Volume 2 Issue 1 April 2012 Tell it on the Mountain Inspiration for Today Happy Easter

Happy Easter

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This issue is filled with beautiful Easter articles and much more! Be uplifted and blessed this Easter Season!

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Page 1: Happy Easter

Volume 2 Issue 1 April 2012

Tell it on the Mountain Inspiration for Today

Happy Easter

Page 2: Happy Easter

“Easter Guests”

Easter Blessings my Friends!

April has arrived, the tulips and daffodils are peeking through the earth! A time of renewal! A time of rejoicing! A time for re-dedication! And did you know that it is our 1 year Anniversary!! What a blessing and a journey I've been on, putting together all the articles each month for you! I really hope that they have been inspiring & uplifting! Perhaps made your days a little brighter :)

Smell the fresh air! Feel the light breeze! Hear the birds chirping! This is when things from the dead of winter come to life! This is a time for us to remember the pain and suffering our Lord Jesus Christ took upon Himself on the Cross to save the undeserving like me (and you)!! Take time this Easter to read the Easter Story in Matthew 27-28, Mark 15-16, Luke 23-24, John 19-20. You will be glad that you did! Give yourself to Jesus or re-dedicate yourself to Him! Now is the time to shine in this dark, dark world!

Praying that you will be touched by the articles that our writers have spilled over onto pages! Bless them and bless you all!

Have a wonderful, blessed Easter!

Deanne MacBurnie

*Kim Boehnke Easter *Barbara Brewster Givers and Takers Puzzle Pieces *Mike Campagna Holy Week Alive *Paul Cheng I Believe in . . . *Marilyn LeBlanc Thought of the Month

Carrot Pineapple Cake recipe *Mike Messerli He is Risen *Guy Myers The Joy of the Cross

*Holly Myers Finishing Well* Rina Peru Easter is for Prayer, Fasting

and Crusades*Craig Scognamiglio Love is the Lamb of God*Nancy Wall God's Great Gift*Lori Wells Photography*Marie Wikle A Promise Kept

Spreading Joy Corp.*Caleb MacBurnie ChipAway Woodworking*Outflow Ministry

Deadline for next issue: April 25, 2012 Mother's Day Issue! Send to [email protected] Write “submission” in the subject line.

Where to find us: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tell-it-on-the-Mountain/221208284598708 Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Demacb

Page 3: Happy Easter

Thought of the Month by Marilyn LeBlanc

Here it is April, where is the time going! It just seems like we just celebrated Christmas, and the birth of our Lord Jesus,and now we're getting ready to celebrate the most Holy time of the year. The Crucifixion and the Resurrection of our Lord And Savior.

Easter means different things to different people. I know myself when I was younger (a lot younger) it was the pretty Easter dress, hat, the black patent leather shoes, that had such a great shine on them, with the matching purse and of course it wouldn't be a complete outfit unless you had new knee socks. Oh wow, we thought we were beautiful. Then there was the Easter basket with chocolate bunnies candy eggs and jelly beans. Also, in the basket was a new skipping rope and marbles. I really loved the marbles. My friends and I would spend hours playing with our marbles. Back then, we would take the heel of our shoe and make a hole in the sand, we had marble holes all over our yard. We played for keeps, whatever marbles you won, you got to keep and the best ones were the crockies, they were worth more points. I am really ageing myself here, but that is ok, I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. It really was a fun time.

Yes, it was great receiving all the above, but the best thing that could have happened to me, was the day I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I praise the Lord every day for His free gift of salvation that has changed me into a better person. Now, when I look at Easter, I think of Good Friday first, and the pain and suffering that Jesus had to bare because of me and my sins, and Him dying on a cross for me! "Oh how He loved me"! The pain that Jesus suffered not only for me, but also for you. He loved us so much that He knew He had to suffer much, so that we will someday have eternal life with Him and His Father in Heaven. " Praise The Lord".

Yes, Praise The Lord because three days later Jesus rose from the dead. "Thank You Jesus" Praise God for His son, who suffered and rose from the dead to give us the choice to ask Him into our hearts and into our lives.

I praise and thank Jesus, for allowing me, a very humble woman to do His work, and be a servant for Him. For giving to me a willing heart to do whatever He asks of me, and to give me the wisdom to be able to do all that He asks me to do.

The Thought for This Month is: Please open your heart to Jesus and for what He has done for you now and in the future. Allow Him to change your life. When you do this watch out for the many blessings that He will have in store for you.

Happy Easter everyone, blessings on you and your family!Go ahead have that chocolate bunny and Easter egg hunt

and have lots of fun with your family and friends.Most of all take a moment to Praise The Lord.

“John 3:16”

Page 4: Happy Easter

The Joy of the Crossby Guy Myers Ks

If you were to ask most people what the secret to happiness was I don't think they could tell you. There are so many people who are on medication because they're depressed. The latest statistics say 11% of Americans are on antidepressants, which works out to 34.5 million people. I wonder how many Christians know the secret to happiness? For that matter, how many Christians realize what causes misery and depression? Its not really a secret for a christian because the Bible teaches us how to be happy. Now I know people are wondering what does this have to do with Easter? But when you look at Jesus on the cross you have to ask how did he hang there all that time and not complain once?

First lets look at depression, what causes it? Well, generally speaking, selfishness. You show me a selfish person and I'll show you a miserable person. If they don't get what they want or get things their way they grumble and complain and they are mean to others. In a sense its a God complex. That's one of the reasons the 10th commandment tells us not to covet. In north American society you don't have to go far to find people like that. James has some strong words about this, but tell me, does this sound like a happy person?;

James 4:1-3 “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you

want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

Lets look at some examples of people that our society would expect to be miserable. The Apostle Paul was in a dungeon as an old man and about to lose his head, but yet he says he longed to see Timothy so he could be filled with Joy. Notice Paul wasn't focused on himself, he was focused on others. His priorities were God's priorities so he didn't have time to feel sorry for himself. He was too busy helping the churches.

