Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Genre Fantasy GR H Word Count 319 Lexile 330 Read Note Taking Have children take notes as they read. Encourage children to record: • important ideas • unfamiliar words • any questions about text that they have Children can also fill in a graphic organizer, noting the important events for each section. Reread COLLABORATE Discuss Notes Ask children to share the questions they have about the text. Then work with them to go back into the text to find evidence to answer the questions. Discuss text evidence children cited. Chapter 1 (pages 2–3) Phonics Point to the word is in the first paragraph on page 2. Say it aloud. Have children listen for the short i sound. Then have them find at least one other word on pages 2 and 3 with the short i sound. Specific Vocabulary Point out the first sentence on page 2. Children may not be familiar with the term harvest. Explain that harvest is the time of year when fruits and vegetables are picked. Point to the word ripe in the second paragraph. When the apples are ripe, then it is harvest time. Say: Look at the pictures and reread the text. What clues tell you that it is harvest time? Harvest Time BEYOND LEVEL CLOSE READING ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is it like where you live? What Makes the Text Complex? Foundational Skills Decode words with short i Children can practice reading words with the short i sound. Structural Analysis Children can practice reading words with double final consonants. Access Complex Text Specific Vocabulary The use of unfamiliar vocabulary may be a challenge for children. Connection of Ideas Children will need to make inferences and connections between details in the text to understand where people live. A S BEYOND LEVEL by Erin Matthews illustrated by Roberta Collier Morales PAIRED READ Where We Live Fantasy 7 7 Card Unit 1 Week 2

Harvest Time 7 - Stroopers Education · Read Have children read “Where We Live” independently, taking notes as they read. Ask children what type of text “Where We Live” is

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Page 1: Harvest Time 7 - Stroopers Education · Read Have children read “Where We Live” independently, taking notes as they read. Ask children what type of text “Where We Live” is




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Genre Fantasy


Word Count 319

Lexile 330

ReadNote Taking Have children take notes as they

read. Encourage children to record:

• important ideas

• unfamiliar words

• any questions about text that they have

Children can also fi ll in a graphic organizer,

noting the important events for each section.



Discuss Notes Ask children to share

the questions they have about the text.

Then work with them to go back into the text

to fi nd evidence to answer the questions.

Discuss text evidence children cited.

Chapter 1 (pages 2–3)

Phonics Point to the word is in the fi rst

paragraph on page 2. Say it aloud. Have

children listen for the short i sound. Then have

them fi nd at least one other word on pages 2

and 3 with the short i sound.

Specifi c Vocabulary Point out the

fi rst sentence on page 2. Children may not be

familiar with the term harvest. Explain that

harvest is the time of year when fruits and

vegetables are picked. Point to the word ripe

in the second paragraph. When the apples are

ripe, then it is harvest time. Say: Look at the

pictures and reread the text. What clues tell you

that it is harvest time?

Harvest Time



ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is it like where you live?

What Makes the Text Complex?

Foundational SkillsDecode words with short i Children can practice reading words

with the short i sound.

Structural Analysis Children can practice reading words with

double fi nal consonants.

Access Complex TextSpecifi c Vocabulary The use of unfamiliar vocabulary may be a

challenge for children.

Connection of Ideas Children will need to make inferences and

connections between details in the text to understand where people




by Erin Matthewsillustrated by Roberta Collier Morales



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Unit 1 Week 2

Page 2: Harvest Time 7 - Stroopers Education · Read Have children read “Where We Live” independently, taking notes as they read. Ask children what type of text “Where We Live” is

ReadHave children read “Where We Live”

independently, taking notes as they read. Ask

children what type of text “Where We Live” is.

How can they tell?

Reread to Compare Texts


Ask partners to discuss what they

learned about where people live in

“Where We Live.” Ask: How do the places

compare to the farm in Harvest Time?

Chapter 1 (continued)

Comprehension Check What details do you

notice about the characters on pages 2 and 3?

Chapter 2 (pages 4–6)

Phonics Have children reread pages 4 and 5.

Say: Find at least two words on these pages

with the short i sound.

Structural Analysis Point out the word sell on

page 4. Have children identify the double l at

the end of the word. Explain that some words

end with a double consonant like ll in sell. Then

have them fi nd at least one other word on

page 4 that ends with a double consonant.

Connection of Ideas The animals think

their corn, pumpkins, and apples are “nice.” Ask:

Why do you think it is important that the fruits

and vegetables are “nice” for the market? What

does that tell you about what the weather is

like where the animals live?

Comprehension Check Reread the chapter

title with children. Ask: How are the characters

helping each other?

