1 Melanie Veenstra 613-399-3462 31 First Ave Wellington, ON K0K 3L0 [email protected] www.harmanieyoga.ca Embrace your magnificence through Yoga, Thai Massage, Intuitive Healing, and Personal Empowerment. Happy Almost Autumn Friends, I, for one, am delighted for this change of season, pace and focus. And I am especially excited to announce that my mentors will be in the County to offer some unique workshops including evening sessions, a fully day workshop and even a week long retreat. You’ll find the flyers in this newsletter. Please let me know if you have any questions and be sure to confirm your space with me for the workshops that speak to you. Yesterday as I was walking back home from school drop-off with Gypsy the recycling truck driver stopped for a pick-up. I said good morning and he asked if he could give Gypsy a dog treat. We had a short discussion on rescued dogs and on we went – Gypsy with a treat in her mouth and me with a big smile. There was a woman with a small child just ahead and I said good morning and mentioned the driver’s kindness. She commented that she had been running out with her bin in hand and he had waited, even offering to wait if she had another bin in the house. This type of ‘ordinary’ kindness should indeed be more ordinary. These small courtesies from a stranger carry such impact. Can you imagine a community where this is ordinary? Holding a door open, picking up trash on a walk, greeting others on the street, helping that turtle across the road, letting someone in line at the grocery store who looks to be in a rush, making time to answer a small child’s questions, or simply taking the time to offer someone an honest smile. These are the daily courtesies that expand our sense of gratitude and change our world. I encourage you to see how you can be of extraordinary service to others in ordinary ways. Expand your attitude of gratitude. With Love & Gratitude, Melanie Harmanie Yoga For your journey within... In Harmanie September 2014 Embrace Your Magnificence!

Harmanie Yoga as I was walking back home from school drop-off with Gypsy the recycling truck driver stopped for a pick-up. I said good morning and he asked if he could give Gypsy a

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    Melanie Veenstra 613-399-3462

31 First Ave Well ington, ON K0K 3L0 [email protected] www.harmanieyoga.ca

Embrace your magnificence through Yoga, Thai Massage,

Intuit ive Healing, and Personal Empowerment.

Happy Almost Autumn Friends,

I, for one, am delighted for this change of season, pace and focus. And I am especially excited to announce that my mentors will be in the County to offer some unique workshops including evening sessions, a fully day workshop and even a week long retreat. You’ll find the flyers in this newsletter. Please let me know if you have any questions and be sure to confirm your space with me for the workshops that speak to you.

Yesterday as I was walking back home from school drop-off with Gypsy the recycling truck driver stopped for a pick-up. I said good morning and he asked if he could give Gypsy a dog treat. We had a short discussion on rescued dogs and on we went – Gypsy with a treat in her mouth and me with a big smile. There was a woman with a small child just ahead and I said good morning and mentioned the driver’s kindness. She commented that she had been running out with her bin in hand and he had waited, even offering to wait if she had another bin in the house. This type of ‘ordinary’ kindness should indeed be more ordinary. These small courtesies from a stranger carry such impact. Can you imagine a community where this is ordinary? Holding a door open, picking up trash on a walk, greeting others on the street, helping that turtle across the road, letting someone in line at the grocery store who looks to be in a rush, making time to answer a small child’s questions, or simply taking the time to offer someone an honest smile. These are the daily courtesies that expand our sense of gratitude and change our world. I encourage you to see how you can be of extraordinary service to others in ordinary ways. Expand your attitude of gratitude.

With Love & Gratitude, Melanie

Harmanie YogaFor your journey within...

In Harmanie September 2014 Embrace Your Magnificence!







Healing Services Thai Massage – 2 hours $1 10 An ancient healing art where the practitioner uses assisted yoga postures, acupressure and reflexology to balance the physical, emotional and energetic bodies. Intu itive Heal ing – 1- 1 ½ hours $60 -$80 Using a combination of Psychic, Magnetic, Energetic and Spiritual healing techniques to facilitate healing – a shift in resonance, growth, change and evolution. Christos Technique – 45 minutes $50 “The unconscious mind is the guardian of the content - the information – of your other realities. What you call past, future, and parallel lifetimes.” Lazaris

The Christos technique is a safe way to connect with your unconscious mind using massage, relaxation and guided visualization. There is energy, healing and understanding to be reclaimed from these realities using this technique.



Secret Teachings Of Plants

Apple Dumplings Pastry – ½ cup butter, 1 cup flour, 2-3 TBSP

yogurt. Use a fork to combine the flour & butter into a coarse texture and add enough yogurt to

make it malleable. Refrigerate if you have time as it rolls out better (less sticky).

1 Macintosh apple per person peeled & cored ½ cup brown sugar with 2 TSP cinnamon

Place apple on rolled out pastry and fill with brown sugar mixture. Add a dab of butter to the top and then fold the pastry over to cover the apple. Place on baking stone or tray and bake at 350 for around

20 minutes or until you smell them and a knife will easily pierce the apple. Serve hot with maple syrup

poured over the apple. AMAZING!