1 Researched Based Position Paper Hardware and Software for Instructional Development Tennille Wilkens EDTC 625.9040 Michael F. Ruffini, Ed.D.

Hardware and Software for Instructional Development

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Researched Based Position Paper

Hardware and Software for Instructional DevelopmentTennille WilkensEDTC 625.9040Michael F. Ruffini, Ed.D.

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Educators have been strategically seeking ways to implement technological advances to enhance knowledge of children. Its no secret that technology has become a major part of life; its no surprise that classrooms are integrating its use into curriculums more than ever before. Technological tools featuring whiteboards, podcasts, blogs, YouTube, Twitter, are just a few examples that have made their way to the classroom. The following demonstrates research of the effectiveness of technology and the role it plays towards development. Read ahead as this paper will provide a closer look at the advantages as well as disadvantages of incorporating hardware and software in education.

IntroductionWhat are the effects of incorporating hardware and software into the education of K 12 students? In our everyday lives technology has become a major factor; its no surprise that educators are interested in incorporating its use into the curriculum. Society functions in terms of convenience, accessibility, and quickness; this leads to less traditional classroom methods. Obviously as the educational system evolves, explorations of technology will continue to submerge classrooms. This paper will provide a closer look at the advantages as well as disadvantages of incorporating hardware and software in education.When students are using technology as a tool to strengthen their understanding, they are actively participating in the depth of the knowledge gained from the lesson at hand. The amount of information absorbed is greater than information transferred during a teacher to student lecture. Being that the student is actively participating in the lecture, technology use allows engaged learning greater than that of teacher led lesson plans.Educators must remember that integrating technology into classroom instruction means much more than just coaching on basic computer skills. As Hattie and Timperley (2007) says, Students need feedback if there is a gap between the current understanding and the goal. More specifically, integrating technology across Math Curriculums can be very helpful for students. Using the Interactive white board is a great component that has been around for years. It is becoming increasingly popular in many classrooms today, with many uses in Math subjects. Integrating technology is important for math curriculums especially because of the findings that, the students of the targeted fourth, fifth, sixth, and ninth grade classes exhibited difficulties with number sense that interfered with understanding and recall of basic math facts(Hudson 2013). Many people do not understand exactly what makes incorporating technology so different and more resourceful than the traditional chalk board. Gaining an understanding of the many creative features, instructors will learn that Interactive white boards will help students in the classrooms. Oddly, this was originally developed for the business world, assisting with training and seminars. Interactive white boards and smart boards have gradually found their way into education and are giving teachers a fun new way to teach. The New Age classroom must have some fun and engaging technology. Using the interactive whiteboard and its software/apps, in collaboration with IPads/IPad apps can transform a Math lesson. The great thing about incorporating the IPads is that teachers are able to move about during instruction while using the IPad apps to make learning fun. Interactive whiteboard companies have gone to great extents to create iPad apps to use their products.What is an interactive whiteboard and its uses?An interactive whiteboard is an instructional display, the improved chalk board, which connects to a computer and projector. The great thing about the projector is that it can display the desktop of the computer or easily connect to an IPad that displays educational applications. Images and data can be displayed using the hardware, while the user controls these features with pen or the touch of the finger as the replacement of the mouse. In addition, the instructor can add handwritten notes that can later be saved into text. The great thing about using the IPad with the interactive whiteboard, students will have the option of using the whiteboard mounted on the wall or the IPad to answer questions or write notes. This works well for the shy student and adds interactivity and collaboration throughout the class. IPad and Interactive Whiteboard IPad interactive whiteboard collaboration can create quite fun and interesting learning experiences. Combining an iPad and projector is appealing and interesting to help students learn. Instructors will be able to move about the classroom and students can obtain instant feedback right at their desk. This is so fascinating because those students that may need extra help will have the support of the teacher for individualized attention. Instructors will have the capability of removing the barrier of computer to student which will in return help engage the students. Noting Stobarts (2008) claim that the interaction between the difficulty of the item, length of the assessment and characteristics of the learner determine the amount of attention paid to the feedback, and subsequently the feedbacks effect. Moreover, theres apps available of which allows the instructor to create individualized lesson plans of which can be programed to the students IPad. This is especially important because it helpful for that student that may find weakness in a certain area. Overall, the class can flow smoothly, alleviating frustration, and fewer interruptions throughout the lesson. Combining the interactive whiteboard and IPads is something that is very effective particularly for children learning math. The subject math can be confusing for some kids and new ways to approach can bring a lesson plan to life for students. Math is a visual experience and with this technology it creates graphic to the math problem and bringing fun to the classroom. Its known that most exercises go from easiest to hard, leaving many children left behind because of difficulty during homework assignments. Well instead of working in a Flipped Classroom setting, changing the old way, with instead working on the more difficult problems first during class. This will ensure that smooth transition into the next lesson plan and with individualized applications every child will have a lesson plan to refer to at home.Some may refer to this as savvy technology, but it really helps everyone, the teachers role will change as well. Teachers will no longer be required to stand at the front of class and serve a lecture. With the mobility of the IPad, theres increased interaction with the students. This also helps with eliminating the need to revisit the same topic multiple times for classes that have different children with different learning capabilities. Also, unlike a chalkboard or whiteboard, teachers will never run out of space with a Smart Board because it is organized, typed, visually pleasing, and help students fully understand the material. There will be step by step instructions, assisting the students to arrive at the correct answer. In addition, there will also be a discussion board or web log that the students as well as the teacher will openly access from their home. This will also help those students that felt a little timid or embarrassed to ask any questions in class and can do so via message board directly to the teacher. Hence, the No Child Left Behind Act reaching every child in different ways has come to be a priority. With implementation of this software and hardware, everyone will be involved, acting as a facilitator while assisting the students and encouraging group interaction. Teaching is a fun and enjoyable experiences so why not mix our approaches to get the children engaged in learning. Technology has come to offer a means to connect with many types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple platforms. This consequently enhances the teacher student relationship.Research

