It was quite an intents week for the school with the whole of Year 7 and 600 members of the extended school community spending at least some of their weekend under canvass! The pictures below share the scene early on Saturday morning when the advance party from Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation proceeded like clockwork and the tent was up in minutes, looking resplendent in the September sunshine. The putting up of the Year 7 Camp Out tents was not so smooth and photos of their assembly have been embargoed to save embarrassment! Collaboration was the name of the game however and it was good to see the parents working together. Some did whilst others directed! Fortunately, there were no midnight reports of tents collapsing so the time spent ensuring that poles and rods were properly connected was well worth it! Both events were a huge success and whilst Mr Jarvis’ eyes, at the end of night with sleep-avoiding Year 7s, were not filled with quite the same level of surprise and wonder as those watching the Circus, everyone involved in the activities deemed them a success. My thanks go to Mrs Nixon and Mrs Vercoe from the HPA for masterminding our first foray into the travelling world of the Circus. I have only heard great things about the show and, judging from the laughter emanating from the Big Top, everyone was royally entertained. The fund raising total is yet to be confirmed but I am sure, given the numbers attending and

Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

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Page 1: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

It was quite an intents week for the school with the whole of Year 7 and 600 members of the extended school community spending at least some of their weekend under canvass! The pictures below share the scene early on Saturday morning when the advance party from Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation proceeded like clockwork and the tent was up in minutes, looking resplendent in the September sunshine. The putting up of the Year 7 Camp Out tents was not so smooth and photos of their assembly have been embargoed to save embarrassment! Collaboration was the name of the game however and it was good to see the parents working together. Some did whilst others directed! Fortunately, there were no midnight reports of tents collapsing so the time spent ensuring that poles and rods were properly connected was well worth it! Both events were a huge success and whilst Mr Jarvis’ eyes, at the end of night with sleep-avoiding Year 7s, were not filled with quite the same level of surprise and wonder as those watching the Circus, everyone involved in the activities deemed them a success.

My thanks go to Mrs Nixon and Mrs Vercoe from the HPA for masterminding our first foray into the travelling world of the Circus. I have only heard great things about the show and, judging from the laughter emanating from the Big Top, everyone was royally entertained. The fund raising total is yet to be confirmed but I am sure, given the numbers attending and

Page 2: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

the weather that was enjoyed by all, the event will have raised a healthy contribution to the HPA’s annual fundraising total. The pair were supported by a team of staff and parents without whose help the event would not have run so smoothly. Thanks go to them too.

The noises issuing forth from the tents on the Year 7 Camp Out late into the night and early into the morning, was proof that not much sleep was had by the children nor by the staff. A great time was had by all and the overnight programme of activities served to bring the year group ever closer together. This year, the Hawaiian theme, whilst optimistic for the overnight temperatures, prompted the Head’s Lawn to be awash with colour, garish beach shirts, hulas and floral garlands.

Page 3: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

I am sure the children returned home happy but exhausted. Mr Jarvis slept the whole afternoon, even missing his beloved Liverpool FC beating Tottenham in the early afternoon kick off! The school has settled back into an exciting rhythm of a new academic year. The inevitable buzz of The BOX is evident all over the school with the children working hard and enjoying their learning right across the timetable and curriculum. The new children and staff have integrated well and, from my Study window, I can see the Year 3 children playing and mixing together in and around the Baily Building. They already look taller and broader-shouldered than they did on the first day of the term! The Upper School pupils are setting a good example and are role models that all can aspire to follow. The Year 7 electives are going down well with the children relishing the opportunity to pursue subjects such as Sports Science, Life-saving, Food technology, Orienteering, Forensics and Entrepreneurial Studies. The cross country season is underway and we are hopeful, as the early term meets begin next week, that we can build on the successes of last year. The inter-house races this week produced some determined and impressive running which bode well for personal bests and medals as the programme unfolds. I am delighted to see that the whole school community have embraced the G of GRIT and are embracing each new day with a smile.

