HCL Process

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  • 8/10/2019 HCL Process


    HCL Process


    VenueSNU Campus

    Process Details


    Submission of the assignment, self-assessment and summer placement preference (

    detailed below) to be done by each of the participating candidates individually as soft

    copy to the mail [email protected] latest by 1 December14 , 6.30 pm

    O On 2nd

    December, each candidate to present their self-assessment in a Group

    Discussion format followed by peer and panel assessment on the same


    Post that, each candidate to do a 5 minute presentation on the chosen topic to the

    group and the panel

    O Feedback by Panelists

    Submission details (To be done as soft copy by 1 [email protected])

    Part 1 : Do a self-rating on the following 3 parameters on the 4 pointer scale of

    Beginner/Practitioner/Expert/Master along with citing an evidence of an event where such a

    behavior was exhibited such that it substantiates the self-rating given( evidence of behavior

    exhibited to be preferably from last 6 months , if not , then from last 2 years)


    Self-Rating on the following scale -

    Beginner / Practitioner/ Expert/ Master



    Door Opening Expert Door opening capabilities

    basically means how good a

    person is in breaking the ice,

    communicating their ideas,

    convincing others, marketing

    and selling skills and how one

    resolve the conflicts, these are

    very important characteristics a

    good leader should possess.

    Instances where I have showedfew of these qualities are

    mentioned below:


    After groups were

    divided in 1stTrimester,

    after first few activities

    which we performed

    together, my group

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  • 8/10/2019 HCL Process


    decided that I should

    mostly play the role of

    Devils Advocate, as I

    always have a different

    viewpoint, so to

    convince others of my

    idea/viewpoint, I use to

    play the role of Devils

    Advocate when others

    where presenting their

    ideas, there was no

    criticism of any idea, just

    that I used to keep an

    asking questions to get

    more in depth

    knowledge and

    information about idea,

    this way it helped ourgroup to come out with

    more refined,

    researched and

    informative idea and we

    were always ready with

    answers for most of the

    question anyone can

    ask. Also while putting

    forward my view, I used

    to make sure that I give

    complete informationand convince each and

    every member of my

    group with my reasons,

    if anyone was not

    convinced I used to go

    back and do more

    research about the idea,

    come back and present

    my new findings, this

    used to continue till the

    time everyone was

    convinced of my idea.

    One such instance was

    when we were doing

    Camera Assignment in

    DTI, where others

    misunderstood the

    instructions and after lot

    of discussion I was able

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    to convince the

    members that what I

    have understood is

    correct and same needs

    to be followed. Even if

    my idea was rejected at

    initial stage I was never

    heart-broken as I knew

    it was for the

    betterment of group as

    a whole.


    On Shogi Leadership

    Practicum, during Mind

    Field activity, our group

    have few biases in our

    mind and we made our

    strategy accordingly, but

    after sometime whenwe were unable to

    implement our strategy,

    I convinced our group to

    re-think of our strategy

    and come up with a new

    strategy where the roles

    of individuals were

    redefined, there were

    conflicts and opposition

    for my view, but I was

    successful in resolvingthe conflicts and

    convincing them that it

    was the need of the

    hour, after which we re-

    strategize and new roles

    were assigned to various

    members based on their

    capabilities and not on

    some pre-conceived

    notions and biases.



    Bringing Change


    The only thing which is constant

    in Life is Change and one should

    always be ready to embrace the

    change and also try to bring

    change in themselves, others

    and in process if required.

    Before joining SNU, during my

    working days with HCL I have

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    bought changes in many of the

    process but I always used to

    hesitate to bring about the

    change, I used to think a lot

    before conveying the change

    which can be bought for the

    betterment, but after joining

    SNU, I have gained confidence

    and I constantly try to bring

    about change wherever possible

    and that too with confidence.

    Few instances which proves my

    point are as follows:


    During 1st


    after the groups where

    formed, our group

    decided to keep one

    leader who will take allthe decisions and others

    have to follow the same,

    the leader will decide on

    each action steps,

    project idea and others,

    this is where I went

    against the group and

    asked them not to

    follow this approach as

    this may lead to conflicts

    and misunderstanding. Ichanged the complete

    process of our group

    and complete removed

    the concept of one

    leader and made sure

    that each and every

    member participates in

    each and every activity

    of project/presentation

    starting from Idea

    generation to

    implementation. The

    complete decision

    making process was

    changed where initially

    only one person took a

    decision, but now the

    decision was made on

    consensus, yes there

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    was few conflicts during

    decision making, but

    those where

    constructive conflicts

    which only improved the

    idea and the outcome of

    the decision.


    The biggest change

    which I bought was

    during my working days

    in HCL, where I was part

    of Xerox project in QA

    (Testing) department.

