Have You Seen My Son

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  • 7/26/2019 Have You Seen My Son


    Have you seen my son?the woman frantically asked the old lady across the street.

    No, sorry dearthe old woman replied.

    Have you seen my son?the woman asked the local police officer, more terrified this time

    No, Im sorry ma'am, but well search right awaythe officer responded while taking ot his radio, trying not to look at the woman's sorrowful eyes.

    Pleaseplease tell me my son is in thereasked the woman to a friend of hers, whichhappens to live right next to her house.

    Im really sorry Clarice, we havent seen himthe mother replied.

    The woman searched everywhere, ran through every part of the street, screaming, Where is my son.She was crying, pulling her hair out of despair. Her neighbors, out of pity, helped her in her search


    Starting that day, from 10 in the morning til 8 in the evening, the woman wouldleave her house, looking like trash. She looked like a risen corpse; pale skin,frizzy hair, and her skinnier body. She screamed at every part of the town, HAVE


    Alas at the second week of her search, everyone must have thought that she'd already gone crazy.

    She went to the local police department again

    Have you seen my son?

    The officer in charge left out a deep sigh, Im sorry ma'am

    The mother walked home, looking depressed. But as soon as she closed her front door, a smile painted itself across her face.

    With a smirk, the woman whispered to herself.I guess I hid the body well"