John Bunyan is another good example. Most people today would have expected Him to commit suicide but again he wasn't concerned about himself being in prison. He made shoe laces in prison and sold them to provide for His family. Even though he was in jail for preaching, he preached at the prison wall and people would gather outside to here him. He wrote books, one of which was Pilgrims Progress, a classic. When he was released from prison because of the black plague he went to London to help the sick. Why? Because He was selfless.

You see, selflessness leads to joy which brings us back to Easter because Hebrews 12:2 tells us that “for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame.” Jesus never focused on Himself or the shame (a form of pride) of the cross. Jesus focused on the victory of the cross. Jesus would defeat death and Satan and bring many to righteousness. Just as an athlete will endure pain to win, Jesus saw past His circumstance to what the scripture calls “the joy set before Him.”

So I must ask you, what do you focus on? If you live for Jesus and His priorities you will be living selflessly and joy will be the result. However, if you are living for yourself you will be miserable. I encourage you not to believe the lies of our North American culture which tell us to live for stuff and to gratify yourself but to be like Jesus, living selflessly. The truth is that the secret to happiness is selflessness, so this Easter we can focus on joy because the truth of the matter is, that Christians should be the happiest people in the World!

Page 5: Happy Easter

When I first became a Christian, everything changed. The trees seemed greener. The sky seemed bluer. The birds seemed to sing louder (and prettier). Everything was alive ~ including me! (Ephesians 2:1-4)

Then came Holy Week. That's the week that starts with Palm Sunday, the day we celebrate and remember Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. (Matthew 21:1-11) (The people

worshipped Him!) Holy Week ends with Easter, the most fantastic day ever. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after having died on the cross for our sins. (Mark 16:1-8) Wow! (The single,

most significant thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions is the empty tomb.)

And just like the trees and the sky and the birds seemed more alive to me as a new believer, so Holy Week was, too! (I tear up as I think about it.)

Every day that week there was playing on TV an Easter movie. Remember those? (Boy, how things have changed in 28 years.) And every day I watched. And every day my heart rejoiced and

was filled with joy. (I felt the Lord!)

You see, it wasn't quite alive like this (the message of Jesus, His death in my place and His resurrection) in prior times. Oh sure, I was a church-goer. Oh sure, I "celebrated" Easter before. But now it was totally different. It couldn't help but be. When you have Jesus in your heart and receive Him into your life and surrender to His plan and will with your entire being, His story becomes real. The Bible becomes understandable. You're no longer afraid of death. (Hebrews

2:14-15) (Who needed to hear that?) Everything changes!

Many people go to church, but they have no relationship with God. This is religion ~ a bunch of rules and repeated prayers, but there's no life in it. It was never meant to be that way.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)


By Mike Campagna

http://aheartforgod.blogspot.ca/ Twitter @aheartforgod

Page 6: Happy Easter

Easter is for Prayer, Fasting and Crusades

by Rina Peru

(photo source) http://rinaperu.com/

Easter. A feast that commemorates Christ’s resurrection. Resurrection. The rising again to life. Resurgence. Revival.

It is this time of the year that we pray, fast and launch crusades throughout the country. Though in our

Church, prayer with fasting is observed throughout the year, it is during this time that this spiritual

discipline is more widespread, longer time is spent, and it becomes deeper still, if that were possible.

This is to remember the Lord’s sufferings, to thank Him for our salvation, and also to pray for the victory

of spiritual revival crusades.

Crusades are launched throughout the archipelago, preaching the Gospel to the poor and rich alike, and

those who are in the dark, and bringing healing and hope to the sick and the suffering. For what is the

very essence of Christ’s sufferings? Isn’t it to obtain our salvation? That is, the healing of

our bodies and souls to make us whole?

Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,

yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that

brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.(Isaiah 53:4-5, NIV)

Isn’t this the whole meaning of His resurrection? To bring life to our spiritually-dead

selves, sin-laden hearts and diseased bodies? To bring peace to our souls and lives, the

peace that He has paid the highest price? To revive the paralysed spirits, minds, hearts,

and limbs, and bring forth life to every crevice of our beings? That the cancer cells are

replaced by new healthy cells, that fresh blood flows to the lifeless limbs, and that the

breath of life blows and enters again to our collapsed places – all springing from the

Fountain of Life Himself, the One who hung on the cross, wounded, bloody, but still

pleaded, ”Father, forgive them…”

Continued on next pg. . .

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Praying is for Praying, Fasting and Crusades cont. . .

Ah, the wonder, goodness, and love of God – amazing Grace! Here is resurrection power that gives life to

our mortal bodies so we could live!

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the

dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. (Rom. 8:11 NKJV)

Our salvation and healing. These are the things that He won at the cross. And these are the things that

we bring to the dark valleys, over mountains and hills, across rivers and streams, for we are the

ambassadors for Christ.

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

(Matthew 10:7-8)

And so, as early as March, our Church members flock to our fasting houses which are scattered all over

the country, spending time with God, worshipping, praying with the sacrifice of not eating any food, and

for some, also of not drinking water for a number of days. This is the best way to observe the Lenten


Then we go to crusades, to the remote barrios in little towns, big cities and far provinces. Some places

are dangerous, where the Gospel can’t be accepted by some groups or communities, but we trust in the

Spirit of God, leading always, and the mighty hand of Him covering us from all kinds of perils.

