MINES ParisTech MINES ParisTech EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 150 Master’s degree in science & executive engineering per year 170 Advanced Masters graduate students per year 20 “Corps des Mines” engineers 90 PhD awarded per year 200 Continuing education students A network of 220,000 MINES ParisTech alumni RESEARCH Fifteen research centres working on five different areas: Earth Sciences and Environment Energy and Process Engineering Mechanical and Materials Engineering Mathematics and Systems Economics, Management, Society €30 million in research contracts per year First French engineers’ school for the extent of contractual research 200 industrial partners 12 academic chairs financed by external partners 90 PhD thesis and 400 publications per year Two Nobel prizes: M. Allais (Economics, 1988), G. Charpak (Physics, 1992) INTERNATIONAL AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Founder member of ParisTech and of “Groupe des Écoles des Mines” 100 university partners through the world 30 companies created in recent years New disciplines conceived at the Ecole: “Mathematical Morphology” and “Geostatistics” 37 % foreign students 50 nationalities represented Museum of Mineralogy with unique collections 100 000 samples – first museum in the world for its systematic collections, third for the wealth of its samples Historical Library The library is accessible to internal and external users. Amongst its missions is the preservation and development of its historical collection of 200,000 books, maps, archive documents – this collection is adapted to both research and education. MINES ParisTech AND ITS VALUES . www.mines-paristech.eu Our students will move globally in the business world and have to master all its attributes: scientific, technological, managerial, commercial. Benoît Legait Director of MINES ParisTech TALENT IS MINE MINES ParisTech is a hive of talent. To Mines graduates, an unlimited range of career opportunities worldwide is open. CREATIVITY IS MINE An entrepreneurial spirit is one of the fundamental values symbolic of MINES ParisTech. It drives our tea- ching philosophy and opens the way to ambitious projects. EXCELLENCE IS MINE The fundamental principles of our teaching are based on regular gui- dance and supervision. The limited numbers of students per class ensures individual tutoring. Two Nobel laureates have been MINES ParisTech students : Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992) and Maurice Allais (Economics, 1988). Many Research prizes are awarded each year to MINES ParisTech. CHALLENGE IS MINE Our executive engineers have become a reference in many companies. From year to year they contribute substantially to the negotiation of many kinds of indus- trial research contracts. INNOVATION IS MINE Our executive engineers benefit from an exceptionally favourable study environ- ment. Our courses are demanding, are continuously adapted to innovative tech- nologies and match challenging professional stakes. THE WORLD IS MINE Students from many countries, work placements and internships abroad, interna- tional networks... MINES ParisTech is a world-focussed institution. A fundamental aspect of our institution and teaching methods is multiculturalism. SCIENCE IS MINE We train executive engineers in preparation for every field of research. Our multi- discipline courses allow them to approach industrial projects from every angle. First French engineers’ school for the extent of contractual research €30 million in research contracts per year €89 million of annual budget 1 300 students 37 % foreign students 50 nationalities represented 400 publications per year Graduate School Education Research Innovation Industry International

have to master all its attributes: scientific ... · MINES ParisTech MINES ParisTech EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 150 Master’s degree in science & executive engineering per year 170

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Page 1: have to master all its attributes: scientific ... · MINES ParisTech MINES ParisTech EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 150 Master’s degree in science & executive engineering per year 170


MINES ParisTech

EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION150 Master’s degree in science & executive engineering per year170 Advanced Masters graduate students per year20 “Corps des Mines” engineers90 PhD awarded per year200 Continuing education students A network of 220,000 MINES ParisTech alumni

RESEARCHFifteen research centres working on five different areas:

■ Earth Sciences and Environment ■ Energy and Process Engineering ■ Mechanical and Materials Engineering ■ Mathematics and Systems ■ Economics, Management, Society

€30 million in research contracts per yearFirst French engineers’ school for the extent of contractual research200 industrial partners12 academic chairs financed by external partners90 PhD thesis and 400 publications per year

Two Nobel prizes: M. Allais (Economics, 1988), G. Charpak (Physics, 1992)

INTERNATIONAL AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPFounder member of ParisTech and of “Groupe des Écoles des Mines”100 university partners through the world30 companies created in recent yearsNew disciplines conceived at the Ecole: “Mathematical Morphology” and“Geostatistics”37 % foreign students50 nationalities represented

Museum of Mineralogy with unique collections100 000 samples – first museum in the world for its systematic collections, third for the wealth of its samples

Historical LibraryThe library is accessible to internal and external users. Amongst its missions is the preservation and development of its historical collection of 200,000 books, maps, archive documents – this collection is adapted to both research and education.



Our students will move globally in the business world and have to master all its attributes: scientific, technological, managerial, commercial.

Benoît LegaitDirector of MINES ParisTech

TALENT IS MINEMINES ParisTech is a hive of talent.

