r HE r EWINGTONIAN. COLLEGE, SYDNEY. " 1'len1or puerure." Hor. No. XVll. J [ JUNE, 1888. EDITORIAL. THE present quarter, now swiftly stealing away through those dark examinational hours that precede the splendid dawn of home and holidays, has enjoyed a prosperous career. The two occa<>ions on which the College has appeare I before the public-the Concert and the Sports-may be regarded as unqualified successes. The former was not only pro luctive of pleasure to the audience and creel it to the performers. hut resulted in a substantial and welcome addition to the funds of the Athletic Club. The Sports, held for the second time on the Ashfield Recreation Ground. have never been better managed or more numerously attended. The blemishes that marred the success of the last meeting were conspicuously absent on this occasion, ancl the Press was un,inimous in its approval of the management. The Literary and Debating Society has met regularly once a fortnight, and the meetings have been well attended and full of interest. Another school society has spru ng into existence to gupply a want long felt on the :esthetic side of our education. Those who are conscious of powers of song, hitherto undeveloped, may now tune their vocal lays under the inspiring hdlnn of a :\1 usical Society. Our champion football team has amply sustained ih reputation, and our recent accession, J. E. has won us new laurels by being chosen to represent the Colony the English players. \\' e shall watch his per- formance with gre.1t interest, and heartily wish him success. The Cadets, under the fo·,tering care of Lieut. Smith, are making excellent practice for the forthcoming competition, when we expect they will give a good account of themselves. The Bicycle Club has introduced two no\'el and interesting features into its pro- gramme in the form of a slow race and a road race. \Vhy do not more members join this excellent club, both old and present Newingtonians?

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" 1'len1or puerure." Hor.

No. XVll.J [JUNE, 1888.


THE present quarter, now swiftly stealing away through those dark examinational hours that precede the splendid dawn of home and holidays, has enjoyed a prosperous career. The two occa<>ions on which the College has appeare I before the public-the Concert and the Sports-may be regarded as unqualified successes. The former was not only pro luctive of pleasure to the audience and creel it to the performers. hut resulted in a substantial and welcome addition to the funds of the Athletic Club. The Sports, held for the second time on the Ashfield Recreation Ground. have never been better managed or more numerously attended. The blemishes that marred the success of the last meeting were conspicuously absent on this occasion, ancl the Press was un,inimous in its approval of the management. The Literary and Debating Society has met regularly once a fortnight, and the meetings have been well attended and full of interest. Another school society has sprung into existence to gupply a want long felt on the :esthetic side of our education. Those who are conscious of powers of song, hitherto undeveloped, may now tune their vocal lays under the inspiring hdlnn of a :\1 usical Society. Our champion football team has amply sustained ih reputation, and our recent accession, J. E. ~Ioult1rn, has won us new laurels by being chosen to represent the Colony a~ainst the English players. \\' e shall watch his per­formance with gre.1t interest, and heartily wish him success. The Cadets, under the fo·,tering care of Lieut. Smith, are making excellent practice for the forthcoming competition, when we expect they will give a good account of themselves. The Bicycle Club has introduced two no\'el and interesting features into its pro­gramme in the form of a slow race and a road race. \Vhy do not more members join this excellent club, both old and present Newingtonians?

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~IY BlPHESSIO::\s OF THE U:-,'l \' ETbl'l"1.

UY .\ Fil!ST YJHH l"Xl•J:l!C:Jl\l>t".\l'E.

1'.~ i11 youth IH' nre ll10l'l' op1·11 to rt't'<'in• itt1JH'l'"io11; thlln in lrLtt•r .Y<'lll", >CJ

we url' bt•ttl•r 11hlc to r<'<"<'in• 1iml impart i11q11·1·--io11" at tlll' c•on111wm·1•111ent of uny nC\\ 1·011r~c or Cttr1•1•r1 thun after we• h1Lv1• spent sv1111• timl' in it.

A l ' uin•r,.ity, with its fur·r~ul'hing aim• u111l wi1l1• diH•r<ity of members, afford' ample >eope for tlll' >t1Ul_r of 'onwthin;{ more tha11 hook lort'. It. i" not intended to tnrn out mcrelJ what l'op1• c:nll•-

.. 'The hookful blockhead i J: nor.intlv rea<l, \\.ith loads of learnt"1l Jumbt r : n' hi!i head.''

\Ve nrc, mo't of us, con•c•iou< of u chn11g11 i11 om"t'lre' afll'r 1•11l1•ri11g the l'nh·cr~ity, not that we bt•c·omc• 11ll 11t 0111•11 hi;{hly 1•11lturt•d uy onr 11cw sur· roundings, thou;:h this is Olll' of th1• ,uppose<l l><•nl'lil• of n ron111•dion with the Unint»ity, but we ft•cl, to 'i>'"'k plninl,v, n little mor,• i1nportant. \\'" appreciate the 11icc distinction bt•lwet•n n prof1'Ssor 111111 a >1·l1noln1:i-ll'r.

\\' e romt' "ith mo•t dl'li;{htfnllv e3tdt<•cl 11111! lm1.r notion' of I ht• mcth0tl of instrm•tion \\C nre to rt•et•ive, u111l.thelnm "l1•1·tur;." ><>111l'wlmt puzzles us. In the IP1•!11rt•rs then• is pt•rhup' little• tl11Lt arn·st• our 11ttcnt1on. unlt''i inclt•ed it he t la•ir pcculiuriti1•s. Ont• fine!- <'H'rJ thing" n·ry prl'llJ," nnd ii very n.nxio11< to upolo)!i•e fo1· ancl l'xplnin th1• rough111·" 1u11l c·omparati»c inuccun1ry of e1·ery ml'lhod he 111akt» '"''of lo pro1·0 hi< tht•orit·<. .\notht•r almo,l i11n11·i11bly begin• "ith tht• 11onl< ·• w1• must bri,•lly rc<"ttpit ulul•'," nucl finds llllll'h use for" Orts" in hi< mlc•n}ntious. .\third, U.f llO llll':lllS ll giant in stnturc, n•ks you a quc•>tion, uncl tht•n '"tiles upon you in a way that is quite irrc>istible. And so on.

After a short stuy ut tlw CJnin•r>ity-, urn• c·annot help llt'ing struck by the mark,•cl chi1racteristic•s of umlergrn1ln1Llt·~ of diff1•renl yt•iu·•. Ho 'trong arc they tlmt one might almost It'll by thi< 1111•11ns ulonc to 1rhal ye:1r a 1111111

belongt•d. The numbt•r of clubs I httt tll'l' kt•pt going i; •t nolt'worl h_r J'caturc. So vuriccl nro they thnt ho 11111>1 ii.ulct•cl ht> \\1111ti11g in sonw i111por1a11t quali­flcntion \\ho dot's not find hi' wav into om• or ot.bt•r ot th1·111. t'ril'kt•I, footbull, rowiug, tennis, deuuting. a;1d n1<xlil'illl', ull o!Tt•r sp••cinl :1lt111t•tio1i­l11 their devotee. in this wur.

'!'ho University buildi1~g is om"of the first thin!(S to imprt•ss ) 'OU. 'l'hcrll is iu1 11ir of le11ruing an•l scholnrly tLChi1•n•n1t•nt tlmt is ""'t)('i11.1 "cl with it. The Grell! Hall. with ib pil'l lll"l'< 1111d ,1,1t ll<'S of ptt<I •cholurs 1111tl lwul'l"udors, cnnil'o with it memorie< thut thrill 11111! iri.pirt'. \"isilor< "!relight from tlw molhc•r country, who urc wcarit•tl 11ith the sight of <'IN.:rthing Ill"' u11<l ua,ty in our l'ity building,, h1tH' COlllt' \\ilh u 't'll~l' of r1•h1•f u111l tlt•light to vi-it this stately pile, which 1110rl' t h11n all 1•l•e r1't11imb t l1t•m of l~ngla11cl. Tht• library is 1111 important :uljunl'l to onr A.fm,1 .Jf,1/er. It hu- he<!n -aid to our discredit thut we do not rt•ncl "" much tl• 0111· Englbh brolht•r$ and sister". A good nMt' of the libmry might 1n•ll ht• t11k1•n to imply 1~ wide diffu•ion of cult11n• und knowledge.

Lust, but not ul ull lcn•I, come lh•• girl g-l'uluutcs and um!t•rg-rnduult·~, who arc• olowly but ccrtuinl,r inl'rc:c-in~ 111 uumuor<, •b they h11n• i11crt!l1ood in populurily. .\.casual ou .. •ner on L\1111111c•111orution l>aJ t·o11!1l not foil to notil'c tht• proud glance·• of fond motht•r< "' their dau:.:hlt' l"ll pa-scd Lefore' th~m in rlClllkmic costun1t'. 'fill• parlJ 11 ho 111,Jll'cl to cxt"lud1• women from equal privileges with m<'n 111 thl• LniH•r,;il,v i1 i>tpidly gro11ing ~nmllcr.

And no11 for 11. word on 1·11rr1•ut lopw,. Tht• J>r. ~fax int"iclt•nl 11 ill be fre:;h in 1110~[ of >·our mimk .\. ~1·11>it111• nml 1p1ickly-ro11setl puulic 11cre ul'

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in arm< nt onc1·. The\· cl1•arly •bowl'rl that thcv clicl not cndorde lltwou's ut!t'11rn1•c that" It i< ~,·ithout


all contro\'t'r'y th;it learning doth mako the 111i11ds of tnl\n gNith~ n.nd g-t~rwrous." llut the ::itudPnts, eYer ren.cly, l•Vt.'l' \\lllchful, <hnwc<I by I he unik1l roit'l' of 1u1 O\'erwlwlming me1•ting th1it th1•_r, n< a ooly, r1•pudiatctl nil r-c>1111eeli11n with tlw disturbanl'c, nnd at the •:lllll' tinll' 1r111111phuntl.1 upheld the furce anti the truth of the philooopbic wol'lh t1bo\"c quoted.

Xcxt in th1• list of things 1•vt•ntful came the Htudent•' 8ocial Reunion, hdd with tlw <louhll' ohj1•et of 1ifforclinii; 1i \n•lc•om1• to fn•<h nwn and a p:1rting haml~hnk1• to till' 1-(radunll'< of l88i. Tl:c t•q•ning was jolly, nois~·. -t111lcnt·likc; tlu• ln•I of thc-e :ulj1•cti"e" 11111ki11~ the oth1•r< nlmo<t supcr­Jluuus, us nnyorll' nt nll ac11u:ti11t1•1l with th1• ~pecie< student will at once ml111it. JOT.\. . ....