As I have highlighted the key advantages of interactive technology. Id like to address the validity of those findings. The results of Marzano study indicated, using interactive whiteboards was associated with a gain in student achievement. This means that we can expect a student thats not doing so well in a classroom without the technology to increase understanding in a classroom using interactive whiteboards. There was a study conducted by Marzano, where a group of 85 instructors were divided into two groups. Of the groups, half taught a lesson to students using interactive whiteboards and the other taught the same lesson using a traditional classroom setting. Marzano found the following data: Marzano recently divided 85 educators into two groups: One taught a lesson to students using interactive whiteboards and the other taught the same lesson using standard, more traditional tools. His data was undeniable: Of those classrooms employing the boards and using the voting technology, there was an immediate increase of 17 percent in scores.

He also found that if a teacher had been given 20-30 months to hone his or her skills, there was an average 20 percentile gain.

The sweet spot, he says -- the perfect storm of student achievement, according to his findings -- was when a teacher was trained to use the technology, had used it for two years, and did so 75 percent of the time. That profile shows a whopping 29 percentile gain in scores.Evidence is necessary at measuring the use of interactive technology and the role it has within the classroom. The use of graphics and other visuals to represent information has had a major impact on reinforcing material. Visual graphics such as pictures, video clips, geographical locations such as Google Earth, and data filled graphs and charts. Use of these aids was also associated with a gain in student achievement. Gibsons (1979) work on his studies of the physical mechanics of visual perception. Gibson suggested that each time we see something we also attach a meaning to it. In other words, when we see an object we also see it in terms of what we can do with it, the same idea holds for technologies for teaching and learning. Just as Levy (2002) suggests that the interactive whiteboard increases enjoyment of lessons for both students and teachers through more varied and dynamic use of resources, with associated gains in motivation. Its great to know that this technological tool also gives students an application that teachers can use to present information in an unusual context. This includes interactive questionnaires where instructors are pointing and dropping answers into specific locations, acknowledging correct answers, and uncovering incorrect answers with an explanation. Levy (2002) associated these practices with a 31 percentile point gain in student achievement. Its proven that technology has come to offer a means to connect with many types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means. This consequently enhances the teacher student relationship. Blanton and Helms-Breazeale (2000) offer the following findings, showing that if students have the opportunity to view someone they like or respect perform a behavior they need to acquire, then they stand a much better chance of acquiring that behavior and research also has shown that people with short attention spans can attend to any situation as long as it is on a television or computer screen. The interactive whiteboard in combination with applications and IPad usage will provide these students with this type of viewing.

