June 2015 EDITION 44 HARVEST SEASON Pastor Writes | Oh Doodlez! | Spotlight

Harvest Season June 2015

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June 2015EDITION 44

HARVEST SEASONPastor Writes | Oh Doodlez! | Spotlight

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PASTOR WRITESAlan Tan | senior pastor

First and foremost, A Happy Father Day to all Fathers!

A word of encouragement to all fathers - no matter how you feel about your role in the home and no matter how lowly you feel, you are important to your children.

Healthy family life requires both fa-thers and mothers. Children growing up with a single parent are at a great disad-vantage. Dr Kyle Pruett of Yale Medical School wrote in his book, “Why Father

Care is as Essential as Mother Care for your Child” says dads matter simply because “Fathers do not mother.” A fa-ther brings a unique contribution to the job of parenting that a mother cannot.

The U.S Bureau of the Census came up with a discovery that 90% of all home-less and runaway children come from fatherless homes. They also say 63% of youth suicides comes from fatherless homes.

The Center For Disease Control says

85% of all children that exhibit behav-ioural disorders come from fatherless homes and 80% of rapists are moti-vated by displaced anger because they come from fatherless homes.

The Texas Department of Corrections (1992) recorded 85% of all youth sitting in prisons grew up in fatherless homes. The Department of Health and Human Services says 70% of teen-age pregnancies are children of single parents and 75% of all youth involved in

Fathers, carve your name on the hearts of your children“

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drugs abuse come from fatherless homes.

If we can get hold of records and statistics from our local prisons and government, I believe the percentage will be quite similar.

Charles Spurgeon once said, “A good character is the best tombstone. So carve your name on hearts and not on marbles.” Fathers, carve your name on the hearts of your children.

Fathers, please do not underestimate your influence and role in your home. You are important and your children need you.

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Father’s Day is around the corner. It’s a special day to celebrate and honour all fathers. Father’s Day is based on a compelling story of a loving father, when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. As a single parent, he had devoted his whole life to care for his children and strived to give them a better life.

This story should inspire many fathers to fulfil the responsibility that God has entrusted to us, His children, as earth-ly fathers to care for our children. As the Bible says, in Psalm 127:3 “Behold children are a heritage from the Lord.”

My wife and I are first generation Christians, and as parents, we are responsible for bringing up our children with right attitudes and respect for others, having a strong Christian foun-dation for many generations to come. I have seen so many Christian families, where after a few generations, their

children or grandchildren are no more believers in Christ. It is sad.

As a father, I am a significant influence to my children in many other aspects, not only primarily as a provider and breadwinner figure for the family, but

also to teach them discipline to do good things instead of harmful things that will affect their spirit and soul. This will build their self-esteem, develop their attitude and teach them to walk in the ways of God. These traits can provide them with a blessed future.

I want to acknowledge my wife’s contri-

God has entrusted to us, His children, as earthly fathers to care for our children

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bution in bringing up our children. A mother also holds a vital role in the family in developing and strengthening the child’s physical development, moral support and spiritual growth. Mothers normally spend more time with the children than the father when they are young. The father will be busy working in the field to put food on the table. The mother is always closer to the children. They will observe what the mother does, which will influence them in their adulthood.

Proverbs 22: 6 states: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

We have four loving daughters who are very thoughtful and respectful to us. Our relationship with the children are strong. They are not a troublesome children; it was easy to raise them up. One thing I learnt as a father is not to boss my wife or children around, and to apologise to them when I say unpleasant or harsh words to them.

Let me relate an incident that happened last year when my whole family went to Sydney, Australia for holiday. We were staying in an apartment, and one morning we decided to go to the wet market for breakfast. So we hired a taxi. When the taxi came, one of my daughters was still in the apartment, and we waited for her for a few minutes. Later she came down to the taxi, but she had forgotten to take something from the apartment. She had to go back there to pick it up, so we had to wait for her again. I lost my cool and I scolded her. She kept quiet and looked very sad. When we reached the wet market, we ordered our food and sat on the benches together for breakfast. I felt so bad of my outburst, so I went over to her, put my arm around her, looked into her eyes and said, ‘I am sorry’.

James 1:19: Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the angry man does not produce the righteousness of God.

As we go along in life, I believe, God is teaching us how to be a good father to-wards our children. Anyway, I love my children very much and have a soft spot for them. We always look forward to have a wonderful time together with them as a family.

