissue of the Ubyssey (March 17) ,should be in the Ubyssey office notlater than Saturday, March 14 . The ycan not be accepted later ,

NOTICEWould he who removed niy limp-

covered black notebook from the busstand last Tuesday kindly return i tto Mr. Horn? Hurry, please, Apri lk coming!—John Witbeck ,

NOTICEPhrateres raffle postponed till Wed-

nesday because of the week-end saleof tickets .

LOSTOne green Waterman fountain pen .

If found, please notify H . D. Cameron ,Arts Letter Rack, Reward .

LOSTOne pair glasses in black case ,

somewhere on campus, within las tweek . Finder please communicatewith Jo Dickie or return to Lost andFound .

LOST"A Century of Short Storv" con-

taining short story notes . Will thefinder please return to Dorothy Cum-mings, Pub. office, This is Important!




A TRIBUTEDuring the past year tho U.B.C .

Students' Council has excelled itselfin working hard. Few Councils ofother years can point to equal achieve-ments. Naturally some of our 1935-38 Council have done more thanothers—their positions provided tha tnecessity.

I refer in particular to Bern Bryn-elsen, who has never missed an op-portunity to serve the student body .Few know the full extent of the ser-vice he has rendered—it is certai nthat he will never tell . But some ofus on the Ubyssey staff, who havebeen in constant touch with him, canvouch for the fact that during histerm of office the students hav egained many benefits solely from hi shard work and energy ,

Longer noon hours, the appoint-ment of gymnasium instructors, andthe original scheme for .i UnionBuilding — all these were brough tabout largely by Brynelsen .

All of us are hoping that next yearwon't be an anti-climax—that anotherCouncil will be elected to carry onthe fine traditions set by the presentbody. The election of that Councilis up to you, It is not our job to ad -vise the voters.

But this is important.When you vote for President next

Tuesday, and for the other officesthe following week, keep In mind thattie University needs a Students' Coun-cil that will have as its first aim th ewelfare of the students. The men andwomen who will be our lawmakersduring the next year should have th edesire and the ability to serve us—an dwork together . They will have to beprepared to work under another stron gleader . They will have to be prepar-ed to hold office during what promisesto be the busiest year this campus hasknown for a long time. This presentyear is quiet In comparison to the on ethat will follow.

And so, despite the bombast of th e

You'll cut a fine fig-ure this Spring in on eof these smart cos.tames! And your bud -get won't be nearly s ostrained when t h eprice is as low a sthis! Strictly mannishtailored suits of men'swear fabrics, styled t operfection by Cana-da's leading manufac-turers . Swaggers an dfitted lines in plaids ,plains, checks, andnubby tweeds . Grou pconsists of sizes forWomen, Misses andspecialized half sizes .

1!rnnp*q.*ona'os*t'ae a!f NAY ie74

For Spring5 . .







CorrespondenceEditor, Ubyssey ,Dear Sir ;

Without fear of serious contradic-tion I desire to voice my protestagainst useless and annoying discours-ing that goes on every day in th elibrary reading room. It is abomin-able and can hardly be tolerated b ythose students who are trying tostudy.

It is most unfortunate that univer-sity students should have to be re -minded how to conduct themselves .But it seems that some of them thinkthat the reading room nas beenplaced at their disposal for discussin gtheir love affairs, parties, fraternityduties, dances or politics.

It sometimes becomes necessary fo rone student to aafc another a questionwhich only requires a brief answer .But to sit and talk by the hour aboutall sorts of nonsense should certainlynot be carried on In a place whichought to be as quiet as possible .

The writer has observed that thosestudents who make a practice of dis-coursing in the library are the one swho generally have one or more sup-plementals at the end of the year oreven fail completely.

The library officials have enoughwork to do without playing the partof a policeman. And, above all, ther eshould be no necessity for remindinguniversity students how to carry onSome, apparently, have not got ou tof their elementary school stage yet .

Yours for fair play,Arts '38 .


