Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws

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  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws




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  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 2


    ARTICLE I - Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....4

    ARTICLE IIAffiliation to Harambe Entrepreneur Alliance . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . 4

    ARTICLE IIIMission and Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....4

    Section 1: Mission

    Section 2: Objectives

    ARTICLE IV - Membership Classifications and Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Section 1: Membership Classifications

    Section 2: Harambe-Cameroon Officers

    Section 3: Harambe-Cameroon Associate MembershipSection 4: Harambe-Cameroon Affiliate Membership

    Section 5: Harambe-Cameroon Interns and Volunteers

    Section 6: Harambe-Cameroon Temporary Membership

    Section 7: Harambe Cameroon Affiliate Groups Recognition

    Section 8: Harambe Cameroon Active Membership Qualifications

    Section 9: Harambe Cameroon Monthly Evaluations

    Section 10: Membership Dues

    Section 11: Access to Benefits and Privileges of Harambe-Cameroon Membership

    Section 12: Elections and nominations

    Section 13: Harambe-Cameroon Membership Impeachment, Suspension and Revocation

    Section 14: Harambe Cameroon Carta

    ARTICLE V - HCam Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Section 1: General Powers

    Section 2: Composition of HCam Executive Board

    Section 3: Removal from the HCam Executive Board

    Section 4: Powers and Duties

    Section 5: Volenti Carta

    Section 6: HCam Executive Board Voting RightsSection 7: HCam President Voting Rights

    Section 8: Delegation of Functions

    Section 9: Term of Office

    Section 10: Vacancies

    Section 11: Transfer of Presidential Powers

    Section 12: Harambe Cameroon Founding President

    ARTICLE VI - Harambe Advisory Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Section 1: Member Voting RightsSection 2: Harambe Advisory Board Composition

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 3

    Section 3: Harambe Advisory Board Appointments

    Section 4: Function and Duties of the Harambe Advisory Board

    Section 5: Harambe Advisory Board Meetings

    Section 6: Absence of Harambe Advisory Board

    ARTICLE VII - Meetings of Harambe-Cameroon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 12

    Section 1: Harambe Cameroon Bi-Weekly Meetings

    Section 2: Harambe Cameroon Symposium and Executive Board Colloquium

    Section 3: General Body Meetings

    Section 4: Special Meetings

    Section 5: Notice of Meetings

    Section 6: Quorum

    Section 7: Online Voting

    ARTICLE VIII - Checks, Deposits, Gifts, and Brokerage Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Section 1: Checks, Drafts and Orders

    Section 2: Deposits

    Section 3: Gifts

    Section 4: Brokerage Accounts

    ARTICLE IX - Books, Records and Principal Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

    Section 1: Books and Records

    Section 2: Principal Office of Harambe-Cameroon

    ARTICLE X - Conflict of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 13

    ARTICLE XIV - Amendment of By-Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Section 1: Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised

    Section 2: Ombudsman

    ARTICLE XV - Dissolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14


  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 4



    The name of this organization will be Harambe-Cameroon. (Henceforth referred as HCam)


    Affiliation to the Harambe Entrepreneur Alliance

    Harambe-Cameroon is an independent branch of the Harambe Entrepreneur Alliance (HEA). It

    works in joint collaboration with sister-organizations affiliated to HEA.


    Mission and Goals

    Section 1: Mission

    Harambe Cameroons missionis To inspire a new generation of young leaders and entrepreneurs

    who see problems as opportunities in need of solutions and have the poise and wherewithal to

    engage others to make long-lasting social impact.

    Section 2: Objectives

    i: Change the paradigm as it relates to entrepreneurship and competition among Cameroons


    ii: Empower the individual by providing necessary training and skills development that will

    allow them to translate their ideas into ventures for the benefit of the community

    iii: Provide a support network comprising of students, mentors/experts, NGOs, businesses and

    government agencies.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 5


    Membership Classifications and Qualifications

    Section 1: Membership Classifications

    The members of Harambe-Cameroon shall be divided into four (4) classes as follows: Harambe-

    Cameroon Officers, Harambe-Cameroon Associate Members, Harambe-Cameroon Affiliate

