Hazrath Hassan and Hussain

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  • 8/14/2019 Hazrath Hassan and Hussain


  • 8/14/2019 Hazrath Hassan and Hussain


    Finally the war is pronounce and Hazrath Ali gave orders to attack the Syrianarmy and the fierce battle begins.The war goes on for a long time. The Historicwords of Prophet(SAW) last sermon kept ringing in their years The life, honor and property of a brother Muslim is more sacred to you than the sacred monthof Hajj and the sacred area of Makkah . There were men in both the armies whohad heard the Prophet(SAW) utter these words , but they were in such a positionthat they had to fight and they had no other option.

    Muawias army was under a powerful attack and his army was not able to standthe attack of Hazrath Alis army. Muawia hastily consults Hazrath Amr bin Aas anda signal is passed to the army. After some time the Qurans are hanging with thespears of the Syrian and they said This is the Book of Allah, the Almighty, let itdecide between us. If we are gone who will defend the western frontiers? And if you are gone who will defend the eastern frontiers?

    Hazrath Ali understands the trap and says This is a trap laid by the enemy

    dont fall into it, Go on fighting victory is already in sight. This is a move todeceive you. But many of the men in Hazrath Alis army refuse to listen to him. How can it be ? They cried we are being called out towards the book of Allah andhow can we refuse?. Hazrath Ali pressed his point that fighting be carried on, butthose men said Either order the army for stop fighting or we will deal with youthe way we dealt with Hazrath Osman. Hazrath Ali felt hepless and disappointedthat his own army was helping the enemy. He unwillingly called his army back.

    An agreement was signed by leading men of both sides , which said that the judges from both sides would finalize the award by the month of Ramadan.

    Battle of NahrwanA separate group was formed called as Khariji they were people who objected

    to the Agreement of Siffin. They said when the rules are set by Allah in the Quranwhy should we follow the judgment of these judges. They said Hazrath Ali hasgone against the Allahs command by accepting the agreement. The award wasannounced they decided not to have Hazrath Ali or Muawia as the Caliph and letthe prople choose a new Chalip . Amr one of the judges said that Hazrath Ali isunfit and he would prefer Muawia as the next Chaliph. There was a big uproar andall honest people left the place in great disgust.

    The Kharijis began torturing Muslims and killing Muslim men, women and old people who said they were followers of the Caliph. Hazrath Ali sent two notedcompanions to tell the Khariji leaders to stop the killing and surrender the peoplewho have killed the Muslims but they dint agree and they continued with their immoral killings. Hazrath Ali sent a big army and the Kharijis were defeated butsome still remained , they moved to different places and created unrest over there.Hazrath Hasan(AS)

  • 8/14/2019 Hazrath Hassan and Hussain


    Hasan ibn Al was the grandson of Muhammad , son of Al ibn Ab Tlib (final RashidunCaliph [9] and first Shah Imm ) and Ftimah Zahr (daughter of Muhammad). He is an importantfigure in Islm as he is a member of the Ahlul Bayt (the household of Muhammad

    it has been narrated that upon the birth of his grandson in 3 AH, Muhammad was ordered by thearchangel Gabriel to name him Hasan - a name that had not yet been used in the pre-Islmic

    period. [12] Muhammad also honoured his grandson by reciting the Adhn in his right ear, [13] theIqmah in his left ear ,[13] shaved the head of his grandson, [14] and sacrificed a ram in his name .[15]

    Hasan ibn Ali and his younger brother, Husayn ibn Ali , are said to have been greatly beloved bytheir grandfather. There are numerous Hadiths (oral traditions) that affirm this claim. There arealso Hadiths which states that Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali are the leaders of the youth in

    paradise. Muhammad also said that Hasan and Hussain are Imams, whether they sit (agree to a peace treaty) or stand (go to war).


    Imam Hasan (a.s.) faced extremely difficult conditions from the start. He observed that fear,anxiety and much distress were ever present in Kufa, Basrah, Medina and other towns. Theanxiety, uncertainty and insecurity were caused by Mu'awiya's ill dealing of sincere Muslims.Mu'awiya had spread secret agents all over to defame Ahlul Bayt. Imam Hasan knew that hisfather Imam Ali (a.s.) had stood like a lion in all difficulties and fought battles against Mu'awiya,

    but these confrontations had resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. A mass scale familydevastation was visible everywhere. Considering all circumstances, Imam Hasan (a.s.) discussedthe matter with his brother Husain (a.s.) and other relatives. He revealed to them that in order to

    end the bloodshed and to provide a reasonable safety and security to the Ummah, he would makea peace agreement with Mu'awiya and abdicate until after Mu'awiya's death. After a few days of careful consideration, Imam Hasan (a.s.) accepted an agreement as per the terms dictated by theImam and agreed to by Mu'awiya.