WHtR.l\1- .\.LT,Ji~ ~ ::;('IIOL.\.RSIIIPS .

• \~ 1•xaminntio11 to awnr1l tltrt•c \\"ig111m-.\ll1•11 ::icllolarships of the nlhll' of Hi guint•n< t•a•·h \\II' h1•1tl at th1• Collt•:;t'. 1°1Hn1t11'11('ing .\[11111!:1~-, l!lth ..\!11rch. Tiu• :"'l'huhu·,hip; 1u·1• 1LW111·1lt•tl for L'Ja,,j,.,, ~[ath1•111:<ti1·•. nml U1H1cral t•roH<.·1l'lH'.'·· tlw \a..,t t•mhrnei11~ Eugli~h, Fl't'll<'h, a11d :--i<0 H'1t<'P, in addition to ('inssics uml ~[utht•rnati<·s. }, \ '. Pr:1tl \\a•f<rri/e /JrllH'Pf'• both in l'las<ic~ nud U1•111•rnl l'rofiC"11•m'.1, lint '" la• t'•lD onl,v hold 011t• Scholar<hip, the t'lns.;ical Sl'11ol:tl'l!l11p w:h n-•1g11t•1l t•l L . B. Lru1 .. n-t1•r, "lw "''" ,c,·ornl in tht<t subject, l'rall !akin!.( tht• orw fu1· Gcrl\'rul l'rofit'ie111",I'. llalli1Lly, who wa~ a guocl fi1• . .;t iu ~\lathp11mlit·~ and til'C1HHl in th'tll'J"tLI P1·olh.·il'll<'~\.'. wns unfort utmll'l_v <l1•h11rret! fru111 tu king a Sd1ol1u·,hip by I he !'ondition•. which pro\' it It• t hut 1111 t1111• shnll hultl tl Sd1u:a1"hip who ha, nnl l1een in ntll•1Hla11ce nt tht• ( 'ollC':;:e for nt Jpa~t 011'-' yt~ll'. 1 n rcco~nition uf hb l'min~ut u1erit, htl\l'CH'r, the llciul \l:hlcr ha• JH'c>nlf>I••,[ h1111 to till' di!(nity of tht• Si:r.th 1'01·111. The .\fathe11111tical S1·h .. tar•hip foll to A. l'u;1t1•:•, who wa• "'cond to Jlalli<l:l,\'. ,J. K<•r•htt w h<·ing 11 1·1"''' I hiril. Spt•l'ial nwntion should 1Ll•o ho 111acle of K O 'Brien, who><• t'Xl'Clil'nt L'l:t-si1·al rt'onlts w1•1·,• ohtainetl without the uicl of Urt.'1•k, l'lll' mark, wc1·e u' follow•:

Clns .. i~.., .\lilt h. En..:Ji,h Fr1•1wh St' it? nee l'otnl :!UO :!OO 100 lUO 100 700

l'rnlt. lli7 102 -;-» 8;) :lli n;; llalliduJ !JG 1!!1; 70 1a !H :1!)9 f 1tUU'1htt•r ll!l ~li 11.i ;;1 3!) :!:!;)

llnrri• !l'l ~H IS ·li ;,; :J:J I <l'Brit•n lit iit iO 7l "2i :1;3:1 ..\lo111lo11 IU'l 12 l'l (j-J. 2i 28!l L:tllt'I' I IU ;)tj •I S uO i 281 C1l•ltt·~ ·12 lU'l 2li ;;o 1:3 2;!!) h:1•lrnn1•k ;:; ;ltj :H (jl li 21!1 )l11i1s I ;)J tH 2:> ul i 20'> Tur1ll'r I IS 2fi .n 62 :H 20>; Frt•t111m11 1::1 a1; 2;; S2 ~;) 201 ll1Lrd•h•y ·1H H 20 51 :18 200 Fra~t"r i ;u 17 5!1 14 161 o· :-;,,ill 21 :;.; :!2 39 20 158 Kt•r-h:<w IUI 2;; lb I 17 lMI t:> :n 2U 31 l.i llG J fnll, E.C. Ii! GI \V:rnll'n, 11. r;o 50


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Tirn N cwrnGTONIAX.


'l'11E following p11•<1•d from the Hchool :-

A. L.\MHOC i.: \V. F. LtTC'llFn!l.l> L. 'iFl!l,ll:J( \.H. YALL.\CI.:

.\. E. Ru18AY \\'. WELL>I

\Ve were ourpri•,•d to H?e thut .\.E. Ram•11,v's sue<'"'" wn' ttllribult·cl liy the dnily pnpero to a privnte tutor. A month'~ coachi11g 1·1111 ot·1ucPly lny chtim to results duo to three or four yeuro' edm·atton in a good school.


T111~ ttbovc cntcrtainnwnt, in nicl of the Athlt•tir Club fuml•, 'rn< itiYcn in the Town Hnll. Pclt•rshnm, on the C\'lmin~ of :.\fond1n·, :Wth ~fnrch. Tht• !fall wus nrtisticall~ dt•corute<l with ting• and trophi;.,, con,i•tiui: of wdl· arrnngecl sporting mnterials, nncl the rnotto1•s ":.\frmor l'uerti~" und "Fioretti ~(•wiugtonit1." The oYerture, ".\.tlutlie," wn• plnJt'd by :.\[is• U. Kely11nck uncl :.\fr. F. Morley in a munner tLngnrini: wpJl for the q u1dity of the 8llCCN·ding 1k111•. The cucll'I~ Ihm g11n• nn exhibition of I heir •kill in sword exercise, '' hit•h reflected gn•11t cn•dit ou t lwmsl'l\"t's Ull(I on their nhlt• nncl pnin~tnking t•nptnin, Lieut. ~mith. A •ong, "A.n1·homl," by .\!r . ..\.ncler?oon, was w1•ll rt·ePivecl. 'l'ht• fir<t- part of thl' 1•11tt•rtui111m•nt wn• con· cluclt•d hy a duct-in-mnon, ":Fri1•11(lship." hy tlw Lo~··· Thi• '"ls sung with splcnclicl prcci<ion nm! 11rtistic effect. For tl1t1 su1•re•• of t hi,, nnd of '"fhe Anvil Chorus," thr highest pmisc i" due to .\!r. C. A. Flint , ns the ••fl\•<·t i• attributable to bi• thorough tmining of the hoy•. .\ftl'l' llll iutt•rrnl of n,·u minute•, the second part OJl<'nt~l with a ,c,•nt• frmn ,J. R. J'lnn1·hl>'o "Kni~hto of the Round Tnblc," pt•rfornwcl hy .\Iesoro. B1•ll, :'lloulton, O' :\ cill. Rubi11-son, nml ::lilncls, all of "born wr <·ongrntuhitu upon thl'ir histrioui,• JlOW<'l'. A trio," Iolanthe," Wl\< capitt1ll.r n•nder<•d hy :\lt•s;n·•. l>'lint. l\el.'nnck 1rnd Andt'l"80n. The 1wxt ite1n wn~ a. pianoforte !'tllo, "Rhnp..;rnlit' 11011g-rohw1 "

plnyecl by .\Iis• Hn1t•e Kclyn:irk 'dth her wontNI h1illinnr·y. The rniet·s of ~fes•<". Flint uml Ande!"Oll blenrlt•d well in n meal dut•t. " 'fhe moon hus raised." After a •ceond inlt•rrnl, a sc1•nc from l'olnmn·~ '· lleir-nt· Lim"' was uctecl by l\fessrs. Kelymwk, .\fayhew, nnd Titfaw1•ll, twd was '"'11 received. Mr. Flint quite bronµht down thu houso in l'insnti's "Qn,•en of the Enrth." The success of Lien tenant Smith'• endcuvonr• wuo ll!(llin pron•d by the proficiency of the cadets in bayonet 1•x,•1·ci,c. L1i-t hut by no ml'•U•• lens! enm<' the "Atnil Choru,," r1•1ulere<l br I h1• bo'l"s "it h no le's skill t hnn their former attempt. The cfTN•l wns gr .. ,;t ly lll'igh1t•111•cl hy hercnk1rn nncl well-timed strokt•s upon tm 1mril ht•hind tho sc1•1w~. The whok c11t1•rtai11-mcnt rt'llects the gr1•11test crt:'dit 011 its p1·0111ot1•rs, nmong whom ;\[e>'sro<, Flint, Crock~r, Smith, urn! ;\[!lyhew clescr"e es1wcial 111ention. Tht• llnll wa' well filled, hence the enll'rtainment r1·snlll'd in tho sub,tunti:tl 111lclition of from £30 to £ 10 to the .\.thletic Club funds.


OrR first annual g1•nerul mt•etini:: was hell! on IfriclaJ", lith Fubrn11r.1'. Thero wns a good attendance of 111emburs. A r1•port wns read by the

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TnE Ni::wIXGTO:-IIA:-<. 93

8ccrtitur~-, ,howin" that, our number' were twenty·eighl, with au average a.ttei.tla11<·e of t \H•nty·l wo. 'l'hc rc,ult of the elcetion w11s as follows:­Yicl'·l'r<•oi<lent•: .\lr. C. A. Flint, :.\Ir. A. K. \V•ttson; ::lt•crctary: F. V. Pratt; Trca8urcr: E. E. O'Brien; committee: J. Uurris, W. O'.Ncill, \V. l. Perry.

On t ho proposal of the P1·cside11t, the next meeting, 2nd :.\Io.rch, was cleYotc<l to th1• di,cn,.ioi. of th1• " L~•sentiul conditions to nmko the society Yigorou• nod snt'<'<'"ful." Th11 nttl'n<lancc wa~ ~oocl, but the number of ~peakcN r.ither •mall. l'hey were :llc••rs. \Villium•, Moulton, Lancnoter, Harris, Perry, and \V. ::ltrnds.

Our next meet in~, llith :llnrch, was o very enjoyable one. 'fhc follow· ing nwmbcro <·ontributcd Rt~ulings or Recitations :-:\fo,srs. O'Brien, Moulton, Harris, \Vatsun, Kclyn>Lck, Kefl!hriw, Hall, 1md Henson. All were well rC<'<•i,·ed, rrnd friendly criticisms were pa•sed by the President, Messrs. \Villiams und \\.'11tson.

