Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Toothing! Prl <* 'y eenti. Sold nt druggists. Regulates the Bowelsf | Day’s Hors© powder, prfvsnts lane Fever ftnd -N\ cure' Ul*t*nper. Ipouad _S—¦“> Ineach package. For gale by *ll dfnlgra. Try It I 0 For tho euro of pi dßm B Cough*,Colds, Croup, ¦tiWiatw 43 Hoarseness, Asthma, wflliicii , ”<s!? ut Bronchitis,W v331 B sumption, and for iho relief of aag/^xoßnur Z.,n Vr I t HOC'S CUBES CIGARETTES for Ca- S"i)nr, ia-rh. PilcelOCts. At all druggists, IVofessioiial. Dr, U. I leathsm SURGEON & PHYSICIAN. Prompt at trillion given to all walla. Public office in tlie Drug Store. Private consultation room in thr* rear of the Drug Store. Local Items. You are ‘•next’ at Self on’s 'writer shop. Monday was a day calculated to bring a sigh from the heart ot fair managers. Have you seen those pretty vinegar bottles Orier has for sale at eighteen and twenty live cents. PiioTooUAt’iiv.— Messrs. Myers and Zepp baye p'tched a tent on the M. V R. R. lot on K. Main sin el am! are driving a right good trade at photographing. Their work D good and their prices low. Skuknahk. —Onr cornet bund temlered a general s , 'ivi::tde* on last Thursday night, playing their choicest music at a nnuilier of points on the streets. They are making rapid progress ; with a winter's solid practice we will | I'ohahly haven band playing the highest order ul nui-ie in the county. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup—the working man's friend. You woo have to he out in all sorts of weather an 1 can't afford to lay by, can not afford to bu wi'boul Dr. Bud's Cough Syrup. C Mnuni.ition follows in the wake ol a neglected cold. He hived bis horse' even as an Arab would, and grievi d to see him suffer and die. even as if lie was human, so be listened when one told ot Salvation Oil, and to day bis horse is well and be is happy. CitttAl’Rates to Bat.TIM he —The Wes- tern Maryland railroad will sell round trip excursion tickets to Baltimore on Tuesday* Oct iber 7,14,and 21 ami Monday October 7 To these tickets will be attache 1 a coupon good for admission to the Masonic 1* air now :>I iipigross ill that city. The fare will be $1 75 from Mich.uiicslowii 11 1fair coupon making the cost of the ticket $2.00: that is, the lai!**o d charges the f.re one way for tin* imu.d nip and the fair coupon is 25 cents additional. The it'lifts are good for seven ik.y s. Kvpry SI ouip wfiotsld have it. it is not always convenient to call a Physi'U.in !'..r every litt e ailment. Haying j{.piog Oil in ibe lionse yon have a Physi- i i:.n a ! wavs at liand, it kills Rheumatism. Fen; aigi i. Burns Bruises and all Aches and Jail.:. Price‘2s cents. t here are lew tilings in this life of which we may Is* certain, but this is one of them, J'ai Tina Cough am Consumption Cure .ms no e'pial fur Coughs, Colds and Consump- tion. Price 25 Cents. At Dr. .1. K. Waters’ Drug Store. OmoiNAt, M vn*KitContainin',; llitiiku- to Uni*rnt.tsiiki> Information. —Captain (diaries King, who recently visited Si Paul and Minneapolis for the (’ounopolitail Moya- vine, iias prepared tor that montlily an il.ns- ;lrated article entitled “Twin Cities of the Northwest” which will prove interesting reading not only to the citizens of these two cities, but also to a great number of readers scattered throughout the country who have watched with astonishment the marvellous growlli of these towns. His article will appear in the October iastfe, w hich will also i* attain the second part of a story by Juliet, Gordon, the non de plume of one ol New York's famous society women, a story which has attracted wide attention throughout the east, the writer bidding fair to make a repu- tation far in advance of Amelie Rives, or any ot the American stars appearing upon the literary horizon within the past two or three years. l ord's, Grand o|era House. October 00th—The merry buries,pie opera FA IST UP TO DATE.”—"Faust up to Dale' 1 which comes to Font’s Grand Opera House during the week of October 80th isa bright linrlesi|iie opera,dealing with current events, and produced in admirable style by a company made up of the very best material that can be found in the field of burlesque artists. In Boston, recently, this company played to the capacity of t ho theatre mi engagement of tw > weeks. The Marguerite by Miss Martha Poitenns simply deliglitc,l the audience; Miss Hilda Thomas as ‘Faust’ was the ideal characterization of a charming ai d Irresistible loyer; Will Mandevillc ns ‘Mepliisto’; Edwin Lowe ns 'Valentine , and Lathe Mortimer as ‘Siebel’ proved themselves dramatic and lyric artists of much ability.— The music is attractive,the songs and dance, especially meritorious. The same paraph,*r imlia, s enory, costumes, etc., as used in Bos tun will be seen here. •¦Faust up to Dale, Ante; icanized, has made a treat bit. Matings—We*hn : day and Saturday 1' .pnlar prices of admission. October V7 The M . b mi S p ire slice, ' M N i 'At K , Chest nuts ate selling at six cents a quart and they are line. Go Ft the meeting in Col. Utilizer's halloa Friday evening and do your duty by the proposed fair. Mrs. Jones hasn’t a gray hair in her head and is oyer 50, She looks ns young ns her daughter. The secret of it is, that she uses only Hall’s Hair Reuewer. The best thing out to-day, that all Ages enjoy, is the New Parlor Game with the pat- ent Rubber Tipped Projectile. No home Is complete without it. Tin* Rubber Tipped Arrow Co., Boston, Mass , arc Headquarters, and are mailing it for 75 cents. Between disease and the many cheaper preparations which are palmed off under the name of blood purifiers, take your chances with disease, until you can procure Ayer’s Sarsaparilla— the only reliable blood purifier. Sold by all druggists and dealers in medi- cine. George R, Stotelmyer, Esq., has commenc- ed the study of law under the instruction of Win. Maulshy, Jr., of the Frederick bar. George is a very promising young man, an able sp, alter, studious, has a good voice, and no doubt In the future will be one of our leading lawyers. IVe wish him success.— (Jatoctin Ncm. Don't Head This lor 9500. For many years, through nearly every newspaper in the land, the proprietors of Dr 1 Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly ; responsible, financially, as any one can easily | ascertain by proper enquiry, have offered, in | good faith, a standing reward of SSOO for a i case of nasal catarrh, no matter how had, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The life of a local p .per Is its iocal columns. County journals are not rich enough to afford a paid staff of news-gatherers, hut are depen- 1 dent upon their friends for such written and oral information as ran he used to inform the public weekly. Friends of local papers I shout d always remember this and send any news they may have without waiting to he asked. If yon haven't time to write your- self, giyc your item to some one who has.— Kilicott City Times. A Boom at Ksoxvili.k.— I The boom at B unswick is now moving westward and has struck the quiet little village sufficiently linrd enough to put a booming bee in its bonnet. Mr. J. Polk Bisrr lias already dis- . posed of eleven lots off' bis farm about one i mile east of Knoxville, and lias bad the rest ' I laid off into buildinglots, and placed them on j the market. There Is some talk of organiz- ing h Development Company by its citizens, as there are several fine lieds of ore clow by, ami u large iron furnace In the place.