Tentative examination timetables for the April examina-tions have been posted in theArts, Applied Science and Ag-riculture Buildings. If anystudent has a clash will h eplease report it at once so thatwherever possible conflicts ma ybe eliminated . No changes canbe made in the time table afte rSaturday, March 14.



Lines WrittenQuite Far From

Tintern Abbey

Only a brown turni p

rotting in the rain ,

But this poem is about


but what has love got to

do with the price of turnips.

The answer Is nothing,

but the price of turnips

has quite a lot to do

with love,

because any newlywed pair

no matter how poor

can afford to eat turnips,

and turnips are better than


In fact if young people would

onl$' get used to turnips a s

a breakfast food, to say

nothing of lunch

and supper,

the problem about the birth

rate would be solved an d

nobody would have to worr y

about anything in particular

Viva turnips . . .

Ec1 Class HearsCity Banker

Students in Professor Toppin's Ec-onomics section were given a specia llecture on Banking yesterday morn-ing when Mr. Moore, Manager of thedowntown branch of the CanadianBank of Commerce visited the uni-versity .

He stressed the importance of goodcharacter in those thinking of takin gup banking as a life's work . Also ,he gave a short talk on Loans an dAccounts.

"When money is loaned to an in-dividual or a corporation," ne stated ,"the character of the borrower come sout above all else." He showed howgood judgment was necessary in th eissuing of loans.

An explanation was given of thetechnical portion of banking, duringwhich the speaker explained drafts,cheques, and money orders .

In conclusion, he pointed out thatthe welfare of the banks dependedon the welfare of Canada, and thatthe banks were doing all , m theirpower to Increase the business ac-tivities of the Dominion .




The Bunt Boys in Hollywood

Viciously Wang Hang Lo struc kProfessor Bummond on the side o fthe head with the flat of his scimitar .Then he turned threateningly toScribblewell. But with hand up-raised, and a noble expression, thereporter cried: "Hold! Have youmade your contribution to the UnionFund yet? "

The forbidding coolie wavered, mut-tering . He fumbled in his podket."Velly molly."

He brought forth several coins.Then, hesitatingly, he looked at Scrib-blewell . Finally he pulled forth ahandful of worn milktops. "You playmllkeetopee? "

Scribblewell clutched at the straw."Yea! But if I win, you must let

Bummond and myself go, and do yourbit for the Union Fund. If I lose, youmay do what you will . "

Then there was a period of silence ,during which only the slap-slap-slapof milk tops could be heard, remind-ing Oscar of the days he had spentin the Aggie barns .

Gradually, Scribblewell gained th eadvantage. Those long hours over thechess board in the Pub office, thosehours of bridge, stood him in goodstead now.

Finally, he had all the Oriental'smilk tops .

Wang Hang Lo stood to one side,while Scribblewell woke Bummond .

"Come, professor, We are free togo now."

"Velly well," muttered the econo-mics lecturer, half asleep . Then herecollected himself, and said: "Aye,laddle, ah'll no be sayln' but I'm tho tpeery heidit as If I'd been tumdin inthe wulket" .

Turning to the door, they startedout . But across the room flashed asilver streak! A wing-jing, the an-cestral weapon of Chang Suey stoodtrembling in the door!

Horrified they spun about . Therestood the insidious Doctor Chan gSuey !

"Run for It, Bummond!" cried Os-car, plunging toward the door . Buthe was brought up short by a gigan-tic form. Ah Son Tu !

The two prisoners were seized, andled to a room suffused with a fain tgolden light . And, there, on a couchreclined the most beautiful woma nthey had ever seen .

The Chinese had retired . They hadtaken Bummond with them. Oscarwas alone with this strange exoti cjewel .

She rose, swaying langouroualy ."Come, Oscar, my little one, "

(To Be Continued )

Z . Z. Zilch, well known student

saw it in theof Zilch's chief planks in his plat-

1!form is the immediate repeal of

UbysseyCouncil's new prohibition legislation .

about the campus, pictured as he willappear next Tuesday when be walks

Tell Themoff with the A.M.S. Presidency . One



Horace, Odes I ; also green fountainpen and red and black fountain pen .Return to Ena Foster, Arts Women' sLetter Rack.