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This man, in his 50s, conquered Everest Base Camp, reached the peak of Mount Kinabalu 4 times and trekked 10 mountains in total. Perhaps perseverance and an eagerness for adventure are the two innate characteristics knitted in him. Why though did he wait till his 50s to trek all these mountains? Oh yea, of course, the answer is actually quite simple. He has three daughters to nurture and to spend precious time with. I am proud to be one of them.

Before I go on and share about my dad, I would like to express my gratitude for being given this opportunity to write about my favourite man in this world. Enjoy the read.

Dad always has the family’s best interest at heart. He tries his very best to provide us with excellent education, keep us safe, encourage us and advise us in regards to life. Amazingly, his excellence can be extrapolated to shopping too. When I was looking for a pair of sport shoes, he bought me the best one that he could. His act of love did more than just provide my feet with comfortable shoes. Dad’s act of love sowed a seed within me that helps me relate to the love of God. Knowing that dad loves to provide the best for me enhances my faith to believe that, as a child of

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God, my heavenly Father has the inten-tion to shower me with the best blessings in life. (Matt 7:11- How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?)

Besides, a plus point I find in my dad as a husband is that he helps with housework. He boils the water for drinking every morning, helps mum with laundry and mops the floor. On top of that, he main-tains the garden and repairs anything that needs fixing in the house. Most impor-tantly, he loves his wife.

Now, a sneak peek into a personal story that portrays daddy’s love. I had a hos-pital placement in Johor 2 years ago for 3 weeks and I will never forget how dad drove me from Klang, dropped me off at Batu Pahat (Johor) then drove all the way back to Klang on the same day. That was approximately 8 hours of driving. Yes, dad doesn’t really speed. I got quite home-sick during the placement and therefore decided to return home every weekend. If you are wondering if he drove all the way from Klang to pick me up in Johor every weekend, YES he definitely did. Well, I guess love makes you do crazy things!! Until today, I can’t fathom how much my dad loves me.

Besides having a passion for adventure, I am confident that dad is very passionate about the weekly table tennis get-togeth-ers at church. He enjoys the fellowship and embraces the fun moments they have together during these sessions. Dad also has a heart for children and youth. He frequently reaches out to those in need.

Furthermore, he performs simple ges-tures such as encouraging a child, picking my crying baby cousin up from the cot and playing soccer with his nephew. All these deeds melt my heart because they reveal the tenderness in him.

I assume that once upon a time, dad dreamt of being a singer. I may be wrong but one thing I know for sure is that he loves music. He is very fond of Hillsong worship songs and plays it first thing in the morning. This brings joy and hope in the house because we are constantly re-minded of how great and kind our God is. During the nights, I’ve seen him reading the Bible and basking himself in the Word. Paving the foundation of a Christ-centred life, dad is indeed a very good head of the house. I am thankful for a dad and a mum who pray for me when I express myself on a stressful day. Dad told me something that will forever be ingrained in my mind: there is no point worrying; nothing gets done by worrying. That has helped me through a few sleepless nights during my anxious and dark seasons.

Lastly, I would like to say a big thank you to my dad. Dear dad, I acknowledge your hard work and diligence in supporting me and my sisters in our tertiary education. Thank you for being a dad who has been physically, mentally and emotionally there for us. Thank you for motivating us and imparting words of wisdom into our lives. You and mum make such a wonderful parenting team. You are a very special dad and we truly love you. Wishing you and all the fathers out there a very HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!

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THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTSadapted from Paul Ellis

A man went on a journey and entrust-ed three servants with his money. When he returned, he praised the two servants who had doubled his money, but the third servant, who had done nothing, was thrown outside into the darkness.The parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30) is used by some to say, “Jesus paid a great price for you. If you don’t work hard to give him a return for his invest-ment, he will toss you into the outer darkness. So get busy for Jesus.”This resonates with those who see themselves as servants rather than sons of God, but it’s not what the parable is about. In the story, the servants don’t work at all; the money works:“The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more.” (Matt 25:16-17)How do you put money to work? You invest it. The parable is not about how hard you work for God, but what you will do with the riches he has given you. The wealth given represents God’s grace – his love, favour, and forgiveness, for grace is a gift, not a wage. Will you invest it or

scorn it?The two servants invest their master’s wealth and both get a good return. The master is delighted and promotes them, making them rulers of many things (Matt 25:21), which is a very apt description of what Jesus does for us:“For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!” (Rom 5:17)God gives you grace to set you free from servitude and reign in life through Jesus. It begins by believing that God loves you and is pleased with you. When you realize that you are your Fa-ther’s dearly-beloved child, it will free you from the treadmill of dead works. You won’t exhaust yourself seeking his acceptance and approval because in Christ you already have it! When you know that he has clothed you with his righteousness, you will be free from the law that makes men slaves (Gal 4:24). As we behold and trust God’s grace revealed in Jesus, we are transformed. We mature into who we already are in Christ, kings and priests who reign over the earth (Rev 1:6, 5:10).