On l!'ricfay, l:lth Ap1·il, the ::lociet.r held u meeting of a Rocial character. Thert• was a spll'mlid uttt•nclttnce, owing lo the pre•ence of all the boMders. An a.ttmcti\'e programme had bcm prep•tred by .\1r. C. A. Flint. .:lln•ical a.ucl lilt•11Lry ilt•111• w1•re contribu!t'd by tlw followin~ member>. and frientl3 :­.\fos I~. K1•lyna,,k, .\ I i•~ U. Kelynuck, :'lfossrs. Willia.ms, Ander:ion, \V. Kl'lynack, .Frt•e1mm, .\1oulton, \V1••lcy, Hallillfly, nml Pratt.

Tht• yearning of the members for a debate wa• •ati•fictl on Uh :\fay, 1888, wlwn the qul'stion, "Wert• th1• .\.m1•rica11 colonies justified in their war of indt>peudcnct.'," wits di1'4Cll"'~e<l. The J>rcn1ier wtl~ )Jr. I~. Jt O'Brien, nnd the h•ader of lh<• Oppo•ition \Ir .. \..G. \'alla<'k. Other •pca.kers were:­.\fe,;sJ". Harri,, .\lonlton, Litchfit•ld, Lancaster, Turner, and Pratt, for the Ministry; :'lfossrs. Hull and lli1mstty for tho Opposition. 'l'ho voting was as follow•: For the question, H; uguinst it, 11; hence the question was cnrril'tl by a ma.jority of three.

On 12th May, the Soricty had !tu Essay Xight. l\Ir. :.'lfoulton read a ,-ery intt•rc,tini? paper on the "~·ri1•1Hlly hlumls"; \lr. Hall on "1'ho Un­e111ployc1l"; .\lr. llea,on on '' l'he rdfltin~ admntagcs of town and country life"; :llr. R:im•ay on "'!'he Comedy of Error~" ; a.nd ::\Ir. l'ratt on "Pope's E••ay on :\fon." Mr. llulliday recited a solection from l'riilton's Lycidfls.

Tin• a.tlcndn11cc at all meeting• ha, been gooc.I, a.ad the rather small number of cont ribntor• is n•surc1lly attribut•ible to the modesty and not to the inribilit_v of tho mcmbefl!. Hence we lmni good reason to hope that the Society will 'oon bcconH' worthy of the institution with which it i8 con· nectcd.

-+- -


TT haling bceu thought tl•·•irnblc to form n musica.l society in connection "ith lht• colle~e, ii rnct•tin~ of tlio•t• intercotcd in the project was hl'ld on Jfridiiy, 2Uth .\pril. fh,•1·t· wa~ ii good tLtlt-ndunco. Mr. Flint was rntcd lo th1• chatr, 11nd .\lr. ~foullt>n cleclt'<L 'ccrL'lnry p1·u fem. :\lr. Prutt 'tnkd that he thought there wu~ 11 larg1• amount of la.lent 11msie11l talent in the

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«·hool whi~h nC'C'dod dcn•lop11wt1l, nnd thcrefort• n1m0C<I, "Thnt thi• uwrtiug j,. of opinion tlint ii i• clt--iruhlt• to form u '<)('ict,r for 111t1si<'lll cultnrt', to he ('Qll('tl t The X cwiu~ton l'oll1'gt' ~I u~i('al Hueil'ty.' '' Tht' 1notion "it~ rnrril'11. Mr. Moulton expltti11l'<l llw g<•1u·1~tl princip!Ps 11po11 wlu<"h lw prop<1'< 0<l llw 80ciety should bt• workl'd, 1•111b11dyiur: th1•m in ii 1110! ion. "Thnt. membC'r' hr of two kinc.h~, iwrf01·111t·r~ urnl nou-1wrforrnt•r.; ," 'l'lw 1not irln wus t•:trrh-•11. .\ pro,·isio1111l eonunitll•t', 1•ot1'i'lit1!( of :\[e,51~. Flint, Amlt•r.,.on, :'lfnu\ton, Pratt, and Holm1·s, 011 the 11wtion of ::\lr. A11cler-ot1, \\llS elect1'1l for t la• pr<'pnmtion of rule;. Th .. uweting then termiunted.

A ~econd g1't1t•ml meeting, for the con•i1l1•mti1m of the rule.; <lrnwn up hy the abtive ei>mmittce, ,_,,, h1,ltl on ~lon1la_,., ith .\luy, l':lS'!. 'fhen• """ n. good atlt•nrlance of i11k11dini;-: ntt·mhcrs. The chuir mo- t:1k1·11 Ii~· ::\lr. R. :\ t•il :Smit h. Aft1•r t Ill• 1•ot1•1tl1•mtion of I h1• rult--, "hif'h 111..t with uhuc•I unanimous approvnl, I Ill' Jtll'<"t in)! proce1•d1'<l to t ht• olrl'I ion of oflk1•r:<. Tht• r1"mlt, wns us follow,;: l'ntron: Rt•v. Dr. Kf'lr111wk; l'r1••itl1•nt: \It'. F . .\lorlcy; Yie1•-l'n•,i<i1•nls: '.\lr. 'Villittm<, ::\lr: Flint, :'llr. :\focl'klluncl; ::lccrctur~ : l\Ir. Andcr<on; Trt'll<Url'r: .\Ir .• \.. K. \Vnt,on; Lib"trinn: :\lr. ::\-loulton; Committee : .\1"•••·•. ~ cwiug, l'l'lltt, Jlol111t••, Surnh, 1111d \Vurdt•n.

The long expected l'onw at Inst? Tht> :\t'l•ington C'ollt•f(e Mu .. icnl l:'ot·i1•ty i~ now 11.1f<tif acromµli, 1md from the augurit-s nt ih birth shoul l hn,-c n .-cry ,;uccc,,ful titrt•t•r bt•fore it. \Vt', "" u ~ocidy, 11t•ed two thing< to 1•n•un• this •ucc•·" car11t•,t '"'irk on the part of the perf,>rminf( member<, and generous "1pporl from t lwit• friends; t ho fir,f w1• nr1• rC,flOll•ibk for, 1111Cl I he ~ccond we shall try lo dt·st•rvt'. In our infant',\" w1• !"tnnol ciYe 1111tl'h, <O we usk little, but that littlt• is !hut nil 0111· fril'11th ln·1·01t1t• •uhseribt·r·• nud \('nd Uti the eneourngt•na•ul of tlwir pre"<'JH'<' nt 0111· 1•0111·,•rb.

In these unromantic tintl'5 lht• r111i1wntlr nst'l'ul i< the mnineutlr dP•ir­ubh', und so the cause of n•lim•m,·ut ,ufte1»; "still thl'rt• urc many ,;ho will think with U• thut mu,ir l'tlll do much with it• prun•rLial clmmh to rountl off the unplea-antl~ shnrp t'<lgl'S of the n,·ern!i<' '"hoolbo:·. \Vith this t•rnl in 'i'"' we hopt! to pa,, UHlllJ pl,•:b:rnt hours 111 t Ill' •tu1ly hoth oft he t hcory und practice of 'incinc;. 'o 1·omliining !11" h"' 11• to prc\t'nt wearrnt·~· of eitlll'r. :-<o mueh for our ohjt•t·t, n11tl now \\ilh 11 crJ to J',1l."11ynrn111 for ht><• in,pirotion and to our friuntJ, for WP£l<lrt, Wt' •ltlllll intrmlnct'<l.

OUH A~XU.\L ~PORTS' ~IEE'l'l".\<:.

l<>«·onK.\1a:n hy the support 111111 Hympathy we n•cci\'c<l lal;t year, the Committee a;;ain <letnminctl to holtl the spurts on tho .._\~hficftl RC'crcation I: romal. ~uccessful as they were Ia. ... t year, they were still more ,,o thi~ time, nn<l all the <faily p:lpcrs renmrke<I oi1 the cxeellcnec of the manage­ment. The progm1n111c, as usual, was a Yery long one, hut it \\·a~ gone thrnugh without tl hikh, 111111 tinisheil in goocl ti1nc. 'rho entries wern something enormous, in rather market! contrast to the uumheL· of st<lrtcrs. The hn.111lieapping, if not quite llS goo•l as last yMr, wns ,·cry satisfactory, nn<l the racing was certainly gooil. .\lr. Flint 1lisclrnrgc1l the 1mluous ilutics of the starter with great suct'c'"• rccciYiug cm1.:1i1lemhlc assistnncc from l'rntt, as clerk of tht• course. Thu Hou. s,,.._, ~Jr. Crocker, was indefatigable in his etforts to promote the ~nc~css of the mcctin.~, whid1 \his to no small ox tent tlue to his cncrt,'Y arnl forethought.

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Thu ;1th>n11"nce wn~. a~ we oxpccteil, hoth numerous a1ul fashionable, hcin;; csti111ak1l atalJOnt bc1·cn thousmul. The wc.'\thcr was all that coul<l he clcsirccl, ancl everything in fact comhinecl to produce a most succe.,sful meeting.

The following is a clctailecl account of the rc,nl~ of tho rnrious c1·cnts :-

Xu. l.-100 y:ml< Flat ).{ace : B<>y.s unclcr 10. Thern were only four entries for this, ancl of them not one startccl.

Xo. 2. -220 yaril' Flat Race, I larnlic;1p : Boys u1ukr l t. Fir8t Hct•t: H. Wanlt•n (10 yanls) I, K :\fatthews (20 yanls) 2, V. Frnser ( 10 yanls) :t Scconcl Heat: I f. Stinson ( 10 ytinls) 1, II. f);1clswell (10 yt\rds) 2, W. A. Freeman (scratd1) a11cl :K l'onlcn (l::l yarcls) ~. Final Hc.'\t: R. Warden ( 10 yarcls) 1, II. Sti11,cm ( 10 y:mlg) 2, \\'. A. Fr..,eman (scratch) :l. :-iti.J1so11 wa~ di5qnalifiecl for !wing over age, ancl the second prize gh·cn to Freeman. 1'itne, 2i 2-5 t<CCOlld~.

Ko. :l.-120 yiirilH Hurcllcs, Ht1mlilll1p: Boys uncler Li. E. Hor11lcy (owing (j y1mh) I, s. Tout (cnl"ing 12 y:i.rcls) 2, .J. Gimm hers (owing 6 yard~) :J, A. F. 'J'ho1111Hon (owing .i yar<is) 4. l~1th Horsley arnl 'rout wern tlb­<111alilie1l for hcing ovt>r age.

Xo. ·!.-1:-.o yimls Flat !face, lfa11clicap: Boys 1111<\cr 12. H. Barton (10 yar1ls) I, .J. ltigg (12 yarcls) 2. Of the twenty four hoy~ enterc<l only eight were unclcr 12. Sullings, llaclswell, an1l C. \Vesley wc1·e pl:\ced 11t the time, hut, their age~ heing clisco,·crecl, the race was run again.

