Hazard Communication (HazComm2012) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS )

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Hazard Communication (HazComm2012) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS ). Mark Banden Compliance Assistance Specialist OSHA, Kansas City Area Office. Plan For the Day Hazard Communication ( HazComm 2012) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS )  . Brief overview of the GHS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Hazard Communication (HazComm2012) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS)Mark BandenCompliance Assistance SpecialistOSHA, Kansas City Area Office

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  • Plan For the DayHazard Communication (HazComm 2012) and the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Brief overview of the GHSBenefits of revising the Hazard Communication Standard to adopt the GHS Overview of some major changes to the HCSDetailed Side-By-Side Review of ChangesEmployee Training Program ExampleReferences

  • Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemical - GHS

    An Internationally common, coherent approach to classifying and communicating chemical hazards

  • *What is GHS?UN system developed to standardize the classification of chemicals and communication of hazards.Revised every 2 years. Also known as the Purple Book. GHS (Rev.3) (2009) UNECE.Already adopted in Europe and many other countries (China, Japan, New Zealand, Brazil, etc.).GHS framework uses a building block approach:countries implement standardized elements they want still have minor variations, but much less than in the pastIntended to facilitate international trade and improve the quality and consistency of hazard information provided.

  • GHSHarmonizes classification, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and labeling

    Not a model regulation contains criteria and textSpecification versus Performance Oriented Approach

    Created as a building-block approach Each competent authority adopts those provisions applicable to sphere of regulation or need

    Covers physical, health and environmental hazardsOSHA Standard Maintains current exceptions to coverageBiological AgentsRadioactive elementsConsumer ProductsHazardous WasteEtc..

  • OSHAs 1983 final HCS included recognition of the importance of international harmonization of such requirements, and a commitment to work towards an international approachThe Agency:Supported adoption of the international mandate to develop the GHS;Helped to negotiate the provisions of the GHS; andLeads the current US delegation to the United Nations Committee and Subcommittee on the GHSOSHA and the GHS

  • ModifiedHazard Communication Standard(HazComm 2012)

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  • OSHA published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) on September 12, 2006The ANPR described OSHAs plan to apply the GHS to the HCS; comments were received from over 100 respondentsOSHA published a notice of proposed rulemaking on September 29, 2009, that provided a preamble explanation, as well as the text of the proposed modificationsRulemaking History

  • The NPRM established a 90-day period for written commentsPublic hearings were convened in Washington, DC, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to receive oral testimonyA period for post-hearing comments and briefs was established by the Administrative Law JudgeWhen the public record was completed, OSHA prepared the final rule based on the record, along with various analyses required for such standardsThe final rule was published in the Federal Register on March 26, 2012 (77 FR 17574 17896)The rule will be in effect 60 days later: May 25, 2012Rulemaking History, cont.

  • PublicCommentImplementationSite visitsStakeholder meetingsRFI or ANPRSBREFA

  • The primary purpose of the HCS is to reduce chemical source illnesses and injuriesSince the HCS was promulgated in 1983, acute illnesses and injuries from chemicals have decreased 42%However, there is still a critical need for effective information to protect exposed workers from chemicalsparticularly from chronic effectsWhy Adopt the GHS?

  • A key part of the new approach is increased comprehensibility due to the standardized or harmonized approach to information disseminationStandardized Information includes:SDSLabelsWhy Adopt the GHS, cont.

  • Enhance worker comprehension of hazards, especially for low and limited-literacy workers, reduce confusion in the workplace, facilitate safety training, result in safer handling and use of chemicals;Provide workers quicker and more efficient access to information on the safety data sheets; (emergency sections are always #4, 5, 6)Result in cost savings to American businesses in productivity improvements, fewer safety data sheet and label updates and simpler new hazard communication training; andReduce trade barriers by harmonizing with systems around the world.


  • Whats the Impact?Rule will impact over 5 million workplaces, and 43 million workers650,000 Chemicals used in the USAAnnualized savings for employers of between $585 mil and $798 milMost of this through increased productivity for H&S managers and logistics personnelExpect 500+ workplace injuries and 43 fatalities to be prevented annually as a result of changeSavings attributed to uniform SDSs and labels accounts for between $16 mil and $32.2 mil

  • *Penalties for non-compliance are very real

    In 2009 & 2010 combined, OSHA cited over 13,000 instances of HCS violations in workplaces across the United States

    #3 on OSHA's top 10 list of most frequently violated compliance standards

  • Major changes to the Hazard Communication Standard

    Hazard classification: Provides specific criteria for classification of health and physical hazards, as well as classification of mixtures. Labels: Chemical manufacturers and importers will be required to provide a label that includes a harmonized signal word, pictogram, and hazard statement for each hazard class and category. Precautionary statements must also be provided. Safety Data Sheets: Will now have a specified 16-section format. Information and training: Employers are required to train workers by December 1, 2013 on the new labels elements and safety data sheets format to facilitate recognition and understanding.

  • Principles & AssumptionsOSHA has modified only the provisions of the HCS that must be changed to align with the GHSThe basic framework of the HCS remains the sameChemical manufacturers and importers are responsible for providing information about the identities and hazards of chemicals they produce or importAll employers with hazardous chemicals in their workplaces are still required to have a hazard communication program, and provide information to employees about their hazards and associated protective measuresOSHA has maintained or enhanced the overall current level of protection of the HCS

  • Principles & Assumptions, cont.Other aspects of the standard have minimal modifications in terminology to make them consistent with GHS.The scope and application is basically unchanged, maintaining practical accommodations made by OSHA Written hazard communication program requirements, worker training, and trade secret provisions are all largely unchanged from the existing rule

  • Maintain consistency with major trading partners where possible

    Revise other OSHA standards that will be affected by the changes to the HCS

    Minimize country-specific deviations to be as harmonized as possible with GHS provisionsOther Aspects of the Approach

  • Keep the regulatory text as simple as possible, adding the detailed specification requirements to AppendicesEmployers who do not have to classify hazards or prepare labels and safety data sheets (SDSs) do not need to access or be familiar with much of the new text Organization of the Final Rule

  • Organization of the Final Rule(a) Purpose(b) Scope and Application(c) Definitions(d) Hazard Classification(e) Written Hazard Communication Program(f) Labels and Other Forms of Warning(g) Safety Data Sheets(h) Employee Information and Training(i) Trade Secrets(j) Effective Dates Appendices A -F

  • Appendices

    Appendix A, Health Hazard Criteria (Mandatory) (NEW)Appendix B, Physical Hazard Criteria (Mandatory) (NEW)Appendix C, Allocation of Label Elements (Mandatory) (NEW)Appendix D, Safety Data Sheets (Mandatory) (NEW)Appendix E, Definition of Trade Secret (Mandatory)Appendix F, Guidance For Carcinogenicity(Non-Mandatory) (NEW)

  • Side-by-Side Comparison Of Changes:

    HazComm 1994 versus HazComm 2012

  • a) PurposeHazCom 1994All hazards to be evaluatedComprehensive hazard communication program to transmit informationPreempt state laws

    HazCom 2012All hazards to be classifiedOther provisions the same, except OSHA added that the rule is consistent with Revision 3 of the GHS (2009 Version)Slight clarifying modification was made to the language regarding preemptionFederalism

  • Federalism1910.1200(a)(2) This occupational safety and health standard is intended to address comprehensively the issue of classifying the potential hazards of chemicals, and communicating information concerning hazards and appropriate protective measures to employees, and to preempt any legislative or regulatory enactments of a state, or political subdivision of a state, pertaining to this subject. Under section 18 of the Act, no state or political subdivision of a state may adopt or enforce any requirement relating to the issue addressed by this Federal standard, except pursuant to a Federally-approved state plan.

  • b) Scope and ApplicationHazCom 1994All chemicals known to be present are coveredPractical accommodations for special situationsAddresses interface with other Federal laws

    HazCom 2012Minimal changes except to conform terminology, and remove reference to current Appendix E which has been deleted from the standard.