ApplicationsShowMe is a free iPad Interactive Whiteboard Application. This app will allow teachers to build individualized lesson plans for students directly from their IPad. The app does not require financial maintenance, its free to download and operate, which is a key factor for those financially burdened schools. ShowMe allows recordings over each lesson, a feature that students will find engaging. The voice feature is especially helpful for the auditory learners that could use step by step instruction. Depending on the subject, pictures and/or diagrams can be uploaded with voice commandments. The fantastic feature of the voice commandment is especially helpful to absentees or students that need additional reinforcement, the lesson plan has been recorded, which allows students to review as often as needed. ShowMe believes in promoting greater achievement on a national level, and that every child, irrespective of their school, state or socioeconomic status deserves the opportunity to build a stronger foundation in math. Using this software for my future students would be great because I can monitor and guide each student at their pace. Not only will I be allocated classroom time, but this software supplements at home instruction, ensuring the much needed use of instructional technology. Applications are user friendly and can be downloaded for easy access by following just a few easy steps. Registration for teachers requires logging on to http://www.showme.com/. Register through the site by submitting the required account information. This user friendly software application reinforces math lessons and helps to transform virtual learning. The software is useful to children of all ages, races, and genders. With allowed access from anywhere with browser friendly downloads, I find that many children will be able to access. Limitations are that the software does not provide an option to those students that are deaf and the blind will have access to the audio interactive portion of the software. To be an advocate is to explain every reason why technology will change lives forever. However, to show findings on the many great things leaves it only fair to explain the disadvantages. Many are not so publicly stated but there are a few realistic things to consider. For instance, the budgets that are allocated towards many school systems that have a great need for such technology will be the schools that will not be able to afford such things. The costs associated with installing the Interactive whiteboards as well as the maintenance required to fully use the software has to be considered. Not only must the smart board be purchased, but separate software must be also be bought for all the capabilities to work correctly (Doe, 2010). Although I have provided free a free downloadable application, most companies are creating products to be compatible to its own applications and developmental software. Also, some of our class sizes may impact the benefit. The smart board display is not very big and is often difficult for all the students in a large class to see (Doe, 2010). Therefore, I found that incorporating the use of the IPad would be especially helpful for those instances. Instructors will come to question if this is type of software and hardware can be managed through their current class size or financial circumstance.ConclusionOverall, the goal is to add some fun ways to educate our students. I am happy to know theres software available that doesnt take away the personable state. In fact, students will become very involved and feel engaged. I think students will particularly enjoy learning Math lessons through the use of the interactive whiteboard, IPads, and software applications. Instructors will have the chance to meet students on their terms, with a tech savvy agenda. Students will have a fresh approach to learning, the monotint will be broken, and students will be intrigued to participate and respond timely to their peers. Obviously, with the changing world many new tech savvy devices, software, and whiteboards will find a way in a majority of classrooms. Constant change is always a factor and is said that, Every major technology that became pervasive in the 20th century was going to revolutionize education. Film, radio, television all were hyped as the silver bullet that would make education both more effective and more accessible (KUEHN 2010). Its the responsibility of every teacher and its administration to ensure that all of our kids have the best tools necessary to thrive in this competitive world. The goal is to ensure that the children learn efficiently and that we are using the best products on the market to do so. Although the above suggestions may not be helpful in every classroom environment, whiteboards are here to make learning math less challenging. Parents, teachers, and administration are responsible to see to it that along the way students are constantly staying connected with the changing world. The great thing is that students have an opportunity to experience education in so many creative, fun, and engaging ways. An educator knows the real focus is not that of which could be the best technology to adopt. Instead it is to teach and prepare the students to do well and acquire a great deal of knowledge.

ReferencesBlanton, B. & Helms-Breazeale, R. (2000). Gains in Self-Efficacy: Using SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Technology in Special Education Classrooms. Retrieved March 23, 2004, from www.smarterkids.org/ research/paper2.asp

Doe, C. (2010). Interactive Whiteboards. Multimedia & Internet@Schools, 17(1), 30-34.

Gibson, J. J. (1979) An ecological approach to visual perception (Boston, MA, Houghton Mifflin).

Hudson, S., Kadan, S., Lavin, K., & Vasquez, T. Improving Basic Math Skills Using Technology. Online Submission (2010). ERIC. Web. 2 Mar. 2013.

J. Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. The power of feedback: Review of Educational Research, 77 (2007), pp. 81112. Retrieved from: http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.umuc.edu/10.3102/003465430298487

KUEHN, L. (2010). So Long, Constructivism. Hello Smart!. Our Schools / Our Selves, 19(2), 129-134.

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Marzano, R. Technology Combined with Good Teaching Leads to Success. April, 2014. Retrived from: http://www.muhsd.k12.ca.us/page/6159 Stobart, G. (2008). Testing Times: The Uses and Abuses of Assessment.