For a list of communications hosted on the Parent Information Portal (PiP) each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years

Another wonderful week at HNEY has ended. There has been so much going on in all of the rooms, from solving crimes, braving the wind in search of shapes and waiting expectantly for nature to visit. It has been lovely to walk around the rooms and see that the majority of children are fully settled into the daily routine and are enjoying exploring all that is in offer. This week in Fledglings 1 we have all had fun exploring corn flour with our whole body and mark making using crayons to make large scale pictures. The children have had lots of fun exploring sound with different musical instruments, at the moment they are very much into loud sounds!

This week in Robins has been a ROARING success. The children have thoroughly enjoyed looking dinosaurs. They have made dinosaur skeletons using cotton buds, painted dinosaur

Lots of painting this week in Fledglings 2 making Butterflies with symmetrical patterns and identifying facial features and size with big and small Pandas. The children have explored lots of different textures through messy play and painted on a large scale using different tools. We have also used the climbing equipment in the hall and lots of play out in the garden.

Page 4: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

footprints and created paper plate dinosaurs. The children have shown great interest and have used technology to research what the dinosaurs looked like. Steve found a baby squirrel which he introduced to the children. They were fascinated to come face-to-face with a creature that they had previously only seen from afar. The squirrel was released to continue its hoarding of food for the winter ahead.

The Top Robins room were concentrating on the 'Sharing a shell' book this week, focusing on sea creatures and the importance of sharing and being kind to our peers. We have created starfish and jellyfish, explored ice and taken turns to fish for magnetic sea creatures. We have also sorted objects by colour, practised our counting and had a very cheeky visitor to our garden in the shape of a cute baby squirrel!

Page 5: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

Skylarks have enjoyed a shaped themed week this week. They have been on shape hunts in the garden and around the nursery and have been practicing matching shapes together with our Dotty Dinosaurs game. The children found the circle shape bubbles thoroughly entertaining and loved singing about circles in our music lesson with Mrs Fryer. Skylarks have also been learning about height this week and have measured themselves and their friends on our height chart.

On Tuesday Oak arrived at school to discover a crime! On the decking were three bowls add three chairs, but one was broken. The children quickly decided Goldilocks was involved. With magnifying glasses, the children looked for clues and footprints! There were many sightings of Goldilocks during the day! Oak also made delicious porridge, acted out the story of “Goldilocks and the 3 Bears” and continued to work on amazing creations for their own bears. In Music with Mrs Fryer the children have worked hard learning a percussion piece for their Harvest celebration next week which they are looking forward to perform.

“This porridge is…. Too cold…………..too hot……this porridge is…..just right!”

Page 6: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

Two wonderful images from a week in Skylarks. The main picture sums up the spirit of the Nursery – laughter and smiles amongst friends in the fresh, open air! Does life get any better?

The swimming image captures the young children showing guts, determination and courage to get into the water so happily with very little encouragement so early in the term. Well done to everyone in Skylarks!

Page 7: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

News from Hazelwood

“Thank you for the opportunity to see the “Box”. Wow - what a space! How exciting and how lucky are the children to have such an incredible and interactive space. It provides a fun and interactive space to learn and also helps them prepare for the technology in the 21st Century in a safe environment. School has definitely changed since my day!!!! Thank you for opening it up to parents - definitely a place to be seen and it will now mean more to me when the children talk about it.”

Reigate half marathon Congratulations go to the Roberts family who put their best foot forward at the event on Sunday. Mrs Roberts flew around the 13 mile course in a hugely impressive and fleet of foot time of 1 hour and 39 minutes. Coedy and Scarlett earned themselves a special medal. Having completed 12 individual mile runs over the summer, the girls stepped out onto the Reigate course to complete their 13th mile and claim their half marathon ‘Finisher’ medal. It was a triumphant end to a summer challenge which kept Coedy and Scarlett active and focused throughout the long break. Well done girls!