    Four noteworthy terms of this agreement were

    o People of Syria, Iraq, Hijaz, Yemen and other places shall enjoy amnesty against persecution,

    o Friends and companions of Imam Ali (a.s.) and all their women and children shall be protected from all dangers,

    o Mu'awiya is to immediately stop the use of abusive language with reference toAhlul Bayt (cursing Imam Ali) after Salat of Jumu'a), ando Mu'awiya shall not appoint anyone as his successor.

  • 8/14/2019 Hazrath Hassan and Hussain


    Once the treaty was signed, Imam Hasan (a.s.) and brother Husain (a.s.) moved out of Kufa andsettled in Medina. Over there both Imams lost no time in holding nightly meetings for Islamicdiscussions. The nightly meetings proved very successful and gained tremendous popularity.More people started to attend, to hear the Imams give of their fountain of knowledge on Islamand humanity. The reputation of these meetings began to fly to far away places. People from as

    far away as Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and other distant areas travelled to Medina to learn about theIslamic values. As years passed, the knowledge thus given started to bear fruits. The number of Islamic scholars multiplied and increased considerably.

    In the meantime Mu'awiya, unabashedly elected to disregard the terms of his treaty with ImamAl-Hasan. a) He sent secret agents to terrorize, kidnap, or even kill innocent people speciallythose who were loyal to Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). b) Instead of helping the needy with the publictreasury, Mu'awiya's governors and their surrogates used the public treasury for personal use,freely and excessively as they wished. c) Freedom suddenly died, and dictatorship took its place.d) Mu'awiya gathered a very large number of collaborators who unabashedly would do any thingfor money.


    It was Mu'awiya's ardent desire to impose his son Yazid (who had been named after his uncle)upon the Muslims by making him the succeeding Khalifa, despite the fact that Yazid was the

    playboy of the time, with many evil habits including gambling, heavy drinking, and indulgencein the pleasures of the flesh. But the peace agreement would not permit Mu'awiya to appointYazid as his successor, (According to the agreement Imam Hasan would immediately becomeKhalifa upon Mu'awiya's death). Therefore, it was obvious to Mu'awiya that, if Al-Hasan did not outlive him, Mu'awiya could do as he pleased. Thus Mu'awiya planned to kill Imam Al-Hasan inorder to pave the way for his son Yazid to be his successor.

    Mu'awiya sent one of his agents to contact Imam Al-Hasan's wife Joda who was the daughter of Al-Ash'ath (once a secret agent for Mu'awiya against Imam Ali in the Battle of Siffin). Joda wasasked a small favor, i.e., to put a little poison in Al-Hasan's food, and in return Mu'awiya wouldgive her a large sum of money and also make her wife of his son Yazid. She found the offer tooattractive to ignore, and foolishly agreed to accept it. A few days later, she mixed poison inhoney and gave it to the Imam. As soon as the Imam took the poisoned honey he becameseriously ill. Sensing that his death was imminent, the Imam designated his brother Al-Husain(a.s.) to be the third Imam. Although Imam Al-Hasan knew he was poisoned, he did not revealthat to anyone but to his brother Al-Husain.

    One thing Al-Hasan had wished was to have his burial by the side of his grandfather, ProphetMuhammad (pbuh). Imam Husain made all the arrangements to fulfill that wish but Mu'awiya'sgovernor over Medina did not let that happen and used military force to stop it. Imam Al-Hasanwas 47 year old when he died of poisoning.

  • 8/14/2019 Hazrath Hassan and Hussain


  • 8/14/2019 Hazrath Hassan and Hussain


    invite Hussain to Kufa to establish his caliphate. [22] They urged Hussain to join them, since theyhad no imam .

    Yazid perceived Hussain's refusal to pledge allegiance as a danger to his throne. He plotted to killthe grandson of the prophet during the Hajj, in the precincts of the Holy Kaaba, thus defiling and

    desecrating it (killing a person in Mecca is prohibited in Islam). In order to avoid this sacrilege,Hussain took along his wives, children, a few friends and relatives and headed towards Kufa tofulfill the responsibility of the bearer of Imamate and to fulfill his destiny as was prophesied byhis grandfather, Mohammad.