Quebec Winter Sport Mecca

F . .


Premier dog-racing event in North America, the International Dog Derby at Quebec City o nFebruary 20-21-32 is expected to attract hundreds of winter sports enthusiasts from Canada and th eUnited States to see the leading mushers of the two countries in competition and to enjoy the skiing,tobogganing, skating, and curling centring around the famous Chateau Frontenac. An interestin gduel is expected this year between Harry Wheeler, of St . Jovite in the Laurentians, champion las tyear, and Ovide Corriere, of Quebec City, who defeated Wheeler this year in Laconia, New Hampshir eannual derby . A startling contrast to this event in Eastern Canada is the annual golf competition heldabout the same time at Victoria, B.C., in the Evergreen Playground of the West . Both are sponsoredby the Canadian Pacific Railway.

Friday, March 6, 193 6

New Ski ClubReady To Go

The recently-founded UniversitySki Club has been organized for thos eskiers in the university who preferHollyburn Ridge as a recreationpound, announce its executive. Theclub is to be run very much on thelines of the existing ski clubs, activi-ties being devoted solely tc skiin gand jumping .

Membership is now over forty . Al-though the club has as yet no cabin ,Mickey Pogue, the president, is ii itouch with "Scotty" Finlay:ton, Pro-vincial Police Constable for the area ,regarding a site. The site will benear the Hollyburn Ski Camp, or be-tween it and the West Lake SkiCamp.

Enthusiastic members will fell andpeel the timber this summer, andconstruction will start on twentyby twenty-five cabin in the Fall .

The executive of the club consistsof Mickey Pogue as president, TomChurch 'as vice-president, Bud Killamas treasurer, Phil Borchard as aherrif fand Bud Burden as archivist.

The membership at present consist sof men only, although if later on ac•commedation can be increased, theconstitution may be amended to in-clude women . Until this time, Won-en's Open House Day will be in Feb-ruary.

There will be nothing compulsoryin the club, no work hikes, or re-quirement, in the way of ski trips.This protests those who already havecabins of their own on Hollyburn ,but anyone desiring election to mem-bership after March 15 will have toattend the first two or three workhikes In the fall .

There are three clue.. of mem-bership, including a class for thosenot residing in the cabin.

During the next year the executivehopes to obtain recognition under th eAmateur Ski Association of Canada,and become the second official sk i

organization on the campus. McGillhas two ski clubs so recognized .

Annual competitions with the Out-door Club are projected, althoug hthere is no connection with the olderclub.





UNIVERSITY CLEANERSLadles' and Children's Stylish Dresses

Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing,Alterations

Satisfaction GuaranteedModerate Price s

Phone Elliott 1425 4454 W . 10th Ave.


Maurice Trunpour: Why do ydu al -ways sit where you do in Botany ?

Paul Trussel: Er—it's still there!e • • e

Referring to history, as the Science-men do, we might mention the Stan -ford debate, because of its bearingon the habits of some students. Didyou ever notice how rapidly the li-brary call slips disappear from thei rholders? It seems that these emailbits of paper are highly valued fornote purposes in certain quarters .Even Education students are notabove indulging in the practice, andwe have heard that the library callslips did their bit in winning the Stan-ford debate . Amenl—Lex.

. e e .

Mr. Tisdale of the Dominion Gov-ernment Range Research in *peakingto A. H. 17 and Agronomy 14 on Wed-nesday brought to light some interest-ing historical sidelights, to wit, "Manyold timers, arriving on the bare prair-ie with only a yoke of oxen, in a fewyears had a fine herd by natural in -creamer

Reminds us of Mr. King's descrip .Lion of the mule—"with neither prideof ancestry nor hope of posterity ."But it really takes en Aggie to ap-preciate that one!

e e


The Province Sport writer, de-scribing the Varsity Hockey team,pays that It is composed chiefly ofnone-fraternity men and Aggies. Nicecompliment to Paul Trussell—he's theonly Aggie an the team.

. e . .