And so it was, that the past weekend during a revival crusade in a place mostly inhabited by people who

have made themselves enemies of the government – but still, Christ’s love reaches out to them, for in His

offer of salvation, there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, but ”who will have all men to be saved,

and to come unto the knowledge of the truth”* – glad tidings were sounded off to all the people. And

they came, hundreds of them, from the mountains they trekked down, seeking God’s peace and

salvation, surrendering lives.

And on that day, 655 people were baptized in water in the name of Him whose blood

flowed on Calvary and whose tomb lay empty and won our salvation, whose life now flows

in our very veins.**

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I

now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

(Gal. 2:20)

End notes: Easter and resurrection definitions from Merriam-Webster dictionary; *1 Tim. 2:4;

**One-day Revival Crusade in Rizal, Cagayan Valley, Philippines, March 29, 2011.

Page 8: Happy Easter

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

And soon...very soon we who have trusted Christ as Savior will be as well. The resurrection of Christ is the fulfillment of His promise to die and rise again.

It's His resurrection that proves He was who He said He was.

It's His resurrection that provides us life, and His Spirit for the now.

It's His resurrection that provides us with the hope of that day to come when we will see Him and be like Him.

It's His resurrection that promises us eternity!

In the very first sermon of the church Peter's focus was on the resurrection. Here is a portion of one of the most amazing sermons ever preached:

Act 2:22 "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know--

Act 2:23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.

Act 2:24 "But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power....

Continued on next page. . .

He is Risenby Mike Messerli



Page 9: Happy Easter

“Happy Easter Y'all!”Here is a personal

Warm Welcome to Spreading Joy.

You’ll find links to interviews about Spreading Joy, links to other places like our

you tube channel and facebook.

To contact me with any questions, ideas, etc.

Please email me [email protected]

Keep up with us via facebook (our group) as well as “like” our fan page!

I am Spreading Joy Daily….and I hope that you will be JOYning me soon and make a difference where you are, with what you have!

He is Risen cont. . .

Act 2:32 "This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses.

Act 2:33 "Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.

Act 2:34 "For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: 'THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND,


Act 2:36 "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ - - this Jesus whom you crucified."

Amen.I am so excited about the hope we have.

A risen Savior, a living God, a firm foundation, a living hope....and a soon coming King.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.....we look forward to the day!

Page 10: Happy Easter

Budding Artist...


“Chip Away Woodworking”Wishing you a Happy Easter

Caleb MacBurnieAge 14

[email protected]

“Caleb carved these at age 13”

Welcome to our Budding Artist page.

If you have a budding artist of your own and would like to see their art work displayed here,

send it to: [email protected]

In the subject put “Budding Artist

Page 11: Happy Easter


Givers and

by Barbara Brewster

aster draws our attention to the Resurrection of the Lord and how much God gave to us

when He sent His Son to earth to provide redemption for us. God’s great gifts of life, provision, redemption and eternal life provide an opportunity to ponder giving and taking.

The first use of the word “give” in Scripture is imbedded in the account of God creating everything for man to live on the earth in Genesis, chapter one. Starting at verse 14 we read, God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so.” This supernatural creation and giving of light is essential for everything man enjoys. God owns it all and is stunningly generous.

Contrast that with the first use of the word, take, from Genesis 3:22, after man has disobeyed the One who gave man and woman life and everything they needed, including His daily presence. “Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever—therefore the

LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken.” The first two people were not grateful for what God had given them. Eve was deceived and ate. Adam acted unfaithfully and took the one thing he was forbidden to take. God, the Giver of everything and man, the taker who took away the very relationship that gave him life.

There are other examples in God’s story of how God gives the right things and man takes the wrong things. In Joshua, Chapter Seven another story of taking is recorded. Joshua led the people in the famous battle of Jericho (Chapter 6), but one of his men, Achan acted unfaithfully and took what God had banned. In Chapter 7, Joshua loses 36 men to the enemy in a battle and because of the defeat he falls on his face before God. God tells him that Israel sinned and took what they were forbidden to take. In Joshua 7:21 Achan recounts, ‘I saw… I coveted…I took…I concealed’. What had Achan taken? Achan had taken a robe, 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold and had hidden them in the earth. Consider the destruction from this “taking”. Joshua and “all Israel stoned them with stones and burned them with fire”. This included the stolen items, his daughters and his

Cont. on next pg. . .




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Givers and Takers cont. . .

sons, his animals and his tent and all that was his. I believe before Achan coveted, he must have been ungrateful for what God had already provided. Deception was connected to the taking, linking lying and taking.

We can also compare Abraham and Lot when we consider givers and takers. In Genesis 13 and 14 Abram gave Lot the choice of where to live. Lot chose a location that looked good to him, but was destructive to his family. After Abram separated from Lot, The Lord told Abram, “…for all the land which you see, I will give it to you and your descendents forever…” A few verses later, Lot and his family are taken captive along with many others and are then rescued by Abram. Later in this passage Abram refused to be a taker. Takers take unwisely and often need to be taken care of by others. There are many ways to take from God and others.

Satan himself provides an insight into giving and taking when he speaks to Jesus in the third temptation recorded in Matthew 4. Satan says, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Notice, if you sin, I will give. God doesn’t give to get. Giving to get is not like God, but is like His adversary. Satan is the great deceiver.

In The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life Colin Smith expands the Ten Commandments, giving additional insight to the Law God wrote. He writes that, “in the heart, stealing is taking as much as you can while giving as little as you can”. With that definition in mind, you can see much stealing/taking occurs in relationships, families, churches, businesses, etc. George Barna, www.barna.org, Josh McDowell, www.josh.org and others publish books citing the research about the increase of lying and stealing among people. Josh’s books focus on young people and Barna cites statistical differences in various age groups. Other authors write about the emotional damage caused by not identifying and confessing these sins. They are all helpful in understanding the problems even though the trends are personally discouraging. Problems that are growing in the church and especially among young people are serious problems that need to be understood and addressed.

