HDSD CAU TRUC - Công Ty TNHH TBCN Nagoya · 2017. 5. 19. · Title: Microsoft Word - HDSD CAU TRUC.doc Author: Administrator Created Date: 3/20/2009 4:40:21 AM

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    Daily inspection item Caùc chi tieát kieåm tra haøng ngaøy

    Description Moâ taû

    Take care for special obstruction in operator's walk space Caån thaän vaät caûn trôû treân loái ñi ñieàu khieån caàu truïc

    Check safety of walk Kieåm tra söï an toaøn cuûa loái ñi

    Check hoisting system is adequate, overlooking the cross travel rail from floor. Ñöùng döôùi saøn nhìn leân kieåm tra heä thoáng naâng haï vaø ray haønh trình ngang.

    Check stopper too. Kieåm tra cöû chaën.

    Check hoist is smoothly operated in accordance with indications of push buttons. Kieåm tra pa-laêng coù chaïy eâm cuøng vôùi söï ñieàu khieån cuûa nuùt baám hay khoâng.

    If reversely operated, brake is not limited. Neáu pa-laêng vaän haønh ngöôïc trôû laïi thì khoâng giôùi haïn thaéng.

    Check brake is adequately applied. Kieåm tra thaéng

    Limit SW is securely operated. Kieåm tra hoïat ñoäng cuûa coâng taéc giôùi haïn haønh trình.

    Check there is no noise, smell or vibration which differs from usual condition. Kieåm tra khoâng coù tieâng oàn, muøi laï vaø ñoä rung xaûy ra khaùc thöôøng.

    When movement distance of hook is 20~50mm after releasing finger from push button, system is correct. If starting time is 1 second or more, or operation is not smooth, system malfunctions. Sau khi ngöng baám nuùt maø moùc di chuyeån theâm moät ñoaïn 20~50mm thì caàu truïc hoaït ñoäng bình thöôøng. Neáu thôøi gian khôûi ñoäng >= 1 giaây hoaëc vaän haønh khoâng eâm thì caàu truïc coù söï coá.

    Check sheave of hook block is smoothly rotated, hook is easily turned, hook nut is securely tightened and wire rope is not removed from sheave. Kieåm tra roøng roïc cuoán caùp cuûa moùc quay eâm, moùc leân xuoáng deã daøng, ñinh oác ñöôïc xieát chaët vaø caùp khoâng bò dòch chuyeån ra khoûi roøng roïc.

    Load falling is prevented Ngaên caûn söï rôi taûi

    Check wire rope is correctly wound on drum Kieåm tra caùp phaûi ñöôïc quaán trong tang cuoán

    It will cause reduction of life and wire cut. Gaây ra tình traïng giaûm thoï vaø ñöùt daây caùp.


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    The hoist is a machine to lift a heavy load and carry it by use of space. Misuse of the hoist will cause hazardous conditions such as dropping of the lifted load and electric shock. Before operation, be sure to read this instruction manual carefully for proper use. The following are dangers and cautions in using the hoist, which should thoroughly be understood by the person in charge who actually uses the hoist at worksite before use. Pa-laêng laø moät thieát bò maùy duøng ñeå naâng vaät naëng vaø mang chuùng treân khoâng. Söû duïng sai seõ gaây ra nhöõng tình huoáng nguy hieåm nhö rôi taûi naâng vaø chaïm ñieän. Tröôùc khi vaän haønh, phaûi baûo ñaûm ñaõ ñoïc saùch höôùng daãn söû duïng moät caùch caån thaän. Döôùi ñaây laø nhöõng nguy hieåm vaø nhöõng caûnh baùo trong khi söû duïng pa-laêng maø nhöõng ngöôøi phuï traùch caàu truïc neân hieåu thoâng suoát tröôùc khi söû duïng.

    Staff who are not familiar with the descriptions in the

    instruction manual and on the caution plates should not perform operation.