    Members, and Harambe-Cameroon Interns/Volunteers

    Section 2: Harambe-Cameroon Officers

    Harambe-Cameroon Officers have access to the benefits and privileges of Harambe-Cameroon

    members. The officers are the governing body of the organization. They ensure the day-to-day

    operations of HCam.

    i. An HCam officer is expected to commit to a schedule for a minimum of six-month period thatfalls within the guidelines of a minimum of 3 hours per day and a maximum of 25 hours a week.

    ii. Harambe-Cameroon officers will consist of the President, Financial Director, Secretary General,Communications Officer, Director of Engagements, and other positions created if needs-be by

    the President, with the consent of the Executive Board.

    iii. Starting in September 2012, each officer will be elected to his/her position, by all eligibleHarambe-Cameroon members.

    iv. The term of officers in a specific position shall be no more than 2 years. Renewable ones. Theterm will cover the span of one Harambe year: From October 31 stAugust 31st.

    Section 3: Associate Membership

    Harambe-Cameroon Associates have access to the benefits and privileges of Harambe-Cameroon and

    are allowed to vote for representatives in the Harambe Advisory Board as described in the HCam

    Membership Addendum. To gain membership, individuals must satisfy the following membership


    i. Candidates must be enrolled or have graduated from a tertiary institution of higher learningrecognized in Cameroon and/or the world.

    ii. Candidates must submit a Harambe-Cameroon Membership Application and be accepted by aRecruitment Committee, made up by a designated member of the HCam Executive Board.

    iii. Candidates must sign the Harambe Cameroon Charter Agreement.iv. Candidates must attend and be engaged in at least one Entrepreneurship Program by Harambe-


    v. There shall be an annual Associates Representative, who would represent the interest ofAssociates on the Executive Board. The Associate shall be elected by his/her peers.

    Section 4: Harambe-Cameroon Affiliate Membership

    To gain membership, individuals must satisfy the following membership requirements:

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 6

    i. Individuals assisting Harambe-Cameroon Associate Members are eligible for HCam AffiliateMembership recognition upon approval of a designated member of the HCam Executive


    a. An Affiliate Member may participate in any capacity within a group spearheaded byan HCam Associate Member, excluding the position bestowing the groups highest

    level of decision making authority.

    ii. Individuals who share the mission of Harambe Cameroon and would want to be involvedpart-time with the organization are eligible to be Affiliates. They will submit the Harambe

    Cameroon Application Form for review and upon acceptance will pay a membership fee, to

    be determined by the Executive Board, per year.

    iii. An Affiliate Member cannot participate in HCam elections, cannot serve nor hold officewithin the HCam and may not access the benefits and privileges of HCam Associate


    Section 5: Harambe-Cameroon Interns and Volunteers

    Harambe Cameroon shall offer internship positions to interested individuals.

    i. Length of Position: This position is offered for a minimum period of 3 months, with thepossibility of expansion to six-months, or a full-year upon evaluation by Harambe-Cameroon

    Recruitment Committee.

    a. Interns would commit a minimum of 3h/day to Harambe-Cameroon, and a maximum

    of 30h/week.

    ii. Academic Credit: Harambe-Cameroon will provide documentation (including the interndescription and evaluation) to support obtaining course credit, although interns may have to

    take initiative to complete additional forms required by degree programs.

    iii. Assignments: Ideal internship shall involve a final project that an intern has developed withinitiative, creativity and a sense of ownership. Harambe-Cameroon will identify and help

    intern with needs to meet his/her individual learning goals. Research results or documents

    remain the property of Harambe-Cameroon. Interns may be involved in administrative work to

    support Harambe-Cameroon or in developing new donors.

    iv. The difference between an intern and a volunteer will rely on the length of position. AVolunteer is a member that shall commit less than 3months to Harambe. All the benefits of

    internship will apply to volunteers.

