Glen Innes Severn Council March 2012 Hard Wired for Living

Hard Wired for Living - Glen Innes Severn...Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012 3 This is a response to the oft quoted “There’s nothing for young people to do

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Glen Innes Severn Council

March 2012

Hard Wired for Living

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


This is a response to the oft quoted “There’s nothing for young people to

do in Glen Innes”! Participation in activities, groups, sport, challenges

and just having fun are all part of getting the best out of life. We are

hard-wired as social beings and need to engage with our communities

and start living!

As it shows, there are actually quite a lot of things to do and ways to be

involved! There are probably a lot more than are actually described

here and we welcome information about other activities, clubs, or

hobbies that you know of. We will update the information at least twice a


Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this booklet is


However, if there are mistakes,gaps, or you know of more activities

please contact Robyn Condon on 6730 2300 or

[email protected] . Alternatively, you can contact Shannon

O’Brien, Glen Innes Severn Council Youth Worker on 0447 914 000 or

[email protected] .

For further information regarding sports grounds and sports not listed,

please contact the Manager for Recreation, Graham Archibald on

0408 448 256.

Remember! This isn‟t a dress rehearsal for living! This is

the real thing!

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Youth Support Fund .................................................................................................................................. 6

Social and Cultural Activities ................................................................................................................... 7

Baptist Teen Time ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Baptist Vacation Activities ........................................................................................................................ 7

Christian Life Centre Youth Group ......................................................................................................... 8

Deepwater Youth Group ........................................................................................................................... 8

Emmaville Youth Group ........................................................................................................................... 9

Glen Innes Anglican Youth Group .......................................................................................................... 9

Glen Innes Rural Youth ........................................................................................................................... 10

Glen Innes Youth Council ....................................................................................................................... 10

Land Of The Beardies Social Club ......................................................................................................... 11

Leos Club of Glen Innes .......................................................................................................................... 11

Sporting and physical activities ............................................................................................................. 12

Ambition School of Dance ...................................................................................................................... 12

Archery ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Football (Soccer) ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Emmaville Pony Club .............................................................................................................................. 13

GID Tennis Association ........................................................................................................................... 14

Glen Innes Bowling Club ........................................................................................................................ 14

Glen Innes Clay Target Club inc. ........................................................................................................... 15

Glen Innes Golf Club ............................................................................................................................... 15

Glen Innes Karate Club ........................................................................................................................... 16

Glen Innes Motor Sports. ........................................................................................................................ 16

Glen Innes Pistol Club ............................................................................................................................. 17

Glen Innes Pony Club .............................................................................................................................. 17

Glen Innes Scouts ..................................................................................................................................... 18

Glen Innes Swimming Club.................................................................................................................... 18

GYM-In Form ........................................................................................................................................... 19

GYM-JR Fitness ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Indoor Cricket .......................................................................................................................................... 19

Indoor Netball .......................................................................................................................................... 20

Indoor Volley Ball .................................................................................................................................... 21

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Junior Cricket ............................................................................................................................................ 21

Kick Boxing/Fitness ................................................................................................................................ 22

Martial Arts ............................................................................................................................................... 22

Netball ....................................................................................................................................................... 23

Northskate/ Northsports ........................................................................................................................ 23

Rifle Shooting ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Rugby Ball Handling Skills ..................................................................................................................... 24

Rugby League and Minor League ......................................................................................................... 25

Rugby Union ............................................................................................................................................. 25

Syncronised Swimming .......................................................................................................................... 26

Tap Dancing .............................................................................................................................................. 26

Zumba ........................................................................................................................................................ 27

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Youth Support Fund;

The focus of the Youth Support Fund is on providing opportunities for

disadvantaged young people to participate in activities and events in

such a way as to raise their awareness of, and involvement in the


Support for young people aged 12-18 years to participate in local,

community- based sporting, cultural, or hobby clubs and organizations.

Applications must be supported by Glen Innes Severn Council Youth

Worker or Glen Innes & District Community Centre. Applications are

available from Shannon O’Brien, Glen Innes Severn Council Youth Worker

by phoning 0447 914 000, or by picking up a form from the Glen Innes

Community Centre.

Applications will be for participation in sporting fixtures, clubs, cultural

activities or local community organizations which welcome the participation

of young people.