    Nhöõng nhaân vieân naøo khoâng hieåu roõ saùch höôùng daãn söû duïng vaø bieån caûnh baùo khoâng neân söû duïng caàu truïc.

    Staffs who are not legally qualified should never perform crane operations and slinging work. Also, such staff should not be allowed to do so.

    Nhöõng nhaân vieân naøo khoâng ñuû tö caùch phaùp lyù tuyeät ñoái khoâng neân söû duïng caàu truïc vaø thöïc hieän coâng vieäc treo taûi. Vaø khoâng neân cho pheùp nhöõng nhaân vieân ñoù laøm coâng vieäc ñoù.

    Be sure to perform preoperational inspections and periodic self-inspections.

    Phaûi chaéc chaén thöïc hieän vieäc kieåm tra tröôùc khi söû duïng vaø töï kieåm tra ñònh kyø.

    Perform self-inspection (including yearly self-inspection and monthly self-inspection) for the presence or absence of problems with each part of the crane at fixed intervals. Also, adequately perform preoperational inspection based on the daily check sheet. For performing periodic self-inspection safety and effectively, it is necessary to install inspection workbench(es).

    Töï kieåm tra (bao goàm töï kieåm tra haøng naêm vaø töï kieåm tra haøng thaùng) nhöõng truïc traëc thaáy ñöôïc vaø khoâng thaáy ñöôïc trong caùc boä phaän cuûa caàu truïc ôû nhöõng khoaûng thôøi gian tröôùc khi ñöôïc kieåm tra ñònh kyø. Vaø thöïc hieän ñaày ñuû vieäc kieàm tra tröôùc döïa treân baûng kieåm tra haøng ngaøy. Vieäc naøy raát caàn thieát, khoâng theå boû qua.


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    Never lift any load exceeding the rated load.

    * The rated load is indicated on the load block nameplate.

    Tuyeät ñoái khoâng naâng baát kyø vaät naøo quaù taûi.

    * Taûi troïng ñöôïc ghi roõ treân moùc naâng taûi.

    Care should always be taken so that the working load will not exceed the rated value. Operation under an overload will cause damage to gears, bearings, etc., fatigue of the wire rope, burning of the motor, and other failures, which will shorten the life of the hoist, and may cause a serios accident affecting the lives of people at worst.

    Do not lift any load exceeding the rating.

    Luoân caån thaän ñeå taûi naâng khoâng vöôït quaù möùc quy ñònh. Vaän haønh vôùi taûi vöôït quaù möùc quy ñònh seõ daãn ñeán hö hoûng baùnh raêng, voøng bi, ..., giaûm söùc chòu ñöïng cuûa caùp taûi, chaùy moâtô, vaø nhöõng söï coá khaùc laøm giaûm tuoåi thoï cuûa pa-laêng, coù theå gaây ra ruûi ro aûnh höôûng ñeán tính maïng con ngöôøi . Khoâng ñöôïc naâng quaù taûi

    Never get onto a lifted load. Also, never use for the purpose of riding.

    Tuyeät ñoái khoâng ñöôïc ngoài treân taûi naâng. Vaø cuõng khoâng ñöôïc duøng taûi naâng ñeå cöôõi.

    A lifted load is unstable, and if anyone attempted to ride, a person may fall, or the load may drop.Do not carry or lift anyone with the crane for working. Doing so will lead to a serious accident.

    Moät vaät taûi thöôøng khoâng coá ñònh, vaø neáu coù ngöôøi naøo ñoù thöû cöôõi noù thì ngöôøi ñoù coù theå bò teù, hoaëc vaät taûi coù theå bò rôi. Khoâng ñöôïc ñeå caàu truïc mang hoaëc naâng moät ngöôøi naøo ñoù trong khi vaän haønh laøm vieäc. Neáu laøm nhö vaäy seõ daãn ñeán ruûi ro nghieâm troïng. Khoâng ñöôïc naâng quaù taûi

    Do not go under the lift load.