—Flag- , endown A'etc*. Read the notice of Hagerstown’s second great sale of building lots, as it appears in this issue. The first sale was an immense success an 1 the rapid advance m the price of lot* purchased at that sale will he sufficient inducement to buyers at the coming sale and we may expect to learn of some handsome prices living paid for lots. The genuineness : I ~f Hie Hagerstown movements, their solid bnsiniss foundation, resting as they do upon i the great strides the city is taking as a man- ufacturing centre and the snap and energy of the company’s managers all point to a j handsome realization on this lot sale. F*tn MkktinoT—’A full meeting of the e.ili/' ns of this place, both sexes, is called tor ¦ tomorrow (Friday) evening in Col. Kmizer’s room above the post-office. If onr people desire that the coming fir shall lies success, i it i- necessary that larger numbers evince u ; lively interest therein : there are many who ,1,.,. wiiimg to work, hut lid* willingness may be tempered and materially weakened by ! public apathy. If you want a successful fair, I s.s* to it that those who have shown their i ' willingness to take hold be not discouraged ;! by your unconcern. If it should once stop, * it may take more than your presence to put . l it in motion again. A word to the wise is I I sufficient and this reminder of your luke- j warmness may be the last endeavor to make i I the lair go. *j Art’oiNTMKNT.—On Wednesday last Mr. * I Edward A. Gil linger, of Frederick, who had 1 been employe ' as a temporary special agent jof the census office, was regularly appointed jto clerical duty. Acting Superintendent ¦ | Childs, in referring to Mr. Gitllnger, remark i 1 cd that he performed his duties as special 1 j agent so satisfactorily and displayed such - ' aptness for the work that he was regularly 1 appointed in the bureau. ' j Go To Htoti Knot? —N i use to go all the r I W av to Fen Mar in quest of grand scenery. > ! “High Knob” 2 miles northeast of this pl .ee, h i s a il that can he desired. Three roads lead ¦ from Middletown to this beautiful spot, and s all are comparatively good. Last Bun.lay 1 there was quite a crowd at the "Knot)’ cn- ) joying the view. To the west the entire i Middletown valley can he seen, lying bun- v dreds of fuel below, while to the east is the ti Frederick valley, with Frederick city plainly a in the distance, spreads before the eve. The - scene is worth going miles to sec. The pro- y jerted railroad from Brunswick to Middle- e town can extend to the "Knob, thus giving e Washington city the long desired mountain I resort. Valley Reyieter. Sukvkt COMIM.KTKI).—The preliminary survey of the route of the M. V- & F R. R. a has been completed from Catoctin Furnaces 0| to Yellow Springs. The route will of course a be subject to change, hut the line will proha- a bly vary hut little from that now laid down. 1 ll lias been found to he one of the most prac- y neahlc in the matter of grades and curves, it while the work will be surprisingly light.— c For the building of a road so advantageous y to the section of county traversed, to Fred- n crick City and to the Land Improvement e Company’s properties at Moutonquu Springs, d White Rock and thence to Frederick, there t’ C an he no question ol failure or delay in the g i matter of stock subscription; if there is, is I these people and these large interests will .1 I deservedly suffer. We expect to have repoit ¦s ! of a large and ample stock subscription on - j the day the books are opened at the office ol ¦s i Mr. Granville Thomas, in Frederick City r I Thursday October 30th, If these snhscrip- s- 1 lions are not taken and the road not built •• ; we cannot r-ce how the proposed improve meats at Yellow Springs am! White Rock ran hope to mat. tTdi/" -o it i- viden! Uial every interest in a measure, some wholly ~ ,|, n(*inl upon the buililm; l . of the. road ouiMe.l h will be Big rush at Seflou’s barber shop. Keep it People of sedentary habits, who are subject to constipation, can regulate their bowels I by the use of Ayer’s Pills. Just ponder on this.—A tea-set of 44 pieces in pure white granite ware for $3.80,-never before equalled: at Osier’s, of course. A business meeting of the Young People's Chris’iau Union will he held in the V. B. Church on Friday evening at 7o’clock pThn. By order of the President. Men, women and children —all ages alike’ find endless pleasure with the New Parlor (Janie. The Rublier Tipped Arrow Co., of Boston, Mass., arc mailing this intensely amusing novelly for 75 cents Attorney-General Whyte, in reply to an in- quiry from the assitunt attorney-general of Louisiana, stales that m Maryland express companies are liable to a line of SIOOO for bringing lottery tickets for sale into the Stale. Fat.br Report.— IThe rumor that Mr. Amos T. Lucas will retire from business on the Ist of April 1801 is wholly without foun- dation : Mr. L. asks us to assure our people that no such calamity is in store for them and that he may he relied upon to remain with us so long as the Lord pleases. CoilN CUTTER AND SIIOCKKU. Messrs. Geo. F. S. Zimmerman and Win. 11. Blent- i linger, both well known farmers living near ; Fredcttek a short lime since secured a patent | from the government for a corn cutter aud | shocker —an invention that gives every prom- -1 ise of revolutionizing methods of farming.— Banner. At a joint consistory meeting of the Glade charge on the Ist lust.. Rev, S. M. Ileueh tendered his resignation to take effect Octo- ' her 20th. in order to accept a call to a charge lin Philadelphia Classis, Pa. The consistor- ies unanimously declined to accept the resig- nation, and look preliminary steps toward the erection of a new parsonage, and the dis- posal of present parsonage property.' Enter- prise. A Kind Friend. Is what they call that Fatuous Remedy Red Flag Oil, it quickly cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, S ires ami all pain, it is good for man or beast. No other medicine has won for itself such confidence as Dr. Lee’s Liver Regulator, it is the best combination for the cure of all Kidney and Liver complaints. Trial bottles free at Dr. J. K. Waters, Drug Btore. !Vcw AdvorllHCincnlß. Ford’s Cramer. E. 11. Gernand. Sealed Proposals. Notice to Tax payers. Bus. Loc —Carrie BobliU. He held a seductive looking piece of jewel- ry in bis band as be kept railing—“only 25 cents and did you eyer see anything so cheap ?” “Yes" roared one of the crowd—- "Dr, Bull’s Baby Syrup Is tbc cheapest and i best remedy known for children For sale i by all dealers. Do not say: I intend to gej Old Saul's Ca- -1 tarrh Cure and cure myselftmi go and g< t | it at once aud get rid of that offensive disease, j Price 25c. ! The Advocate has been informed that the I Gettysburg and Washington Railroad has i not been abandoned, hut that active efforts jure being made to push Hie enterprise, and that H will not tie made tinny weeks until something of a definite character can be giv- en to the public. The Western Maryland Railroad C unpany is preparing to build a near depot at Blue Ridge Summit. It will be located on a knoll i a few hundred yards east of the present sla- i tion, and will be of ornamental design, in I keeping with the many Improvements at that ! piogressive point. It will oisl $3,000. Ad- vocate. ’’Wine, Motiicn mid Song,” hut the greatest, nt these is, "women". "Wine is mocker," and song is good to i “sooth the savage," but women respond to ! every active power and sentiment ot the Im- I man mind when in good health. But when afflicted with disease you willlind them, tan- I lalizing,coquettish, cross and hard to please. [ ! For all “finnale complaints," sick headache, : i irregularities, nervousness, prolapsus, and . | other displacements popularly known as ! "female weakness" and other diseases pecu- -1 liar to the sex, Dr Pierce's Favorite Frescrip- i tion is the great world-famed remedy. , i A New Enoi.isii Ghammau. The new 1 ' grammar adopted by the board of School I Commissioners for use in the public schools r ! of ibis county—Uaub’s Lessons in English . j —appears to be giving very general salisfac- * I tion to both teachers and pupils. The new ¦ j hook is upon an entirely different plan from * jSmith’s Grammar, tbc one heretofore used. ,* It aims to teach the correct use ol language . rather than the technicalities of grammar as ¦! a science. The school authorities haye found . i that the general distaste for and opposition r > to the study of grammar In our schools was i j chiefly due to the methods of teaching tl.