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What about the third servant? The master is unimpressed with the third servant who buried the gift (Matt 25:26-27). The easiest way to invest money is to put it in the bank and

accumulate interest. Yet he didn’t even do this. Instead he makes a speech that reveals his contempt for his master’s grace:“Master, I knew that you are a hard man…” (Matt 25:24a) A hard man?! His master gave him a bag of gold. For free! “You are a hard man harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.” (Matt 25:24a) In other words, “You’re un-reasonable Lord. You don’t play by the rules. Who gives bags of gold to serv-ants? You must be nuts. I want nothing to do with your reckless grace and I feel quite justified in not playing your silly games. Besides, I didn’t want to be held accountable for it:“So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground.” (Matt 25:25a) This actually makes sense to the self-righteous mind. “If I don’t earn it, I don’t want it.”“See, here is what belongs to you.” (Matt 25:25b)

In other words, “Take back your bag of grace. I don’t need it, I don’t want it. I will not be in your debt.”Needless to say, Jesus is not impressed and calls the third servant wicked, lazy

and worthless, then has him thrown into the outer darkness. The faithful servants prospered because they allowed room for God’s grace to work in their lives, but the wicked serv-ant missed out because he didn’t trust the master, fears him, and has no wish to share in his happiness.Ultimately, everyone gets what they desire. Those who want to receive the riches of God’s grace shall have it in abundance. And those who prefer the path of the self-made man, which leads to misery and darkness, shall have that too.So what is the takeaway? Take the Master’s bag of gold and don’t hand it back unopened and unused. Grace, like gold, is meant to be used. But unlike gold, God’s grace never runs out. As you draw on his grace, “the one who has will be given more, and they will have an abundance” (Matt 25:29).Seeing his children growing and pros-pering in grace makes the Lord happy. It will make you happy too!

The wealth given represents God’s grace – his love, favour, and forgiveness, for grace is a gift, not a wage“

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Jennifer Yen was discovered when she won 2nd place in Bintang RTM in 1977. She then became a succesful recording artiste with 16 albums to date. In 1983 she met Jesus and her life took a dramatic turn.

She began singing for Jesus, and has ministered at various evangelistic concerts and trained young musicians in contemporary worship ministry. She is a revivalist with a vision to impact culture and nations with her music and the message.

Ps Isaiah have been in pastoral min-istry for more than 10 years. He is a gifted communicator that presents God’s word with relevance and a prophetic edge. He has preached in camps, conferences, special meetings and services in more than 15 nations.

He holds an AG credential and is or-dained by Zion Ministerial Institution, USA. He is currently a pastor in Faith Assembly of God. His conversion testimony has encouraged believers all around the world.



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Oh Doodlez! by SUE-JANE

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On 9th May 2015, our Harvest Ladies celebrated Mother’s Day with a sumptu-ous lunch. About a hundred mothers and ladies gathered together to cheer each other on, patting on each other’s back and saying, “Well! We survived another year!” Another mom said, “It was not all what I expected but not too bad, with Christ in the vessel, we can smile at the storm!”

Haven’t you heard? Moms play games too! The fun thing they did was dress up with whatever items given to them and some came out with pretty cool, “3 minutes Outfits.” Another fun game was when they were told to collect a total of 26 items found in a list and I heard some-one said, “Who would bring a hand lotion to a Mother’s Day lunch?”

The “Kia-Su” game then started, with ‘the mother with the longest hair’, ‘the longest finger nails’, ‘the youngest mom’, ‘the mom who stays the furthest from church’, ‘the mom with the most children and the most grand-children’ proudly walking away with prizes!

A heart-warming message was given by Sis. Lai Forng, with the topic: “The Crying Mother”, taken from the story in the bible of the mother who had a demon possessed little girl. She was a desperate mother who came to Jesus, asking for healing for her precious little daughter. And Jesus healed not only her precious little daughter but also the mother.