Applicants must be aged 12-18 years.

The support person will provide an estimate of the cost of the

equipment/clothing/fees required and a voucher will be issued for the

appropriate supplier/club/organization for the agreed amount.

Support will be provided up to a maximum of $200 per person.

Generally no more than one voucher per person per financial year.

Funds will not be available for trips away to sporting events or for non-

essential equipment.

Equipment for which funds are requested must be for use as part of a bone

fide sporting club or organized cultural/community activity.

The fund is not intended to further sporting careers, or subsidizing trips to

participate in representative sporting activities.

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Social and Cultural Activities

Baptist Teen Time

Who? 12-15 year old

Where? Baptist Church, Church St Glen Innes

When? Sunday morning youth sessions, 9.30-10.30am. Monthly

Sunday afternoon activities.

How much will it cost? free

Who can I contact for more information?

Pastor, Greg Passmore Baptist Church 6732 2551 [email protected]

Baptist Vacation Activities

Vacation activities, craft etc

Who? Kindergarten to Year 6

Where? Baptist Church Hall

When? 1st week of mid-year Holidays

9am to 12noon.

How much will it cost? Gold Coin donation

How do I become involved? You can turn up or phone

6732 2551

Who can I contact for more information?

Pastor Greg Passmore Baptist Church 6732 2551 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Christian Life Centre Youth Group

Who? Under 13‟s group and Over 13‟s group

Where? Christian Life Centre, Grey St Glen Innes, opposite the

TAFE College

When? Alternate Friday nights, contact for details

How much will it cost? free

Who can I contact for more information?

Gary Woolfe 0421 305 470 or Pastor Max McMillan 6732 3256

Deepwater Youth Group

Games, activities, weekend and holiday excursions.

Who? Primary group

Where? Tennis Club, Deepwater

When? Tuesdays, 3.30-5pm

How much will it cost? Gold Coin donation

Who can I contact for more information?

Mary Lou Doe 6734 7250 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Emmaville Youth Group

Who? Primary and Secondary

Where? Anglican Church Hall Emmaville and 3 O‟Donnell St


When? Bible study Sunday from 4-6pm. Wedesday „Open house‟

How much will it cost? Gold Coin donation

Who can I contact for more information?

Mary Lou Doe 6734 7250 [email protected]

Glen Innes Anglican Youth Group

Games, activities, Bible study Who? Years 6-12

Where? Anglican Church Hall

When? Sunday Evenings from 5pm

How much will it cost? No cost

Who can I contact for more information?

Chris Brennan, Anglican Minister 6732 5558 or Rev. Mark Evers 6732 6374 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Glen Innes Rural Youth

Who? 8 to 30 year olds

Where? “Mayfield” Furracabad

When? Bi-monthly meetings, and animal nursery at the Glen

Innes Show during February

How much will it cost? Approx. $10 per year

Who can I contact for more information?

Nerolie Winter, 6732 3404

Glen Innes Youth Council

Who? All welcome

Where? Glen Innes Learning Centre, Library

When? Fourth Wednesday of the month, contact Shannon for


How much will it cost? No cost

Who can I contact for more information?

Shannon O‟Brien [email protected] 0447 914 000 or 6730 2318

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Land Of The Beardies Social Club

Who? All welcome

Where? Land of the Beardies Social Club Hall, East Ave. Glen


When? 2nd Tuesday of each month

How much will it cost? $10 per adult or $5 per child per year

Who can I contact for more information?

Lyn Hill 6732 3590 or Neville Campbell on 6732 2663

Leos Club of Glen Innes

Who? 12-18 years & 18-26yrs

Where? At Carolyn McClelland‟s house 310 Bourke Street.

When? 4pm 2nd Friday of each month during School Terms,

phone first

How much will it cost? No cost

Who can I contact for more information?

Richard Edkins, 6732 6410 or Carolyn McClelland, 6732 2498 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Sporting and physical activities

Ambition School of Dance

Who? Children aged 2ys-18yrs

Where? Ambition School of Dance, 1/150 Ferguson Street Glen


When? Mondays, Fridays and Saturday classes

How much will it cost? Classes range from $8 up to $12

depending on length of class. The first class is free.