— The grammars heretofore used were prepar- ed upon the plan of Latin and Greek gram- ¦ mars and were too technical for beginners; and as very few could pursue the subject to H i completion the study ol grammar iu Hie past ' I li;is resulted in little or no benefit to the I average pupil- The new hook is suggestive ' j and helpful from practical aid iu the correct | use of language from every page of it that he *’ ( studio* and comprehends. In order to better " i adapt the work as a text hook to Hie use of H | our school* Mr. Worthington prepared some 1 additional matter and had it printed and * bound with the original text, in the form ol im appendix, so that now for practical pur- poses lew pupils will need to study beyond L what i* contained In the Lesson* In English, though tor those who desire to pursue j the subject through all its intricacies 1 ja more advanced treatise is supplied. The '' J School Board bus, also, adopted a new series | of readers to take the place of the old New I i Grade series. The new reader adopted is Butler's, aud the change meets with general *’ ' favor and hearty approval of both teachers and pupils, the latter of whom take renewed k interest in their reading lessons and thereby ' progress more rapidly in learning to read. r,n:„ II | For atMUimuU locah nee ‘ittd parje.] Hagerstown’s Growth Marvelous Hagerstown started on a boom in Me y, 1890, under the guidance of the Hagerc- town Manufacturing, Mining and Land Improvement Co., that is developing into gigantic proportions, and is stir- priaiug all with tlio rapidity with which it is progressing. No town in the. South can offer equal advantages or lar- ger future profits. Her cheap transpor- tation over siic railroads, her unexcelled manufacturing facilities, her unrivaled churches and schools, with drives, roads and street* nowhere equaled, are attract- ing manufactures (si* in the last ninety days), iuvoator* and persons seeding a location unsurpassed for health fulness and cheapness of living. Has 95 manu- factories now established, 65 passenger and 39 mail trains daily, giving her all the comforts and facilities of a metropo- lis. Money grows rapidly here when in- vested in real estate. One instance out of many is given : 5133 Invested'in lots at the June sale brought 51,200 cash in August. The Hagerstown Manufactur- ing, Mining and Land Improvement Company will hold their second sale of 1,000 business and building lots on Oct. 21st, 2"d end 23d, 1890. Don’t miss this opportunity to make money In the best town in tho South. Alar fare refunded to all actual purchasers at this sale. Come and bo convinced 1 Terms of sale : One-third cash, balince in one and two yearly equal payments. For any addi- tional information address tho Company, or H. (I. Straub, Acting Secretary, Hagerstown, Md. Business Locals. Iff The attention of the public is called to my new stock of goods consisting of J/ILLINERY, EMBROIDERING SILKS, SAXONY, ZEPHYRS, BUTCHER’S, LIN* KN ’del 16 4t CARRIE. V. BOBLITZ. t#* HOUSE FOR RENT.—A bouse, conveniently located, containing six rooms, will la 1 for rent from now until Ist day of April, 1891. For further particulars enquire at the Oi l fl If CI.AHIOM OmCK. GENERAL STORE FOR SALE A good business opening tor a man with from $2,500 l<> |3,0u0. Intending to change my business will close out my entire stock of goods at a bargain between tins and the Ist day of January, 1891. For further particu- lars, apply to R. L. KOONS, oct 0 If Midtlleburg, Md. CW PALL AND WINTER MILLIN- ERY.—We lake lids method of informing our customers and the public in general, that we have just returned from the Eastern Cities with a full assortment of all the latest styles m Fall and Winter Millinery, and will le pleased to have you call and examine our goods. MRS.S. P. KRISE. 115 N Market Street, Frederick, Md. |Window Glass, all sizes, for sale at the Warerooms of Jas. Crecgcr and Sons. Special prices per dozen. Oet23t COAL'TnDEiT~COVER.—The undersigned lias on hand and will continue throughout the season to keep on hand all kinds and sizes of roal, screened and clean. Prices as low as any will offer. Your patronage is solicited. N. C. GROFF A SONS.. sept 11 tf Meehaniertown, Md. CfJ- FAIR WEEK. -While you are at- tending the Fair, don’t fail to call at our store and sec the bargains displayed You will be waited on by polite and attentive clerks and every effort will be made to please you. Ours is the store where we try to make every liody feel at home. Von will find us just four djors above G. J. Doll’s Dry Goods Store. MRS. S P. KRISE, 115 N. Market Street, Frederick, Md. MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgages in sums of SSOO and upwards, at 6 [ter cent. Principal will not hi wanted for years. 9-4tf. Inquire at Clarion Okitck. Cff HATS, BONNETS. AC.—We call your attention to the many different shapes to select from. We will have constantly on hand a nice lot of VELVET. SILK AND CREPE BONNETS suitable for all ages. Crepe work a specialty. Crepe and Velvet cleaned, steamed and renovated, at MRS. S. P. KRISE, 115 N. Market Street, Frederick, Md. ForMalarla, LiverTrou- ble,or Indigestion,use BROWN’S IRON BITTERS ty CAPS—For Ladies and Children-- The “Pride of the Season,” the ' Nellie Illy” ami Bicycle Caps, ranging in price from 37J cents to fti.OO. Infant Caps in Plush. SilK, Velvet and Cashmere. As we sell only for 1 CASH, we can afford to give you RAR- -1 GAINS. MRS.S. P. KRISE, 115 N. Market Street, Frederick, Md. 1 jgp NOTIONS.—We have a full line of | NOTlONS—Corsets, Bells, Gloves, Hand- kerchteves, Sewing Silks, Spool Cotton, J Stockings, Dress Braids, Buttons and many other articles 100 numerous to mention, which will be sold at a low profit. oct 3 MRS HP. KRISE, 115 N. Market Street, Frederick, Md. ; for dtspupsia, > Indi'resttan, nnd Stomach disorders, ore . KROTV.VS TOON BITTKnS. All denture Wp It. 51 per bottle. Genuine has 5 tnulc-uiark amt crossed rod lines on wrapper ' ZW EMBROIDERY SILKS, outlining , Cotten, Tinsels for fancy work, Worsteds, r Saxony, Embroideries, Knitting Silks, Wool r Mittens for children, &0., at MRS. 8. P KRISE, I 115 N. Market Street, I Frederick, Md. tsr FOR BPBCtXcISTeVK GLASB- - ES, AC., ranging in price from 25 cents to i, |5.00, go to DR. M. E. LEATHERMAN’S e Drug Store, ty A large stock recently s received. Satisfaction guaranteed or money a refunded. ‘nm: 19 tf 8 t?r trimmTng~ dkpartmknt.