    Section 6: Harambe-Cameroon Temporary Membership

    The HCam President, with the advice and consent of the HCam Executive Board, shall have the right

    from time to time to extend Harambe-Cameroon Associate Membership and all the benefits and

    privileges contained therein to an individual whose service to the HCam is of reasonable and objective

    value. Such exemptions shall be rare, shall not be extended to the same individual more than once and

    shall be in written format. All temporary memberships shall expire on August 31st

    of each year.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 7

    Section 7: Harambe-Cameroon Affiliate Groups Recognition

    The HCam President may, from time to time, extend the privileges and benefits of HCam to groups

    or organizations that commit to abide by high ethical standards and wish to assist HCam fulfill its

    mission and the promise of the Harambe Bretton Woods Declaration. Any such agreements must

    be done in written President must consult the Executive Board and notify the Harambe Advisory

    Board of any such agreements within seven (7) days of adoption.

    Section 8: Harambe-Cameroon Active Membership Qualifications

    Active membership shall be limited to persons officially selected by the Executive Board to a role

    or position within the organization. They may be Associates or Affiliates. The following

    requirements are necessary to constitute active membership:

    i. Completion of tasks and assignments by set deadlines. Or no more than 24 hours past thedeadline.

    ii. Active participation in of the activities of Harambe Cameroon.iii. Positive evaluations by peers and Executive officers.

    Section 9: Harambe-Cameroon Monthly Evaluations

    Each month the performance of each person in the Harambe Bunge will be graded. Evaluations

    shall be submitted by each active member before midnight of every last Sunday of the month

    between November and June. The final grade, except for the month of January, will be theweighted average of the scores assigned to each person by four different evaluators:

    The evaluations shall offer an opportunity for:

    i. Team mates to evaluate other team mates performance.ii. Officers to evaluate Associates performanceiii. The Executive Board to evaluate team performance.

    At the discretion of the Executive Board people with low grades may be downgraded or be subject

    to disciplinary actions.

    Section 10: Membership Dues

    Harambe Officers and Associates shall pay an annual and monthly membership fee. The payment

    shall be given towards the assigned treasurer and deposited in the Harambe-Cameroon Account.

    Each year the Fees shall be determined by the Executive Board.

    Section 11: Access to Benefits and Privileges of Harambe-Cameroon Membership

    i. Harambe-Cameroon Officers, upon positive evaluation of 6months of work, shall havedirect access to Harambe-Cameroon benefits.

    ii. Associate Members seeking to have access to the benefits and privileges of Harambe-Cameroon membership must demonstrate reasonable and continued engagement or

    involvement in Harambe related affairs since the date of their acceptance into Harambe-

    Cameroon, which may include but not limited to leadership roles within officially

    recognized Harambe groups and activities, academic research on Cameroon/Africa,academic degrees or courses related to African issues. No member shall be exempt from

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 8

    this requirement. This requirement must be satisfied in written format and enforced by a

    designated member of the Harambe-Cameroon Executive Board.

    Section 12: Elections and nominations

    Elections will be held annually within the first month of the program, September, based on secret


    i. Only Associates and Officers are eligible to run for any desired position.ii. Voting rights are extended to: Associates, Officers, active Affiliates, and 6months Interns.

    iii. The quorum for elections will be 50% plus 1 of eligible members.iv. Nominations will happen a week before elections. A candidate can nominate him/herself

    or could be nominated by someone else for no more than 2 positions.

    v. The newly elected officers will shadow old officers during 1 month; they will activelystart their term in November.

    Section 13: Harambe-Cameroon Membership Impeachment, Suspension and Revocation

    All members and Executive officers have to comply with the rules laid out by these By-laws, their

    Job-description, and the Professional Rules of Conduct; if not they will be subject to impeachment

    or/and disciplinary procedures.

    i. Revocation: The Harambe-Cameroon Executive Board, may have the power, with a vote,to revoke Harambe-Cameroon Membership following a published due diligence process.

    ii. Suspension: Any member or Executive officer violating rules or being detrimental to theprogress, dignity, and welfare of Harambe-Cameroon including verbal and or physical abuse,disorderly conduct, and inappropriate behavior is subject to a one month suspension from


    iii. Due diligence process: Any members of the Harambe Bunge in violation of theorganization's By-Laws, Professional Rules of Conduct, or disruptive to the purpose and

    mission of Harambe will be subject to the measures below:

    a. First Incident - consultative meeting will ensue with the goal of addressing the issue,with the officer/staff/intern/member in charge.

    b. Second Incidence - A written warning from the Secretary General.c. Third Incidence - removal at the discretion of the President.

    iv. Impeachment : Impeachment of any Executive officer shall be brought before the membersof the organization, a 50% +1 quorum will be needed, and a two-thirds majority of active

    members present at the meeting will be required to remove the person from their position.