It has been interesting to me to ask groups of church people if lying and stealing are a problem in their churches. Each time I ask that question people respond with a quiet, puzzled look. Then I ask if there is a problem with people in their church taking as much as they can, while giving as little as they can; and if there are people who say whatever they need to say in order to get what they want, then they fail to keep their word. Each time I ask the question this way, with more definition, a lively discussion and comments followed. One man voiced, “Oh Yeah!” Why are people confused about truth and taking? Why are the problems growing? How do you identify these in your own life and resolve them so you can help others?

In the pages of scripture, there are at least six specific consequences to stealing and nine specific consequences to lying. In addition, there are five specific sins that accompany lying. Lying and stealing go together. Lying and deviant sexual sins go together. Lying and hatred go together—when a person lies to you or about you, they begin to hate you. (Proverbs 26) That is a problem even if you personally don’t lie. Both lying and stealing destroy personal relationships and both are destructive in a persons’ life. One consequence of lying is that people to blame others for their problems rather than take responsibility for their own words and behavior. One of these two sins cause a person to justify their actions as being right when they are not right. Do you know which one? One causes a person to listen to and take the advice of ungodly people. Do you know which one? Are these problems in your church? Oh Yeah! Do you recognize them?

Since the only heart you can change is your own, please don’t expect your church or anyone else to resolve these issues. Do you know how to identify and resolve these areas in your own life? Resolving lying is different than resolving stealing. The God of the Universe gave us everything for life and godliness. He tells us the truth about how we please Him and the truth about the consequences when we chose not to obey Him.

In the book of John, Chapter 10, Jesus speaks about being the Good Shepherd who cares for His sheep. As He concludes this passage He is

Cont. On next pg. . .

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Givers and Takers cont. . .

looking toward the cross when He says, “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down, and I have power to take it again.” Jesus, The Creator and Giver of everything takes all the emotional pain, all the abuse, and all the physical pain and gives His life for those who take from Him. The contrast is stunning.

by TimsStrategy

Page 14: Happy Easter

C a r r o t



Submitted by Marilyn LeBlanc

INGREDIENTS:2 cups flour

2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 3/4 sugar1 cup vegetable oil

3 eggs1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups shredded carrots1 cup flaked coconut

1 ( 8 oz.) can crushed pineapple drained

TOPPING: 1 package cream cheese

1/4 cup butter / margarine softened2 cups Icing sugar

METHOD :Preheat oven 350° FGrease a 9 x 13 pan

In a bowl mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt & cinnamon.

Make a well in the center, add sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla.Mix with wooden spoon until smooth.

Stir in carrots, coconut and pineapple.

Pour in greased pan. Bake in oven for 45 minutes.

Don’t panic the center of the cake will sink a little. Allow to cool.

Frosting: Cream butter and cream cheese until smooth.Add Icing sugar beat until creamy.

Optional: You may also add 1 cup of walnuts to the cake batter.

Enjoy a slice of this yummy moist cake after a busy Easter Sunday.Pour a cup of tea relax and take a big bite Mmmm!

Have a Very Happy and Blessed Easter and God Bless you & your family!

Page 15: Happy Easter

This time of year is, by far, the hardest time for me to homeschool. The newness of the books, the "settling in" feeling and the fresh mental energy of the Fall are gone.

My mind wanders constantly to spring flowers, next year's curriculum and sometimes we can't even FIND our books!

I can see the finish line, but it is still so very far away. Temptations loom, left and right, calling me to drop the

academic ball in order to spring clean, play outside or start new projects.

Finishing well is so important. I've never been a great finisher. I leave the starting gate well and run a good race, but

3/4 of the way down the track, when the side stitches start, I begin hearing those nasty voices in my head saying "This isn't fun anymore". Fun is important. Fun is

what I chase after. Fun can be my idol. Fun is not supposed to be my end game. I'm not a child anymore who gets to wake up to Cheerios in my bowl, play till I drop and get washed up and tucked in by my

mommy . . . I'm a grown up now . . . I need to complete my job responsibly. Mark those tests, reorganize those school schedules and put a push on those papers that need writing. Yuck . . . not fun.

Jesus life was not about fun. Oh, I'm sure He had fun, with the love and pure spirit He embodied. People were magnetically drawn to Him. Perfection cannot help but be pleasurable, but His mind was not set on pleasure. It was set on His job. He lived His 33 years doing what God called Him to do, never wavering,

enjoying the moments His Father gave for pleasure and then ran His final, gruelling lap with more endurance, selflessness and grace than I can imagine. No career goal. No retirement fund to play with. No pretty family photo to share with friends. No sandy beached resort in His sites. Our reconciliation to

His Father was His hope and the cross was His earthly partner. Not my idea of fun.

Oh how blessed we are! My cross includes raising kids, marking school work and lots of cleaning and cooking! For shame that I should complain. He has not asked me to do the unthinkable nor the

torturous. He asks me to be selfless and hard working, but my job is full of enjoyable moments, comfort and beauty. He deserved that kind of life, not I. The final lap of His race was unimaginable. The final lap He has asks me to run each school year doesn't look so difficult in light of His example.

In fact, it's embarrassing to hear myself utter those spoiled words. Not only is my work easy compared to His, but my life is filled with grace in between. Hobbies to enjoy, family to delight

in and North American comforts abounding.