How do I become involved? Contact Samantha Edwards

0438 625 562 or [email protected]


Young people can attend as a one off for free, and will be able to borrow a bow for that day only

Who? Anyone able to pull the bow back!

Where? Pistol Club Complex, Bradley's Lane

When? 2nd Sunday of each month

How much will it cost? $4.00 per day

You will need your own bow

Who can I contact for more information?

Dennis Young 6732 2382 or Neil Parker 67323493 or 0438849238

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Football (Soccer)


Who? From 5 years

Where? Wilson Park

When? Saturdays: Terms 2 & 3

How much will it cost? between $80 and $100.

How do I become involved? gleninnessports.com

Who can I contact for more information?

President – Stewart Symons, Phone 0429 001 431 Secretary – Jodie Bain, Phone 0423 762 335 Registrar – Leteisha Hope, Phone 6732 4008

Emmaville Pony Club

Who? 5-12 years,12-18yrs, 18-25yrs

Where? Deepwater Station & Various locations

When? Christmas holidays

How much will it cost? Contact for details

Who can I contact for more information?

Debbie Smith 6734 7229 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


GID Tennis Association

Nicole Schafer takes Junior starters on Thursday afternoons during the summer terms. Tennis Courts can be hired by anyone for a game: $8/hr for non-members; $4/hr for members. Keys available at Schafer‟s News Agents.

Who? Littlies, A and B Grade

Where? At the Tennis Courts in West Avenue

When? Thursday afternoons during the summer school terms

And Saturdays How much will it cost? Juniors $21 (includes Tennis NSW

registration) Families $120 (includes Tennis NSW registration)

Who can I contact for more information?

Nicole Schafer 0419 114 425 or Mavis Haselwood 6732 3805, Sue Rees 673 21462, Chris Smith 0407 733 102

Glen Innes Bowling Club

Who? 10 Years and over

Where? Glen Innes Bowling and Recreation Club, Macquarie St.

When? Bowls: Men‟s: Thursday and Saturday afternoon from

1pm. Women‟s: Wednesday morning 10am. Mixed: Sunday morning from 10am. Youth: Saturday morning Croquet: Mixed: Monday and Saturday mornings from 9am.

How much will it cost? Bowls, $7 per game, Croquet $4.40 per

game. Gear is available for loan.

How do I become involved? Contact the Club on 6732 1930

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Glen Innes Clay Target Club inc.

Who? Anyone who has a current Firearm‟s Licence. An unlicensed person

can come and try clay target shooting at most of the Club‟s monthly shoots by completing a declaration form and showing photo ID. Minors between 12 and 18 years need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Where? “Stonehenge Recreation Grounds” 12km South of Glen

Innes on New England Highway.

When? 1st Saturday of each month.

How much will it cost? Club membership $35.00 - Juniors

$15.00 + Australia Clay Target Association Inc (Cost varies depending on level of membership) Who can I contact for more information? Ralph Larkings

Ph: 6732 4846 AH [email protected]

Glen Innes Golf Club

Who? All welcome

Where? Glen Innes Golf Club, Golf Links Road, Glen Innes

When? Phone the Golf Club to book a time.

How much will it cost? Full playing membership, $300

annually, social membership $70. Green fees $6 for members, $21 for non members (18 holes)

Who can I contact for more information? Phone Peter

6732 1555

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Glen Innes Karate Club

Who? All welcome, traditional Seikukan style Karate. Self defence

and fitness

Where? Primary School Hall, Church St Glen Innes

When? Monday and Wednesday 6.30-8pm

How much will it cost?

How do I become involved? Contact Greg Anderson A/H

6732 3029 or mobile 0401 442 481 Who can I contact for more information? Introductory

classes in outlying areas can be arranged, minimal numbers required.

Glen Innes Motor Sports.

1/8th mile side by side sprints.

Who? Spectators: anyone Competitors: anyone with a licence

Where? Glen Innes Airport

When? Two or three meets per year.

How much will it cost? Spectators: $10 entry, $5 12-16 years

old, and free for under 12 years of age. Competitors $80 per meet, this is subject to change.

Who can I contact for more information? Contact Robert

Kerr, 0407 699 666 or Andrew March, 6732 2357

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Glen Innes Pistol Club

Who? Must be over 12, safety training course mandatory,

conditions apply.