    Section 14: Harambe-Cameroon Carta

    The Harambe Cameroon Carta shall be the official roster recognizing HCam Officers, Associates,

    Affiliate, Interns/Volunteers, and Affiliate Groups.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 9


    Harambe Cameroon Executive Board

    Section 1: General Powers

    The governing body of Harambe-Cameroon shall be the HCam Executive Board, which shall be

    responsible for the general management and conduct of Harambe-Cameroon affairs.

    Section 2: Composition of HCam Executive Board

    The HCam Executive Board of Harambe-Cameroon shall consist of the HCam President, HCam

    Secretary General, HCam Financial Director, HCam Communications Officer, and The Associates

    Representative. The HCam President, from time to time, may create new positions within the

    HCam Executive Board to meet the growing needs and demands of HCam. The roles and duties of

    these officers shall be described in the HCam Executive Board Addendum.

    Section 3: Removal from the HCam Executive Board

    An officers removal from the HCam Executive Board may be initiated by the HCam President and

    will require a majority vote of the Harambe Advisory Board within fourteen (14) days of the

    HCam Presidents request. Harambe Advisory Board or HCam Executive Board shall have no

    authority to remove the Harambe Cameroon Founding President.

    Section 4: Powers and Duties

    The members of the HCam Executive Board shall have such powers and shall perform such duties

    as may from time to time be specified by the HCam President in the HCam Executive Board

    Addendum. In the absence of such specification, each officer shall have the powers and authority

    and shall perform and discharge the duties of officers of the same title serving in nonprofit

    corporations having the same or similar general purposes and objectives of Harambe-Cameroon.

    Section 5: Volenti Carta

    The HCam Executive Board shall be required to submit to the Harambe Advisory Board an annual

    budget and strategy outline for the year. The document shall be known as the Volenti Carta. The

    first Volenti Carta shall be ratified by the Harambe Advisory Board no later than January 20, 2012.

    Section 6: HCam Executive Board Voting Rights

    Only HCam Executive Board Members who satisfy the following requirements shall vote on

    deliberations of the HCam Executive Board.

    i. Must have served on HCam Executive Board for a trial period of three (3) months and havespent a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week on HCam related initiatives during the three

    month trial period, as recorded by a designated member of the HCam Executive Board.

    ii. Must maintain reasonable engagement with the HCam Executive Board after the three monthtrial period.

    iii. Must participate in all official HCam Executive Board meetings and discussions presided bythe HCam President, unless excused by the HCam President. HCam Executive Board

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 10

    Members with more than two (2) excused or unexcused absences a month shall lose their

    right to vote and have to re-enter the three month trial period to regain their right to vote.

    iv. Continued disengagement from the duties and responsibilities of the HCam Executive Board,for an extended period time, without the prior consent and approval of the HCam Executive

    Board and as determined by a majority of the voting members of the Executive Board shall

    result in the revocation of voting rights.

    v. HCam Executive Board Members whose voting rights have been revoked as a result ofdisengagement will have to re-enter another three month trial period to regain their voting


    Section 7: HCam President Voting Rights

    The HCam President shall only vote in the event of a tie.

    Section 8: Delegation of FunctionsMembers of the HCam Executive Board may delegate their functions by forming committees,

    electing or appointing officers and establishing policies, guidelines and procedures to help them

    fulfill their responsibilities

    Section 9: Term of Office

    Each HCam Executive Board Member, excluding Harambe Cameroons Founding President, shall

    hold office for a term commencing the date of appointment by the HCam President and extending

    to end-of-August of the next year.

    Section 10: Vacancies

    A vacancy in any office, excluding the HCam President, because of resignation, removal,

    disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by an individual appointed by the HCam President for

    the unexpired portion of the term.

    Section 11: Transfer of Presidential Powers

    In case of resignation or retirement of Harambe-Cameroons Founding President, the same may

    amend these By-Laws and provide an addendum outlining election procedures and authority for the

    election of succeeding HCam Presidents or Executive Directors.

