Hate Your Job? Here’s the Solution… By Robert Pagliarini – Columnist for CBS MoneyWatch Breaking news! Most Americans don't like their jobs. The results of a new Conference Board study show 55% of Americans are dissatisfied with their work, which was the lowest level ever recorded in more than 22 years of studying the issue. Is it just me, or are these results completely un- shocking? It's like the groundbreaking research the University of Waterloo conducted that showed "smoking in a car poses a potentially serious hazard to occupants -- particularly children." Sorry sweetie, daddy didn't realize that lighting up in the minivan was bad for you. Soon they'll discover exercise can help you lose weight (woops, it appears a recent study confirms this). Do you want to know what I find shocking about the job satisfaction survey? That more people don't hate their jobs. My guess is that when people were asked if they were satisfied with their jobs they either lied to the researcher or they've been lying to themselves. Most of the people I talk to are "dissatisfied," to put it nicely, with their jobs. Why? They don't feel lik e they are contributing to anything meaningful, they aren't passionate about what they do, and they don't feel like their best talents are being utilized -- especially in today's economy where those who still have jobs are doing the work of two or three others. They don't jump out of bed on Monday morning because they are  just "doing time," as one person told me. Part of the reason for this lethargy is that most people feel underutilized and don't have the flexibility to do what they do best. They get boxed into positions and job descriptions that they can do adequately, but that usually doesn't tap into their core strengths. "If only my boss would let

Hate Your Job? Here's the Solution

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