    Khoâng ñöôïc ñi phía döôùi taûi naâng.

    Do not operate if there is anyone in the moving range of the lifted load.

    Khoâng ñöôïc vaän haønh neáu coù ngöôøi ñang ôû khu vöïc taûi naâng.

    Do not carry the load over anyone's head.

    Khoâng ñöôïc mang vaät taûi qua ñaàu ngöôøi khaùc.


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    To be ready for a drop, do not operate right under the hoist, and avoid carrying the load over anyone's head. Furthermore, operate the crane as walking along the backing order not to be hit by the swinging load.

    Ñeå saün saøng cho vieäc bò rôi taûi, khoâng ñöôïc vaän haønh ngay khi ñöùøng phía döôùi pa-laêng, vaø traùnh mang taûi qua ñaàu cuûa ngöôøi khaùc. Hôn nöõa, vaän haønh caàu truïc baèng ñi luøi doïc theo ñeå vaät taûi ñaùnh voõng khoâng ñuïng vaøo ngöôøi.

    Do not leave the operating position with the load lifted.

    Khoâng ñöôïc rôøi khoûi vò trí vaän haønh trong luùc taûi ñang ñöôïc naâng.

    The on-site person in charge should never allow the crane operator to leave the operating position with the load lifted, and also the operator should not leave the operating position with the load lift. It is very dangerous if any outsiderapproaches the load.

    Ngöôøi phuï traùch vieäc vaän haønh caàu truïc khoâng neân cho pheùp ngöôøi ñieàu khieån rôøi khoûi vò trí vaän haønh trong khi taûi ñang naâng, vaø ngöôøi ñieàu khieån khoâng neân boû ñi trong luùc naâng taûi. Ñieàu ñoù raát nguy hieåm neáu ngöôøi beân ngoaøi ñi vaøo.

    Do not divert your attention from the load during operation.

    Khoâng ñöôïc maát taäp truïng khoûi taûi naâng trong thôøi gian vaän haønh.

    Do not become distracted when operating the crane, and only operate after checking around to prevent direct and indirect accidents when carrying a load. Also, constantly make efforts to secure safety around the area during operation.

    Khoâng ñöôïc sao laõng khi vaän haønh caàu truïc, vaø chæ vaän haønh sau khi ñaõ kieåm tra xung quanh ñeå ngaên ngöøa nhöõng ruûi ro tröïc tieáp hoaëc giaùn tieáp. Vaø cuõng luoân coá gaéng baûo ñaûm an toaøn khu vöïc xung quanh trong khi vaän haønh.

    Do not perform such an operation that the load or load block will swing. Khoâng ñöôïc vaän haønh trong tröôøng hôïp vaät taûi hoaëc moùc taûi seõ bò ñaùnh voõng. Being familiar with crane performance and operation, and operating by the following procedures allow for operation with less swinging of the load. Press the east, west, south or north button, and release it for switching off immediately after the hoist & crane start, and press the push button again when the delayed lifted load comes right under the hoist for continuous operation. Doing so allows stable operation with no swinging of the load.


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    Naém roõ caùch hoaït ñoäng cuûa caàu truïc, vaø vaän haønh theo nhöõng nguyeân taéc cho pheùp vaän haønh taûi ít bò ñaùnh voõng. Nhaán caùc nuùt baám ñoâng, taây, nam, baéc vaø nhaû nuùt baám ra ngay döùt khoaùt sau khi pa-laêng vaø caàu truïc khôûi haønh, vaø nhaán nuùt baám laïi khi taûi naâng ( ñang ñöôïc ngöøøng ) tieáp tuïc vaän haønh ñi ñeán ngay phía döôùi pa-laêng. Laøm nhö vaäy söï vaän haønh seõ ñöôïc oån ñònh vaø vaät taûi khoâng bò ñaùnh voõng.

    Do not normally use the overwind limit switch for stopping.

    Khoâng ñöôïc thöôøng xuyeân söû duïng coâng taéc giôùi haïn treân ñeå ngöøng pa-laêng.