Ko . .i. 220 y1ml~ Fli1t Rate, Open, lfamlic;1p. First Heat: (L .\forris (S yarcls) I, '!'. Ti1lswcll U yanls) 2, T. Breckenriclge (I,) yards) :i. Secom! Heat: 0. Kong Sing ((j yanls) l, W. L1woon (8 y1mh) 2, \\T. Hare lie (IS ynnls) :l. l'inal llcat : (:. ;\forl'is (~ ytmls) I, 0. Kong 8ing (li yar1l~) 2, \\". Lawson (S yanls) :i. This wa.~ the first e\'Cnt for the Champion Cup, arnl O'Xeill clicl not st<ll't. Time, 2.t :l.,3 sceonds.

Xo. /. All Schools' Champion 1;;0 yards ~·1,\t. T. Tichwell (~ewing· ton College) I, \\'. O'Xeill (Xewington College) 2, A X. :\lilcs (St .• \.loysius' College) a. Ti me, Hi 1-.i sccomls.

Xo. K-Onc ~Iile Bicycle. \\'. Perry I, E. O'Brien 2.

Xo. !l.-Onc :\lile Walking Hamlicap. E. J. l'alser (140 y1\l'Cls) 1, H. Fowl<:r (I.to yanls) 2, A. t ;annon ( 110 yanb) :! ; Scrisier, who, of couroe, was ~cmtch n111n, c11me in :1 goocl Hh. Time, s minutes 20 4-.3 seconds.

Xo. IO. - Hu1111ing High .Jump. \\'. O'Xcill (.)ft.) l, E. J. :\Ioulton ( Ht. Sin.) 2, :\l. r1m1cll (.J.ft. liin.) :l. This w11s the sccoml event for the Champion Cup.

Ko. 12. 120 y1mls Hurcllc H<tcc. \\'. ()'Keill I, E .• J. ~loult-0n 2, ,J. Harris :l. The thircl event fot· the Cup. F['ime, l i 2.;; seeoncls.

Ko. rn.-440 ynnls Flat Rae• : Boys unclcr t.i. I,\\'. Hardie (20 yanls) 2. F. Se:thorn ( 10 yanl8) :~.

II. Smith (I.) yarcls) Time, I min. 4 sees.

Xo. l.t .. J.)() y11r11H Opl,n, 11.uulic<IJl. First Heat: R. 1''owlcr (18 y1mls) I, \\'.O'Neill (scratch) 2, ('. l'arkcr (1.) yarcls) :!. ~eco111l He1it: W. L;\weon (Ii y:mls) I. C. :\hll'diison ( 10 y;mls) 2, E. X ewton ( 1;; yar•l~) :l. Thinl Jl<'at: K Horsley (IS yarcls) I, \\'. Jl. \\"cslcy {S y:mls) :1,

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J. Harris (4 yar<ls) :t Final Heat: E. Ho1o;;Jcy (1~ y1mls) I, W. IT. Wc"ley ('l yards) 2, \\'. OXeill bcra.tch) :l. Thi" w11s 11 very big r:i.ce, thcro being sixty-six entricH. Time, 1.3 :1.;; 'ccomls. The first place was a gift to Hor~lcy.

No. IJ. -Old Boys· 120 yarcls lhmllcs, Handicap. CL Mai<len (owing 15 yards) I, J. ~laiclen (owing 12 yarcls) 2, T. J)(1cl8well (owing 10 yanls) 3. Maiden caught all his men at tlu; second hurdle. Time, l'l 2-J Hecs.

No. lU. - 100 yards Champion~hip of the College. \\'. O'Neill I, T. Tidswell 2, J. Harris:!. Time, 1 I 2-5 sccondH. (Rnn on gras.~.)

No. Ii. -::->iamcse Race. \\'. Thompson and J. Wesley (;;yards) 1, G. Hcouller and C. ~Iurchison (scratch) 2.

No. J~.--140 yards Open, Handicap. L. l-\pcncer (10 ynrcls) I, JI. 0. Rem1etts (1,i yards) 2, E. J. 'loulton (H yard~) :J. Time, 58 3-5 secomls. 8pencer showed very good form in this mce.

No. 19. Old Boy:;' J;l() yards Flat, Hamlicap. E. Finch (20 yards) 1, H. T .. Morgan (10 yards) 2, W. ,J. Hmall (17 yar<ls) :t Time 1;) 1-5 sees.

No. 21. Egg nncl Spoon Race. A. F. Thompson I, C. Parker 2.

No. 23. Yisitors' l.'iO yanh Flat Harnlieap : Open to all members of A.A. Clubs af!ilit1tccl to the N.H. \\'.A.A.A., tmcl uucler the management of the !titter. Final lle.'\t : \\'. )liles ( l i yarcls) I, ,J. .\Jaiclen (8~ yanls) 2, U. )faiden (~cratch) :3. Time, l:i 2-.3 second><.

No. 2t Visito1·8' Bicycle Race: Three )Iilcs. Under the mnimge­ment of the Cyclist.-;' Union. 'J'. P. Jenkins (scmtch) I, R. Ru~sell (500 yards) 2.

No. 2.'i. Kicking the Football : Place-kick at Cloal. ,). Harris (58 , yanl8) l, W. O'Xcill (.37 ynrcls) 2, (;. Hcouller p;; yard~) :l.

No. 2G. Half-~Iile 1"l11t, Hanclicap. 0. H. Bennetts (:JO yarcla) l, R. Fowler (:>()yards) 2. Time, 2 mumtt:d, 20 secoruls.

No. 28. ·Throwing the Cricket Ball. N. War<len (!J.i yards) I, \V~ O'Neill (87 yards) 2.

No. 29. -Sack R11ce. \\'. Thompwn I, J. Rigg 2, ,J. Wc.~lcy :l. Won easily.

Ko. 30. One 'lile Flat, Hanclic.'\p. L. ~pcncer (;,o yal'lh} I, W. H. Wesley (.'iO yanh) 2, H. Kelymtck (SO yanls) :t Time, ,'j minutes 12 seconds. l';pcncer has opene<l the htu11lic11ppers' eyeii at last.

No. 31. Tug of \Yar. \Yon by the Boar1ler:s after 11 good struggle.

'!'he prizes were <listrilmtetl on the evening of the following Friday hy ~lt .... Kelynack. The Committee ;uloptc•I this cou1 ... e in~tcacl of the usual plan of clistrilmting them i111meclit1tely after the hist C\'lmt, in order to S•IVe

trouhle and cxtm work on the sports' clay.

THE COJ,J.Ec:.: C1t.\ 111·w" CPI'. This 1n\S ;1\11mle<l to the compl'titor who scon!1l mo~t poiuts in the following scvc11 e\·cnts: Throwing the Cricket lhll, Kicking the Footh<1ll, Run11ing High Jmnp, Open lhmllc R11cc,

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' Trrn N icw1 'WTOXL\X. 97

1.30 y1mlR Ha1ulittqi, 2'.20 yar1IR J-lan<licap, a1ul HO ynnls Handicap. Places to he ,·alncd as follows : First, .i pointti; Sccollll, :J points; Thir<l, 2 points. The following arc the three tirst boys :

I. O'Neill, \\'.

1 C I ~ , _ .1_ _..!._ 11.30 j 220 4-10 I Total

I ;j I

3 I .i 1· .) I

2 I I 18

:l. ~foulton, E. ,J. :t lfarris, ,J.

:1 :i I 2 8 :> 2 7

Thus O'Kcill is prorn<l far an•l away the champion athlete of the College.


.SL\\ l'\t.TO'\ ( '01.J,t;(;t; \', S'l' l l.\TllF!lo'.1.1>.

Tiil'< nrntch \\as JJlllyc1l at Stmthlicl<l on :ktl :'\fal'l:h, arnl rc~11ltctl in a 1lrM1.

'dl\\'l'l•To'\ c·o1.1,1·:1a: (lkt Inning») F. ~awkins, c 1u11l h :'\[clntyrc 4.) A. \'allack, h ow, h Hall 10 A. \\'artlen, h .Jones ... 11 K :\loulto11, c Hall, h :'\lclntyrc ;; T. Hicks, how, b Quoclling ... 3 J. Sitlllh, h Fraser 6 A. Moore, b Jones 0 \\'. O'Neill, not out 12 T. 'l'itlswell, b ,Jone~ 9 H. \Ycslcy, mn out l H. l'ile, c Fraser, b Jones 0

~undries 17

Totiil 119

l'TR.\TIIFIELD (lst Innings.) Jones, c .Moore, h \Yarclcn ... Rwire, h ~foultou Hall, nm out ... Fraser, c O'Neill, b \Yar<lcn ... Thompson, b Moulton Lambeth, not out ~Iclntyrc, not out


Total for five wickets

'\t:w1:-;c;TO' ('()J,Lt:c;i.; Y. EH .. "iKl.St:nLLE.

10 56 ll

4 0

13 6 2


This nmtch was playc<l itt Ncwington on the JOth March, ancl resulted iu !~ win for the home team by 80 runs. For the winners, V a.llack ( 40), Sands anti :\Ionlton ( l!l), batted well ; while for the visitors, H. and J. Perciml trim! hard to avert defeat. The bowling of O'Neill (.3 wickets for (}runs) \rns ,·cry effective.

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). t;WJ'\"HTO'( COLLEGE ( lst Innings.) A. YnJJ:\ck, h o w, h .J. Percival 40 E. 'loulton, c Pcrcfral, b Lannon ... 19 L. '-'crisicr, h H. Pcrcirnl 4 ,J. ~a111l•, h H. Pcrci ml l!l W. O'Xcill, c H. l'Prci,·nl, b .J. i'ercirnl (j '-'· Rohinstm, h H. Pcrch·al .. . 2 U. 1-icoullcr, not out . .. 4 H. \\'al'<lcn, h ,J. Perch·al () R. 'J'c111pc:1t, c Taylor, h ,J. Percin1l () ~. l'ih,, h ,J. Pcrcirnl .. I ,J. \lillci·, c Blomnficl<l, b H. l'erch"<1l :l

Hm1<lries tl

Tou1l 107

P.Hf\Kl'.'-EYJLLt; (lst Innings.)