- ' ¦ Miss Otto, one of Armstrong, Calor A Co’i 'J' most competent milliners, who has had a business experience of ten years with the 'j 1 above firm, will again have charge of the ' trimming department which fact alone * i insures elegant tint! tasty work. Call ami he convinced. MR S. P KRISE, 115 N. Matkci Strut, j Frederick, Mu, REMNANT SALE. REMEMBER MY TIME EXPIRES ON THE FIRST OF JANUARY 1891. MUST MOVE MY STOCK TO OTHER QUARTERS. THERE- FORE, IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO EXAMINE A LOT OF REMNANTS IN DRESS GOODS IjKiSS THAN COST. -BAMK IN- GINGHAMS, CALICOES, RIBBONS, YARNS, BOOTS* SHOES. HATS, CARPET. I HAVE DEFINITELY MADE UP MY MINI) TO CLOSE MY STOCK DOWN AS LOW AS -POSSIBLE BEFORE MOVING—- MY STORE IN GRACEIIAM WILL CONTINUE TO HUN UNTIL SPRING. ALL PERSONS SITUA- TED HO THEY CAN VISIT THIS STORE WILLDO WELL BY CALL- ING AS MV ORDERS ARE TO SELL GOODS LOW FOR THE CASH. Yours, &c-, M. G. CRAMER. NOTICE -TO Tax-Payers -OF—- FREDERICK COUNTY. Tho ' Collector will visit the following places in the County lor the accomodation ! of the Tax-payers, and hopes that they will avail themselves of tills opportunity to pay: 1 EMMITSBUHG, t Western Maryland Ho- tel, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Novend kt sth, 6lh nnd Tilt; MOTTERS, Saturday, Bth. MRCHANK’STOWN, at Gilbert Hottae, Monday and Tuesday, Novendier 15th and 11th. SABILLASVILLE, at Stem’s Hotel, Wednesday, Novendier 19th. . FOXVILLE, ftIT.C. Fox's Store, Thursday, . November 13th from 9a.m. to 3 o’clock p. in. , WOLPSVILLE, at J. F. Harshman’s store, i Friday, November 14th. MYERSVTLLE, at Joseph Brown’s store Saturday, November 19lh, from 8 o’clock a m. toll o’clock p. m. UNIONVTLLE, at Lindsay and Danner’s ! store, Monday, November 17th. OAK ORCHARD, at Peter Duddcrar’s store. Tuesday, Novendier 18th. JOHNSVILLE. at Ilaugh and Garber’s I store, Wednesday, November 19th. LIBERTY, at Munshower’s Hotel, Thnrs- i day, November 20lh. MIDDLETOWN, at Sparrow's Hotel, Fri- day, November 21st. : HURKITSVTLLE, at Casper Pfeifer’s store, Saturday, Novemtier 22nd. Tax payers, look to your interests and meet the Collector: the trip lieingexpensive . and intended for your benefit and accomoda- tion. Don’t neglect the chance to ena- ble the Collector to meet promptly the indebtedness of the County. ISAAC M. FISHER, oet 16 Collector. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The twentieth annual newton, with twenty ' jireohins yearly nr ¦mo nit tit another theatre under 1 the same management. MONDA OCTOBER THE \Wi. MA TIN EES Wednemlny nnd Saturday. f rnr. merry burlesque opera ; "FAUST UP _TO DATE." By a delightful company of artists and a chorus of beautiful girls. "FAUST UP TO DATE" AMERICANIZED RECONSTRUCTED. STRONGER TITAN EVER NEW SONGS DANCES SPECIALTIES. “A recent engagement in Boston of two weeks packed the Theatre to tho doors.” ? ’j Usual prices of admission. OCTOBER 20th—'“AUNT JACK," from the Madison Square Theatre, N. Y. ' DWELLING HOUSE I PRIVATE SALE. Tiie undersigned offers at PRIVATE , g | SALE Ills HOUSE AND LOT on Bonn- i dan- Avenue. The house contains SEN KN ] ROOMS ; the lot contains nearly a half-acre 0 ! and there Is a never-failing spring of water u I on the lot. | W. A. LY!\% -- nil. ~ oc' J hi. BLANKETS AFTKU OUB BIJFOBE TUEV AUB AM. BOLD. Two or three dollars for a % Horse Blanket win save double its cost. Your horse will eat less to keep warm and be worth fifty dollars more. I also Imvc other makes of Horse Blankets: Flush ami For Holies. HARNESS from TEN DOLLARS and upwards, and all other horse goods usually kept in a first class Harness Store, Prices way down. LARGEST ** STOCK %• OUTSIDE V OF V THE *,* CITY, ty Oivk mk a Cam,. Respectfully, EDWIN H. GERNAND. J. a. tOACBSJSY & Bro. CONFECTIONERY & EATING HOUSE. WEANT'S ICE CREAM-GUARANTEED TO BE STANDARD. HOME MADE ICE CREAM OF DIFFERENT FLAVORS. MILK SHAKES, LEMONADE. POP, ALE AND CAKES. Or CANNED OYSTERS. SARDINES, BOLOGNA, DEVILED CRABS, ETC., ETC. We are prepared to furnish everything in onr line, fresh and of the beat, quidd- ity and aim to meet all requiremente of a First Ola&s Eating House and Confectionery. Give us a call. 3EO3CjiX j *ESY , S a -^.3sarx>, 3E3. IMain A IVEIW PROPRIETOR ATP Atvr O ILaJD SX^nSTID- FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING E. E. BLACK, Cor. Heroin dc Carroll Sts., 2v£6l. With first-class workmen, careful attention to business and a desire to please, I come be- fore the people, able to give them a guaranty i of satisfaction in every line of my business. THE STANDARD Sewing Machine gives perfect satisfaction ; I sell it. Call and examine my wares. 3E3* 3ES* Jitd£lot<c?!l3L FI M ! JLoc*al &Forcigii,Nto(tkorMii(iuil FirelnNiirunce* “We try to otter (lie UcM protection to Property Holders**. OOO 000 000 In order thot there e.an he no misunderstanding with those who are not well informed on tin; subject of Fire Insurance, wc submit a few facts with regard to the Royal Fire In 1 suramr of Liverpool, which we represent together witli other Companies, jThe Koyni has a Department Oliiee tot aled in Baltimore filly, ' f,,r which we write policies imrsclyes, and for which we are tho duly authorized Agent for I this locality. Losses adjusted mu! paid at THIS Department the day of settlement, and | patrons not caused to wait 00 or 00 days, or forced to submit 10 a discount for that adjust* merit. The Royal ims in the United States over FIVE MILLION OF DOLLARS FOR PROTECTION OF AMERICAN POL- ICY HOLDERS, AND ITS VAST ASSETS OF OVER 30 MILLION Dollars to he availed of in ease of conflagrations that would consume other cottipunies. Tho great Chicago lire demonstrated the importance of tins absolute security, When such World’s Companies as the Royal, paid their millions of loss without even disturbing the American Branche’s assets. THE ROYAL HAS THE LARGEST NET SURPLUS OF ANY [ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD. The Royal does not pay its policy holders by drafts ou outside places, but being in i charge of 3ME£SiX*3rX.aiZi.<a. People, ! distributing probably, more money than any other company doing business in Maryland, among Maryland people, the funds are kept in tho State tor the purpose of meeting its | claims. Tlie Royal, therefore, embraces all of the advantages of a local or State Company, I Us funds arc kept iu Tliis @ta*te 9 j and not sent to other States, and in addition its policy holders have the advantage of liar* ing ils inexhaustible assets to make ils security pre-eminently absolute find is so regarded in the whole eointm icial world. The Royal requests the investigation, and Comparison which all prudent property owners should Institute before buying their insmance protec- tion. The Royal’s standing and strength is not a matter of local advertising, but is recog* 1 nized by the financial world as offering a protection unequalled in ils business. I HU I ELY & OSLER, AGENTS. I ¦¦EaHBMBtPaMBBCBIMMMWMtaWMSMMBBMi IllUfll IMMI * I II N. Mill j MARBLE DEALER,! MECHAMCSTOWN MD | < MONUMENTS, I HEADSTONES, CURBING, j MANTELS, OFFICE of tlii; County Commissioners for Frederick Comity, Maryland, j Fuedkuick, Octobku 16lh, 1890. SEALED I’ROPOSALS j Will lie reeeiveil at this office until Saturday j October S.MIi, 1890, at 12 o’clock noon, for | the construction of a wooden bridpe,3B feet span between abutments, and 14 feet road- ! way, at Rouzcr’s saw mill in Mechanicstown District. j Plan and specifications can lie examined at this office any day prior to opening bids. The contractor will have the privllegt to use such parts of the lumber from the old bridge as may lie lit lor tin 1 purpose. The masonry willbe a separate matter, and under the control of Hon. David Fisher. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids if considered necessary. By order, A. L. EADER, ocl Iff 21 Clerk. I I IAll I*ll made cosy Manufnctnrlnff Is f! ! 9R 3 a Iff ttublier Stamps. Send for ! MS!! I PtS L Trice I.lsl of Outfits, to 1M JP* 3 I. E. W. Dorman, No. 217 1 !* *¦;£ sda 9 t East fierinan Street, Rul- sJ e £fL 3 tiaiore, M.ll y land. U,S,A. I