Says Pip Brock, passing the hogpen the other day, and observing thedin: "Sounds very like the call"

. . . .

Heh! heh! Pa Roving missed Aggle2 Wednesday . Why?—He had troublewith the pollee — nothing n.uch ofcourse, they just sent him downtownfor his license. Incidentally, Pa B .reports his trip in the Cariboo a sbeing "damn cold . "

Aggie students are especially in-vited to a Student League meeting at

Pap MineAWN=

Kappas Give WomenFellowship Award

Three fellowships of $500 each ar eopen to college women this spring.For graduate study in the field o fhuman relationships, science, and thearts, they are available to an; womanstudent, fraternity or non-fraternit yin this or any other college or uni-versity where Kappa Kappa Gsmrn eFraternity has a chapter.

Kappa Inaugurated these annualfellowships at the 1934 national con-vention in Yellowstone Park. Thefirst year's awards, covering assist-ance for the present school year, wentto a non-fraternity woman fromSouthern Methodist University andto two Kappas from Leland Stanfordand the University of Oregon.

Outstanding women, as approved b ythe fraternity's grand council, theyare: Frances W. Burks, Palo Alto,California, member of the Kappachapter at Stanford, doing researchthis year In the psychology of educa-tion at Stanford; Rose Ada Steed ,Dallas, Texas, graduate last spring ofSouthern Methodist, tlnw in the med-ical school at the University of Col-orado, and Dagmar Haugen, Eugene ,Oregon, Kappa, student in medicalart or "scientific illustration" atJohns Hopkins.

Kappa Kappa Gamma will an-nounce this year's fellowships inJune. Application blanks may be se-cured from the office of the Dean ofWomen.

8 o'clock tonight at 4877 BellevueDrive. The speaker will have slidesof rural life in the U.S .S.R. If pos-sible, those intending to attend shouldinform the secretary, Una Bligh ,through the Women's Letter Rack ,

Thanks for the kindly reference inS.M.U.S. "Smutterin," Science. TheAggies also appreciate the ,"friendlyway in which Science is participatin gin their national sport. Sorry we can'ttake you to Agassiz for the finals !

see .

Unfortunately Dr. Newton, of Sean-lchton, was unable to be present atthe last Aggie Discussion Club meet-ing. It is hoped that we shall be abl eto hear him at some future date .Thanks to Dr. Baru and Dr . Eaglesfor pinch-hitting!


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Drop First Regatta InSouth By Two Lengths

Meet Huskies Today

The first of the Rowing Club's two regattas on their south-ern tour ended in a victory for Oregon State College. Word re-ceived yesterday from Corvallis gives the margin of victory a stwo lengths.

As losses go, this is not a great defeat in the sport of row-ing, and the boys still have a good chance when they return t oSeattle today to meet the University of Washington 160 lb .crew.

The crew is in excellent shape and will travel to Washing-ton ready to take the Huskies into camp . Rowers making thetrip are, Bill McLeish, Frank Stevens, Gordy Morris, Jack West ,John Jamieson, Graham Darling, Bob Pearce, and in the bowAlex Macintosh, Wilson MacDuffee and Stan Weston are withthem as spares, and the team is also accompanied by their coach ,Tom Brown .


Noon BunionDerby Attacks



At 12 :30 today a gun will barkin the hands of Maurice VanVliet signifying the commence-ment of another cross-countryrace. As usual the race willstart on the Mall in front ofthe administration building .

The cross-country is an annual racerun under the auspices of the trac kclub, and this year should prove ofunusual interest owing to the factthat all entrants have had no prev-ious experience in the art of climbingfences, jumping puddles, acrd otherfeats of agility essential to the goodcross-countrier,


At least eight have already signi-fied their intentions of entering, andthese, together with the few inevit-able last minute entries make a veryinteresting entry list. Amongst thoseentered who will bear watching arePete Peterson and Jerry Ward, theformer reputedly being in perfectcondition whilst Jerry has alreadyproved himself a runner of some note.Ronnie Allen, versatile sophomore ,should also make a good showingwhilst Walt Stewart, freshman miler ,is as likely as anyone to win. How-ever when announcing his Intentionof running Les Barber, debonaireyoung junior from Chililwack, statedhis intention of upsetting the dope-man by copping the race, and quitepossibly might, whilst Paddy Colt -burst, distance man unusual, isn' tsaying much but hopes for the best ,ANYONE'S RACE

All of which should give the im-pression that Its anyone's race an das likely as not some last minute en -try might step in and upset the pro-phets by winning.