This week, Year 4 handed in their first piece of their 'Grid Prep.' Rufus and James M chose to create their own volcanoes as part of our topic 'Active Planet.' Others created wonderful rangoli patterns, researched rupees, found out and plotted ten volcanoes on a world map. All the prep was fantastic and we look forward to seeing what else the children produce this term!

Fun Club Christmas dates Fun Club will be open during the Christmas break on the following days: Monday 17th, Tuesday 18th and Wed 19th December. Booking Forms are on the website.

Page 8: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

From Tee to Tea The recent event, held at Limpsfield Golf Club, introduced a number of Hazelwood parents to the glorious game of golf. For their efforts and concentration, they were rewarded with tea in the Clubhouse after an intensive afternoon learning new skills and rising to the many challenges presented to them by golf professional Roger Williams. Mr Williams was pleased to report that non performed under par and he was quite putting green with envy as to how quickly they picked up the basics of the game.

The School Vision Document was shared with all families last week. If you haven’t received a copy, please check your oldest child’s book bag or rucksack. If you are still without, and would like a copy, please contact the school offices on each site. If you would to discuss any aspect of it in more detail, then please contact

[email protected]

Page 9: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

The Year 7 Hawaiian Camp Out

Page 10: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

Year 7 camp out – It’s all in a night’s work! Whilst we dodged the ominous rain showers which were looming overhead as the tents were being erected, Year 7 plus their Form Tutors arrived suitably dressed in all manner of Hawaiian themed costumes: coconuts, garlands, grass skirts and even a wetsuit! Mr Jarvis was hugely disappointed that his £10 Amazon shirt had also been purchased by Freddie which meant that he couldn't win the fancy dress competition. Parents aided with tents and clearly some were going to be in more comfort than others during the night. Olivia's group had what only could be described as a canvas house, with double blow up beds, chairs and dressing area - the teachers were very jealous given Mrs Steel and Miss Keen were in single tents with Mr Jarvis, banned from sleeping on his office sofa, sharing a tent with Mr Hayes. As the parents left, the evening proceedings began with earnest. Supper, cooking, rounders, girls' dance-off (and all before 8pm we may add!) was then followed by a raucous water polo session in the pool led by Miss Lloyd. Believing we had done our best to exhaust the Year 7's, we were wrong! A campfire with hot chocolate, marshmallows and a roundup of the evening's events preceded the long nag for teeth brushing, washing and settling to sleep. Oh and what a night it turned out to be.... sweet packets were rustling, voices were whispered and giggling was stifled for many hours into the night. It was mildly staggering quite how many trips to the toilet were needed - the flow was strong! We awoke early (not sure all had gone to sleep to be fair) and enjoyed bacon and sausage sandwiches followed by dismantling tents and the big 'clear-up.' Year 7 were fabulous, although extremely excited, were at all times polite and thanked the teachers generously in the morning. A wonderful bonding experience for our new Year 7 cohort and a rather bleary-eyed one for the teachers. Well done to Jaslyn for winning the best dressed competition - Mr Jarvis promised he will return with a new shirt next year to steal the accolade! Thank you to all the parents who supported the evening, helped put up and take down tents, provided tents for others, to Miss Lloyd for her help with the swimming and also to the Catering team for helping us with the food. Your turn next, Year 6...!

