Having Successful Meetings Using Project Management Skills Script FINAL

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Having Successful Meetings Using Project Management Skills Script FINAL

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Mock Meeting Block A Script (10-Minute Fishbowl)

Characters New Community Staff Partner (SP) Returning Committee Chair (Chair) New Logistics Chair (Logistics) Team Development Chair Past Top Team Captain (Team D) Survivor/Caregiver Chair Also a Survivor (SCC)


Scene: Large table with chairs around the table, flipchart, and an audience; each character has a table tent with his/her name and role. All characters are at the table with the exception of the Team Development Chair, who will come in late.

Chair: Welcome everyone to the meeting and take role call. Call out everyone at the table and also acknowledge that there were a few people that couldnt make it tonight, including your Entertainment Chair, Kids Activities Chair, Sponsorship Chair, and Registration & Accounting Chair.

Point out how the Team Development Chair is not in attendance, and ask whether anyone knows he/she they is.

All:Shake your heads; you havent heard from the Team Development Chair since the last meeting.

Setting the Meeting Agenda

Chair: Review the meeting agenda flipchart of things to discuss, and ask the committee members whether they have any additional things to add.

SCC:Ask whether there is time at the end of the meeting to brainstorm post-event survivor and caregiver engagement strategies; you could really use some help.

Chair:Tell the Survivor/Caregiver Chair that time will be tight, but if you cannot discuss it today, you can talk after the meeting either one on one or with those who can stay to discuss.

Chair:Ask for someone to take the meeting notes for today.

Logistics:Volunteer to take the notes.

Suddenly, the Team D Chair bursts into the room, late to the meeting. There are not enough chairs at the table for the Team D person to sit. Someone in the group has to leave the meeting to find a chair.

Team D:Apologize for being late, and ask the group what you missed.

Chair:(ANNOYED) Tell the Team D Chair you will get him/her up to speed after the meeting instead of taking more time now. The agenda is on the wall.

Subcommittee Updates

Chair:Reference the sample Project Plan Gantt Chart on the wall. Remind the group all the work that has been done to date. Reference the amount that still needs to be done between now and the event. Also reference the thermometer chart to show progress toward goals based on feedback from subcommittee chairs not in the room.

Chair:Invite other committee reps to give updates from their subcommittee areas.

SCC:Report that you currently are at 100% of goal for number of survivors and caregivers registered for the event. These are the largest numbers in the history of the Relay. Not many survivors are on teams; most are independent so that may be a great way to get more teams involved.

During the Survivor/Caregiver Chairs report, the Team Development Chairs phone will ring. The Team Development Chair should answer the phone but act as though they are leaving the room instead of leaving, move off to the side of the meeting, talking loudly in the phone. This will be a huge distraction, and many of the committee members will roll their eyes.

Chair: Congratulate the Survivor/Caregiver Chair.

Team Development Chair will come back to the table, apologize, and ask what was missed.

Team D: Ask what you missed during the phone call.

Chair:Explain that you have reached the survivor/caregiver goal but that not many survivors and caregivers are on teams this year and that this is an area that you need to follow up with him/her on.

Chair:Remind the group this is a short and packed agenda so if you could have everyones FULL attention, it would be greatly appreciated.

Logistics:Report that you have day-of-event volunteers lined up and are working on mapping out the campsites next week with the subcommittee in prep for bank night. Talked with registration and accounting chair about how to assign and will have decision on that process for next week. Bring up AGAIN how big the site is and how you really think the committee should consider moving the event to a smaller venue.

Chair:Thank logistics chair for all his/her hard work, and acknowledge the venue concern. State that you hope to be able to revisit the venue site later in the year.

Logistics chair looks annoyed and once again feels blown off when his/her suggestions are not being heard.

Team D:Share how you feel frustrated because of low team attendance at team captain meetings and that you dont think that all teams are getting as much information/communication about the event as they need. Youre not sure that new teams are getting all the information they need and are worried they wont feel prepared for the event.

Chair:Acknowledge all the hard work that the team development subcommittee has done. Say: Im really glad that you brought this up as this was something that our teams addressed on last years Customer Satisfaction Survey. A lot of the teams felt that they didnt have enough information before the event.

Ask the Team Development chair what the main reason is that teams arent getting all the information and feeling excited and ready for the event.

Team D:Say: People are just not coming to meetings or responding to e-mails at all. I dont even know where to begin; this is my first year in this position, and I just dont know what to do.

SP:Ask the team D chair if it is OK if the group helps identify the main problems and then brainstorms to come up with solutions. Explain that this process works for you when you are stuck, brainstorming ideas with others to understand.

Chair:Say: That is a great idea. And maybe when we are finished with the meeting, you and I can meet a little longer, so I can get you some additional resources to help.

Team D:Respond that you could use all the help you can get.

Staff Partner stands up, grabs a new flipchart, and writes down the ideas that the committee gives to address the problem:

Team D:Share that you are having a hard time finding the time to call and check in with all the team captains to see how they are doing and if they have enough resources/support/information for the event and that team captains are not coming to meetings.

Chair:Have committee discuss different ways to reach out to team captains to make sure they get information. Discuss utilizing Facebook and the Relays Web site more to promote the meetings, team fundraisers, and event information.

Logistics:Say: For low attendance, could we try to jazz up the meetings by having theme meetings? Or involving the veteran team captains more by asking them to be guest speakers at meetings?

SP:Share an idea you heard from a fellow staff partner about doing drop-in team captain meetings where you set up a time for meetings and allow team captains to drop by, drop off money, and pick up any information he/she might need (instead of having a full, hour-long meeting).

SCC:Say: What if we work up a one-page handout with information about what the teams will need to know for Relay? That might be helpful for teams to have on hand.


Mock Meeting Block B Script (8-Minute Fishbowl)

Chair:Thank the group for its ideas and brainstorming. Invite one or two committee members to share their potential to-dos from the brainstorming session. After each group shares, ask the committee members whether that is something they think they have the ability to support with the manpower and time left.

SP:As people are starting to present their ideas for getting team captains to meetings, start to plot their plans on the overall project plan Gantt chart poster in the empty spaces at the bottom of the chart.

Team D:Thank everyone for their help. Start talking about how this brainstorming session has really helped you to put together so many ideas you want to try, including getting in the local parade and doing welcome kits for all new teams.

Chair:Acknowledge those great ideas. Ask the team D chair to write the ideas on the post-it note and put it in the crystal ball container marked Future for ideas to remember for next year.

While this discussion is going on, the Survivor/Caregiver Chair and the Logistics Chair have a sidebar conversation that is a bit mumbled and distracting.

Chair:(In an encouraging NOT CONDESCENDING tone) Ask the group having the sidebar conversation if there is anything to share with the group.

SCC:Share that you were just discussing how overwhelming it feels right now looking at the Gantt Chart with everything left to do.

Logistics:Share that you are frustrated that you and the survivor/caregiver chair have both met your goals and now you also have to add all these things to help the team D chair to meet his/her goals.

Chair:Acknowledge their concerns. Remind the members that they are a part of a team all working toward the same goal. Say: We are all in this together. The team D chair would help if you needed it.

Team D:Share with the group how thankful you are for its help and that this isnt anyone elses primary area of work but appreciate the help.

Chair:Wrap up the meeting and confirm next steps on the project plan and when notes will be sent out. Confirm date of next meeting.

END OF BLOCK B/CLOSE SCENEAmerican Cancer SocietyPage | 1Relay For Life High Plains Division & Region Summits 2012