Port Blanc at sunset (Quiberon, Brittany, France) “Now, I must tell you of a strange experience which bore fruit in my later life. We had a cold [snap] drier than even observed before. People walking in the snow left a luminous trail. [As I stroked] Mačak's back, [it became] a sheet of light and my hand produced a shower of sparks. My father remarked, this is nothing but electricity, the same thing you see on the trees in a storm. My mother seemed alarmed. Stop playing with the cat, she said, he might start a fire. I was thinking abstractly. Is nature a cat? If so, who strokes its back? It can only be God, I concluded. I cannot exaggerate the effect of this marvelous sight on my childish imagination. Day after day I asked myself what is electricity and found no answer. Eighty years have gone by since and I still ask the same question, unable to answer it” by Nikola Tesla Irán nuestros sueños mientras descansamos a cazar triunfos, éxitos como esperanzas, por las regiones del mundo del tiempo que compartimos. Liberarán los océanos de la desesperanza de sus naufragios y lo alfombrarán de barcazas de oportunidades a su paso. Apartarán las nubes para que el Sol pueda pasar y consumir milimétricamente las sombras que visten las noches. Evaporarán la neblina en tinieblas donde el mar viene a estrellarse y fundirse con el olor de las ciudades. Las calles empedradas olerán a pan horneado y café molido mientras son entretejidos por nuestras historias, relatos de hechos recién vividos. Indonesia, Bali by Gloria & Richard Maschmeyer “That is the trouble with many inventors; they lack patience. They lack the willingness to work a thing out slowly and clearly and sharply in their mind, so that they can actually 'feel it work.' They want to try their first idea right off; and the result is they use up lots of money and lots of good material, only to find eventually that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it is better to make them before we begin” by Nikola Tesla Firenze, Tuscany, Italia "With ideas it is like with dizzy heights you climb: At first they cause you discomfort and you are anxious to get down, distrustful of your own powers; but soon the remoteness of the turmoil of life and the inspiring influence of the altitude calm your blood; your step gets firm and sure and you begin to look - for dizzier heights" by Nikola Tesla

Happy Salt's Harvest 2016 COMP

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Page 1: Happy Salt's Harvest 2016 COMP

Port Blanc at sunset

(Quiberon, Brittany, France)

“Now, I must tell you of a strange experience which bore fruit in my later life. We had a cold [snap] drier

than even observed before. People walking in the snow left a luminous trail. [As I stroked] Mačak's back, [it became] a sheet of light and my hand

produced a shower of sparks. My father remarked, this is nothing but electricity, the same thing you see on the trees in a storm. My mother seemed alarmed. Stop playing with the cat, she said, he might start a fire. I was thinking abstractly. Is

nature a cat? If so, who strokes its back? It can only be God, I concluded.

I cannot exaggerate the effect of this marvelous sight on my childish imagination. Day after day I

asked myself what is electricity and found no answer. Eighty years have gone by since and I still

ask the same question, unable to answer it” by Nikola Tesla

Irán nuestros sueños mientras descansamos a cazar triunfos, éxitos como esperanzas, por las regiones del mundo del tiempo que compartimos. Liberarán los océanos de la desesperanza de sus

naufragios y lo alfombrarán de barcazas de oportunidades a su paso. Apartarán las nubes para que el Sol pueda pasar y consumir milimétricamente las sombras que visten las noches. Evaporarán la

neblina en tinieblas donde el mar viene a estrellarse y fundirse con el olor de las ciudades . Las

calles empedradas olerán a pan horneado y café molido mientras son entretejidos por nuestras historias, relatos de hechos recién vividos.

Indonesia, Bali

by Gloria & Richard Maschmeyer

“That is the trouble with many inventors; they lack patience. They lack the willingness to work a thing out slowly and clearly and sharply in their

mind, so that they can actually 'feel it work.' They want to try their first idea right off; and the

result is they use up lots of money and lots of good material, only to find eventually that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it is better to make them before

we begin” by Nikola Tesla

Firenze, Tuscany, Italia

"With ideas it is like with dizzy heights you climb: At first they cause you

discomfort and you are anxious to get down, distrustful of your own powers;

but soon the remoteness of the turmoil of life and the inspiring

influence of the altitude calm your blood; your step gets firm and sure and you begin to look - for dizzier

heights" by Nikola Tesla

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¿Qué buscas en los bolsillos de tu chaqueta? ¿Tus horas envejecidas carcomidas en la carátula del

reloj de tu vida? ¿Esperarás al día en que nadie paseará por el tiempo para avanzar sobre el césped pisoteado en las tumbas? ¿Disfrutarás las procesiones en el campo santo donde duerme el silencio

de los justos espectadores? ¿Recordarás horas convenidas y gente apareciendo concurrentemente desde la rabia y su agonía? ¿Hallarás sus comentarios en los callejones, en las misceláneas , en los

ascensores, en las plazas, en la historia? ¿Por qué no comenzar a buscarles desde su pasado?