  • c) DefinitionsHazCom 1994Includes specific definitions for terms used in the standard, as well as all physical hazards

    HazCom 2012Physical hazard definitions removed from paragraph (c), and placed in a new Appendix B on physical hazard classification criteriaFollowing terms are also deleted: flashpoint (methods included in Appendix B), hazard warning, material safety data sheetsSome definitions are revised to be GHS-consistent, New definitions added for classification

  • DefinitionsTerms no longer being defined due to changes in terminology: Hazard warning; identity; and material safety data sheet (MSDS)Terms revised to be consistent with the GHS:Chemical; chemical name; hazardous chemical; health hazard; label; mixture; physical hazard; and trade secret

  • DefinitionsThe following terms are being added to the definitions section:Classification; hazard category; hazard class; hazard not otherwise classified; hazard statement; label elements; pictogram; precautionary statement; product identifier; pyrophoric gas; safety data sheet (SDS); signal word; simple asphyxiant; and substanceThese terms are primarily related to the changes in approach to evaluating hazards, and providing label /SDS information

  • *GHS New TermsClassification identification and evaluation of relevant data regarding chemical hazards and comparison to GHS criteriaHazard class the nature of the physical or health hazardHazard category division of criteria within each hazard classHazard statement statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature and degree of hazardPictogram symbol plus other graphic elements intended to convey specific information about the hazardsPrecautionary statement phrase that describes measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effectsSafety data sheet (SDS) = Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)Signal word indicates the relative level of severity of hazard. Danger is more severe. Warning is less severe.

  • Definition of hazardous chemical Any chemical which is classified as a physical hazard or a health hazard, a simple asphyxiant, combustible dust, pyrophoric gas, or hazard not otherwise classified. OSHA used the building block GHS concept to include:a simple asphyxiant, combustible dust, pyrophoric gas, or hazard not otherwise classified.

  • DefinitionsHazards Not Otherwise ClassifiedClassification identifies a hazard, but the evidence does not meet the currently specified criteria covered by HazComm 2012 Example: Static Accumulator, Magnetic, etc..Example: Toxic at less than 1% concentration

  • d) Hazard ClassificationHazCom 1994Performance-orientedDefinitions in paragraph (c), Appendices A and BAppendix Bparameters for evaluating dataFloor of chemicals considered hazardousOne study ruleStandardized mixture cut-off rules

    HazCom 2012Specific and detailedConcept of classification vs. determination in current ruleEach hazard class has detailed criteria to apply to data on the chemicalNo floor; based on weight of evidenceMixture rules are specific to each hazard class

  • Each physical or health hazard is a hazard class (e.g., Carcinogenicity is a hazard class)A hazard class may be sub-divided in the criteria into several hazard categories based on the degree of severity of the hazardPlacing a chemical into a hazard class , and where necessary, a hazard category, is the concept of classification determining not only the hazard, but also the severity of the effectHazard Classification

  • Hazard Classification Hazard ClassificationHazard ClassHazard CategoryHazard TypeHazard Severity

  • *GHS Hazard ClassesPhysicalExplosivesFlammable gasesAerosolsOxidizing gasesGases under pressureFlammable liquidsFlammable solidsSelf-reactive substances and mixturesPyrophoric liquidsPyrophoric solidsSelf-heating substances and mixturesSubstances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gasesOxidizing liquidsOxidizing solidsOrganic peroxidesCorrosive to metalsHealthAcute toxicitySkin corrosion/irritationSerious eye damage/irritationRespiratory or skin sensitizationGerm cell mutagenicityCarcinogenicityReproductive toxicitySpecific target organ toxicity (STOT SE) single exposureSpecific target organ toxicity (STOT RE) repeated exposureAspiration hazard

    EnvironmentalHazardous to the aquatic environmentHazardous to the ozone layer

  • *HazComm2012 GHS Hazard ClassesPhysicalExplosivesFlammable gasesAerosolsOxidizing gasesGases under pressureFlammable liquidsFlammable solidsSelf-reactive substances and mixturesPyrophoric liquidsPyrophoric solidsSelf-heating substances and mixturesSubstances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gasesOxidizing liquidsOxidizing solidsOrganic peroxidesCorrosive to metalsPyrophoric GasesCombustible DustHealthAcute toxicitySkin corrosion/irritationSerious eye damage/irritationRespiratory or skin sensitizationGerm cell mutagenicityCarcinogenicityReproductive toxicitySpecific target organ toxicity (STOT SE) single exposureSpecific target organ toxicity (STOT RE) repeated exposureAspiration hazardSimple Asphyxiant

    EnvironmentalHazardous to the aquatic environmentHazardous to the ozone layerHazards Not Elsewhere Classified

  • Hazard ClassificationManufacturers are still responsible for determining the hazards of the chemicals they produce or importClassification (similar to hazard determination) is based on the full range of available information. The procedures for determining if the manufacturer has properly performed the hazard classification are provided in Appendix A (health) and Appendix B (physical)Single Study must be used for classification of Carcinogens

  • *Health Hazards(Appendix A)OSHA AdditionRemoved Category 5

    Hazard ClassHazard CategoryAcute Toxicity1234Skin Corrosion/Irritation1A1B1C2Serious Eye Damage/ Eye Irritation12A2BRespiratory or Skin Sensitization1Germ Cell Mutagenicity1A1B2Carcinogenicity1A1B2Reproductive Toxicity1A1B2LactationSTOT Single Exposure123STOT Repeated Exposure12Aspiration1Simple AsphyxiantsSingle Category

  • Hazard Categories Each hazard class has one or more categories of hazard, based on severity, eg.Acute Toxicity: OralAppendix A used to determine Category for health hazards

    LD50 (mg/kg body weight): 55 < LD50 5050 < LD50 300300 < LD50 20002000 < LD50 5000GHS Hazard Category:Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5

  • Acute Toxicity: Oral

    LD50 (mg/kg body weight): 55 < LD50 5050 < LD50 300300 < LD50 20002000 < LD50 5000GHS Hazard Category:Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5GHS Label

    DangerFatal if swallowed

    DangerFatal if swallowed

    DangerToxic if swallowed

    WarningHarmful if swallowed No symbol

    WarningMay be harmful if swallowed

  • Classification criteria for acute toxicity

    Acute toxicity

    Cat. 1

    Cat. 2

    Cat. 3

    Cat. 4



    Oral (mg/kg)






    Anticipated oral LD50 between 2000 and 5000 mg/kg

    Indication of significant effect in human

    Any mortality at class 4

    Significant clinical signs at class 4

    Indications from other studies

    Dermal (mg/kg)





    Gases (ppm)





    Vapours (mg/l)





    Dust and mists (mg/l)





  • Current HCS vs. HazCom 2012"Corrosive:" A chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. For example, a chemical is considered to be corrosive if, when tested on the intact skin of albino rabbits by the method described by the U.S. Department of Transportation in appendix A to 49 CFR part 173, it destroys or changes irreversibly the structure of the tissue at the site of contact following an exposure period of four hours. This term shall not refer to action on inanimate surfaces. HCS Corrosive definitionGHS definition/criteria of skin Corrosive A.2.1.1Skin corrosion is the production of irreversible damage to the skin; namely, visible necrosis through the epidermis and into the dermis, following the application of a test substance for up to 4hours. .Corrosive reactions are typified by ulcers, bleeding, bloody scabs, and, by the end of observation at 14 days, by discoloration due to blanching of the skin, complete areas of alopecia, and scars. Histopathology should be considered to evaluate questionable lesions.

    Category 1: CorrosiveCorrosive sub-categoriesCorrosive in 1 of 3 animalsExposureObservation1A3 min 1 h1B> 3 min 1 h 14 days1C> 1 h 4 h 14 days

  • Health Hazards, cont.For carcinogens - OSHA is allowing classifiers to use determinations of IARC/NTP for classification instead of performing their own hazard evaluationNew Appendix F Single Study positive findings must be reported-Where the weight of evidence for the carcinogenicity of a substance does not meet the above criteria, any positive study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles, and which reports statistically significant findings regarding the carcinogenic potential of the substance, must be noted on the safety data sheet.

  • Physical Hazards(Appendix B)ADDED BY OSHAADDED BY OSHA

    Hazard Class

    Hazard Category




    Div 1.1

    Div 1.2

    Div 1.3

    Div 1.4

    Div 1.5

    Div 1.6

    Flammable Gases



    Flammable Aerosols



    Oxidizing Gases


    Gases under Pressure

    Compressed Gases

    Liquefied Gases

    Refrigerated Liquefied Gases

    Dissolved Gases


    Flammable Liquids





    Flammable Solids



    Self-Reactive Chemicals

    Type A

    Type B

    Type C

    Type D

    Type E

    Type F

    Type G

    Pyrophoric Liquids


    Pyrophoric Solid


    Pyrophoric Gases

    Single category

    Self-heating Chemicals



    Chemicals, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases




    Oxidizing Liquids




    Oxidizing Solids




    Organic Peroxides

    Type A

    Type B

    Type C

    Type D

    Type E

    Type F

    Type G

    Corrosive to Metals


    Combustible Dusts

    Single Category

  • Significant OSHA DecisionsThe addition of Pyrophoric gas, Simple Asphyxiants and Combustible dust to the Physical and Health hazards is very significant as these are not hazards as defined by GHS

  • Hazards not Otherwise Classified One unique aspect to the OSHAs final rule is the definition of hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC)

    This definition was added to ensure that hazards currently covered by HCS continue to be coveredCombustible Dust has its own hazard classNanomaterials?Emerging Hazards.