HATS, CARPET. tOACBSJSY · 2017-12-12 · Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Toothing! Prl

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Page 1: HATS, CARPET. tOACBSJSY · 2017-12-12 · Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Toothing! Prl

Bull's Baby SyrupFacilitates Toothing! Prl<*'y ™ eenti.

Sold nt druggists. Regulates the Bowelsf |

Day’s Hors©powder,

prfvsnts lane Fever ftnd -N\cure' Ul*t*nper. Ipouad _S—¦“>

Ineach package. For gale by *lldfnlgra. Try It I

0 For tho euro ofpi dßm B Cough*,Colds, Croup,¦tiWiatw 43 Hoarseness, Asthma,

wflliicii,”<s!? ut

Bronchitis,W v331 B sumption,and for iho relief of

aag/^xoßnurZ.,n Vr I t HOC'S CUBES CIGARETTES for Ca-S"i)nr, ia-rh. PilcelOCts. At all druggists,



Prompt at trillion given to all walla.

Public office in tlie Drug Store.

Private consultation room in thr* rear of

the Drug Store.

Local Items.You are ‘•next’ at Self on’s 'writer shop.

Monday was a day calculated to bring a

sigh from the heart ot fair managers.

Have you seen those pretty vinegar bottles

Orier has for sale at eighteen and twenty livecents.

PiioTooUAt’iiv.—Messrs. Myers and Zeppbaye p'tched a tent on the M. V R. R. loton K. Main sin el am! are driving a right

good trade at photographing. Their work

D good and their prices low.

Skuknahk. —Onr cornet bund temlered a

general s , 'ivi::tde* on last Thursday night,

playing their choicest music at a nnuilier of

points on the streets. They are making

rapid progress ; with a winter's solid practice

we will | I'ohahly haven band playing thehighest order ul nui-ie in the county.

Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup—the working

man's friend. You woo have to he out in

all sorts of weather an 1 can't afford to lay

by, can not afford to bu wi'boul Dr. Bud'sCough Syrup. C Mnuni.ition follows in the

wake ol a neglected cold.

He hived bis horse' even as an Arab would,

and grievi d to see him suffer and die. even as

if lie was human, so be listened when one

told ot Salvation Oil, and to day bis horse is

well and be is happy.

CitttAl’Rates to Bat.TIM he —The Wes-

tern Maryland railroad will sell round trip

excursion tickets to Baltimore on Tuesday*

Oct iber 7,14,and 21 ami Monday October 7

To these tickets will be attache 1 a coupongood for admission to the Masonic 1* air now

:>I iipigross ill that city. The fare will be

$1 75 from Mich.uiicslowii 11 1*¦ fair couponmaking the cost of the ticket $2.00: that is,

the lai!**o d charges the f.re one way for tin*

imu.d nip and the fair coupon is 25 cents

additional. The it'lifts are good for sevenik.y s.

Kvpry SI ouip wfiotsld have it.

it is not always convenient to call a

Physi'U.in !'..r every litt e ailment. Haying

j{.piog Oil in ibe lionse yon have a Physi-

i i:.n a !wavs at liand, it kills Rheumatism.Fen; aigi i. Burns Bruises and all Aches and

Jail.:. Price‘2s cents.

t here are lew tilings in this life of which

we may Is* certain, but this is one of them,

J'ai Tina Cough am Consumption Cure .msno e'pial fur Coughs, Colds and Consump-

tion. Price 25 Cents.At Dr. .1. K. Waters’ Drug Store.

OmoiNAt, M vn*KitContainin',; llitiiku-to Uni*rnt.tsiiki> Information. —Captain

(diaries King, who recently visited Si Paul

and Minneapolis for the (’ounopolitail Moya-

vine, iias prepared tor that montlily an il.ns-;lrated article entitled “Twin Cities of the

Northwest” which will prove interesting

reading not only to the citizens of these two

cities, but also to a great number of readersscattered throughout the country who havewatched with astonishment the marvellousgrowlli of these towns. His article will

appear in the October iastfe, w hich will also

i* attain the second part of a story by Juliet,

Gordon, the non de plume of one ol New

York's famous society women, a story which

has attracted wide attention throughout the

east, the writer bidding fair to make a repu-

tation far in advance of Amelie Rives, or any

ot the American stars appearing upon the

literary horizon within the past two or threeyears.

l ord's, Grand o|era House.

October 00th—The merry buries,pie opera

FA IST UP TO DATE.”—"Faust up to

Dale' 1 which comes to Font’s Grand Opera

House during the week of October 80th isabright linrlesi|iie opera,dealing with currentevents, and produced in admirable style by

a company made up of the very best materialthat can be found in the field of burlesque

artists. In Boston, recently, this companyplayed to the capacity of t ho theatre mi

engagement of tw > weeks. The Margueriteby Miss Martha Poitenns simply deliglitc,lthe audience; Miss Hilda Thomas as ‘Faust’was the ideal characterization of a charming

ai d Irresistible loyer; Will Mandevillc ns

‘Mepliisto’; Edwin Lowe ns 'Valentine , andLathe Mortimer as ‘Siebel’proved themselvesdramatic and lyric artists of much ability.—

The music is attractive,the songs and dance,

especially meritorious. The same paraph,*rimlia, s enory, costumes, etc., as used in Bostun will be seen here. •¦Faust up to Dale,

Ante; icanized, has made a treat bit.Matings—We*hn : day and Saturday

1' .pnlar prices of admission.October V 7 The M . b mi S p ire slice,

' M N i 'At K ,

Chest nuts ate selling at six cents a quartand they are line.

Go Ft the meeting in Col. Utilizer's halloaFriday evening and do your duty by theproposed fair.

Mrs. Jones hasn’t a gray hair in her headand is oyer 50, She looks ns young ns herdaughter. The secret of it is, that she usesonly Hall’s Hair Reuewer.

The best thing out to-day, that all Agesenjoy, is the New Parlor Game with the pat-ent Rubber Tipped Projectile. No home Iscomplete without it. Tin* Rubber TippedArrow Co., Boston, Mass , arc Headquarters,and are mailing it for 75 cents.

Between disease and the many cheaperpreparations which are palmed offunder thename of blood purifiers, take your chanceswith disease, until you can procure Ayer’sSarsaparilla— the only reliable blood purifier.Sold by all druggists and dealers in medi-cine.

George R, Stotelmyer, Esq., has commenc-ed the study of law under the instruction ofWin. Maulshy, Jr., of the Frederick bar.George is a very promising young man, anable sp, alter, studious, has a good voice, andno doubt In the future will be one of ourleading lawyers. IVe wish him success.—(Jatoctin Ncm.

Don't Head This lor9500.For many years, through nearly every

newspaper in the land, the proprietors of Dr 1Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly ;responsible, financially, as any one can easily |ascertain by proper enquiry, have offered, in |good faith, a standing reward of SSOO for a icase of nasal catarrh, no matter how had, or

of how long standing, which they cannotcure.