Easter is the celebration of hope and a perfect place to find thankfulness, inspiration for life and joy in the journey. Whatever marathon you may be struggling through today, may Jesus

the Paraclete motivate you to finish well for His glory and your eternal pleasure!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance

the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

He is RISEN!!!!!!


by Holly Myershttp://hollysrubyredshoes.blogspot.ca/

Page 16: Happy Easter

Love is the Lamb of God

By Craig Scognamigliohttp://www.deepintolove.com/

http://deepintoscripture.com/on Twitter @CraigBelieves

A Son without equal,


Sent to be common,ordinary,


Lamb of God

He walked the landscapes of



Lamb of LoveLamb of God

an offering of affectionmade an object of blame

Lamb of WisdomLamb of LoveLamb of God

A lamb I wascaught in thickets

submerged in floods

always lost

a lamb alone

always seekingalways falling

always running

nobody’s lamb

wandering distantcalled by name

a lamb hears and follows

Light in darknessCommander of nature

Good Shepherd of lost lambs

Beloved Lamb of GodCherished Lamb of GracePrecious Lamb of Mercy

You’ve brought me to this place

place of painplace of torment

place of bloodplace of loss

your lifefor minefor love

Continued on next pg . . .

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Love is the Lamb of God continued. . .

The Cross

words over your headKing of Jews?

not to them

king of bloodking of reproach

king of guilt

The Kingdom without endbegins with your end

and a lamb once lostconfusedhelplessstained

rescued from Nod,now clean


Once a lamb aloneonce nobody’s lamb


a lamb



In God’s Love,


Lori Wells Photography Contact Info: Cell: 859-576-8629 http://loriwellsphotography.showitsite.com/ Facebook Blog http://www.redbubble.com/people/loriwellsphoto

Page 18: Happy Easter

EASTEREaster is not far awayAdmiration on the day

for we will often think and pray!

Easter is not far awaySacrifices were to pay

for all led astray!

Easter is not far awayIt was for all He did lay

Bring love and hope on this day!

Have a Blessed Easter

by Kim Boehnke

Page 19: Happy Easter

I Believe in ...

What do you believe in as the ultimate truth in Life? I Believe in ...

We are travelling along this road called the journey of life without knowing how much further we will go. We seem to be caught in this brief moment in time like vapors in the midst of eternity. Whatever this life means to you some would wonder why we MUST be born, what are we supposed to learn in this lifetime and what is waiting for us just beyond the grave. Being alive is not enough for some of us without knowing the WHYs of life.

For some, if we know the mysteries behind the purpose of life, perhaps it might help us to live out our lives more productively with purpose and meaning, to prepare us for the eternity that is coming. We have so many questions with so little time; life is a never ending quest to find the truth. What do you want to believe in as the ultimate truth that you can live by? I don't know what you are looking for but I want to share with you what the Bible (as the only source of truth) says about where we can spend eternity.

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By Paul Changhttp://CertaintyOfDrawings.BlogSpot.com

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I Believe in . . . cont . . .

According to the Bible, there are two sides of eternity as represented in this painting. The idea of this artwork came from a sketch a pastor quickly drew for me at one time. On the left side is a place of desolation (Hell) and on the right side is Paradise (Heaven). These two places exist even now in the spiritual realm (Luke 16:19-30). Think of it as a parallel universe. Whether we are ready or not, the Day of Judgement is coming for all of us.

Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth — those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,

and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:28-29/NKJV).

Do you think you are a good enough person to enter Paradise? Even criminals in prisons think of themselves as good persons. But if you ever examined your life using the Ten Commandments, you would not like what you see about yourself. You will quickly see there is no way anyone can stand righteous before the Holy God. The Bible says that there is none who is righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10). Spiritually we all stand condemned already; we stand on the left side separated from God by a chasm. There is no amount of good works that we can ever do to earn our self a ticket to Paradise (Ephesians 2:8-9) because to God, our righteousness is nothing but filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23/NKJV).

But the good news is that God has provided us a way by sending His only Son, Jesus who was to be crucified on the cross as a punishment for our sins; our sins were nailed to the cross so we can be set free from the eternal condemnation that we deserve. It is like you were caught drinking and driving but Jesus stepped in to pay for your fines and bail you out of jail. Because Jesus, who was sinless, was 100 percent man and 100 percent God, He can represent us before God on the Day of Judgement.

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5/NKJV)

So what are we supposed to do in order to be saved on Judgement Day? Because Jesus is the only way to connect us back to God (John 14:6), we need to place our faith and trust in what Jesus has done for us. Jesus is like a life buoy to a drowning man at sea, like a parachute to a pilot in a plane on fire and like a bridge as a way that delivers us to safety. Without Jesus, we would perish, like the drowning man at sea, like the pilot going down with his plane on fire, and we would be left standing on the side with the eternally condemned, without the bridge to safety.

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already,

because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:17-18/NKJV)

When we accepted Christ as the Son of God and acknowledge in what He had done for us on the cross, we became part of God’s family. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us is a form of deposit that ensures that our salvation is eternally secured and nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. It would be like hearing Jesus say to the thief on the cross who had never done anything good in his life,

"Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43/NKJV)Continued on next page . . .

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I Believe in . . . .cont. . .

Will you accept what Jesus had done for you on the cross on the day Christians remember as Good Friday?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16/NKJV).

The Apostles Creed

I believe in God,the Father Almighty,

Creator of Heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried.He descended to the dead.

On the third day, He rose again.He ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,the Holy Catholic Church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,and life everlasting.


“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life,

but the wrath of God abides on him.” John 3:36

“Pure Elegance”Painting by Holly Myers

Page 22: Happy Easter

Because of this single promise found in

Luke 18:33 “And they shall scourge him, and put him to death:and the third day he shall rise again”

we can stand strong in His strength.