    Imam Husain continued with the journey along with close companions and family membersuntil he was face to face with 1,000 horsemen led by Hur al-Riyahi representing the enemy. Onthe way to Kufa the army of the Governor Ibn Ziyad blocked the camps of Imam Husain (a.s.)from advancing. Tension started to rise between the two. The Imam addressed the enemyexplaining to them his motives for going to Kufa, that it was in response to the invitation of the

    people. He even showed them a bagful of letters he received from Kufa. Hur said that he and his

    men were not the writers of those letters. Imam told them that if they did not like him to advancewith the journey, he was prepared to return to Hijaz. Hur replied, "We are commissioned tofollow you until we take you to Governor Ibn Ziyad, and suggested to the Imam to go towards astation which is neither Kufa nor Medina." Imam Husain found the proposal fair and turned thecaravan away from Kufa. Hur and his army marched parallel to the Imam. The two sides reacheda village called Nainawa where Ibn Ziyad's messenger (Yazid's governor over Kufa) delivered amessage to Hur. The message read, " ...force Husain to a halt. But let him stop in an open space,without vegetation or water." Hur conveyed the contents of the letter to Imam Husain. The Imam,his family and companions defiantly resumed their journey and reached a place where another enemy force blocked their move and forced them to stop. When Imam Husain learned that the

    place was called Karbala ,

    On the 7th day of Muharram he moved his troops closer to the camp and began to surround theHussaini camp. Ibn Sa'ad laid a blockade around the camp to cut it off from access to the river Euphrates, to deprive it of water in a move to force them to surrender. It had been a few dayssince the water supply was cut off by the enemy. Children were crying for water, the womenwere desperate for water, Zainul-Abideen, the son of Imam Husain (a.s.) was sick with fever. Thesuffering from the thirst was too painful to bear. And despite this, not a single person in the campmade any complaints or even questioned the mission of Imam Husain. Each member supportedthe Imam wholeheartedly and enthusiastically.

    Two days later, (on the 9th of Muharram), the enemy's military forces closed in on the camp of Imam Husain (a.s.). Imam asked his brother, Abbas, to talk to Ibn Sa'ad and request a delay of the aggression by one night. Umar Ibn Sa'ad agreed to the demand. He ordered his troops todelay the aggression till next morning. Imam Husain and his pious companions spent that nightin prayers. During the night the Imam told the companions, " ....the enemy is interested in none

    but me, me alone. I'll be most delighted to permit each and every one of you to go back, and Iurge you to do so...." All companions screamed in response, "By Allah, never, never! We willeither live with you or die together with you."

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    Hussain in his path toward Kufa encountered the army of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad, the governor of Kufa, led by al-Hurr al-Riyahi (a top commander in the Umayyad army who later changedsides).

    At the Battle of Karbala it is recorded that seventy two people were martyred. On his way towardKufa, Hussain encountered the army of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad, the governor of Kufa, which wasled by Hurr .

    The heroes began to fall, they were men of valor welcoming martyrdom, they fell one after another, for the enemy was overwhelming in number. By noon time the Imam stopped the fightto perform the Salat. By this time those left were mainly his family and a few supporters. They

    performed the Salat together. Two supporters were guarding the performers of Salat. The enemywas standing still, watching!! When Salat was finished one of the guards fell dead; there were 17arrows in his back.

    On 10 October 680 (Muharram 10, 61 AH), he and his small group of his followers and familymembers, who were between 72 or more, people of Husayn ibn Ali (the grandson of Muhammad)., fought with a large army of perhaps 4000-5000 men under the command of Umar ibn Sa'ad , son of the founder of Kufah. Hussain and all of his men were killed and beheaded. The

    bodies were left three days without burial and all the heads and whomever was left from Husain'sfamily were taken as prisoners to al-Sham (Syria and Lebanon today) to Yazid

    Sayings of Muhammad about Hussein ibn Ali in Sunni books

    Al-Hasan and al-Hussein are the chiefs of the youth of Paradise and Fatimah is the chief

    of their women." Muhammad said, " Hussein is from me and I am from him."

    Muhammad looked toward Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussein, and then said, "I am in war with those who will fight you, and in peace with those who are peaceful to you."