The life ofa local p .per Is its iocal columns.County journals are not rich enough to afforda paid staff ofnews-gatherers, hut are depen- 1dent upon their friends for such written and

oral information as ran he used to inform thepublic weekly. Friends of local papers

I shout d always remember this and send any

news they may have without waiting to heasked. If yon haven't time to write your-self, giyc your item to some one who has.—Kilicott City Times.

A Boom at Ksoxvili.k.— IThe boom at

B unswick is now moving westward and

has struck the quiet little village sufficiently

linrd enough to put a booming bee in itsbonnet. Mr. J. Polk Bisrr lias already dis-

. posed of eleven lots off' bis farm about one

i mile east of Knoxville, and lias bad the rest' I laid off into buildinglots, and placed them on j

the market. There Is some talk of organiz-

ing h Development Company by its citizens,

as there are several fine lieds of ore clow by,

ami u large iron furnace In the place.—Flag-, endown A'etc*.

Read the notice of Hagerstown’s second

great sale of building lots, as it appears in

this issue. The first sale was an immense

success an 1 the rapid advance m the price of

lot* purchased at that sale will he sufficient

inducement to buyers at the coming sale and

we may expect to learn of some handsome

prices living paid for lots. The genuineness: I ~f Hie Hagerstown movements, their solid

bnsiniss foundation, resting as they do upon ithe great strides the city is taking as a man-

ufacturing centre and the snap and energy

of the company’s managers all point to a jhandsome realization on this lot sale.

F*tn MkktinoT—’A full meeting of the

e.ili/' ns of this place, both sexes, is called tor

¦ tomorrow (Friday) evening in Col. Kmizer’s

room above the post-office. If onr people

desire that the coming fir shall lies success,

i it i- necessary that larger numbers evince u

; lively interest therein : there are many who’ ,1,.,. wiiimg to work, hut lid*willingness may

be tempered and materially weakened by

! public apathy. Ifyou want a successful fair,

I s.s* to it that those who have shown their

i ' willingness to take hold be not discouraged

;! by your unconcern. If it should once stop,

* it may take more than your presence to put

.lit in motion again. A word to the wise is

I I sufficient and this reminder of your luke-

j warmness may be the last endeavor to make

i I the lair go.

*j Art’oiNTMKNT.—On Wednesday last Mr.* I Edward A. Gillinger, ofFrederick, who had

’ 1 been employe ' as a temporary special agent

jof the census office, was regularly appointed

jto clerical duty. Acting Superintendent¦ | Childs, in referring to Mr. Gitllnger, remark

i 1 cd that he performed his duties as special

1 j agent so satisfactorily and displayed such

- ' aptness for the work that he was regularly

1 appointed in the bureau.

' j Go To Htoti Knot? —N i use to go all the

r I Wav to Fen Mar in quest of grand scenery.

> ! “High Knob” 2 miles northeast of this pl .ee,

h is ail that can he desired. Three roads lead

¦ from Middletown to this beautiful spot, and

s all are comparatively good. Last Bun.lay

1 there was quite a crowd at the "Knot)’ cn-

) joying the view. To the west the entire

i Middletown valley can he seen, lying bun-

v dreds of fuel below, while to the east is the

ti Frederick valley, with Frederick city plainlya in the distance, spreads before the eve. The- scene is worth going miles to sec. The pro-

y jerted railroad from Brunswick to Middle-

e town can extend to the "Knob, thus giving

e Washington city the long desired mountain

I resort. — Valley Reyieter.

Sukvkt COMIM.KTKI).—The preliminarysurvey of the route of the M. V- & F R. R.

a has been completed from Catoctin Furnaces

0| to Yellow Springs. The route will of coursea be subject to change, hut the line will proha-a bly vary hut little from that now laid down.

1 ll lias been found to he one of the most prac-

y neahlc in the matter of grades and curves,it while the work will be surprisingly light.—

c For the building of a road so advantageous

y to the section of county traversed, to Fred-

n crick City and to the Land Improvement

e Company’s properties at Moutonquu Springs,

d White Rock and thence to Frederick, there

t’ C an he no question ol failure or delay in the

g i matter of stock subscription; if there is,

is I these people and these large interests will

.1 I deservedly suffer. We expect to have repoit

¦s ! of a large and ample stock subscription on

- j the day the books are opened at the office ol

¦s i Mr. Granville Thomas, in Frederick City

r I Thursday October 30th, If these snhscrip-

s- 1 lions are not taken and the road not built•• ; we cannot r-ce how the proposed improve

meats at Yellow Springs am! White Rock

ran hope to mat. tTdi/" -o it i- viden! Uialevery interest in a measure, some wholly

~ ,|, n(*inl upon the buililm;l. of the. road

ouiMe.l h will be

Big rush at Seflou’s barber shop. Keep it

People of sedentary habits, who are subjectto constipation, can regulate their bowels

I by the use of Ayer’s Pills.

Just ponder on this.—A tea-set of 44 piecesin pure white granite ware for $3.80,-neverbefore equalled: at Osier’s, of course.

A business meeting of the YoungPeople'sChris’iau Union will he held in the V. B.

Church on Friday evening at 7o’clock pThn.By order of the President.

Men, women and children —all ages alike’find endless pleasure with the New Parlor(Janie. The Rublier Tipped Arrow Co., ofBoston, Mass., arc mailing this intenselyamusing novelly for 75 cents

Attorney-General Whyte, in reply to an in-

quiry from the assitunt attorney-general ofLouisiana, stales that m Maryland express

companies are liable to a line of SIOOO forbringing lottery tickets for sale into theStale.

Fat.br Report.— IThe rumor that Mr.Amos T. Lucas will retire from business onthe Ist of April 1801 is wholly without foun-dation : Mr. L. asks us to assure our peoplethat no such calamity is in store for themand that he may he relied upon to remain

with us so long as the Lord pleases.


Geo. F. S. Zimmerman and Win. 11. Blent-

i linger, both well known farmers living near; Fredcttek a short lime since secured a patent

| from the government for a corn cutter aud| shocker —an invention that gives every prom-

-1 ise of revolutionizing methods of farming.—


At a jointconsistory meeting of the Glade

charge on the Ist lust.. Rev, S. M. Ileueh

tendered his resignation to take effect Octo-' her 20th. in order to accept a call to a charge

lin Philadelphia Classis, Pa. The consistor-ies unanimously declined to accept the resig-

nation, and look preliminary steps toward

the erection of a new parsonage, and the dis-

posal of present parsonage property.' —Enter-prise.

A Kind Friend.

Is what they call that Fatuous Remedy

Red Flag Oil, it quickly cures Rheumatism ,Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, S ires ami

all pain, it is good for man or beast.

No other medicine has won for itself such

confidence as Dr. Lee’s Liver Regulator, it

is the best combination for the cure of allKidney and Liver complaints.

Trial bottles free at Dr. J. K. Waters, Drug


!Vcw AdvorllHCincnlß.

Ford’sCramer.E. 11. Gernand.Sealed Proposals.Notice to Tax payers.Bus. Loc —Carrie BobliU.

He held a seductive lookingpiece of jewel-

ry in bis band as be kept railing—“only 25cents and did you eyer see anything so

cheap ?” “Yes" roared one of the crowd—-"Dr, Bull’s Baby Syrup Is tbc cheapest and

i best remedy known for children For sale

i by all dealers.

Do not say: I intend to gej Old Saul's Ca--1 tarrh Cure and cure myselftmi go and g< t

| it at once aud get rid of that offensive disease,

j Price 25c.