Because Jesus rose again….

We don’t have to fear tomorrow or face it alone

We have peace that surpasses all understanding

We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings and

Lord of Lords

We can sing praises of your matchless love, grace

and mercy

We can sleep knowing that should we never wake,

the splendours of Heaven await us

We have hope that never ends, regardless of the darkness chasing us

We can take our greatest treasures with us to Heaven…our family and friends

We enjoy the majesty of this gift of life and the beauty you’ve filled it with

We can live an abundant life experiencing joy as only you can give

We can smile through tears, knowing that all things work together for good

We can stand strong in His strength and work though His power, not our own

We are refreshed by the daily renewing of His mercies

We are encouraged by His faithfulness

We know that every tear will be wiped away

We know that His love reaches us…..regardless

We know true, honest and pure love

We know that our God is greater

AND because a single promise was kept….We are looking for the promised return, knowing it could be any moment… a twinkling of an eye!

Marie Wikle@spreadingJOY


A Promise


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God’s Great Gift

We cannot fully comprehendThe unfailing love which God did sendHe gave us so much to be thankful for

Our Father, our Saviour and so much more

For a Father to send His Son to earthA poor a lonely and a humble birthNo room was for Him in this town

Until only a stable it was they found

There He was born for all of man kindFor all who would seek Him surely would find

The star shone down brightly in the skyBut more to this story as the days go by

So many were healed by His gentle touchHe walked among man and taught us muchThose who had died, He was able to raiseMany who followed were greatly amazed

It was on the cross where He died for allHe took on Himself every sin, every fall

He holds out a gift for us to receiveAll that is left is for us to believe

by Nancy Wall



Page 24: Happy Easter

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Page 25: Happy Easter

Outflow exists to share Christ's love!

We are a charitable acts of kindness ministry that longs to reach the needs of the poor and oppressed. When we gather we believe it is important to share a meal, to break bread, offering our lives as a genuine friend. We don't want to be anything that we aren't. While we sit with people, we discover a peace, a compassion, and a love that can only be explained by a genuine encounter with Christ.

We love being a gathering place that shares the pulpit. The stage is always open for anyone in the room. Often a message is prepared , but many times it is superseded by God's awesome presence within the room. God moves at the table, from the kitchen, and from within the most unlikely.

As Christ lovers we are discovering that Jesus is within the poor. Some call us a church. Some call us a mission. Some call us a safe place to meet with friends. We want to be all of those things! What we do isn't complicated. . . most do it everyday. We prepare a meal, wait for Jesus to show up, then eat with HIM!

We strongly believe that the #1 thing missing in ministry today is someone willing to build a relationship.

So we sit. We eat. We listen. And we use words when necessary.

Have questions? Wanna know when were meeting next?

Like to talk about our future?

Contact us anytime:

Mail Outflow Ministry 125 Rothesay Avenue PO Box 7073 Saint John, NB E2L 2B0


Jayme Hall: 1-888-529-6358


[email protected]

Page 26: Happy Easter


P EZ EFifty-nine years ago today, the morning of

February 28, 1953 an unlikely pair of science guys, James Watson and Francis Crick fit together the pieces of the puzzle of DNA. These two young and resourceful men beat Linus Pauling and other scientists with world class reputations working with teams of people at Cambridge to discover the structure of DNA. Crick later observed that he and Watson “were looking for gold” and by “blundering about” had found the gold they sought. At lunch that day 59 years ago they were telling people they had found the secret to life. On April 25, 1953 a seemingly modest nine hundred word paper appeared in the Journal Nature. The article featured the title “Molecular Structure of the Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, signed by J.D. Watson and F. H. C Crick. It revolutionized biology.

The unlikely heroes possessed qualities rarely appreciated among scientists and others. “They were perfectly willing to ask questions, expose their own ignorance, and even embarrass themselves, if necessary, in pursuit of answers. They had no world-class reputation at stake…nor could they be shamed into pouring all their energies into gathering original data when what was needed was new thinking. They would leave the data gathering to others while they focused on the big picture, constantly reassembling the pieces of the growing puzzle of an elegant and illuminative synthesis.” At one point, they were embarrassed by an obvious error in an important presentation. They were asked to stop work on DNA. Undaunted by their failure they worked their way back. They sought information from specialists in England and abroad. They collected the clues, constructed models and found “Aha” breakthroughs.

The Watson-Crick model made clear that DNA had an impressive chemical and structural complexity. It was a very long molecule composed on the outside of a regular arrangement of sugar

and phosphate groups. But on the inside it could contain many potentially different arrangements of the four bases. Thus it had an impressive potential for variability and complexity of sequence as required by any potential carrier of hereditary information. As Watson and Crick later explained, “The phosphate-sugar backbone of our model is completely regular, but any sequence of the pairs of bases can fit into the structure. It follows that in a long molecule, many different permutations are possible, therefore seems likely that the precise sequence of bases is the code which carries the genetic information”. Thus, their paper not only described the structure of DNA; it anticipated what later discoveries would confirm: DNA was a “repository of information”.

The two scientists were putting pieces of the puzzle together to understand the structure and chemical order of DNA. I understand the strategy of James Watson and Francis Crick. Much of my life could be construed as looking for the pieces of another puzzle: the puzzle of life from the Giver of Life, from the Giver of Truth, from the Giver of Love, from the Giver of Grace…to see God more clearly. The Puzzle Pieces I want to look at briefly in this article are love and fear. They are important to understanding why the church in North America is not healthy. The failure of the church to keep and mature the people who attend is well documented by authors. There is much to learn by those who mature and help others mature and those who do not.