But with fair weather certain andthe course in relatively good condi-tion, an interesting race is assured,whoever wins.

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Saturday BowlingGoes To Fund

Again this week bowling enthusi-asts will be able to practice their fav-orite sport and swell the UnionBuilding Fund at the same time. OnSaturday afternoon, the La Salle Rec-reations Ltd . will throw open theiralleys to University students and al lproceeds will be turned over to theFund.

The special rate of 10c per game wil lbe charged . The address of the LaSalle Bowling Alleys is 945 Granvillestreet.

LacrosseA meeting will be held in Ap . Sc .

100 on Tuesday, 12:15, for the organ-ization of lacrosse as an intra-mura lsport . A representative group fro mall faculties is necessary .Tuesday Edition

Lacrosse meeting today at 12 :15 inAp. Sc . 100. All players please bepresent.

One of the best intra-muralbasketball games took place inthe gymnasium last Wednesdaywhen the Science '39 hoopsquad defeated the Arts '3 8hoopers to the tune of 10 to 8 .This fast, furious and interest-ing game places Science '39 atthe top of the intra-mural card .The intra-mural point standingup to date is as follows :


Cnk. Mall R . Bkbal . Tot .Science '39




70 5Arts '37




510Science '38









Arts '39




400Arts '36




295Science '37




27 5Education


0 150 180Arts '38




165Science '36





Science '38 is holding last place asit failed to turn out a team for eithe rof its intra-mural basketball games .

Mr . Van Vliet wishes all class rep -

resentatives to watch for the softbal lschedule in the next Tuesday issue ,A knock-out tournament will star tnext Wednesday now that it is pos-sible to continue the intra-nhual out -door schedule . This series of game swill be run on the knock-out syste mbecause there is such a short time t othe end of the term, —MacEWEN


By Curly Harper

Contrary to popular opinion, Var-

sity spirit is NOT dead—it is very

much in evidence !

It seems that the one person wh o

read this column last week was a Soc •cerite—a very indignant Soccerite—on ewho protested vehemently at the ap-parently uncalled-for denunciation ofthe Round-ball artists which rppeare din the said column (imagine my em-barassment) .


This person—no names mentioned —proper etiquette and all that—illus-trated by charts, graphs and otherpretty drawings the present positionand possibilities of the Senior boc-cermen. He convincingly assuredyour writer that U.B.C. boys are in4th place In an 8-team league andhave Gerry Sutherland, their sta rhalf, back in the lineup, then dramat-ically ended his dissertation by con-fidently inviting your reprinter totheir next exhibition, tomorrow, 2 :30at Kerrisdale Park—we'll be there !



Spring also finds the Universit yGolf Club patiently digging canals o nthe rolling green plains . There plansinclude entering several of their num-ber in the City Championships, andsending a contingent to bottle inWashington after the exams . Theyshould do all right—why not, whenthey have in their roster Presiden tTed Charlton, runner-up for the las tyear's B. C. Amateur ; Peter Sharpe,with a handicap so small you can' tsee it ; and John Berry, who has theenviable record of four holes-in-oneto his credit .


Tracksters will be busy in the nex tfew weeks—the annual Crows Coun-try Bunion Derby will be run off to -day, and the Arts '20 relay shortly.Tomorrow at Brockton Point the Eng-lish Ruggahs will attempt to lift yeolde McKechnie cup — they shoul dsucceed, with the voluble assistanceof the 1000 Varsity students who will ,of course, be on hand . With the re-turn of Rus Keillor, energetic presi-dent of the Boxing Club, the manl yart will once more be demonstrate dIn noon-hour performances . . "Boats!Boats! we need Boats!" Is the heart -rending cry of the Rowers—it seemsthat the Varsity Rowing Club are un-able to invite ,,Southern teams up herebecause of their decided lack of thevery necessary water-vehicles—whatabout using some of the UnionBuilding Fund for such a worthycause? (censored) . , . next we find—but no—Exams are coming!