    The overwind limit switch is the only switch to prevent accidents by overwinding. Its regular use will cause failures of the limit switch, resulting in a major accident. If it is used to keep the lifting stop position constant, provide an additional limit switch. Never correct the lifting allowance by deforming the over-wind lever for an upper limit. Coâng taéc giôùi haïn treân laø coâng taéc chæ duøng ñeå ngaên ngöøa nhöõng söï coá do ñi leân quaù giôùi haïn treân. Neáu söû duïng thöôøng xuyeân seõ laøm hö hoûng coâng taéc , daãn ñeán söï coá nghieâm troïng. Neáu söû duïng thöôøng xuyeân cho vieäc giöõ vaät taûi ôû vò trí ñang naâng thì cung caáp theâm moät coâng taéc phuï. Tuyeät ñoái khoâng ñöôïc ñieàu chænh möùc cho pheùp naâng baèng caùch thay ñoåi möùc giôùi haïn treân ( cao hôn ).

    Avoid oblique pulling.

    * Move the hoist right above the load, and then lift it.

    Traùnh ñeå pa-laêng keùo leâ taûi naâng.

    * Di chuyeån pa-laêng ngay tröôùc khi naâng vaät taûi roài môùi naâng vaät taûi leân.

    Properly, the load should be lifted up from right under the hoist. Horizontal pulling is dangerous because the load will swing when it is dynamically lifted off, and also the wire rope is wound in a disorderly fashion on the drum, which will extremely shorten the lift of the wire rope.

    Vaät taûi neân ñöôïc naâng leân ngay phía döôùi pa-laêng. Neáu ñeå keùo ngang seõ raát nguy hieåm vì vaät taûi seõ bò ñaùnh voõng khi ñöôïc naâng leân, vaø caùp taûi cuõng bò cuoán baát thöôøng trong tang cuoán laøm ngaén ñi haønh trình naâng cuûa caùp.


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    Avoid earth lifting ( operation to hook on a building structure or the like ).

    Traùnh naâng taûi coøn vöôùng treân maët ñaát ( vaän haønh naâng nhöõng khoái xaây döïng hoaëc nhöõng vaät töông tö nhö theá )

    Earth lifting may cause a serious accident affecting people's lives, including breakage of gears, cutting of a wire rope, or burning of the motor.

    Taûi coøn vöôùng treân maët ñaát coù theå gaây ra söï coá nghieâm troïng nhö nöùt baùnh raêng, ñöùt caùp, hoaëc chaùy moâtô, laøm aûnh höôûng ñeán tính maïng con ngöôøi.

    When lowering, do not operate exceeding the lower limit.

    Khi taûi ñi xuoáng, khoâng ñöôïc vaän haønh vöôït quaù giôùi haïn döôùi.

    Operating exceeding the lower limit may cause dropping of the lifted load because two or more dead turns of the rope cannot be secured, which increases the tension of the end of the wire rope, so that the end of the wire rope will break.

    Vaän haønh vöôït quaù giôùi haïn döôùi coù theå laøm rôi taûi vì phaàn ñaàu caùp cheát trong roøng roïc khoâng coøn ñöôïc an toøan, coù theå gaây ra caêng cöùng ñaàu caùp neân ñaàu caùp seõ bò raïn nöùt/bung ra.

    Do not reverse the lifted load without consideration for


    * For reversing, use equipment specifically designed for it.

    Khoâng cho taûi naâng ngöôïc trôû laïi maø khoâng xem xeùt möùc ñoä an toaøn.

    * Neáu cho taûi naâng ngöôïc trôû laïi, caàn phaûi söû duïng daây treo taûi ñöôïc thieát keá chuyeân duøng cho taûi ñoù.

    Reversing is accompanied by a danger of slipping or unfastening of the load, and this may cause an accident resulting in injury or death. For reversing, use our reversing machine.