! The Advocate has been informed that the

I Gettysburg and Washington Railroad has

i not been abandoned, hut that active effortsjure being made to push Hie enterprise, and

that H will not tie made tinny weeks untilsomething of a definite character can be giv-

en to the public.The Western Maryland Railroad C unpany

is preparing to build a near depot at BlueRidge Summit. It will be located on a knoll

i a few hundred yards east of the present sla-

i tion, and will be of ornamental design, in

I keeping with the many Improvements at that! piogressive point. It will oisl $3,000. — Ad-


’’Wine, Motiicn mid Song,”hut the greatest, nt these is, "women".

"Wine is mocker," and song is good to

i “sooth the savage," but women respond to

! every active power and sentiment ot the Im-I man mind when in good health. But when

afflicted with disease you willlind them, tan-

I lalizing,coquettish, cross and hard to please.

[ ! For all “finnale complaints," sick headache,

: i irregularities, nervousness, prolapsus, and. | other displacements popularly known as

! "female weakness" and other diseases pecu-

-1 liar to the sex, Dr Pierce's Favorite Frescrip-

i tion is the great world-famed remedy.

, i A New Enoi.isii Ghammau. — The new1 ' grammar adopted by the board of School

I Commissioners for use in the public schools

r ! of ibis county—Uaub’s Lessons in English. j —appears to be giving very general salisfac-

* I tion to both teachers and pupils. The new

¦ jhook is upon an entirely different plan from* jSmith’s Grammar, tbc one heretofore used.,* It aims to teach the correct use ol language

. rather than the technicalities of grammar as

¦! a science. The school authorities haye found. i that the general distaste for and opposition

r > to the study of grammar In our schools was

i jchiefly due to the methods of teaching tl.—

The grammars heretofore used were prepar-ed upon the plan of Latin and Greek gram-

¦ mars and were too technical for beginners;

and as very few could pursue the subject to

H i completion the study ol grammar iu Hie past' I li;is resulted in little or no benefit to the

I average pupil- The new hook is suggestive

' jand helpful from practical aid iu the correct| use of language from every page of it that he

*’ ( studio* and comprehends. In order to better" i adapt the work as a text hook to Hie use of

H | our school* Mr. Worthington prepared some1 additional matter and had it printed and

* bound with the original text, in the form ol’ im appendix, so that now for practical pur-

poses lew pupils will need to study beyond

L what i* contained In the Lesson* In English,though tor those who desire to pursue

j the subject through all its intricacies

1 ja more advanced treatise is supplied. The''

J School Board bus, also, adopted a new series’ | of readers to take the place of the old NewI’ i Grade series. The new reader adopted is

’ Butler's, aud the change meets with general*’ ' favor and hearty approval of both teachers

and pupils, the latter of whom take renewedk interest in their reading lessons and thereby

' progress more rapidly in learning to read. —


| For atMUimuU locah nee ‘ittd parje.]

Hagerstown’s Growth Marvelous

Hagerstown started on a boom in Me y,1890, under the guidance of the Hagerc-

town Manufacturing, Mining and LandImprovement Co., that is developinginto gigantic proportions, and is stir-

priaiug all with tlio rapidity with whichit is progressing. No town in the.South can offer equal advantages or lar-ger future profits. Her cheap transpor-

tation over siic railroads, her unexcelledmanufacturing facilities, her unrivaledchurches and schools, with drives, roadsand street* nowhere equaled, are attract-ing manufactures (si* in the last ninety

days), iuvoator* and persons seeding a

location unsurpassed for health fulnessand cheapness of living. Has 95 manu-factories now established, 65 passengerand 39 mail trains daily, giving her allthe comforts and facilities of a metropo-lis. Money grows rapidly here when in-

vested in real estate. One instance outof many is given : 5133 Invested'in lots

at the June sale brought 51,200 cash inAugust. The Hagerstown Manufactur-ing, Mining and Land ImprovementCompany will hold their second sale of1,000 business and building lots on Oct.21st, 2"d end 23d, 1890. Don’t miss thisopportunity to make money In the besttown in tho South. Alar fare refunded toall actual purchasers at this sale. Comeand bo convinced 1 Terms of sale :

One-third cash, balince in one and twoyearly equal payments. For any addi-tional information address tho Company,

or H. (I. Straub, Acting Secretary,

Hagerstown, Md.

Business Locals.IffThe attention of the public is called

to my new stock of goods consisting ofJ/ILLINERY, EMBROIDERING SILKS,


KN ’del 16 4t CARRIE. V. BOBLITZ.

t#* HOUSE FOR RENT.—A bouse,

conveniently located, containing six rooms,

will la 1 for rent from now until Ist day of

April, 1891. For further particulars enquire

at theOi l flIf CI.AHIOM OmCK.


A good business opening tor a man with

from $2,500 l<> |3,0u0. Intending to change

my business will close out my entire stock of

goods at a bargain between tins and the Istday of January, 1891. For further particu-

lars, apply toR. L. KOONS,

oct 0 If Midtlleburg, Md.

CW PALL AND WINTER MILLIN-ERY.—We lake lids method of informing

our customers and the public in general, that

we have just returned from the EasternCities with a full assortment of all the lateststyles m Fall and Winter Millinery, and willle pleased to have you call and examine ourgoods. MRS.S. P. KRISE.

115 N Market Street,Frederick, Md.

|Window Glass, all sizes, for sale at

the Warerooms of Jas. Crecgcr and Sons.

Special prices per dozen. Oet23t

COAL'TnDEiT~COVER.—Theundersigned lias on hand and will continuethroughout the season to keep on hand all

kinds and sizes of roal, screened and clean.

Prices as low as any will offer. Yourpatronage is solicited.

N. C. GROFF A SONS..sept 11 tf Meehaniertown, Md.

CfJ- FAIR WEEK. -While you are at-

tending the Fair, don’t fail to call at our

store and sec the bargains displayed Youwill be waited on by polite and attentive

clerks and every effort will be made to please

you. Ours is the store where we try to makeevery liody feel at home. Von will find us

just four djors above G. J. Doll’s Dry GoodsStore. MRS. S P. KRISE,

115 N. Market Street,Frederick, Md.

MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgages

in sums of SSOO and upwards, at 6 [ter cent.

Principal will not hi wanted for years.9-4tf. Inquire at Clarion Okitck.

Cff HATS, BONNETS. AC.—We callyour attention to the many different shapes

to select from. We will have constantly on

hand a nice lot of VELVET. SILK AND

CREPE BONNETS suitable for all ages.

Crepe work a specialty. Crepe and Velvetcleaned, steamed and renovated, at

MRS. S. P. KRISE,115 N. Market Street,

Frederick, Md.

ForMalarla, LiverTrou-ble,or Indigestion,useBROWN’S IRON BITTERS

ty CAPS—For Ladies and Children--

The “Pride of the Season,” the ' Nellie Illy”

ami Bicycle Caps, ranging in price from 37Jcents to fti.OO. Infant Caps in Plush. SilK,

Velvet and Cashmere. As we sell only for1 CASH, we can afford to give you RAR-

-1 GAINS. MRS.S. P. KRISE,115 N. Market Street,

Frederick, Md.

1 jgp NOTIONS.—We have a full line of

| NOTlONS—Corsets, Bells, Gloves, Hand-kerchteves, Sewing Silks, Spool Cotton,

J Stockings, Dress Braids, Buttons and many

other articles 100 numerous to mention,

which will be sold at a low profit.‘ oct 3 MRS HP. KRISE,

115 N. Market Street,

Frederick, Md.