Mrs Steel, Miss Keen, Mr Hayes and Mr Jarvis

News from the Library Sevenoaks Young Readers Festival Day Saturday 29th September 2018 There are still spaces available for the sessions with some fantastic author's Emma Carroll, Hilary McKay and Katherine Woodfine as well as Crassida Cowell and Axel Scheffer. These sessions should excite any pupil in years 4 upwards. To read up more about this exciting event please click on the link below www.sevlitfest.com Also for younger pupils there are story time, art and craft sessions running from 10.30 to 3pm. So if you have not already planned your Saturday please come along. National Poetry Day On Thursday 4th October we have the poet and rapper Karl Nova coming into the school to perform to the children in Assembly (Years 3-8) and to run workshops for the pupils in Year 5. Karl will be selling his book Rhythm and Poetry during the break times in the library and will also sign books. If you are happy for your child/ren to purchase a book please either let

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me or your child/ren's tutor/s know. A signature in your child/ren's prep diary will also be helpful stating you are happy for the purchase to be made. Books are £5.99. Please let me know by Wednesday next week (26th Sept) so we have enough time to get the books in. If you wish to learn more about Karl his information can be found at https://www.authorsabroad.com/author/karlnova/ We do hope you will support this exciting poetry day and we look forward to welcoming Karl to the school on the 4th. Nicki Wisniewski, Librarian

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For their science project ‘Staying Alive’, the children of Y6 gained some valuable hands-on experience of dissection. Given a heart, they worked in small groups to expose the ventricles, pulmonary vein and artery and muscle walls. There were some early signs of budding cardiac surgeons as well as those for whom the Operating Theatre was perhaps not going to be their natural working environment!

Reveal your identity In all the excitement of Saturday’s circus, the name of the winner of the first prize in the raffle – for the Everyman Cinema membership – was not recorded. The organisers would like to get in touch to hand over your prize. Can you call the School Office and let them know who the lucky person is! Thank you.

Page 13: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another
Page 14: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

On a beautiful Sunny afternoon all year 3-8 pupils took part in the annual Inter House Cross Country competition. There was fierce competition throughout and determination to achieve not only the best points for the respective houses but a place in the cross country squad for the upcoming fixtures. Congratulations to all the competitors. House results will be announced shortly! The results from the races were as follows:

Junior Annabelle N (B), Alice S (B), Jess K (D) Woody J (P), Dibbe E (P), Harrison C (B)

Middle Florine R (B), Autumn L (B), Elisa Y (D) Daniel A (D), Marcus K (I), Harry E (B)

Senior Holly L (B), Felicity C (B), Hanna R (P) Luke D (D), Harry T (I), Ralph L (I)

Page 15: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

Can I ask please children to bring a “petite” (small) photo of themselves in France (or a French-speaking country), or in Spain (or a Spanish-speaking country). Names and the name of the nearest main town should be written at the back so they can be displayed in our classrooms. Merci….¡Muchas gracias! Madame Le Floch

Welcome to Master Jack

Cochrane who was in a hurry to

enter the world. So much so

that Mrs Cochrane had to hurry

unexpectedly to the hospital ten

days ago. Beautiful Jack was

born on 12th September at

Pembury Hospital.

After his impatience to meet his

mum and dad, Jack is looking

peaceful and content as he

takes a well-earned nap!

Page 16: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

Welcome to the Hazelwood Community This wonderful group picture of our Oak Reception cohort was taken in preparation for a special feature being run by The Surrey Mirror. Each year, the paper celebrates the start of ‘Big School’ for the children of Surrey. Hazelwood have been proud and delighted to take part. This year is no different. The first days of school are a special milestone and one which it is right to mark. We will let parents know when the feature is to be included in the paper.

Boxing clever on the football pitch On Wednesday afternoon, Mr MacDougall’s fantastic footballers took responsibility for their own training session. The afternoon began with a session in ‘The Box’ where they worked in groups to create their own football related drills which the rest of the squad would have to undertake in the sports hall. There were some new and fantastic ideas offered by the groups and I was incredibly impressed with the collaboration and listening skills of the boys. We then went down to the sports hall to try out the new drills which were all great fun and managed to successfully address a variety of football skills. Well done boys!

Page 17: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

On the ball with Team GB On Wednesday the year 7 and 8 girls were fortunate enough to have a two hour masterclass with Ollie Willars the England and GB hockey player. He taught the girls some great news skills used by the England team and then introduced them to different game scenarios encouraging them to use the width of the pitch and not to crowd around the ball. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the session with Ollie and hopefully have some new tactics up their sleeves for the upcoming season. The games staff then had a two hour session with him and are now full of new skills and drills of their own to inspire and challenge the children.