    Section 12: Harambe-Cameroon Founding President

    Upon retirement or resignation, Harambe-Cameroons Founding President shall hold the position

    of Honorary Advisor and shall meet with the Harambe Advisory Board and have a vote in all

    matters brought before the Harambe Advisory Board and perform such tasks, and duties, as may

    from time to time be assigned to the Harambe Advisory Board by the HCam President and HCam

    Executive Board.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 11


    Harambe Advisory Board

    Section 1: Member Voting Rights

    All Harambe-Cameroon Officers, Associates and Active Affiliates in good standing shall be

    entitled to one vote in Harambe Advisory Board Selection.

    Section 2: Harambe Advisory Board Composition

    The Harambe Advisory Board shall be comprised of five (5) Advisors and one (1) Honorary

    Advisor upon resignation or retirement of the Harambe Founding President. The five advisories

    positions shall be representative of the following sectors in Cameroon: Legal Advisor, Business

    Advisor, Governmental Advisor, Academic Advisor, and Civil Society Advisor.

    Section 3: Harambe Advisory Board AppointmentThe first five Harambe Advisors shall be appointed by the HCam President by Oct. 31, 2011. The

    HCam President may waive Advisory Board Qualifications requirements for the first Harambe

    Advisory Board. Subsequently, Advisory Board terms will ne 24 months, excluding the first

    Harambe Advisory Board, with appointments occurring every 2 years.

    i. Honorary Advisor has permanent position on the Advisory Board.Section 4: Function and Duties of the Harambe Advisory Board

    The Harambe Advisory Board shall function in an advisory capacity to the HCam Executive Board

    and may provide non-binding counsel on all matters as established by precedence and described in

    these By-Laws. Duties of the Harambe Advisory Board include:

    i. Represent the interests of Harambe-Cameroonii. Ratify HCam Executive Boards Annual Review and Plan of Action, by mid-January each year.

    iii. Mid-year Overview of Harambe Cameroon Activities, by mid-Juneiv. Ratify HCam Presidents nominees to the HCam Executive Board by Oct. 31 of each year.

    Section 5: Harambe Advisory Board Meetings

    The Harambe Advisory Board shall meet three (3) times a year for the purposes described below:

    i. Mid-January - Ratify the HCam Executive Board Annual Review and Plan of Actionii. Mid-June, Mid-year review of Harambe Cameroon Activities

    iii. Mid- September, Ratify the HCAM Presidents nominations to the HCAM Executive Board.Section 6: Absence of Harambe Advisory Board

    In the absence of the Harambe Advisory Board, the HCam President may perform the duties and

    responsibilities necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the organization. In such an event the

    HCam President and the HCam Executive Board must keep reasonably accurate records of any

    decisions made, on behalf of the organization, and notify the Harambe Advisory Board within

    seven (7) days of its formation.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 12


    Meetings of Harambe-Cameroon

    Section 1: Harambe Cameroon Bi-Weekly Meetings

    i. HCams Executive Board shall hold meetings every two weeks. These maybe held via onlineservices such as: Skype, or Telephone Conference Calls.

    Section 2: Harambe Cameroon Symposium and Executive Board Colloquium

    i. An annual gathering of Harambe-Cameroon shall be held in June of each year at such placeand manner as determined by the HCam Executive Board.

    ii.The day prior to the Symposium, an annual gathering of the HCam Executive Board shall beheld and be known as the Executive Board Colloquium (EBC). The EBC shall be held at

    such place, time and manner as determined by the HCam President.

    Section 3: General Body Meetings

    i. Harambe-Cameroon will hold General Body Meetings once every month. To be determinedby the Executive Board.

    ii. These meetings could be held in different regions of representation of Harambe-Cameroon,by the head of that region.

    Section 4: Special Meetings

    Special meetings of the HCam Executive Board and Harambe Advisory Board may be called by the

    HCam President at a date, time, and place designated by the HCam Executive Board.

    Section 5: Notice of Meetings

    Written or printed notice stating the place, date, and hour of any meeting shall be delivered either

    personally or by mail or e-mail to each member entitled to vote at such meeting not less than five (5)

    days before the date of such meeting. In case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which

    the meeting is called shall be listed in the notice.