  • Hazards not Otherwise Classified Hazard not otherwise classified (HNOC) means an adverse physical or health effect identified through evaluation of scientific evidence during the classification process that does not meet the specified criteria for the physical and health hazard classes addressed in this section. This does extend coverage to adverse physical and health effects for which there is a hazard class addressed in this section, but the effect either falls below the cut-off value/concentration limit of the hazard class or is under a GHS hazard category that has been adopted by OSHA (e.g., acute toxicity Category 5, simple asphyxiant).

  • Hazards not Otherwise ClassifiedInformation will be required on the safety data sheets in Section 2Hazard information on the label, is not mandatory, but can be provided under supplementary informationSuch hazards must also be addressed in worker training

  • Simple asphyxiant means a substance or mixture that displaces oxygen in the ambient atmosphere, and can thus cause oxygen deprivation in those who are exposed, leading to unconsciousness and death.Label: Warning. May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation.Pyrophoric gas means a chemical in a gaseous state that will ignite spontaneously in air at a temperature of 130 degrees F (54.4 degrees C) or below. Label: Danger. Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air.

    Simple Asphyxiant and Pyrophoric Gas

  • Combustible dust is covered separately from HNOC, but is not specifically definedGuidance for defining combustible dust is to be taken from existing documents, including the directive for the National Emphasis Program; the NFPA standards also provide useful informationCombustible dust must be addressed on labels where appropriate:Warning. May form combustible dust concentrations in air.Paragraph (f)(4) may apply to materials shipped in solid form, that create combustible dust when processedCombustible Dust

  • MixturesHCS 2012 has a tiered approach to mixtures, with each health hazard class having a specific approachStep 1: Use available test data on the mixture as a whole to classify the mixture based on the substance criteriaStep 2: Use bridging principles to extrapolate from other data (e.g., dilution principle)Step 3: Estimate hazards based on known information regarding the ingredients of the mixture (cut-offs may be applied)Chemical manufacturers and importers may rely on the information provided in ingredient SDSs unless they have a reason to know that it is inaccurate

  • *Cut off values/Concentration limits for health and environmental hazard class

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  • Tiered Approach to ClassificationGenerally use test data for the mixture, when available Use bridging principles, if applicable For health and environmental hazards, estimate hazards based on the known ingredient information

  • f) Labels and Other Forms of WarningHazCom 1994Shipped containers to be labeled with identity, appropriate hazard warnings, and responsible partyPerformance-oriented, specifics left to discretion of chemical manufacturer or importer

    HazCom 2012Shipped containers to be labeled with product identifier; signal word; hazard statement(s); pictograms; precautionary statements; and responsible partySpecifies information by hazard class and category

  • The final rulelike the GHSis a specification approach to labels. In Appendix C, OSHA has indicated by hazard class and hazard category the label elements that must be on the labelAppendix C is basically a cookbook approach to labelingOnce classification of the hazards is completed, Appendix C is to be consulted to determine how to convey the required information

    Approach to Labels

  • Product identifierSignal wordHazard statement(s)Pictogram(s)Precautionary statement(s)Name, address, and phone number of the responsible partyLabel Requirements for Shipped Containers

  • *Precedence of hazardDANGERWARNING>Skin/Eye irritation

    Skin/Eye irritation>>>

  • The GHS allows competent authorities to use only black borders on pictograms for domestic shipmentsOSHA is requiring red borders regardless of the shipments destinationThe red borders increase comprehensibility The requirement for red borders will result in additional options being developed to comply; for example, new printers are becoming available for this requirementBlank red diamonds are not permitted on a labelRed vs. Black Borders

  • *Signal Word & Hazard Statements

  • *Signal WordDanger or WarningDanger is more hazardousUsed to emphasis hazard and to discriminate between hazard categories (level of hazard)e.g. Acute toxicity category 1 will require Danger, category 4 will require Warning

  • Hazard StatementsDictated by Appendix C

    C.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNAL WORDS, HAZARD STATEMENTS, PICTOGRAMS, AND PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS C.4.1 ACUTE TOXICITY ORAL (Classified in Accordance with Appendix A.1)Pictogram Skull and crossbonesHazard categorySignal wordHazard statement1DangerFatal if swallowed2DangerFatal if swallowed

  • *Hazard StatementsA single harmonised hazard statement for each hazard category within each hazard classe.g. Flammable liquid - Category 1 Extremely flammable liquid and vapour - Category 2 Highly flammable liquid and vapour - Category 3 Flammable liquid and vapour - Category 4 Combustible liquid

  • *Hazard Statements (cont.)e.g. Oral Acute Toxicity

    Category 1 Fatal if swallowed Category 2 Fatal if swallowed Category 3 Toxic if swallowedCategory 4 Harmful if swallowedCategory 5 Maybe harmful if swallowed

  • Precautionary InformationGHS label should include appropriate precautionary information. The GHS document includes examples of precautionary statements which can be used.The intent is to harmonize precautionary statements.There are four types of precautionary statements presented, "prevention," "response," "storage," and "disposal."

  • Precautionary InformationExample

    Precautionary statementsPreventionResponseStorageDisposalWash thoroughly after handling. Chemical manufacturer, importer, or distributor to specify parts of the body to be washed after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.If swallowed: Immediately call a poison center/doctor/ Chemical manufacturer, importer,or distributor to specify the appropriate source of emergency medical advice. Specific treatment (see on this label) Reference to supplemental first aid instruction. - if immediate administration of antidote is required. Rinse mouth.Store locked up.Dispose of contents/container to ... in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations (to be specified).

  • *Examples of Precautionary Pictograms(Not Mandatory)

  • Label Example HazCom 1994Minimum requirementsHazCom 2012Minimum Requirements

  • New Label RequirementsCurrent OSHA StandardMaterial identityHazard warningsSupplier information

    Updated OSHA GHS StandardProduct identifierSignal wordHazard statementsPrecautionary statementsPictogramsSupplier informationSupplemental informationWorkplace LabelGHS LabelXYZ Chemical, 234 E. 3rd St; Murray KY 42071 227.777.6565XYZ Chemical, 234 E. 3rd St; Murray KY 42071 227.777.6565

  • *

  • *

  • GHS Label-Bad Example-Toxic?

  • OSHA proposed to require labels to be updated within three months of getting new and significant information about the hazardsThe final rule requires containers shipped six months after the information is available to be labeled accordinglyUpdating Labels

  • HazCom 2012 maintains the flexible approach to workplace labels in the current rule, i.e., the GHS label does not have to be on all workplace containersMay Still use other label systems in PlantNFPA labels (problem with reverse hazard numbering)HMIS labelsWorkplace labels will have to be reviewed to make sure they still convey the correct hazards and other information when these new requirements are implementedWorkplace Labels

  • *The NFPA 704 System

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  • LabelsEmployers are responsible for maintaining the labels on the containers, including, but not limited to, tanks, totes, drums, and for training their employees on the hazards listed on the labels in the workplace.

    Labels must continue to be: legible contain the pertinent information (such as the hazards and directions for use)not able to be defaced, (i.e., fade, get washed off,) or removed in any way as stated in revised Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR1910.1200(f)(9)

  • g) Safety Data Sheets HazCom 1994Specifies what information is required, but chemical manufacturer or importer can use whatever format or order of information they want

    HazCom 2012Mandates 16-section SDS headings, order of information, and what information is to be provided under the headingsWill not enforce sections 12-15 that require information outside OSHAs jurisdiction

  • 16 section - Safety Data Sheet1.Identification of the substance or mixture and of the supplier2.Hazards identification3.Composition/information on ingredients Substance/Mixture4.First aid measures 5.Firefighting measures6.Accidental release measures7.Handling and storage8.Exposure controls/personal protection.9.Physical and chemical properties10.Stability and reactivity11.Toxicological 12.Ecological information (non mandatory)13.Disposal considerations (non mandatory)14.Transport information (non mandatory)15.Regulatory information (non mandatory)16.Other information including information on preparation and revision of the SDS

  • Specifies the minimum information to be included in each of the 16 sections.Two revisions in this information are in the final rule:ACGIH TLVs continue to be required on the SDSInformation regarding carcinogenicity classifications by IARC and NTP also continue to be requiredAppendix C presents standardized hazard Signal word, Hazard statement(s),Pictogram(s), and Precautionary statement(s) to be included in section 2 of the SDS1910.1200(g)(2) And Appendix D

  • *Safety Data Sheets Key ChangesSection 2 Hazard(s) IdentificationGHS ClassificationPictogram(s)Signal WordHazard StatementPrecautionary StatementSafety Data Sheets Key Changes

  • SDS SectionsFrom Appendix D

  • SDS Section 1Identification (a) Product identifier used on the label; (b) Other means of identification; (c) Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use; (d) Name, address, and telephone number of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party; (e) Emergency phone number.