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Having a blast with LEGO! Year 6 have been working hard to construct models to show the various tectonic plate boundaries they have been learning about in Geography. The boys even included moving cogs depicting the convection currents of magma within the mantle that move the plates towards each other (bottom left image). The girls were busy demonstrating a constructive plate boundary where the tectonic plates move apart from one another and the magma rises up in the fissures/cracks created (bottom right). Meanwhile, other groups were busy learning about a conservative plate boundary (top left). Everyone got involved and the models were very creative as well as educational.

Maths to Music This week, Miss Dancy’s Year 5 Maths Set teamed up with the BBC Sport Super Movers initiative to improve their multiplication. The class really enjoyed the Brain Booster Activity and answered some tough multiplication questions whilst dancing to the routine performed by Cardiff City’s Mascot Bartley Bluebird and Wolverhampton Wanderers’ Mascot Wolfie Wolf.

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Stepping back in time This week, the children of Year 3 used the powers of The BOX to transport them back to the civilization of Ancient Greece. They used all the resources to first visually explore the might of the Gods and glory of the Parthenon before capturing their ideas and first impressions. They used creative simile and metaphor to come up with some new ways of seeing the land of the mighty Trojan Horse!

Under the glare of the Aegean sun, the children chose to switch the lights to cooling blue. Great for the work ethic and productivity. Not so great for the quality of the pictures!

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Thanks to everyone who came to the Quiz Night - we had over 100 people. It was a great atmosphere and brilliant fun. Huge thanks to Lindie and Howard for marking and to Duncan Fotheringham for being an absolutely excellent Quiz Master. Well done to everyone who took part – it was a great evening. Congratulations to our winning tables: Winning team: Year 1 “Trump University” (photo with American flags). Best dress up/ decoration: “Bookworms” (photo with librarians and books)

Other commended tables included the Year 2 table, “Two Much of a Good Thing” all in Scrubs but on hand in case of a medical emergency and The Whig table (Year 6) who brightened up the proceedings in a variety of hairpieces.

Music Timetable

The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

News from the Kitchen

Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Page 21: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you. It was a gutsy team performance by the U11C team this week away at Hawthorns. In the end a single goal decided the match in favour of the host team. Hazelwood walked away with heads held high and god deal of solid defending and moving of the ball around the pitch under their belt. Sometimes the ball doesn’t always do what your best intentions want it to! Well done girls and commiserations too to the U11D team whose scoreline of 3-1 in defeat didn’t reflect the quality and commitment of their play.

Notice Board

Communication sent home this week The following communications have been uploaded to the Parent Information Portal and are now available to view if relevant to you or your child/children:

PIP (Parent Information Portal) Access Link https://3sys.hazelwoodschool.com/schoolPORTAL Years 1-8 – Harvest Festival Years 1-8 – Music Timetable/Week 4 – this will be uploaded to PIP each Friday Years 3-7 – LAMDA Timetable/Week 4 – this will be uploaded to PIP each Friday Years 1-5 – Lower School Parents’ Evenings Years 3-8 – Music Programme Autumn Term Year 7 – Film Night Year 4 – Natural History Museum Trip Year 2 – Film Night

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Tuesday, 2nd October - https://www.trybooking.com/uk/book/event?eid=4060&bof=1 Thursday, 4th October - https://www.trybooking.com/uk/book/event?eid=4061&bof=1

CHAPEL CHOIR TOUR – YOUNG BOHEMIA 2019 For those pupils wishing to attend, a reminder that the consent form, deposit payment and copy passport is due with Mrs Greenwood by Friday, 21st September. JEANS 4 GENES For a £1 donation, pupils may wear jeans on Friday, 21st September (no ripped jeans or holes). Pupils in Years 1-6 should wear their normal school uniform or their house t-shirt on their top half (with blazers). Pupils in Years 7 & 8 may wear their Hazelwood hoodie or tracksuit top with their jeans All pupils may wear trainers. FLU (Nasal) VACCINE (Years 1-5) Please return signed Consent forms to the School Office by 19th October. TED Summer Project “The Circus” – as already advised, a reminder that the date for completion has been extended to Friday, 21st September.