'.\li<ldlcton, c Ti1lswell, b '.\Ioulton Pinkstone, c \Ioulton, b O'N'eill F. Taylor, h '.\lou!ton . . .. Bloomfit'ltl, c \loulton, b O'Neill ,J. l'crcin1!, b '.\loulton .. Hmith, c '.\Ioulton, Ii O'Xeill ... Lannon, c '.\loulton, h O'Neill II. Pcrci\"al, c O'Xeill, b '.\Ioulton \V. Bloomfiel1l, c O'Xeill, b '.\Ionltou Hc<1\·cr, c 1u11l h O'Xcill A. T11ylor, not out



'\ t;W l'.\!:TO'.\ COLLt;f;t; \", llK.\Cll'<I>t:L.

I 0 0 !? i 0 (j

I ()

I 0 =~

Played on the ground of the latter, arnl resultc1l in 1L win for the ' viHitors by 21 runs. Yallack (l'l), 'l'idswcll (21), '.\fartin (13 not out), ph1yc<l well for us; while Lo,·cridge (l(jj, R. Hmith (12), <con•1l well fo1· them. The bowling of A. \\'nrdcn (.3 wickets for 40 l'lms) wa~ ,·ery 1 lestructive.

"t:w I '\CITON COLJ,t;m: ( I st Iuni11gs.) K '.\loulton, h Loveridge () A. Vallack, c (lill, b Thompson IS A. \\'1mlen, b Loveridge ... .. . i A. Halligan, c Hartigan, b Lo\·eri1lge S A. \loorc, h 'l'hompson 0 J. l-:ant18, c Hartigan, b Lo,·eridge .. . :1 W. O'Xcill, c Hartigan, h Lo\•ericlgc 2 T. 'l'i<lswell, c Ro•chy, b Robson ... 21 H. \\'e,.lcy, c H;\rtigan, b Loveridge (j A. '.\Cartin, not out 1:~ G. ScouJJcr, h Robwn... O

i'inndric8 14

Total 91

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llR\CO"DH (lst Innings.)

R. Smith, c Hnlligan, b A. \Varden Thompson, c O'Xeill, h \Ynrdcn T. Ho,d1y, h \\'at'<lcn .. \\'. l{oh"on, h \\\mien <lill, h \\\mkn .. Stephen•, c )fartin, b \\"ardcn Hattif."an, h \\'ardcn ... Boan< , run out ... .. . Lovcri<li-:c, h 'Ioore TI. \\'ar1len, h \\'anlc11 .\I illar, not out ..



'f:\\'l'<.Tll' ('01.LEC:E V. flft.U1'JAR SCHOOL.

12 6 (i

I ()

10 6 4


0 0 9



Played on our g1·011111l, arnl resulted in a win for the visitor::i by !I run•.

'f:Wl'<:Tl1" <"m.1.un: (I st Innings.)

A. \'al1:11·k, c Cruick•hank, h Hanis ,J. B:m1"ley, h Cape r. Titl~well, h lfotTis .. ,J. Sa11<IH, c .Jones, h Cape E. '1oulton, h ('ape !.. HeriMicr, h C'n.pe \\'. O'Neill, h Harri• H. Wci<lcy, nm out 0. Kong ~in~, h Cape ... R. TcmpCHt, not out i:. Scouller, b ('tipe



rm \""AR ~cnooL ( I st Innimrs.)

J. Rohison, h O'Neill ... J onc8, h Barc'8lcy .Jone~, h O'Neill t:. Harris, run out )I. Harris, h 'Ioulton Crisp, c Ticlswell, h 'loulton L1m1l1, h O'Xcill . . ... Cruickshank, b 'Ioulton 'lcl'hcrson, not out E. Robison, h 'Ioulton (

01\pc, c Yallack, h O'Neill Huuclries


j !l I 4 ()

I 1:; 0 2 0 I Ii


7 :; 0


l'i ()

4 ,; I () ()


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O'NEILL,"'· A. (lfi.O) llas got hoth l~<ltting a111l howling a.vcmgi·s. As a. howler, \'ery fol!t 111111 dcstn1ct1n'.

Y.\LLACK, A. H. (H.2)-Htcaily arnl rcli.-hlc bat; hall been of great sen·ice to the tenm, but Hlow in the field.

H1cn.s, T. H. (12. l)-Yery steady hat, a. g•,o•l fa•i<l 1md Jsplernlid c11td1. Left at Ghribtmas.

B\IWsLt;Y, J. ( IO.:H-hupro,·cil c;rcntly in hnttin~ ~iuce lMt yci11.

Good howler, ''ith break from hoth si1les. i"cnrLLf;R, U. (9 .• i)-Ilits recklessly, hut 11mkell some good scol'C.,,

Fair fiehl. KA:rns, ,J. L. (i.6) Captai11 of the team. lloml howler Ml<l wiekL·t·

keep. Good ba.t a. tel'ror on loose howling. Hplcwlid field. WEsJ,EY, "'· H. (i.2) \\'ill make 11 goo1l i,,,t with practice. Fair

field. 1;1.1sso~, \\". (i.01-Uo<><l hit, big hitter. Fait- d11mge howler. Left

before ChrL.tmal! . .\loULTO'-· , J. K (6.0)-Excellent all-romul player; ~plemlid lido!.

Had hard luck with the hat. Ko~<: H1~u, 0. (.i.2)-A wry good hat, cuts well; has h;1d hanl lm·k

this sea.~on. ( ;001! field. Hi;msum, L. (.3. l)- Vcl'y Ktc<uly ht1t, 11111! fair fichl.

O'N nLL, \\". A. (5.0)-.)!J wickt:ts for 221 run~. HA~Ds, J. L. (8.9)- 24 21.i rnns. B.\lmsL!;Y, ,J. (9.08)- I 2 10!1 nmll.


SrncR our Jn,t i>st1(' w(' hnn• rellllJ hq,(illl our J<'t1r's w01·k, "ubjt>ct to t ho (•hunge" thut c>n·r~· ;v1•11r I.rings in the JIN-<ru111fi or IL 11ll'g'l' •chool. Tiu· t'L'ntenniul mutclw• took pince us wt• WL'rc> going to pr"s", 11rnl u11iy be reg111~h•I "'the la-t cnmpni~n of thP '' Im·inciull'•." \\'l' nr,• now thrown on ourown n»ourC'l·•. nml lrnw to look to n·cruit' to form t hL• hulk of our rifle urn! t'llrbinc trnms.

Scri:!'l\Ut Fer!!ll-Oll, or thL· :>:>th R e/.(inwnt of the ltnperinl .\.rmy, ha; IJ,·en appointed to tht• po-it ion of Scri:i•nnt-:\lajur of till' Corp,, nncl 'H' urt• i:lad to note thut undt>r hi" mrL' lht•re has bei•n tl i;ri•nt improl'ement in tlw m11rching nncl gc>ncrnl drill of the junior ca<ll'ls.

'fhc following promotion~ Wl'l'C m11dL• nt E11•1!•1· :-Sergeant O' ::\ t•ill to the rank or l'olor-l:_:t•rgc>unt. Corporal 1'. B1·ll S1·ri.wunt. Lnnct•-C'orpor11l l'hillip' S1•rg1•1111t of tht' Bnncl. Cndl't Cupl'l l •lnt·r-Corpoml.


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The companies of the baltnlion have been arranged on a new basis:­N os. 1 and 2 companies conlaiuing the senior boarders and day-boys, No. 3 company mixed juniors, and No. 4, those without wedding garments, the "uniformlcss" ones. The ofliccl'S of the companies are.-

No. 1- COMMANDER: Col.-Sergt. O'N cill; R. GUIDE : Corp. Sands; L. GUIDE: Corp. Hpenrer; R. MARKER: L.-Oo1·p. Wardon; L. MARKJm: L.-Oorp. Capel.

No. 2· COMMANDER: E<orgt. H. Bell; R. GUIDE: Corp. Ifenson; L. GUIDE: Corp. Meeks; R. MARKER: L .-Oorp. Brecken­ridge; L. llIARli.ER: L.-Corp. Kennedy.

No. 3- COMMANDER : SergL. Wesley ; R. GUIDE : Corp. Tout; L. GUIDE : Corp. Pernell ; R. MARKER : L. -Corp. Lance ; L. MARRER: L.-Corp. Ramsay.

No. 4 COMMANDER: SorgL. 'r. Bell; R. GUIDE : Corp. Blatchford; L. GUIDE : Corp. llardy; R. MARKER : L.-Corp. Wh~ttell; L. MARKER: L.-Corp. Swyny.

RIFLE Sll00'£1NG.

Our results in the Ccnhmnial Matches miglit seem, to outsiders, to be only fair, but 11s a matter of fo.cL they were lll08t creditable. They must not be compared with tlio re~11lts of tbe annual association meeting last October. The limits of tboso mate he• enabled sixty of our fellows, including carbines, to competo; whereas it was folly for any but the best of the Rifles to enter for the Centennial matchl's. l'olor-Sergt. \Varden closed o. splendid career as a school-boy rifle shot by obtaining the extraordinary score of ten consecu­tive bull's·eyes at 500 yards in the team's match, and with his score at 600 yards won ~fojor Walker's prize against 600 of the best riflemen of .A.ustra.lia, representing a military force of 20,000 men. Colox·-Sergt. Sands won £6 in the first stage anc.J aggregate of t.he Grand Centennial, Sergt. T. Boll £5 in the third stage and aggregate, Lieut. Smith £11 in the second stage and aggregate, and Color-Sergt. Serisier £2 in the third stage.

Our team cnme ele"enth in the Centennial Teams' 1Iatch, being placed next to ou1· old rivals, the Grammur School Cnclcts. The team for Newing­ton consisted of Lieut. Morley, Lieut. R. N. Smith, Color·Sergt. Sands, Color-Sergt. Warden, and Sorgt. T. Bell. Ninety-five teams, from the whole of .d..ustralia, competed.

Since these matches we have been going in fol· steady pt'llctico, and several of our rec1·ttits have come well to Lbe front. Among these L.-Corp. Warden has ~he best uveragc, and L.-Corp. C1tpd astonished us all a few weeks ago by making Gl out of 70, au excellent sco1·e for a beginner. The day-boys have come forward in Hn unprecedented manner this year, and, at present, seven out of tbo ten highest averages belong to them.

The Drst match of tho season was between teams of eight, representing the boarders and day-boys. 'J:l1e boarders won by 32 points. On the Q.ueen's Birthday we go to RiYerviow to meet the St. Ignatius cadets in a friendly match, ancl haYc been ensured ii hearty welcome. .A. match with the Scottish Rifles has been arranged for the 26th. Tho Scots arc going to do their best to defeat us, as N ewington is the only team that has beaten them ltitherto. On the 4th August we meet the Grammar School in rifle and carbine matches.