Supongo que así se desgastará más la oportunidad de coincidir al igual que su presente.

“In the years afterward, I fled whenever somebody began to

understand me. That has subsided. But one thing remained: I don't want

anybody to understand me completely. I want to go through life unknown. The blindness of others is

my safety and my freedom.” ― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to


Yo soy ese que salió hace más de dos décadas de su tierra a buscar lejanías , a aprender culturas, a

sensibilizar sus oídos a otras lenguas. Guiado por estrellas y con el pecho vacío. Con los ojos atados a las alturas atravesé empedrados ahí donde las rocas prohíben la palabra. Atravesé períodos donde

el clima era de arenas movedizas y la edad no permitía la acumulación de sílice. He vivido varias vidas entre las que se hallan algunas que no pueden vivirse sino sobrevivirse. Donde la caligrafía y

la poesía se mezclaron para no dejarme varado en un mar muerto de sentimientos atravesados tan cargado de sodio.


by Peter Holme III

“Don't waste your time, do something worthwhile with it." But what can that mean: worthwhile?

Finally to start realizing long-cherished wishes. To attack the error that there will always be time for it later...

Take the long-dreamed-of trip, learn this language, read those books, buy yourself this jewelry, spend a night in that famous hotel. Don't miss out on yourself. Bigger things are also part of that: to give up the loathed profession, break out of a hated milieu.

Do what contributes to making you more genuine, moves you closer to yourself.”

― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon

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“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back

there.” ― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon

Texture (Portugal, Lisbon)

by Cédric Dasesson

Sunset at Mae Khong River by Setsiri Silapasuwancha

Ahora he regresado donde las piedras oyen mi paso y saludan desde lejos . Se hacen señas furtivas y susurran sacando chispas. Tanta ternura les ensancha el alma y les suaviza el tacto. Sus lágrimas

se hinchan, con tanta alegría en la garganta, que comienzan a girar sobre su propio eje. Me he vuelto impalpable como ciertas semillas que el viento arrastra sin percibirlas. Una tarea tan diestra

como la de las abejas polinizando a la “Pachamama” sin emitir un solo gemido, sin recibir un gesto

de agradecimiento.

“A feeling is no longer the same when it comes the second time. It dies through the awareness of its return. We become

tired and weary of our feelings when they come too often and last too long.” ― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon

“A Russian cosmonaut and a Russian brain surgeon were once discussing Christianity. The brain surgeon was a Christian, but the cosmonaut wasn’t. ‘I have been in outer space many times,’ bragged the cosmonaut, ‘but I have never seen any angels.’ The brain surgeon stared in amazement, but then he said, ‘And I have operated on many intelligent brains, but I

have never seen a single thought.” ― Jostein Gaarder, The Solitaire Mystery

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Machu Picchu, Peru

Cargo con un alma lavada por tanta luz de

estrellas que me ayuda a brillar en el desierto para que los insectos busquen cobijo bajo mi

sombra. Me he convertido en su amigo, el

hombre de las distancias que no siente fatiga, el que da vuelta a las páginas de los muertos

para que el mundo no se estanque en la remembranza del olvido y siga avanzando.

Siempre me queda un poco de ceniza del ocaso entre las botas después de atravesar el arcoíris

humedecido de los Andes. Donde las grandes

alturas de Machu Picchu se ven hacia abajo y las plantas brotan al interior de uno para

calentar los suspiros.

Baita Segantini and the Pale di San Martino group,

near San Martino di Castrozza Dolomiti Italy by Jack Brauer

“NOBREZA SILENCIOSA. SILENT NOBILITY. It is a mistake to believe that the crucial moments of a life when its habitual direction changes forever must be loud and

shrill dramatics, washed away by fierce internal surges. This is a kitschy fairy tale started by boozing journalists, flashbulb-seeking filmmakers and authors whose minds look like tabloids. In truth, the dramatics of a life -determining experience are often unbelievably soft. It has so little akin to the bang, the flash, of the volcanic eruption tha t, at the moment it is made, the experience is often not even noticed. When it deploys its revolutionary effect and plunges a life into a brand -new light

giving it a brand-new melody, it does that silently and in this wonderful silence resides its special nobility.” ― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon

He aprendido a cosechar el mar y su

biodiversidad donde la noche cuelga entre los manglares. He recibido del Sol sus bendiciones

donde las locomotoras se visten cubiertas de algas. He visto al viento silbar en los llanos, al

aire vibrar en la harmónica de las manos trabajadoras.