    Keøm theo vieäc naâng ngöôïc trôû laïi laø moät söï nguy hieåm cuûa vieäc bung hoaëc loûng taûi, ñieàu naøy coù theå daãn ñeán tai naïn gaây thöông tích hoaëc töû vong. Söû duïng theâm thieát bò chuyeân duøng trong tröôøng hôïp naâng ngöôïc trôû laïi.


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    Before use, check operation of the push buttons, and do not operate if any push button does not function smoothly.

    Tröôùc khi söû duïng, phaûi kieåm tra laïi hoaït ñoäng cuûa boä nuùt baám, vaø khoâng ñöôïc vaän haønh neáu coù baát kyø moät nuùt baám naøo khoâng hoaït ñoäng eâm.

    If any malfunctioning push button is used, the hoist & crane may run away, causing a serious accident affecting people's lives.

    Neáu söû duïng khi nuùt baám hoaït ñoäng baát thöôøng thì pa-laêng vaø caàu truïc coù theå chaïy sai leäch, gaây ra tai naïn nghieâm troïng aûnh höôûng ñeán tính maïng con ngöôøi.

    15/. In the case of movement different from push-button-switch directions, immediately stop operation. Tröôøng hôïp caàu truïc di chuyeån khoâng khôùp vôùi nuùt baám, phaûi laäp töùc ngöng vaän haønh ngay. Using as it is may cause a serious accident including getting trapped or causing property damage. Neáu söû duïng, coù theå gay ra tai naïn nghieâm troïng hoaëc bò thieät haïi veà taøi saûn. Before use, check the operation of the brake, and do not operate if the brake does not function reliably.

    Tröôùc khi söû duïng, kieåm tra hoïat ñoäng cuûa thaéng, vaø khoâng ñöôïc vaän haønh khi thaéng khoâng toát.

    The brake is an important device to stop the motor from rotating and to hold thelifted load at a desired height.

    If the brake does not function reliably, the lifted load may drop.

    Methods of adjusting the brake vary with models. Periodically adjust the brake referring to the instruction manual.

    Thaéng laø moät boä phaän quan troïng ñeå thaéng moâtô ngöøng laïi vaø giöõ taûi naâng ôû ñoä cao mong muoán.

    Neáu thaéng khoâng hoïat ñoäng toát, taûi naâng coù theå bò rôi xuoáng.

    Moãi model coù phöông phaùp ñieàu chænh thaéng khaùc nhau. Ñieàu chænh thaéng theo ñònh kyø döïa vaøo saùch höôùng daãn.


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    In the case of damage, abnormal sound or abnormal vibration, do not operate.

    Khoâng vaän haønh khi coù tröôøng hôïp bò hö hoûng, aâm thanh laï hoaëc tieáng rung laï. Using as it is may cause breakage of parts, resulting in an accident.

    Caùc boä phaän coù theå bò nöùt, hoûng gaây ra tai naïn.

    Never operate if the wire rope has the following problems :

    - Kinks, deformantion, corrosion.

    - Break or wear of wire exceeding specifications.

    Tuyeät ñoái khoâng ñöôïc khôûi ñoäng neáu caùp taûi coù nhöõng vaán ñeà sau :

    - Bò xoaén, bieán daïng, moøn.

    - Bò raïn hoaëc maøi moøn

    Using as it is may cause cutting of the wire rope because the strength of the wire rope has dropped.

    Avoid excessively lowering the hook block down to the ground, and/or winding the wire rope in a disordely fashion on the drum because kinks will occur.

    Caùp coù theå bò ñöùt vì söùc maïnh cuûa caùp ñaõ bò yeáu ñi.

    Traùnh ñöôïc söï xuoáng thaáp quaù möùc cuûa moùc naâng taûi vaø/hoaëc söï cuoán caùp moät caùch baát thöôøng trong tang cuoán do caùp bò xoaén.

    Do not electric-weld the load lifted in midair.