It is vory 111Lrd to imprc;s upon tho oadots the regularly. They imagino that becanso tho annual place until OcLober there is plenty of time to spare.

necessity of practising meeting docs not take .A.s a matler of fact we

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10:2 Tirn NEwI:-<G'l'ONIAN.

have only thirteen more opportunities of practice, and none but the best of rifle-shots could afiorJ to neglect any of these opportunities.

Through a11 ovcr•ight the following result• of Inst years musketry have hitherto been unpublished :

:Marksmen. Col.-Sgt. Warden ... Lieut. Smith Scrgt. T. Bell Cadet. Lawson L.-Corp. Ft1wcelt ... Corp. Ram.,iy L.·Uorp. \Vnrden Sergt. Glasson Corp. Sund• Cadet Pritchard

lst stagt>. 50 Gl 46 S2 .l.()

43 51

·W 42

2ncl •Inge. (j()

4!) H4 56 5S .rn n ·1-3 ·1fl 47

c.rnnvrn SUOOTI'<G.

3rd stage. tiO 59 50 4(j

48 50 50 u u 43

Total. li()

1G9 161i 151 HG 142 112 13i J3(j 1:32

Our carbine practice did not begin until Easter, but ulrcacly great pro­gress bas bccn made. Thirteen of our "boarder" carbines have a11 a.-cragc of thirty-two out of forty! Cndct Sullings madt• the splonclid score of 3'{, and 37's arc getting po•iti vely common. \V c arc glud lo lt'>trn l hat Lieut. Smith hns promised a silver cup for the best shot in the carbinl'S thi• year, tho scores after midwinter to count. It is a great pity that moro day-boys do not come forward in the carbine shooting, as they al'e doing so w~ll in the rifles. At present it is impossible to hole! our annual carbine nmtch, boarders v. day· boys, as twenty-five out of lho thirty carbines that havo begun shooting arc boarders.

TITE BAND. The artistic education of the corps has not boon neglect cd, aml uuc\er

the able tuition of Band-master \Vt•stbrook, the band has reached a shtlc of efficiency never before equalled. We htwc now twenty-five fifes, two side­drums, tho awkward but necessary " bil(" eh-um, ancl a t1·iani:le 1 ! '!'his, our latest innomtiou, is the pride of the college, mu! it i• tinkled by Ca<ll't \V c•lcy, in the most approved modern olyle. Baud-Sergt. Phillips mu•t be congratu­lated on the goorl discipline and drill of the band, and he htis ably fillcc\ Lhc vacancy left by the rc•igno.tiou of Scrgt. TI. Bell, who, tlu·oul(h many weary general parade,, played his part so well. The following are the members of the band:

SERGEANT OF TUE BAXD : Sergeant Phillip•. SrnE-DRu:us: Cttdl't A.clams, Cadet Jones. 'l'mANGLE: Cadet C. Wc:1lcy.

L.-Corp. Henwood Kelly

Cud~t Y. Moulton \V. M'Rnc P. ~f'Rac E. Litchfield G. Litd11lcld Sullings J. Fletcher TnnnPr


Cuclet Bartlett.

Cadet O'Donnell F. Akhurst A. Evlcs W. E_vlcs ~fulligau Freeman Badgcry Matthews Gardiner Baulch

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S\JAT.r, progr<'~~ haq l1t'CH nuuh• AO far thiR ~l·a~on in Lawn Tt..'nnis owing to eon•icleniblt• dl'awhnck•. Thi• war it ha• ngnin fallen ofT. First nnd fore· 1no•t, football, whi!'l1 tnkl's p1'c1i1i1•r placr in thl' •pnrts' <"nlcndnr, lms nb,orbcd •omc of our he-I players. Tlw i:umc wa" rcYin•rl I\ little by a to11rn11m1•nt which wa• ,fnrfrrl, but owing to the grrot ditliculty of e;!'tting membt•rs toi:<'thcr it. i,; to ho fcnrrcl that it. will fall through. Jn the return mat<·h with llilltm·<t, S:mcls nncl ~pcuecr playcd well; :1s it wns n. wry close game wc sht>Uhl <'!'l'lninh· hn\'C hntl mon• 'lll'C<'•S hnd not 2\foulton, one of our bc,t phycr,, bri•n t:iken away by fu.>tbnll. Tl1t• r1••ults of the fow matehc~ pl11yc<l nro not ,·cry t•twonr:iiiing, lHtl it i• lo hl' hupecl that nil membeN oft he 'L\•nni• Club will pr1tl'I i•c• 11101'1' regularly and ,how mort' cuthusiu•m in the ganll'. The gamt•• playc•cl will be pHblishcd in our next number.



THE third nnnunl g<'tll'ml 1nc•t•lin1-[ of tht• nl1urn <·luh was held on 1'rid1iy, :!ith 2\farch, nl tlll• l\ille;:t'. The <"hair wn• oc·c·upicrl by ;\lr. \V. 11. William,, .\L\., tl11• l'r1.,.id1·11t of the Club, anti the 'i<'c-Chair by 2\fr. F. \V. J{eC\'l', Oil<' of the viro·l'rc•iclent'- Ll'tl1•1« of apology for nlln\'OidnJ.11• 11bs1•ncc werl' r.•nd fro111 Jlr. l\1•ly11urk 11ncl Re,·.<~. Mnrliu. The Chnirm:m mndo rnme pr('limi11ary re11111rb, in whic.h ho 'tntl'd the dt'<'P intC'rc•t he took in the w1•lfnro of tht• l luh, nn1l that he 1•011•idt•n•1l it 11 mo•t ,·nltrnble Urllnl'h of the •Choo! sports. fhu :'CCrt•l!lrJ l'{'Ull t ho l'C'J'Ul't of I llC' J>:l•t yt•llr, from "hirh we q•wto ns follo"': "fu rcncwi11g our 'uc·cc,,c• on the tnu·k we nmy \It'll co11i.:n•t11l11tc 011r,cln·;;. Our fir,.t win 1luri11g lu•t •e:l•on was ohtuim•tl by A.\\'. 2\l11rtiu, in the .\ll-~chools' R11c•1• nt the College l'iporls. 111 .\.ll-~choob' R1L<'•'• c•pt•eially, we luwc taken 11 fo1·t•mo•l· place, 11• n11t,\' be jllcll{t'<I from the• fnllnwing: -Daring lust Rt':l•on \V. ,J. Perry won thr1•t• 1i1·st nud two "rcunrl prizt•s; I~. ~ . .Sautellt', two Jir,l nrnl Oil!' second; ;\1. \. V1•111111rd, two 8t'co111l pri1.1••. The Captnin's rt•port. of the runs during tho ;i':t<Oll •how• the r<'Mnl for ntlcnduuee R• follow-' ·hi, .\. \V . .\lnrtin; :!ncl, H. \\"ol-l1·11hohn<'. Tlw committc<' aminlt•cl sih c•r mednls for fir:<t nucl ,..,.,.oml pl11ct'" Al the la•l 1111•t•tin:.: t lie com1uitte1• th•c·iclc,l to elect nil old Xt'wingtoni:u» in othrl' l'lnh~ honorary members of the 1'. C. B. C., and to inform tlwm that thllJ will alwaJ" be welconw at. our r1111~ and meetini,,.,.." 'fhe finan!'itll po,..ition uf the club wns sho\\n lo hl• •ati,factory, as there were !;2 in Imm!. '!'he followini:: ollict'·lwarers Wt'l'l' l'lt•cftotl •-Patron : RrL \V. Kt'lymil'k, D.D.; pr1·•1clc•11t: .Mr. W. H. Willitim•, \l.A.; vicc-prcc1itlcnls: W .• f . O'Rl'illy, M.D., Re,. G. ;\fartin, .\lr.11'. \V. Rcl've; captain: Mr. II. \Vol~knholmc; Yic1•-c·apt11i11: .\lr. 11. R. Curlt•wis; hon. sccrctnry: ;\fr. \V. L. Curnow; hon, tn•asurcr: :llr. E. O'llricn; Committee: Me .. rs. ,V, I. Perry, :S. ll. Fulli!'k, E. I>. Hilliard; bui:ler: .\lr. \V. I. Perry; delegate to X. ~. \V. Cyl'li<ts' Union: .\lr. H. \Vol-tl•nholnu'. The mcNin~ tcrmin· tiled with n \Ole of I hunk~ to the Chairman.

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104 T1rn NEwtNGTONIA~.

CLUB RUSS (cout.)-SE.\SO~ 18S8.

June 2 !)

lG 23

" 30

July i

" H

" 2l

" 28

Aug . . 1,


" 18

" 2.3

Ht'p. 1 8


" 22

" 2!)


'l'om Ugly'• Point. Club R-0acl Raco (10 miles.) l'outh Head . l'orrnmatta (!\foon). \Vind~or and Richmond. llotany. Bondi. Rye le. :\fol<lle llentl.

~ytlncy B. C. Sports.

South llead. Coogee. Opt'n Run. Botany. Lady Robinson'8 Bench. Bondi. Fi1111l Run.


THE followinl( lune become m<•mbc,-. of the club:- F. Smith, \V. Lake, \V. ' Shaw, and Irl'lnnd.

No race \111~ pl:tccd on th1• proi:mmme of tlw "1·hool sport~ for the dub, but a few d11y~ bC'fo1·11 the sport~. when it was fouml 1 lmt the All-Schools' bir,rcle l'fl!'I', whil'h had been 11rrang1•d, would foll through, it w11• g1•n<•rously deridecl to nltcr the c•ent to a clnh 1i1ce. .\• might he expt>cto<l, the race was a failure. 'l'wo •tarte1l, anti \V. I. Perr~- won M•ily.

Two important items hnn~ been arran~ed to take place within the next few week<. On Slltur<lay, !llh ,fun!', ii lO·milc rond rncc is to bt• held. The course is, comnH'm•ing at th1• \'V11tt•rloo tr.un terminus, along Bot.any Road and Bunncrong Road into tho Rnndwi<"k Road, nn<l finish near the toll-bar. An important 1rnd progrc<•in• fr11t urc of the cn•nt is lhnt honorary members of the club will bt• nllowt'll to t'<>lllJwtc. Amoni.:st the•e are included nil cyclist• who hn\'C at nny time ht't'n at the Coll1•g<'. As there nrc '~ good nurny ~uch ricfo.r, in the dilTen•nt clubs, this will 111J.l nn udditionnl intere•t t-0 the event. Abo, u ::;low Ra<'l' is to lie held on tl1t• College grouml~ on a. dntc to be fin·d. Prize• will i,,. presented for hot h pn•nt:1. )frssrs. Curnow, Cnrlewis nnd PerrJ hun• bt•t•n oppointed tt •nb·!'Olllmittec to 11rl'ilng1• nmtlcr:l. A large nu111h1•1· of t•ntriP• ha\'C lie1•11 t't'rein'd, aml tlw event i~ looked for· wnrd t-0 with great interest.