Salar de Uyuni Salt Pan (Uyuni, Potosi, Bolivia)

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Guincho Beach - Portugal

Después de todo nada está sujeto a los ojos

para siempre. Todas las cosechas cambian para dar tiempo a la tierra de reponer sus nutrientes

y dejar que la vida extienda sus dedos crecidos

por el aire de nuevas oportunidades.

by Maria Kaimaki

Golden Beach

Entre las cenizas del fuego dos corazones reconocen que les acercó un impulso ciego. El agua desprende sus hojas mientras las miradas se apagan gota a gota. El tacto se adelanta entre carnes

frías y quesos suaves para compartir calor e imprimir su presencia. La vida apremia y les encarga la crianza y enseñanza de un ángel más. Los árboles celebran e invaden con su aliento a las estrellas.

Los ríos derrochados de luz pareciera que sangran entre las alas y los pájaros dormidos vuelan en

torno al campanario. Se siente andar al tiempo huérfano de sus soles.

Volcano by Marco Restivo

“Il più grande pericolo per molti di noi non sta nel fatto che i nostri obiettivi siano troppo elevati e

quindi non riusciamo a raggiungerli, ma nel fatto che siano troppo bassi

e che li si raggiunga” cit. Michelangelo Buonarroti

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our

aim too low, and achieving our mark"

by Michelangelo Buonarroti

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“Encounters between people, it often seems to me, are like trains passing at breakneck speed in the night. We cast fleeting

looks at the passengers sitting behind dull glass in dim light, who disappear from our field of vision almost before we perceive them. Was it really a man and a woman who flashed past like phantoms, who came out of nothing into the empty dark, without meaning or purpose? Did they know each other? Did they talk? Laugh? Cry? People will say: That's how it is when strangers pass one another in rain and wind and there might be something in the comparison. But we si t opposite people for longer, we eat and work together, lie next to each other, live under the same roof. Where is the haste? Yet everything that gives the illusion of permanence, familiarity, and intimate knowledge: isn't it a deception invented to

reassure, with which we try to conceal and ward off the flickering, disturbing haste because it could be impossible to live with all the time. Isn't every exchange of looks between people like the ghostly brief meeting of eyes between travelers

passing one another, intoxicated by the inhuman speed and the shock of air pressure that makes everything shudder and clatter? Don't our looks bounce off others, as in the hasty encounter of the night, and leave us with nothing but

conjectures, slivers of thoughts and imagined qualities? Isn't it true that it's not people who meet, but rather the shadows cast by their imaginations?”

― Pascal Mercier, Night Train to Lisbon

“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a

source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that. I wish I had more

years left” by Tomas Alba Edison @ Edison General Electric Company (Today's GE)

Pan-American Highway route in North America

Easter Island -Rapa Nui, Chile- by Jim Richardson

“It is different for us mortals. We are the ones who

become old and grey. We are the ones who become worn at the seams and disappear. But not our dreams. They can

live on in other people even after we have gone.” ― Jostein Gaarder, The Solitaire Mystery

Después de invertir el tiempo en escuchar a la gente y aprender a sembrar, a través de los tiempos, se ha vuelto tiempo de preparar las parcelas, nutrir la tierra, sembrar sueños y preparar las

herramientas para cosechar los triunfos.

Yo aquí me despido y vuelvo al lugar que llamo hogar, en donde el viento golpea rígidamente las ventanas y salpica de vez en cuando hielo en las montañas. Después de todo he dejado pedazos de

dulce en el camino para volver a donde se encuentran los saludos extendidos y los abrazos

calurosos para recibirme.

Espero que este 2016 les encuentre moldeando sus pasiones y que la salud les acompañe, a ustedes y a los suyos, para tener el tiempo suficiente para materializar sus esperanzas.

JAAM Enero 3, 2016

Yellowstone National Park, WY USA

by Dee Langevin PD Fotos que acompañan a los textos fueron obtenidas de: http://www.design-dautore.com/ , desde su enlace en FB.