; for dtspupsia,> Indi'resttan, nnd Stomach disorders, ore


Alldenture Wp It. 51 per bottle. Genuine has5 tnulc-uiark amt crossed rod lines on wrapper

' ZW EMBROIDERY SILKS, outlining, Cotten, Tinsels for fancy work, Worsteds,

r Saxony, Embroideries, Knitting Silks, Woolr Mittens for children, &0., at


I 115 N. Market Street,

I Frederick, Md.

tsr FOR BPBCtXcISTeVK GLASB-- ES, AC., ranging in price from 25 cents to

i, |5.00, go to DR. M. E. LEATHERMAN’Se Drug Store, ty A large stock recently

s received. Satisfaction guaranteed or moneya refunded. • ‘nm: 19 tf

8 t?r trimmTng~ dkpartmknt.-' ¦ Miss Otto, one of Armstrong, Calor A Co’i

'J' most competent milliners, who has had a

business experience of ten years with the

'j 1 above firm, will again have charge of the' trimming department which fact alone

* i insures elegant tint! tasty work. Call ami he

convinced. MR S. P KRISE,

115 N. Matkci Strut,

j Frederick, Mu,

























CASH. Yours, &c-,





Tho ' Collector will visit the following

places in the County lor the accomodation! of the Tax-payers, and hopes that they will

• avail themselves of tills opportunity to pay:1 EMMITSBUHG, t Western Maryland Ho-

tel, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,

Novend kt sth, 6lh nnd Tilt; MOTTERS,Saturday, Bth.

MRCHANK’STOWN, at Gilbert Hottae,Monday and Tuesday, Novendier 15th and

11th.SABILLASVILLE, at Stem’s Hotel,

Wednesday, Novendier 19th.. FOXVILLE, ftIT.C. Fox's Store, Thursday,. November 13th from 9a.m. to 3 o’clock

p. in., WOLPSVILLE, at J. F. Harshman’s store,

i Friday, November 14th.MYERSVTLLE, at Joseph Brown’s store

Saturday, November 19lh, from 8 o’clocka m. toll o’clock p. m.

UNIONVTLLE, at Lindsay and Danner’s! store, Monday, November 17th.

OAK ORCHARD, at Peter Duddcrar’s

store. Tuesday, Novendier 18th.JOHNSVILLE. at Ilaugh and Garber’s

I store, Wednesday, November 19th.LIBERTY, at Munshower’s Hotel, Thnrs-

i day, November 20lh.• MIDDLETOWN, at Sparrow's Hotel, Fri-

day, November 21st.: HURKITSVTLLE, at Casper Pfeifer’s store,

Saturday, Novemtier 22nd.Tax payers, look to your interests and

meet the Collector: the trip lieingexpensive. and intended for your benefit and accomoda-

tion. Don’t neglect the chance to ena-ble the Collector to meet promptly theindebtedness of the County.


oet 16 Collector.


The twentieth annual newton, with twenty' jireohins yearly nr¦mo nit tit another theatre under

1 the same management.


MA TINEES Wednemlny nnd Saturday.

frnr. merry burlesque opera

; "FAUST UP _TO DATE."By a delightful company of artists and a

chorus of beautiful girls.





“Arecent engagement in Boston of two

weeks packed the Theatre to tho doors.”?

’j Usual prices of admission.

OCTOBER 20th—'“AUNT JACK," from

the Madison Square Theatre, N. Y.


I PRIVATE SALE.Tiie undersigned offers at PRIVATE

,g | SALE Ills HOUSE AND LOT on Bonn-

i dan- Avenue. The house contains SEN KN] ROOMS ; the lot contains nearly a half-acre

0 ! and there Is a never-failing spring of water

u I on the lot.

| W. A. LY!\%- - nil.

~ oc' J hi.



Two or three dollars for a % Horse Blanket win save double its cost. Yourhorse will eat less to keep warm and be worth fifty dollars more.

I also Imvc other makes of Horse Blankets: Flush ami For Holies. HARNESS fromTEN DOLLARS and upwards, and all other horse goods usually kept

in a first class Harness Store, Prices way down.LARGEST **STOCK %• OUTSIDE V OF V THE *,*CITY,

ty Oivk mk a Cam,. Respectfully,






We are prepared to furnish everything in onr line, fresh and of the beat, quidd-ity and aim to meet all requiremente of a First Ola&s Eating House and

Confectionery. Give us a call.

3EO3CjiX j*ESY, S a -^.3sarx>,3E3. IMain




E. E. BLACK,Cor. Heroin dc Carroll Sts.,


With first-class workmen, careful attentionto business and a desire to please, I come be-fore the people, able to give them a guaranty

i of satisfaction in every line of my business.THE STANDARD Sewing Machine gives

perfect satisfaction ; I sell it.Call and examine my wares.

3E3* 3ES* Jitd£lot<c?!l3L

FI M !JLoc*al &Forcigii,Nto(tkorMii(iuilFirelnNiirunce*

“We try to otter (lie UcM protection to Property Holders**.OOO 000 000

In order thot there e.an he no misunderstanding with those who are not well informedon tin; subject of Fire Insurance, wc submit a few facts with regard to the Royal Fire In

1 suramr of Liverpool, which we represent together witli other Companies,

jThe Koyni has a Department Oliiee tot aled in Baltimore filly,' f,,r which we write policies imrsclyes, and for which we are tho duly authorized Agent forI this locality. Losses adjusted mu! paid at THIS Department the day of settlement, and| patrons not caused to wait 00 or 00 days, or forced to submit 10 a discount for that adjust*merit.

The Royal ims in the United States over


ICY HOLDERS, AND ITS VAST ASSETS OF OVER 30 MILLIONDollars to he availed of in ease of conflagrations that would consume other cottipunies. Tho

• great Chicago lire demonstrated the importance of tins absolute security, When suchWorld’s Companies as the Royal, paid their millions of loss without even disturbing theAmerican Branche’s assets.


The Royal does not pay its policy holders by drafts ou outside places, but being in

i charge of

3ME£SiX*3rX.aiZi.<a. People,! distributing probably, more money than any other company doing business in Maryland,

• among Maryland people, the funds are kept in tho State tor the purpose of meeting its| claims. Tlie Royal, therefore, embraces all of the advantages of a local or State Company,

I Us funds arc kept iuTliis @ta*te 9

jand not sent to other States, and in addition its policy holders have the advantage of liar*ing ils inexhaustible assets to make ils security pre-eminently absolute find is so regardedin the whole eointm icial world. The Royal requests the investigation, and Comparisonwhich all prudent property owners should Institute before buying their insmance protec-

tion. The Royal’s standing and strength is not a matter of local advertising, but is recog*

1 nized by the financial world as offering a protection unequalled in ils business.


‘ *





OFFICE of tlii; County Commissionersfor Frederick Comity, Maryland,

j Fuedkuick, Octobku 16lh, 1890.

SEALED I’ROPOSALSj Will lie reeeiveil at this office until Saturday

j October S.MIi, 1890, at 12 o’clock noon, for| the construction of a wooden bridpe,3B feetspan between abutments, and 14 feet road-

!way, at Rouzcr’s saw mill in MechanicstownDistrict.j Plan and specifications can lie examined

at this office any day prior to opening bids.The contractor will have the privllegt to

use such parts of the lumber from the oldbridge as may lie lit lor tin 1 purpose.

The masonry willbe a separate matter, andunder the control of Hon. David Fisher.

The Commissioners reserve the right toreject any or all bids ifconsidered necessary.

By order,A. L. EADER,

ocl Iff21 Clerk.

I I IAllI*llmade cosy ManufnctnrlnffIs f! ! 9R 3 a Iff ttublier Stamps. Send for

! MS!! IPtS L Trice I.lsl of Outfits, to1MJP* 3 I. E. W. Dorman, No. 217

1 !* *¦;£ sda 9 t East fierinan Street, Rul-sJ e £fL 3 tiaiore, M.ll y land. U,S,A.