My interest began as a new believer in my teens. I started puzzling about why people leave churches, what makes people grow up (and not grow up) spiritually and emotionally, why some religious people are so hardhearted … Later I wondered why so many hurting people in churches never seem to grow out of their hurts, why so many people remain depressed, how do we inspire and teach young people to grow, why aren’t people

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Puzzle Pieces cont. . .

interested in Bible Study that requires homework, why people don’t study and read … On the other hand, how exciting it is to find curious and serious lovers of God and lovers of the word who grapple with issues, grow, and help others to grow in ways that are not misguided.

First, we need to realize that people who

want to grow in healthy ways do not spend time in the well populated “parking lots of life”. These are: denial (most people do not want to admit they have problems), blame (my problems are caused by someone else), or rationalization, (everyone else thinks and behaves like me). Pride (self focus) has two sides that prevent growth. One side of pride says, “No one will tell me what to do”. The other side says, “I am right, just agree with me”. These qualities will help a person stay stuck or grow in misguided ways.

If we want sound judgement in practical matters (Prov 15:5), greater comprehension (Prov 15:32) greater knowledge (Prov 12:11) and wisdom (Prov 15:31; 29:15) we begin by actively acknowledging that we are broken and we need these qualities to grow. We seek to identify where we are stuck and resolve those issues. Many Christians don’t know there are resources for them to identify where they are stuck and people who know how to help them grow. Some people are comfortable in the “parking lots of life”.

My motivation comes partly out of the pain I received as a child. God did not waste the pain in my life. My mother had a parent who was dominant, controlling, rejecting, angry, critical and judgemental. Since we live from our hearts, these qualities spilled over into my mother, a firstborn child, who was fathered by a man who was soon divorced from my grandmother - a scandal in those days. The other children in the family were fathered and raised by another husband. My mother was never adopted. I am sure my mother never saw delight in the eyes of her parents for at least three reasons: they did not find delight in her, her vision problems probably did not allow her to see eyes sparkling at her for any reason, and I heard about and experienced my grandparents’ anger.

One vivid memory of a damp morning at my

grandparent’s house when I was a little girl will serve to illustrate some of the emotional pain in my family. My grandmother told me to “go outside and call Walter for breakfast.” (Walter was the man she married after her second husband died.) I went outside and called him they way she called him. My grandmother began pounding on the kitchen window and yelling at me. She kept pounding and yelling. The little girl was trying to understand what she was saying—something about names—grandmother was so angry and it was so confusing—what did she want her to do and not do? In fear, she walked all over the small farm in the wet grass with soaking shoes looking for grandfather, so afraid if she said anything, it would be wrong. It was scary looking in the shop, the garages, the barns and walking the paths with tall, wet grass between the buildings. New fears formed because there were so many places to look it took a long time to find the big, silent, cold man with the moustache and tall black rubber barn boots. The massive loggers’ breakfast was waiting. She was the reason it would be late. Her only shoes squished when she walked and her pants were wet to the knees. How could she possibly please her grandmother and her parents now? Her grandmother was the only church going person she knew. She did not want to be with anyone. There would be no sympathy for the little girl who made grandmother angry and caused all the commotion and had wet shoes. She still didn’t know what she had done to bring on wrath. In reality, she had only spoken one word, “Walter”. Maybe you sometimes feel like that little girl felt. There were many fear bonds in her family. Bonds of fear are very different from bonds of love. Now I understand how vital it is for children to regularly see the delight of their parents communicated by eyes that light up and words that encourage. What do loving and accepting eyes in a face beaming at you communicate? Maybe you have missed what my mother missed. On the other hand, what do glaring, fiery eyes and hurtful words in an angry face communicate? What does harshness of every kind communicate? What does forced compliance communicate? Faces, words and actions communicate and our heart and brain can be damaged or developed by what they receive.

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Puzzle Pieces cont. . .

When I was a child I wondered why my mother was trying to get her mother to accept her. My parents did not have a good marriage, so additional pressure was placed on the children to do well - to look good to others. Our good and excellent report cards were taken to show grandmother how well we were doing in school. My mother didn’t attend church like her mother. Our family did practice the hypocrisy -- we were pressured to “look good” to people outside our family, especially neighbors and this grandmother. This pretending made me long for what was genuine. The Lord used the bonds of fear to motivate me to long for the opposite. The search for what was genuine motivated me to attend churches on my own as a teen.

Now I understand that bonds of fear, which must include pretending and deceitfulness, are the norm in many relationships and many churches. Fear Bonds are characterized by pain, humiliation, desperation, shame, guilt, and/or fear of rejection, abandonment or detrimental consequences. Fear bonds increasingly restrict and stunt growth. A fear bond is avoidance driven (I bond because I want to avoid negative feelings of pain). Fear bonds operate from the back of the brain, and govern “how do I get what I want? Participants on only one end of the bond gain advantage; the bond actually inhibits people from acting like themselves. People get used to the Fear Bonds in their family and the Fear Bonds in their church. The brain is trained, especially when we are young.

On the other hand, truth pervades relationships bonded by love, which are characterized by truth, closeness, intimacy, joy, peace, perseverance, and authentic giving. Love Bonds are desire driven (I want to be with you). Love Bonds operate from the front of the brain (the joy center). God walked and talked with two people in a love relationship before the words of God were written. Relationships in love – Love Bonds - matter as we communicate truth from the Word of God. Love Bonds grow and mature people. People can share both positive and negative feelings. The bond is strengthened by this truthful sharing and both people are encouraged to be genuine. Again, the brain is trained to return to joy or it is not, especially when a child is young. The joy center exists in the right orbital prefrontal cortex

of the brain. It has executive control over the entire emotional system. When the joy center has been sufficiently developed, it regulates emotions, pain control and immunity centers; it releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin; and it is the only part of the brain that overrides the main drive centers - like sexual impulses, terror and rage. Most of the brain stops growing at certain stages of development, but the brain’s “joy center” is the only section of the brain that never loses a capacity to grow. Good news for everyone! It is especially good news if one is stuck in Fear Bonds, deception and pretending because life circumstances caused you to live from the fear part of your brain. A well developed “joy center” is essential for protection and for maturity in our life, our family, our church, our culture.