    Section 6: Quorum

    At any General Meeting of the HCam Executive Board or the Harambe Advisory Board, a simple

    majority of those entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum.

    Section 7: Online Voting

    Voting may take place via electronic vote. Discussion may take place electronically until such time

    when the HCam President or a designated member of the HCam Executive Board calls for a vote.

    Once there is a call for a vote, the members will have twenty four (24) hours to cast a vote. A quorum

    of votes must be received by the deadline in order to be a valid vote. Approval of non-time sensitive

    matters must be by simple majority. Should there be a tie; the HCam President shall cast the deciding

    vote. Should there not be enough votes to invoke quorum, the measure is tabled until the next

    regularly scheduled or Special Meeting.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    Tel: +237 7013 5705 | P.O. Box: 5787, Yaound Cameroon | Office: Hajal Center 601, Yaound Page 13


    Checks, Deposits, Gifts, and Brokerage Accounts

    Section 1: Checks, Drafts and Orders

    All checks, drafts, or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness

    issued in the name of the Harambe-Cameroon, shall be signed by the HCam Financial Director.

    Section 2: Deposits

    All funds of Harambe-Cameroon shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of Harambe-

    Cameroon in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the HCam Financial Director may

    approve, with the consent and advice of the HCam Executive Board.

    Section 3: Gifts

    The HCam Financial Director with the approval and consent of the HCam Executive Board, onbehalf of HCam, may accept any contribution, gift, bequest, or device for any purpose of Harambe-


    Section 4: Brokerage Accounts

    The HCam Financial Director or another designated member of the HCam Executive Board is fully

    authorized and empowered to open a brokerage account, transfer, endorse, sell, assign, set over and

    deliver any and all shares of stocks, bonds, debentures, notes, evidences of indebtedness and other

    securities (including short sales), now or hereafter standing in the name of or owned by this to

    purchase stocks, bonds, debentures, notes, evidences of indebtedness, and other securities, on margin

    or otherwise, and to make, execute, and deliver, any and all written instruments necessary or proper

    to effectuate the authority hereby conferred. Due, prior and reasonable notice must be given to the

    HCam Executive Board of any such transactions.


    Books, Records and Principal Office

    Section 1: Books and Records

    Harambe-Cameroon shall keep correct and complete books and records of accounts and shall also

    keep reasonable minutes of the proceedings of its meetings

    Section 2: Principal Office of Harambe-Cameroon

    The principal office and telephone number of Harambe-Cameroon shall be the residence and

    telephone number of a member of the HCam Executive Board or a location designated by the

    HCam President.

  • 8/8/2019 Harambe Cameroon - Constitution and by-Laws



    Harambe-Cameroon - Transforming our problems into opportunities!

    Email: [email protected] |Website: www.Healliance.org |Blog: Harambecameroon.blogspot.com

    T l +237 7013 5705 | P O B 5787 Y d C | Offi H j l C t 601 Y d P 14


    Conflict of Interest

    A conflict of interest is defined as an actual or perceived interest by a member in an action that

    results in, or has the appearance of resulting in, personal, organizational, or professional gain not in

    the best interest of HCam. Elected and appointed officers of the HCam Executive Board and all

    Harambe members shall abide by the conflict of interest policy as laid out in the HCam Conflict of

    Interest Addendum.


    Waiver of Notice

    Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provision of these By-Laws, a waiver there

    of in writing, signed by the HCam President before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed

    equivalent to the giving of such notice.


    Parliamentary Authority

    Section 1: Roberts Rules ofOrder Newly Revised

    The rules contained in the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall

    govern Harambe-Cameroon in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not in

    conflict or inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order Harambe-Cameroon may


    Section 2: Ombudsman

    The HCam President may appoint an individual, for an agreed period of time, to serve as HCam

    Ombudsmanand with sole, final authority and discretion to determine interpretation of these By-



    Amendment of By-Laws

    These By-Laws may be amended by a 3/4 vote of the HCam Executive Board, a 1/2 vote of the

    Harambe Advisory Board. Seven (7) days written notice must be given of the intention to alter,

    amend or repeal, or to adopt new by-laws at such meeting or virtual vote.



    Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed to the State or local

    government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court

    of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then

    located, exclusively for such purposes.