  • SDS Section 2Hazard(s) identification a) Classification of the chemical in accordance with paragraph (d) of 1910.1200; (b) Signal word, hazard statement(s), symbol(s) and precautionary statement(s) in accordance with paragraph (f) of 1910.1200. (Hazard symbols may be provided as graphical reproductions in black and white or the name of the symbol, e.g., flame, skull and crossbones); (c) Describe any hazards not otherwise classified that have been identified during the classification process; (d) Where an ingredient with unknown acute toxicity is used in a mixture at a concentration = 1% and the mixture is not classified based on testing of the mixture as a whole, a statement that X% of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute toxicity is required

  • SDS Section 3Composition/ information on ingredientsFor Substances(a) Chemical name; (b) Common name and synonyms; (c) CAS number and other unique identifiers; (d) Impurities and stabilizing additives which are themselves classified and which contribute to the classification of the substance.

  • SDS Section 3Composition/ information on ingredientsFor Mixtures In addition to the information required for substances:(a) The chemical name and concentration (exact percentage) or concentration ranges of all ingredients which are classified as health hazards in accordance with paragraph (d) of 1910.1200 and (1) are present above their cut-off/concentration limits; or (2) present a health risk below the cut-off/concentration limits. (b) The concentration (exact percentage) shall be specified unless a trade secret claim is made in accordance with paragraph (i) of 1910.1200, when there is batch-to-batch variability in the production of a mixture, or for a group of substantially similar mixtures (See A. with similar chemical composition. In these cases, concentration ranges may be used.

  • SDS Section 3Composition/ information on ingredientsFor All Chemicals Where a Trade Secret is ClaimedWhere a trade secret is claimed in accordance with paragraph (i) of 1910.1200, a statement that the specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret is required.

  • SDS Section 4First-aid measures (a) Description of necessary measures, subdivided according to the different routes of exposure, i.e., inhalation, skin and eye contact, and ingestion; (b) Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed. (c) Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary.

  • SDS Section 5Fire-fighting measures (a) Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media. (b) Specific hazards arising from the chemical (e.g., nature of any hazardous combustion products). (c) Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters.

  • SDS Section 6Accidental release measures (a) Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures. (b) Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up.

  • SDS Section 7Handling and storage (a) Precautions for safe handling. (b) Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities.

  • SDS Section 8Exposure controls/personal protection (a) OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL), American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV), and any other exposure limit used or recommended by the chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer preparing the safety data sheet, where available. (b) Appropriate engineering controls. (c) Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment.

  • SDS Section 9Physical and chemical properties (a) Appearance (physical state, color, etc.); (b) Odor; (c) Odor threshold; (d) pH; (e) Melting point/freezing point; (f) Initial boiling point and boiling range; (g) Flash point; (h) Evaporation rate; (i) Flammability (solid, gas); (j) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits; (k) Vapor pressure; (l) Vapor density; (m) Relative density; (n) Solubility(ies); (o) Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water; (p) Auto-ignition temperature; (q) Decomposition temperature; (r) Viscosity.

  • SDS Section 10Stability and reactivity (a) Reactivity; (b) Chemical stability; (c) Possibility of hazardous reactions; (d) Conditions to avoid (e.g., static discharge, shock, or vibration); (e) Incompatible materials; (f) Hazardous decomposition products.

  • SDS Section 11Toxicological information (a) Information on the likely routes of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, skin and eye contact); (b) Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics; (c) Delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects from short- and long-term exposure; (d) Numerical measures of toxicity (such as acute toxicity estimates). (e) Whether the hazardous chemical is listed in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens (latest edition) or has been found to be a potential carcinogen in the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs (latest edition), or by OSHA.

  • SDS Section 12Ecological information (Non-mandatory) (a) Ecotoxicity (aquatic and terrestrial, where available); (b) Persistence and degradability; (c) Bioaccumulative potential; (d) Mobility in soil; (e) Other adverse effects (such as hazardous to the ozone layer).

  • SDS Section 13Disposal considerations (Non-mandatory) Description of waste residues and information on their safe handling and methods of disposal, including the disposal of any contaminated packaging.

  • SDS Section 14Transport information (Non-mandatory) (a) UN number; (b) UN proper shipping name; (c) Transport hazard class(es); (d) Packing group, if applicable; (e) Environmental hazards (e.g., Marine pollutant (Yes/No)); (f) Transport in bulk (according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code); (g) Special precautions which a user needs to be aware of, or needs to comply with, in connection with transport or conveyance either within or outside their premises.

  • SDS Section 15Regulatory information (Non-mandatory) Safety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product in question.State/local lawsOSHA expanded Health Standards

  • SDS Section 16Other information, including date of preparation or last revision The date of preparation of the SDS or the last change to it.

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS)SDS in the workplace for each hazardous chemical which is used Readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s)

    Footer Text

  • h) Employee Information and TrainingHazCom 1994Requires employee information and training before a worker is exposed to the hazardous chemicals in the workplace, and whenever the hazard changes

    HazCom 2012Clarifies that the labels on shipped containers and workplace labels must be explained, as well as SDS formatWorkers will have to be trained on the new label and SDS formats before all the provisions of the rule are effective

  • Since the new label and SDS requirements will be phased in over several years, it is critical that employees understand the label and SDS formats, and the way information is conveyedTraining on the system is thus the first compliance date for the rule; workers are already starting to see GHS labels and SDSs on imported chemicalsTraining

  • Employee TrainingTrained initially and when new chemical introducedOSHA standard coveredOperations in their work area where chemical is usedPictogramsLocation of program, list of chemical, and SDSDetection of chemicalHazards of chemicalProtection measuresEmergency proceduresLabeling system used

  • i) Trade Secrets(AppendixE)HazCom 1994Allows specific chemical identity to be protected when it is a legitimate trade secrete.Specifies conditions for protection, and for release when there is a safety and health need for the information

    HazCom 2012Process remains the samePercentage of a substance in a mixture is also considered to be a type of trade secret subject to the provisions in the rule.

  • *This date coincides with the European Union implementation date for classification of mixtures.Implementation Dates

  • Approach to Other StandardsMany other OSHA standards contain criteria related to defining hazards, as well as other provisions that rely on those criteria

    OSHA undertook a comprehensive review of its rules to identify what needed to be changed OSHA has proposed modifications to all of those standards that it determined needed to be consistent with the GHS

  • Written ProgramDescribes how the standard will be implemented in that facility Contains a list of all chemicals

  • Program RequirementsWritten programList of all hazardous chemicalsAddresses non-routine tasksDiscusses other contractors responsibilitiesAvailable upon request to any employee or contractor

  • Develop Implementation PlansFor EmployersInitial employee training on the label elementsMinimal training on new SDS formatContinue to maintain the updated SDSs Review current hazard communication program and update as necessary For manufacturersInitial start-up costs associated with reclassification, producing new labels, safety data sheets, training.

  • Guidance MaterialsOSHA has and will continue to develop an array of guidance materialsInitial Materials:Quick Cards, Fact sheets, Small Entity Compliance guides Technical MaterialsModel Training materials; Safety Data Preparation guidance; Hazard Classification GuidanceWeb Applicationshttp://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/index.html

  • Impact on RCRAHazCom 2012 continues to exempt hazardous waste under 1910.1200(b)(6).Employers will need to train their employees on the new label and SDS requirementsUse in the workplaceUse in emergency response and contingency planning

  • *Effect on Safety ProfessionalsBecome familiar with the new systemCollect new SDSs as provided by suppliers and incorporate them into the existing MSDS system (or use commercial service)New GHS labels for shipped containersEmployers can use other systems for workplace labelingTrain employees on new labels and SDS

  • GHS text, UN papers and reportswww.unece.org/trans/danger/danger.htm

    OSHA GHS informationhttp://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/index.html

    EPA GHS informationwww.epa.gov/oppfead1/international/globalharmon.htm

    DOT GHS informationwww.hazmat.dot.gov/regs/intl/globharm.htm

    Canada GHS informationhttp://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/occup-travail/whmis-simdut/ghs-sgh/index_e.htmlFor More Information

  • Reference MaterialDetailed Side-By-Side Review of the Regulatory Text ChangesSee OSHA Web Page at:http://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/side-by-side.htmlFederal Register (includes Preamble for reference)http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=FEDERAL_REGISTER&p_id=22607Q&A on the New Standardhttp://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/hazcom-faq.html

  • Footer Text

  • Questions?