When the Lord calls my attention to a topic through a trial, I study and find out more about that topic. No use wasting a trial. I can’t deny, blame, justify, or think I am right. Self examination is always required. I want to see a holy God better, so I must remove impurity that hinders my sight. The heart is the well spring of life so I need to identify and resolve the issues of my heart. I spill over what is in my heart on those close to me, just like my grandmother’s heart spilled over on my mother and like my mother’s heart spilled over on her children. Take fear, for example: Fear causes a person not to be able to love properly. I John 4:18-19 reads, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect (mature) in love.” “Love God, love yourself and love others” is commanded in Scripture and “fear not” is also commanded. Love and fear have to do with maturity - love will help you grow in healthy ways and fear will lead to being stuck or growing in misguided ways. I Corinthians 13 includes, “Love doesn’t fail.” Since love doesn’t fail, why is the church losing 70-80% of their young people?

Daniel Amen, MD and author of numerous books about the brain, explains when the amazing functions of the various parts of the brain work right, when they are out of balance, and how to get unstuck…Dr. Amen modified a popular poem to express the truth about people.

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Puzzle Pieces cont. . .

God grant me the serenity To accept the people I cannot changeThe courage to change the one I can,

And the wisdom to know that person is me.Defining Love

The key to understanding love is defining love. Josh McDowell, noted apologist of our day and the man who has spoken to over 10 million young people in 118 countries and authored many books states that few people can define love. Josh says, “If you can’t define love, how do you know if are being loved or if you are loving yourself or others?” Good questions. Josh says, “People say that they are motivated by love, but they can’t define love. How crazy is that?” Josh has asked thousands of young people if their parents defined love for them or if they learned what love meant from the pulpit of their church. Josh says about one in a thousand will raise their hand. Josh concludes that the church has allowed the world to define love, so there are many definitions for love. He points out two misconceptions: Love is a command, so it is not a feeling. I Corinthians 13 tells what love does, but is not a definition.

Josh points out that in Matthew 22:39 Jesus says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Ephesians 5:28-29 offers key parts of the definition of love. Paul says, “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife, loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.” Josh continues, “How do we specifically love ourselves? By nourishing and cherishing. If I love myself in a biblical way, then I will nourish and cherish myself to maturity physically, spiritually, mentally, and relationally. If I truly love myself, I will cherish or protect myself from anything that will hinder that nurturing process. If I love my wife, I will cherish and nourish her in these four areas. If I love my children I will cherish and nourish them in these four areas.” The four types of maturity are from Luke 2:52, where the Lord “grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.” (mentally, physically, spiritually and relationally) Josh prefers the words protect and provide instead of cherish and nourish. The great apologist states, “Truth serves love”.

Josh warns women to “never, never, never, under any circumstances marry a man who does not love himself. Your marriage will be a disaster!” Josh goes on to say that the number ONE reason (not the only reason) for divorce is that a man does not know how to love himself, so he cannot love his wife and his children like he should.

Love Bonds are characterized by truth,

closeness, intimacy, joy, peace, perseverance, and authentic giving. They cherish and nourish, protect and provide for. People mature in healthy ways in love bonds. The Word of God speaks about husbands and wives being respectful, being sympathetic, submitting to one another, living in harmony, being compassionate, demonstrating humility, showing consideration for, being kindhearted, understanding, caring, supporting, encouraging … These qualities develop in bonds of love and spill over into the lives of children and others.

Fear Bonds are characterized by pain,

humiliation, desperation, shame, guilt and/or fear of rejection, forced compliance, abandonment or detrimental consequences. They shame, blame, beat the sheep and raise the intellectual high bar. These qualities also spill over on others impacting their lives. The lives you impact the most are those closest to you.

Love and Fear are two important Life Puzzle Pieces. The Word of God has vast treasures awaiting a maturing heart and mind. Maturing is more difficult than staying stuck. Growing in love requires getting rid of fear and pretending and in transforming our heart and mind. We just crossed over into spring, a new season of life, a new opportunity to grow and mature. Puzzle Pieces was written by Barbara Brewster

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If I were a bunny and had a tail of fluff

I would sit upon your dresserand be your powder puff!

byKim Boehnke

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The ABC'S of SalvationThe dictionary defines salvation as:

1. deliverance 2. pardon 3. snatching from the jawsGod's gift to us is everlasting life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

All we have to do is have faith and follow these 3 easy stepsAdmit - Believe - Confess

Ephesians 2:8, 9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-

not by works, so that no one can boast.

1. Admit That You Are A Sinner.Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.

Results Of Sin And Gods Gift to Us.Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;

but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What Did Jesus Do For Us?Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

2. Believe In The Lord Jesus.John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life,

for God's wrath remains on him.Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,

and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

3. Confess The Lord Jesus.Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”

and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,you will be saved.

Romans 10:13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.Next Say This Prayer Believing With All Your Heart

“Lord Jesus,I know that I am a sinner.

Lord the sinful life that I lived separated me from you. Lord forgive me of my sins.

I believe that you died on the cross and rose on the third day to pay for my sins. From this day forward

I will put all my trust in you, Lord show me how to live a life for you.In Jesus name, Amen”