To Mines graduates, an unlimited range of career opportunities worldwide is open.

CREATIVITY IS MINEAn entrepreneurial spirit is one of the fundamental values symbolic of MINES ParisTech. It drives our tea-ching philosophy and opens the way to ambitious projects.

EXCELLENCE IS MINEThe fundamental principles of our teaching are based on regular gui-dance and supervision. The limited numbers of students per class ensures individual tutoring.

Two Nobel laureates have been MINES ParisTech students : Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992) and Maurice Allais (Economics, 1988).

Many Research prizes are awarded each year to MINES ParisTech.

CHALLENGE IS MINEOur executive engineers have become a reference in many companies. From year to year they contribute substantially to the negotiation of many kinds of indus-trial research contracts.

INNOVATION IS MINEOur executive engineers benefit from an exceptionally favourable study environ-ment. Our courses are demanding, are continuously adapted to innovative tech-nologies and match challenging professional stakes.

THE WORLD IS MINEStudents from many countries, work placements and internships abroad, interna-tional networks... MINES ParisTech is a world-focussed institution.

A fundamental aspect of our institution and teaching methods is multiculturalism.

SCIENCE IS MINEWe train executive engineers in preparation for every field of research. Our multi-discipline courses allow them to approach industrial projects from every angle.

■ First French engineers’ school for the extent of contractual research

■ €30 million in research contracts per year

■ €89 million of annual budget ■ 1 300 students ■ 37 % foreign students ■ 50 nationalities represented ■ 400 publications per year

Graduate SchoolEducation Research



Page 2: have to master all its attributes: scientific ... · MINES ParisTech MINES ParisTech EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION 150 Master’s degree in science & executive engineering per year 170





The era of globalization

The era of partnership research

The era of major industrial laboratories


he era of the founding scientists

The School worked hand in hand with French industry: from mining to energy, transport…

1860 Le Play instituted the teaching of the social sciences which continues today to be an original feature of the School’s training programme.

1967 Training and partnership research provide the model for the School. Establishment of research centres at Fontainebleau and the Materials Centre on the Snecma premises at Corbeil.

1783 Training “intelligent” managers capable of leading teams and possessing a global view of projects for the Kingdom’s mines.

20 students3 professors

1300 studentsof 50 nationalities,

260 research academics

Création of the School

Le Play

Creation of Armines

2005 Creation of the first industry chair. Globalization of the higher education

(1878 - 1936) Conrad

Schlumberger :Energy,


(1854 - 1912) Jules Henri Poincaré :

Mathematics, Physics

(1850 - 1936) Henry

Le Chatelier :Metallurgy, Chemistry

Outstanding scientific figures

L E R O I étant informé que l’art de découvrir & d’exploiter des Mines , n’a pas fait dans ſon Royaume les progrès dont

il étoit ſuſceptible : que , dans le nombre de ceux qui ont obtenu d es conceſſions , les uns n’en ont fait aucun uſage , d’autres y ont employé , ſans fruit , des fonds conſidérables ; & que ceux qui ont réuſſi , n’en ont pas tiré tout le profit qu’ils devoient en attendre , par la difficulté de trouver des Directeurs intelligens : Sa Majesté s’est fait rendre compte des différens moyens qu’on pourroit employer pour exciter un genre d’industrie dont les Etats voiſins retirent de ſi grands avantages ; & elle a reconnu que ce n’étoit pas aſſez de donner des encouragemens à ceux qui voudroient ſe livrer à la recherche & exploitation des Minéraux , qu’il falloit encoreſûreté que d’économie ; c’est par ces motifs que Sa Majesté a réſolu d’établir une Ecole de Mines à l’instar de celle qui a été établie avec tant de ſuccès , ſous le regne du feu Roi , pour les Ponts & Chauſſées. A quoi voulant pourvoir : Ouï le rapport du ſieur Joly de Fleury , Conſeiller d’Etat ordi- naire , & au Conſeil Royal des Finances ; le Roi étant en ſon Conſeil , a ordonné & ordonne ce qui ſuit :

A R R E S TD U C O N S E I L D ’ É T A T

D U R O I ,Portant établiſſement d’une École de Mines.

Du Mars .

Extrait des Registres du Conſeil d ’Etat.

1793 René Just Haüy discovered scientific mineralogy.

1849 Dual-feature training, both scientific and technical, with a view to the management of the mining and metallurgy industries.

Mechanization and major industrial


1950 The School envisaged a more general approach to the training of engineers, adapted to the dynamics of the industrial world, and created its specialized module courses.

1946 Creation of the School’s Foundation, FIMMM.

1969 Creation by Pierre Laffitte, then director of the school, of the Sophia Antipolis Technology Park (near Nice).

1985 The School was granted the right to awarddoctorates.

1987 Creation of specialized Mastères.

2008 30% of civil engineer graduates are from outside France.