  • Employee Training Program Framework ExampleMust be made site-specific and Health hazard slides added/modified to include specific examples of chemicals used by the individual employer.LabelsSDSsThe specific employers policies, procedures and responsible employees need to be identified and discussed (overall facilitys program details)

  • The GHS (HazComm 2012) ElementsClassification CriteriaHealth EnvironmentPhysicalHazards not Elsewhere ClassifiedHazard CommunicationLabelsSafety Data Sheets

  • *Hazard ClassificationChemical substances and mixtures are classified according to 18 physical and 11 health hazard classes Most hazard classes are sub-divided into hazard categories based on severity where, for example, 1 is high and 5 is low.GHS allows for use of expert judgment and weight of evidence.Classification determines the signal words, pictograms, hazard and precautionary statements used to convey information on labels and safety data sheets (SDS). Adoption of GHS by OSHA does not affect DOT regulations as the classification and labeling of hazardous materials in transport have been harmonized for years.

  • *HazComm2012 GHS Hazard ClassesPhysicalExplosivesFlammable gasesAerosolsOxidizing gasesGases under pressureFlammable liquidsFlammable solidsSelf-reactive substances and mixturesPyrophoric liquidsPyrophoric solidsSelf-heating substances and mixturesSubstances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gasesOxidizing liquidsOxidizing solidsOrganic peroxidesCorrosive to metalsPyrophoric GasesCombustible DustHealthAcute toxicitySkin corrosion/irritationSerious eye damage/irritationRespiratory or skin sensitizationGerm cell mutagenicityCarcinogenicityReproductive toxicitySpecific target organ toxicity (STOT SE) single exposureSpecific target organ toxicity (STOT RE) repeated exposureAspiration hazardSimple Asphyxiant

    EnvironmentalHazardous to the aquatic environmentHazardous to the ozone layerHazards Not Elsewhere Classified

  • The GHS: ClassificationHealth & Environmental Hazards Acute ToxicitySkin Corrosion/IrritationSerious Eye Damage/Eye IrritationRespiratory or Skin SensitizationGerm Cell MutagenicityCarcinogenicityReproductive ToxicityTarget Organ Systemic Toxicity Single and Repeated DoseSimple AsphyxiantHazardous to the Aquatic Environment

  • *Health Hazards

    Hazard ClassHazard CategoryAcute Toxicity1234Skin Corrosion/Irritation1A1B1C2Serious Eye Damage/ Eye Irritation12A2BRespiratory or Skin Sensitization1Germ Cell Mutagenicity1A1B2Carcinogenicity1A1B2Reproductive Toxicity1A1B2LactationSTOT Single Exposure123STOT Repeated Exposure12Aspiration1Simple AsphyxiantsSingle Category

  • Physical HazardsExplosivesFlammability gases, aerosols, liquids, solidsOxidizers liquid, solid, gasesSelf-Reactive Pyrophoric liquids, solidsSelf-HeatingOrganic PeroxidesCorrosive to MetalsGases Under PressureWater activated flammable gases

    Definitions, test methods and classification criteria are based on existing transport system (DOT Regulations)

  • Physical Hazards

    Hazard Class

    Hazard Category




    Div 1.1

    Div 1.2

    Div 1.3

    Div 1.4

    Div 1.5

    Div 1.6

    Flammable Gases



    Flammable Aerosols



    Oxidizing Gases


    Gases under Pressure

    Compressed Gases

    Liquefied Gases

    Refrigerated Liquefied Gases

    Dissolved Gases


    Flammable Liquids





    Flammable Solids



    Self-Reactive Chemicals

    Type A

    Type B

    Type C

    Type D

    Type E

    Type F

    Type G

    Pyrophoric Liquids


    Pyrophoric Solid


    Pyrophoric Gases

    Single category

    Self-heating Chemicals



    Chemicals, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases




    Oxidizing Liquids




    Oxidizing Solids




    Organic Peroxides

    Type A

    Type B

    Type C

    Type D

    Type E

    Type F

    Type G

    Corrosive to Metals


    Combustible Dusts

    Single Category

  • System of Information and CommunicationHazard ClassPictogramSignal WordDanger or WarningHazard Statementi.e. combustible liquid, Precautionary Statement There are four types of precautionary statements presented"prevention," "response," "storage," and "disposal."

  • *GHS Pictogram for Hazard ClassExplosives Self-reactive subst.Organic peroxide Flammable substance Self-reactive substance Pyrophoric and self- heating substance Oxidizing substance Organic peroxides Compressed gas Skin corr.Eye corr.Corrosive to metal Environmentaltoxicity Acute toxicity Acute toxicity Skin irrit. Eye irrit. Sensitization (Dermal) Sensitization (Respiratory) Mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Reproductive toxicity Target organ toxicity

  • *Precedence of hazardDANGERWARNING>Skin/Eye irritation

    Skin/Eye irritation>>>

  • Transport PictogramsIncluded in addition to GHS Pictograms and must be maintained

  • *Signal WordDanger or WarningDanger is more hazardousUsed to emphasis hazard and to discriminate between hazard categories (level of hazard)e.g. Acute toxicity category 1 will require Danger, category 4 will require Warning

  • Hazard Category within a Hazard ClassHazard Categories are further subdivided into Hazard ClassesHealth HazardsPhysical Hazards1 is more hazardous than 4Opposite of NFPA Label System

  • *The NFPA 704 System

    Footer Text

  • *Hazard StatementsA single harmonised hazard statement for each hazard category within each hazard classe.g. Flammable liquid - Category 1 Extremely flammable liquid and vapour - Category 2 Highly flammable liquid and vapour - Category 3 Flammable liquid and vapour - Category 4 Combustible liquid

  • *Hazard Statements (cont.)e.g. Oral Acute Toxicity

    Category 1 Fatal if swallowed Category 2 Fatal if swallowed Category 3 Toxic if swallowedCategory 4 Harmful if swallowedCategory 5 Maybe harmful if swallowed

  • *Allocation of Label ElementsExample : Acute Toxicity (Oral)

  • *Allocation of Label Elements (cont.)Example : Skin Corrosion/Irritation

  • *Building Block Approach (Health)Example : Acute Toxicity (Oral)

    Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5


    Fatal if swallowed


    Fatal if swallowed


    Toxic if swallowed


    Harmful ifSwallowedNoSymbol


    May be harmful if swallowedNot required under the TDG/MR Not required under the TDG/MR

  • *Building Block Approach (Physical)Example : Explosives

    Unstable/Division 1.1Division 1.2Division 1.3Division 1.4Division 1.5Division 1.6

    DangerExplosive; mass explosion hazard

    DangerExplosive; severe projection hazard

    DangerExplosive; fire, blast or projection hazard1.4 *

    WarningFire or projection hazard 1.5 *

    WarningMay explode in fire 1.6 *

  • Precautionary StatementsThere are four types of precautionary statements presented"prevention," "response," "storage," and "disposal."