As usual Victoria will pack lots ofpep and punch over from the city ofsunshine and birds. One is led tobelieve that the weather over thereis much superior to the local brand,so the men should be in excellentshape to give the boys a tight game .

Victoria is sending over her favor-ite rugger sons — Warten, fullback ;Colgate, Roe, Fleming and the rest o fthe boys. There is power in the for-wards ; speed, trickiness and youth inthe bcakfield—a hard team to beatany day.

FAST FIELDIf the fine weather continues, th e

playing field will be in excellent con-dition for a wide open backfield tus-ale. The Rep men will be able to usetheir strong department much to the

' discomfort of the blue and gold men .

However, Varsity has a powerfu lfifteen to match the Islanders whoscored against the famous All-Blacks .

MCPHEE WILL PLAYUnder the leadership of Harry Pear -

son, the men who met the Blacks,Bird, Mercer, Senkler, Pyle, Carey,are to perform for Varsity. Legget tand McPhee, a newcomer to Varsit yrugby known for his speedy dashes ,hold the three line with Mercer andWilson . Bird is in his usual safet yposition; Robson and Carey take careof the mid-field .

Joe Andrews is back again in theway backhis spurs ,Maguire ,

Porter, and Pearson handle the Vic-toria forwards for the glory of theLord .

The game is scheduled for 2 :30 Sat-urday in the Oval .

NOTICEThere will be a basketball meeting

on Friday noon in A. 106 . 7 he pur-pose of this meeting is to elect offi-cers and to discuss plans for the year1936-'37 . Everyone interested is askedto turn out .

Sight saverWe Invite you to utilize th eservices of this home lightingconsultant . Her services ar efree for the asking to help youto obtain correct lighting .

B . C. ElectricHome Lighting Departmen t

Seymour 515 1


45 1

Dish limber will be back in hi sold position on defers when the see .cer boys renew their schedule Sat•Order.

Win OverVictoria Brings



With old man winter relent-ing and lady spring a-wooingthem with gentle zephyrs an dsparkling skies, the Varsity rug-by boys plough into action ag-ain after a long lay-off .

Saturday the Senior men meet Vic-toria Rep in the deciding ,game forthe McKechnie Cup, the most import -ant game of the year ; and the fol-lowing Saturday the pig-skin pusherstackle the Rowing Club to fix thepossession of the Miller Cup, anothergame that is sure to provide the localfolk with rugby talk for some tim eto come .

We See At The Cross Country

Miss Muriel Sniglewultz out for a Oh, I say—is the race away today ,spin to see the boys win .

hey?Playboy Town managing the race

with unusual grace .• • • •

Gould and McDuffee running somerace, each doesn't like the other'sface.


This man might win if he doesn' tforget to begin .

• • • •

"The purest formIn which tobaccocan be smoked . "


This is the way to victory criesArther McSnorgle McSnickery . Who is this man with the ugly pan ?


Lilting laguhter, gay tre-las, andsoftballs are all unmistakable evi-dence that the "Love in Bloom" sea -son is with us again . Already severa lmajor leagues have been formed forthe pursuit of the grand old game ofrounders—which reminds us that th eannual softball fight between the Puband Council will be staged in th enear future, for the edification ofsports lovers everywhere (such sen-timents !), The Pubsters emphaticall ystate that they are out to avenge their line-up after his last gam einglorious defeat at the hands of the in December when he wonStudent Dictators on the basketball Pyle, Senkler, Colthurst ,floor .


Union Building Bowling Benefi tat

Xlp ~tt #ttllr 3&Ihrrrattuna945 Granville Street

Doug. 649Saturday, March 7th - - 2-6 :00 p.m.