    Khoâng ñöôïc haøn taûi naâng khi taûi ñang ñöôïc naâng lô löûng giöõa khoâng gian. Grounding current may flow through the hoist, causing a failure or accident.

    Doøng ñieän tieáp ñaát coù theå ñi luoàng leân treân pa-laêng, gaây ra söï coá hoaëc tai naïn.


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    Do not connect the ground of a welder to the wire rope.

    Khoâng ñöôïc ñeå caùp taûi tieáp ñaát vôùi maùy haøn.

    The strength of the wire rope may drop, and it may be cut.

    Ñoä maïnh cuûa caùp taûi coù theå bò yeáu ñi, vaø caùp taûi coù theå bò ñöùt.

    Never bring a welding electrode into contact with the wire rope.

    Tuyeät ñoái khoâng ñeå ñieän cöïc ( maùy ) haøn tieáp xuùc vôùi caùp taûi.

    The wire rope may be cut.

    Caùp ñieän coù theå bò ñöùt.

    Use only at the rated voltage.

    Chæ söû duïng ñieän ñieàu khieån ( ñieän tieâu thuï ).

    Use within +-3% of the rated voltage. Use out of the range may cause burning of the motor, electromagnetic contactor, etc.

    JIS C 9620 "low-voltage starting test of electric hoist" is defined for an operation check.

    Söû duïng trong khoaûng +-3% ñieän tieâu thuï. Neáu söû duïng quaù möùc naøy coù theå gaây ra chaùy moâtô, coâng taéc töø ...

    Tieâu chuaån JIS C 9620 "kieåm tra khôûi ñoäng ñieän aùp thaáp cuûa pa-laêng ñieän" ñöôïc duøng ñeå xaùc ñònh vieäc kieåm tra vaän haønh pa-laêng.

    Never use with the hook latch broken.

    Tuyeät ñoái khoâng söû duïng khi choát cuûa moùc naâng taûi bò hoûng

    The slinging rope may come off, and the lifted load may drop.

    Daây treo taûi coù theå bò rôùt ra ngoaøi, vaø taûi naâng coù theå bò rôi xuoáng.


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    24/. Avoid plugging and excessive inching.

    Traùnh söï di chuyeån töøng chuùt quaù nhieàu vaø khoùa lieân ñoäng.

    Plugging may cause failures of parts because a large shock is applied to the hoist & crane, and also swinging and dropping of the lifted load.

    Excessive inching will cause burning of the motor, and shorten the life of each part.

    Vieäc khoùa lieân ñoäng coù theå daãn ñeán söï coá cho caùc boä phaän vì pa-laêng bò moät cuù soác lôùn.

    Dòch chuyeån laàn laàn töøng chuùt seõ gaây ra chaùy moâtô, vaø laøm giaûm thoï caùc boä phaän.

    Do not catch the lifted load on any other structure or wiring.

    Khoâng ñöôïc ñeå taûi naâng vöôùng treân baát kyø moät vaät naøo khaùc hoaëc moät sôïi daây naøo khaùc.

    The wire rope may be cut, or the hoist & crane may drop.

    Caùp taûi coù theå bò ñöùt, hoaëc pa-laêng vaø caàu truïc coù theå bò rôi.

    Do not catch the push button cable on any other object, and do not pull it strongly.

    Khoâng ñeå daây caùp ñieän cuûa nuùt baám leân baát kyø moät vaät naøo khaùc, vaø khoâng ñöôïc naém keùo noù.

    The cab tire cable maybe cut.

    Caùp ñieän saâu ño coù theå bò ñöùt.


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    Do not allow the hoist body or trolley to collide with stoppers and structures.

    Khoâng cho pa-laêng hoaëc con chaïy va chaïm vôùi cöû chaën vaø keát caáu theùp.

    If the hoist collides with stoppers regularly, the life of the hoist will be shortened due to shocks. Also, runaways may occur due to falling-out of parts or simultaneous throwing of the traversing and traveling electromagnetic contactors.