FREE TRIAL SESSION AND £40 DISCOUNT AT PERFORM Popular children's drama school is offering a free trial session and a special introductory discount of £40 for pupils at your school if they sign up by 30th September. Parents should quote NEWS300918 when they book their free trial session by going to www.perform.org.uk or calling 020 7255 9120. Your nearest class is on Thursdays at Oxted Community Hall, 53, Church Lane, RH8 9NB

New television series for a major UK broadcaster is looking for parents and their children aged 11-16 to take part Spelthorne Community Television is making a new series on sex and relationships education and are looking for parents and their children to take part. Spelthorne TV is part-owned by the Channel 4 Indie Growth Fund and has made a range of programming for all the major broadcasters including factual entertainment and scripted comedy. This brand-new series will be produced by our factual department. With sex and relationships education becoming statutory in all schools from 2020, Spelthorne’s Sex Ed: Then and Now (working title) will use archive material to explore the history of sex education. The series will provide a platform for parents, young people and viewers alike to discuss and debate different views, share personal experiences and encourage an open conversation around sex and relationships education in Britain. The series will work closely with a sex-education consultant who will ensure any material shown is age-appropriate to each child participating, and the welfare of the children involved will be paramount at all times. The company is currently trying to reach out to parents and Secondary school (Year 7 & 8) age children to see if this is something they might want to get involved with. Interested

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families should contact Becca on 0203 150 3307. Any personal information given to them will be processed in accordance with Spelthorne Community Television’s privacy policy* and all relevant data protection laws.


Key Events for Next Week

Key dates – Week 4

Monday 24 September All Day Year 1 Trip to Brighton Toy Museum 1430 Cross Country: U9-13 Hazelwood Relays (H) Tuesday 25 September 0800-1600 Hockey: U13 IAPS Tournament (A) 1220 Year 8 Careers Talk – Gareth Pugh 1530 Hockey: U9 A-C v Reigate St Mary’s (A) Wednesday 26 September All Day European Language Day 1430 Football: 1st XI, 3rd XI, Colts D, E and F v Sevenoaks Prep (H) 1430 Football: 2nd XI, Colts A, B and C v Sevenoaks Prep (A) 1430 Hockey: U13 C and D v St. Michael’s at Hazelwood Sports Hall 1430 Hockey: U11 A, B & U10 A v St. Michael’s at Edenbridge (H) 1430 Hockey: U11 C & U10 B v St. Michael’s (A) Thursday 27 September 0800 Years 7 and 8 Thinking Breakfast 0835 Interhouse Debate 0930 HNEY Harvest Festival Service (Oak Parents) 1430 Football: U8 A-C v Hawthorns (H) 1430 Hockey: U9 A-C v Hawthorns (A) Friday 28 September 0900 Harvest Service Years 1-8 1330 Irina Lyakhovskaya Piano Concert to Pupil Pianists

(Followed by a Masterclass) 1400 Cross Country: U9-U13 Thomas Trophy (Sevenoaks Prep) (A) 1530-1730 Year 2 Film Night – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Saturday 29 September 1000 Football: U10 A and B St Michael’s 5-a-side Tournament (A) 1300 Football: 1st XI New Beacon Tournament (A) Sunday 30 September Saturday 29 September 1800-2100 Swimming: U12/13 ESSA Championships at Guildford (A)

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Page 25: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another
Page 26: Happy’s Circus arrived on site to erect the Big Top. The operation ...€¦ · see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years Another