  • *United Nations Co., Ltd. 1-1, Peace Ave., GenevaSwitzerlandTel. 41 22 917 00 00 Fax. 41 22 917 00 00Precautionary statements:Keep out of reach of children.Keep container tightly closed.Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.Wear eye/face protection.Wear protective gloves/clothing.Wear respiratory protection, as specified by the manufacturer.Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.Use appropriate ventilation.Wash thoroughly after handling.Hazard statements:Toxic if swallowedToxic in contact with skinFatal if inhaledMay cause an allergic skin reaction.May cause genetic defects.May cause cancerCause severe skin burns and eye damageCause serious eye irritationToxic to aquatic life Epichlohydrin1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropaneCAS No. 106-89-8UN No. 2023Supplier identificationPrecautionary statements

    Hazard statements

    Signal word

    PictogramEPICHLOROHYDRINExample of label componentProduct identifier

    Footer Text

  • *Label - ExamplesTransportation and Workplace

    Footer Text

  • Safety Data Sheet (SDS)Safety Data SheetsReplaces the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)16 section ordered format

  • 16 section - Safety Data Sheet1.Identification of the substance or mixture and of the supplier2.Hazards identification3.Composition/information on ingredients Substance/Mixture4.First aid measures 5.Firefighting measures6.Accidental release measures7.Handling and storage8.Exposure controls/personal protection.9.Physical and chemical properties10.Stability and reactivity11.Toxicological 12.Ecological information (non mandatory)13.Disposal considerations (non mandatory)14.Transport information (non mandatory)15.Regulatory information (non mandatory)16.Other information including information on preparation and revision of the SDS

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    1Identification of thesubstance or mixtureand of the supplierGHS product identifier.Other means of identification.Recommended use of the chemicaland restrictions on use.Suppliers details (including name,address, phone number etc).Emergency phone number. 2Hazards identificationGHS classification of the substance/mixture and anynational or regional information.GHS label elements, includingprecautionary statements. Otherhazards which do not result inclassification or are not covered bythe GHS.

  • Classification Of Physical Hazards Clasificacn de peligros fsicos1 Explosives Explosivos2 Flammable gases Gases inflamables3 Flammable aerosols Aerosoles inflamables4 Oxidizing gases Gases oxidantes 5 Gases under pressure Gases bajo presin6 Flammable liquids Lquidos inflamables7 Flammable solids Slidos inflamables8 Self reactive-substances Sustancias auto-reactivas9 Pyrophoric liquids Lquidos pirofricos10 Pyrophoric solids Slidos pirofricos11 Self-heating substances Sustancias autocalentables12 Subst water/flammable gases Sustancias agua/ gas inf in13 Oxidizing liquids Lquidos oxidantes 14 Oxidizing solids Slidos oxidantes15 Organic peroxides Perxidos orgnicos16 Corrosive to metals Corrosivo para metales

  • Explosives Substances and preparations capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature, pressure and speed as to cause damage to people and surroundings including: Articles containing such substance and preparationsPyrotechnic substances/articles Sustancias y preparaciones capaces, por reaccin qumica, de producir gases a tal temperatura, presin y velocidad suficientes para causar dao a las personas y alrededores, que incluyen:Artculos conteniendo tales sustancias o preparacionesSustancias/artculos pirotcnicosExplosives are classified according to the results of

    Test Series 2 to 7

    Part 1 of the United Nations Recommendations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Manual of Tests and CriteriaDEFINITION

  • ClassificationExplosives

    DivCharacteristics1.1Mass explosion hazardRiesgo de explosin de toda la masa1.2Projection hazardRiesgo de proyeccin1.3Fire hazard or minor projection hazardRiesgo de incendio o proyeccin menor1.4No significant hazardSin riesgo significante1.5Very insensitive substances with mass explosion hazardSustancias muy insensible con riesgo de explosin1.6Extremely insensitive articles with no mass explosion hazardSustancias extremadamente insensibles sin riesgo de explosin de su masa

    Footer Text

  • CORRELATIONGHS - TRANSPORT Explosives Explosivos




    Footer Text

  • Flammable GasesGases inflamablesGases having a flammable range with air at 20C and 101,3 kPa

    Gases que posean unrango de inflamabilidad con aire a 20C y 101,3 kPaCategory 1: Extremely flammable gasesGases extremadamente inflamablesGases ignitable when in mixture of 13% in air or having a flammable range with air of 12 %.

    Category 2: flammable gases Gases inflamablesGases other then those of category 1 (but with a flammable range with air at 20C and 101,3 kPa)DEFINITION

  • Flammable GasesGases inflamablesCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • DEFINITIONFlammable AerosolsAerosoles inflamablesCHARACTERISTICS/RESULTS OF TESTING NEED TO BE CONSIDERED:Concentration of flammable components (all liquids, gases, solids according to GHS criteria)Heat of combustion Ignition distance testEnclosed space ignition testFoam test (for foam aerosols)Category 1: Extremely flammable aerosols

    Category 2: Flammable aerosolsAerosols which contain any liquid, solid or gas component classified as flammable acording to the GHSAerosoles que contienen algn componente liquido, slido o gaseoso clasificado como inflamable acorde el criterio del GHS

  • CORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORTFlammable AerosolsAerosoles inflamables


    Footer Text

  • Oxidizing GasesGases oxidantesGases which may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other material more than air does

    Gases, los cuales puedenm proveyendo oxgeno, causar o contribuir a la combustin de otros materiales mas de lo que lo hace el aireDEFINITIONCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Gases Under PressureGases sometidos a presinDEFINITIONGases contained in a receptacle at a pressure 280 kPa at 20C or as a refrigerated liquid. This definition covers four types of gases or gas mixtures.

    Gases contenidos en un receptculo a una presin 280 kPa a 20C o como lquido refrigerado.

    GasesCriteriaCompressedComprimidoEntirely gaseous at -50CCompletamente gaseoso a -50CLiquifiedLicuadoPartially liquid at T > -50CParcialmente lquido a T > -50CRefrigerated LiquifiedLicuado refrigeradoPartially liquid because of its tempParcialmente lquido debido a su tempDissolvedDisueltoDissolved in a liquid phase solventDisulelto en un solvente fase lquida

  • Gases Under PressureGases sometidos a presinCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT

    CompressedComprimidoLiquifiedLicuadoRefrigerated LiquifiedLicuado refrigeradoDissolvedDisuelto


    Footer Text


    Liquids with a flash point 93CLquidos con un punto de inflamacin 93C

    Flammable LiquidsLiquidos inflamablesFlammable liquids are classified in one of 4 Categories according to:Los lquidos inflamables estn clasificados en 4 categoras acorde: Flash pointPunto de inflamacin

    Initial boiling pointPunto inicial de ebullicin

  • Flammable LiquidsLiquidos inflamablesCLASIFICATION

    CategoryCriteria1Flash point < 23C and initial boiling point 35C2Flash point < 23C and initial boiling point > 35C3Flash point 23C and 60C4Flash point > 60C and 93C

    Footer Text

  • Flammable LiquidsLiquidos inflamablesCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Flammable SolidsSlidos inflamablesSolids which are readily combustible (can be easily ignited by brief contact with ignition source and flame spreads rapidly) and may cause or contribute to fire through friction.

    Slidos los cuales son fcilmente combustibles (pueden ser fcilmente encendidos por un breve contacto con una fuente de ignicin y su llama se disemina rpidamente y puede causar o contribuir al fuego a travs de friccin)

    DEFINITIONTo be tested:Burning time, burning rate and behaviour of fire in a wetted zone of the test sampleCriterios a considerar:Tiempo de quemado, velocidad de quemado y comportamiento frente a una zona humeda

  • CLASIFICATIONFlammable Solids Slidos inflamables

    CategoryCriteria1Metal Powders: burning time 5 minutesMetales en polvo: tiempo de quemado 5 min.Others: wetted zone does not stop fire &Otros: zona humeda no retiene el fuego y burning time < 45 seconds or tiempo de quemado < 45 segundos burning rate > 2.2 mm/second tiempo de quemado > 2.2 mm/second2Metal Powders: burning time > 5 and 10 minutesMetales en polvo: tiempo de quemado > 5 and 10 minOthers: wetted zone stop fire for at least 4 minutes &Otros: zona humeda no retiene el fuego por al menos cuatro minutos y burning time < 45 seconds or burning rate > 2.2 mm/second

    Footer Text

  • CORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORTFlammable Solids Slidos inflamables


    Footer Text

  • Self-Reactive SubstancesSustancias auto-reactivas Substances liable to undergo a strongly exothermic decomposition even without participation of oxygen (air)Sustancias capaces de sufrir una descomposicin fuertemente exotrmica an sin participacin de oxgeno

    Explosives, organic peroxides and oxidizing substances are excluded. They may have similar properties, but such hazards are included in their specific test regimeLos explosivos, perxidos orgnicos y sustancias oxidantes estn excluidas. Estos pueden tener similares propiedades, pero tales peligros estn incluidos en sus especficos regmenesDEFINITIONSelf-reactive substances are classified in one of the Types A to G on the basis of the results of Test Series A to H (see Part II of the Manual of Tests and Criteria)

  • CORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORTSelf-Reactive SubstancesSustancias autoreactivas


    Footer Text

  • Pyrophoric liquids and solidsLquidos y slidos pirofricosSubstances which ignite in contact with air within 5 minutes. Sustancias que se encienden en contacto con el aire dentro de 5 minutosDEFINITIONSolids are tested directly in air on a surfaceLos slidos son testeados directamente en aire sobre una superficie Liquids are tested on an inert carrier material Los lquidos son testeados sobre un material inerte soporteCLASIFICATION

  • CORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORTPyrophoric liquids and solids Lquidos y slidos pirofricos


    Footer Text

  • Substances where a self heating process may lead to self-ignition or hot temperaturesSustancias donde un proceso de autocalentamiento puede conducir a auto-ignicin o altas temperaturas.