1991 major alliances.

1847 Distinction established between the Inspectors of Mines (the current Corps des Mines) and “civil” engineers (Engineering students).

1942 The Metallaturgy Laboratory at Saint-Germain-en-Laye was instituted at the initiative of Charles Crussard.

1904 Georges Charpy devised the impact tests known as “The Charpy test”.

Two Nobel laureates

Maurice Allais (Economics, 1988)

Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992)


EDUCATION AT MINES ParisTechA distinctive feature of the training programmes at MINES ParisTech is the limited annual intake of students thereby ensuring individual tutoring. The teaching is pro-vided by research academics, masters of their fields, who have close links with the economic world. The students are selected, in France and abroad, according to their motivation and their aptitude to benefit substantially from the courses. Most of the programmes include placements in France and abroad which enable the students to complete their theoretical training and to deal with the practical aspects of engi-neering, research and organization.

MASTER’S DEGREE IN SCIENCE AND EXECUTIVE ENGINEERINGInspired by the notion of practice and the prac-tical, the training of “Mineurs” (nickname of our engineering students) is perfectly balanced with 1/3 in engineering sciences, 1/3 in econo-mics and social sciences and 1/3 in projects and practical experience. The students are admitted through a compe-titive examination, after the “classes prépara-toires”, and are joined, in the second year, by externally qualified students from French and foreign universities and the Ecole Polytech-nique. They acquire all the skills required for senior positions of responsibility. 84% of them have a job offer before graduation.The average annual salary for our young graduates, in 2009, was €43,700: one of the highest in France.

OTHER MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMESThe specializations offered in our Professional Masters programmes are much apprecia-ted by our students. They are conducted in French or in English (Nuclear energy, Trans-port and sustainable development, etc.) or linked to the Master’s degree in science and engineering programme (Energy strategies). They elicit a lot of interest among foreign students. 14 Research Masters degrees, conducted jointly with universities, ensure that the knowledge developed in our laboratories is widely disseminated and enhanced.

« CORPS DES MINES »: SENIOR CIVIL SERVICEThis programme trains senior civil servants who have already acquired sound scientific and technical training. After graduation, the “Ingénieurs des MINES” hold positions of responsi-bility of a technical and economic nature in government departments, and specialize in eco-nomic development, the management of TICEs, industrial safety and nuclear security.

ADVANCED MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES13 full-time Advanced Master’s degrees and 5 Executive Master’s degrees provide high-le-vel specialization or dual qualification. Candi-dates are recruited among French and foreign students holding a Master’s degree, engineers wishing to acquire additional skills, or compa-ny executives seeking to give a new impetus to their career.

DOCTORATEThe main feature of doctoral training at MINES ParisTech is sound scientific knowledge, sup-ported by the School’s research tradition and practical professional experience, resulting from the synergy nurtured by the laboratories with the world of industry. The doctorate thereby combines science and industry in an internationally recognized training programme.


MINES ParisTech is a « Grande Ecole » centred on its research activities. It encom-passes all fields of scientific knowledge thanks to 15 innovative research centres exploring five major fields.

■ Earth Sciences and Environment ■ Energy and Process Engineering ■ Mechanical and Materials Engineering ■ Mathematics and Systems ■ Economics, Management, Society

With 260 research academics, 400 doctoral students and 60 post-doctoral students, MINES ParisTech ranks top among the Grandes Ecoles for the volume of contractual research.

MINES ParisTech scientific and technological



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Energy and sustainable developmentConstruction industryEnergy sourcesInfrastructure & networksEnergy materialsEnergy productionEnergy and CO2

Natural ResourcesPetroleumMining resourcesGroundWaterAirSecuritySurveillanceRisk managementTransportsAutomobileAeronauticsInfrastructureHealthBiomedicalBioinformaticsHealth systemsTransformation of matterElaborationCharacterizationShapingNano-technologyIndustrial processingInformaticsSoftware

: fields of excellence, : permanent activities

TOP-NOTCH LABORATORIESThe school’s laboratories are part-ly associated with the CNRS, the Ecole Polytechnique, INSERM, IN-RIA, Institut Pasteur, etc. Their re-search, at the intersection of many fields, has led to the emergence of new disciplines (geostatistics, mathematical morphology and automatic control systems) which are now studied by the scienti-fic community and disseminated throughout industry and the ser-vices.

CLOSELY LINKED TEACHING AND RESEARCHThe range of education pro-grammes –engineer, master’s, advanced master’s and docto-rate– are coordinated by research academics working in the labora-tories. Consequently, the students are up-to-date with the reality of technical, economic and social is-sues.

A BROAD INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONOf the €30 million in research contracts, 30% involve at least one foreign partner. MINES ParisTech collaborates closely with more than 100 different countries and foreign universities.