Where? Pistol Club Complex

Bradley's Lane Glen Innes

When? Every Saturday 12 noon

How much will it cost? $100 per annum for juniors includes


How do I become involved? Visit any Saturday

Who can I contact for more information?

Wayne Unicomb 6721 0470

Glen Innes Pony Club

The aim of the club is to encourage young people to ride and learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding.

Who? 5-12 years,12-18yrs, 18-25yrs

Where? Glen Innes Showground & Various locations

When? Rally Days every 2nd Sunday between July to September.

Interclub days Oct to Dec. Annual Camp Dec/Jan.

How much will it cost? $50 Membership for Junior members

(under 17yrs, subject to change) or Associate members (under 25yrs), Clothing and other equipment

Who can I contact for more information?

Jaqui Grob 6732 1437

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Glen Innes Scouts

Who? Scouts is for girls and boys of all ages. Joeys 6-8yrs; Cubs

8-11yrs; Scouts 11-15yrs; Venturers 15-18yrs

Where? Scout Hall, Cnr Wentworth St & West Avenue

When? Cubs Tuesdays 5.30-7pm

Joeys Wednesday 5.30-6.630pm Scouts & Venturers Thursdays 5.30-7.30pm

How much will it cost? $20 joining fee $80 per year

How do I become involved? Call John, or just show up at the

Scout Hall

Who can I contact for more information?

John Kerr 6732 3184 Mob. 0429 323184 Contact 1800SCOUTS for more information about Scouts.

Glen Innes Swimming Club

Who? 4 Years and over

Where? At the Glen Innes Swim Centre.

When? Monday nights starting at 5.30pm for registrations and 6pm

for races.

How much will it cost? FIRST SWIMMER: 15 years and under

$80 (includes 1 parent as a non swimmer/ volunteer) ,16 years and

over $60 ADDITIONAL SWIMMERS: $55 per swimmer

Who can I contact for more information?

Mellissa Grennan, President 0439 322 841; Bynett Martin, Race Secretary 6732 1096; Jenny Hodder, Registar 6732 5329

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


GYM-In Form

Who? 16 years and over

Where? In Form Fitness

When? Monday to Friday 6am -8pm, Saturday 11am-3pm

How much will it cost? Monthly membership $80

Who can I contact for more information? In Form

Fitness 6732 4601

GYM-JR Fitness

Who? 12 years and over

Where? 11/100 Lambeth St

When? Monday to Friday 6am-7pm, Saturday 9am-12pm

How much will it cost? $110 per month, includes classes

and program. Who can I contact for more information? JR Fitness

67 32 2346

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Indoor Cricket

Who? Mixed and Men‟s Competition

Where? Glen Insports Arena

When? Mondays mixed & Tuesdays men‟s.

How much will it cost? $12 Insurance per player

$64/TEAM (collected by Captain)

How do I become involved? Teams may nominate,

or individuals

Who can I contact for more information?

Phil Shannon 0438 323 156 67322 263 [email protected] Jacynta Shannon 0431 350 820

Indoor Netball

Who? Juniors, Ladies & Mixed Teams.

Where? Glen Insports Arena

When? Wednesdays

How much will it cost? $12 Insurance per player

$5/game for students.

How do I become involved? Teams may nominate,

or individuals

Who can I contact for more information?

Phil Shannon 0438 323 156 or 6732 2263 [email protected] Jacynta Shannon 0431 350 820

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Indoor Volley Ball

4on4 & 3on3 comps as well as regular teams

Who? Juniors, Ladies, Mixed

Where? Glen Insports Arena 188 Church St

When? Fridays.

How much will it cost? $12 Insurance per player

$5/game for students

How do I become involved? Teams may nominate,

or individuals

Who can I contact for more information?

Phil Shannon 0438 323 156 or 6732 2263 [email protected] Jacynta Shannon 0431 350 820

Junior Cricket

Who? Junior boys or girls 7-16 years

Where? Various Cricket grounds in Glen Innes

When? Saturday mornings 8.30am-12pm

How much will it cost? $50 per year

Cricket equipment ie. Bats, pads and protective equipment provided, whites at own expense

Who can I contact for more information?