    The process followed for

    new joiners was that

    they were just given one

    complete overview of

    the project and 2 days ofHands On Experience,

    but they were never

    explained each and

    every component of

    printer, the use of each

    and every function, so

    there used to be many

    errors which use to

    make clients upset. So I

    came up with the new

    process, where each andevery new joiners will

    have In-Depth training

    for 1 week, followed by

    Hands on Experience for

    2 weeks where they will

    understand functionality

    of each and every

    feature and finally there

    will be an assessment

    and only after clearing

    the assessment they will

    be allowed for actual

    execution. This change

    in process was

    appreciated by all the

    senior managers in HCL

    and it improved the

    quality of output we

    were providing to clients

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    which in turn made

    clients happy.


    One and biggest change

    which I feel I have

    bought is not in others

    or in process but in

    myself. I used to be very

    introvert who never

    used to speak much

    even if I knew the

    answers or never used

    to ask doubt, I used to

    be afraid of doing

    presentations, but after

    joining SNU, I have

    changed a lot on that

    front and have started

    actively participating inclass discussions and

    started asking doubts to

    professors, my

    confidence has

    increased in public

    speaking and in doing

    presentations. I have

    improved a lot, but still

    there is a scope to

    improve and I am very

    sure in very near future Iwill be a good orator

    and public speaker.


    Creative problem



    Creative problem solving is one

    of the most important quality a

    business leader/manager should

    possess. This is the factor which

    differentiates a good leader

    from a normal leader. Instances

    where I have proved that I have

    good creative problem solving

    quality/techniques are as



    While performing

    marshmallow activity

    in DTI, where each

    group was supposed to

    make tower using

    spaghetti and then

    placing marshmallow at

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    the top, our group

    started trying out

    various models without

    thinking too deeply

    about each model and

    its consequences, that is

    when I stepped back for

    few minutes made a

    rough sketch and tried

    out few models, tried

    various combinations,

    studied various

    consequences and

    finally came up with a

    model and convinced

    my group to use the

    same model, we started

    with basic and aftereach step(level), I asked

    my group to place

    marshmallow at the top

    and check if spaghetti

    can hold the weight of

    marshmallow, if not

    then we increase the no

    of spaghetti at the base

    and try again, this way

    we made 3 levels of

    spaghetti which wasbetter than most of the

    other groups. In this way

    I was able to solve the

    problem creatively using

    incremental prototyping



    When we were asked to

    submit a Marketing

    research proposal for

    marketing project, there

    was lot of differences in

    opinion as to which

    method we should

    follow and why, each

    and every member had

    different opinion, so I

    convinced my group

    that selecting method

    was not an important

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    criteria here and first

    and most important

    thing we need to do was

    to know the objectives

    of research, I came up

    with detailed objectives

    which we will be

    achieving from this

    research and for each

    objective then I selected

    the method to be

    followed for research. In

    this way we were able

    to achieve multiple

    objectives of research

    and at same time use

    method which is

    appropriate forparticular objective.


    During the Shogi

    Leadership practicum,

    for one of the activity

    Giant Ski, where other

    groups tied their legs to

    the plank, our group sat

    down together,

    discussed on the various

    options available,

    whether to tie our legsor to keep it free and

    what will be the impact

    and consequences of

    both, and finally I

    decided that best way

    will be to keep our legs

    free as that will reduce

    the turnover time while

    returning back.

    Please refer the following description of proficiency levels while doing the self-rating

    Part 2: A presentation (Not exceeding 5 minutes) on 1 of the following topics


    Compare and contrast business and management models in B2B and B2C companies (ExampleIn

    the areas of Production, Sales and Marketing, Capital Management, R&D/Innovation, M&A, People

    practices etc...)

  • 8/10/2019 HCL Process



    An instance/example of an Interesting Commercial Deal that has made business possible

    between 2 parties (Give details like pricing and costing models used, what made it unique etc...)


    Imagine you are customer CIO/CTO in 2017 and create inputs you will look for in a RFP/RFI

    document ( ExampleYou are the CIO of Sony/Panasonic in 2017, articulate your business context,

    competition landscape, business problem you are intending to solve through this IT project etc)


    Management accounting models in IT Services


    Big Bet areas and relative analysis of organization and competitive landscape ( ExampleSelect 2 to

    3 areas that show huge growth potential for in near future ( 2-3 years from now) esp. from the

    perspective of an IT services company, compare the strengths and weaknesses of the different IT

    companies wrt to these big bet areas)

    Part 3: Summer Placement Preference

    Preferred area/function for summer placement (Mention 2 in the order of preference)

    1. Marketing/Pre-Sales


    Strategy Development

    Preferred location for summer placement (Mention 2 in the order of preference)

    1. Mumbai

    2. Noida