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Tim N EWe<G·roNrAY. 105


Orn rcacler:l who hnve wnl!'hed the progre•s of the footbnll in pn~t yenrs will be glad to lenru thnt the1t' is nodnnger of n fnlliug off in !hi• clepnrtment so for. The beuson h11s hL•gun mo't auspicious!.'·, and we lmn• en·r.\ r<•ason to hope for a mo.t. :illtl't''Sfnl :iCU>Oll, or Inst ~·p111·'• t<•am tlu• following arc still with U•: O'X!•ill, Kung ~i11g, l't•r1·y, \Vhittcll. Harris, and i'autls. Be~idl1~ tl1t1~tl, U. a11d ~.Tout, Swyny, ~couller. nucl Ul•nn1..•tt:;, who WC'rc in the Second Fift<•t•n last yt•,11\ lut\l' ~·oi1 well-earner{ promotion to tlw .First. ~- Wnr<len, too, ha• sucldl'nly dt>lelopt•d into a ~plt>ndid forward. Hnt the gr1•1t!l'"t •H·rpti•it ion of all i~ the rl'donutahl,• :\foulton. who has more thnn ju•tified tht• grt•nt reputation he brought "ith l1irn. I n <lo<lg'ing, running, collaring, trnd kicking, lw lt••tn•s not hin~ to lie de"irt·d, and lw is by far the be,t ull-rom1<l pln~·,•r wt• 1·11•1· h1ul al the l'olh·~··- .Just n- thi;; was goin~ to p1·t•so, 'fuulfo11 wa• cho,cu a' one of tlw f!'lllll lo rt·pn•,cnt tlw colony against the English t t•ttltl in ,J um·. Phillip•, "ho wa' in tl1e St'cond te:1m last ycnr, has pro1·cd him~df a go0<l n1t111 a; cl'11lr<'·qnurlt·1·, although he plays a little mo1·c rough I)' than ll<'cc,;si1y alwuy> <lemunds. \Ve h"pc nll members of the club will C'ontinue to pr.1cti•P ,t,•a<lil,r. 'rJwy mn"t rt>mcmbcr that nothing "worth hn1·i11g is gained without labour and st>lf-sncriflcc, and if we are to keep up the high reputation we hu1c lately won, we must unite and work togd her to that end.

~J;WT<GTO~ \". Al!FO\l,t FOOTH\f,L C'LlTJl.

'I'h1s wib tht> firol 111at1·h of I h,, st':l:itlll, 'uHl c·itmt' off on our l(l'Onncl on 8uturd1\y, alh :\la,1· :\lr. l'rnckcr won tlll' to", llll<l pfodt•d to pl11,v "down"

an unfo1·t 1111Mt• choi<'c, ns it turuerl out. Tht• ball b1•inl! kicked off, our forward; got. it down on t 111• enemy\ lint>, und for 111011 ol the !i lllt' kept it there. i"<onw good run• were made by L•'. ~1·ri<i1•1· :Hid \. P hillips, ancl once the fo1·111e1· got 11 tl'y. At, half-Linw the ~l'l11>ol lrncl t110 poi11ts, th<• .\J-fomu. nil. Ou chnn!!;iug end•, the vi<itu1·,; h1•/!:u1 to pl11y up. 1irnl k<'pt the game wdl in out• l\vt•nt.v·fivt•. Tht·t•e trit1~ were g-1i.int•'l in quiek suecc:-0sion 1 front one of which u. l(O>LI wa• kit'k1•1 l, thu< W<' 111•n• lw:1ten by nine points to two. If tho l'u1·wMth h'ld ll't the bull out. lllOl'<' during tlw lir.f. half, the b:icks would, no doubt, hav!' gt't'al 1.r im·1·1•a•t'<l the ~core. For the winners, A,1J. worth, Hale, nml Ebswo1·t h were prominent, aud for u,, ~foul ton, Kong Sing, an<l F. 8erisic1· worked hard.

1'EWINOTO\" 1· . 10~\\"TOW\".

Ph\yt•d at the College on Satm·1lay, 12t.h :\fa,v. A< onr two matches with tlw Nt•wtowu~ Wt'l'l' both tit•s lu>t yenr, consiclt•rnhle intt•rest was taken in thi~ mnt<'h. Tlw Yi<itors won the t<i>< and, llu·kil.r for us, cho,e lo p!tiy dowu hill. The l'oll1•g1• kiekt•d off, lllld t lw hall bein" "ell returned, a fast forwnrd l(:llltc lll'gt111. The ~ ewtowu forwarch wrre"' n•rv hean·, but our men got the b,•<I of th1•111 b,v dribblinl! the ball hetween th~·1u .. ifler some fine run" 011 rttl'h ,ith', two tries WL'rl' 1,oninr1l h,1• the X t'\\ towns, but no goal resulted from either. At lmlf-timc tho ~co1·c wus-Collt>g<>, nil; Newtown, 4. After changing encls, H. \Vt~rdcn got through and gained first try for N ewin~tou, the kiek l\t the go:il being a fail nrc. '\fottc'r.• now looked bncl for the School, 1tnd all phtycd fast, till :.!oulton, after 11mkin!!; a good run to within a few ynrds of t he gotil, sent. the Lall dt'ar over the bar- -thus winning th,• g1ime by G to ·J.. For the lo•~r::1, ::Hutton Bm·nett, '\faitland, and Brought.or. dicl well; for no, .\Ioulton, 8t'risie1" Whitlell, and Perry.

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The match beLweon tbo olcl rivals took p laro itt the Uollcge on the 16th, and, after a good game, resulted in a derided win for the h omo team by 18 points to 4. The Ncwington captain won thP toss, :md determined to play uphill tl1e first half. 'L'lw h:tll was sent off hy 11 i.roocl kick, which was returned b:r O'Xeill. aud wns soon dribbled into the Uramrnars' territory, whore it wao kept for some time. Some good dribbling was then done by the Grammar forward•, and the G1>rnrn1:1rs bite! to forrt•. When the ball was brought out, arter n littlc ~<·rinm111gini.:. oue of tllt' qnurters pnsocd to O'Nt•ill, who potted a good g<>tll. This upparently 1·011•t•cl tlll' Gritmm11rs, fo~ when the ball wa' lm>11~ht out, their back (\Voml) di•l 1t good run, but wa~ brought to gras; by 1Inulton. Tlw_v then •ht>wPd """''very neat pa$sing, itnd, just before hulf-timL', thl'i1· crn<"k (C'nnwron) n11u111gt•d to g1•t tlte b:ill jnst O\'Cr tl1e bar, maki11µ; t lt~ •col'e ·L all. '\Vhcn pl11.v w11s 1·esnmed, the Gnimmars had slighll.v the best of the game, hut. soon lrncl to fol'CO the ball. After this, some goo<! rlribblin:.: 11ncl :t couple of ~o01l run~ were made by the Orttmmars, aud Nt•win!!ton hall to force. After tl lilt le pluy, Cameron obtained •l mark off u pnnt with no 1·csult exct•pt n fore,. in lhe Grnm1rn1rs' f;u·our, and in a few minnt1•> Xt•wington htt<l to fnrn• fn1· 1t l'1>Url h time. .\I thi>! point the [(alllC t111•11t• I, r., .. the Xcwiugtons r;tllietl, and aftrl' a !!llOd ckal of !-ICrinnnagin~. Kon~ ~in~ nl:Hl~ a ~rand rnn :uul olJt·ii1u•1l a, tl'y. whi1·h o·.N°ci!l 80011 tUt'llCJ illt{) II !!O:tl. \\'hen the hall WllS !Jl'OU»ht OU(, 1fou]tOll sl'curc<l it and got aw;i_v to ·the fir,;I 1h•cent l'lmnce ht• h11cl, ;~ml after a :.:ood run with pleut_v of dodging". Sl'L'Ul·ec) ltnOther try, and 0' :'frill ll!!ttlll se11t the bnll bctwm•n the posts. 'rhe bitll was ag•tin kil"kt•tl off, nnd went out of bounds cln.ngeronsl,v 11ear tlw Nowington go,tl-lin•', hut w11~ brought, baek by thl' dribbling of the fc11·wa.nl" 11nrl good runs h_v O'XPill 1tnd Kou!( >ling. ,Tu~t ot frw minutes before time w''' cnllcd, :\Ioult..111 got. hold of the ball and <let.ermined to ham It oho! 11!. th•• !(Oal l'rom am1Jng th1• Cl'owd, and irwn•;tsed the Xewiugtou score by 1 point•. making the l•>litl 18 to tlw Gr<1t1Hn1u·s' 4. 'l'he rnatch wa:; a.wt•ll-conl1·,lt>d ont', trncl the rc,nlt '"'' donlitful for «>me tin1f'. Both sides werr• wt•ll cnc:onrilgecl, as t-lwrc wt.•re n ~reiLt. crowd of "bn1Tllckcr~" on the ~1'1..Hlntl. F01· the winnt·r~, the whole teu.111, nnd 11101'•' cspccblly O'Xt•ill, Kong -~ing, ~Ioulton, ;111(! :cl. Tout pl:L_rt?il well. For.-the loser>, Cameron, Dixon, Full\Jr, Harris, uncl 'Voocl pla.re<I <t rattling gnmc.

NEWINGTON 2:rn Y. S.U.8. 2xn. \Vhile the l<'irst team• wt'>·o Gghting it out nt. ~tanmore, t.hc Rccon<l

Fifteen• of the s:une •cho·JI< were settling matter:; at \loon• Park. :\Ir. De Kantzow acted as umpire fol' tilt' Gr.ttntll>ll'S, antl :\fr. Crocker for Xcwing· to11. lfartin, who captnine<l the Co!legc team, won thu t..iss, and shtrted with the brCL'Ze behi11d him. l>nrin3 thofil'st half, tilt' g1rnl!' wn:;allo1·erthc field, and consisted ehil'tly of 'hurt run• mo.tle b_r t lw qmtrter> and la1lf­bo.('ks, with afew i.:o°'l drop-kick~. At httlf-time, 1with,•r ~ide had scored. On changing ends, OLU· forw11l'ds playeJ up bettl't", a11tl Lawson, b,y following up fl good kick, securetl a toU<·h. This Pcmell ue11tly conv01·tccl into a goal. 'l'he (hammars then made 1t rlt'tcrmined >Lt tack, ll nll got. the b1tll well into the College 25, and C:tmcron kicked •t goitl frou1 the fil'ld. This m•tde Lhem 4 points to our 5. Till tiim• ''"" ~.11lc.l, theL'ollrgi11nsaC'frdon thedefensi\•e, rncrl'ly tl'ying to p1·en~ul furl hl'r ,,•oriog, which they succeeded in doing. F01· the winners, :\Iillcl', :it back, played ue.;l; P.in.ell, :\Carli11, Law;ou, aml Jone, also doing wl'll. Fo1· the other side, C>tmervn, lk11jamin, nncl Tnylo1· worked well.