Phil Shannon 0438 323 156

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Kick Boxing/Fitness

Who? up to 14 years; 14yrs to adults

Where? Primary School Hall

When? 7-8pm

How much will it cost? $36 annual membership

$7 per session

How do I become involved? Contact Nick King or come

to Primary School Hall prior to the sessions.

Who can I contact for more information?

Nick King 6721 1112 or 0421 088 007 [email protected]

Martial Arts

Who? up to 14 years; 14yrs to adults

Where? Primary School Hall

When? 5-6pm (up to 14yrs)

6-7pm (14yrs to adult)

How much will it cost? $36 annual membership

$7 per session

How do I become involved? Contact Nick King or come

to Primary School Hall prior to the sessions.

Who can I contact for more information?

Nick King 6721 1112 or 0421 088 006 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012



Who? 5-12 years, 13-18 years

Where? Wilson Park

When? Saturdays from 12 noon: April to September

How much will it cost? Year 1 -Year 6 $50

Year 7 $60 Year 8 onwards $80 No additional costs. But would require uniforms, shoes.

Who can I contact for more information?

President, Dave Camp 6732 7028 Secretary, Kirstie Fuller 6732 5201 www.gleninnes.netball.asn.au

Northskate/ Northsports

General Sessions on Fridays from 6-9 Sat & Sundays 2-4.30pm

Who? 5 to 65 +

Where? Skate Centre in Lambeth St.

When? Phone 6732 1900

How much will it cost? $5 for an afternoon session, or $6 for

an evening session.

How do I become involved? Come along during opening hours

Who can I contact for more information?

Ken Bradley Skate Centre in Lambeth Street. 6732 1900

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Rifle Shooting

Young people can attend for free as a one off without a licence, but only on an open day.

Who? Must be over 12

Where? Pistol Club Complex Bradley's Lane

When? 1st Sunday of each month

How much will it cost? $12 on the day

May borrow a rifle at the club

Who can I contact for more information?

Dennis Young 6732 2382 or Neil Parker 67323493 or 0438849238

Rugby Ball Handling Skills

Have fun while learning skills for both codes of football with a bit of "touch" footy added in.

Who? Kids from 7 – 12 years

Where? Rugby Union Field. 5-6pm

When? Friday evenings from April to September

How much will it cost? Free

How do I become involved? Turn up for the evening, parents

very welcome

Who can I contact for more information?

Ron de Cleene, 6732 5136

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Rugby League and Minor League

Who? Under 6; under 8; under 10; under 12; under 14;

Under 16, under 18, Reserves, 1st Grade and Ladies Tag league. Where? Meade Park is the home ground; Games are also played

at other towns.

When? Saturdays or Sundays from April to September

How much will it cost? $70 membership for Minor League,

Senior and Tag League are free

How do I become involved? Watch the paper for registration


Who can I contact for more information?

Mark Gallagher, President. 6732 4767

Rugby Union

Who? 16 and up, under 18 MUST have written permission from

parents / guardians and meet all guidelines

Where? Rugby Union Field

When? Wednesday nights from 5.30 pm March to September

How much will it cost? Junior players - $50. This covers

insurance, sox and shorts.

Who can I contact for more information?

Ron de Cleene, 6732 5136 , 0408 672839 or Club President Jim Ritchie, 0428 490 108

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012


Syncronised Swimming

Who? All welcome

Where? Glen Innes Swim Centre

When? Saturday 10.30am, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

4.00pm How much will it cost? Pool entry

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact Warwick Twigg, 6732 2438 or contact the Swim Centre.

Tap Dancing

Tania's Tiny Tappers

Who? Infants and Primary

Where? Community Centre and School

When? To be decided, contact Tania for details

How much will it cost?

$6 per lesson, variable depending on style of dance

Who can I contact for more information?

Tania Davis 6732 1248, mob. 0407 789 049 [email protected]

Hard Wired for Living Glen Innes Severn Council 2012



Who? All Welcome

Where? Studio 3, East Avenue Glen Innes, and School Of Arts,


When? Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 6pm Glen Innes,

Monday 6pm Deepwater

How much will it cost? $5 first two classes, $10 thereafter

Who can I contact for more information? Phone Stacie

0439 496 915 or Lisa 0448 158 182