    If stoppers are damaged by undue stress, the hoist may drop, causing a serious accident.

    Neáu pa-laêng thöôøng xuyeân va chaïm vôùi cöû chaën, pa-laêng seõ bò giaûm thoï do bò soác. Chaïy sai leäch coù theå xaûy ra do caùc boä phaän bò rôi ra hoaëc coâng taéc töø haønh trình ngang doïc bò truïc traëc ñoàng thôøi.

    Neáu cöû chaën bò hö hoûng do bò va vaøo quaù möùc, pa-laêng coù theå bò rôi, gaây ra ruûi ro nghieâm troïng.

    Never use exceeding the load factor and the number of starts per hour.

    Khoâng ñöôïc söû duïng quaù taûi vaø quaù soá laàn khôûi ñoäng trong 1 giôø.

    Use at a frequency exceeding the indication on the hoist nameplate may cause burning of the motor.

    Thöôøng xuyeân söû duïng vöôït quaù chæ soá treân pa-laêng coù theå gaây ra chaùy moâtô.

    Do not remove the warning and caution plates, and labels affixed to the main body, and do not use if they are unclear.

    Khoâng dôøi bieån caûnh baùo ñaõ ñöôïc ñoùng vaøo phaàn chính cuûa pa-laêng, vaø khoâng söû duïng noù neáu chöõ khoâng roõ.

    Failures or accidents may occur due to misuse.

    Söû duïng sai coù theå xaûy ra tai naïn vaø gaëp thaát baïi.


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    Before use, check that the hook rotates smoothly.

    Tröôùc khi söû duïng, kieåm tra xem moùc taûi coù quay eâm khoâng.

    If the hook does not rotate smoothly, the wire rope may be twisted, and it may be damaged and cut.

    Neáu moùc taûi khoâng chaïy eâm thì caùp taûi coù theå bò xoaén, vaø coù theå bò hoûng hoaëc ñöùt.

    Correctly set the lifting sling on the hook.

    Boá trí ñuùng daây treo taûi treân moùc pa-laêng.

    Incorrect slinging work may cause dropping of the lifted load.

    * For cautions relating to slinging work, see the section "Safe slinging work".

    Boá trí daây treo taûi khoâng ñuùng coù theå gaây ra rôi taûi.

    * Phaàn löu yù naøy coù lieân quan ñeán daây treo, xem phaàn "An toaøn laøm vieäc cuûa daây treo"

    Stop lifting once when the wire rope is tensioned.

    Ngöng naâng taûi moät khi caùp taûi bò caêng cöùng.

    At this time, check to see if the lifting sling is set correctly, and to see if the load is well balanced.

    Vaøo luùc naøy, kieåm tra xem daây treo naâng taûi coù ñöôïc boá trí ñuùng chöa, xem taûi naâng coù caân baèng chöa.

    Always keep clean around the push buttons so as not to accumulate dust, sand, etc.

    Luoân giöõ nuùt baám ñöôïc saïch seõ, khoâng ñoùng buïi, caùt, …

    Short circuits or fires may occur in the push-button switches, or runaways may occur due to binding of the switch unit.

    Coù theå xuaát hieän nhöõng veát dô hoaëc nhieät ñoä noùng ôõ nuùt baám, hoaëc nhöõng roái loïan cuõng coù theå xaûy ra do söï lieân keát cuûa toaøn boä nuùt baám.


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    Determine the person in charge of the hoist.

    Xaùc ñònh roõ ngöôøi phuï traùch caàu truïc.

    Usage and maintenance are important for using the hoist in good condition for an extended period of time. Determine the person in charge as is the case with other machines and equipment.

    Coâng duïng vaø vieäc baûo trì raát quan troïng trong vieäc söû duïng pa-laêng ôû ñieàu kieän toát trong moät ñònh kyø thôøi gian daøi.

    Xaùc ñònh ngöôøi söû duïng caàu truïc nhö laø xaùc ñònh moät thieát bò khaùc.