No mother would be alright seeing her children suffer. So, take heart, mothers – you may ask for healing for others, but remember that Jesus wants to heal you too!

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In the early days starting with 5 mem-bers (Peter Siah, Dr & Mrs Goon, Mimi), Bro Yap led and and Sis Mimi faithfully prepared songs and verses on little sheets. When Dr Goon and Mrs Goon moved to Bayu Perdana in 1998, the Bayu Perdana Cell started. By that time HCA had additions to its mem-bership and new faces started attending the Bayu Perdana Cell. Six years down the road, Dr Goon shifted to Kg Jawa and another batch of people came and together they called themselves the Kg Jawa Cell.

When Dr Goon was called to be one of the Zone supervisors, the CG meet-ing moved to Tepi Sungai, and met at different members’ homes (eg Palm Grove, Kg Jawa, Jln Tokong area). Good food, wonderful singing, praise & worship, beautiful testimonies, sharing God’s grace and His word, and simple prayer from simple hearts are key in-gredients in the Cell. Occasionally, we would invite neighbours and friends for birthday celebrations and testify and speak of God’s goodness. Testimonies always encourages, whether we realize it or not. Someone within the group may need to hear that word, and more, so it blesses the Lord.

The Cell also plans and goes for outings

and other family members get to join in these cell events. Visiting members’ homes to encourage them and pray for them and members in the home are part of the CG events as well. Mem-bers experience God’s intervention in situations and receive answers to their prayers while others continue to persevere, awaiting answers and direc-tion. Our God is faithful and a prayer answering God! Amen.

If you’re interested in being a part of this wonderful Cell, please contact David Ong @ 012-222 0632 Dr. Goon @ 012-668 0809

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Chinese ChurChCelebrate Parent’s Day - singing evangelismDate: 14th June 2015Time: 12:30pmVenue: Hai Tian Lou RestaurantFee: RM35 per personSpecial Guest: Sister Betty Yee• Contact Rev Esther Ong for tickets

Tamil ChurChvoCational bible sChool (vbs)Date: 4:00pm 5th - 3:30pm 6th June 2015• For children ages 6 to 13• Lead by Ps. Ramesh Kumar (from India)• Contact Ps Grace (013-6071324)

Family & ministry seminar Date: 9th-11th June 2015 Time: 8:30pm - 10:30pm Speaker: Dr Samuel Raj (Bible College Principal, AOG India)

Father’s Day evangelistiC meeting Date: 20th June 2015 Time: 8:00pm

men ministry Prayer & interCession

Date: 21st June 2015Time: 9:15amVenue: 2nd Floor

Father’s Day lunChDate: 21st June 2015Time: 1:00pmVenue: Dynasty Dragon, Klang ParadeFee: RM35 per person• Contact Bro. Thiru for tickets

english ChurCh18th annual general meetingDate: 28th June 2015Time: 12:30pmVenue: Main Sanctuary

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SundaysSunday Service | 10.30am | Main Sanctuary

Chidren’s Church | 11.00am | 2nd FloorTransition Class | 11.00am | 2nd Floor Hall

Tamil Service | 11.30am | Rooftop Sanctuary

MondaysTable Tennis | 8:30pm | 2nd Floor

Praise Dance | 8:30pm | Ground Floor

Wednesdays Bible Study: Nehemiah Series | 8.30pm | Hall A

ThursdaysThursday Ladies - Prayer Meeting | 9:30am | Board Room

Thursday Ladies - Bible Study | 11:15am | Board Room

FridaysFriday Cell Night | (On break for June)

SaturdaysChinese Service | 8.00pm | Hall A

TeenEdge | 5.00pm | Rooftop SanctuarySaturday Tuition | 10:30am | 2nd Floor

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HARVEST CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLYLot 6934, Berkerley Complex Jalan Lang, Taman Berkerley 41150 Klang, Selangor, MalaysiaTel: +603-3343 3633 | Fax: +603-33452623www.harvestklang.org | [email protected]

fb.com/harvestklang instagram.com/harvestklang

Cheques Payable to Harvest Christian AssemblyDirect Deposits to Public Bank Berhad

Tithes & Offering 3169217230Building Fund 3169217327Missions 3169217521


Newsletter by Lai Forng Chan | Jeremy John | Mun Sheung Chee | Sarah Ong | Jolyn Ong | Sue-Jane Yeoh | Mun Wah Chee | Aaron Long | Justin Choo | Jon Saw