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Looking at the teachings of Yahusha and NOT the teachings of men, I find it quite fascinating how men construe and contort the wonderful Words of Life to suit their own agenda. Today we will be looking at The Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version Scriptures which were written for the next generation. . .

Yahusha came to destroy the works of the devil i.e to heal every disease and sickness, to make the blind see, the lame walk, the dumb to speak and to cast out eveil spirits from those possessed. Consequently whenever Yahusha touched someone or they touched Him in belied, they were instantly healed - such as the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. She had wasted all her money on physicians and was penniless. She said to herself “if only I can touch His tzittzits I will be healed. HEALING COMES THROUGH BELIEF AND OBEDIENCE . . .

These sicknesses are the works of haShatan which can be cured through obedience to Torah (instruction). When Yahusha arrived on the scene and came with wise teachings about clean living and speaking, both physically and spiritually, He showed mankind that the works of haShatan were always to destroy us. The last power of haShatan that Yahusha conquered was DEATH. As we know “by His stripes we are healed . . . .” - by His shed blood we are cleansed and by His death and resurrection we have eternal life and salvation / deliverance . . .


The Name “Yahusha” means “Yah is our Deliverer”. I don’t want this to be a long, drawn out teachings but a simple straight forward statement. Knowing this fact (that man has been disobedient to Scripture and fiddled with translations and words of the Scriptures) we have been given the instructions (Torah) of Yahusha packaged in other word meanings (substituted) by wicked deceivers - and we have lost the real meanings and consequently the power of the Scripture in our lives . . .

Yahusha’s message was to “repent for the reign of Yahuah is near”. In this repentance we need to be immersed into the Name of Yahusha Messiah to enter the door of true Yashrael to become one of it’s citizens in covenant relationship with it’s King. There is no other way and no other Besorah to eternal life. In this immersion Yahusha manifests Himself to us by indwelling His Spirit into our hearts, which he circumsizes and writes the Ten Commandments on - giving us a love for them. This is the true Besorah (gospel) - any other teaching is a fraud !!!

Now looking at the word “deliverance” we find it has been substituted for the word “salvation” to give it a much lesser impact. If the Name Yahusha (not jesus) in Hebrew means “Yah is our Deliverer”, why would the translators want to change that word from Deliverance to Salvation (sounds like something fishy is going on - smells like jesuits!) What is it that the translators don’t want us to find out about the deliverance of Yahusha?


What is the deliverance of Yahusha? Why does this deliverance have to be hidden and disguised within the word salvation? What don’t the translators want us to find out?

We always need to turn to Scripture for the answer and this is why we are so blessed to have within the body, a true translation from the Hebrew language to English which is called “The Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version”. If we turn our Scriptures to Matthew 12 where Yahusha was teaching about the tree being known by it’s fruit, the treasures of a man’s heart is where he speaks from and that by our words we will be declared righteous or unrighteous - and another topic was evil spirits . . .vs 38 They ask Yahusha for a sign but He answering says to them “a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but no sign shall be given to them except the sign of the prophet Yunah”. Vs41 says “men of Ninuah shall stand up in the judgement with this generation and condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Yunah and look a one greater that Yunah is here. Vs42 The empress of the south shall rise up in the judgement with this generation and shall condemn it for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Shalomoh and look - one greater than Shalomoh.

Now here comes the Scripture that we are really interested in, which explains what deliverance really means from Yahusha. Vs43 “Now when the unclean ruach (spirit) goes out of a man (this happens at true repentance and immersion) he goes through the dry


places seeking rest and finds none. Then it says “I shall return to my house from which I came”. And when it comes , it finds it empty, swept and decorated. Then it goes and takes with it 7 other spirits more wicked than itself and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first, so it shall be with this wicked generation . . .

This generation has a lot to answer for because they have not told us the truth. It is obvious by these Scriptures that every person (before immersion) has an unclean spirit which they need to be delivered from and of course this is only made possible by our obedience to Scripture, Yahusha indwelling us and delivering us from eternal damnation. If we don’t get this message to the lost, well you can see by Yahusha’s words what our end will be. . .

Brothers and Sisters I beg you not to be of bitterness and if you need to revisit your deliverance and be genuine in your lovingness to both Yahusha and all those around you - get cracking for the time is short of His return in judgement. We need the seal of the Sabbath on our foreheads for the reapers to see.

Do everything in love

Brother Chris Hilton . . .