    Self-heating substancesSustancias autocalentablesCriteria are volume related, reflect on 27m of substanceTest in defined cubes to verify ignition or exceeding of defined temperature limits in defined time scale.El criterio est relacionado con el volumen y se verifica ignicin o exceso de lmites definidos de temperatura en una escala de tiempo.DEFINITIONCLASIFICATION

  • Self-heating substancesSustancias autocalentablesCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gasesSustancias que en contacto con el agua desprenden gases inflamablesDEFINITIONCLASIFICATIONClassification on basis of test results which measure gas evolution and speed of evolutionClasificacin sobre la base de resultados de los test para los cuales se mide evolucin del gas y velocidad de evolucin

    Category 1: 10 l/1 minuteCategory 2: 20 l/1 hour +

  • CORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORTSubstances which in contact with water emit flammable gasesSustancias que en contacto con el agua desprenden gases inflamables


    Footer Text

  • Substances and preparations, which cause or contribute to the combustion of other material (generally by yielding oxygen)Oxidizing LiquidsLquidos oxidantesDEFINITIONSustancias y preparaciones, las cuales causan o contribuyen a la combustin de otros materiales (generalmente produciendo oxgeno)Categories are defined by ignition or pressure rise time compared to defined mixtures (1:1 mixtures)

    Cat 1: 50% perchloric acid and celluloseCat 2: 40% aq sodium chlorate sc and cellulose (and not Cat1)Cat 3: 65% aqueous nitric acid and cellulose (and not Cat 1 or 2)

  • Oxidizing LiquidsLquidos oxidantesCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Oxidizing SolidsSlidos oxidantesDEFINITIONSubstances which cause or contribute to the combustion of other material generally by yielding oxygenSustancias, las cuales causan o contribuyen a la combustin de otros materiales (generalmente produciendo oxgeno)Categories are defined by mean burning time and are compared to defined mixtures (4:1 or 1:1 ratio)Las categoras son clasificadas por medio de el tiempo de quemado y son comparados con las mezclas definidas

    Cat 1: < 3:2 mixt. of potassium bromate and celluloseCat 2: 2:3 mixt. of potassium bromate and cellulose (and not Cat 1)Cat 3: 3:7 mixt. of potassium bromate and cellulose (and not Cat 1)CLASIFICATION

  • Oxidizing SolidsSlidos oxidantesCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Organic PeroxidesPerxidos orgnicosDEFINITIONLiquids or Solids containing the bivalent -O-O- structure, thermaly unstable and exothermic self-accelerating decompositionLquidos o slidos conteniendo la estructura bivalente O-O-, trmicamente inestable y descomposicin exot rmica autoacelerada

    Such substances and preparations may-be liable to explosive decomposition-burn rapidly-be sensitive to impact or friction-react dangerously with other substances

    Tales sustancias pueden: - ser capaces de sufrir una descomposicin explosiva - arder rpidamente - ser sensibles al impacto o friccin - reaccionar peligrosamente con otras sustancias

  • Organic PeroxidesPerxidos orgnicosCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Corrosive to MetalsCorrosivo para los metalesDEFINITIONSubstances and mixtures which by chemical reaction cause damage or destroy metals.

    Sustancias y mezclas las cuales por reaccin qumica causan dao o destruyen metales Corrosion rate >6,25 mm/year at 55CVelocidad de corrosin >6,25 mm/ao a 55CCLASIFICATIONCORRELATION GHS - TRANSPORT


    Footer Text

  • Need to Develop and Include site-specific health and environment hazard classification training materials here

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    3Composition/information on ingredientsSubstanceChemical identity.Common name, synonyms, etc.CAS number, other unique number,etc.Impurities and stabilizing additives which are themselves classified and which contribute to the classification of the substance.Mixture The chemical identity and concentration or concentration ranges of all ingredients which are hazardous within the meaning of the GHS and are present above their cut-off levels.

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    4First aid measuresDescription of necessary measures, subdivided according to the different routes of exposure, i.e. inhalation, skin and eye contact and ingestion.Most important symptoms/effects,acute and delayed.Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary. 5Fire-fighting measures

    Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media.Specific hazards arising from the chemical (e.g. nature of any hazardous combustion products).Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters.

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    6Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protectiveequipment and emergency procedures.Environmental precautions.Methods and materials forcontainment and cleaning up 7Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities. 8Exposurecontrols/personalprotection.Control parameters e.g. occupational exposure limit values or biological limit values.Appropriate engineering controls.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment.

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    9Physical and chemical propertiesAppearance (physical state, colour).ViscosityOdour threshold.PH.Melting point/freezing point.Initial boiling point and boiling range.Flash point.Evaporation rate.Flammability (solid, gas).Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits.Vapour pressure.Vapour density.Relative density.Solubility(ies).Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water.Auto-ignition temperature.Decomposition temperature.

  • *Characteristics of the 11 example chemicals (Physical Data)

  • *Physical DataBoiling Point -The temperature at which a liquid turns to a vapour

  • *Freezing Point- Temperature at which the liquid form of a chemical will turn into the solid formMelting Point- Temperature at which the solid form of a chemical will turn into the liquid formVapour pressure- The higher the vapour pressure,the more rapidly the material will change from liquid form to o vapour when released to the environment.

  • *Vapour pressureThe amount of released harmful vapors in based on the chemicals vapor pressure. The greater the vapor pressure, the greater the yield of hazardous vapors . Acetone will give off more vapors then gasoline. Sulfuric acid has a low vapor pressure and gives off little vapor.

  • *Vapour density- Density of a gas compared to the density of air

  • *Specific gravity - density of a chemical compared to the density of water. If the specific gravity is less than one, the chemical will float on water. If the specific gravity is greater than one, the chemical will sink.

  • *

  • *Fire and Explosion Data.

  • *Health Hazard Information

  • *Water solubility of a chemical the quantity of a chemical that will mix with or dissolve in water. Helps to determine many of its toxic effects on living tissues / Chemicals that are very water soluble, lead to cellular injury.

  • *Liquid - gas ratios. The volume of gas produced by the vaporization of a given volume of liquid . The volume of gas produced is always greater than the volume of liquid before vaporization.

  • *The expansion ratio of a chemical helps to determine the extent of hazard that the chemical poses.

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    10Stability and reactivityChemical stability.Possibility of hazardous reactions.Conditions to avoid (e.g. staticdischarge, shock or vibration).Incompatible materials.Hazardous decomposition products.11Toxicological informationinformation on the likely routes of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, skin and eye contact);Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics;Delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects from short- and long-term exposure;Numerical measures of toxicity (such as acute toxicity estimates).

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    12Ecological informationEcotoxicity (aquatic and terrestrial, where available).Persistence and degradability.Bioaccumulative potential.Mobility in soil.Other adverse effects.

    13Disposal considerationsDescription of waste residues and information on their safe handling and methods of disposal, including the disposal of any contaminated packaging.

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    14Transport informationUN number.UN Proper shipping name.Transport Hazard class(es).Packing group, if applicable.Marine pollutant (Yes/No).Special precautions which a user needs to be aware of or needs to comply with in connection with transport or conveyance either within or outside their premises.

  • *Minimum information for an SDS

    15Regulatory informationSafety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product in question.State/Local laws16Other informationIncluding informationon preparation andrevision of the SDSReferences, etc.

  • Example MSDS ReviewPropane and AcetoneSample Propane SDSSample Acetone SDS

  • How to Access InformationWhere SDSs are kept and how to accessSuggest that Pictogram Meaning Charts be PostedSuggest that Hazard Category and Class Charts be Posted

  • Transition to GHS Format and ContentClassification Reclassify Physical, Health and Environmental standards to new GHS standard Labeling Apply new hazard symbols to reclassifications MSDS to SDS Mandatory 16-section format with new required data elements and expanded information TrainingUpdate HazComm Written Program

  • End of Employee Training ExampleThank You For Attending

    Mark [email protected]


    Ground Rules

    Kathy LandkrohnOffice of Chemical Hazards - MetalsDirectorate of Standards and Guidance

    45 Minute presentation then questions.

    If she does not have an answer she will write down the questions and get back to us.