Chapter 3 (pages 7–8)

Structural Analysis Have children fi nd a word

on page 7 that ends with a double consonant.

Comprehension Check What problem do

the characters have on page 8? Why is this a


Chapter 4 (pages 9–11)

Phonics Have partners search Chapter 4 and

make a list of all the short i words they can fi nd.

Connection of Ideas Have children

recall the animals’ problem. Ask: Who do they

ask for help? If necessary, explain that in real

life, beavers chew through wood and make

dams. Ask: Why is Beaver the right kind of

animal to fi x the bridge? Find text evidence to

support your answer.

PAIRED READ “ Wh e re We L i ve”

Write About ReadingWAnalytical Writing

Ana W

Inform Have

children compare the

two selections. Ask: How are

they the same? How are they

diff erent? Have partners use

evidence from the texts to support

their writing.

Write About ReadingWAnalytical Writing

Ana W

Inform Have children write a

response to the text using the

Essential Question. What is it like

where the animals in this story live?

Have children use evidence from the

text to support their ideas.

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Compare Texts Read about where some children live.

Genre Nonfiction


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Page 3: Harvest Time 7 - Stroopers Education · Read Have children read “Where We Live” independently, taking notes as they read. Ask children what type of text “Where We Live” is




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C H A P T E R 1Phonics:

Have children listen for the short i sound. Then have them fi nd at least one other word on pages 2 and 3 with the short i sound. it’s, pig, pick, pumpkins

Specifi c Vocabulary:

What clues tell you that it is harvest time? Answer/Evidence On pages 2 and 3, I see a farm. Fruits and vegetables grow on farms. I also see apples, pumpkins, and corn in the picture. I read that the animals are picking. It must be harvest time.

Comprehension Check:

What details do you notice about the characters on pages 2 and 3? Answer/Evidence The animals are picking corn, pumpkins, and apples just like humans would. Pig is picking the corn, Goose is picking the pumpkins, and Dog is picking the apples.

C H A P T E R 2Phonics:

Find at least two words on these pages with the short i sound. Pig, this, is, pumpkins, it, will

Structural Analysis:

Then have them fi nd at least one other word on page 4 that ends with a double consonant. will, well

Connection of Ideas:

Why do you think it is important that the fruits and vegetables are “nice” for the market? What does that tell you about what the weather is like where the animals live? Answer/Evidence The animals want the fruits and vegetables to be nice so that they will sell at the market. The fruits and vegetables are nice, so the weather must be good for growing them.

Comprehension Check:

How are the characters helping each other? Answer/Evidence All of the animals are picking for their trip to the market. On page 5, the goose is picking pumpkins. On page 6, the pig picks corn and the dog picks apples.

C H A P T E R 3Structural Analysis:

Have children fi nd a word on page 7 that ends with a double consonant. fi ll

Comprehension Check:

What problem do the characters have on page 8? Why is this a problem? Answer/Evidence On page 8, I see the broken bridge. Now the characters will have a problem getting their fruits and vegetables to market.

C H A P T E R 4Phonics:

Have partners search Chapter 4 and make a list of all the short i words they can fi nd. Pig, is, it, river, bridge, did, pumpkins

Connection of Ideas:

Who do they ask for help? Why is Beaver the right kind of animal to fi x the bridge? Find text evidence to support your answer. Answer/Evidence The animals ask Beaver for help. Beaver can help the animals get to market by building a dam or bridge. On page 9, I see Beaver chewing through wood. He may be fi xing the bridge.

W R I T E A B O U T R E A D I N GInform What is it like where the animals in this story live? Have children use evidence from the text to support their ideas. Children’s responses may vary but should include that the characters in the story live on a farm in the country.

P A I R E D R E A DRead:

Have children read “Where We Live” independently, taking notes as they read. Ask children what type of text “Where We Live” is. How can they tell? Answer/Evidence This is nonfi ction. Real children tell details of where they live.

Reread to Compare Texts:

Ask partners to discuss what they learned about where people live in “Where We Live.” Ask: How do the places compare to the farm in Harvest Time? Children’s responses may vary but should include that the people in “Where We Live” live in a city, a town, and the country. The photos show drawings of where the children live. In the story, the animals live in the country on a farm.

W R I T E A B O U T R E A D I N GInform Have children compare the two selections. How are they the same? How are they diff erent? Have partners use evidence from the texts to support their writing. Children’s responses may vary but should include that the animals live in the country, but the children live in a city, a town, and the country.

Answer Key

BEYOND LEVEL Harvest Time Unit 1 Week 2