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OrR mrmbrrs lmvo risrn to ahonL 21i0 this quarter.

The School will brt>uk up for the Midwinter Vncation on Wodnesday, 13th June.

Thi• fnllowing new 111cmL1•rs wpre l'l<'<'it'd to fill the vacancies on the Gurne Co111mitf1'P :· F. V PHATT, L. :iP~:xcER, >tnd ,J. 11.urnrs.

)h. ~\tlTll t...>ok the dcgrPe of )lu.sft•r of Arts in ub.•~11tit1 ut tho recent annual t·011111w111·cm1•nt ut .'lldbour111• l 11ivc1·sif,» during the Easter vacation.

Jn till' J<:a,fl·m ~uburl.s .\thktic Spurt,, the first and second places in tht• All ~1·hools' H1u•1• w1•rt• g11incd by F. T11i"rF.u and L. liPE)ICER, both pr1•ot•nt ~'·"ingtuniaus.

Our "'''''''''" in footb:dl ;,. f<l no '1n:ill cxf1•11t clue to the energy and rnt l111'i11,;n1 di•playc·1l h,1· t h1• lion. ~1•c., "ho >part':< 110 efforts to encourage pra<"tic1• and make th1• game popular.

In 0111· 1· 11in·1.,,ity inti•lligl'nt·c for . \pril th1• nnme of F. A. MORGAN 01·curs in t lw t hi1<l y,•ar '" an O.X. In :m 1·1Tu1-. Tlw uamc shoukl have b1•1•11 I I. llurtcL\:> in t


lll' '<'l'<llHl .H'lll'. •

1'. ll. Col.QUllOl' i' (0.:\.), in ll p1·a!'!i1·t' with the "pl'Ob11hles" to play again'! th1• l•:ni.:li.,l11uc11 nt footliull. disti1q11i•lwtl hinhelf by kicking three go:lls fro111 th1• tit-Id a11d 1>htai11i11g a tr.1'.

Tht• Low1·r Tl1ird, '1u:at1·1l h1 .\[r . .\!.\ rirnw. \\ho left u8 111 the c:lose of lust q111u·tt'r, is now tukl'11 by .\[r. "...;. L. B1<011·-., .\LL (.\.berd1•en), for some time .\.<Sistanl \l1tsf1•r at l'1,.,crwull ,\(';t<lemy, llCJ1n•nfelk

.\. <"Onfrihutor n•ks wlwn t lw 111atling is tu b1• 1·emo1·cd off the first 11iekl't, llllll 1•xp1·1•ss<'• ll1t• hope that the flrst pil!'h urn! th1• t1•11nis court will h1• top·drt's•1•d t hi• yc•ur, >Lml l ht' f1•1n1)1)l'•ll',I' fr11cc plu "l' l rnund it.

.\.t ll1t• last llll"l'tin;! of the nanw Commilft't', the YllCllncy left by 11. \VAtmP.s WM fill1•1l hy tl11• l'lt•etion of Koxu H1s1; At the sa.me meeting loofh the butting llll(l bowlin!( trophit's were uwardccl to \V. O'Xll!LL.

'.l'hc .Uhlctic ~J><n·ls wci·e tlw most sucN'ssful we ham ever ht>lcl, thanks to t h1• uni iriug l'llcri:y oft l1t• Hun. t'et'., :O.lr. Cuoci.:1rn, 11hl_r aided and abetted as h1• was by his coadjutor; on th1• l'u111111illec, both rna<tcrs and boys.

Our fir . ..;t fiftl•t•n hu:-i rt.'('l'in.•cl n ~1 ro11~ nt'f'l'~~il>n to its ranks in J. E. '.\Iun.ru:-, who i• one of th1• fiiH»I pbiy1·r~ "" hun• Cl'l'r had, and will provo a pott•nt :iuxiliary in lll•iintaining our prnu<i pu,ition us champion school. lie has hcl'll «hn"·n 0111· of the \",.,,. South \\.'ul1•s t1•am aga.inst tho E11glish.

Thr following w1'rc I h .. Rifle T1>:im ('[lc),t'n to rep1·csent the College it1 tht• nmlch ngaint SI. lg1mtins nt Hi1Pni1•w un the l~11c1'11', llirlhday :­Li1•11t. :-\!ITll, ~1·rgt. T. Bi-:1.1., Co1·p. lh:\so.\, t'orp. 131,ATCllFOHD, L.·l'orp. \\.'.\uui-;,, L.-L'orp. l'.ll'l!I,, L.·l'urp J,~1.1.Y, l'ad1•fs t\P!l!:>G, H1tE)IT)IAI.L, and )[ 1 Lum.

Tl11• hcart1 tlmnks ,,f the sl'iwul arc• due to .\lr. Fr,r:<·r and the other perfornic1-,1, by. wlube efforts th1· t•11n1 .. •rt 11nd cnterlainm1•11t in the Peter.ham Town llall uuulc lhe hun<lsun11• atlililion of 'uu11• t;i;; to the prize fund for tlw •pol'ls. :O.lu•ieal critics highl) co111pli111t·11h•1l the skilful rendering of the glees, &.c., b>· the choir "o thoruu~hl) 11·ain1•d by :\ir. FL!)IT.

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T hP folio win:? rx1t,1rt f1'l1m the s.11rl,11•11 ,11,,,.,, ;,,_,, I hrttlrl, for ~8t h Murrh, "ill be r1•1ul "ith th1• 1l1·cpest regret 11,\' oil l1i• olil 'rhnoll\·llo"s who rp111C'111hrr ' VILLt.\:'11 \"'1\'EHS II"' orw of our linard.-rs !-'lHIH' twt.> or tlll'l't' rear8 n,go: " fnn'r<·ll, 'Yt•th1~·~drl\·. A llll'~~f'l1£?t•r to·flny hr1n1gltt init11li~t'n~•t\ to town of a t,•rrihl!' falal 1tl·ri.icut whi,·h lwf.,J \V11 r.iAM \'1n:1ts, Hi \"l':ll'l of ngr, of Kini,:'s Plain-. !lU miles fr,1111 here. It appr:1rs th•• hul \Ht~ r i1ling c111riug flu• l'nrly putt of the cla.'' nhnut tlw ,•ntion on n jn111pi11ghor••', Liking fr111·e, hen• au! th,•rc. Thi• nf!t•ruoon he took t11c horse nt 11 sni:trl pn1•c to 11 f1•11(·e. The nnimal rer.. ... <1 to tnke it, rnohini: its 1·lu•;t against it with !(rt'ut foree, and un<enti11g tho 111d nnd foiling on l1im. lt i• s11pp<>«•rl tho pommel or the back of tlw s:uldl<' r"tlllll' 011 his fon•IH'a•l , ns the lad'• bn1in< Wl'Tl' fore('(! through his rnr, 111111 rni•tril,, \'01111:,: \'tn:n~ ro1lt- at the jumping 1·1111tests ut tht• 8ho\\ lu•r1• ln't \l1•1•k. ll1•1·P'181°1l '"" a •011 of ) { I'. \V tr 1,1.01 V1Y~;R~, "ho \\:IS kilh•rl nl•t>llt thr1•n .n•:11·, ngo by bt>in~ ~tru<•k \\ it h the ltJ\'er of ii wool Jll'<'•" 111 his own ,Ji,•tl."


T lw Editor l!Talefnlly r1•t11m• thanks (in 11ntirip:1tion of favom~ to eonw) to lh<' p:ist urn! pr1•,ent mem1>cr,; of the ~<'hod for· till' kind rl'•pon•t' t h<'Y h:t\'t' made to hi' 11pp1•al for item• of i11f'n1·111ati1m 1'111· t h,• o .. ,.,i-im111l '\oti·'· 'fht·;c notPs. "hich 'hould l'<'Jll'<''l'lll 1111' 1·01llhirn•1I t"ont rihntion< of uuu1y workrr~, h:n·u lwcn fttrui~lH•tl hy 011P '''l'iter only ll enet• the nH·ag-r~1 • nr.s• of what OUf:ht to be lh<! nrnsl illh•r1·•tin~ Jl•ll'l oft ho :\lag111.in<>.

Fril'll<ll.'· J.lnnd• 11111! .\ Unriun< Xumt' lwJ.l 01·,·r through 1rnnt of •pncl'.

Th<' Edit·ir hegs to n1•knowl<><i..,f' the l'l'<'l'ipt of the follnwini,: \ Ing:1zint••: lresle!f Culle.'(e Clironicle, Orol'ia11 lriN, /,e•r• Forlnfoht/~1. f'lt•i•t'x f'ull~,,e

Jf,1ga::i,1e, C1·1111lei'i1k .\r/1'Ju' Jl 17a:i11•. Gil-IN' ll(qh S1·/,,,,,/ <Ja:etll>, llnmn, . l !'fh111·le(11!1, l'rir.rµ .Jlf•ed Colle11e ('/n·,,nfrle, l;'nferp1·i:e, !\in:(; .'it-ltoof .1l!1!J•t:i11e, fJ,1flw1"<litt11, l11su:idt (;r<ll/1111'11' s"'"'"' .1!11.t1a:;11e.

:\'OT!l'E TO 1'UH~GRTBER!'.

Tlte ,\', 1ri11.qtu11ion is j,•u•••l qna•krly. \.<"'PY of r:wh number durin~ till• ~·enr will be forwnrd,••l to ull who 1·,•mit :!,, 1:<1. to I! . IJ. Cuoci.:i,:1t, Eo<q., Jl on. StlC. \Ia~lziue l'u111mitt,\e, Xt'wiu~ton t.,ullcgt•, Starunore. Thi~ will include po;tage. ll.u·k nnrn'JPrs rau alsu b,• obtai1a·d.

PepperJay & \'idcr, Printer~., 1~9 Clarf:'ncc St., SyJne)".