    **This is a UN system. Unified approach to communicating hazards and facilitate international trade and reduce injuries related to chemical hazards.*Take out what you need.

    OSHA is only dealing with physical and health hazards.**The preliminary rulemaking activities include preparing Requests for Information (RFIs), literature research, site visits, stakeholder meetings and other activities needed to develop rules that address important health and safety hazards in the most cost effective way possible. In addition, for major rules, (those with compliance costs in excess of a $100 million dollars or that have a major impact on small businesses) OSHA conducts SBREFA panels to get input on small business impacts. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    Based on this information OSAH develops the regulatory text, the preamble explaining the standard, and publish it in the Federal Register. OSHA then accepts written comment from the public and, in most cases, conducts informal public hearings.

    OSHA then analyzes the record, prepares the final rule and preamble and published the final rule in the Federal Register.

    At various steps in the process, rules are reviewed by OSHA and DOL management and OMB.

    Now there are specifications that help us be harmonized with the rest of the world. An international community approach.90% of chemicals production would be under this system (worldwide)Consistently in top 3 for most serious Per OSHA and NSC -- In 2010 HCS ranked #3, Hazard Communication 7179 (NSC Safety & Health magazine Dec 2010 issue)

    Per OSHA and NSC -- In 2009 HSC ranked #3. Hazard Communication 6,378 violationsChemical manufacturers and importers are required to evaluate the hazards of the chemicals they produce or import, and prepare labels and safety data sheets to convey the hazard information to their downstream customers.http://www.nsc.org/Pages/OSHAReportsonTop10SafetyViolationsfor2009.aspx

    Hazard communication violations for 2008 ranked #3 on OSHA's top 10 list of most frequently violated compliance standards

    ****Easy to find what you need.*Green are sections that have major changes.*****Safety Data Sheet instead of Material Safety Data Sheet.****In addition, the following terms are not being defined in because they are no longer needed due to changes in terminology: Hazard warning; identity; and material safety data sheet (MSDS). Regarding material safety data sheet, this term was removed, but is replaced by the new term safety data sheet.

    The definitions for the following terms are being revised to be consistent with the GHS and, ultimately, Haz Com 2012: Chemical; chemical name; hazardous chemical; health hazard; label; mixture; physical hazard; and trade secret

    *****Most of the terms added to the definitions paragraph of Haz Com 2012 are related to evaluating hazards and proper label information.

    For example classification requires manufacturers, importers, and distributors to evaluate the hazards of the chemicals they produce, and select the appropriate hazard class and hazard category, using the criteria provided in Appendices A and B. As Deana will discuss in a little bit, the classification approach is different than the determination approach used in Haz Com 1994.

    Youll notice that pyrophoric gas and simple asphyxiant are listed as definitions added to this paragraph of the rule. These hazards were included in Haz Com 1994, but are not included in the GHS. OSHA added these hazard definitions to Haz Com 2012 so that the rule would maintain its existing hazard coverage.*****Information on hazards not otherwise classified is required to be provided in Section 2 of the safety data sheet. Thats the Hazard Identification section of the safety data sheet.

    However, information for hazards not otherwise classified is not required on the label, but it can be provided as supplemental information.

    Of course, if such a hazard is identified, it must be included in worker training.

    What's an example of a hazards not otherwise classified?? Static accumulator

    The definition for hazards not otherwise classified is intended to address situations where a classifier has identified evidence of a hazard during the normal classification process, but the evidence does not meet the currently specified criteria for hazards covered by Haz Com 2012.

    The definition for hazards not otherwise classified captures those effects to ensure that Haz Com 2012 is appropriately protective, and covers all of the hazards covered by Haz Com 1994.

    You see, Haz Com 1994 was an umbrella standard, designed to capture chemical hazards in the workplace, even those that had not been identified at the time the rule was promulgated. By including a definition for hazards not otherwise classified, we are maintaining this coverage.

    *No longer have a floor.

    Mixture rules are specific.In the past it was a carcinogen or not. Now we have to know the severity. Important for label issues.

    All classes are listed.

    Simple Asphyxiants was added by OSHA so there is not a reduced protection from the HCS.****Guidance in Appendix F.

    Listed on label and Safety Data Sheet.Pyrophoric gases and combustible dusts added and are in italics.***********Section 2 is for hazard information*Must be identified on the Safety Data Sheet.HNOC hazards not otherwise classified

    Must be identified on Safety Data Sheet.*****Standard specific information on shipped labels.New

    Health HazardExclamation MarkEnvironmentRed borders will be used regardless of whether domestic or international.

    Concern over the cost of the color printer.

    Every red diamond must have a pictogram.

    Have 6 months to update labels.Signal words, hazard statements and pictograms have all been harmonized, and assigned to each hazard class and category in the GHS. Once a chemical has been classified, the relevant harmonized information can be found in the HCS in the new Appendix C.**HazCom & GHS, April 2012STEP, LLC 270.753.6529 www.stepky.com**Required Elements on a GHS label will be:- Name of material/Product- Signal Word- Hazard and Precautionary Statements- Pictograms- Mfr Name and phone number

    Three label element must be located together on the label according to GHS Signal WordHazard StatementsPictograms

    Must update workplace labels to include correct hazards.

    Information must not be in conflict with standard.

    Must use appropriate symbol/pictogram for hazard.**Employers are still responsible for the same hazard communication on labels as before.

    Specific order of information.

    *Bolded sections will be enforced by OSHA.Key Changes in Section 2: Reclassification of Hazards based on GHS criteria including Health and Environmental Hazards, Physical hazards, classification of mixtures as well as Signal words, complete with signal words, pictograms, etc.

    *New training requirements. **Working on Small Entity Compliance Guides.

    *Emergency Responders and Contingency Plan must include the new label and SDS requirements and explanations of hazards/pictograms***

    *What does new rule say about record keeping on hazard classification decisions? Maintenance of records do not change from record keeping rule- now have one specifications to follow in Appendix A or B- does not know if they have to keep records that they followed the specifications or required procedure on hazard classificationThe hazardous waste exemption - clarification?Example toluene has been used and is now a waste.While used is under OSHA but once it enters the waste stream it is under RCRA not OSHA. OSHA did not make any changes to this application in the standard.Is it out of jurisdiction during transportation?Wheels rolling is under DOT. Wheels not rolling is under OSHA. Will get to us about jurisdiction.Does the exemption from hazardous waste apply to unused virgin chemicals (p-listed)? If it is not hazardous waste NO. If it is still in the supply chain then it is not a waste. Hazardous waste generators have a difficult time determining what is hazardous waste perhaps the manufacturer could add information on what to do if the product is not used. Such as how to discard of unused portion. The SDS allows for other information as long as they do not conflict with what is required.Would it be possible to issue joint guidance on disposal criteria on the SDS?Hazardous waste disposal information should be a requirement. It is very inconsistent in MSDSs. OSHA did a SDS brief for people who will be seeing the SDS. OSHA and EPA work with chemical suppliers to standardize the information on chemical disposal whether used (spent) or virgin. Information from chemical supplier to consumer to assist with proper disposal. This would be especially useful for chemicals that are protected by trade secret and ingredients are not listed. Disposal should include a description of original ingredients. What is the floor of chemical considered hazardous?1% of a chemical and 0.5% of a carcinogenRevised standard is dependent on amount of chemical in entire mixture. The revised standard has a table to explain this. This should help with chemicals that may be in the mixture at levels below 1% but still present a hazard. Page 17710 of revised rule discussion of hazards and cut-off values - see table on page 712.Exemption for hazardous waste does that extend to other waste that might not be hazardous waste?She is not sure. Labeling requirements have not changed so the material as part of work stream must still be labeled. Can use other labels as long as the label/pictogram does not conflict with the standard. Example may use Mr YuckWhat does hazardous mean as it applies to OSHA?OSHA requirements apply to hazardous chemicals even if they are exempt/excluded from RCRA. OSHA does not define hazardous waste.She is not prepared to explain the impact of the new standard on 1910.120. This will be tabled for later discussion.

    *OECD was the Technical Focal Point for Substances & Mixtures

    All classes are listed.

    Simple Asphyxiants was added by OSHA so there is not a reduced protection from the HCS.*Focal Point: UN Committee of Experts on Transport of Dangerous Goods, in cooperation with the ILO.

    Pyrophoric gases and combustible dusts added and are in italics.*Bolded sections will be enforced by OSHA.